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Instrumentos utilizados para fortalecer el proceso de evaluacin y garantizar los alcances declarados en el perfil progresivo del Programa Acadmico del Bachillerato. General Rubric for Product/Performance Evidences

TASK COMPLETIO 4 " & ' The S fulfilsl the tas particular re!uirements totally. The S did it #ell #ith some missing things that didn$t affect the product%performance. There #ere some inconsistencies that affected the communication. The product%performance #as not understanda(le despite the fact that the student did his%her (est.

LA G!AGE !SE " & ' Structures and voca(ulary #ere appropriately used) so the message #ent perfectly through. The product%performance #as a (it affected (ecause of a fe# #rong structures and%or a light lac of voca(ulary. Inappropriate use of structures and%or lac of voca(ulary affected the central message relevantly.

"L!E C# " & ' The S came up #ith a great product%performance using #ell*#ritten%pronounced e+pressions. Some slips affected the product%performance) (ut at the end the central message #as Serious errors%mista es (ro e the product%performance main message. understanda(le.

Product = writing task Performance = speaking task

Producci$n escrita Product Evidence Score WEIGHTING TABLE TOTAL POINTS Task completion Language Use Fluency 0 0 0 Final Grade 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ---=

Producci$n oral Performance Evidence Score WEIGHTING TABLE TOTAL POINTS Task completion Language Use Fluency 0 0 0 Final Grade 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ----=

Mind map rubri CATEGO!" Spellin)*Capi+ali,a+i-n # E$CELLENT

95-100% of o!"s on t#e map a!e spelle" an" capitali$e" co!!ectly%

% VE!" GOO &

94-&5% of t#e o!"s on t#e map a!e spelle" an" capitali$e" co!!ectly%

' GOO&
&4-'5% of t#e o!"s on t#e map a!e spelle" an" capitali$e" co!!ectly% )#en s#o n a *lank *ase map+ t#e stu"ent can !api"ly an" accu!ately la*el ,-' featu!es% '9-'0% of t#e items a!e la*ele" an" locate" co!!ectly%

( POO!
Less t#an '5% of t#e o!"s on t#e map a!e spelle" an"(o! capitali$e" co!!ectly% )#en s#o n a *lank *ase map+ t#e stu"ent can !api"ly an" accu!ately la*el fe e! t#an , featu!es% Less t#an '0% of t#e items a!e la*ele" an" locate" co!!ectly%

.n-/led)e Gained

)#en s#o n a *lank *ase map+ t#e stu"ent can !api"ly an" accu!ately la*el at least 10 featu!es%

)#en s#o n a *lank *ase map+ t#e stu"ent can !api"ly an" accu!ately la*el &-9 featu!es%

Label0 1 A

ura 2

-t least 90% of t#e items a!e la*ele" an" locate" co!!ectly%

&0-&9% of t#e items a!e la*ele" an" locate" co!!ectly%


S ale

Title tells t#e pu!pose(content of t#e map+ is clea!ly "istinguis#a*le as t#e title .e%g% la!ge! lette!s+ un"e!line"+ etc/+ an" is p!inte" at t#e top of t#e map% -ll featu!es on map a!e "!a n to scale an" t#e scale use" is clea!ly in"icate" on t#e map%

Title tells t#e pu!pose(content of t#e map an" is p!inte" at t#e top of t#e map%

Title tells t#e pu!pose(conten t of t#e map+ *ut is not locate" at t#e top of t#e map% 1any featu!es of t#e map a!e 23T "!a n to scale e4en t#oug# a scale is clea!ly in"icate" on t#e map%

0u!pose(content of t#e map is not clea! f!om t#e title%

1ost featu!es on map a!e "!a n to scale an" t#e scale use" is clea!ly in"icate" on t#e map%

1any featu!es of t#e map a!e 23T "!a n to scale -25(36 t#e!e is no scale ma!ke! on t#e map%

S -re3 44444444444 -5 '6 Grade34444444444

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