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Chapter 2 Paper 1

Cell as a Basic Unit of Life

Each question is followed by four options. Choose the best answer for each question. 1 Who was the scientist that first observed cells under a microscope? A Hans Lippershey B Robert Hooke C Thomas Edison D Charles Darwin Which structure is present in both plant and animal cells? I ucleus II Cytoplasm III Cell wall IV Cell membrane A ! and !!! only B !! and !" only C !# !! and !" only D !# !!# !!! and !" M N O P , , , , Cover onion with a 'lass cover -eel a layer of onion (bsorb e.cess iodine with filter paper (dd a drop of iodine solution

M, N, O and P above are steps that are re$uired to prepare a slide of onion cells% Which is the correct se$uence of steps? A N# P# O# M B N # M# P # O C N # P # M# O D M# N # P # O 4 Which cell structure and function is correctly matched? Cell structure Cell function A ucleus &tores food B "acuole Captures li'ht ener'y C Cell membrane (llows substances to pass into and out of the cell D Cell wall Transports water into the cell


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Which step is correct when usin' a li'ht microscope? A (lways use the coarse ad/ustor before the fine ad/ustor knobs B *resh specimens must remain wet on a slide C (d/ust the mirror to allow the minimum amount of li'ht to enter D Carry the microscope by the eyepiece lens Which is a unicellular or'anism? I Hydra II Euglena III 0east IV Spirogyra A ! and !!! only B !! and !!! only C !# !! and !" only D !# !!# !!! and !"

Which or'anism below is most similar to the or'anism shown in the fi'ure above? A 1oss B *un'us C 2acterium D Paramecium 8 Which cells transports messa'es to all parts of the body? I Red blood cells II erve cells III 1uscle cells IV 2rain cells A !! only B !! and !!! only C !# !! and !" only D !# !!# !!! and !"


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X , ( 'roup of similar cells workin' to'ether to carry out a specific function Y , Different types of tissues workin' to'ether to carry out a specific function The information above describes two types of cells X and Y. Which of the followin' represents X and Y? X Y A &perm cells Testis B erve cells ervous system C Cardiac muscle Heart D &tomach cells &mall intestine 1! Cell M N O Human What do M# N and O represent in the above? M N O A 1uscle &tomach !ntestine system B Heart 2lood 2lood circulatory system C !ntestine Linin' &mall intestine Di'estive system D Eye 2rain ervous system 11 Which is a part of the human endocrine system? I -ituitary II Thyroid III -ancreas IV &tomach A ! and !!! only B !! and !" only C !# !! and !!! only D !# !!# !!! and !" 12 &upports the body -rotects the or'ans Enables movement

Which human body system has the functions as described above? A The blood circulatory system B The nervous system C The muscular system D The skeletal system


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13 Cell specialisation enables a person to do several thin's at the same time% Which of these actions may be carried out efficiently by a hockey player# at the same time? I 3sin' his eyes to detect the ball II 3sin' his brain to decide if he can successfully tackle the player who has the ball III 3sin' his le's to run towards the ball IV 3sin' his arms to position his stick to hit the ball A ! and !!! only B !! and !" only C !# !! and !!! only D !# !!# !!! and !" 14 Which specialised human body system helps you to $uickly remove your hand from a knife# after accidentally cuttin' yourself? A The skeletal system B The lymphatic system C The nervous system D The e.cretory system

15 What is an advanta'e of cell specialisation? I &everal actions can be carried out at the same time II The or'anism functions more efficiently III There is division of labour amon'st cells IV Cells do not become overworked A ! and !!! only B !! and !" only C !# !! and !!! only D !# !!# !!! and !"


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Paper 2 Answer all the questions. Section A 1

The fi'ure above shows a plant cell% 4a5 Label the followin' parts on the fi'ure above6 cell wall cell membrane vacuole nucleus cytoplasm

4b5 What is the function of the followin'? 4i5 cell wall 4ii5 cell membrane 4iii5 nucleus 4c5 7ive three properties of a plant cell to show how it differs from an animal cell% Section B 2 The followin' fi'ures show some human body cells%


ame these cells6 4i5 L 4ii5 M 4iii" N 4iv5 O


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4b5 What is the similarity between M and O? 4c5 7ive t#o differences between M and O% 4d5 What type of tissue do L cell forms? 4e5 ame the or'an formed from the answer in 84d5%

4f5 4i5 ame the system formed from the answer in 84e5% 4ii5 What is the function of this system? 4'5 Why are human bein's considered as comple. or'anisms?


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