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1 CARVIREN Experiment Problem Statement and Requirements


Isabel Prez Segura, Manuel Vera Lpez (Realtrack Systems)

This deliverable provides a detailed overview of the CARVIREN experiment problem statement and requirements for both the experiment venue and EXPERIMEDIA facility operators. This document has been prepared considering particularly information enclosed in deliverables D2.1.1 (First EXPERIMEDIA Methodology), D2.2.1 (EXPERIMEDIA Baseline Components) and D4.2.1 (CAR Experiment Design and Plan).

Project acronym EXPERIMEDIA

Dissemination level: PU

Full title Experiments in live social and networked media experiences Grant agreement number 287966 Funding scheme Large-scale Integrating Project (IP) Work programme topic Objective ICT-2011.1.6 Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) Project start date 2011-10-01 Project duration 36 months Activity 4 Experimentation Workpackage 4.12 EX12 CARVIREN Deliverable lead organisation Realtrack Systems Authors Isabel Prez Segura, Manuel Vera Lpez (Realtrack Systems) Reviewers Kleopatra Konstanteli (ICCS) Athanasios Voulodimos (ICCS) Stephen C. Phillips (IT Innovation) Version 1.0 Status Final Dissemination level PU: Public Due date PM27 (2013-12-31) Delivery date 2014-02-10

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014


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Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. Executive Summary............................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Experiment Description .................................................................................................................... 6 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. Sport Areas of Experimentation ............................................................................................. 6 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................................. 6 Experiment Procedure ............................................................................................................. 7 Background ................................................................................................................................ 7 Assumptions and Preconditions ............................................................................................. 8 Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 8 Data and Metrics ....................................................................................................................... 8

3.7.1. Quality of Service (QoS) ...................................................................................................... 9 3.7.2. Quality of Experience (QoE) .............................................................................................. 9 3.7.3. Relation between QoS and QoE ...................................................................................... 10 3.8. 3.9. 4. 5. Restrictions............................................................................................................................... 10 Technical requirements .......................................................................................................... 11

Ethics and Privacy ............................................................................................................................ 12 Experiment Design .......................................................................................................................... 15 5.1. Participants ............................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.1. Athletes ................................................................................................................................. 15 5.1.2. Coaches ................................................................................................................................ 15 5.1.3. Technical Staff ..................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.4. Experimenters ..................................................................................................................... 15 5.2. Technical Assets ...................................................................................................................... 15 5.2.1. WIMU................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2.2. Sport Widgets ...................................................................................................................... 16 5.2.3. Data Acquisition and Process Server ............................................................................... 17 5.3. 5.4. Infrastructure Requirements.................................................................................................. 18 System Architecture ................................................................................................................ 18 Experiment Content Component (ECC) ............................................................................ 20 Audio Visual Content Component (AVCC) ....................................................................... 20 Integration of Social Content Component (SCC) and AVCC ......................................... 20


EXPERIMEDIA Modules.............................................................................................................. 20 6.1. 6.2. 6.3.

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Content Lifecycle .................................................................................................................... 21

6.4.1. WIMU and WIMU Sensors............................................................................................... 21 6.4.2. DAPS (DAPS Data Acquisition and Process Server) ................................................... 21 6.4.3. AVCC Module..................................................................................................................... 22 6.4.4. AVCC and SCC Integration .............................................................................................. 22 6.4.5. WIMU Mobile Transmission Unit (WMTU) .................................................................. 22 7. Plan for Implementation ................................................................................................................. 24 7.1. Steps of the Experiment ........................................................................................................ 24 7.1.1. WIMU and Communication protocols ........................................................................... 24 7.1.2. DAPS .................................................................................................................................... 24 7.1.3. Sportwis Web Server (SWS) .............................................................................................. 25 7.1.4. Sportwis ................................................................................................................................ 25 7.1.5. ECC Implementation and Alpha Version ....................................................................... 25 7.1.6. SCC and AVCC Implementation ..................................................................................... 25 7.1.7. First Beta Version ............................................................................................................... 26 7.1.8. WMTU ................................................................................................................................. 26 7.1.9. Released Candidate and Final Tests ................................................................................. 26 7.1.10. After Experiment ................................................................................................................ 26 8. 9. Risks.................................................................................................................................................... 27 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 28

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014


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1. Executive Summary
This deliverable, the experiment problem statement and requirements aims to establish all the setting up for CARVIREN experiment at the CAR. Goal of this EXPERIMEDIA experiment is to create a virtual area for the CAR environment where information generated by CAR facilities and machines are available for helping the athletes, couches and staff to improve the performance, the quality of training and develop the concept of Smart Venue. This virtual area, will be used to synchronize and save information generated by the athlete. This information shall be ready in real time and remotely. The experiment will make use of the Wi-Fi connectivity and storage facilities available at the CAR venue

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014


Dissemination level: PU

2. Introduction
CAR Virtual Environment (CARVIREN) is an experiment conducted by Realtrack Systems in the context of the FP7 EXPERIMEDIA project. The experiment consists of the development of a Virtual Community for the CAR venue accessible using a browser where cinematic and physiological parameters with high definition recordings (from every training session) will be available in real time and/or remotely (if needed), and with the aim to provide rapid feedback to improve the athletes' performance. In high performance centres, elaborated information is highly important. Information can come from multiple devices: wearables, machines, camcorders or information stored in the database. There is therefore a lot of raw data that has to be processed in order to be useful. This is one of the big problems: due the different communication protocols and because each one uses his own system, it usually takes too much time to be processed. The other problem is the availability of the coach at the venue, or even being there, the limitation of having to be in one place at a time, therefore being able to only observe one workout. Right now, the Future Media Internet brings us an opportunity to deal with these problems. First, because today technologies give us the chance to synchronize and deal with different devices in real time, and secondly, it gives the coach remote solutions, such access to training sessions from his phone, no matter where he is, and in real time. All this provides rapid feedback: elaborated and relevant information in real time and remotely if needed.

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014


Dissemination level: PU

3. Experiment Description
The experiment consists in the development of a Virtual Community for CAR venue where cinematic and physiological parameters with high definition recordings (from training sessions) will be available in real time and/or remotely (if needed), and with the aim to provide rapid feedback to improve the athletes' performance. CARVIREN will use an innovative system of hubs, which collect data from Bluetooth, Ant+ and TCP/IP devices and sync them. They can be part of the venue infrastructure and when needed, become mobile transmission units, collect data, process it and send it back to the CAR venue in real time, no matter where in the world, just using Wi-Fi connection. All these data will be accessible to different users though a virtual environment (using a browser), where different actors will have access to a series of small utilities or widgets (called Sport Widgets) that will allow them to observe the trainings and analyse the results without space or time limitation. Sport Widgets (from now on, "Sportwis") will be varied and with different functions. Users will be able to select in between different Sportwis, depending on their roles, to customize the information they want to receive. The whole experiment is focused on offering relevant and elaborated workout information in real time, facilitating athletes-coaches interaction and rapid feedback. Elaborated information provides a better rapid feedback, and the possibility to perform changes at the very same time the athlete is training in the aim of a much better high performance. Coaches will not have to analyse raw data collected by different devices one by one. It would be the CARVIREN system that will process and sync all this data, which will be shown with their corresponding HD video recordings (if available).


Sport Areas of Experimentation

Triatlon: kinematic and physiologic (Heart Rate and Muscle Oxygen) data will be collected to check performance during the combat Swimming Pool: Videos from the AVCC repository and the Social Module (to be developed by ATOS) will be used with the Synchro Swimming Team Gymnastics: for the Trampoline, to measure kinematic parameters during the flight of the gymnast and air time.

For this experiment, there will be three disciplines involved:


Learning Objectives

Regarding the different parts involved in the experiment, there are specific learning objectives we want to achieve with the CARVIREN: 1) For EXPERIMEDIA:
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EXPERIMEDIA a) b) c) d)

Dissemination level: PU

Test a way of promoting CAR Venue with Social Networks(using the SCC) Incorporated AVCC repository to our Virtual Environment. Use new technologies to improve performance in the CAR Apply new FMI tools in order to create a Virtual Network for the CAR

2) CAR Venue: a) Improve the training process, implementing remote training when needed, classes and formative material no matters where, no matters when. That is what it is called Rapid Feedback, and it's vital, for a High Performance Centre b) Develop a virtual environment that connects all actors. c) Combining devices existing in the Venue in order to have a wider vision of the workout and accomplish a smarter training. d) Combining data and video from the AV Repository and offer these information together at the same time e) Promotion using social networks and share content (approved to be shared) 3) Coaches and Athletics: a) Combine the know-how with scientific analysis and improve the workouts b) Remove physical and temporal barriers between coach and athletes. c) Establish multidisciplinary contacts


Experiment Procedure

We can identify 3 phases of the experiment: Study and Experiment set up Meeting with the CAR stakeholders (athletes, coaches and technical staff). Analyse and discuss the best way to proceed with the experiment. Study the documentation provided by CAR. Elaborate the Experiment Problem Statement and Requirements" for the experiment. It is in this stage where the sample for the experiment is chosen. In this case, Taekwondo team, Synchro Swimming Team and Trampoline. Execution of the Experiment The proper development of the experiment, starting from the setting up of the hubs and ending with the realised candidate version of the CARVIREN Final Tests Final test will probe the feasibility of the experiment. With them, we will evaluate the work done, variations and possibility for a whole scale implementation.



The High Performance Centre (HPC) (in Catalonian, Centre d'alt Rendiment, CAR) is an organisation which gives support to sport so that it can be competitive at an international level, optimizing resources of the highest technical and scientific quality. The aim is to provide the
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athletes with everything necessary for their complete training so that we can share the knowledge of their activities. CAR is also more than a traditional HPC. At CAR, academic life is as important as training. The main goal is to give athletes all the necessary help needed for their educational development. CAR has a hall of residence for training camps. CAR has been a partner of EXPERIMEDIA since the first year of the embedded experiments. That means, they already know how to deal with an EXPERIMEDIA experiment, which is a huge help for us and for the success of the experiment. The technical staff is highly prepared. Also the athletes involved in the experiment are used to dealing with new technologies. The most important aspect is their commitment to achieving the objectives described above.


Assumptions and Preconditions

AVCC module by ATOS will be working fine and will be installed in the CAR database. We will have access to the CAR sensors to configure them with WIMU. Technical staff, athletes and coaches will be involved in the experiment. CAR datacenter and Wi-Fi infrastructure

For this experiment, we have a list of assumptions:


The properties of the videos while streaming can have different resolutions, bandwidth and/or frame rate. The system's different functionalities can be turned off in some of the sessions (depending on the sensors available, the type of training, etc.).

The experiment can be parameterised in the following ways:


Data and Metrics

We are going to show elaborated information in the CARVIREN. In order to offer it, we have to collect different types of data, such as: 1) Beats per minute (BPM): collected by the heart rate belts sensors. With the BPM we can have the heart rate and intensity during the exercise. By measuring it, we can analyse the evolution while working out. 2) Oxygen in muscle: using the moxy, we can analyse how the Oxygen in the muscle decreases while exercising. 3) Kinematic data: by using accelerometers, GPS and gyroscopes, we can collect acceleration, speed and rotation. 4) Videos: training sessions videos, recorded with the HD camera installed for the AVCC module or by using other GoPro cams that CAR has.

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Dissemination level: PU

5) Contact details: from coaches and technical staff, to show them in the CARVIREN (only to authorised people, mostly other coaches and technical staff. This data comes directly from the CAR datacentre. 6) Athletes' biographical details: these are reports done by members of the CAR about sport performances and there will be accessible only for coaches with right privileges (a coach will only be able to check reports of their athletics). In order to understand the experiment, we have to define the experiment metrics: QoS (Quality of Service), QoE (Quality of Experience) and QoC (Quality of Community). The aim is not just to define these metrics, but also correlate them, and measure the success of the experiment.


Quality of Service (QoS)

Quality of Service is very important for this experiment. These variables will measure the regular use and performance of the CARVIREN system. There are basic variables we can measure during the experiment. 1) Transmission speed, delay and jitter (deviation) of the collected data (from the hubs to the datacentre). 2) Number of users connected simultaneously 3) Number of hubs working simultaneously 4) Number of sensors connected simultaneously. 5) Number of times a Sportwi has been used. 6) Information generated and shown in the Sportwis 7) Number of uploaded videos 8) Number of views for each video. These variables by themselves, cannot measure the success of an experiment. It's how they interact with each other what can measure the success of the experiment. We can group these variables in three major groups: Numbers 1 help us to measure if the system is working in real time or not, and the delay. Numbers 2, 3 and 4 give us the system requirements for the experiment. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 show the system usage.

The Requirements and the Usage will help us to determine the scale of the experiment. Do the requirements grow exponentially? Would it be possible to go for a full CAR scale?


Quality of Experience (QoE)

Information from users involved in the CARVIREN experiment is vital for a right analysis of the experiment and the experience the users have of it. These metrics need to help us to have a opinion about the usage of the system and if what we designed is being accomplished. There will be common QoE variables for all users of the CARVIREN, such as:
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Dissemination level: PU

Sportwis understanding: was it easy to understand information from the widgets? Sportwis availability: did each user access to the widget they were authorized? Time: the time since the users request a Sportwi until it actually can access, is it good enough for them? Or it's too much? Video: has the video enough quality to be useful?

This information will be collected using online pulls, by a poll system hosted by Experimedia.


Relation between QoS and QoE

All metrics are related. The QoS gives us the technical metrics of the experiment that are very important to test concepts like Real-time, Full Scale and Full usage. QoE will tell us the participant's experience. And together they give us an impact of the experiment. Analysing metrics in conjunction gives us the real added value, for instance: QoS metrics can show that the delay is huge (10 seconds, i.e.), so real time is not being accomplished, technically. But a coach comes and tells you in a QoE form, that for him it was good enough and was very glad with such a little delay when compared to other systems. An upload training session can be very fast, and the video be able right away. If this video has not quality enough, it can be worthless for the coach or the athlete. By the end of the experiment it can happen that only one coach and two athletics are using the CARVIREN. Is that a failure? Maybe the lack of use is due a non-significant improvement of the sport performance, with only a huge impact in only one of them. So it won't mean the experiment has fault, just, it is not suitable for all disciplines we defined.



The restrictions we have identified are: 1) Limitations on the system coming from external agents. 2) Sportwis use HTML5 language. Browsers that dont support this technology could not execute properly certain Sportwis. 3) The experiment success depends on: a) Bandwidth present at CAR Venue for internal use b) Bandwidth allowed by the CAR for remotely connections. Firewalls and encryption protocols may slow down the connection. c) Storage capacity and scalability of database d) Database speed access and total number of connections supported by the CAR infrastructure. 4) Due to all the above, we will have to establish the maximum number of simultaneous users during the experiment. Because of the scale of CARIVEREN experiment, system will only support a few and limited number of WIMU Hubs and WIMU Hubs-Mobiles connected. The only way to solve this problem (an issue due to the scale of the
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Dissemination level: PU

experiment) would be the full implantation of the system, so it would be able to operate without restrictions. 5) Certain Sportwis may require some computing power that some low-range tablets or smartphones could not have. 6) In real time, computing power, bandwidth, access to the server and number of user will determinate the delay in between data is collected until information is generate (and visualize).


Technical requirements

We have identified the following technical requirements: 1) High Speed Internet Connection 2) Computer processing 3) Wi-Fi infrastructure that covers the CAR area. 4) Space in the CAR datacentre. 5) In between 5-20 WIMUs (depending on the number of experiments). 6) A scalable database and backup systems 7) Virtual Machines with Linux and Windows O.S. 8) Web hosting 9) Smartphones and tablets for access compatibility and community tests. 10) Modules AVCC, ECC and SCC need to be available during the experiment execution

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Dissemination level: PU

4. Ethics and Privacy

According to detailed ethical guidelines in EXPERIMEDIA deliverable D5.1.2, all EXPERIMEDIA experiments need to be conducted in accordance with certain ethical oversight procedures. Those principles will be integrated in an adequate way into the design of the CARVIREN experiment as follows: Transparency Before participants will be asked to join CARVIREN experiment, they will be informed of all goals of the research that might reasonably be expected to influence. Not all participants have reached the age of majority (18 years old), so a special care will be taken. Concern from their parents or legal tutors will be required. Personal data Personal data of the athletes will be processed. So it becomes critical to comply with the applicable data protection legislation. For the experiment, and because one of the goals is the Rapid feedback, we specially need to identify Athletes, Coaches and Technical Stuff from the CAR, and this means to process personal data. In any case, no sensitive data such as racial, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership and/ sexual life will be use. There is sensitive data regarding the health. We are going to measure the Heart Rate and the oxygen in the muscles during the exercise. In the context of Experimedia it is related to athletic performance but this kind of information is considered to be health data, therefore it will receive such treatment in the CARVIREN experiment. Deception The experimenter will never intentionally deceive, mislead or withhold information from participants over the purpose and general nature of the experiment. Data collection The experimenter will only store user data necessary for the experiment. The users will be informed about what data is being stored and how it is being used in the experiment. User data will be anonymised in aspects where personalisation is not needed (for example, for promotion stats included in the SCC goal of our experiment). There will be no commercial usage of the user data. Realtrack Systems is going to process data from the venue (for experiment purposes only). CAR already has their agreements and consents with their athletes. In any case, and because the use of personal data we are going to do, we have signed a controller - processor agreement with the CAR where CAR is acting as Controller and RTS as Processor.
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Dissemination level: PU

Data analysis The software developed by RTS solely analyses the raw data. This data will not be interpreted by RTS. Especially, no medical analysis of the health state of the participants is performed. Such interpretation will be left to professionals (couches, technical staff). Access to data Part of the experiment is to assign roles to the participants (e.g. athletes, couches and technical staff) and define their access permissions based on the role. Members of one group (role) will be able to view only specified content, e.g. couches can see performance of the athletes in their discipline, athletes can view their own performance only (or of their team, depending on the nature of the discipline, e.g. in synchronized swimming they need to see the whole routine and not solely one swimmer). It should be clarified to the participants who can see their videos. Moreover, participants are asked not to share information with people outside the experiment or with different roles (a Non-disclosure agreements are signed).The role of parents, in case of minors, could be also considered. Withdrawal from investigation Participants will be informed about their rights to withdraw from the experiment at any time and to require the destruction of generated data collected with their contribution. Observational research CAR is a private venue, so this clause is not applicable. Data Protection Regulation The CARVIREN experiment will use the components provided by the EXPERIMEDIA project to store user data, thus ensuring accordance with EU directives and Spanish Regulations: Ley Orgnica 15/1999 - Proteccin de Datos de Carcter Personal(Organic Law 15/1999, December, 13th, Personal Data Protection).The entire text can be found in the Spanish for Official Bulletin of the State number 298, disposition 23750. CAR will contact the local DPA (Agencia Espaola de Proteccin de Datos) before starting processing data and we will submit if needed the Controller-Processor Agreement signed with us. Consortium Partner Responsibility EXPERIMEDIA partners are invited to monitor and follow CARVIREN experiment. In case of any concern, it will be consider and treated accordingly. NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) For the social media part of the experiment, these actors not involved with the Consortium will have to sign and accept a NDA. Privacy Policy in Social Media Networks For the social media part of the experiment (to test how CARVIREN could help promotion), users will have to accept the Privacy Policy of Facebook.
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We will also elaborate a privacy policy informing users of the use we are going to do with the information generate inside the experiment group. In any case, RTS will only collect usage data. Other purposes than scientific research: If such need occurs, it should be mentioned in the consent form. This would include dissemination, and valorisation purposes; as well as possible further processing by other controllers from within the consortium (in this case we might need 2 controllers CAR, IT Innovation). If such further research is required, use of personal data from the experiments should be avoided. If this is not possible, controller controller agreement is signed. Exclusivity The experiment is aimed at a very special group professional athletes. The experiment, at the current stage, is not aimed at recreational sport performance. Formal requirements The formal requirements are as follows: 1) Data controller: CAR; 2) RTS acts as data processor, controller-processor contract is signed between CAR and RTS; 3) Experiment is covered by the CARs notification to the Catalan DPA; 4) Consent form for the athletes with all the relevant information; 5) Terms & Conditions of the service (CARVIREN network) with the limitations to inform the users e.g. about their responsibility not to infringe others rights; 6) Specification of the purpose, most likely broader than just scientific research, should cover as well dissemination, valorisation but possibly also further research on FMI requirements; 7) Point of contact on the site is communicated to the participants in case of questions/ concerns/ objections; 8) Points of contact at the later stage should be indicated in the information provided (CAR but possibly also RTS); 9) Language of the communication: English and Spanish.

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Dissemination level: PU

5. Experiment Design
5.1. 5.1.1. Participants Athletes
This section describes the actors that can be distinguished in the experiment and their roles.

There are three disciplines taking part in the experiment: Taekwondo (physiologic and kinematic parameters), Gymnastics (trampoline: air flight and kinematic parameters) and Synchro Swimming Team (comments on their training videos). Sample regarding kinematic parameters won't be larger than 6. Including the synchro team, sample will be confirmed by 14 people. After the session they will provide their QoE data by filling questionnaires. A face to face interview could be done during the final test. In that case, collected data will be anonymous.



The coach will use the CARVIREN to hold a remote training session, review workouts or analyse results. After the session coaches will also provide his QoE data by filling questionnaires.


Technical Staff

Technical staff from CAR will help with the setting up and with configuration of devices. They will provide feedback during the experiment, including when they try the portable hubs outside the CAR in another location



The experimenters (RTS) will prepare and test the experiment's setup and supervise its execution.


Technical Assets

CAR has a spectacular communications infrastructure, based on a 10GbE high speed network, with more than 1000 connections points and 125 Wi-Fi access points. Basically, everyone in the venue can have access to the internet and the material inside the intranet (dependent on file system permissions). With the CARVIREN experiment, we want to go further, and use this entire infrastructure to create a virtual environment with utilities (Sportwis), a method of assigning rights to the different actors, a large database with workout information. All this, in real time and remotely, if needed.



The main tool for the CARVIREN experiment is WIMU, a device developed by Realtrack Systems. WIMU is a lightly (11x9x5.5cms) smart device with Microprocessor, RAM memory, 3D accelerometer,
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Dissemination level: PU

gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer, microUSB and SD memory. WIMU has integrated Bluetooth, Ant+ and Wi-Fi radios. WIMU develops the concept of virtual sensors. Virtual sensors allow WIMU to deal with data generated by other devices like self-generated data. These features make WIMU optimal to work as a hub, by connecting multiple devices together and sync them in the same network. WIMU is plug and play and it connects easily with the CAR Wi-Fi installation. It just will take seconds to setup for the very first time. Microprocessor and internal memory allow an installation of CARVIREN inside the WIMU. This possibility is a key point for Mobile Transmissions Units. WIMU is not only a hub, it can be more. It can be a whole Mobile Transmission Unit (MTU). WIMUs microprocessor can process data without been connected to the server. Internal memory and external memory (up to 32GB) can save the information collected and processed. Once connection to the CAR datacentre is available, WIMU can upload the information. If a connection is available while collecting data, this upload can be in real time too.

Just connecting a WIMU to any Wi-Fi network means it can send the information to CARs server and the virtual community in real time. Or it can save the data and send it later.


Sport Widgets

The Sportwis are small utilities that show elaborated information in a simple and easy way. Sportwis run in a web browser allowing any authorized person to access information from his tablet, laptop or smartphone (regardless of model or operating system).

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Dissemination level: PU Whenever possible, Sportwis will be available in two modes: real time and historical. In real time mode, information will be displayed a few seconds after its been generated, while in History mode any information can be displayed by the system according to previously established access criteria (coaches, athletes, federations, etc.). Each user can setup his own individual Sportwis dashboard, obtaining only the information he desires in every moment.

Access to the dashboard is not restricted to be in the range of CAR's Wi-Fi network. It is possible to access remotely from whatever location (as long as there is internet access).


Data Acquisition and Process Server

The Data Acquisition and Process Server (DAPS) is the system in charge of reception and processing of data in order to generate elaborated information. This information will be stored in the database and it is available to the CARVIREN Sportwis. This Server integrates five modules described below. Connection Manager This is responsible for providing access to the data processing system to different WIMU-hubs and associated sensors. It also manages the data that has been stored in a WIMU-hub mobile in an isolated activity (reading loggers). When a connection request is made, this module is in charge of the negotiation process and the tell the hub to be ready for possible new profiles, getting ready to receive data from new sensors or users. Data Processors or Monitors They are independent and configurable modules that receive data from connection manager and process them, generating information to be stored in the database. A data processor can be also implemented in WIMU (information reaches the server and, it is directly stored in the database). This step achieves load balancing regarding processing power / network capacity in the system. With the addition of new data processors, we manage to make the system easily scalable for future expansions. Database and Info Manager These are the connection and information management system for the Sportwis. The Info Manager is in charge of offering the information as required (historical mode). It is directly connected to the database. It has full knowledge of all sessions and all available athletes information. This module contents the public interface and the access to independent Sportwis developments. Real time Manager The real-time manager is responsible for accepting subscriptions from the Sportwis and provides real-time information. It is directly connected to the Data_Processor to provide information
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Dissemination level: PU

quicker, avoiding mass access database. It also has a public interface very similar (if not the same) than the Info Managers interface.


Infrastructure Requirements

The following devices will be available in the CAR venue and will be used for the experiment: ANT+ devices: Heart Rate Belts GPS Pedometer Weight Tanita (digital scales for body fat & weight) Moxy (muscle oxygen monitor)

Bluetooth device: Oximeter GPS

Wi-Fi and other devices: Cameras o Gopro o Mobotix o Sony Gige CAR Communications infrastructure: Based on 10GbE high speed network, with 1,000 Connections points, 125 WI-FI access points, 100TB storage and GEANT2 network and also to the CAR datacentre and the external link to internet, EXPERIMEDIA modules and HD video from the AV repository. (Everything we need to run the experiment.)


System Architecture

This experiment is plausible thanks to CAR communications infrastructure seem above: Main challenges of this experiment are: Programming the virtual environment. That means, we will have to set up all communication protocols described above and a web server where CARVIREN will be hosted; allowing the system to perform in real time and/or remotely and connecting all CAR actors involved in the experiment. Programming a server, where the Sportwis will run, with tools to turn raw data into elaborated information, relevant and important for CAR actors. This information must to be in real time and/or remotely.

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Dissemination level: PU

Design the Sportwis. Create useful widgets to show elaborated information in a visual way. Rapid feedback.

Graphically, CARVIREN experiment structure will be as seen below (Figure 1):

(Consultati on Mode)

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Dissemination level: PU

CARVIREN experiment will make use of three modules developed within the EXPERIMEDIA general architecture:


Experiment Content Component (ECC)

We will use the ECC module to monitor and analyse QoS metric and information from the other modules. Collected metrics will help up to control the experiment from inside, checking: Input Data: raw data from devices and other baseline components, such as the AVCC and the AVCC-SCC Output Data: elaborated data and videos. Usage of the system and bandwidth requirements

This information will be added to the QoE to give us an explanation of possible variations to the experiment statement and a tool to evaluate the experiment.


Audio Visual Content Component (AVCC)

The Sportwis server will access to recorded contents stored in the venue and live streaming using AVCC module provided by EXPERIMEDIA. Wherever possible, we will offer videos of the training session from the AV repository of the AVCC. If we have to use other videos, recorded with other cameras, we may substitute this module occasionally. In order to sync data with the videos we will have to request a timestamp from the videos or give our timestamp so ATOS can integrate it with their videos as metadata. We are going to use the following AVCC tools: AVCC VoD (for delayed mode) AVCC Streaming (for real-time mode) AVCC Ingest (so we can upload videos to the repository with other cameras and in remote mode) Sport information Mgt


Integration of Social Content Component (SCC) and AVCC

CARVIREN could also be defining a professional social network in a small scale. The aim of using this component is to test if it's possible, for a HPC, the promotion through the social networks; or at least, the use of social networks inside the venue, such other professional networks designed for companies. Because of the nature of the installation, the confidentiality of the training sessions can be crucial. However, coaches and technical staff could identify and share non critical content (with authorisation of the athletes). In addition, we have the opportunity to test interactions between
Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014 20


Dissemination level: PU

all actors involved in the experiment (athletics, coaches, staff, etc.) and see how it works in a small scale. The Synchro Swimming Team has asked for a way of posting comments on their own video sessions, so they can have feedback and help each other to improve the swimming routine. Here is where the integration of the SCC and AVCC modules comes. The idea is for them to use their private Facebook group, where a link to the video will be published every time a recorded training sessions is available (to watch it, they will still have to log in to the CARVIREN); so they can comment the video and replies to the other. All this comments will be processed with the video and will become part of it (as metadata, and store in the venue). We will use a group specially designed for the experiment, with emails done especially for the experiment and aliases instead names. We won't keep a record of who is who. We only want to measure the usage, not the content of the comments. RTS will measure the activity: number of posted links, comments and replies. The aim is they use their Facebook dashboard to post the comments. Comments become part of the video; and when the video is played (inside the CARVIREN), it shows the comments.


Content Lifecycle

Each type of data collected by CARVIREN has a different lifecycle according to the source from which it has been obtained.


WIMU and WIMU Sensors

Sensors will send information to WIMU using its own communication protocol. WIMU will be able to establish communications using Bluetooth, Ant+ or Wi-Fi, by using native protocol (ANT+) or using the sensor's API/SDK (if offered by the manufacturer). When WIMU is set up as fixed hub, it will send directly the collected information to the DAPS(Data Acquisition and Process Server) using the Wi-Fi network. When WIMU works as WMTU (outside the installation), it will collect and send the data to the CARVIREN system (when a Wi-Fi connection is available using an encrypted connection). For both configurations, either fixed hub or WMTU, WIMU can save the data in its microSD card (8-32GB). This information can be downloaded using a USB connection.


DAPS (DAPS Data Acquisition and Process Server)

This server will be hosted at CAR, and it will be exclusive for the experiment. It processes the different data collected by WIMU, and transforms them into elaborated information linked to a specific training session. Each session will have data, time, sport, athletics in and coaches. Each session will have access control, so only people with the right role will be able to access to it.
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Dissemination level: PU

This information will be stored in a SQL, a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), with restricted access from the outside. Allowed users will connect using a web-socket (a protocol providing full-duplex communications channels over a single HTTP connection) using SSL for encryption, if they request information in real-time (and it's available), information will be sent while it's being processed. On the other hand, if the request is about deferred information, complete information will be sent at once.


AVCC Module

For deferred videos, we will use AVCC repository, installed at CAR, in charge of processing and storage recorded videos from the HD cameras of the AVCC directly either videos recorded with other cameras, as far as they are uploaded using the assistances. For live broadcasting, HD cameras will send the video to a server located in Netherlands, where the video will be transcoded to different formats and qualities in real time. These videos won't be stored in this server. The connection will be encrypted. The AVCC module will offer different qualities and formats, the main ones being H.264, WebM and OGG. These videos will be broadcast using the HLS protocol (based in HTTP) because of its compatibility with modern browsers and the possibility of using a Flash plug-in with the other non-compatible systems. ATOS doesn't have an authentication system to restrict access to the videos (right now). So we are going to use a system where AVCC will send information to the DAPS. DAPS will be acting as a proxy in this case, so authorized users can watch the video


AVCC and SCC Integration

SCC-AVCC integration will allow us to post links (of training video sessions) to a private group inside the social network Facebook. Comments and replies will be stored at CAR once they become part of the video (as metadata). To access these videos, the user must to log in to the CARVIREN system, so in any case, this information will be share in the social network. Facebook will store also these comments. They can be deleted by the user in whatever moment.


WIMU Mobile Transmission Unit (WMTU)

When a WIMU is taken out of the CAR, it still can collect data. This is a very interesting option for the coach and the athletics that are out of the CAR for a competition or just in another training venue. The aim of the WMTU is to connect directly to the devices the athletics could be wearing (heart rate belts, pedometers, the WIMU itself) and send the collected information to the DAPS, where it will be processed and sent to the CARVIREN system.

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014



Dissemination level: PU

WIMU is a smart device, with more than 20 sensors, including the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and ANT+ ants. It also has a CPU and RAM module. It's a Linux embedded portable device. Thanks to this, we have a lot of possibilities. Our intention is to connect the WMTU to the CAR using a proprietary binary encrypted protocol. When a WMTU connects to the CARVIREN, the data it is sending is not personal data (it cannot identify the athlete; it's the coach, using his role as coach who will assign each heart rate sensor to an specific athlete. How? The WMTU sends information about the devices (or their own sensors). This information goes to the web server and the Sportwis. The coach, who is with the WMTU, will have to connect and log into CARVIREN, where an HTTPS connection will be established in order for him to receive the elaborated information on his smartphones, tablet or laptop. Elaborate information will be related to the ID, and the coach will be able to assign it to a particular athlete, by telling the system, ID XXXX is now being used by Mr.X. Graphically, an example would be as follows (figure 2):

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014



Dissemination level: PU

7. Plan for Implementation

We have designed a work-plan for the CARVIREN experiment with duration of one year, delimited into five work-packages identified as follow: 1) Motivation and design: Analyse, review and determine the system integration infrastructure in CAR. 2) Experimental set-up technology: Set the hubs and the CAR infrastructure. Configure the device for data acquisition. 3) Subsequent iterations and execution technology: Development of the experiment (fixed and portable hubs, widgets, real time, EXPERIMEDIA modules, virtual network and rapid feedback). 4) Experiment write up: Final tests, results and evaluation of the experiment. 5) Disseminations and case studies: Establish channels of dissemination. The following Gantt chart shows the timing of the different work-packages:

7.1. 7.1.1.

Steps of the Experiment WIMU and Communication protocols

The first step will be to establish which devices we are going to use and which ones will need a specific implementation study of their API/SDK. We will test viability of the implementation. Once this has been done, we will start the proper implantation using the API/SDK. As far as possible, we will have one type of each device at RealTrack Systems head office for testing. After finalizing sensors implementations, we will start developing the DAPS.



Once we have all the devices properly implemented, we will begin with the software implementation. This software DAPS will be installed in the CAR data centre and will be modified so it can manage, obtain, categorize and store all data sent by the WIMUs according to the information entered for each session.
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Dissemination level: PU

The first step will be to connect DAPS and the WIMUs together. We are going to install a clock service. Inside the venue, and without access to the GPS, the WIMUs can lose time configuration, so this clock service will sync all of them. This service will be running in the DAPS server from the beginning. Subsequently, we will add the system monitors (or plug-ins) that will process the data and will generate useful information. Finally, the web manager, whom will read the session and will determine which data is going to be processed and will link it to a particular session in the database. For testing in the first steps of the experiment (before going bigger at CAR), we will use fictitious data generated by RTS.


SportwisWeb Server (SWS)

In this stage, we will start the development of the Sportwis web application. The SWS is developed in PHP, using a content management service (CMS), in particular Joomla. Joomla is open-source, which allows us to modify it according to our needs. We will use Nginx as web server, due its high performance, it can be used for load balancing and it has the option of being use as a proxy, controlling the access to different services from a central location. At this point, each user will have access to the fictional information created by RTS (about fictional sportspeople). This is because we won't have yet the role assignation.



Once the SWS will be running, it will be time to elaborate the Sportwis. Sportwis are developed in DART. Dart is an open-source web programming language. DART compiles the source code into JavaScript code, which allows it to be compatible with all modern browsers. Communication between the DAPS and the Sportwis is done by web sockets, allowing a bidirectional low latency communication. Once this phase of the experiment is completed, we will integrate the Sportwis to the SWI and we will setup the access role system.


ECC Implementation and Alpha Version

After role assignment and with the first widgets, we can start testing with a whole functional version of CARVIREN. We will integrate the ECC module to start measuring metrics generated in the experiment.


SCC and AVCC Implementation

After the ECC implementation, we can start with the other two baseline components. Both modules generate metrics for the ECC and will help us to measure the experiment success.

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014



Dissemination level: PU


First Beta Version

We will move the experiment to a bigger scale: the CAR venue. We will setup DAPS inside the CAR data centre and we will start to place the WIMUs (acting as hubs). We will establish a series of test for coaches and athletes, in order they can start using the first version of the CARVIREN (beta). We will be focused on detecting scale problems and new problems due the usage itself of the CARVIREN.



In this phase of the experiment, we will test remote connection of the WIMU with the venue. Collected data for testing will be fictional.


Released Candidate and Final Tests

After testing the last Sportwis, the usage of the system and the reported problems, we will debug the system and we will release a release-candidate (RC)version of the CARVIREN. We will do the final test and the demonstrations over this RC. Also, we will be doing dissemination activities such as demonstrations and an experiment writeup

7.1.10. After Experiment

After the experiment, and if we agree with the CAR to implement the CARVIREN in a much larger scale, a final version will be realized, without the ECC module.

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014



Dissemination level: PU

8. Risks
Associated risks to the CARVIREN experiment will be frequently analysed in order to ensure that the experiment proceeds smoothly. The following table lists the identified risks and contingency plans.
Risk Description Hubs Interfere with other CARs devices Malicious Software installed in Users devices (tablets, smartphones and laptops) and devices not compatibles CAR datacentre is down for maintenance, failure or malfunction. Contingency Plan This is a low-risk and should not happen at all. All communication protocols are digitals. However, should this happen, it would only be a matter of changing the channel. Instead of using the participants own devices, the experimenters will supply their own for use during the experimentation sessions. Not all parts of this experiment required CAR datacentre (i.e. Mobile Transmission Unit & Mini Sportwis). In case datacentre is not accessible, a re-schedule of the experiment could be done to prioritize experimentation in areas datacentre is not needed. Sportwis Server, CAR Database and AV Repository are separated so they can continue working if one of them fails. WIMU-Hub can save raw data in his memory card (32gb per memory card) while Sportwis Server is being migrating to a Server outside the CAR. Then, data can be sent to the Sportwis Server, be processed and displayed using Sportwis (hosted in a migrated web server too). In this case, we will not be able to access to the AV repository we can use recorded videos from any other repository; but a transcoding will be needed.

Same previous scenario, but experimentation with Portable Hubs has already finished.

AVCC module is not available

There are also limitations to the experiment coming from third parties: Sportwis use HTML5 language. Browsers that dont support this technology could not execute properly certain Sportwis. Bandwidth allowed by the CAR for remotely connections. Firewalls and encryption protocols may slow down the connection. Database speed access and total number of connections support by the CAR infrastructure. Certain Sportwis may require some computing power that some low-range tablets or smartphones could not have. In real time, computing power, bandwidth, access to the server and number of users will determinate the delay in between data is collected until information is generate (and visualize).

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014



Dissemination level: PU

9. Conclusion
CARVIREN will require a lot of work from all actors involved. The critical phases are the phases regarding the scale. Once we take the experiment to the Venue, we will check for the very first time the recourses we are using and reality of the experiment for the CAR. However, we feel optimistic; we have the background, the right assets and a very good feedback and support for the rest of EXPERIMEDIA participants. We are confidence that rapid feedback is a very good way to improve athletes perform, and we hope we can help with our experiment.

Copyright Realtrack Systems and other members of the EXPERIMEDIA consortium 2013-2014


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