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Lessonplan: The Blitz Duration: 90 minuten Target group and level: Mbo 4, level B1 Learning goals: The students

s learn more about Britain's role in WWII and the Blitz.

Content: Time in minutes Start 15 Teacher activities Asking guiding questions to activate pre-knowledge Student activities Activating pre-knowledge from the previous class on the Battle Britain (terms such as Luftwaffe, RAF) Watching the video and making notes. Listening to each others notes to share knowledge.

Activity 10

Setting up the video


Discussing the notes with class, how much they understood. Handing out the question forms. Setting up the video again.


Watching the clip again and answering the questions.

End 20-25 Set up the video one more time and pausing before and after each moment a question should be answered, explaining the answer to the students and checking who got it right. Watch the video one final time and checking the answers to the questions.


Introduction of the lesson: 5 minutes

Goals: Students learn how to describe something they've seen or experienced Students practice describing things they've seen or experienced

Activities: Reading and discussing the text Writing about your own experiences Evaluating learning goals

Setting up the video: 10 minutes

The teacher introduces the video and starts the video for the first time. The students take notes here, so that they can refer to these later and so they have a written source for the in-class discussion that follows. Goal of this exercise: Introducing the video, activating pre-knowledge.

Discussing notes in class: 10-15 minutes

The teacher and the students discuss the notes they've taken about the video. It is key here that the teacher asks follow-up questions and tries to get students to explain what they've written down in the context of what they know about WWII. Goal of this exercise: Get students to really think about the material, place it in a larger context.

Setting up the video again: 10 minutes

The students watch the video one more time, this time while trying to answer the questions on the hand-out. The students read the questions before watching the video again, so that they know what they're supposed to listen for.

Final video setup: 20-25 minutes

Finally, the teacher shows the video one more time and stops the video every time a question is supposed to be answered by the students. This allows the teacher to directly show the students what they were supposed to be listening for. Discussing the answers in a classical setting allows the teacher and the students to have a discussion about the answer is necessary.

Listening assignment: The Blitz and the Battle of Britain Questions: What did the Luftwaffes commander, Herman Gring, try to do by bombing British ships? He tried to get the British airforce to defend the ships so that Luftwaffe could defeat them before the real attack on Britain began. Give two advantages the Luftwaffe had over the British airforce: 1. The Luftwaffe had more planes (1100 vs 700) 2. the Luftwaffe had faster planes What were Luftwaffes main targets for Eagles Day? 1. The RAF fighters; 2. The airfields; 3. The aircraft factories. What was Herman Grings mistake that made the first bombing assault less effective? He thought that having the RAF having RADAR was not important but because of RADAR the RAF knew when the bombers were coming and fought them off. Why did the Luftwaffe bomb London? Because a number of bombers lost their way and ended up over London. Why was the bombing of London such a turning point in the war and how did the RAF respond? Because it was the first bombing of a non-military target. In response the RAF bombed Berlin. What was Grings second mistake? He focused on bombing London rather than taking out te RAF, which gave the RAF the rest they needed instead of breaking down. What was the Blitz? The Germans stopped trying to take out the RAF and started nightly bombings of cities. How many months did the Blitz last? For about eight months (from October the fifth until May the tenth) Why did the Blitz stop? Hitler thought Britain was not a serious threat and wanted to focus on eastern Europe.

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