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In Review/Press, etc Laidig, T. E., D. E. Pearson, and L. L. Sinclair. In review. Age and Growth of blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) from central and northern California. Fishery Bulletin. DeMartini, E. E. submitted. Habitat affinities and endemism of recruits to shallow reef fish populations at two isolated oceanic atolls. Bull. Mar. Sci. Loughlin, T. R., J. T. Sterling, R. L. Merrick, J. L. Sease, and A. E. York. In press. Immature Steller sea lion diving behavior. Fishery Bulletin 101(2): Parrish, F. A. and R. C. Boland. In review. Habitat and reef-fish assemblages of bank summits in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Mar. Bio. Shepard, A., D. Dinsmore, S. Miller, C. Cooper, and R. Wicklund. In press. Aquarius Undersea Laboratory: the next generation. In: M. A. Lang (ed.) Methods and Techniques of Underwater Research. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, Sixteenth Annual Scientific Diving Symposium. AAUS, 947 Newhall St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627.

2004 DeMartini, E. E., and A. M. Friedlander. 2004. Spatial patterns of endemism in shallowwater reef fish populations of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. (volume and pages tbd) DeMartini, E. E. 2004. Habitat and endemism of recruits to shallow reef fish populations: selection criteria for no-take MPAs in the NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve. Bull. Mar. Sci. 74:185-205. Dinsmore, David A. 2004. NOAAs Diving Equipment R&D Program: Past, Present, and future. Abstract. AAUS, 23rd Symposium, Diving For Science. E.G. Garrison, et. Al. 2004. Late Quaternary lithostratigraphy and paleoecolgy at Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary, South Atlantic Bight, Georgia. In Press. Preskitt, Linda B., Peter S. Vroom, Celia M. Smith (2004) A Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) Quantitative Survey Method for Benthic Algae using Photo Quadrats with SCUBA. Pacific Science 58: 201-209.

Vroom, Peters., Isabella A. Abbott (2004) Acrosymphyton brainardii sp. Nov. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from French Frigate Shoals, Northwester Hawaiian Islands. Phycologia 43: 68-74. Vroom, Peter S., Isabella A. Abbott (in press). Scinai huismanii sp. nov. (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta): an addition to the exploration of the marine algae of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Phycologia. Vroom, Peter S., Kimberly N. Page, Kimberly A. Peyton, J. Kanekoa Kukea-Shultz (in review). Marine algae of the French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: a multivariate analysis of benthic cover on a relatively unpolluted tropical atoll. Coral Reefs. Kolinski, S.P., R.K. Hoeke, S.R. Holzwarth, P.S. Vroom (in review). Sea Turtle Abundance at Isolated Reefs of the Mariana Archipelago, Micronesica.

2003 Bohnsack, J. A., A. Y. Cantillo and M. J Bello (eds.) 2003. Resource survey of Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary 1983. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS CCMA 160. NOAA NMFS-SEFSC-478. LISD 2002-8. NOAA/NOS National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD. 348 pp. Franklin, E.C., Ault, J.S., Smith, S.G., Luo, J., Meester, G.A., Diaz G.A., Chiappone, M., Swanson, D.W., Miller, S.L., Bohnsack, J.A. 2003. Benthic habitat mapping in the Tortugas region, Florida. Marine Geodesy 26(102): 19-34. Lirman, D., Miller, M.W. (2003) Tools to assess recovery status and convergence rates between restored and undisturbed coral reef habitats. Restoration Ecology 11:448-456. Miller, M.W., Aronson, R.B., Murdoch, T. (2003) Monitoring coral reef macroalgae: different pictures from different methods. Bull Mar Sci 72: 199-206 Miller, M.W. et al. (2003) Status of resources of Navassa Island: Nov 2002. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-501. Stone, R. P., M. M. Masuda, and J. E. Clark. 2003 Growth of Male Tanner Crabs Chionoecetes bairdi in a Southeast Alaska Estuary. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 10(2):137-148. Vroom, Peter S., Celia M. Smith (2003) Reproductive features of Hawaiian Halimeda velasquezii (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta), and an evolutionary assessment of reproductive characters in Halimeda. Cryptogamie, Alogologie 24: 355-370.

Wicksten, Mary K. and M. McClure. 2003. A new species of Alpheus (Decapoda: Caridea) Describes a new species of snapping shrimp from the Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary.

2002 Ault, J. S., S. G. Smith, G. A. Meester, J. Luo, J. A. Bohnsack, and S. L. Miller. 2002. Baseline Multispecies Coral Reef Fish Stock Assessment for Dry Tortugas. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-487. 117 p. Ault, J. S., Smith, S. G., Meester, G. A., Luo, J., Franklin, E. C., Bohnsack, J. A., Harper, D. E., McClellan, D. B., Miller, S. L., Chiappone, M., and Swanson, D. W. 2002. Synoptic habitat and reef fish surveys support establishment of marine reserves in Dry Tortugas, Florida USA. Reef Encounter 31:22-23. Bernardi, G., S. J. Holbrook, R. J. Schmidt, N. L. Crane, and E. DeMartini. 2002. Species boundaries, populations and colour morphs in the coral reef three-spot damselfish (Dascyllus trimaculatus) species complex. Proc. Biol. Sci. Roy. Soc. Lond. 269(1491):599-605. DeMartini, E. E., F. A. Parrish, and R. C. Boland. 2002. Comprehensive evaluation of shallow reef fish populations at French Frigate Shoals and Midway Atoll., Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (1993/93, 1995-2000). NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-347. December 2002. zz pages. Dinsmore, D. A and S. U. Urick. 2002. Report of Floatation Characteristics of Selected Drysuits in a Flooded Configuration. NOAA Diving Program Technical Report 02-01. NOAA Diving Center, 7600 Sand Point Way, NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Friedlander, A. M., and E. E. DeMartini. 2002. Contrasts in density, size, and biomass of reef fishes between the northwestern and the main Hawaiian islands: the effects of fishing down apex predators. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 230:253-264. Miller, M.W., Gerstner, C. (2002) Coral reefs of an uninhabitated Caribbean island: fishes, benthic habitat, and opportunities to discern fishing impact. Biological Conservation 106:37-44. Miller, M.W., Baums, I.B., Williams, D.E., Szmant, A.M. (2002) Status of Candidate coral, Acropora palmate, and its snail predator in the upper Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: 1998-2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC479, 26 pp. Parrish, F. A. and R. L. Pyle. 2002. Field comparison of Open-Circuit scuba to closedcircuit rebreathers for deep mixed-gas diving. Mar. Tech. Doc. 36(2)13-22.

Parker, R. O., Jr., and R. L. Dixon. 2002. Reef faunal response to warming middle U.S. continental shelf waters. In International Symposium Papers of the American Fisheries Society on Climatic Change and Fisheries. Stone, R. P. , and C. E. OClair. 2002. Behavior of female Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, in a glacial Southeast Alaska estuary: homing, brooding site fidelity, seasonal movements, and habitat use. Journal of Crustacean Biology 22:481-492.

2001 Ault, J. S., S. G. Smith, G. A. Meester, J. Juo, and J. A. Bohnsack. 2001. Site Characterization for the Biscayne National Park: Assessment of Fisheries Resources and Habitats. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-468. 165 p. Fadely, B. S., and T. R. Loughlin. 2001. Weak association between Steller sea lion pup condition and population and environmental trends in western Alaska. Presented at the 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Nov. 28-Dec 3, 2001, Vancouver, Canada. Hobson, E. S., J. R. Chess, and D. F. Howard. 2001. Interannual variation in predation on first-year Sebastes spp. By three northern California predators. Fish. Bull. 99(2):292-302. Hobson, E. S., and J. R. Chess. 2001. Influence of trophic relations on form and behavior among fishes and benthic invertebrates in some Californian marine communities. Environ. Biol. Fish. 60(4):411-457. Joiner, J. T. 2001. NOAA Diving Manual: Diving for Science and Technology (contributing author). Best Publishing, 2355 North Steves Boulevard, P.O. Box 30100, Flagstaff, AZ, USA 86003. Martin, R.M., A.C. Wertheimer, F. Thrower, and J. E. Joyce. 2001. Growth and survival of Alaska stream-type Chinook salmon cultured in estuarine net-pens or freshwater raceways. North American Journal Aquaculture 63: 256-261. Miller, M.W. (2001) Corallivorous snail removal: evaluation of impact on Acropora palmate. Coral Reefs 19:293-295. Miller, M.W. and J. Barimo. (2001) Assessment of juvenile coral populations at two reef restoration sites in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: Indicators of success? Bull. Mar. Sci. 69:395-405. Miller, S. L., M. Chiappone, D. W. Swanson, J. S. Ault, S. G. Smith, G. A. Meester, J. Luo, E. C. Franklin, J. A. Bohnsack, D. E. Harper, D. B. McClellan. 2001. An

extensive deep reef terrace on the Tortugas Bank, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Coral Reefs 20: 299-300. Roberts, Callum M., James A. Bohnsack, Fiona.Gell, Julie P. Hawkins, Renata Goodridge. 2001. Effects of marine reserves on adjacent fisheries. Science 294.: 1920-1923. Smith, B.C. 2001. An overview of the NOAA diving program. Collected Abstracts of Northeast Fisheries Science Centers Seventh Science Symposium. Westbrook, Connecticut, December 11-13. Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 01-17. Stone, R. P., and B. L. Wing. 2001. Growth and recruitment of an Alaskan shallowwater gorgonian. J. H. Martin Willison et al. (eds). Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, Ecology Action Centre and Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia. P 88-94. Stone, R. P. and C. E. OClair. 2001. Seasonal movements and distribution of Dungeness crabs, Cancer Magister in glacial southeastern Alaska estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 214:167-176.

2000 Goldberg, R., Pereira, J., and Clark, P. 2000. Strategies for the enhancement of natural bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, populations; A case study in the Niantic River estuary, Connecticut, USA Aquaculture International. 8:139-158. Parker, R. O., Jr. 2000. Courtship in hoggish. Lachnolaimus maximus, and other behavior of reef fishes off Beaufort, North Carolina. Journal of Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 116:260-261. Parrish, F. A., M. P. Craig, T. J. Ragen, G. J. Marshall, and B. M. Buhleier. 2000. Identifying diurnal foraging habitat of endangered Hawaiian monk seals using a seal-mounted video camera. J. Mar Mamm Sci. 16(2) 1999 Bohnsack, J. A., M. W. Miller, and B. Haskell. 1999. Monitoring coral reefs and fishes in the Florida Keys. Pages 105-119 in J. E. Maragos and R. Grober-Dunsmore. (eds). Proceedings of the Hawaii Coral Reef Monitoring Workshop, June 9-11, Honolulu, Hawaii. 334 p. Bohnsack, J. A., D. B. McClellan, D. E. Harper, G. S. Davenport, G. J. Konoval, A. M. Eklund, J. P. Contillo, S. K. Bolden, P. C. Fischel, G.S. Sandorf, J. C. Javech, M. W. White, M. H. Pickett, M. W. Hulsbeck J. L. Tobias, J. S. Ault, G. A. Meester,

S. G. Smith, and J. Luo. 1999. Baseline Data for Evaluating Reef Fish Populations in the Florida Keys. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-427. 61 p. Bohnsack, J. A. and E. Widder. 1999. The potential of optical technology for advancing marine resource assessment. 27 pp white paper In: J. K. Parrish. Remote species Identification Workshop Report, November 1998. University of Washington. Dinsmore, D. A. and J. D. Broadwater. 1999. 1998 NOAA Research Expedition to the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. In: Hamilton, RW, Pence, DF, Kesling, DE, eds. Assessment and Feasibility of Technical Diving Operations for Scientific Exploration. Nahant, MA: American Academy of Underwater Sciences. Garrison, E. G. 1999 A geoarchaeological study of Prisoners Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, Northern Channel Island, California past sea levels and deltaic deposits of an insular stream. Proceedings of Fifth California Islands Symposium. K.L. Mitchell and D. E. Browne, eds. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. March 29-April 1. Meester, G. A., J. S. Ault, and J. A. Bohnsack. 1999. Visual censusing and the extraction of average length as a biological indicator of stock health. Naturalista sicil. XXIII (Suppl.):205-222. Parker, R. O., Jr., and L.G. Greene. 1999. Experimental removal of high trophic level piscivores and the effects on resident reef fish assemblages in Onslow Bay, North Carolina. Journal of Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 115:257-269. Parrish, F. A. and T. M. Martinelli. 1999. Some preliminary findings on the nutritional condition of a wild population of the Hawaiian spiny lobster, Panularius marginatus. Pac. Sci. 53(4): 361-366. Stone, R. P. 1999. Mass molting of Tanner crabs Chionoecetes bairdi in a Southeast Alaska estuary. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 6:19-28.

1998 Ault, J. S., J. A. Bohnsack, and G. Meester. 1998. A retrospective (1979-1995) multispecies assessment of coral reef fish stocks in the Florida Keys. Fish. Bull., U.S. 96(3): 395-414. Bohnsack, J. A. Marine reserves: Lessons from Florida. Pages 89-99 in M. Yoklavich, (ed.), Marine harvest refugia for west coast rockfish: A workshop NOAA-TMNMFS-SWFSC-255. 159 p. Bohnsack, J. A. 1998. Reef Fish response to divers in two no-take marine reserves in Hawaii. Reef Encounter 23:22-24.

DeMartini, E. E. 1998. How might recruitment research on coral-reef fishes help manage tropical reef fisheries? Austr. J. Ecol. 23:305-310. High, William L. 1998. Observations of a scientist/diver on fishing technology and fisheries biology. NOAA Report, RACE Division. Vii, 48 p. Holtz, D., J. Lang, F. Coleman, and J. Bohnsack. 1998. Coral Reefs: Saving the crown jewels. Pages 209-229 in J. Speir (ed), Sustainable Fisheries for the 21st Centruy? Tulane Institute for Environmental Law and Policy. New Orleans. 282 p. Parker, R. O., Jr., and R. W. Mays. 1998. Southeastern United States deepwater reef fish assemblages, habitat characteristics, catches, and life history summaries. NOAA Tech. Rep. 41 p. Parker, R. O., Jr., and R. L. Dixon. 1998. Changes in a North Carolina reef fish community after 15 years of intense fishing with global warming implications. Transactions of the American Fishery Society 127:908-920.

1997 Ault, J. S., J. A. Bohnsack, and G. A. Meester. 1997. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: retrospective (1979-1995) assessment of reef fish and the case for protected marine areas. Pages 415-425 in Hancock, D. A., Smith, D. C., Grant, A., and Beumer, J. P. (eds). Developing and Sustaining World Fisheries Resources: The State of Science and Management, 2nd World Fisheries Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 797 p. Bohnsack, J. A., A. M. Eklund, and A.M. Szmant. 1997. Artificial reef research: Is there more than the attraction-production issue? Fisheries 22(4): 14-16. Chess, J. R., and E. S. Hobson. 1997. Benthic invertebrates of four southern California and marine habitats prior to onset of ocean warming in 1976, with lists of fish predators. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-243. 110 p. Chess, J. R., E. S. Hobson, and D. F. Howard. 1997. Interactions between Acanthaster planci (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) and scleractinian corals at Kona, Hawaii Pac. Sci. 51(2):121-133. Parrish, F. A., E. E. DeMartini, and D. M. Ellis. 1997. Nursery habitat in relation to production of juvenile pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus, in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Fish Bull., U. S. 95:137-148.

1996 Bohnsack, J. A. 1995. Visually based methods for monitoring coral reef fishes. Pages 45-47. in Proceedings of the reef fish workshop for the southeast area monitoring and assessment program (Seamap). SEAMAP Reef Fish Workgroup. Gulf States Marine Fisheries Comission. 76 p. DeMartini, E. E., F. A. Parrish, and D. M. Ellis. 1996. Barotrauma-associated rgurgitation of food: effects on diet studies of Hawaiian pink snapper (Pristipomoides filamentosus, Luthanidae). Fish Bull., U. S. 94:250-256. DeMartini, E. E., and T. J. Donaldson. 1996. Color morph-habitat relations in the arceye hawkfish Paracirrhites arcatus (Pisces: Cirrhitidae). Copeia 1996(2):362371. DeMartini, E. E., J. D. Parrish, and F. A. Parrish. 1996. Interdecadal change in reef fish populations at French Firgate Shoals and Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: statistical power in retrospect. Bull. Mar. Sci. 58:804-825. DeMartini, E. E. 1996. Sheltering and foraging substrate uses of the arc-eye hawkfish Paracirrhites arcatus (Pisces: Cirrhitidae). Bull. Mar. Sci. 58:826-837. Hobson, E. S., J. R. Chess, and D. F. Howard. 1996. Zooplankters consumed by blue rockfish during brief access to a current off Californias Sonoma Coast. California Fish & Game 82(2):87-92. Hobson, E. S., and J. R. Chess. 1996. Examination of great abundance of filefish, Pervagor spilosoma, in Hawaii. Environ. Biol. Fish. 47:269-278. Howard, D. F., and P. B. Adams. 1996. Natural mortality of blue rockfish, Sebastes mystinus, during their first year in nearshore benthic habitats. Fish. Bull. 94(1):156-162. Moffitt, R. B., and F. A. Parrish. 1996. Habitat and life history of juvenile Hawaiian pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus. Pacific Science 50(4): 371-381. Parrish, F. A., E. E. DeMartini, and D. M. Ellis. 1996. Nurseery habitat in relation to production of juvenile pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus, in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Fish. Bull. 95:137-148. Shepard, A., D. Dinsmore, S. Miller, and C. Borne. 1996. Offshore saturation operations in the Florida Keys using the Aquarius Undersea Laboratory. In: N. Naraki, Y. Taya & M. Mohri (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Diving Physiology, October 23-25, 1995, Miura Kanagawa, Japan, pp. 195-208. Published by JAMSTEC (Japan Marine Science & Technology Center), Yokosuka.

1995 Bohnsack, J. A. 1995. Passive Assessment techniques for shallow water reef resources. Pages 17-21 in Proceedings of the 1987 SEAMAP Passive Gear Assessment Workshop at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. NOAA Tech Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-365. Bohnsack, J.A. 1995. Two visually based methods for monitoring coral reef fishes. Pages 31-36 in Crosby, M. P., G. R. Gibson, Jr., and K. W. Potts (eds). A coral reef symposium on practical reliable, low cost monitoring methods for assessing the biota and habitat conditions of coral reefs, January 26-27, 1995. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, NOAA Silver Spring, MD 80 p. Hobson, E. J., J. Chess, and D. Howard. 1995. Anomalous damage inflicted by hurricane Iniki on a Hawaiian coral reef. Bull. Mar. Sci. 57:495-500. Howard, D. F., and S. Ralston. 1995. On the development of year-class strength and cohort variability in two northern California rockfishes. Fish. Bull. 93(4):710720. Merringer, J. V., R. O. Parker, Jr., and G. R. Huntsman. 1995. Assessment techniques for reef habitates on the Southeast United States continental shelf. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC 365:53-58. Polovina, J. J., W. R. Haight, R. B. Moffitt, and F. A. Parrish. 1995. The role of benthic habitat, oceanography, and fishing on the (Decapoda, Palinuridae), in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Crustaceana 68(2):203-212. 1994 Bohnsack, J. A., D. E. Harper, D. B. McClellan, and M. Hulsbeck. 1994. Effect of Reef Size Recruitment and Assemblage Structure of Fishes at Artificial Reefs off Southeastern Florida, U.S.A. Bull. Mar. Sci. 55(2):798-825. Hobson, E. S. 1994. Ecological relations in the evolution of acanthopterygian fishes in warm-temperate communities of the northeaster Pacific. Environ. Biol. Fish. 40:49-90. Parker, R. O., Jr., A. J. Chester, and R. S. Nelson. 1994. A video transect method for estimating reef fish abundance and community composition of fishes in Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary, Georgia. Fishery Bulletin 92:787-799.

Parrish, F. A., and J. J. Polovina. 1994. Habitat thresholds and bottlenecks in production of the spiny lobster (Panulirus marinatus) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(3): 151-163. 1993 Chess, J. R. 1993. The effects of the stipe-boring amphipod Peramphithoe stypotrupetes (Corophiodea: Ampithoidae) and grazing gastropods on the kelp Laminaria setchelli. J. Crust. Biol. 13(4):638-646. Hulbert, A. W. and D. A. Dinsmore. 1993. ROV and enriched air diving technology at the National Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Underwater Intervention 93 Conference Proceedings: 18. (NURC/UNCW A93-01). Wells, J. M. and Linda Moroz. 1993. Applications of Gas Separation Technology in the Preparation of Divers Breathing Gases and Hyperbaric Atmospheres. NOAA Experimental Diving Unit Tech Report #93-04. Also printed in: MTS 93 Conference Proceedings, p. 39-40. Parrish, F. A., and R. B. Moffitt. 1993. Subsurface fish handling to limit decompression effect on deepwater species. Mar. Fish. Rev. 54(3):29-32. Polovina, J. J., G. T. Mitchum, N. E. Graham, M. P. Craig, E. E. DeMartini, and E. N. Flint. 1993. Physical and biological consequences of a climate event in the central North Pacific. Fish. Oceanogr. 3:15-21. Stone, R. P., C. E. OClair, and T. C. Shirley. 1993. Aggregating behavior of ovigerous female red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus in Auke Bay, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50(4):750-758.

1992 Conlan, K. E., and J. R. Chess. 1992. Phylogeny and ecology of a kelp-boring amphipod. Permphithoe stypotrupetes, new species (Corophiodea: Ampithoidae). J. Crust Biol. 12(3):410-422. Wells, J. M., and Campbel, Walton B. 1992. Potential Applications of Vortex Tube Technology in the Cooling Dehumidification and Heating of Hyperbaric Environments. NOAA Experimental Diving Unit Tech Report #92-01 Wells, J. M. and Moroz, Linda. 1992. Applications of Vortex Tube Technology in the Cooling of Recompression Chamber Atmospheres I. NOAA Experimental Diving Unit Tech Report # 92-02.

Parrish, F. A., and T. K. Kazama. 1992. Evaluation of ghost fishing in the Hawaiian lobster fishery. Fish. Bull., U. S. 90(4) 720-725. Stone, R. P., C. E. OClair, and T. C. Shirey. 1992. Seasonal migration and distribution of female red king crabs in a southeast Alaskan estuary. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 12(4):546-560.

1991 Bohnsack, J. A. 1991. Habitat structure and the design of artificial reefs. Chapter 20. Pages 412-426 in: S. S. Bell, E. D. McCoy, and H. E. Mushinsky (eds). Habitat Structure: The Physical Arrangement of Objects in Space. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London. 438 p. Bortone, S. and J. Bohnsack. 1991. Sampling and Studying Fish on Artificial Reefs. Chapter 7. Pages 39-51 in: J. G. Halusky (eds.). Artificial Reef Research Divers Handbook. Technical Paper 63. Florida Sea Grant College Program. 198 p. Dinsmore, D. A., S. J. Mastro, and A. W. Hulbert. 1991. NURC/UNCWs enriched AIR Nitrox dive tables, pp. 1346-1350. In: Oceans 91 Proceedings. The IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. (NURC/UNCW R-9109). Dinsmore, D. A. 1991. Open Bell Systems (contributing author) NOAA Diving Manual: Diving for Science and Technology. 3rd Edition, U.S. Department of Commerce. Dinsmore, D. A., and A. W. Hulbert. 1991. Is Nitrox Safe? In: G.S. Makulowich (ed.), pp. 5-6. Pressure Newsletter, Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc., Volume 20, Number 4, July/August. Garrison, E. G. 1991 NOAAs nationally protected cultural resources. In Underwater Archaelogy Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaelogy. John D. Broadwater, Editor, Richmond, VA. Pp. 36-39. Garrison, E. G. 1991. Archaeogeophysical studies at Cortaillod and St. Blaise, Lac de Neuchatel, Switzerland. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 6 (2): 111132. Hobson, E. S. 1991. Trophic relations of fishes specialized to feed on zooplankters above coral reefs. In P. F. Sale (ed), The Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs, p. 6995. Academic Press, San Diego.

Newell, C. D., Urick, S. C., and Wells, J. M. 1991. Gas composition and visual inspection results of aluminum scuba cylinders following long-term nitrox storage. NOAA Experimental Diving Unit. 1991. NOAA Tech Report #91-01. Newell, C. D., Urick, S. C. and Wells, J. M. Visual inspection of aluminum scuba cylinders and used for recreational nitrox diving. NOAA Experimental Diving Unit 1991; NOAA Tech Report #91-02. Parker, R. O., Jr. 1991. Survival of released reef fishes a summary of available data. Prepared for the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, June 1991.

Sutherland, D.L., J. A. Bohnsack, D. E. Harper, C. M. Holt, M. W. Hulsbeck, and D. B. McClellan. 1991. Preliminary Report: Reef Fish size and species selectivity by wire fish traps in Southern Florida waters. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 1989. 40: 108-125. Wells, J. Morgan. 1991. Nitrox Problems can be easily avoided. Pressure 1991 Jul/Aug; 20(4): 8. 1990 Wells, J. M. 1991. Applications of Atmospheric Oxygen Concentrators in the Preparation of Divers Breathing Media. Published in MTS 90 Proceedings, Vol. 3; Marine Technology Society, Washington D.C.; 1990. p. 744. Parker, R. O., Jr. 1990. Tagging studies and diver observations of fish populations on reefs of the U.S. Southeastern Coast. Bulletin of Marine Science 46:749-760. 1989 Chess, J. R. 1989. Aciconula acanthosoma, new species, a caprellid amphipod from southern California, with notes on its ecology. J. Crust. Biol. 9(4):662-665. Clark, J. R., B. Causey, and J. A. Bohnsack. 1989. Benefits from coral reef protection Looe Key Reef, Florida. Coastal Zone 89: Proceedings 6th Symp. Coastal and Ocean Management 4: 3076-3086. Dinsmore, D. A. 1989. Enriched air diving safety considerations, pp. 1695-1697. In: Oceans 89 Proceedings. The IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. (NURC/UNCW R-89-11). Dinsmore, D. A. 1989. NURC/UNCW nitrox diving program, pp. 75-84. In: R. W. Hamilton, D. Crosson and A. W. Hulbert (eds). Workshop on Enriched Air Nitrox Diving. National Undersea Research Program Research Report 89(1), September 1989. (NURC/UNCW R-89-20).

Hobson, E. S., and D. F. Howard. 1989. Mass strandings of juvenile shortbelly rockfish and Pacific hake along the coast of northern California. Calif. Fish & Game 75:169-183. Martin, R.M., and A.C. Wertheimer. 1989. Effects of culture density on adult returns of Alaska Chinook salmon released at two smolt sizes. Prog. Fish. Cult. 51:194-200. Mastro, S. J. and D. A. Dinsmore. 1989. The operation advantages of Enriched Air Nitrox versus air for research diving. MTS Journal 23(4):42-46. (NURC/UNCW J89-09). Parrish, F. A. 1989. Identification of habitat of juvenile snappers in Hawaii. Fish. Bull., U.S. 87(4). Wells, J Morgan. 1989. Nitrox Diving Within NOAA: History, Applications, and Future. National Undersea Research Program, Research Report 89-1, Workshop on Enriched Air Nitrox Diving. 89-1: 31-41. Wertheimer, A.C., A. Celewycz, D.G. Mortensen, H.W. Jaenicke and J. A. Orsi. 1989. Size-related hooking mortality of incidentally caught Chinook salmon. Marine Fisheries Review 5(2): 28-35.

1988 Dinsmore, D. A. 1988. Use of optimal enriched air breathing mixtures to maximize dive time and operational flexibility, pp. 33-40. In: MA Lang (ed.) Advances In Underwater Science.1988. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, Eighth Annual Scientific Diving Symposium. AAUS, 947 Newhall St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. (NURC/UNCW R88-05). Dinsmore, D. A. and D. J. Crosson. 1988. Oxy-nitrogen, self-contained mixed-gas, modified air (contributing author), pp. 82-83. Code of Practice for Scientific Diving: Principles for the Safe Practice of Scientific Diving in Different Environments, Unexso, Paris, France. Hobson, E. S. and J. R. Chess. 1988. Trophic relations of the blue rockfish, Sebastes mystinus, in a coastal upwelling system off northern California. Fish. Bull. 86:715-743. Wells, J. M. 1988. The Use of Nitrogen-Oxygen Mixtures as Divers Breathing Gas. Published in Oceans 88 Proceedings. P. 15 Parker, R. O., Jr., R. S. Nelson, and A. J. Chester. 1988. A quantitative approach to the estimation of reef fish abundance and community composition in the Grays Reef

National Marine Sanctuary using SCUBA Divers. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management-Sanctuary Program, Final Report, 71 p. Wertheimer, A.C. 1988. Hooking mortality of incidentally caught Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 8:346-355.

1987 Bohnsack, J. A., D. E. Harper, D. B. McClellan, D. L. Sutherland, and M. W. White. 1987. Resource survey of fishes within Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary. NOAA Technicial Memorandum NOS MEMD 5: 1-108. Chess, J. R. and M. Murano. 1987. Four new mysids from California coastal waters. J. Crust. Biol. 7:182-197. Martin, R.M. and A.C. Wertheimer. 1987. Survival of coho salmon cultured in freshwater and in estuarine net pens. Aquaculture 61: 181-191. Mastro, S. J. and D. A. Dinsmore. 1987. Scuba to submersibles, NOAA/NURP at UNCWilmington offers the latest technology to the marine research community, pp. 163-173. In: MA Lang (ed.) Coldwater Diving for Science.1987. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, Seventh Annual Scientific Diving Symposium. AAUS, 947 Newhall St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. (NURC/UNCW R87-01).

1986 Bohnsack, J. A., and S. P. Bannerot. 1986. A stationary visual census technique for quantitatively assessing community structure of coral reef fishes. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 41: 1-15. Hobson, E. S. 1986. Predation on the Pacific sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus (Pisces: Ammodytidae), during the transition between day and night in southeastern Alaska. Copeia 1986:223-226. Hobson, E. S. 1986. Impacts of changing habitats on latitudinal variations in trophic systems among teleostean fishes. In Potts, G. W. (ed.), Progress in underwater science 11, p. 33-39. 19th Symposium of the British Underwater Association. Report of British Museum (Natural History), London. Hobson, E. S. and J. R. Chess. 1986. Diel movements of resident and transient zooplankters above lagoon reefs at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pac Sci. 40:7-26.

Hobson, E. S. and J. R. Chess. 1986. Relationships among fishes and their prey in a nearshore sand community off southern California. Environ. Biol. Fish. 17:201226. Parker, R. O., Jr. and S. W. Ross. 1986. Observing reef fishes from submersibles off North Carolina. Northeast Gulf Science 8:31-49.

1985 Hard, J.J., A.C. Wertheimer, W.R. Heard and R.M. Martin. 1985 Early male maturity in two stocks of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) transplanted to an experimental hatchery in southeastern Alaska. Aquaculture 48:351-359. Wells, J. Morgran. 1985. Diving Operations in heated/contaminated water. Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR)..June 1985. p179-189. 1984 Hobson, E. S. 1984. The structure of fish communities in the Hawaiian archipelago. Proc. 2nd Symp., Resour. Invest. NWHI. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-MR 84-01, 101122. Wells, Dr. J. Morgan. 1984. Equipment Innovations Cut Risks for Divers in Polluted Waters. Printed in Sea Technology Magazine, December 1984. Wertheimer, A.C. 1984. Maturation success of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbusha) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) held under three salinity regimes. Aquaculture 43:195-212.

1983 Bohnsack, J. A. 1983. Resiliency of reef fish communities in the Florida Keys following a January 1977 hypothermal fish kill. Env. Biol. Fish 9: 41-53. Bohnsack, J. A. 1983. Species turnover and the order versus chaos controversy concerning reef fish community structure. Coral Reefs: 1:223-228. Bohnsack, J. A. and S. P. Pannerot. 1983. A random point census technique for a visually assessing coral reef fishes. Pages 5-7 in: C. A. Barans and S. A. Bortone (eds.). The visual assessment of fish populations in the southeastern United States: 1982 Workshop. South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, Technical Report 1 (SC-SG-TR-01-83). 52. p.

Wertheimer, A.C., W.R. Heard, and R.M. Martin. 1983. Culture of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) smolts in estuarine netpens and returns of adults from two smolt releases. Aquaculture 32: 373-381. Parker, R. O., Jr. 1983. Diver-submersible reef fish observation comparisons. In Visual Assessment of Fish Populations in the Southeastern United States: 1982 Workshop. The South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, Tech. Rep. 1. 1 p. (nonpeer reviewed)

1982 Bohnsack, J. A. 1982. Effects of piscivorous predator removal on coral reef fish community structure. Pages 258-267 in G. M. Cailliet and C. A. Simenstad (eds.). Gutshop 81: Fish Food Habits Studies. Proc. 3rd Pacific Tech Workshop. Washington Sea Grant. University of Washington, Seattle. Hobson, E. S. 1982. The structure of fish communities on warm-temperate and tropical reefs. In Huntsman, G. R., R. W. Nicholson, and W. W. Fox, Jr. (eds.), The biological bases for reef fishery management, p. 160-166. NOAA Tech. Memo., NOAA-TM-NMFS-SEFC-80. Parker, R. O., Jr. 1982. Assessment of reef stocks. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, Tech Memo. 80. 2 pg.

1981 Hobson, E. S., W. N. McFarland, and J. R. Chess. 1981. Crepuscular and nocturnal activities of Californian nearshore fishes, with consideration of their scotopic visual pigments and the photic environment. Fish. Bull. 79:1-30. Martin, R.M., W.R. Heard, and A.C. Wertheimer. 1981. Short-term rearing of pink salmon: effect on survival and biomass of returning adults. Can. J. Aquat. Sci. 38: 554-558.

1980 Wertheimer, A.C., and R.M. Martin. 1980. Viability of gametes from adult anadromous coho salmon ripened in a estuarine pen. Prog. Fish. Cult. 43(1): 40-41. Ross, S. W., and R. O. Parker, Jr. 1980. Distribution and composition of the North Carolina reef ichthyofauna. (Abstract). Association of Southeaster Biologists Bulletin 27(2): 60.

Wells, M. J., and Ross, H. E. 1980. Distortion and adaptation in underwater sound localization. Aviat Space Environ Med 51(8):767-774; Aug 1980. Wells, M. J. and Ross, H. E. 1980. Distoration of auditory localization under water. Progress in underwater science. Volume 5 (New series) of the Report of the Underwater Association, p28. London, Pentech Press 1980. 1979 Chess, J. R. 1979. Some procedures for assessing organisms with rocky substrata. In: Gutshop78. Fish food habits studies. Proceedings of the second Pacific Northwest Technical Workshop, held Maple Valley, WA (USA), 10-13 October, 1978. Publ. By: Washington Sea Grant; Seattle, WA (USA)., Mar 1979., p. 2528, Publ. Wash. Sea Grant. Hobson, E. S. and J. R. Chess. 1979. Zooplankters that emerge from the lagoon floor at night at Kure and Midway Atolls, Hawaii. Fish. Bull. 77:275-280. Hobson, E. S. 1979. Interactions between piscivorous fishes and their prey. In H. E. Clepper (ed.), Predator-Prey Systems in Fisheries Management, P. 231-242. Sport Fishing Instit., Washington, D.C. Hobson, E. S. 1979. Aggregations as a defense against predators in aquatic and terrestrial environments. In E.S. Reese and F. J. Lighter (eds), Contrasts in Behavior, P. 219-234. Wiley, New York. Parker, R. O., Jr., R. B. Stone, C. C. Buchanan. 1979. Artificial reefs off Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Marine Fisheries Review 41:12-24. Randall, J. E., and J. R. Chess. 1979. A new species of garden eel (Congridae: Heterocongrinae) of the genus Gorgasia from Hawaii. Pac. Sci., 33(1), 17-23. Stone, R. B., H. W. Pratt, R. O. Parker, Jr., and G. E. Davis. 1979. A comparison of fish populations on an artificial and natural reef in the Florida Keys. Marine Fisheries Review 41(9):1-11.

1978 Hobson, E. S., and J. R. Chess. 1979. Trophic relationships among fishes and zooplankters in the lagoon at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Fish. Bull. 76:133-153.


1976 Hobson, E. S. 1979. The rock wrasse, Halichoeres semicinctus, as a cleaner fish. Calif. Fish Game 61:73-78.

1975 Hobson, E. S. 1979. First California record of the serranid fish, Anthias gordensis Wade. Calif. Fish Game 61:111-112. Hobson, E. S. 1975. Feeding patterns among tropical reef fishes. Amer. Sci. 63:382392. Parker, R. O., Jr., R. B. Stone, C.C. Buchanan, and F. W. Steimle, Jr. 1975. How to build marine artificial reefs. Fishery Facts 10. 47 p.

1974 Buchanan, C. C., R. B. Stone, and R. O. Parker, Jr. 1974. Effects of artificial reefs on a marine sport fishery off South Carolina. Marine Fisheries Review 1102:32-38. Hobson, E. S. 1974. Feeding relationships of the teleostean fishes on coral reefs in Kona, Hawaii. Fish. Bull. 72:915-1031. Hobson, E. S. and J. R. Chess. 1974. Preliminary observations of the diel feeding migrations of the atherinid fish Pranesus pinguis in the Marshall Islands. Symposium on coastal and high seas pelagic resources. Proceedings of the Indo Pacific Fisheries Council. 15th Session Section 3. pp. 192-194. Hobson, E. S. 1974. The marine iguana. Oceans 7:48-49. Stone, R. B., and R. O. Parker, Jr. 1974. A brief history of artificial reef research in the United States, 10 p. In: IIe Colloque Internation sur 1 Expolitation des Oceans. Vol. 1. Association pour 1organisation de Colloques oceanologiques a Bordeaux, Paris. Wells, J. 1974. The Metabolism of Tropical Benthic Communities: In Situ Determinations and Their Implications. Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 9-11.

1973 High, W., I. Ellis, W. Schroeder, and G. Loverich. 1973. Evaluation of the Undersea HabitateTekitite II, Hydro-Lab, and Edalhab-for Scientific Saturation Diving Programs. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunter, Vol 24, pp. 16-44. Hobson, E. S. 1973. Diel feeding migrations in tropical reef fishes. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 24:361-370. Hobson, E. S. and J. R. Chess. 1973. Feeding oriented movements of the atherinid fish Pranesus pinguis at Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Fish. Bull. 71:777-786. Stone, R. B., C. C. Buchanan, and R. O. Parker, Jr. 1973. Expansion and evaluation of an artificial reef off Murrells Inlet, S.C. Final report, Murrells Inlet Artificial Reef Project, Beaufort, N.C., U.S. Department of Commerce, Atlantic Estuarine Fisheries Center, 55 p. Wells, J., A. Wells, and J. VanDerwalker. 1973. In Situ Studies of Metabolism in Benthic Reef Communities. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters. Vol. 24, pp, 78-81. Wicklund, R. ed. 1973. Hydro-Lab Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1. Riviera Beach, Fla: Perry Foundation, Inc.

1972 Hobson, E. S. and D. Chave. 1972. Hawaiian Reef Animals. Univ. Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 135 p. Hobson, E. S. 1972. Activity of Hawaiian reef fishes during the evening and morning transitions between daylight and darkness. Fish. Bull. 70: 715-740. Rosenthall, R. J. and J. R. Chess. 1972. A predator-prey relation between the leather star. Dermasterias imbricate and the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus. Fish. Bull. 70: 205-216. Hobson, E. S. 1972. The survival of Guadalupe cardinal fish, Apogon guadalupensis at San Clemente Island. Calif. Fish Game 58:68-69.

1971 High, W. 1971. Underwater Fishery Studies Are Valuable. Commercial Fisheries Review, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 1-6.

Hobson, E. S. 1971. Cleaning symbiosis among California inshore fishes. Fish. Bull. 69:491-523. VanDerwalker, J. and B. Littlehales. 1971. Tekitite II: Part One. Sciences Window on the Sea. National Geographic, Vol. 140. No. 2, pp. 256-289.

1970 Merrill, R. J. and E. S. Hobson. 1970. Field observations of Dendraster excentricus, a sand dollar of western North America. Amer. Mid. Nat. 83:595-624.

1969 Hobson, E. S. 1969. Comments on certain recent generalizations regarding cleaning symbiosis in fishes. Pac. Sci 23:35-39. Hobson, E. S. 1969. First California record of the Guadalupe cardinal fish, Apogon guadalupensis (Osburn and Nichols). Calif. Fish Game 55:149-151. Hobson, E. S. 1969. Possible advantages to the blenny Runula azalea in ggregating with the wrasse Thalassoma lucasanum in the tropical eastern Pacific. Copeia 1969:191-193. Hobson, E. S. and V. Walters. 1969. First eastern Pacific record of Canthigaster amboinensis, an Indo-Pacific pufferfish. Copeia 1968:861-862. Hobson, E. S. 1969. Remarks on habits of the Galapagos marine iguana, including submergence times, cleaning symbiosis and the shark threat. Copeia, 1969:401402. Rosenblatt, R. H. and E. S. Hobson. 1969. Parrotfishes (Scaridae) of the eastern Pacific, with a generic rearrangement of the Scarinae. Copeia 1969:434-453.

1968 Hobson, E. S. 1968. Predatory behavior of some shore fishes in the Gulf of California. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., Res. Rep. 73. 92 p.

1967 High, W. 1967. Scuba Diving, a Valuable Tool for Investigating the Behavior of Fish Within the Influence of Fishing Gear. FAO Conference on Fish Behavior in

Relation to Fishing Techniques and Tactics, Bergen, Norway, 19-27 October 1967. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

1966 Hobson, E. S. 1966. Visual orientation and feeding in seals and sea lions. Nature 210:326-327. Stephins, J. S.., E. S. Hobson, and R. K. Johnson. 1966. Notes on the distribution, behavior, and morphological variation in the some chaenospid fishes from the tropical easter Pacific, with descriptions of two new species, Acanthemblemaria castroi and Coralliozetus sprngeri. Copeia, 1966:424-438.

1965 Hobson, E. S. 1965 Spawning in the Pacific coast squid Loligo opalescens. Underwater Naturalist 3(3):20-21.

Hobson, E. S. 1965. Forests beneath the sea. Animals 7:506-511. Hobson, E. S. 1965. Observations on diving in the Galapagos marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus (Bell). Copeia, 1965:249-250. Hobson, E. S. 1965. Diurnal-nocturnal activity of some inshore fishes in the Gulf of California. Copeia, 1965:291-302.

1964 Parker, R. O., Jr. 1964. Lake Erie fish population trawling survey. State of Ohio Federal Aid Progress Report, Project No. F-35-R1, Job No. 3.

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