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Sisteme cu pompe de caldura

Heat pump systems

sisteme cu pompe de caldura heat pump systems

Filozofia MyClima / MyClima philosophy Gama de produse / Our range Produse / Products Sisteme / Systems 04 06 07


Ce este energia geotermala? / What is geothermal energy? Pompe de caldura pentru centrale termice / Heat pumps for thermal power station GEO HF 6-33 GEO HF 40-100 GEO ADV PLUS Schema instalatiei / Layout plant GEO EASY HT/HTR Schema instalatiei / Layout plant Pompe de caldura rezidentiale / Residential heat pumps DOMUS Schema instalatiei / Layout plant 08 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 24 26


Cum functioneaza o pompa de caldura aer-apa? / How does an air-water heat pump work? Produse / Products Sistem integrat pentru incalzire, racire si producere ACM Integrated system for heating, cooling and DHW production SISTEM IDEA / IDEA SYSTEM Schema instalatiei / Layout plant Pompa de caldura aer-apa pentru producerea eficienta de ACM/ Air-water heat pump for efficient DHW production EOS PLUS 28 29

30 32 34


SISTEM IANUS / IANUS SYSTEM Care este semnificatia cuvintelor Sistem hibrid? / What does Hybrid system mean? Solutii pentru instalatii cu sisteme hibride / Hybrid system plant solutions Sistem mixt cu panou termic fotovoltaic si sonda geotermala Integrated system with thermal PV/T panel and geothermal probe 36 36 38 42 43


Filozofia MyClima
MyClima Philosophy
04 De ce sa alegem un sistem de incalzire geotermal pentru casa noastra? ...pentru cinci motive intemeiate:
economii de energie usor de utilizat prietenos cu mediul Independenta fata de combustibili fosili Flexibilitatea sistemului

Inovatie, siguranta, usurinta in utilizare, respectul pentru mediul ambiant: cele 4 cuvinte ce indruma grupul
O companie tanara si dinamica ce combina experienta grupului Fiorini, care activeaza de peste 30 de ani in domeniul HVAC si un impuls puternic pentru inovare, ceea ce il face un pionier intr-o industrie aflata in faza de dezvoltare. Bazandu-se pe acest lucru, MyClima nu ofera doar pompe de caldura, dar si sisteme. Scopul este de a oferi un sistem complet in care fiecare element este atent selectat si componentele sunt perfect integrate pentru a asigura cel mai inalt nivel de confort si eficienta. Aplicatiile pompelor de caldura sunt variate: incalzire pe timp de iarna, racire pe timp de vara, preparare eficienta de apa calda menajera, in spatii de la o singura locuinta pana la nivel industrial. Punctul nostru forte este dat de cunoasterea completa a tehnologiilor de energie regenerabila, fapt care permite proiectarea si realizarea sistemelor integrate cu scopul de a exploata si incorpora surse variate de energie, cum ar fi geotermala, aerotermala, termo-solara, fotovoltaica etc.

Why choosing geothermal heating for our home? ... for five good reasons:
energy savings ease of use environmentally friendly independence from fossil fuels system flexibility

Inima sistemului: pompa de caldura

Inima sistemului este pompa de caldura, care este in totalitate proiectata si fabricata de catre companie: gama variata de puteri termice permite satisfacerea tuturor cerintelor. Echipa Fiorini asigura expertiza tehnica de inalta calitate in toate etapele, cum ar fi: proiect studiu de fezabilitate, analiza costurilor si amortizarea investitiei specifice sistemului, punerea in functiune si asistenta service dupa vanzare. Cu toate ca este un sistem standardizat, se poate personaliza la cerere. Fiecare client este partenerul nostru, pastram informatiile tehnice ale sistemelor furnizate clientilor pentru a putea adauga ulterior componente, pe baza cerintelor in schimbare.

Creierul sistemului: monitorizare continua si gestionare simpla

Creierul sistemului este dat de aplicatia de comanda si control, creata cu ajutorul experientei tehnicienilor nostri interni. Sistemul de comanda si control ne permite monitorizarea si setarea pentru o functionare corecta a componentelor hidraulice si mecanice. Seriile de pompe de caldura GEO HF si ADV plus sunt operate de microprocesoare echipate cu aplicatia Galileus, care a fost special implementata de MyClima, nu doar pentru supravegherea tuturor modurilor de functionare ale echipamentelor, dar si pentru a monitoriza intreg sistemul de conditionare a aerului si preparare ACM. Este un sistem integrat capabil sa gestioneze independent terminalele unui sistem radiant, dezumidificarea aerului si integrarea unui sistem termic solar. De asemenea permite controlul sistemului de racire natural intre sezoane. Toate functiile aplicatiei Galileus pot fi gestionate cu ajutorul unui panou LCD inclus la livrare, care afiseaza modul de operare setat si orice eroare de functionare. Reglarea si controlul pot fi facute de asemenea de la distanta prin intermediul unui kit special ce permite verificarea si schimbarea oricarui parametru operational de la calculatorul personal sau de la centrul de asistenta service.

05 Innovation, safety, ease of use, environmentally friendly: 4 key words driving the group
A young and dynamic company combining the experience of the Fiorini group that has been working in the HVAC field for over thirty years and a strong impetus for innovation, which makes it a pioneer in an industry that is still in its infancy. Building on this, MyClima not only offers heat pumps, but systems. The goal is to provide a complete system in which each element is carefully selected and the components are perfectly integrated altogether to provide a quick and flexible response ensuring the highest level of comfort and efficiency. The applications are varied: winter heating, summer cooling, efficient production of domestic hot water, from a single house up to an industrial complex. Our strength is a comprehensive knowledge of renewable energy technologies, which allows to design and build integrated systems aimed at exploiting and integrating various energy sources such as geothermal, aerothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic, etc..

The heart of the system: the heat pump

The heart of the system is the heat pump, which is entirely designed and manufactured in-house: the wide range of powers allows to satisfy every need. The high technical expertise ensures excellent support at all stages, from project feasibility assessment and investment analysis with targeted amortization schemes to system design, commissioning and after-sales service. Despite being standardized, the system can be customized. Every customer is our partner. We keep the technical information of our customers systems to add further components, at any time, based on changing needs.

The brain of the system: continuous monitoring and easy management

The brain of the system is the control and adjustment software, stemming from the experience of our internal technicians. The control system allows to manage and to monitor the correct operation of all hydraulic and mechanical components. The GEO HF and ADV plus series heat pumps are operated by microprocessors equipped with our flagship software Galileus, which has been specially implemented by MyClima not only to supervise all machine operational modes, but also to monitor the whole air conditioning and DHW production system. It is an integrated system capable of independently managing the terminals of a radiant system, ambient dehumidification and the integration of a solar thermal system. It also allows to control free cooling during intermediate seasons. All Galileus functions can be managed through the LCD panel supplied with it, which indicates the set operation mode and any system malfunctioning. Adjustment and control can also be remotely managed through a special kit that lets you conveniently check and change ant operation parameters from your own computer or from the service centre.

Gama de produse
Our range
kW 5.7 - 28.4

Produse Products
Pentru detalii legate de caracteristicile accesoriilor consultati pag.43 For details of the accessory characteristics see from pag.43


kW 5.7 - 27

kW 32.2 - 86.4


kW 6.3 - 30.5

kW 6.1 - 14.1

kW 5.7 - 28.4

kW 3.0 - 16

kW 1,73

Functii/Functions Incalzire+Racire+ACM Heating + Cooling + DHW Sonda geotermala su put Geothermal probe or Well pompa cu inverter Vana modulanta pompa cu inverter pompa cu inverter pompa On-off Vana modulanta pompa On-off pompa On-off pompa On-off Vana modulanta pompa On-off pompa On-off Optional Vana modulanta pompa On-off pompa On-off Optional Optional Optional Incalzire+ACM Heating + DHW Sonda Geotermala sau put Geothermal probe or Well Optional Optional Optional Incalzire+Racire +ACM Heating + Cooling + DHW

ACM DHW Tubulatura Aer Air Duct On-off pumps pana la 60 C Up to 60C integrat/integrated 300 l. MyEnergy 3,7 Rotativ Rotary R134a


Aer Air On-off pumps On-off pumps pana la 55 C Up to 55C Optional

Circuit hidraulic/Hydraulic circuit

Geotermal/Geothermal Put/Well Instalatie/Plant Sanitar/Sanitary

Preparare sanitar/Sanitary production


Reglaj/Regulation Master/Slave COP

Circuit dedicat Circuit dedicat Circuit dedicat Circuit dedicat Optional Optional pana la 65c pana la 65c pana la 55c pana la 58c pana la 65 C pana la 65 C Dedicated circuit up Dedicated circuit up Dedicated circuit up Dedicated circuit up Optional up to 65C Optional up to 65C to 65C to 65C to 55C to 58C integrat/integrated Rezervor de acumulare/Storage tank Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional 180 l. Galileus 5 4,3 Galileus 5 4,3 Galileus 5 4 Galileus 5 4,3 Tolomeus 4,3 Tolomeus 4,3

Tip compresor/Compressor type Agent frigorific/Refrigerant Pompa geotermala on-off Geothermal on-off circulator Pompa geotermala cu inverter Geothermal inverter circulator Pompa instalatie on-off Plant on-off circulator Pompa instalatie cu inverter Plant inverter circulator Pompa circuit sanitar on-off Sanitary on-off circulator Pompa circuit sanitar cu inverter Sanitary inverter circulator Kit by-pass circuit sanitar Deviation sanitary kit Kit control by-pass circuit sanitar Deviation sanitary control kit Vana modulanta cu 2 cai (put) 2 way modulating valve (well) Presostat (put) Pressostatic valve (well) Ventil electromagnetic (put) Solenoid valve (well) Kit control MFREE Freecooling control kit MFREE Kit sonda aer extern External air probe kit Kit decuplare faza Phase cut kit Kit rezistenta carter Carter resistance kit Kit rezistenta anti-inghet la Schimbator Exchangers anti-freeze resistance kit Kit rezistenta integranta Integration resistance kit Kit izolare fonica compresor Soundproofing compressor kit

MyEnergy 4,1 Scroll cu eficienta Scroll cu eficienta Scroll cu eficienta Scroll cu eficienta Scroll cu eficienta Scroll cu eficienta Rotativ mare mare mare mare mare mare DC Inverter High efficiency scroll High efficiency scroll High efficiency scroll High efficiency scroll High efficiency scroll High efficiency scroll Rotary DC inverter R407c R407c R407c R410a R407C R407c R410a

Accesorii echipamente/Machinery accessories




Indisponibil Not available

Gama de produse
Our range


Sisteme cu AER AIR system


Sistem IANUS IANUS system


Sisteme Systems
Pentru detalii legate de caracteristicile accesoriilor consultati pag.43 For details of the accessory characteristics see from pag.43






Accesorii pentru sistem disponibile/Available system accessories

Gestionare la distanta prin Internet/Remote regulation via Internet KIT WEB Rezevor acumulare circuit sanitar/Storage sanitary tank PFA - PFB - PFC Unitate preparare instant de ACM DHW on demand production unit SET Rezervor de acumulare instalatie Plant storage tank HC Rezervor compact de acumulare instalatie Plant compact storage tank A - AM - AMI Panou solar Solar collector

Panou termic fotovoltaic Thermalphotovoltaicpanel

Kit solar Solar kit

Sistem de pompare solar Solar station unit Unitate racire pasiva Freecooling unit MFREE Control temperatura/ umiditate Temperature-humidity control KIT ZONA Kit robinet cu 3 cai amestec Mixing zone valve kit Kit Robinet by-pass Deviation valve kit Modul incalzire pasiva Freeheating unit HFREE

Racitor lichid

Sisteme geotermale
Geothermal systems
Ce este energia geotermala?/What is geothermal energy?
In Europa o gospodarie obisnuita consuma in medie 80% din necesarul de energie doar pentru incalzire si preparare apa calda menajera. Acest lucru inseamna ca locuintele reprezinta o proportie semnificativa din consumul energetic total. Sistemele traditionale de producere a energiei nu doar polueaza mediul inconjurator ca urmare a arderii gazelor naturale si petrolului, dar implica si un consum energetic tot mai mare, ceea ce duce la o crestere a pretului energiei electrice. Soarele, apa si pamantul sunt elementele care alcatuiesc lumea noastra si reprezinta o sursa de energie regenerabila. Aceasta energie este curata, lipsita de costuri si disponibila in cantitati uriase pentru a fi transferata din mediul inconjurator in casele noastre. Pompele de caldura MyClima sunt un exemplu excelent de obtinere eficienta si curata a energiei. Consuma doar 25% energie electrica pentru a produce 100% energie termica ceruta, iar restul de 75% se obtine din energia solara inmagazinata in mod natural in sol. Cu atat mai mult, fiind localizata in apropierea unei surse de apa sau a unei panze freatice, se poate realiza un schimb de caldura direct prin exploatarea domeniului de temperatura scazut al apei. In Europe, an average household consumes more than 80% of its energy needs just for heating and domestic hotwaterproduction.This means that homes represent a significant percentage of total energy consumption. Traditional energy systems not only pollute the environment, due to natural gas and oil combustion, but also imply higher energy costs due to the ever growing demand. Sun, water, and earth are the elements of our world and are renewable energy sources. Clean energy free of charge available in large amounts to be transferred from the environment to our homes for our comfort. MyClima heat pumps are a perfect example of how to obtain clean and efficient energy: It takes only 25% of consumed energy to produce 100% of the required heating energy; the remaining 75% is obtained from the solar energy naturally stored in the soil. Furthermore, being located close to a water source or an underground stratum allows for a direct heat exchange, exploiting waters reduced temperature range.

Caldura pamantului Pamantul reprezinta o sursa de caldura regenerabila. Energia inmagazinata provine de la soare si din caldura naturala a scoartei terestre. Acest tip de energie termica este gratuita si disponibila in cantitati foarte mari, insa trebuie transferata de la sol la locuinte. Energia geotermala este o energie curata si reprezinta o resursa nu doar pentru consumatorul final ci pentru intreg ecosistemul. Cum sa schimbi caldura intre sol si locuinte Energia geotermala este disponibila la o temperatura constanta (aproximativ 14C de la 20 pana la 100 m adancime) in tot cursul anului, dar insuficient pentru a alimenta intreg sistemul de incalzire. Pompa de caldura GEO transfera caldura din sol prin cresterea temperaturii lichidului termic de transfer, cu ajutorul compresorului alimentat exclusiv de la tabloul electric. Acest proces este eficient in particular; de fapt cu ajutorul a 1 kW energie electrica se realizeaza 5 kW energie termica. Eficienta este asigurata pe tot parcursul anului, spre deosebire de schimbatoarele de caldura racite cu aer. Prin inversarea ciclului pe timp de vara, pompa de caldura GEO are capacitatea de a raci spatiul interior prin eliminarea caldurii in exterior, contribuind la mentinerea echilibrului energetic. Cum functioneaza un sistem geotermal Suprafata de teren pe care este construita casa poate furniza suficienta energie pentru incalzirea si racirea locuintei. Exista mai multe solutii pentru a realiza schimbul de caldura intre o sursa subterana si un fluid termoconvectiv: - sonde orizontale ingropate la circa 2 metri adancime; - sonde verticale (80 - 120 m adancime); - apa din panza freatica, rau sau lac. Un fluid termo-convectiv, de obicei apa sau amestec glicol-apa, circula in interiorul sondelor transferand caldura catre pompa de caldura GEO, astfel realizand-se necesarul de racire, incalzire si ACM. Earth heat Earth is a renewable heat source. The energy it contains comes from the sun and the natural heat of the crust. This energy is free of charge and available in large amounts; it must only be transferred from the soil to the homes. Geothermal energy and clean energy represent an essential source not only for the end user but also for the entire ecosystem. How to exchange heat between soil and homes Geothermal energy is available at a constant temperature (approximately 14 C at between 20 and 100 m depth) throughout the year, but it is not enough to supply the entire heating system. GEO heat pumps transfer the heat from the soil, increasing the temperature of the thermovector fluid by means of the compressor powered solely by electricity. This process is particularly efficient; in fact, 1 kW of electricity can produce up to 5 kW of thermal energy. Efficiency is ensured throughout the year, unlike air-heat exchangers. By reversing the cycle during summer, GEO heat pumps can cool your home by releasing the heat captured inside to the outdoors, thereby settling the energy balance. How does a geothermal system work? The soil on which the house is built can be a sufficient energy source to heat and cool your home. There are several solutions to exchange heat between an underground source and the thermovector fluid: - horizontal heat exchanger probes buried 2 metres deep; - vertical probes (buried 80 - 120 m deep); - stratum, river or lake water. A thermovector fluid, usually water or a glycol-water mixture, flows inside the probes, transferring the heat to the GEO heat pump, thereby making it available for heating, cooling and sanitising.

Sonde orizontale Acest tip de sonde trebuie ingropat la 1 - 1,5 m adancime (intotdeauna cu 20 cm sub limita de inghet) in sol, care nu trebuie sa fie insamantat. Se utilizeaza sonde din PE (DN 25 sau DN 32): fiind necesara o suprafata de 2,5 - 3 ori mai mare decat suprafata desfasurata ce urmeaza a fi incalzita. Indicatii: - Ideal teren umed si argilos. - Nu se redirectioneaza apa pluviala pentru umidificarea si regenerarea solului. - Nu se asfalteaza deasupra suprafetei colectorului. - Se evita copacii si arbustii cu radacini adanci. - Circuitul de tevi trebuie sa fie prevazut cu bariera de vapori pentru a evita procesul de condensare si formarea ghetii .
RANDAMENT/YIELD Substrat/Subsoil Sol nisipos, uscat/ Dry sandy soil Sol nisipos, umed/ Moist sandy soil Sol aderent, uscat/ Dry cohesive soil Sol aderent, umed/ Dry cohesive soil Nisip/pietris saturat Saturated sand/gravel Randament [W/m2] Yield [W/m2] 1015 1520 2025 2530 3040

Horizontal heat exchanger probes This type of probes must be buried 1 - 1.5 m deep (always 20 cm below the freezing limit) in the soil, which must be left unsown. PE probes (DN 25 o DN 32) require an average lawn surface equal to 2.5 3 times the area to be heated. Indications: - Ideal moist and clay soils. - Do not divert rainwater through drains to optimise soil regeneration. - Do not pave over the surface of the manifold - Avoid tree and bushes with deep roots. - The circuit piping must be provided with a water vapour barrier to prevent condensation and ice dams from forming. Sonde verticale in circuit inchis (apa-glicol) Sonda verticala necesita un foraj in sol cu un diametru de 150 mm in care se introduce un circuit de tevi PE izolate cu un amestec de bentonita. Teava din PE (DN 32 pentru dublu U cu 4 tevi sau DN 40 pentru simplu U cu 2 tevi) In functie de calitatea solului, pentru fiecare kW cerut de catre pompa de caldura este necesara o lungime medie a sondei de 15-20 m. Indicatii: - Adancimea de forare variaza intre 80 si 120 m. Pentru cereri mai mari se folosesc mai multe puturi in paralel. - In cazul multiplelor forari trebuie mentinuta o distanta de 8-10 m intre puturi pentru a evita interferentele termice. - Pentru forajul sondelor verticale trebuie avuta in vedere o distanta acceptabila fata de fundatia cladirii pentru a preveni slabirea solului si perturbatiile termice. Se recomanda consultarea unui geolog.
RANDAMENT/YIELD Substrat/Subsoil Substrat prost (sol uscat)/ Bad subsoil (dry soil) Piatra sau sol umed/ Rock or moist soil Piatra cu inalta conductivitate/High conductivity rock Nisip/pietris uscat Dry gravel/sand Nisip/pietris saturat Saturated gravel/sand Argila, namol umed/ Moist clay, silt Randament [W/m2] Yield [W/m2] 20 50 70

<20 55-65 30-40

Closed circuit vertical probes (water-glycol) Piatra calcaroasa/Limestone 45-60 Vertical probes require a perforation of approximately 150 rock mm diameter where a PE pipe circuit is placed (geothermal Nisip pietrificat/ 55-65 probe) sealed with a bentonite mixture. Sandstone PE probes (DN 32 for double-U pipes or DN 40 for U-pipes) According to the soil quality, for every thermal kW yielded by Granit/Granite 55-70 the heat pump an average between 15 and 20 m probe is Gneiss 60-70 required. Indications: - Drilling depth ranges between 80 and 120 m. For larger demands, several parallel probes must be used. - In the event of multiple drilling, keep the probes at a distance of at least 8 - 10 m (grid) to prevent thermal interference. - When drilling vertical probes, always provide for an adequate distance from the building foundations in order to prevent soil subsidence and thermal strain. It is advisable to consult a geologist.

Sisteme geotermale
Geothermal systems
Puturi cu apa freatica Asezarea in apropiere de o sursa de apa sau o panza freatica permite un schimb de caldura direct. Apa utilizata este reintrodusa ulterior in pamant cu ajutorul unui put secundar, dupa ce s-a realizat schimbul de caldura cu o pompa geotermala . Se considera debitul sistemului geotermal de 4 l/min/kW (incalzire). Indicatii: - Utilizarea panzelor de apa freatica necesita o autorizare prealabila obligatorie din partea autoritatilor competente. - Temperatura minima a apei nu trebuie sa scada sub 7C, in timp ce temperatura maxima nu treuie sa depaseasca 20C. - Calitatea apei trebuie sa respecte proprietatile fizico-chimice indicate in tabel la sfarsitul paragrafului; astfel un schimbator de caldura in placi extern, care permite inspectia trebuie sa fie amplasat intre pompa de caldura si circuitul de apa din put. - Nivelul panzei freatice detectate trebuie sa fie urmarit prin curgerea continua pentru 24-48 de ore, asigurandu-va ca dupa aceasta perioada nivelul de apa din strat nu a scazut ( daca a scazut trebuie gasita o panza freatica mai mare sau de adancime mai mare). - Este important sa se asigure o distanta de 10-15 m intre putul de aspiratie si putul de evacuare pentru a preveni amestecarea celor doua tipuri de apa (nu se aplica daca apa este reintrodusa intr-o panza freatica diferita de cea din care se aspira).

Stratum-water wells Being located close to a water source or an underground stratum allows for a direct heat exchange. The water withdrawn is reintroduced through a second well after exchanging heat with the heat pump. The geothermal system flow rate is 4 l/min/kW (heating). Indications: - The use of groundwater strata requires prior mandatory authorisation by the Province of competence. - Minimum water temperature must not drop below 7C, whereas maximum water temperature must not exceed 20C. - The quality of the water must comply with the indications in the chemical-physical properties table at the end of the paragraph; otherwise, an external inspectable plate heat exchanger must be placed between the heat pump and the well water circuit. - The level of the detected stratum must be measured by having it bleed continuously for 24 48 hours, making sure that after this period the level of the stratum has not decreased (if so, a deeper or larger stratum must be found). - It is important to ensure a distance of at least 10-15 m between the suction well and the drainage well to prevent underground hydraulic short-circuits (unless water is reintroduced in a stratum at a different level from the suction well).

Sisteme de incalzire Pompele de caldura geotermale sunt sisteme avansate de energie care sunt integrate in sisteme cu anumite caracteristici de baza, cum ar fi izolarea termica excelenta, in special pentru aplicatiile de racire pe timp de vara. Este important a se lua in considerare temperaturile de functionare: solutia economica si eficienta de utilizare a pompelor geotermale este setarea la o temperatura de 50C pentru preparare ACM si 35-40C pentru sistemul de incalzire. De aceea motivul pentru care un sistem clasic se monteaza in aval de sistemul geotermal (cu exceptia uscatoarelor de prosoape si radiatoarelor de baie) poate fi: - un sistem de incalzire prin pardoseala la temperatura scazuta - un sistem de incalzire prin perete la temperatura scazuta - un sistem de incalzire prin plafon la temperatura scazuta - un sistem de incalzire prin panouri radiante la temperatura scazuta (ca inlocuitor pentru radiatoarele vechi) - un sistem de incalzire prin convectie la temperatura medie (ca inlocuitor pentru radiatoarele vechi) - un sistem de incalzire cu ventiloconvectoare la temperatura medie (ca inlocuitor pentru radiatoarele vechi) - radiatoare port-prosop supradimensionate cu rezistenta electrica sau cu aerisitor in serie cu circuitul primar al cazanului. In cazul in care exista zone in instalatie radiante (pardoseala sau perete), sau in cazul in care sistemul de incalzire nu are destul volum de apa/inertie termica, trebuie prevazut un separator hidraulic sau un acumulator de caldura pentru a asigura o circulatie adecvata in pompa de caldura pentru o functionare normala. Heating systems Geothermal heat pumps are advanced energy systems that are integrated in systems with certain basic features e.g., good thermal insulation class, especially for cooling applications during summer. It is important to consider the operating temperatures: The economic convenience of using a geothermal heat pump is set to a 50C flow temperature in domestic hot water production and at lower temperatures (35-40 C) for the flow to the heating system. This is why a typical system to be installed downstream a geothermal system (except for heated towel rails and radiators for bathrooms) can be: - a low temperature floor radiant heating system - a low temperature radiant wall heating system - a low temperature ceiling radiant heating system - low temperature radiant plate heating system (e.g. as a replacement for old radiators) - medium temperature convection heating systems (e.g. as a replacement for old radiators) - medium temperature fan coil heating system (e.g. as a replacement for old radiators) - oversized heated towel rails with auxiliary heating element or bleeding of the primary boiler circuit. In the event there are several areas designed on the (floor or wall) radiant system i.e., in the event the heating system does not have enough water content/thermal inertia, it must be provided with a hydraulic breaker or a heat storage device to ensure adequate water circulation in the geothermal pump for a regular operation.

Pompe de caldura geotermale apa-apa

012 Caracteristici principale Main features
- Compresor scroll cu eficienta ridicata/ High efficiency scroll-compressor - Pompe de circulatie cu inverter pe cele trei circuite (instalatie, sanitar, geotermal / Inverter circulators on the three circuits (plant, sanitary, geothermal) - ACM cu recuperare totala / Total DHW recovery - Preparare ACM pana la 65C / DHW production up to 65C - Gestionare Galileus pentru intreg sistemul / Galileus regulation for the whole system - Pana la 5 pompe de caldura in cascada/ Up to 5 heat pumps in cascade

Water-water geothermal heat pumps GEO HF 6-33

Pompa de caldura geotermala reversibila cu preparare integrata ACM cu eficienta ridicata Reversible geothermal heat pump with integrated, highly efficient domestic hot water production Putere de la 6 la 33 kW / Power from 6 to 33 kW Functii / Functions
Preparare de apa calda pentru instalatie / Production of hot water for plant Preparare de apa rece pentru instalatie / Production of chilled water for plant Preparare ACM la temperatura ridicata / Production of high temperature sanitary water Preparare ACM prioritar si simultan cu prepararea pentru instalatie / Production in priority of DHW and simultaneous for plant

Aplicatii / Applications
Schimb pe sonda Exchange on probe Schimb pe put Exchange on well






VERSIUNI / MODELS GEO/R GEO/R/P GEO GEO/P Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu sonde geotermale/ Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu put/ Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with well Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie, cu sonde geotermale / Heating-cooling for plant with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie, cu put / Heating-cooling for plant with well

013 Date tehnice/ Technical

Marimi / Sizes 6 Functionare iarna B0/W35 (A) / Winter Functioning B0/W35 (A) Putere termica / Thermal power kW 5,7 Putere absorbita de compresor / Compressor absorbed power kW 1,30 COP 4,38 Instalatie / Plant Side Debit apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate m3/h 0,98 Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure mca 6,6 Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power kW 0,07 Geotermal / Geotherm side Putere frigorifica de schimb in sonda / Cooling power to exchange in probe kW 4,3 Debit fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate m3/h 1,22 Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure mca 6,1 Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power kW 0,07 Sanitar B0/W50 (B) / Domestic Side B0/W50 (B) Putere termica / Thermal power kW 5,2 Debit apa / Domestic water flow rate m3/h 0,89 Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure mca 4,4 Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power kW 0,05 Functionare iarna W5/W35 (C) / Winter functioning W5/W35 (C) Putere termica / Thermal power kW 7,5 Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power kW 1,4 COP 5,39 Instalatie / Plant Side Debit apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate m3/h 1,30 Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure mca 5,97 Put / Well size Putere frigorifica de schimb in put / Cooling power to exchange in well kW 6,1 Debit de fluid put / Well liquid flow rate m3/h 1,03 Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca 0,3 Functionare vara B30/W18 (D) / Summer Functioning B30/W18 (D) Putere frigorifica / Cooling power kW 7,6 Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power kW 1,6 EER 4,90 Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate m3/h 1,31 Inaltime de pompare instalatie / Plant head pressure mca 5,8 Geotermal / Geotherm side Putere termica de schimb in sonda / Thermal power to exchange in probe kW 9,3 Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate m3/h 2,67 Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure mca 4,3 Tip compresor / Compressor type Numar de compresoare / Number of compressors Agent frigorific / Refrigerant Alimentare electrica / Power supply V/Ph/Hz 230-50 Diametre racorduri hidraulice / Hydraulic connections diameters Vase de expansiune (instalatie si geot.) / Expansion vessels (plants and geot.) litri/litres Cantitate maxima in circuitul de apa / Water circuit maximum content litri/litres 29 Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1m dB(A) 48 Greutate fara ambalaj / Weights without packaging Kg 146 Greutate cu ambalaj / Weights with packaging Kg 151 8 7,9 1,82 4,34 1,36 6,1 0,07 5,8 1,65 5,4 0,07 7,3 1,26 4,0 0,05 10,5 2,1 5,10 1,80 5,58 8,3 1,41 5,4 10,7 2,2 4,80 1,84 5,2 12,6 2,17 4,6 12 11,2 2,59 4,32 1,93 5,6 0,07 8,8 2,53 8,1 0,14 10,2 1,75 5,8 0,07 15,0 2,8 5,29 2,58 4,20 11,3 1,93 0,5 14,7 3,1 4,72 2,53 4,1 19,2 3,30 5,0 1 230-50 / 400-3N-50 1 29 48 153 158 57 50 169 175 16 13,8 3,20 4,30 2,37 4,7 0,07 10,9 3,11 5,5 0,14 12,5 2,15 5,1 0,07 18,7 3,6 5,23 3,22 3,34 13,7 2,34 0,6 18,7 3,8 4,92 3,22 3,0 24,8 4,27 3,1 Scroll R407c 4 20 16,0 3,70 4,32 2,74 7,5 0,14 12,5 3,57 5,9 0,14 14,9 2,56 4,5 0,07 21,2 4,0 5,26 3,65 4,23 17,7 3,01 0,6 22,6 4,8 4,74 3,88 3,3 28,0 4,82 3,8 24 18,5 4,28 4,33 3,19 6,6 0,14 14,5 3,53 4,9 0,14 17,4 2,99 6,6 0,14 25,1 4,8 5,21 4,32 4,93 17,8 3,04 0,7 26,7 5,5 4,89 4,59 4,9 34,2 5,88 4,2 2 400-3N-50 114 53 215 220 8 114 55 262 270 11/4 114 59 302 310 33 27,0 6,25 4,32 4,65 10,9 0,31 20,3 5,81 8,5 0,31 25,3 4,35 5,5 0,14 36,5 6,9 5,31 6,28 8,82 29,5 5,02 0,7 36,8 7,6 4,83 6,33 7,8 44,7 7,69 6,0

57 51 195 200

TOATE CONDITIILE DE FUNCTIONARE INDICATE SUNT CONFORM NORMATIVULUI EN14511 ALL INDICATED WORK CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION EN14511 (A) (B) (C) (D) Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit sanitar: 45/50 C In-Out Circuito extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3 C In-Out Domestic circuit: 45/50C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit utilitati : instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: apa de put 10/5 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: well water 10/5C In-Out Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 23/18 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 30/35 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 23/18C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 30/35C In-Out

Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.


MARIMI/SIZES 6-8 620 575 970 30 12 620 650 1050 30 16-20 620 650 1050 30 24-33 880 1040 30


Pompe de caldura geotermale apa-apa

014 Caracteristici principale Main features
- Compresor scroll cu inalta eficienta / High efficiency scroll-compressor - Pompe de circulatie pe cele trei circuite (instalatie, sanitar, geotermal) / Pumps on the three circuits (plant, sanitary, geothermal) - ACM cu recuperare totala / Total DHW recovery - Preparare ACM pana la 65C / DHW production up to 65C - Gestionare Galileus pentru intreg sistemul / Galileus regulation for the whole system - Pana la 5 pompe de caldura in cascada / Up to 5 heat pumps in cascade

Water-water geothermal heat pumps GEO HF 40-100

Pompa de caldura geotermala reversibila cu preparare integrata de ACM cu eficienta ridicata Reversible geothermal heat pump with integrated, highly efficient domestic hot water production Putere de la 40 la 100 kW / Power from 40 to 100 kW Functii / Functions
Preparare apa calda pentru instalatie / Production of hot water for plant Preparare apa rece pentru instalatie / Production of chilled water for plant Preparare ACM la temperatura ridicata / Production of high temperature sanitary water Preparare ACM prioritar si simultan cu prepararea pentru instalatie / Production in priority of DHW and simultaneous for plant

Aplicatii / Applications
Schimb pe sonda Exchange on probe Schimb pe put Exchange on well






VERSIUNI / MODELS GEO/R GEO/R/P GEO GEO/P Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu sonde geotermale / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu put / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with well Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie, cu sonde geotermale / Heating-cooling for plant with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie, cu put / Heating-cooling for plant with well

015 Date tehnice / Technical

Marimi / Sizes Functionare iarna B0/W35 (A) / Winter Functioning B0/W35 (A) Putere termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Geotermal / Geotherm side Putere frigorifica de schimb in sonda / Cooling power to exchange in probe Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Sanitar B0/W50 (B) / Domestic Side B0/W50 (B) Putere termica / Thermal power Debit de apa / Domestic water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Functionare iarna W5/W35 (C) / Winter functioning W5/W35 (C) Putere termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Put / Well size Putere frigorifica de schimb in put / Cooling power to exchange in well Debit de fluid put / Well liquid flow rate Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss Functionare vara B30/W18 (D) / Summer Functioning B30/W18 (D) Putere frigorifica / Cooling power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power EER Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare instalatie / Plant head pressure Geotermal / Geotherm side Putere termica de schimb in sonda / Thermal power to exchange in probe Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Tip compresor / Compressor type Numar compresoare / Number of compressors Agent frigorific / Refrigerant Alimentare electrica / Power supply Diametre racorduri hidraulice / Hydraulic connections diameters Vase de expansiune (instalatie si geot.) / Expansion vessels (plants and geot.) Cantitate maxima in circuitul de apa / Water circuit maximum content Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1m Greutate fara ambalaj / Weights without packaging Greutate cu ambalaj / Weights with packaging 40 kW kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h mca 32,2 7,1 4,51 5,54 16,1 0,82 25,5 7,31 12,5 0,82 30,6 5,26 4,3 0,14 42,6 7,8 5,46 7,33 4,80 35,3 6,07 1,4 44,2 8,9 4,96 7,60 12,2 52,8 9,08 8,8 50 42,8 9,7 4,41 7,36 13,3 0,82 33,6 9,63 13,8 1,12 39,2 6,74 3,1 0,14 54,8 10,6 5,16 13,14 11,70 44,8 7,71 8,7 58,2 11,7 4,97 10,01 6,8 69,4 11,94 13,1 60 57,6 12,9 4,46 9,91 14,3 1,12 45,4 13,01 11,2 1,12 52,6 9,05 3,8 0,31 76,4 14,3 5,34 11,35 11,00 62,8 10,80 1,5 81,0 16,2 5,00 13,9 11,1 96,4 16,58 10,9 Scroll 2 R407c 400-3N-50 1 1/2 70 656 671 80 70,6 16,0 4,41 12,14 13,0 1,12 55,4 15,88 11,4 1,44 64,8 11,15 6,0 0,82 92,4 17,4 5,31 15,89 9,80 75,8 13,04 1,4 96,4 19,0 5,07 16,58 9,3 114,4 19,68 10,8 100 86,4 19,4 4,45 14,86 13,3 1,44 68,0 19,49 10,0 1,44 81,8 14,07 11,9 1,12 114,6 21,8 5,25 19,71 10,00 94,0 16,17 2,9 120,0 24,0 5,00 20,64 8,7 142,8 24,56 7,1

V/Ph/Hz litri/litres litri/litres dB(A) Kg Kg

11/4 63 495 510

1 1/2 70 647 662

1 1/2 70 732 747

2 73 784 799

TOATE CONDITIILE DE FUNCTIONARE INDICATE SUNT CONFORM NORMATIVULUI EN14511 ALL INDICATED WORK CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION EN14511 (A) (B) (C) (D) Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit sanitar: 45/50 C In-Out Circuito extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3 C In-Out Domestic circuit: 45/50C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit utilitati : instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: apa de put 10/5 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: well water 10/5C In-Out Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 23/18 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 30/35 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 23/18C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 30/35C In-Out DIMENSIUNI DIMENSIONS L P H F 40 1200 914,7 1344 60 50 1200 914,7 1344 60 MARIMI/SIZES 60 1200 914,7 1344 60 80 1200 914,7 1344 60 100 1200 914,7 1344 60

Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.


Pompe de caldura geotermale apa-apa

016 Caracteristici principale Main features
- Compresor scroll cu inalta eficienta / High efficiency scroll-compressor - Pompe de circulatie on-off pe cele trei circuite (instalatie, sanitar, geotermal) / On-off circulators on the three circuits (plant, sanitary, geothermal) - ACM cu recuperare totala / Total DHW recovery - Preparare ACM pana la 55C / DHW production up to 55C - Gestionare Galileus pentru intreg sistemul/ Galileus regulation for the whole system - Pana la 5 pompe de caldura in cascada / Up to 5 heat pumps in cascade

Water-water geothermal heat pumps GEO ADV PLUS

Pompa de caldura geotermala reversibila cu preparare integrata de ACM Reversible geothermal heat pump with integrated domestic hot water production Putere de la 6 la 33 kW / Power from 6 to 33 kW Functii / Functions
Preparare apa calda pentru instalatie / Production of hot water for plant Preparare apa rece pentru instalatie / Production of chilled water for plant Preparare ACM la temperatura ridicata / Production of high temperature sanitary water Preparare ACM prioritar si simultan cu prepararea pentru instalatie / Production in priority of DHW and simultaneous for plant

Aplicatii / Applications
Schimb pe sonda Exchange on probe Schimb pe put Exchange on well






VERSIUNI / MODELS GEO/R GEO/R/P GEO GEO/P Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu sonde geotermale / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu put / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with well Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie, cu sonde geotermale / Heating-cooling for plant with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie, cu put / Heating-cooling for plant with well

017 Date tehnice / Technical

Marimi / Sizes Functionare iarna BO/W35 (A) / Winter Functioning B0/W35 (A) Putere termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Geotermal / Geothermal Side Putere frigorifica de schimb in sonda / Cooling power to exchange in probe Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Sanitar / Domestic Side B0/W50 (B) Putere termica / Thermal power Debit de apa sanitar / Domestic water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Functionare iarna W5/W35 (B) Putere termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss Put / Well side Putere frigorifica de schimb in put / Cooling power to Exchange in well Debit de fluid put / Well liquid flow rate Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss Functionare vara B30/W18 (C) / Summer functioning B30/W18 (c) Putere frigorifica / Cooling power Putere absorbita schimbator / Compressor absorbed power EER Instalatie / Plant side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare instalatie / Plant head pressure Geotermal / Geothermal side Putere termica de schimb in sonda / Thermal power to exchange in probe Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Agent frigorific / Refrigerant Tip compresor / Compressor type Numar de compresoare/ Number of compressors Alimentare electrica / Power supply Diametre racorduri hidraulice / Hydraulic connection dimensions Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1m Racorduri circuit instalatie / Plant side connections Racorduri circuit geoterm./put / Well/geotherm. side connections Greutate fara ambalaj / Weights with package Greutate cu ambalaj / Weight without package 6 kW kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h mca 5,7 1,30 4,38 0,98 4,3 0,08 4,3 1,22 3,4 0,08 5,2 0,89 2,8 0,05 7,7 1,4 5,49 1,30 3,38 6,1 1,03 0,31 9,5 1,8 5,27 1,31 3,6 9,3 2,67 3,7 1 V/Ph/Hz dB(A) Kg Kg 230-50 1 48 2 29 146 151 litri litri 1 48 2 29 153 158 8 7,9 1,82 4,34 1,36 3,9 0,08 5,8 1,65 3,0 0,08 7,3 1,26 2,4 0,05 10,7 2,1 5,18 1,80 3,64 8,3 1,41 5,35 11,4 2,1 5,42 1,84 3,1 12,6 2,17 3,1 1 12 11,2 2,59 4,32 1,93 4,7 0,13 8,8 2,53 3,5 0,13 10,2 1,75 3,2 0,08 15,3 2,8 5,40 2,58 3,73 11,3 1,93 0,52 16,4 3,1 5,29 2,53 3,6 19,2 3,30 3,1 1 230-50 / 400-3N-50 1 50 4 57 169 175 16 13,8 3,20 4,30 2,37 5,4 0,20 10,9 3,11 3,8 0,20 12,5 2,15 3,4 0,13 19,1 3,6 5,34 3,22 3,92 13,7 2,34 0,55 23,5 4,0 5,80 3,22 3,9 24,8 4,27 3,5 R 407c Scroll 1 1 51 4 57 195 200 20 16,0 3,70 4,31 2,74 5,3 0,20 12,5 3,57 3,9 0,20 14,9 2,56 2,9 0,14 21,6 4,0 5,37 3,65 4,10 17,7 3,01 0,55 27,2 4,7 5,78 3,74 3,6 28,0 4,82 3,5 1 1 53 8 114 215 220 24 18,5 4,28 4,33 3,19 4,8 0,20 14,5 4,16 8,0 0,41 17,4 2,99 5,0 0,20 25,6 4,8 5,31 4,32 5,82 17,8 3,04 0,69 31,7 6,2 5,11 4,59 3,5 34,2 5,88 6,1 2 400-3N-50 11/4 55 8 114 262 270 33 27,0 6,25 4,32 4,65 7,8 0,41 20,3 5,81 5,5 0,41 25,3 4,35 3,5 0,20 37,2 6,9 5,41 6,28 5,76 29,5 5,02 0,7 45,8 8,5 5,38 6,33 4,0 44,7 7,69 4,5 2 11/4 59 8 114 302 310

TOATE CONDITIILE DE FUNCTIONARE INDICATE SUNT CONFORM NORMATIVULUI EN14511 ALL INDICATED WORK CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION EN14511 (A) (B) (C) (D) Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit sanitar: 45/50 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3 C In-Out Domestic circuit: 45/50C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit utilitati : instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: apa de put 10/5 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: well water 10/5C In-Out Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 23/18 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 30/35 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 23/18C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 30/35C In-Out DIMENSIUNI DIMENSIONS L P H F 6-8 620 575 970 30 MARIMI/SIZES 12 620 650 1050 30 16-20 620 650 1050 30 24-33 800 880 1040 30

Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.

Schema instalatiei
Layout plant GEO HF / GEO ADV PLUS

6 5


1 2 3

Pompa de caldura GEO / GEO heat pump Sonda geotermala sau put / Geothermal probe or well MFREE Modul Freecooling / MFREE freecooling unit Dezumidificatoare / Dehumidifiers Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Robinet cu 3 cai de amestec / Mixing valve Rezervor inertial pentru instalatie / Storage tank for plant Kit robinet by-pass / Kit deviation valve Colector solar / Solar collectors Radiator portprosop / Towel heater Preparator instant ACM SET / SET on demand production unit Rezervor acumulare circuit sanitar / Sanitary water storage tank

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12




Pompe de caldura geotermale apa-apa

020 Caracteristici principale Main features
- Compresor scroll de inalta eficienta/ High efficiency scroll-compressor - Pompe de circulatie externe pe cele 3 circuite, la cerere / External circulators for 3 circuits on demand - Preparare ACM pana la 65C cu kit accesorii pentru montaj extern/ DHW production up to 65C with accesory kit for external mounting - Gestionare Tolomeus pentru intreg sistemul / Tolomeus regulation for the whole system

Water-water geothermal heat pumps GEO EASY HT/HTR

Pompa de caldura geotermala la temperatura ridicata High temperature geothermal heat pump Putere de la 6 la 33 kW / Power from 6 to 33 kW Functii / Functions
Preparare apa calda la temperatura ridicata pentru instalatie/ Production of high temperature hot water for plant Preparare apa rece pentru instalatie (versiunea HTR) / Production of chilled water for plant (HTR version) Preparare apa calda menajera (impreuna cu accesoriul) / Production of sanitary water (with related accessory)

Aplicatii / Applications
Schimb pe sonda Exchange on probe Schimb pe put Exchange on well







Incalzire si preparare ACM (accesoriu) cu sonda geotermala sau put/ Heating for plant and DHW production (accessory) with geothermal probe or well Incalzire-Racire si preparare ACM (accesoriu) cu sonda geotermala sau put / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production (accessory) with geothermal probe or well

Compatibilitate accessorii Accessories compatibility

Kit control cu comutare sanitar Domestic diverter control kit Kit cu comutare Easy Easy diverter kit MFREE Kit control MFREE Control kit MFREE

Kit pompa instalatie Plant circulator kit

Kit pompa circuit geotermal Geotherm circulator kit

Kit presostat Pressure switch kit

Kit solenoid Solenoid kit

Kit sonda aer extern External air probe kit

Kit resistenta carter Guard resistance kit

Kit resistenta schimbatoare Exchangers resistance kit

Kit disjunctor (1) Phase cut kit (1)

Kit izolatie termica compresor Compressor insulation kit

EASY HT sonda geotermala EASY HT geotherm EASY HT apa de put EASY HT water well EASY HTR sonda geotermala EASY HTR geotherm probe
EASY HTR apa de put EASY HTR water well

nota (1) se presente anche il modulo freecooling il taglio di fase non puo essere montato note (1) if free cooling module is also present, the phase cut cannot be assembled.

021 Date tehnice / Technical Data

Marimi / Sizes Functionare iarna BO/W35 (A) / Winter Functioning B0/W35 (A) Putere termica / Thermal power kW Putere absorbita compresor/ Compressor absorbed power kW COP Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate m3/h Pierderi de caldura schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Geotermal/Geothermal side Putere frig. de schimbat in sonda / Cooling power to exchange in probe kW Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate m3/h Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Sanitar/ Domestic side Putere termica / Thermal power kW Debit de apa sanitar / Domestic water flow rate m3/h Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Functionare iarna W5/W35 (B) Putere termica / Thermal power kW Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power kW COP Instalatie / Plant side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate m3/h Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Put / Well side Putere frig. de schimbat in put / Cooling power to Exchange in well kW Debit de fluid put / Well liquid flow rate m3/h Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Functionare vara B30/W18 (C) / Summer functioning B30/W18 (c) Putere frigorifica / Cooling power kW Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power kW COP Instalatie / Plant side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate m3/h Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Geotermal / Geothermal side Putere termica de schimb in sonda / Thermal power to exchange in probe kW Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate m3/h Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss mca Agent frigorific / Refrigerant Tip compresor / Compressor type Numar de compresoare / Number of compressors Alimentare electrica / Power supply V/Ph/Hz Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1m dB(A) Racorduri instalatie / Plant side connections Racorduri circuit geotermal/put / Well/geothermal side connections 6 5,7 1,30 4,38 0,98 0,3 4,3 1,22 0,6 5,2 0,89 0,5 7,5 1,4 5,36 1,29 0,43 6,1 1,05 0,3 7,6 1,5 5,07 1,31 0,7 9,3 2,67 1,0 8 7,9 1,82 4,34 1,36 0,3 5,8 1,66 0,7 7,3 1,26 0,3 10,5 2,1 5,00 1,81 0,52 8,3 1,43 0,4 10,7 2,2 4,86 1,84 0,7 12,6 2,17 1,0 12 11,2 2,59 4,32 1,93 0,4 8,8 2,52 0,9 10,2 1,75 0,4 15,0 2,8 5,36 2,58 0,45 11,3 1,94 0,5 14,7 3,1 4,74 2,53 0,8 16 13,8 3,20 4,30 2,37 0,5 10,9 3,11 0,1 12,5 2,15 0,4 18,7 3,6 5,19 3,22 0,76 13,7 2,36 0,6 18,7 3,8 4,92 3,22 0,8 24,8 4,27 1,0 20 16,0 3,70 4,31 2,75 0,5 12,5 3,57 1,0 14,9 2,56 0,4 21,2 4,0 5,30 3,65 0,77 17,7 3,04 0,6 22,6 4,8 4,71 3,88 1,0 28,0 4,82 1,4 24 19,8 4,60 4,30 3,41 0,5 15,2 4,36 1,0 18,1 3,11 0,4 26,7 5,3 5,04 4,59 0,81 21,6 3,72 0,7 27,8 6,0 4,63 4,78 1,0 33,6 5,78 1,4 33 28,4 6,50 4,37 4,88 0,8 22,3 6,39 1,7 26,1 4,49 5,5 37,6 7,2 5,22 6,47 0,77 30,8 5,30 0,7 40,5 8,1 5,00 6,97 7,8 48,2 8,29 6,0

1 48 1" M 1" M

19,2 3,30 1,0 R 407c Scroll 1 1 230-50/400-3N-50 49 50 1" M 1" M 1" M 1" M

1 52 1" M 1" M

1 400-3N-50 54 1"1/4 F 1"1/4 F

1 63 1"1/4 F 1"1/4 F

1 69 1"1/4 F 1"1/4 F

TOATE CONDITIILE DE FUNCTIONARE INDICATE SUNT CONFORM NORMATIVULUI EN14511 ALL INDICATED WORK CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION EN14511 (A) (B) (C) Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit utilitati : instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: apa de put 10/5 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: well water 10/5C In-Out Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 23/18 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 30/35 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 23/18C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 30/35C In-Out

Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.


MARIMI/SIZES 6-16 500 660 835 30 20-33 670 855 935 30


Schema instalatiei
Layout plant GEO EASY HT / HTR


11 10

8 2

1 2

Pompa de caldura GEO / GEO heat pump Sonda geotermala sau put / Geothermal probe or well MFREE Modul Freecooling / MFREE freecooling unit Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Kit robinet by-pass circuit sanitar / Kit deviation valve for sanitary circuit Colectori solari / Solar collectors Preparator instantaneu ACM SET / SET on demand production unit Rezervor acumulare sanitar / Sanitary water storage tank Unitate de pompare circuit solar / Solar station unit Kit pompare instalatie / Kit circulator for plant Kit pompare sonde geotermale / Kit circulator for goethermal probe Acumulator inertial compact pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant

3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11


Pompe de caldura geotermale apa-apa

024 Caracteristici principale Main features
- Structura monobloc cu rezervor de 180lt pentru preparare ACM/ Integrated compact unit with 180lt storage tank for DHW production - Compresor scroll / Scrollcompressor - pompe de circulatie on-off pe cele doua circuite (instalatie, sanitar) / On-off circulators on the two circuits (plant, sanitary) - Pompe de circulatie on-off sau cu inverter pe circuitul geotermal (optional) / On-off or inverter circulator on the geothermal circuit (optional) - ACM cu recuperare totala / Total DHW recovery - Preparare ACM pana la 58C / DHW production up to 58C - Gestionare Galileus pentru intreg sistemul/ Galileus regulation for the whole system - Pana la 5 pompe de caldura in cascada / Up to 5 heat pumps in cascade

Water-water geothermal heat pumps DOMUS

Pompa de caldura geotermala reversibila cu acumulare termica integrata pentru preparare apa calda menajera Reversible geothermal heat pump with integrated thermal accumulation for the production of the domestic hot water production Putere de la 6 la 16 kW / Power from 6 to 16 kW Functii / Functions
Preparare apa calda pentru instalatie / Production of hot water for plant Preparare apa rece pentru instalatie / Production of chilled water for plant Preparare ACM la temperatura ridicata / Production of high temperature sanitary water Preparare ACM prioritar si simultan cu prepararea pentru instalatie / Production in priority of DHW and simultaneous for plant

Aplicatii / Applications
Schimb pe sonda Exchange on probe Schimb pe put Exchange on well






VERSIONI / MODELS DOMUS Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu sonde geotermale / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with geothermal probe Incalzire-Racire pentru instalatie si preparare ACM, cu put / Heating-cooling for plant and DHW production with well


025 Date tehnice / Technical

Marimi / Sizes Functionare iarna B0/W35 (A) / Winter functioning B0/W35 (A) Putere termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Geotermal / Geotherm side Putere frigorifica de schimbat in sonda / Cooling power to exchange in probe Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Sanitar B0/W50 (B) / Domestic Side B0/W50 (B) Putere termica / Thermal power Apa calda preparata in primele 10 la 42 C / Hot water produced in the first 10 at Vas de expansiune / Expansion vessel Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Functionare iarna W5/W35 (C) / Winter functioning W5/W35 (C) Putere termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Put / Well size Putere frigorifica de schimb in put / Cooling power to exchange in well Debit de fluid put / Well liquid flow rate Pierderi de sarcina schimbator / Exchange load loss Functionare vara B30/W18 (D) / Summer functioning B30/W18 (D) Putere frigorifica / Cooling power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power EER Instalatie / Plant Side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare instalatie / Plant head pressure Geotermal / Geotherm side Putere termica de schimbat in sonda / Thermal power to exchange in probe Debit de fluid sonda / Probe liquid flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Head pressure Agent frigorific / Refrigerant Tip compresor / Compressor type Numar de compresoare/ Number of compressors Alimentare electrica/ Power supply Diametre racorduri hidraulice / Hydraulic connections diameters Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1 m 6 kW kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW kW litri litri kW kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h mca 6,1 1,41 4,32 1,05 3,8 0,09 4,8 1,37 3,1 0,09 5,8 76 8 0,09 7,7 1,4 5,54 1,32 3,30 6,5 1,12 0,7 8,6 1,4 6,00 1,35 3,1 9,8 1,40 3,0 1 V/Ph/Hz dB(A) 1 44 8 7,6 1,76 4,31 1,31 5,0 0,13 6,1 1,75 3,6 0,13 6,8 81 8 0,09 9,7 1,7 5,71 1,67 4,35 8,2 1,41 0,9 10,4 1,6 6,50 1,79 3,8 11,8 2,03 3,4 10 9,4 2,17 4,32 1,62 4,9 0,13 7,5 2,15 3,7 0,13 8,6 90 8 0,09 12,3 2,1 5,86 2,12 4,00 10,5 1,81 0,7 14,1 2,3 6,13 2,43 3,6 14 12,3 2,70 4,56 2,12 4,2 0,06 9,8 2,81 3,5 0,06 12,1 2,07 8,0 0,09 16,1 2,7 5,99 2,77 3,40 13,8 2,67 0,8 18,4 2,9 6,34 3,16 2,8 20,6 3,54 2,1 1 1 48 16 14,1 3,25 4,34 2,43 3,6 0,06 11,0 3,15 2,7 0,06 12,8 2,20 8,0 0,09 18,6 3,2 5,73 3,13 3,00 15,7 2,67 0,8 20,8 3,1 6,71 3,58 2,2 23,3 4,01 1,6 1 400-3N-50 1 49

15,8 2,72 3,0 R410a Scroll 1 1 230-50 / 400-3N-50 1 1 46 47

TOATE CONDITIILE DE FUNCTIONARE INDICATE SUNT CONFORM NORMATIVULUI EN14511 ALL INDICATED WORK CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION EN14511 (A) (B) (C) (D) Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit sanitar: 45/50 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 0/-3 C In-Out Domestic circuit: 45/50C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 0/-3C In-Out Circuit utilitati : instalatie radianta 30/35 C In-Out Circuit extern: apa de put 10/5 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 30/35C In-Out External circuit: well water 10/5C In-Out Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 23/18 C In-Out Circuit extern: sonda geotermala apa-glicol 20% 30/35 C In-Out Utility circuit: radiant plant 23/18C In-Out External circuit: glycol water geotherm probe 20% 30/35C In-Out

Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.


MARIMI/SIZES 6 600 600 2000 30 8 600 600 2000 30 10 600 600 2000 30 14 600 600 2000 30 16 600 600 2000 30

Schema instalatiei
Layout plant DOMUS

1 2

1 2

Pompa de caldura DOMUS / DOMUS heat pump Sonda geotermala sau put / Geothermal probe or well MFREE Modul Freecooling / MFREE freecooling unit Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Colectori solari / Solar collectors Kit solar DOMUS / Solar kit DOMUS Acumulator inertial compact pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant Utilizare ACM / DHW use

3 4 5 6 7

Sistem aer-apa
Air-water system
028 O alternativa excelenta pentru incalzirea traditionala
- Aerul exterior, o resursa mereu disponibila si gratuita - Sistem simplu, impact minim arhitectural - Economie de energie importanta - Reduceri semnificative ale emisiilor de CO2 - Incalzire, racire si preparare apa calda menajera prin intermediul unui singur sistem

Excellent alternative to traditional heating

- Outside air, always available and free resource - Simple design, minimized architectural impact - Important energy saving - Significant reduction in CO2 emissions - Heating, cooling and domestic hot water production by means of one single system

Cum functioneaza o pompa de caldura aer-apa?

Pompele de caldura aer-apa folosesc o sursa de energie sustenabila prin extragerea caldurii existente in aerul exterior la temperaturi scazute. Vaporizarea, condensarea, comprimarea si laminarea alcatuiesc ciclul frigorific ce permite ridicarea caldurii extrase la o temperatura mai mare. Apoi energia este transferata prin intermediul unui schimbator de caldura in sistemul de distributie, cum ar fi incalzirea prin pardoseala, radiatoare cu agent termic la temperatura scazuta si/sau ventiloconvectoare.

How does an air-water heat pump work?

Air-water heat pumps use a sustainable energy source by extracting the heat present in outdoor air at low temperature. Evaporation, condensation, compression and expansion create the refrigeration cycle that allows to raise the extracted heat to a higher temperature. Then energy is transferred by means of a heat exchanger to the distribution system, such as floor heating, low temperature radiators and/or fan coil.

Gama de produse
Sistem cu eficienta energetica ridicata, avand componente integrate pentru incalzire, racire si preparare apa calda menajera cu inverter DC. High Energy efficient system of integrated components for the heating, cooling and domestic hot water production with DC inverter.







Putere de la 6,8 la 16 kW Power from 6.8 up to 16 kW

Pompa de caldura aer-apa pentru preparare eficienta si ecologica de apa calda menajera pana la 60C Air-water heat pump for efficient and environmentally-friendly domestic hot water up to 60C.
7 8

1 2

Pompa de caldura aer-apa / Air-water heat pump Rezervor acumulare 300 lt / 300-lt. storage unit Intrare apa rece / Domestic cold water inlet Utilitati (baie/dus) / Utilities (bathroom/ shower) Unitate de pompare circuit solar / Solar pump unit Panou solar / Solar collector Intrare aer pompa de caldura/ Heat pump air inlet Tubulatura de aer /Air duct



3 4

4 2

5 6

Pompe de caldura aer-apa

Air-water heat pumps SISTEM IDEA / IDEA SYSTEM
030 Componente principale Main components
Idea (Unitate Interna) Unitatea interna, inima sistemului Idea, arata ca o centrala murala clasica de perete. Cu unitate de control cu microprocesor pentru controlul si gestionarea incalzirii si racirii apei din sistem, in vederea obtinerii unui confort maxim. Unitatea de condensare DCInverter (Unitate exterioara) Este alcatuita dintr-o unitate de condensare cu inverter; pe timp de iarna aceasta tehnologie permite extragerea caldurii din aerul exterior cu maxima eficienta. Vara, prin inversarea ciclului frigorific se obtine racirea aerului interior. Idea (Indoor unit) The heart of the Idea system is the indoor unit, which looks like a traditional wall-mounted water heater. With a microprocessor control unit to manage and control the heating and cooling of the water running through the system for maximum room comfort. DC-Inverter condensing unit (Outdoor unit) It consists of a condensing unit with inverter; in winter this technology allows to extract heat from outdoor air at maximum efficiency .In summer, a pleasant cooling is obtained by inverting the cooling cycle.

Sistem integrat pentru incalzire, racire si preparare ACM Integrated system for heating, cooling and DHW production Putere de la 6 la 16 kW / Power from 6 to 16 kW Functii / Functions
Preparare apa calda pentru instalatie / Production of hot water for plant Preparare apa rece pentru instalatie/ Production of chilled water for plant Preparare ACM / Production of hot sanitary water







Combinatii clasice pentru sistemul IDEA / Typical combinations for the IDEA system
Panou solar/ Panels

cantitate de ACM preparata in primele 10 minute la 42C cu temperatura rezervorului de stocare la 50C Conform EN-255 DHW litres produced during the first 10 minutes at 42C with a storage unit temperature of 50C in compliance with EN-255 Cu pompa de caldura si/ sau rezistenta el. With heat pump and/ or supplementary resistance

Marime/ Model





Litri/minut min./ nominal Litres/minute Min./nominal

Timp reintegrare ore/Reintegration time hours

Doar cu rezistenta el. suplimentara/Only with supplemental resistance

Timp de reintegrare ore/Reintegration time hours

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

300 500 300 500 750 300 500 750 1000

2 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 7

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40

2 / 24 2 / 24 2 / 24 2 / 24 2 / 24 2 / 24 2 / 24 2 / 24 4 / 38

100 150 107 157 220 121 171 234 297

0.30 0.50 0.23 0.39 0.59 0.16 0.27 0.41 0.55

89 139 89 139 201 93 143 205 268

0.56 1.34 0.56 1.34 2.21 0.42 1.10 1.46 2.21


031 Date tehnice / Technical

Marime/Size Functionare iarna A7/W35 (A) / Winter operation A7/W35 (A) Putere termica Max/Min / Max/Min heating capacity Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power COP Instalatie / Plant side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Useful head Putere absorbita pompa / Pump absorbed power Extern / External side Debit de aer/ Air flow rate Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1m Putere absorbita ventilator / Fan absorbed power Sanitar A7/W50 (B) / DHW side A7/W50 (B) Putere termica / Heating capacity Debit de ACM / DHW flow rate Functionare vara A35/W18 (C) / Summer operation A35/W18 (C) Putere frigorifica / Cooling power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power EER Instalatie / Plant side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare instalatie / Plant useful head Functionare vara A35/W7 (D) / Summer operation A35/W7 (D) Putere frigorifica putere absorbita compresor EER Instalatie/ Plant side Debit de apa instalatie/ Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare instalatie/ Plant useful head Resistenta electrica integrata / Integration resistor Vas de expansiune/ Expansion tank Continut maxim pe circuitul de apa / Max circuit water capacity Agent frigorific / Coolant Tip compresor / Compressor type Alimentare electrica / Power supply Teava de lichid / Fluid pipe Teava de gaz / Gas pipe Lungime maxima / Max length Diferenta de nivel maxima / Max level difference Greutate fara ambalaj / Weight (unpacked) Greutate cu ambalaj / Weight (with packaging) 6 kW kW m3/h mca kW m3/h dB(A) kW kW m3/h kW kW m3/h mca kW kW m3/h mca kW lt. lt. 5.8/3.0 1.5 3.86 0.99 4.8 0.13 2400 56 0.12 5.6 0.97 6.1 1.6 3.80 1.04 4.5 4,7 1,5 3,22 1,04 4,5 3 8 8.0/4.2 2.0 4.00 1.37 4.5 0.13 3000 55 0.15 7.2 1.23 8.0 2.1 3.80 1.38 4.1 6,2 1,9 3,24 1,38 4,1 3 10 350 R410a Rotativ/Rotary 230-N-50 9.53 16 30 15 32 35 12 11.7/5.9 2.8 4.17 2.00 4.0 0.13 5000 57 0.20 10.3 1.77 11.9 3.1 3.83 2.04 3.8 9,2 2,9 3,20 2,04 3,8 4 16 14,8 3,8 3,94 2,54 3,2 0,13 5000 57 0,20 13,3 2,28 14,3 3,8 3,80 2,46 3,4 11,1 3,5 3,21 2,04 3,8 4

V/Ph/Hz mm mm m m kg kg

6.35 12.7 25 15 30 33

9.53 16 30 20 34 37

9,53 16 30 20 34 37

TOATE CONDITIILE DE FUNCTIONARE INDICATE SUNT CONFORM NORMATIVULUI EN14511 ALL INDICATED WORK CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION EN14511 (A) (B) (C) (D) Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 30/35 C In/Out; Circuit extern: aer exterior 7C-85% RH (umiditate relativa) User circuit: radiant plant 30/35 C In/Out; External circuit: external air 7 C-85% RH Circuit sanitar 45/50 C In/Out; Circuit extern: aer exterior 7C-85% RH DHW circuit: 45/50 C In/Out; External circuit: external air 7 C-85% RH Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 23/18 C In/Out; Circuit extern: aer exterior 35C -50% RH User circuit: radiant plant 23/18 C In/Out; External circuit: external air 35 C-50% RH Circuit utilitati: instalatie radianta 12/7 C In/Out; Circuit extern: aer exterior 35C -50% RH User circuit: radiant plant 23/18 C In/Out; External circuit: external air 35 C-50% RH

Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.

DIMENSIUNI/DIMENSIONS L P H mm mm mm 6 515 270 816 8 515 270 816 12 515 270 816 16 515 270 816


mm mm mm

6 890 340 707

8 930 330 860

12 990 360 960

16 990 360 960


Schema instalatiei
Layout plant SISTEM IDEA

5 4

11 3


1 2 Idea (Unitate interioara) / Idea (indoor unit) Unitate de condensare cu DC Inverter (Unitate exterioara) / DC Inverter condensing unit (outdoor unit) Rezervor acumulare apa / Water storage unit Acumulator inertial compact instalatie / Inertial storage unit compact system Set - preparator instantaneu ACM / SET - DHW preparation unit Colector solar / Solar collector Sistem radiant / Radiant system Robinet by-pass sistem/ACM System/DHW bypass valve Intrare apa calda menajera / Domestic hot water inlet Iesire ACM / Domestic hot water outlet Resistenta integrata / Resistor by integration Unitate de pompare circuit solar / Solar pump control unit

3 4

6 7 8 9 10 11


Pompe de caldura aer-apa

Air-water heat pumps EOS PLUS
034 Caracteristici principale Main features
- Structura monobloc cu acumulator termic integrat pentru preparare ACM/ Integrated compact unit with storage tank for DHW production - Preparare ACM pana la 60C / DHW production up to 60C - Reglare MyEnergy / MyENergy regulation - Integrarea si gestiunea unui sistem termic solar (optional) / Integration and managing the solar thermal (optional) - Domeniu de functionare: pana la -4C (aer exterior) / Application range: up to -4C (external air) - Tubulatura flexibila pentru introducere si refulare aer / Available flexible ducts for air intake and delivery - Sistem integrat pentru degivrare / Integral defrosting system - Functie ciclu antilegionella / Anti-legionella cycle

Pompa de caldura aer-apa pentru preparare eficienta de ACM Air-water heat pump for efficient DHW production Functii / Functions
Preparare apa calda menajera la temperatura ridicata / Production of high temperature sanitary water



Componente / Components
1 2 3 4 Pompa de caldura aer-apa / Air-water heat pump Rezervor acumulare 300 lt / 300-lt. storage unit Intrare apa rece / Domestic cold water inlet Utilitati (baie/dus) / Utilities (bathroom/ shower) Unitate de pompare circuit solar / Solar pump unit Panou solar / Solar collector Intrare aer pompa de caldura/ Heat pump air inlet Tubulatura de aer /Air duct
4 2 1 5 7 8 6

Ventilator centrifugal Centrifugal fan Schimbator Heat exchanger Pompa de circulatie Circulation pump Reglare Adjustment

Unitate vaporizare Evaporating unit Robinet ciclu invers Reverse cycle valve Compresor rotativ Rotary compressor

5 6 7

Schimbator solar Solar exchanger

035 Date tehnice / Technical

Mod Sanitar / Domestic mode Putere Termica / Thermal power Putere absorbita compresor / Compressor absorbed power Putere absorbita pompa circulatie instalatie / Plants pump absorbed power Putere absorbita ventilator / Fan absorbed power COP Sanitar / Domestic side Debit de apa instalatie / Plant water flow rate Inaltime de pompare / Useful head Temperatura maxima apa la iesire / Max outlet water temperature Presiune maxima de lucru pe partea apei / Max working pressure - water Diametru racorduri / Fitting diameter Ventilator / Fan Putere frigorifica de schimb / Exchange cooling power Debit de aer / Air flow Disponibil de presiune / Useful head Temperatura de functionare aer exterior / Outdoor operating air temperaDiametru racord tubulatura / Round duct fitting diameter Lungime maxima tubulatura / Max duct length Resistenta electrica integrata / Integration heating element Putere rezistenta electrica / Heating element output Diametru racord / Fitting diameter Termostat de reglaj si protectie / Thermostat for adjustment and protection Date generale / General information Tip compresor / Compressor type Numar compresoare / Number of compressors Alimentare electrica / Power supply Agent frigorific R134a / R134a coolant Nivel de zgomot la 1m / Sound pressure at 1 m Greutate fara ambalaj / Weight (unpacked) Greutate cu ambalaj / Weight (with packaging) CONDITII NOMINALE NOMINAL CONDITIONS (*) (**) Valori calculate la temperatura aerului 15C si umiditate relativa 71%, temperatura apei la intrare 15C Values calculated at 15C air temperature, 71% relative humidity and 15C inlet water temperature. Valoare masurata cu tubulatura de livrare. Value measured with delivery duct. V/Ph/Hz kg dB(A) kg kg Rotativo 1 230-50 0,55 50 (**) 93 100
Datele tehnice din acest document sunt orientative si nu implica obligatii din partea producatorului. The technical data in this document are indicative and do not commit the manufacturer.

kW kW kW kW

1,73 0,29 0,04 0,15 3,68 (*)

m3/h mca C Bar

0,4 1,2 60 6 3/4

kW m3/h Pa min/max mm m kW C

0,96 500 82 -4/32 150 10 1,2 11/4 47

DIMENSIUNI/DIMENSIONS A B C D E F mm mm mm mm mm mm 650 1754 150 85 141 186


Sisteme hibride
036 Avantajele sistemului IANUS Benefits of the IANUS system
- Energie termica si electrica prin intermediul aceluiasi panou solar/ Thermal and electrical energy from the same solar panel - Imbunatatirea suprafetei de absorbtie a panoului / Improved use of panel absorbing surface area - Randament fotovoltaic crescut prin racirea celulelor / Increased PV yield through cell cooling - Reduceri la costurile cu materiale si instalare / Reduced material and installation costs - Generare autonoma de energie electrica/ Autonomous electric power generation - Utilizarea stimulentelor la costurile cu energia + deducere fiscala / Use of state incentives feed-in tariff + tax relief - Utilizarea energiei la costuri reduse pentru pompa de caldura, rezultand o imbunatatire a bilantului energetic de consum / Use of reduced rate meter for the heat pump, resulting in improved energy consumption balance

Ianus: Ultima generatie de tehnologie ecologica

Sistemul IANUS este un sistem autonom ce combina pompa de caldura geotermala cu panouri hibride termofotovoltaice PV/T. Asigura incalzirea locuintei, racirea si HEATING COOLING HOTWATER prepararea apei calde menajere prin intermediul energiei electrice generate. Sistemul IANUS transforma energia regenerabila si gratuita din aerul exterior si de la soare, in energie termica si electrica necesara locuintei. IANUS profita din plin de disponibilul de energie regenerabila fara a utiliza combustibili fosili si fara a contribui la emisiile gazelor cu efect de sera.

Ianus: The latest green technology generation

IANUS is an autonomous system combining a geothermal heat pump with hybrid photovoltaic thermal panels. It provides house heating, cooling and domestic hot water production using the electrical power generated. The IANUS system transforms free and renewable air and solar energy into the thermal and electric power needed by the housing unit. IANUS makes the most out of available renewable energy with no need for any fossil fuel, and without contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

randament fotovoltaic % photovoltaic yield %

95 85 75 65 55 45 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Panou standard Standard panel Panou racit Cooled panel Temperatura panouluiC Panel temperature C

Ce inseamna sistem hibrid?

Panourile fotovoltaice hibride PV/T transforma in energie electrica o parte din radiatia solara absorbita si transfera pompei de caldura energia termica generata de radiatie si de puterea electrica produsa. Se obtin astfel doua beneficii importante: se creaza conditiile pentru functionarea eficienta a pompei de caldura (COP ridicat) aceasta primind de la panourile PV/T energia electrica si energia termica necesare pentru a functiona; se reduce temperatura de functionare a panourilor PV/T, crescand producerea de energie pana la 30%.

What does hybrid system mean?

Hybrid PV/T collectors transform part of the absorbed solar radiation into electric power and transfer to the heat pump the thermal energy generated by radiation and by the electric power produced. Two important benefits are therefore obtained: - the conditions for the efficient operation of the heat pump are created (high COP), as the pump receives the necessary electric and thermal energy from PV/T collectors; - PV cell operating temperature is reduced, thus increasing kWh production by up to 30%.

Functionarea componentelor sistemului este coordonata si optimizata de catre softul Galileus, care creaza conditiile optime pentru comfort si utilizare usoara a tehnologiei. In caz de inghet sau formare de gheata pe fata panoului fotovoltaic, fapt ce ar putea duce la o intrerupere in producerea de energie electrica, sistemul indeparteaza gheata automat, incalzind suprafata de sticla prin inversarea ciclului frigorific pentru o scurta perioada. Sistemul asigura acelasi nivel ridicat de comfort si in caz de zapada, gheata sau ger. Se imbunatateste eficienta producerii de energie prin incalzirea suprafetei panoului in cel mai economic mod si prin functionarea acestuia un timp cat mai scurt posibil.

Principalele componente ale sistemului IANUS sunt: Main components of the IANUS system are:
- Pompa de caldura pentru incalzire, racire si preparare ACM / Heat pump for heating, cooling and DHW production -Panouri termo-fotovoltaice hibridePV/T / Hybrid PV/T panels - Rezervor de acumulare instalatie / Plant storage tank - Modul FREE HEATING ce contine schimbator de caldura in placi, robinet cu 3 cai pentru deviere si pompa de circulatie; incalzeste ACM doar prin intermediul radiatiei solare (daca este suficienta) fara a porni compresorul pompei de caldura / FREE HEATING kit containing a plate heat exchanger, 3-way deviation valve and circulation pump; it heats DHW under sufficient solar radiation conditions without activating the heat pump compressor - Drycooler: este folosit vara pentru a disipa excesul de caldura de la pompa de caldura si panourile PV/T Dry cooler: is used during summer to dissipate excess heat from the heat pump and the PV/T panels

The system components operation is coordinated and maximized by Galileus software, which creates the right conditions for high comfort and a simple use of technology. In case of frost or ice formation on the front side of the PV/T panel that would cause an interruption in electricity production, the system automatically remove them by shortly reversing the refrigeration cycle and heating the glass surface. The system ensures the same level of comfort with high performances even in case of snow, ice or frost. It improves power production efficiency by heating the panel surface in the most costeffective way and making it run in the shortest time possible.


Combinatii tipice pentru unitati interioare de la 6 la 10 kW Typical combinations for housing units from 6 to 10 kW
Domus Panou termo fotovoltaic Thermalphotovoltaicpanel Kit Freeheating A-AM-AMI Kit Drycooler Kit deviere Kit diverter

Marime/Size 6 8 10

n 19 26 34

kWp 4,5 6 8

n 1 1 1

litri/liters 100 100 100

Marime/Size Dry 6-8 Dry 6-8 Dry 10-12

n 1 1 1

Solutii cu sistemul hibrid IANUS

IANUS hybrid system plant solutions
Sunt propuse in continuare solutii de instalatii cu sistemul IANUS in concordanta cu cererea energetica a unitatii de locuit. Plant solutions with Ianus system are proposed below according to the energy demand of the housing unit.
1 Pompa de caldura GEO EASY HT/ GEO EASY HT heat pump Panou termo fotovoltaic / Thermal photovoltaic panel Drycooler Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Kit robinet deviatie IANUS / Kit deviation valve IANUS Rezervor compact inertial pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant Kit pompa de circulatie instalatie / Kit circulator for plant Kit pompa de circulatie sonda geotermala / Kit circulator for goethermal probe


4 2

3 4



4 2

7 6 3





Pompa de caldura GEO EASY HT/ GEO EASY HT heat pump Pompa de caldura DOMUS / DOMUS heat pump Panou termo fotovoltaic / Thermal photovoltaic panel Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Kit robinet deviatie IANUS / Kit deviation valve IANUS Rezervor compact inertial pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant Kit pompa de circulatie instalatie / Kit circulator for plant Kit pompa de circulatie sonda geotermala / Kit circulator for goethermal probe Preparator instantaneu ACM SET / SET on demand DHW production unit Rezervor acumulare sanitar / Sanitary water storage tank

4 3




cu / with DOMUS



Solutii cu sisteme hibride IANUS

IANUS hybrid system plant solutions
1 Pompa de caldura GEO HF / GEO HF heat pump Pompa de caldura DOMUS / DOMUS heat pump Panou termo fotovoltaic / Thermal photovoltaic panel Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Kit robinet deviatie IANUS / Kit deviation valve IANUS Rezervor compact inertial pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant HFREE kit free heating GEO / Kit free heating GEO HFREE kit free heating DOMUS / Kit free heating DOMUS Preparator instantaneu ACM SET / SET on demand DHW production unit Rezervor acumulare sanitar / Sanitary water storage tank

INCALZIRE + ACM +TERMO SOLAR HEATING + DHW + SOLAR THERMAL cu GEO HF + HFREE kit free heating / with GEO HF + HFREE kit free heating

4 7 5



cu DOMUS + HFREE kit free heating with DOMUS + HFREE kit free heating


1 Pompa de caldura GEO HF / GEO HF heat pump Pompa de caldura DOMUS / DOMUS heat pump Panou termo fotovoltaic / Thermal photovoltaic panel Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Kit robinet deviatie IANUS / Kit deviation valve IANUS Rezervor compact inertial pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant HFREE kit free heating GEO / Kit free heating GEO HFREE kit free heating DOMUS / Kit free heating DOMUS Preparator instantaneu ACM SET / SET on demand DHW production unit Rezervor acumulare sanitar / Sanitary water storage tank Drycooler






9 6

1 1

cu DOMUS / with DOMUS




Solutii cu sistemul hibrid IANUS

IANUS hybrid system plant solutions
1 Pompa de caldura GEO HF / GEO HF heat pump Panou termo fotovoltaic / Thermal photovoltaic panel Sonda geotermala / Geothermal probe Incalzire prin pardoseala / Floor heating Kit robinet deviatie IANUS / Kit deviation valve IANUS Rezervor compact inertial pentru instalatie / Compact storage tank for plant HFREE kit free heating GEO / Kit free heating GEO Preparator instantaneu ACM SET / SET on demand DHW production unit Rezervor acumulare sanitar / Sanitary water storage tank




4 7 5


1 9


Prin combinarea pompei de caldura cu o sursa dubla (geotermala + panou PV/T), aceasta primeste energia necesara pentru a asigura o functionare corecta atat iarna (incalzire) cat si vara (racire). De asemenea permite imbunatatirea managementului sursei de energie, reducand suprafata necesara de panou fotovoltaic si numarul si adancimea sondelor. In timpul racirii, caldura disipata de catre pompa de caldura si panou - care intre timp se racesc - este schimbata in sonda geotermala pentru a obtine un efect regenerant folositor solului, ce functioneaza ca un acumulator termic pentru urmatoarea perioada de incalzire. By combining the heat pump with a double source (geothermal probe + PV/T panel), the heat pump receives the power needed to ensure the proper operation of the same for winter heating and summer cooling. It also allows to maximize energy source management, reducing the area of the photovoltaic field and the depth and number of probes. During cooling, the heat dissipated by the heat pump and the panel which, in the meantime, is cooled down is exchanged in the geothermal probe to obtain a useful soil regeneration effect, working as thermal storage for the following heating phase.

Accesorii pentru instalatii geotermale

Accessories for geothermal plants

Descriere/Description Modulul freecooling pentru racire pasiva foloseste in mod direct energia frigorifica disponibila in sol pentru conditionarea aerului pe timp de vara. Unitate completa cu structura din tabla de otel vopsita, schimbator de caldura in placi, robinet de deviatie actionat electric. Gestionarea este asigurata de catre softul Galileus. Freecooling module is the method that makes direct use of the cooling energy available in the subsoil for summer air conditioning. Complete with structure in painted steel, high efficiency plate heat exchanger, electric diverter valve. Regulation optimezed by Galileus software.


MFREE mic/small MFREE mediu/medium MFREE mare/large MFREE A MFREE B MFREE C pentru marimile 6-8 / for sizes 6-8 pentru marimile 12-14-16 / for sizes 10-12-14-16 pentru marimile 20-24-33 / for sizes 20-24-33 pentru marimile 40-50 / for sizes 40-50 pentru marimile 60 / for size 60 pentru marimile 80-100 / for sizes 80-100

Descriere/Description Modulul freeheating pentru incalzire pasiva foloseste in mod direct energia termica disponibila prin intermediul panourilor PV/T ale sistemului Ianus. Unitate completa cu structura din tabla de otel vopsita, schimbator de caldura in placi, robinet de deviatie actionat electric. Gestionarea este asigurata de catre softul Galileus. Freeheating module is the method that makes direct use of the heating energy available in the PVT panel in Ianus system. Complete with structure in painted steel, high efficiency plate heat exchanger, electric diverter valve. Regulation optimezed by Galileus software.


HFREE mic/small HFREE mediu/medium HFREE mare/large pentru marimile 6-8 / for sizes 6-8 pentru marimile 12-14-16 / for sizes 10-12-14-16 pentru marimile 20-24-33 / for sizes 20-24-33

Accesorii pentru instalatii geotermale

Accessories for geothermal plants


Model Descriere/Description Kit solar pentru pompele de caldura GEO ADV HF. Este o unitate de control echipata cu placa de management a sistemului de pompare solar si placa de contacte pentru senzorii de temperatura inclusi (2), ce sunt amplasati pe colectori si rezervorul de acumulare. Softul Galileus gestioneaza integrarea colectorilor solari si functionarea corecta a acestora. Solar kit for heat pumps GEO ADV - HF is a control unit supplied with solar circulator management board and contacts board for included temperature sensors (2), to be placed on collectors and thermal accumulator. Galileus software manages the integration of the collectors and their correct operation. Modul dedicat controlului sistemului solar, folosit impreuna cu pompa de caldura DOMUS, echipat cu placa de management a sistemului de pompare solar, placa de contacte pentru senzorii de temperatura inclusi (2) si toate componentele hidraulice necesare (pompa de circulatie laterala, pompa de circulatie circuit solar, schimbator de caldura si robinet de deviatie). Solar system control module used with DOMUS heat pump complete with solar circulatormanagementboard,temperaturesensorcontactsboard(2)andallnecessary hydrauliccomponents(system-sidecirculator,solarcirculator,exchanger,anddiverter valve) Modul de control al sistemului solar pentru sistemul IANUS. Gestioneaza panoul termo fotovoltaic PV/T ca si colector termic. Controlul se face prin softul Galileus (doar pentru GEO HF). Solar system control module for IANUS System, manage the PVT thermalphotovoltaic panel as a thermal collector. Control by Galileus software (only for GEO HF). Kit alcatuit dintr-un panou de control pentru reglarea colectorilor solari. Introdus in interiorul unitatii Idea, permite transferul de caldura de la colectorii solari la incalzitorul de apa prin intermediul unui schimbator de caldura extern. It consists of a dedicated control card to adjust solar collectors. Fitted inside the Idea unit, it allows to transfer the heat supplied by thermal solar collectors to the water heater through an external heat exchanger. Kit alcatuit dintr-un panou de control pentru reglarea colectorilor solari. Introdus in interiorul unitatii EOS PLUS, permite transferul de caldura de la colectorii solari la incalzitorul de apa prin intermediul unui schimbator de caldura extern. It consists of a dedicated control card to adjust solar collectors. Fitted inside the EOS PLUS unit, it allows to transfer the heat supplied by thermal solar collectors to the water heater through an internal heat exchanger.






Descriere/Description Placa de retea pentru conectare si management complet al pompei de caldura prin Internet, nu necesita instalare de soft. Necesita conexiune permanenta la Internet cu IP fix. Network board for the connection and complete management of the heat pump via Internet, does not require the installation of software. It requires a permanent Internet connection with fixed IP.



Descriere/Description Kit cu robinet de deviere actionat electric la 24V, gestionat de sistemul Galileus, pentru transferul si recuperarea energiei termice gratuite, distribuind-o catre rezervorul de acumulare sanitar sau rezervorul de acumulare al instalatiei (impreuna cu kit control pentru GEO EASY). Diverter valve with electric actuator at 24V governed by the Galileus system for the transfer and recovery of the free thermal energy distributing it inside the domestic storage or the plant storage (with electric control kit for GEO Easy).


Descriere/Description Kit de control al temperaturii si umiditatii ambientale constand in placa de extensie si sonde la distanta pentru managementul mai multor zone. Management in fiecare zona pentru : robinet de amestec, pompa hidraulica si dezumidificatoare independente, controlul umiditatii/temperaturii cu doua seturi de valori, confort si economic, valoare de referinta si punctul de roua pentru reglarea pe timpul verii. Room temperature and humidity control kit consisting o fan expansion board and remote probes for managing up to n complete areas. Management for each area of: mixing valve, hydraulic pump and stand alone dehumidifiers, temperature/humidity control with double set point, comfort or economy, switching to watch and dew point calculation for the summer regulation.



Descriere/Description Robinet de amestec cu servomotor modulant pentru controlul temperaturii debitului de la incalzirea in pardoseala. Servo-motor modulating mixing valve for controlling the temperature of the flow to the radiant floor.


Descriere/Description Schimbator de caldura cu aer pentru controlul temperaturii superficiale a panoului pe timp de vara. Air heat exchanger for the summer control of the superficial panel temperature.
Dry 6-8 15,01 0,7 3156 230-1-50 130 0,6 29 1/2 - 1/2 71 Dry 10-12 29,91 1,4 6313 230-1-50 260 1,2 32 1-1 140 35,0 - 50,0 60,0 - 40,1 30 1105 428 828 2005 428 828


Putere termica/Thermal power kW Debit de aer/Liquid flow rate m3/h Alimentare electrica/Electric power supply V-Ph-Hz Putere totala/Total power W Curent nominal total/Total Nominal Current A Nivel de zgomot (10m)/Pressure level (10 m) dB(A) Conexiuni (In-Out)/Connections (In-Out) Greutate/Weight Conditii/Conditions Temperatura aerului /Air temperature Temperatura fluid In/Out In/Out liquid temperature Fluid Propilen glicol/Propylene Glycol Liquid Dimensiuni/Dimensions L P H

kW m3/h m3/h V-Ph-Hz W A dB(A) inches kg C C % mm mm mm


Fiorini Industries S.r.l. Via Copernico, 81/85 47122 - Forl - ITALY Tel. +39 0543 723197 - Fax +39 0543 720413 - Distribuitor: AB Tehnic Profesional S.R.L. Str. Alunisului 164, sector 4, Bucuresti Tel: 021.332.08.48 email:

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