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Sample Formative Assessment

Queitions Released UY-9PSE



given for each question : Select the correct answer from the four different choices to ozone? What would happen if all the oxygen present in the environment is converted
(A) We will have greater protection from lfV rays of Sun (B) tt will become poisonous and kill living forms (c) ozone is not stable so it will be converted back to oxygen (D) Harmful radiations from the sun wiII reach the earth and damage many life forms


Which one of the following factors does not lead to soil formation (B) Water (A) Sun
(C) Wind

in nature :

(D) Poiythene bags


Which of the following processes is not involved in carbon cycle ? (B) Burning of fossil fuels (A) Photosynthesis
(C) Transpiration

(D) Respiration


The main biological process that returns oxygen to the atmosphere (B) PhotosYnthesis (A) Burning of fossil fuel
(C) Respiration (D) Rainfall



plants : \iVhieh of the following is not an important factor for the growth of (B) Distance of water body from the soil (A) Nutrient content of soil (D) Depth of soil (C) Amount of humus present in the soil
Soil erosion can be Prevented bY
(A) Raising forests (C) Deforestation


(B) Excessive use of fertilizer (D) Overgr azing bY animals

Natural Resources

7. Rainfall

depends upon : (A) The underground water table (B) The density pattern of human population in area (C) The number of water bodies in an area (D) The prevailing season in an area


One of the following processes is not a step involved in the water cycle operating in nature :
(A) Evaporation (C) Transpiration (B) Snowfall and rain (D) Photosynthesis


The factor responsible for depletion of the ozone layer


(A) Excessive use of automobiles (B) Excessive use of man-made compounds containing both fluorine and chlorine (C) Excessive formation of industrial units (D) Excessive deforestation

Which of the following acids fall on land with rain during lightening ? (A) Nitric acid and Nitrous acid (B) Hydrochloric acid and Sulphuric acid
(C) Sulphuric acid and Nitrous


(D) Hydrochloric acid and Nitrous acid

Fill up the blank



in the

columns for each biogeochemicai cycle to highlight the role of


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Formative Assessment Practise Material


Chapter Assessment

1. 2. 3. 4.

HOTS Questions MultiPle Choice Questions FilI In The Blanks True / False

Continuous Assessment

1. 2. 3.


Class Assignment Oral Questioning / Quiz

GrouP discussion : ToPic - Air Pollution the importance of ExPerimental Project : ToPic - To understand resource.


GrouP ActivitY

1. 2.

air as a natural

A. Chapter A*sess


I{ors'Question" lll lll

and how what is the importance of ozone ? what is ozone hole respiration i What is the difference between combustion and

it is formed ?

2. 3.

What is the importance of atmosphere ? breeze and sea breeze 4. What is the difference between land ? 5. What are the factors that make soil
6. 7.

(3 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 narks) (2 marks)

Whatdoyoumeanbygreenhouseeffect?Whichchemicalisresponsibleforozoneholedepletion? (3 marks)
How is carbon dioxide fixed on earth
consequences of

(2 marks)

8. 9.

u' o" vv'u!!v' Whatarethecausesofairpollution?Nameavisibleindicatorofairpollution?Whatarethe (3 marks)



How can you define water pollution


(1 mark)

L :an*lti :.ehoice Question' lll l|}

free nitrogen into : 1. Physical factors like lightning and temperature convert (B) Nitrate (A) Nitrite (D) Does not convert (C) Nitrite and nitrate components of biosphere is 2. The transfer of matter and energ:y between different

(A) EnergY flow (C) Nutrient cYcle


(B) Food web (D) Biogeochemical cYcle

Natural Resources

3. Since the industrial revolution, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atnosphere is said to have : (A) Halved (B) Doubled (C) Reduced (D) Remained same


Acid rain is due to

(A) (C)

Water pollution Noise pollution

(B) Soil pollution (D) Air poilution

(A) Ionosphere (C) Mesosphere 6. In England, barks of trees were

5. Lightning

and cloud formation takes place


layer of atmosphere :

(B) Stratosphere (D) Troposphere

(A) Industries caused a lot of air pollution that (B) Lichens were eaten by other organisms.

covered by lichens before industrial revolution. After industrial revolution lichens disappeared from tree's barks. Which of the following is the suitable reason for this disappearance ?
caused death of lichens. disappeared.

(C) To grow industries, trees were cut down. Hence lichens (D) Lichens died because of ageing.

7. 8. 9.


(A) Carbon dioxide (C) Oxygen

in which of the following

gases cause global warming (B) Nitrogen (D) Carbon monoxide

(C) Mineralisation

Breakdown of bigger rocks into fine smaller mineral particles (A) Paedogenesis (B) Weathering
(D) Cracking

is called

Approximately 70 percent of the earth is covered by water. Of this aynount, approximately percent of it is suitable for human use. (A) 25 (B) 50 (c) 10 (D) less than one

10. Which particle is smallest

i **ilili*;1
1. 2. 3. 4.
b. 6.

(A) Clay particles (C) Sand particles

in size ?
(B) Silt particles (D) Gravels


in diamonds and graphite. Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide into ................ molecules. The process of burning of fuel to provide energ-y is called bacteria are associated with dicot plants.
..occurs as elemental form Glass enclosures to trap the heat are called as ............

layer is gradually depleting in the atmosphere. Nitrogen and sulphur dissolve in rain to give rise to


GBSE CCE Question Bank for Glass lX'Term

8. 9.
10. 11.

ll (Formative), science

Coal and petroleum are

Rainfall The air,

."""""""" fuels' is caused by '.....""""' of water vapour in air'

is heated' currents are set up in the air after the atmosphere " component of biosphere' water and soil form the

t2. Earthworms help in making soil rich in """""""""' is found ftozen in the ice caps at the two 13.
L4. The outer most layer of earth is calied
15. 16.




layer of the soil contains humus and living organisms'

t7. Largescale.......'isdestroyingthebiodiversityandleadingtosoiierosion. observed above the """"""""' 18. A hole in ozone layer have been

isperfbrmedintheplesenceofsunlightbychlorophyllcontaininglifeforms. is """""""""" 20. The amount of oxygen in the atrnosphere

1. Root nodules are present in legumes such as pulses' 2. The endoskeletons of animals are formed from chiorinated salts' 3. Bacteria are poisoned by elemental oxygen' 4. The amount of oxygen and nitrogen is 78Vo and 2LVo respectively' 5. Oxygen cycle maintains the level of oxygen in the atmosphere' 6. Ozone layer is gradually depleting day by day'
T.Theatmosphere,Iithosphereand'hydrosphereinteractinbiospherezoTle. 8. Sand and water heat up at the same rate'

9'Theradiationfromsunisreflectedbackfromlandandwaterbodies. 10. Hydrocarbons remain as suspended particles in the air' greenhouse 11. Global climate is threatened by increase in concentration of t2.Mostofthewateronearth,ssurfaceisfoundinseasandoceans. 13. Sun helps in formation of cracks in the rocks' in the soil' L4. Micro-organisms do not help in recycling of nutrients


15. Moss and lichen do not grows on the surface of rocks' pesticides' 16. Mod.ern farming practices involve the use of fertilizers and
L7. The process of soil formation is a very slow process' 18. Deforestation has no effect on biodiversity' water into deeper layers' 19. vegetative cover on the ground helps in percolation of 20.Rotationofearthcannotinfluencethepathofwind.

Natural Resources


2. 3. 4. b.

Name two processes that play an important role in oxygen cycle

Expiain the formation of soil.

Defrne soil erosion.

(2 marks) (1 mar'k) (2 marks) (1 mark)


What do understand by air pollutant ? What are the chief constituents of air impurities What are the major physical processes involved in the water cycle What is an ozone layer ? Why is

6. 7. 8. 9.



useful for organisms on earth

? ?

Give an account of occurrence of carbon

What is the difference between nitrification and denitrification


10. Why step farming is

in hills

(3 marks) (2 marhs) (2 narks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (3 marke)

1. Which is the life supporting zone of the Earth ? 2. _ is the major component of the atmosphere in Venus. 3. Name a fossil fuel which contains nitrogen and sulphur. 4. are bio-indicators of air pollution. 5. This is present in the topmost layer of soil


6. 7. 8. 9.

Humus Bacteria

Name any two factors which contribute in making soil. lead to a balance between the various components of the biosphere. Give one example of free living nitrogen frxing bacteria. -


State True or False : Rainfall patterns depend on the prevailing wind patterns in an area. Name any two processes in which oxygen of the atmosphere is used.

Tlpe 1 : Subjective questions :

(i) (ii)

How is acid rain formed ? 12 marks) A forest area has cleaned by cutting trees for industrialisation purpose. List any four changes that will be brought in the water cycle of that area. (z marls)

for Class lX-Term CBSE GCE Question Bank

ll (Formative)' Science
(2 marks)


How is wind created

t2 marks)


(v) (i)

a threat Why CFC is considered as What is greenhouse effect ? TYPe

(z marks)

2 : MultiPle

Choice Questions

The life suPPorting

on earth is called as

(A) Biosphere (C) AtmosPhere

(B) HYdrosPhere (D) LithosPhere

(ii) What happens during

is produced' (A) Oxygen is consum"a t"a carbon dioxide is produced' (B) Carbon dioxide is consumed and oxygen pt"d*-"_l,^ is consumed and oxygen i" (c)



Nitrogen -_^,r,..o,1 vapour is produced' (D) Carbon dioxide is produced' and water is called as : The outer most layer of earth .a (B) Core (A) Mantle (D) Rough surface

(C) Crust

(iv)Whichoftheseplaysanimportantroleinpreventingsoilerosion? (B) Roots (A) Stems (D) An of the above (C) Leaves


are essential Which of the following mq'trecules




3 : Fill In The Blanks

(D) A11 of the above



contained Nearly 76Vo offresh water is

in "'



(ii)Movementsofaitatecausedby...................oftheatmosphereindifferentregionsofearth' (iii) Carbon is incorporated into life forms through

(iv) BioloFcal weathering is caused by"""""""'

(v) (i)


organic matter' is a part of soil that is rich in

is frxed through lightning' The major part of nitrogen ,(ii)Non.livingrenewablenaturalresourcesiikesoilandwatercanbeusedwithoutbeingexhausted if they are used sustainably r-: r involved in recycling (iii)Pesticidesandfertilisersareharmfultosoilastheykillthemicro-organrsn of nutrients'
bY deforestation' Soil erosion can be prevented underground' water and air to penetrate deep allows and porous soil Humus makes



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