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Annuridien Delate

1 Overton Road Silvertown Athlone Cape Town, Western Province 7764 ! "#1$%#" 4#&7 '! "7% %"" (676 annuridien)delate*suninternational)co+

Pro,essional Pro,ile

-.+ a +eticulous ,acilities +ana/er with 0("12 3ears o, e4perience in the electrical ,ield5 hi/hl3 e,,icient and capa6le o, handlin/ +ultiple tas7s in a ,ast$paced environ+ent) - a+ dependa6le, detail $ oriented with 16 3ears hands$on hospitalit3 e4perience with various leadin/, South A,rican & Star hotels and resort properties) - have proven leadership s7ills in +ana/in/, developin/ and +otivatin/ individuals or tea+s to achieve and e4ceed the re8uired o69ectives) - possess ,irst class anal3tical desi/n and pro6le+ solvin/ s7ills)

Core s7ills and e4perience ac8uired!

AC:DC power and control s3ste+s ;lectro$+echanical pro,icienc3 ;4cellent written and ver6al co++unication s7ills Production schedulin/ ,a+iliarit3 -nitiative to wor7 independentl3 Strate/ic thin7er 'etal wor7in/ a6ilit3 CPR and Child CPR Trainin/ -nvesti/ative procedures Sta,,in/ and schedulin/ Re/ulator3 co+pliance -nterviews and interro/ations OS A trainin/ A;D certi,ied =olunteer <ire$,i/hter =ast technical 7nowled/e Access control CCT= +onitorin/ Test e8uip+ent operation ;,,icient Su6$panel installation Co++ercial and industrial electrician Power and hand tools Circuitr3 and wirin/ Carpentr3 and plu+6in/ Ti+e +ana/e+ent <acilities +ana/e+ent Custo+er service$,ocused Preventative +aintenance =alid 0code %2 driver>s license ?asic weldin/ Plu+6in/ 7nowled/e Stron/ co++unicator 'icroso,t O,,ice Super6 interpersonal s7ills Con,lict resolution Relia6le Sta,, +otivation and trainin/ Relationship$6uildin/ ?ud/etin/ and cost control Trou6leshootin/ capa6ilities

@ul3 #""A Current To

Octo6er #""6 @une #""A


Sun -nternational Ta6le ?a3 otel Cape Town, Western Province ealth and Sa,et3 'ana/er : Deput3 Securit3 'ana/er 'ana /e+e nt o, the hotels entire healt h and sa,et3 port, olio in line with the

Occupational ealth B Sa,et3 Act %& o, 1AA( and the O SAS 1%""1as the co+pan3.s Sa,et3 Standards) Chair the 8uarterl3 ealth and Sa,et3 co++ittee +eetin/, raise and deli6erate with co++ittee on an3 S; issues) Co+plete the +onthl3 and 8uarterl3 BS reports ,or Sun -nternational ead o,,ice) 'onthl3 ealth B Sa,et3 -nduction ,acilitator5 trainin/ covers Cear 'iss Reports, Ris7 Assess+ent, ;nviron+ental awareness, ,or all new sta,, and collea/ues) ;nsure that all S; co+pliant trainin/ is scheduled and underta7en on annual 6ases, ,ire ,i/htin/, ,ire 'arshall, ,irst aid and S; representatives) Co$ordinate and oversee the i+ple+entation o, ealth, Sa,et3 within the respective depart+ents, i+ple+ent and +ana/e -RA pro/ra+5 review sa,et3 controls put in place to ensure continual i+prove+ent o, the ealth B Sa,et3 +ana/e+ent s3ste+) 'ana/e+ent o, the hotel Securit3 tea+ via outsourced securit3 service provider, Personnel consistin/ o, $ #7 Securit3 O,,icers, ( Shi,t 'ana/ers, 1 Site 'ana/er

'aintenance Sun -nternational Cape Town Assistant ;n/ineerin/ 'ana/er

Cape Town, Western Province

Assistant en/ineerin/ +ana/er, +ana/in/ a tea+ o, ##, all su6 contractors B service providers) ;nsure the s+ooth and e,,icient runnin/ o, the ;n/ineerin/ Depart+ent in support o, all other operation) - was responsi6le ,or +aintainin/ the /eneral condition o, the propert3 with re/ard to all aspects o, 6asic electrical, air conditionin/ : re,ri/eration, carpentr3, plu+6in/, +echanical and paintin/ wor7, tilin/ and all +inor 6uildin/ repairs) Co+plete +aintenance re8uest wor7 orders ,ro+ all depart+ents and to provide an e4cellent and consistent level o, service to all5 sta,, as well as our /uests and service providers) Chec7ed and run stand63 /enerator once a +onth on ,ull load) Chec7 8uotes a/ainst 6ud/et, 'ana+a and +onitor cape4 and 6ud/et e4penditure) Cor+all3 three 8uotes are re8uested to +a7e co+parisons Chec7 e+ails ,or wor7 to 6e carried out and issue 9o6 cards accordin/l3) Chec7 invoices ,or wor7 done, a/ainst 8uotes to pass pa3+ent Conduct sta,, per,or+ance appraisals +onitor their productivit3 standards, punctualit3 etc) ;nsure that all contractors are present whilst discussin/ and plannin/ a new pro9ect)

Septe+6er #""6

To 'a3 #""&


<e6ruar3 #""&

'arch #""( @une #""& @anuar3 #""& To

P'; Consultin/ Cape Town, Western Province Operations 'ana/er DSite 'ana/erE Ta6le ?a3 otel P'; Site +ana/er 6ased at the Ta6le ?a3 otel +ana/in/ a tea+ o, ## +e+6ers as well as Su6 Contractor.s : service providers) ;nsure the s+ooth and e,,icient runnin/ o, the ;n/ineerin/ Depart+ent in support o, all other operation) - was responsi6le ,or +aintainin/ the /eneral condition o, the propert3 with re/ard to all aspects o, 6asic electrical, air conditionin/ : re,ri/eration, carpentr3, plu+6in/, +echanical and paintin/ wor7) Co+plete +aintenance re8uest wor7 orders ,ro+ all depart+ents and to provide an e4cellent and

consistent level o, service to all5 sta,, as well as our /uests and service providers) Chec7ed and run stand63 /enerator once a +onth on ,ull load) Chec7 8uotes a/ainst 6ud/et) Chec7 e+ails ,or wor7 to 6e carried out and issue 9o6 cards accordin/l3 chec7 invoices ,or wor7 done, a/ainst 8uotes to pass pa3+ent Conduct sta,, per,or+ance appraisals +onitor their productivit3 standards, punctualit3 etc)

ABS Contractin/ and 'aintenance Technical 'ana/er

Cape Town, Western Province

'3 wi,e and - re/istered a +aintenance co+pan3 in #""&, the co+pan3 is +ana/ed 63 +3 wi,e and - assisted her ,or the ,irst ( +onths with all the technical re8uire+ents) - still assist her with all technical issues as and when re8uired)

<acilities 'ana/e+ent A,rica Cape Town Assistant <acilities 'ana/er

Cape Town, Western Province

- +ana/ed 4 ?uildin/s. ,acilit3 re8uire+ents na+el3, Shell ouse, Wes6an7 ouse, Ovenstone ouse and ?P Town S8uare) ;nsure service level a/ree+ents are in place ,or all technical services na+el3! Air Conditionin/ Services, ;lectrical Services, Access Control, Plu+6in/ and all /eneral +aintenance) 'onitor wor7 underta7en 63 service providers to ensure the3 con,or+ to the service level a/ree+ent at all ti+es) 'easure and report on per,or+ance o, technical service providers Schedule all plan +aintenance with service providers and +onitor adherence thereto) Chec7 invoices a/ainst service a/ree+ents, orders, and 8uotes and authoriFe pa3+ent)

April 1AA7 To Septe+6er 1AA7

Sie+ens Panel Wire+an

Cape Town, Western Province

%" Roeland Street, wirin/ o, electrical distri6ution 6oards ,or Saldana Steel, this was a si4 +onth contract)
@anuar3 1AA7 To <e6ruar3 1AA7

Hne+plo3ed Hne+plo3ed

Cape Town, Western Province

@anuar3 1A%% To Dece+6er 1AA6

Se+cotronics : Power People 'anu,acturin/ Technician and Wor7shop <ore+an

@ohannes6ur/, Iauten/

'3 +ain ,unction was the testin/ and repairs o, co+ple4 e8uip+ent such as inverters and 6atter3 char/es with auto+atic control circuits) 'anu,acturin/ o, protot3pes B new desi/ns was also underta7en 63 +e) As the wor7shop ,ore+an - +ana/ed the wor7shop with co+pli+ent o, 1& sta,, +e+6ers)
<e6ruar3 1A%4 To Dece+6er 1A%7

Schindler Gi,ts Panel Wire+an : ;lectrician

@ohannes6ur/, Iauten/

This was the 6e/innin/ o, +3 electrical apprenticeship, which lasted 11A wee7s) '3 duties covered sche+atic dia/ra+s, solderin/, printed circuit 6oards, and printed circuit 6oard.s dia/ra+s and the wirin/ o, all li,t electrical control panels) - co+pleted +3 Apprentice ship in 1A%6 and was certi,ied as an ;lectrician whilst e+plo3ed at Schindler li,ts SA)
@anuar3 1A%# To @anuar3 1A%4

Se+i$Conductor Services ;lectronic 'achinician

@ohannes6ur/, Iauten/

- was responsi6le ,or ,inal cali6ration, acceptance tests and the ,inal approval on products such as5 Power supplies, static inverters and +an3 other electronic products) - also +ana/ed the production line o, the a6ove e8uip+ent) -nstallation o, solar arra3 s3ste+s consistin/ o, A" 4"watt solar panels, solar re/ulators, 4""a 6atteries, inverter, 6atter3 char/er and diesel : /as /enerators in the Jru/er Cational Par7 B oedspruit /a+e reserves)


;n/lish and A,ri7aans

'a9or Achiev+ents

Assistant Securit3 'ana/er o, the Kuarter L Sun Cit3 Co+ple4 1AAA:#""") Iraduated CH' GAHD; on COSA SA'TRAC course L #""4) - have success,ull3 hosted and coordinated securit3 re8uire+ents ,or nu+erous Presidential Dele/ations, =arious Ro3al ouseholds and Cele6rit3 sta3s at the hotels) - have listed the +ost noteworth3 o, the ones - have handled recentl3 $ President o, Hnited States o, A+erica L ?arac7 O6a+a L Ta6le ?a3 otel $ #"1( <irst Gad3 o, Hnited States o, A+erica L 'ichelle O6a+a $ Ta6le ?a3 otel #"11 President o, <inland L Tar9a alonen L The Ta6le ?a3 otel #"11 President o, Russia L =ladi+ir Putin L Ta6le ?a3 otel $ #""6) Pre+ier o, China $ u @intao L Ta6le ?a3 otel L #""6) is 'a9est3 Jin/ ussein o, @ordan $ Ta6le ?a3 otelL #""&:#""6 er 'a9est3 Kueen Son9a o, Corwa3 L Ta6le ?a3 otel L #""&)

Personal -n,or+ation
Surna+e Delate <irst Ca+e Annuridien Date o, ?irth 11:"6:6( -dentit3 nu+6er! 6("611&"7&"%# Se4! 'ale 'arital Status! 'arried

Additional -n,or+ation

;n/lish Other Gan/ua/es A,ri7aans Cationalit3 South A,rican Driver>s Gicense Code "%


C@? Senior Secondar3 School 'atric

@ohannes6ur/, Iauten/, South A,rica

- co+pleted +atric in 1A%1, ;n/lish, A,ri7aans, 'aths, ?iolo/3, Science and istor3) Therea,ter - attended O+nitec -nstitute and co+pleted a course in 6asic electronics Diplo+a 1A%#) ;lectrical Panel Wirin/ course co+pleted at Schindler Gi,ts SA, Certi,icate 1A%4) @ourne3+an course ;lectrician Certi,icate 1A%6, Cational industrial council ,or iron, steel, en/ineerin/ and +etallur/ical industr3) Schindler Gi,ts SA) Advanced ,ire ,i/htin/ level #, #""6 -ntroduction to e+plo3ee relation, Sun international, #""7) -RCA Certi,icate o, trainin/ O SAS 1%""1 i+ple+entation course, #""A) - also ac8uired a ?usiness ris7 solution Certi,icate ,or Occupational B S S ; representative trainin/, #""A) <irst Aid level 1, #"11 ;vac $ Chair, Certi,icate o, pro,icienc3, #"1#)

-ntroduction to SA'TRAC, #"1#

- co+pleted a course in Con,lict d3na+ics, #"1#)

- also co+pleted COSA SA'TRAC Course, #"1#)

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