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News Release

Great Lakes Blood Services Region

Media Contact: Todd Kulman, Phone ( !"# $!%&"''" Cell ( !"# %()&'(*(

Schedule of American Red Cross blood drives in Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee Counties

Weather Forces Coast-to-Coast Red Cross Blood Drive Cancellations

Urgent need for platelet donors, blood donors with types O, A negative and B negative
Lansing, MIFebruary 14Severe winter weather throughout January and into February has forced the cancellation of American Red Cross blood drives from coast to coast. From January 2 through February 10 more than 1 000 Red Cross blood drives in !" states and #ashington $.C. have been canceled resulting in about !% 000 uncollected blood and &latelet donations. 'he e(traordinary number of cancellations is the e)uivalent of the Red Cross having to shut down its national o&erations for more than two full days. *+n average the Red Cross must collect about 1% 000 units of blood every day to hel& &atients nationwide , said 'odd -ulman Communications .rogram /anager of the Red Cross 0reat 1a2es 3lood Services Region. *Regardless of the weather &atients are counting on blood &roducts to be there when needed., 4ationwide donations in January 201" were down about 10 &ercent when you average ty&ical January donations since 2011. 3lood &roducts are being distributed to hos&itals as )uic2ly as donations come in. All blood ty&es are needed to hel& restoc2 Red Cross shelves. 5ere in the 6%7county 0reat 1a2es Region a&&ro(imately 60 blood drives have been canceled since the beginning of the year resulting in a shortfall of more than 1 800 uncollected blood and &latelet donations in this area. 'here is an urgent need for ty&e + negative + &ositive 3 negative and A negative blood. 'y&e + negative is universal and can li2ely be transfused to anyone who needs blood. 'y&es A negative and 3 negative can be transfused to &atients with either Rh &ositive or negative blood. .latelets a 2ey clotting com&onent of blood often needed by cancer &atients are also urgently needed. .latelets must be transfused within five days of donation so donations are constantly needed. The following is a list of blood drives in your area through March 19th:
C9': Flint 9mlay City Flint $A'; 02/17/2014 02/18/2014 02/19/2014 1+CA'9+4 Flint 3lood $onation Center St .aul 1utheran Church 3a2er College 0ym S9'; A$$R;SS 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 200 4orth Cedar Street 010%0 #. 3ristol Road 5+<RS 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 1=00 ./ 7 6="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./

C9': Flint 0oodrich Swart? Cree2 Flint /ount /orris Flint $avison /ontrose Flint +wosso .erry Flint 0enesee Flint Flint /ontrose 1a&eer Flint 0rand 3lanc 1aingsburg Flint Flint

$A'; 02/19/2014 02/20/2014 02/20/2014 02/21/2014 02/21/2014 02/24/2014 02/25/2014 02/25/2014 02/26/2014 02/26/2014 02/27/2014 02/28/2014 02/28/2014 03/01/2014 03/03/2014 03/03/2014 03/04/2014 03/05/2014 03/06/2014 03/06/2014 03/07/2014 03/10/2014

1+CA'9+4 Flint 3lood $onation Center <nited /ethodist Church Swart? Cree2 <nited /ethodist Church Flint 3lood $onation Center ;AJ 5igh School Flint 3lood $onation Center St. John Catholic Church Family 1ife Center 5ill /cCloy 5igh School /ulti7.ur&ose Room Flint 3lood $onation Center 3a2er College .erry 3a&tist Church Flint 3lood $onation Center 0enesee 5igh School Small 0ym Aehicle City Flint 3lood $onation Center <nited /ethodist Church Calvary 3ible Church Flint 3lood $onation Center 'hornridge A&artments St. 9sidores Catholic Church Flint 3lood $onation Center Flint 3lood $onation Center7.latelets A&heresis 4ew 1othro& 5igh School Shiawassee American Red Cross 4orth 3ranch American 1egion Flint 3lood $onation Center .erry 5igh School 'rinity 1utheran Church Atherton 5igh School 0ym /emorial 5ealthcare

S9'; A$$R;SS 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 80>1 S. State Road >"00 /iller Road 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 80"1 4eff Road 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse %0% 4. $ayton Street !01 4anita $rive 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 1020 S. #ashington Street 21> S. /ain Street 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse >!"> 4. 0enesee 2"00 Austin .ar2way 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 1%8 ;. State Road @2! S. /ain Street 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 1000 'hornridge $rive !10 Crum 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse

5+<RS 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./ @=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 8=!0 A/ 7 1="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./ @=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 11=00 A/ 7 "="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./ @=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 8=!0 A/ 7 2=1% ./ 11=00 A/ 7 !="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./ 11=!0 A/ 7 6=1% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 1=00 ./ 7 6="% ./ 1=00 ./ 7 6="% ./ @=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 11=00 A/ 7 %="% ./

4ew 1othro& Corunna 4orth 3ranch Flint .erry $avison 3urton +wosso

03/10/2014 03/11/2014 03/11/2014 03/12/2014 03/12/2014 03/13/2014 03/14/2014 03/14/2014

@28% ;aston >02 #est Corunna "0>% 5uron Street 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 2%%% #. 3ritton Road >06 #. Flint Street !!%" S. 0enesee Road 826 #. -ing Street

8=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./ 12=!0 ./ 7 6=1% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 8=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 12=!0 ./ 7 6=1% ./ 8=00 A/ 7 12="% ./ 10=00 A/ 7 !="% ./

C9': Swart? Cree2 Flint +tisville $ryden Flint +wosso

$A'; 03/14/2014 03/17/2014 03/18/2014 03/19/2014 03/19/2014 03/19/2014

1+CA'9+4 Swart? Cree2 5igh School 0ym Flint 3lood $onation Center 1a2eville /emorial 5igh School $ryden 'ownshi& Fire $e&artment Flint 3lood $onation Center +wosso -nights of Columbus

S9'; A$$R;SS 8!20 9ngalls 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 12"%% #ilson Road %%!2 /ain Street 1"01 S. 0rand 'raverse 12%@ ;ast /ain Street

5+<RS @=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 8=00 A/ 7 1="% ./ 12=!0 ./ 7 6=1% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 "="% ./ 12=00 ./ 7 %="% ./

How to Donate Blood To schedule an a++ointment to donate +lease call 1-800- !D " #$$ %1-800-&''-(&)&* or visit redcrossblood+org ,or more in,ormation- .ndividuals /ho are !" 0ears o, age (!) /ith +arental +ermission in some states#, meet /eight and height re1uirements (!!2 +ounds or more, de+ending on their height# and are in generall0 good health ma0 3e eligi3le to donate 3loodPlease 3ring 0our Red Cross 3lood donor card or other ,orm o, +ositive .4 /hen 0ou come to donate,bout the ,-erican ed "ross The Great Lakes Blood Services Region serves ) counties, and needs to collect a3out ) 2 units o, 3lood a da0 to meet +atient need in hos+itals- .n addition to su++l0ing a3out '2 +ercent o, the nation5s 3lood, the 6merican Red Cross teaches li,esaving skills, +rovides international humanitarian aid7 and su++orts militar0 mem3ers and their ,amilies- The Red Cross is a charita3le organi8ation9not a government agenc09and de+ends on volunteers and the generosit0 o, the 6merican +u3lic to +er,orm its mission-

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