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Identifica sursa ta adevarata de fericire Cnd vom ncepe explorarea noastr de fericire, este important s se neleag modul n care definim ceea ce este fericirea. Ca multe tradiii nelepciune Est nva, exist dou tipuri de fericire. Primul tip de fericire vine din lucrurile de cotitur modul n care ne-am dori s le. Acest lucru este cunoscut ca fericirea pentru un motiv. Noi spunem, "Sunt fericit pentru c am o familie i de prieteni, "sau" Sunt fericit pentru c am primit o promovare, "sau" Sunt fericit pentru c am de gnd n vacan, "i aa mai departe. Acest tip de fericire este n mod inerent efemer, pentru c depinde de motive externe, care pot fi luate de la noi, n orice moment. Desi avem tendinta de a evita gndesc la asta, putem pierde casa noastr, treaba noastr, economiile noastre, sntatea noastr, i cei dragi n orice moment. Acestea sunt surse temporare, externe, de fericire, care vin i se duc ca o briza trece. Al doilea tip de fericire, n schimb, este o stare intern de contiin care ne permite s fie fericit pentru nici un motiv, la toate. Este independent de mprejurrile, evenimente, oameni i lucruri din vieile noastre. Acest fericire vine de la realizarea c adevrata noastr de sine nu este corpul nostru, gnduri, emoii, personalitate, posesiuni, realizari, relatii, sau orice alt atribut-timp legat. Natura noastra esentiala este constiinta pura, nelimitat, de asemenea, cunoscut sub numele de domeniul tuturor posibilitatilor. Atributele de acest domeniu includ fericire, dragoste, vesnicia, compasiune, creativitate, nelepciune, linite, i har. Aceast serie se numete trezi la fericirea pentru c ne concentrm pe confrunt cu fericirea care exist deja n noi. La fel ca un rsrit de soare radiant poate fi ascuns n spatele norilor, fericirea noastr interioar poate deveni acoperit de contientizare strang, limitarea modele de gndire, i tulburri emoionale. Cu toate acestea, indiferent de ct timp am fost pierdut n fric i limitare, putem nva s se ridice deasupra norilor de conditionare si trezi la sursa de fericire n noi. Cultivarea Inteniile tale Alegerea contient inteniile noastre este cel mai puternic mod de a ncepe orice proiect, cltorie, sau de vis. De a deveni clar cu privire la ceea ce ne dorim i stabilirea o intenie, suntem de plantare o smn n grdin fertil de potentialitate pura. Aa cum am hrni c seminele n timp ce eliberarea simultan orice ataament fa de rezultatul, venim pe deplin n momentul de fa. Lum n mod spontan aciunile cele mai evolutive i experiena expansiunea de bucurie, dragoste, i armonie.

Pe msur ce ncepe trezi la fericirea serie, da-ti frau liber pentru a lua n considerare intenia dumneavoastr n urmtoarele opt sptmni. Intenia dvs. poate fi unul simplu. De fapt, n sensul acestei explorare, simplu este probabil cel mai bine. Iat cteva idei:

Intenia mea este de a. . .

Deschideti-va inima mea de fericire. Urmeze bucuria mea. Fii fericit pentru nici un motiv, la toate. Trezi la dragoste i fericire. Tri cu inima uoar i spirit. Aceasta este propria intenie personal, i atta timp ct vei gsi o intenie care rezoneaza cu inima ta, nu exist nici o modalitate de "ru", pentru a seta. Cu toate acestea, n general, cel mai bine este s scrie inteniile dumneavoastr n limbaj pozitiv, mai degrab dect n termeni de ceea ce nu vrei, pentru c o parte important din formularea intenii este de a genera un cmp de contientizare a faptului c se simte tot, de coninut, i complet. Inteniile de asemenea, tind s fie mai puternic atunci cnd le scrie, unde le pot vedea pe tot parcursul zilei. Am creat un ablon n cazul n care avei posibilitatea s tastai n intenia dumneavoastr i imprima ct mai multe exemplare dorii. V sugerm inregistrari le-a monitor de computer, o oglinda de la baie, tablou de bord masina ta, i oriunde n alt parte pe care le vei vedea n mod regulat i s fie amintit de intenia dumneavoastr cele mai profunde de fericire. Afirmnd Wellbeing Prin mantre Aceast meditaie ghidat condus de consultant program i vedic de Master Gabrielle Forleo va ajuta sa te duci adnc n propria linite interioar, se deplaseaz n lumea spiritului, n cazul n care se poate manifesta propria fericire i starea de bine prin afirmatii pozitive.

Meditatie week1 Yoga pentru corp-centrat de sensibilizare Triangle, fericit Pose Triunghiul de baz, sau TRIKONASANA (pronunat trih-Koh-NAH-SAH-nah ), este o yoga reprezint care ofer o ntindere excelent de-a lungul intregului organism. Acest lucru pune este o alegere bun dac v simii trist sau deprimat, sau oricnd dorii s v deschidei pn la un flux de energie pozitiva. Cunoscut sub numele de "postura fericit", pentru c deschide centrul de inima ta i permite bucurie pentru a umple corpul tau, aceasta postura amelioreaz, de asemenea, tensiunea din gat si spate, muschii picioarelor tonuri, imbunatateste circulatia, i ntrete partea inferioara a spatelui. Dac suntei nou la yoga, ai putea dori s nceap cu permanent Side Bend pentru a consolida trunchiul. Acest lucru pune este mai puin intens, dar ofera multe din aceleai beneficii ca Triunghiul prezint. Pe msur ce ncepe s se simt mai flexibil, muta treptat n Triangle.

Identify Your True Source of Happiness As we begin our exploration of happiness, its important to understand how we define what happiness is. As many Eastern wisdom traditions teach, there are two

types of happiness. The first kind of happiness comes from things turning out the way wed like them to. This is known as happiness for a reason. We say, Im happy because I have a family and friends, or Im happy becauseI got a promotion, or Im happy because Im going on vacation, and so on. This kind of happiness is inherently fleeting because it depends on external reasons that can be taken away from us at any time. Although we tend to avoid thinking about it, we can lose our home, our job, our savings, our health, and our loved ones at any time. These are temporary, external sources of happiness that come and go like a passing breeze. The second type of happiness, in contrast, is an internal state of consciousness that allows us to be happy for no reason at all. It is independent of the circumstances, events, people, and things in our lives. This happiness comes from the realization that our true self isnt our body, thoughts, emotions, personality, possessions, accomplishments, relationships, or any other time-bound attribute. Our essential nature is pure, unbounded consciousness, also known as the field of all possibilities. The attributes of this field include happiness, love, timelessness, compassion, creativity, wisdom, silence, and grace. This series is called Awaken to Happiness because we are focusing on experiencing the happiness that already exists within us. Just as a radiant sunrise can be hidden behind the clouds, our inner happiness can become obscured by constricted awareness, limiting thought patterns, and emotional turmoil. Yet no matter how long we have been lost in fear and limitation, we can learn to rise above the clouds of conditioning and awaken to the source of happiness within us. Cultivating Your Intentions Consciously choosing our intentions is the most powerful way to begin any project, journey, or dream. By becoming clear about what we desire and setting an intention, we are planting a seed in the fertile garden of pure potentiality. As we nurture that seed while simultaneously releasing any attachment to the outcome, we come fully into the present moment. We spontaneously take the most evolutionary actions and experience the expansion of joy, love, and harmony. As you begin the Awaken to Happiness series, give yourself free reign to consider your intention for the next eight weeks. Your intention can be a simple one. In fact, for the purpose of this exploration, simple is probably best. Here are a few ideas:

My intention is to . . .

Open my heart to happiness. Follow my joy. Be happy for no reason at all. Awaken to love and happiness. Live with a light heart and spirit. This is your own personal intention, and as long as you find an intention that resonates with your heart, there is no wrong way to set it. In general, however, its best to write your intentions in positive language rather than in terms of what you dont want, because the important part of formulating intentions is to generate a field of awareness that feels whole, content, and complete. Intentions also tend to be more powerful when we write them down where we can see them throughout the day. We have created a template where you can type in your intention and print out as many copies as you like. We suggest taping them to your computer monitor, a bathroom mirror, your car dashboard, and anywhere else that you will see them regularly and be reminded of your deepest intention for happiness. Affirming Wellbeing Through Mantras This guided meditation led by program consultant and Vedic Master Gabrielle Forleo will help you go deep into your own inner silence, moving into the world of spirit, where you can manifest your own happiness and wellbeing through positive affirmations.

Happiness Series Week 1 Meditation.mp3 Yoga for Body-Centered Awareness Triangle, The Happy Pose

The basic triangle, or trikonasana (pronounced trih-koh-NAH-sah-nah), is a yoga pose that provides an excellent stretch throughout the entire body. This pose is a good choice if you are feeling sad or depressed, or anytime you want to open yourself up to a flow of positive energy. Known as the happy pose because it opens your heart center and allows joy to fill your body, this pose also relieves tension in your neck and back, tones leg muscles, improves circulation, and strengthens the lower back. If you are new to yoga, you may wish to begin with Standing Side Bend to strengthen your torso. This pose is less intense, yet offers many of the same benefits as the Triangle pose. As you begin to feel more flexible, gradually move into Triangle.

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