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JSP (Java Script/ JQuery) HTML/XHTML UI DESIGN EJB APPLICATION SERVER HIBERNATE CVS/SVN ANT JUNIT OPEN SOURCE TOOLS DESIGN PATTERN KNOWLEDGE. Begineer: console programming-like arithmetic logical operations using loops., conditions.... Intermediate: GUI programming-like using swing components.,handling events etc Advanced:Network programming -like socket programming,tcp/ip server client progr amming.,servelet etc In my opinion, JavaScript's main benefit is that it can be understood by the com mon human. It is much easier and more robust than Java. It allows for fast creat ion of web page events. Many JavaScript commands are what are known as Event Han dlers: They can be embedded right into existing HTML commands. JavaScript is a l ittle more forgiving than Java. It allows more freedom in the creation of object s. Java is very rigid and requires all items to be denoted and spelled out. Java Script allows you to call on an item that already exists, like the status bar or the browser itself, and play with just that part. JavaScript is geared to web p ages. Java is geared toward where it is needed most at the time. Both will create great web page events. Both can offer interaction between the u ser and your Web page. But they are not created equally by any means. So to answer the question of which to use where... use whichever fits your needs . That sounds like a cop-out answer, but remember that the applets and JavaScrip t are most often offered on the Net as fully functioning items. You simply grab them from the Net and use them on your page (provided you are given permission). There are many, many sites out there that do nothing more than hand out applets or JavaScript. is a good one for applets. Take a look at javascript for over 2300 free JavaScript scripts. The HTML Goodies Applet and JavaScr ipt Tutorials will teach you how to implement these items on your pages. They wi ll not teach you to write the languages, but rather instruct you on placing func tioning applets and JavaScript scripts on your Web pages. It is a good introduct ion to the formats. Once you know how to get these pups on your pages, you'll un derstand more about their structures and can then more easily attempt to learn t he language and create functioning JavaScripts or applets yourself. If you feel you're already at the point where you'd like to learn to write JavaS cript, stop by the HTML Goodies 30-Day JavaScript Primer Series. I wrote it with a wonderful co-author, Andree Growney. We think you'll like it. Enjoy!

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