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Data Storage, Retrieval, and Sharing

Huang Xuguang 2009.11.17

SharePerferences Filesystem SQLite ContentProviders

Storing and retrieving data

Five manners
The simplest one User-specified configuration details Only shared among the activity in an app.

Using filesystem
Files pre-packaged with your application Files created on-device by the app

Pop embedded database, public domain Using SQL interface, easy to operate Not JDBC on Android

Content provider
Encapsulation data using Uri instances as handles Perform basic CRUD operations Using existing content providers or create your own


Accessing a SharedPreferences object through the Context Many Android classes are reference to or extend from Context, such as Activity, Service Using getSharedPreferences(string name, int accessmode) method to get a preferences handles Access modes
Context.MODE_PRIVATE (value 0) Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE (value 1) Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE (value 2)

SharedPreferences XML file path:


Example: Exlogin demo

Several ways to access the filesystem
Files from within applications Raw files that are included as resources Custom XML files

Files within application

Create a stream to a file: openFileOutput(String name, int mode) Read in the file: openFileInput(String name,int mode) Using standard Java once you get the stream Data path: data/data/[PACKAGE_NAME]/files/ Remember to flush it and close it

Raw files
Get resource: Context.getResources() Link to your item: openRawResources(int id) Any type of raw file such as text file, images, document and other file Using raw resource is that they are not precompiled by the platform

XML file
A bit differently than other resources Do not use a stream to access Compiled into an efficient binary form by the platform

Database in Android
Open source Standards-compliant Lightweight Single-tier Choice by MP3 player, iphone, ipod touch etc..

Using SQLite library to provide full relational DB capabilities. Reduces:

External dependencies Minimizes latency Simplifies transaction locking Synchronization

All databases are private: only the app. that created them can access them Using Content Providers to share a database across applications

Work with SQLite(1/4)

Two classes
It represents a single row It used to insert new rows into tables(Content Providers)

Queries are returned as Cursor object Pointer, rather than a copy of the result Several functions to navigate query result
moveToFirst moveToNext

Manage Cursor resources

startManagingCursor() stopManagingCursor()

Work with SQLite(2/4)

SQLiteOpenHelper class
Used to simplify open, create, upgrade methods

Work with SQLite(3/4)

Open/Close Database

Insert/Remove record

Work with SQLite(4/4)



Content Provider
Content Providers let you decouple your app. layer from the data layer
App Data App

Simple URI model: feature full permission control add, remove, update data from other apps.


Many native Android apps have been available as Content Providers Such as Contact Manager, media player, browser, callLog, Settings
Can create your OWN content provider

Other App

Other App

Using Content Providers

A set of standard interfaces Query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) Insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) Update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] selectionArgs) Delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] selectionArgs) Divulging the data owned by itself Support data operations

External apps access the data supplied by ContentProvider getContentResolver() A set of standard interfaces

All records E.g. content://contacts/people/ information of all the people Specify record by ID E.g. content://contacts/people/1 information of the people whose id is 1 First part: content:// FIXED Second part: contacts Authorization, Content Providers name Third part: people Type of data Fourth part: 1 Optional. NULL: all data; Num: specify record

Access the contact data

Create your Content Provider(1/3)

Extend ContentProvider class
A A: Using parse() to parse URI B: UriMatcher class B
Case 1: Uri=com.paad.provider.myApp/item Return: ALLROWS Case 2: Uri=com.paad.provider.myApp/item/1 Return: SINGLE_ROW

Add <provider> label in AndroidManifest.xml file <provider android:name=ContentProvider android: authorities=com.paad.provider.myapp />

Create your Content Provider(1/3)

1. Achieve the interface 2. Use UriMatcher class 3. Query method: return cursor 4. Insert method: return URI


5. withAppendedId(para a, para b): Link two parameters as a URI

Create your Content Provider(1/3)



Case Study
Notes_list.xml Notes_row.xml onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) fillData() onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) createNote() inListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() Note_row.xml

Using SQLite to manage the contactors in your Address Book app. Create a Content Provider for your Contactor database.

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