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The only way that you can ever know if something is of value to you is by the way it feels as you

are receiving it. Once you start deliberately offering thought, then you can never offer enough action to keep up with the thought. Once you access the Energy that creates worlds, a huge vortex comes into place, and there's just not enough action for you to keep up with that. And so, what you have to do is visualize every step of the way, envision you happy in the process. Envision things in place, envision people catching on. Just envision it working. Skip over the how and the where and the when and the who -- and just stay focused upon the _ what and the why. If you have the ability to desire it, the Universe has the ability to deliver it. You've just got to line up with what you want, which means - be as happy as you can be as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of itself. There are no mysteries, ever -- once you understand these points: Well-being abounds. You are the natural recipient of Well-being. You get to ask -- and Source Energy is answering -- and all you need to do is be in the place of allowing. Once you get those things lined up and you've had an opportunity to practice them, here and there, everything makes sense to you. Everything makes sense in your life, and everything makes sense in the lives of those that you are watching. Because as you know their moods and attitudes, you understand exactly why things are turning out for them the way they are. There are no mysteries ever! Nonphysical is not asking you to ascribe to some specific label or stand in specific corners or in specific synagogues or churches with specific words. You are beings who are blessed and who are deserving of Well-being, and you will find your Wellbeing in many different ways -- and the labels simply do not matter.

Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they're flowing to you. You concentrate on how you're flowing. Because one who is

connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful, more influential than a million who are not. It is seen as the powerful diversity that stimulates thought, and from the Nonphysical perspective, you enjoy that diversity. If you feel drawn to someone, but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies, try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling. People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons. Most lies are offered to try to keep things in alignment. We're not encouraging it, but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honourable motive. In other words, when a child lies to their parents, it's usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do, and they don't want their parents to be upset about it. It's about wanting an alignment. Physical ears have a hard time hearing this. You keep talking about "We need to be honest." And we say, we don't meet any of you who are honest. Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest, but your vibration always is. We would trust the feeling more than the words. You might say, "How do I know if I'm in a receiving mode or not?" And we say, you always feel good when you're in a receiving mode. When someone offers you a compliment, do you receive it, or do you sort of just shrug it off? There's something about believing that you must justify your existence through your effort or through your perseverance, through your struggle. And many of you just have not practiced the receiving mode. Spiritual versus Material are not the choices. Everything about this physical manifestational experience is spiritual. It is all the end product of spirit. You have nothing to prove. Be the spiritual you and create like a physical fiend. You have the ability to pivot under any and all conditions. But most of you are habitual in nature, and your patterns are so well entrenched that at times the fastest path to the joy you seek is for you to take your pivot as you sleep. By reaching for good-feeling thoughts before you go to sleep and then experiencing the benefit of the quiet mind that occurs while you sleepand then upon awakening, immediately turning to good-feeling thoughtsyou can accomplish the ultimate Pivoting experience. Law of Attraction is Universal, and every person is affected by it. And it is always true that what I think and what I feel and what I get are always a match, and there is not a person on the planet that did not know that when they were born,

and there is not a person on the planet that would not benefit by knowing it. But many, many, many are not yet asking and therefore are not yet ready for the answer. And so, we would say that -- although everyone wants this information -everyone is not necessarily ready for it. We would not spend any time trying to convince anybody of anything because if they're not asking, your answers are just irritating. Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next . . . and so onit also provides the basis of your alignment with your Inner Being. As you consistently and deliberately think and speak more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will find yourself more often in alignment with the pure, positive essence of your own Source; and under those conditions, your life will be extremely pleasing to you. Make a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases it doesn't really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision. You cannot continue to beat the drum of things that don't feel good when you beat themwithout filling your future experience full of things that don't feel good. At some point, there's going to be a tipping point that's going to become a manifestation. There are always those who thrive when masses are dying of sickness. There are always those who thrive economically when economic decline seems to be the order of your nation. There are always those who are clear-minded, in environments of confusion. You do not need everyone or anyone else to align with your desireonly you need to align with your desire. To evoke the best from others, you must find a vibration that is a match to the best in others. If you guide through anything other than your own example, it crosses over into the category of control. If you say, "This is what I've found that works for me, try it if you like." That's guidance. If you say, "This is what I've found works for me, and if you don't follow it, you're in trouble," that's control. What makes people decline is that they start forking in the direction that doesn't allow them to be the receivers of this never-ending Stream of Well-

Being. You don't have to decline... "Happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead!" That's Esther's plan... You cannot receive vibrationally something that you are not a vibrational match to. And so, bless those who are finding abundance. And in your blessing of them and their abundance, you will become abundant, too. But in your cursing of their abundance, you hold yourself apart from it. It is a law - it is a powerful law. Esther said to us, "Abraham, how come you guys (meaning nonphysical entities) can't get your stories straight? This one says this. That one says that. If we have been talking to God, why doesn't God say the same thing to everyone? Why isn't everybody getting the same message?" And we said, "Everybody isn't asking the same question. Everybody is not at the same point of understanding. Everybody is not even wanting the same thing." We are all about eternalness which means we are about difference. It is in our difference that desires of all kinds come forth, and as all of these new desires pop up, every one of them, even in their difference, is important. The more you say "I don't remember," the more you cannot remember. You cannot find something that's "lost"? When you've decided that it's lost, when it's lost to you, it is lost. The Universe could not possibly show it to you. You are the owner of all that you perceive. But you can't perceive apart from your vibration. Feel your way, little-by-little, into a greater sense of abundance by looking for the treasures that the Universe is offering you on a day-to-day basis. Don't do anything that you don't really want to do. Keep yourself in a place of feeling good. Reach for the thought that feels better -- and watch what happens. To hold someone as your object of attention while you're connected to Source Energy, is the greatest gift that anyone could give. When you're not happy, you don't have anything to give. And so, what it literally means is be happy, because you cannot give anyone something that you do not feel No one connected to Source Energy would ever harm another. It's an interesting thing: More injustices, more discomfort, and more unhappiness is projected at others under the name of righteousness, under the name of law abiding, under the name of law, and under the name of religion, than all other things put together. In other words, don't worry about it.

Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is. Law of Attraction makes it happen, and so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding. Before the contrast and before the summoning, and before the answering of Source Energy, the Universe was less. So rather than thinking in terms of time, think in terms of expansion, and then you will understand time in the way we understand it. We never think about how long anything takes. We are just enjoying the expansion. And so, our now is always powerful in our anticipation of what is becoming Keep remembering: there is not only one prize. And so, say to yourself things such as, "You appeal to me in all of these ways, and I am going to draw the essence of you to me. I will use my visualization of you to align my Energy, and then I will trust that Law of Attraction will bring me an exact replica of (the essence of) that which I believe you are." Every law that you have on your books today, whether it's a religious or a secular law, has come about because you're trying to get somebody else to do something that will make you feel better Fear only exists when you do not understand that you have the power to project thought and that the Universe will respond. Everything that is today could not be if it were not for that which was before. You don't have to go back and deal with childhood issues, because those childhood issues produced a vibration within you that you are still offering -- which is producing today issues. You can shift your vibration a whole lot easier when you're dealing with today issues, than trying to deal with childhood issues. It's the same vibration. That vibration that was creating childhood issues, now it's creating today issues. Deal with it in your now. "Which thought feels better? Which thought feels better? Which thought feels better?" "Is it an employment "opportunity" or bondage? Because what you really want is freedom, many of you equate working for other people as bondage, but if you would realize that the corporation, as an entity, is not so different from the individual, it might be easier to understand the employer's decisions. Long before the buildings or the workers, the visionary of the corporation had an idea for something that began summoning Energy. So years later maybe you are hired as a

part of that team, and without realizing it you are now the beneficiary of that continuing flowing Energy. When you step into one of those employment positions, Life Force is summoned through you because of the vision of the founder--unless you're bucking the current. Most get into that fast moving stream and paddle against the current--and then complain about it being a hard ride--where they could get into their canoe and easily paddle with the fast moving current. You can soar and thrive in any environment as long as you are not seeing things that you are using as your reason to paddle against the current. And so, it doesn't really matter what others are deciding. The questions is: "As I am choosing to stand here, it's a way for dollars to flow through me in exchange for the effort I am offering. Am I predominantly letting the Energy flow through me, or not? Am I letting it in?"

Appreciation and love, and alignment to that which is Source, is the ultimate "giving back," so to speak, for in your pain or struggle, you have nothing to give back. What you are living is always an exact replication of your vibrational patterns of thought. Nothing could be more fair than life as you are living it, for as you are thinking, you are vibrating, and as you are vibrating, you are attractingand so you are always getting back the essence of what you are giving. You never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong. Life is supposed to be fun: you are creator, you are a focusing mechanism, and you are here in an environment that is very conducive to that. When you get hold of an idea, play it out for the pleasure in it. If you are doing it for any other reason, then you are not connecting to your Source Energy Words do not teach at all. It is life experience that brings you your knowing. But when you hear words that are a vibrational match to the knowing that you have accumulated, then sometimes it's easier for you to sort it all out. Here's a rule of thumb that will help you: If you believe that something is good, and you do it, it benefits you. If you believe that something is bad, and you do it, it is a very detrimental experience I see myself in perfect health. I see myself in absolute prosperity. I see myself invigorated with life, appreciating, again, this physical life experience which I wanted so very much as I decided to be a physical Being. It is glorious to be here, a physical Being, making decisions with my physical brain but accessing the power of the Universe through the power of the Law of Attraction.

The beast, like all of you, chooses freedom first. And if ever the physical condition becomes less than joyful, the beast -- if left to him self -- will reemerge into Nonphysical. You're never going to get to any final place. And so, we want to remind you to relax and start having fun on the way. You're never going to get to any final place. And so, we want to remind you to relax and start having fun on the way.

Most people have put anything that earns money in the category of the things that I have to do. And that is why the money often comes so hard. If you are wise enough to follow the trail of good-feeling thoughts by deliberately looking for positive aspects along your way, you will come into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are and with the things you really want, and once you do that, the Universe must deliver to you a viable means to achieve your desires. All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips. All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it, and then practice the feeling-place of what it will feel like when that happens. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. You are blessed Beings; you have come forth into this physical environment to create. There is nothing holding you back, other than your own contradictory thought. And your emotion tells you you're doing that. Life is supposed to be fun it is supposed to feel good! You are powerful Creators and right on schedule. Savor more; fix less. Laugh more; cry less. Anticipate positively more; anticipate negatively less. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. Just practice that and watch what happens. There is great love here for you. We are complete. If it is true, and it is, that when I, meaning, any point of Consciousness, asks, it is given, then can you not feel the perfection of the selfish ego? Every vantage point gets to ask, and every vantage point is answered. And when everyone is individually choosing and Source is answering--then what could be a more balanced world? The hypocrisy around the subject of sexuality is huge. Early on, there were others who were a lot more interested in you satisfying what made them feel good than in satisfying what made you feel good. There were so many things that you felt inclined to go this way, that you were forced to go that way, that at an early

age, you made a conscious decision that if it felt good, it was wrong. And if it felt wrong, it was probably right. Abraham is not a singular consciousness as you feel that you are in your singular bodies. Abraham is collective consciousness. There is a stream or river of consciousness. As one of you asks a question, there are many, many points of consciousness that are funneling through what feels to be one perspective, (because there is, in this case, one human, Esther, who is interpreting or articulating it) so it appears singular to you. We are multidimensional and multifaceted, and certainly multi-consciousness. As you perceive something, you give birth to a thought, and this thought now thinks. Now that it exists, now that it has been conjured, now that it has been focused, now it vibrates. Now, by Law of Attraction, other thoughts that are vibrationally same will come to it. So it begins its expansion immediately. Make lists of positive aspects. Make lists of things you loveand never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It is not your job to transform the world for othersbut it is your job to transform it for you. A state of appreciation is pure Connection to Source where there is no perception of lack. When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of attraction that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you. If man understood that "what I create has nothing to do with what anybody else is creating" then he wouldn't be so afraid of what others are doing. The best thing you could do for anyone that you love, is be happy! And the very worst thing that you could do for anyone that you love, is be unhappy, and then ask them to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make you happy. If it is your dominant intent to hold yourself in vibrational

harmony with who you really are, you could never offer any action that would cause anybody else to be unhappy.

Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction's response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial assets; your body's state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size, and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and rewardsindeed, the very happiness of your life experience in generalis all happening because of the story that you tell. There isn't anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it. When you play the What-If? game, look for things that make you feel better. There is never a situation in which there is not a way outbut, out of habit, most people continue to choose the "lack" perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices. But as you hold to your intention to look for evidence of Well-Being and thriving and success and happiness, you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those thingsand so those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life. The Universe does not know or care whether the vibration that you're offering is in response to something you are living right now, and observing, or in response to something you are imagining. In either case, the Universe accepts it as your point of attraction and matches it. People say, "The joy is in the journey," but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it's all about, not the completion of anything. When you ask, it is given, every single time, no exceptions. You are beloved, blessed Beings who deserve good thingsbut it takes a self-convincing before you will allow good things.

If you are feeling a shortage of time or money, your best effort would be to focus upon better-feeling thoughts, and do more things that make you feel good. Your time is a perceptual thing, and even though the clock is ticking the same for

everyone, your alignment affects your perception, as well as the results that you a llo w . As you observe the enormous differences in the effort that people apply and the results they achieve, you have to conclude that there is more to the equation of achieving than action alone. Find something to feel good about and get out of the way, and allow the cells to receive what they've been asking for. That is the key to healing. Whether it is a castle or a button, if you are using it as your object of attention, it is summoning Life Force. It is the feel of the Life Force that life is about. The reason that you are summoning it is inconsequential. So, look at your world that seems bent on revenge. The suicide bomber didn't just wake up one morning in the middle of a joyful life and decide to go kill some people. That person, whoever it was, was living such a feeling of disempowerment, that the only access they had to anything that gave them even an opportunity to have a breath of air, in that moment, was a feeling of revenge. We agree, we don't want them to get stuck in that feeling of revenge and then go kill themselves and other people. But we certainly understand how they got there. Nobody wants to feel powerless. And so, the suicide bombers are just those who are saying, "Well, I can do this one thing. You've taken away my power in this way, and in this way, and in this way, but there's one thing you cannot take away from me: my power to take myself out and a bunch of other people with me, hopefully." Whenever something that you think you want does not unfold, it is for one of two reasons: Either your habit of vibration, your belief, your dominant vibration that you are offering relative to the subject, doesn't match what you think your desire is, or, you and your desire are a perfect match, and this thing you think you want just doesn't match, and so the Universe doesn't deliver it. As long as you are feeling discomfort within anything, you're holding yourself in a vibration where all of the things that you have conjured, and all of the things that you have let the Universe know that you want, cannot flow to you. The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It's not testing you. It's benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation.

No one experiences freedom until they stop pushing against others. The only thing that binds you is the pushing against that which is unwanted. And so, if a religion could just be excited about what it is, or a person within a religion could just speak with appreciation about what it is, without justifying what it is by pushing against everything else, then each religion, in all of its difference, could be just exactly what you're reaching for. Here's a rule of thumb that will help you: If you believe that something is good, and you do it, it benefits you. If you believe that something is bad, and you do it, it is a very detrimental experience. When you are in sync with the Energy of Source, which is the Energy of Wellbeing, Well-being is your experience. And when you're not you don't feel so good. Everything that you're living is a perfect replica of the vibration of your being. The Universe is not discriminating about the rightness or the wrongness of your request. It is here to accommodate all requests. All you have to do is be a Vibrational Match to your request, and the Universe will yield it to you. You were "predetermined" to have a joyful, expansive experience, and the way in which you will do that is all up to you. All other choices are for your physical format. Everything is still in the process of being created. There is no creation that has reached its completion. Sometimes you walk into things, that, if you were paying attention, vibrationally, you would know right from the beginning that it wasn't what you are wanting. In most cases, your initial knee-jerk response was a pretty good indicator of how it was going to turn out later. The things that give most of you the most grief are those things that initially you had a feeling response about, but then you talked yourself out of it for one reason or another. If you are ending up where you want to be, what difference does it make whether you went fast or slow? Or what difference does it make whether it was painful before it got really good? Isn't that the point of free will? You get to choose. Even though you would like your government to orchestrate the laws or God to orchestrate the law or somebody to give everybody one set of rules, it's not ever going to happen. Each one of you, individually, are seeking your own vibrational balance, and when you find it, then you will welcome all kinds of different beliefs,

because you will never fear that the belief will take you someplace that you don't want to be. The buffer of time gives you the opportunity to get it right before it manifests, to take pleasure from the vision and from the molding it into place... Can you imagine if everything was manifesting instantly? You would manifest this, and then you would manifest it away. And then you'd manifest that, and then... It would be a difficult thing if you were instantly manifesting every whim or every misaligned thought. It's so much better that you have this buffer of time where you can feel it into perfection before it manifests into your experience. You think that the goal is to be over there, and we say the goal is the journey over there; the goal is the fun you have along the way on your way to over there You are really individual beings, with very special talents, and it would be nice if teachers had the time, or parents had the awareness or skill, to see the children as the very individual, very special beings that they are. So that rather than trying to drum them into one category, they are, instead, appreciating the special insight that each child brings to the sea of diversity and contrast which is the stuff that creation comes from. Just like the wild beasts, you want your own autonomy. You want freedom. You want freedom from negative emotion. You want freedom from somebody telling you what to do. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not -- what all of you want is a sense of Well-being _

There is no risk for you. When you come to understand the true nature of Wellbeing in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational

harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you _ --- Abraham --Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, June 1st, 2002 #587 Our Love, _ Jerry and Esther If we had a child, or anyone, and we caught them doing something inappropriate, we would not amplify it with our words. We would identify what it is we do not want, and then out of it would come the rocket of desire of what we do want, and then we would just visualize, visualize, visualize, until we find peace within our vision. When you make someone and their action the heart of a vision that you've spent time on -- your relationship improves, your experience is better, and they receive the benefit of the experience. But if you catch them, and see them, and worry about it, and put mechanisms in place to prevent it, now you have not only amplified it, you have now made a commitment that is hooking you both into that, until usually it gets big enough that you break apart, and then you attract others to fulfil that role. As you set a financial goal, it is not only about the expansion for yourself; it's about the expansion of all of those who are involved in that which you are about. In other words, it creates this nucleus, this machine that allows so many to begin to thrive along with you. It's much bigger than finances. When you are in vibrational harmony, your body produces whatever it needs to remain in perfect balance. --- Abraham The children desire freedom! And every particle of their being from their Source says, "You are free. You are so free, that every thought you offer, the entire Universe jumps to respond to it." And so, to take that kind of knowledge and try to confine it in any way, defies the Laws of the Universe. You must allow your children to be free, because the entire Universe is set up to accommodate that. And anything you do to the contrary will only bring you regret. You cannot contain those that cannot be contained. It defies Law.

When people ask us how long does it take for something to manifest, we say, "It takes as long as it takes you to release the resistance. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week. Could be tomorrow afternoon" Make peace with outrageous abundance. You are more likely to have a pure vibration and attract more abundance if you leave money out of the equation. But it isn't because money is the "root of all evil." It's because it messes up your vibration, usually. Cravings are going to occur to you. So here's the rule of thumb about eating, or about investing in the stock market, or about anything else: If the impulse comes from a joyous thought that feels good, follow it. If the impulse comes from an uncomfortable thought that felt bad, don't follow it. The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff -it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.

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