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Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 1 $


RE'.NO DE () *) +L )+ N O


-EC. %A0E B.L/M -A1FA

-2MMAR1 .3ET)



Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 2 $


1. #. &. . +. .. /. ". %. 1(. 11. 1#. 1&. 1 . 1+. 1.. 1/. 1". 1%.


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Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 3 $

# .


DECK AREAS AND AREAS SURROUNDING THE SHIP PROCEDURES FOR RESPONDING TO SECURITY THREATS OR BREACHES OF SECURITY, INCLUDING PROVISIONS FOR MAINTAINING CRITICAL OPERATIONS OF THE SHIP OR THE SHIP/PORT INTERFAC A012341256 178 S729 S80:;21< A=8;1 S<>18? C4==256 8?8;6850< >1412@5> E?8;6850< >7:1!A@B5 @C ?425 856258> E340:41256 178 >729 I5C@;?256 0@51;401256 6@38;5?851> ,C=46 >1418 45A/@; 9@;1 >1418- @C 4 >80:;21< 2502A851 A01256 @5 25>1;:012@5> 62385 D< 6@38;5?851> 41 MARSEC L838= & B@?D 17;841> 45A ;8>9@5>8> S84;07256 H2E40F256 A01:4= @; 4118?918A 41140F> @5 >729> ! 6:2A4508 S1@B4B4<> SUMMARY OF THE SHIP SECURITY ASSESSMENT


+&!.% +& + + + + ++ ++!+% +%!.# .#!. . !./ ./!." .%




Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 4 $


1.1 INTRODUCTION !.!.! T5is -5i6 -e7urity %8an meets t5e re9uirements of -OLA- C5a6ter :I;# and %art A of t5e Internationa8 -5i6 and %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity <I-%-= Code. T5is %8an 7ontains a88 information and o6erationa8 instru7tions re9uired >y -OLA- and %art A of t5e I-%- Code and ta?es fu88 a77ount@ A5ere a668i7a>8e@ of t5e &uidan7e out8ined in %art B of t5e I-%Code. T5e %8an 7ontains t5e names@ te8e65one and te8eB num>ers of a88 7onta7ts re9uired >y t5e I-%- Code@ as Ae88 as ot5er referen7e materia8 <I-%- ACD.E=. !.!.# T5is %8an Aas deve8o6ed fo88oAin& a -5i6 -e7urity Assessment. T5e assessment@ su>mitted to t5e f8a& state as 6art of t5e a66rova8 6ro7ess for t5is %8an <I-%- ACD.F=@ in78uded an on s7ene se7urity survey@ A5i75 identified eBistin& se7urity measures and 6ro7edures and eva8uated 6ossi>8e t5reats to t5ose ?ey s5i6>oard o6erations A5i75 are im6ortant to 6rote7t <I-%- ACG.E=. T5e findin&s of t5at assessment 5ave >een in7or6orated into t5is %8an. T5e assessment 5as >een do7umented@ revieAed and a77e6ted >y t5e Com6any and t5e do7umentation 5as >een retained >y t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er <I-%- ACG.$=. T5e assessment Aas 7ondu7ted on t5e >asis of 7riteria t5at in78uded@ >ut Aere not 8imited to: .! .# .F .E -5i6 siHe and ty6eI CreAI Tradin& areas and 75ara7teristi7s of 6ort fa7i8ities visitedI Ty6e of 7ar&o 7arriedI

-i&nifi7ant 75an&es to t5ese and ot5er re8evant 7riteria Ai88 resu8t in revieAin& t5e -5i6 -e7urity Assessment and@ A5ere ne7essary@ amendments to t5e %8an. !.!.F T5e 6ur6ose of t5is %8an is to 6rovide &uidan7e to t5e master and -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er Ait5 res6e7t to se7urity aAareness and 6re6aredness@ in7ident 6revention and t5reat res6onse. !.!.E T5e Com6any 7ertifies t5at: .! T5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er and t5e -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er 5ave ade9uate ?noA8ed&e@ and 5ave re7eived trainin&@ as re9uired >y t5e I-%- Code <AC!F.!C#=@ ta?in& into a77ount t5e &uidan7e &iven in t5e I-%- Code <BC!F.!C#=I -5i6>oard 6ersonne8 5avin& s6e7ifi7 se7urity duties 5ave suffi7ient ?noA8ed&e and 7om6eten7e to 6erform t5eir assi&ned duties <I-%- AC!F.F@ BC!F.F=I and A88 ot5er s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 5ave suffi7ient ?noA8ed&e of@ and are fami8iar Ait5@ re8evant 6rovisions of t5e %8an <I-%- BC!F.E=.

.# .F

!.!.$ T5is %8an 5as >een a66roved >y R-O on >e5a8f of t5e f8a& state administration <see Letter of A66rova8 issued >y R-O and 7over 6a&e of t5is 68an= and@ eB7e6t as 6rovided >e8oA@ no a8teration or revision Ai88 >e made to any 6art of it Ait5out t5e do7umented 6rior a66rova8 of t5e R-O a7tin& on >e5a8f of t5e administration. Any su75 do7umented 6rior a66rova8 5as >een sent to t5e s5i6@ and is ?e6t on >oard in t5e 7are of t5e Master <I-%ACD.$@ BCD.E=. !.!." T5e f8a& state may determine and notify t5e 7om6any A5i75 75an&es to some se7tions of t5is %8an and t5eir re8evant a66endi7es Ai88 not >e re9uired to >e a66roved >y t5em or R-O a7tin& on t5eir >e5a8f. T5ese 6arts are maintained and ?e6t u6 to date >y t5e Com6any. ,oAever@ no revision C amendments Ai88 >e made to t5is %8an Ait5out t5e do7umented 6ermission of
t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er. -u75 do7umented 6ermission Ai88 >e sent to t5e s5i6 and is ?e6t on >oard in t5e 7are of t5e Master <I-%- ACD.$=.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 5 $


T5is %8an Ai88 >e revieAed on a re&u8ar >asis Kat 8east on7e a yearL >y t5e Com6any and@ A5ere ne7essary@ u6dated. Amendments@ ot5er t5an t5ose referred to in 6ara&ra65 !." a>ove@ Ai88 >e su>mitted to t5e f8a& state@ or to R-O a7tin& on t5eir >e5a8f@ for a66rova8 >efore im68ementation <I-%ACD.$=. Detai8s of revieAs@ audits and amendments to t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an are re7orded and@ on re9uest@ Ai88 >e made avai8a>8e to 6ersons du8y aut5orised >y t5e s5i6Ms f8a& state administration <I-%- AC! .!=.

!.!.G T5e Com6any 5as ensured t5at t5e master and -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er 5ave >een &iven t5e ne7essary su66ort to fu8fi8 t5eir duties and res6onsi>i8ities in a77ordan7e Ait5 -OLA- and t5e I-%- Code <I-%- AC".#=. !.!.D Fo88oAin& a se7urity in7ident@ in A5i75 t5e res6onse measures out8ined in t5e %8an 5ave >een a7tivated@ t5ere Ai88 >e a t5orou&5 revieA of t5eir effe7tiveness and detai8s Ai88 >e made avai8a>8e@ on re9uest@ to 6ersons du8y aut5orised >y t5e s5i6Ms f8a& state administration. !.!.! T5is -5i6 -e7urity %8an is not su>Ne7t to detai8ed ins6e7tion <ot5er t5an 7onfirmin& its eBisten7e on t5e s5i6= >y du8y aut5orised offi7ia8s of a 6ort state un8ess t5ere are O78ear &roundsP to >e8ieve t5at t5e s5i6 is not in 7om68ian7e Ait5 t5e re9uirements of -OLA- or t5e I-%- Code@ and t5e on8y means to verify or re7tify t5e non;7om68ian7e is to revieA t5e re8evant se7tions of t5e %8an. In su75 7ases@ a77ess to t5e 6arts of t5e %8an re8atin& to t5e non;7om68ian7e is eB7e6tiona88y a88oAed@ >ut on8y Ait5 t5e 7onsent of t5e f8a& state@ or t5e master. If t5e master@ in 5is 6rofessiona8 Nud&ement@ >e8ieves t5at su75 O78ear &roundsP eBist@ and a88oAin& a77ess to re8evant se7tions of t5e restri7ted 6art of t5e %8an mi&5t reso8ve t5e situation@ su75 a77ess 7an >e eB7e6tiona88y &ranted. ,oAever@ t5is s5ou8d >e immediate8y re6orted >y t5e s5i6 master to t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er <I-%- ACD.G=. If a77ess to t5e %8an is denied >y t5e master@ t5is s5ou8d >e immediate8y re6orted >y t5e s5i6 to t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er for &uidan7e and referen7e to t5e f8a& state. !.!.!! A88 6rovisions in t5is %8an are 7onfidentia8. T5ey re8ate to: .! .# .F .E .$ Identifi7ation of t5e restri7ted areas and measures for t5e 6revention of unaut5orised a77essI %ro7edures for res6ondin& to se7urity t5reats or >rea75es of se7urity@ in78udin& 6rovisions for maintainin& 7riti7a8 o6erations of t5e s5i6 or s5i6C6ort interfa7eI %ro7edures for res6ondin& to any se7urity instru7tions 7ontra7tin& &overnments may &ive at -e7urity Leve8 FI Duties of s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 assi&ned se7urity res6onsi>i8ities and of ot5er s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 Ait5 res6e7t to se7urity mattersI %ro7edures to ensure t5e ins6e7tion@ testin&@ 7a8i>ration and maintenan7e of any se7urity e9ui6ment 6rovided on >oardI Identifi7ation of t5e 8o7ations A5ere t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem a7tivation 6oints are 6rovidedI %ro7edures@ instru7tions and &uidan7e on t5e use of t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem@ in78udin& t5e testin&@ a7tivation@ dea7tivation and resettin& of t5e system@ and on 8imitin& fa8se a8erts.


!.!.!# T5e 7om68ete %8an@ 5oAever@ Ai88 >e made avai8a>8e to du8y aut5orised f8a& state offi7ia8s or re6resentatives of or&anisations du8y aut5orised >y t5e f8a& state. !.!.!F T5e %8an is avai8a>8e in t5e Aor?in& 8an&ua&e of t5e s5i6@ Tur?is5@ and in En&8is5 <I-%- ACD.E=.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 6 $

1.# C@?945< D8142=>

1! S729$> OB58; ,N4?8 45A AAA;8>>-

BOAGH KUM HAKIL VE DEN. TC. A.. Y4=2 M47. F83I2 H4F?4F C4A. N@J1(/A & " M4=1898!>145D:=!T:;F8<

#! S729$> M45468;/O98;41@; ,N4?8 45A AAA;8>>2C A2CC8;851 C;@? 1 4D@38 J

L234 M4;212?8 A5A T;4A8 LTD. Y4=2 M47. F83I2 H4F?4F C4A. N@J1(/A & " M4=1898!>145D:=!T:;F8<

&! C@?945< R8>9@5>2D=8 C@; E?9=@<?851 @C

S729 250=:A256 S:D074;18;8; 2C 45< ,N4?8 45A AAA;8>>- 2C A2CC8;851 C;@? 1 4D@38

! C@?945<,28>- R8>9@5>2D=8 C@; M455256

,N4?8> 45A AAA;8>>8>-

+! C@?945< S80:;21< OCC208; *217 S80:;21< R8>9@5>2D2=21< C@; 178 S729 N4?8 S:;54?8 J T8=897@58 F4K E!M42= J *@;F ((%( #1. &"& % &% *@;F ((%( #1. &/( /# 1# *@;F <4>25L=234?4;212?8.0@? A.O.H ((%( +&# .&. / (" A.O.H A.O.H ,S88 SSO A>>265?851 F@;?-

.! S729 S80:;21< OCC208; J


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 7 $

1.& S729 I5C@;?412@5












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Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 8 $

1. C@?945< S80:;21< P@=20< T5e -e7urity %o8i7y of t5e Com6any is aimed at 6rovidin& a safe Aor? environment on M/V MAKBULE ANA M>y esta>8is5in& and maintainin& t5e safety measures needed to 6revent un8aAfu8 a7tions t5at t5reaten t5e safety and se7urity of 6ersonne8 and 6ro6erties on>oard t5e s5i6s. T5e o>Ne7tives of t5e Com6any are to: != Im68ement t5e se7urity 6ro7edures in o6eration of t5e s5i6 to safe&uard t5e se7urity of 6ort fa7i8ities and re8evant Aide ran&e re&iona8 7ommunities@ #= Esta>8is5 t5e 6rote7tion measures to miti&ate t5e ris?s a&ainst t5e 7reA on>oard and t5e 6ersonne8 of 6ort fa7i8ities@ F= En5an7e t5e a>i8ity and 7ons7iousness of s5i6 and s5ore 6ersonne8 of t5e Com6any re8atin& to t5e se7urity@ E= %rovide an emer&en7y res6onse measures for t5e 6otentia8 se7urity in7idents. T5e fore&oin& o>Ne7tives s5a88 >e a77om68is5ed >y: != -5i6 se7urity assessment and s5i6 se7urity 68an <--%= for ea75 individua8 s5i6@ #= Com6re5ensive trainin& for a88 6ersonne8 of t5e Com6any re8ated to se7urity@ F= %ositive en5an7ement of se7urity 7ons7iousness >y a88 6ersonne8 re8ated to se7urity@ E= %eriodi7 revieA of se7urity 6ro7edures and se7urity 68ans@ and interna8 audit@ t5at s5ou8d ena>8e a 7ontinuous im6rovement and u6;datin& of t5e se7urity 68ans. Every 6ersonne8 of t5e Com6any are re9uired to o>serve t5e 6ro7edura8 re9uirements s6e7ified in t5e s5i6 se7urity 68an <--%=@ and fami8iariHe t5emse8ves Ait5 t5e se7urity re8ated duties and ne7essary measures to safe&uard t5e s5i6 from a88 un8aAfu8 a7ts. T5e Com6any s5a88 ensure to &ive ne7essary su66ort to t5e s5i6 to en7oura&e 7om6any se7urity offi7er <C-O=@ master of t5e s5i6 and s5i6 se7urity offi7er <--O= to fu8fi88 t5eir duties and res6onsi>i8ities in a77ordan7e Ait5 t5e re9uirements of C5a6ter :I;# of -OLA- !DJE as amended and %art A of t5e Code




Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 9 $



#.! T5e Com6any Ais5es to ma?e it 78ear t5at t5e master of t5is s5i6 5as t5e overridin& aut5ority and res6onsi>i8ity to ma?e and eBe7ute de7isions A5i75@ in 5is 6rofessiona8 Nud&ement@ are ne7essary to maintain t5e safety and se7urity of t5e s5i6. If@ in 5is 6rofessiona8 Nud&ement@ a 7onf8i7t >etAeen any safety and se7urity re9uirements a668i7a>8e to t5is s5i6 arises durin& 5is 6eriod of 7ommand@ t5e master Ai88 &ive effe7t to t5ose re9uirements ne7essary to maintain t5e safety of t5e s5i6. #.# In su75 7ases@ t5e master may im68ement tem6orary se7urity measures@ informin& t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er@ t5e f8a& state and@ if a66ro6riate@ t5e 6ort state in A5ose 6ort t5e s5i6 is o6eratin& or intends to enter. Any su75 tem6orary se7urity measures ado6ted Ai88@ to t5e 5i&5est 6ossi>8e de&ree@ >e a66ro6riate to t5e 6revai8in& se7urity 8eve8.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 10 $



F.! T5e fo88oAin& information and do7uments 7an >e re9uested at any time >y du8y aut5orised f8a& 6ort state offi7ia8s and s5ou8d@ t5erefore@ >e readi8y avai8a>8e: a= T5e va8id Internationa8 -5i6 -e7urity Certifi7ate <I--C=@ issued under t5e 6rovisions of t5e Internationa8 -5i6 and %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Code <t5e I-%- Code= and under t5e aut5ority of t5e 0overnment of Tur?ey. T5e Certifi7ate is in t5e 6ossession of -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er. >= Confirmation t5at t5is %8an 5as >een a66roved >y on >e5a8f of t5e f8a& state 7= T5e se7urity 8eve8 at A5i75 t5e s5i6 is 7urrent8y o6eratin& d= T5e se7urity 8eve8 at A5i75 t5e s5i6 o6erated in at 8east t5e 8ast ten 6revious 6orts <or over t5e 6ast D days Q A5i75ever is t5e 8on&er=@ to&et5er Ait5 an assuran7e t5at t5e a66ro6riate s5i6 se7urity 6ro7edures Aere maintained@ and information on any s6e7ia8 or additiona8 se7urity measures ta?en <a format for re7ordin& t5is 7an >e found in -e7.# Form != . e= Ot5er 6ra7ti7a8 se7urity re8ated information <>ut not detai8s of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an= <e.&. 8o7ation of t5e s5i6 at t5e time t5e re6ort is made@ eB6e7ted time of arriva8 of t5e s5i6 in t5e 6ort@ 7reA 8ist@ &enera8 des7ri6tion of 7ar&o on >oard=. f= Information 7ontained in t5e Continuous -yno6sis Re7ord <C-R=@ issued >y t5e s5i6Ms f8a& state. T5e C-R@ A5i75 may >e in En&8is5 6rovides an on >oard re7ord of t5e 5istory of t5e s5i6 [as from 1 July 2004]. T5e offi7ia8 Continuous -yno6sis Re7ord@ and amendments to it@ is 5e8d >y -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er. &= Information on t5e oAners5i6 and o6erationa8 mana&ement of t5e s5i6 . F.# T5e master may de78ine to 6rovide any or a88 of t5e a>ove information on t5e understandin& t5at to do so may resu8t in denia8 of entry into 6ort.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 11 $

. RECORD KEEPING / INTERNAL AUDITS AND REVIE*S F=46 S1418 R8M:2;8?851> E.! As re9uired under t5e I-%- Code a re7ord of t5e fo88oAin& a7tivities Ai88 >e ?e6t on >oard in Tur?is5 and En&8is5 and A88 se7urity do7uments in78udin& re7ords to >e ?e6t on >oard for duration of 8ast ! 6orts of 7a88 or ! year and to >e ?e6t in t5e Com6any for duration of # years.: !. #. F. E. $. ". J. G. D. ! . Trainin&@ dri88s and eBer7ises <see -e7.# Form #; F=I -e7urity t5reats and se7urity in7idents re6orted to t5e C-O <-e7.# Form # = and entered in t5e s5i6 se7urity 8o& Brea75es of se7urity re6orted to t5e C-O<-e7.# Form # = and entered in t5e s5i6 se7urity 8o& C5an&es in se7urity 8eve8 <re6orted to t5e C-O and entered in t5e s5i6Ms 8o&=I Communi7ations re8atin& to t5e dire7t se7urity of t5e s5i6@ su75 as s6e7ifi7 t5reats to t5e s5i6 or to 6ort fa7i8ities Ait5 A5i75 t5e s5i6 is@ or 5as >een@ en&a&ed in a s5i6C6ort interfa7e <to >e 5e8d >y t5e --O=I Interna8 audits and revieAs of se7urity a7tivities <re7orded >y t5e --O or notified to t5e s5i6 >y t5e C-O and re7orded >y t5e --O <see -e7.# Form E; $=I %eriodi7 revieA of t5e -5i6 -e7urity Assessment <notified to t5e s5i6 >y t5e C-O and retained >y t5e --O < see -e7.# Form $;!J=I 6eriodi7 revieA of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an <re7orded >y t5e --O or notified to t5e s5i6 >y t5e C-O and re7orded >y t5e --O < see -e7.# Form $=I Im68ementation of any amendments to t5e %8an <re7orded >y t5e --O or notified to t5e s5i6 >y t5e C-O and retained >y t5e --O < see -e7.# Form "; J=I Any maintenan7e@ 7a8i>ration and testin& of se7urity e9ui6ment@ in78udin& testin& of t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem <re7orded >y t5e --O < see -e7.# Form G=.

E.# --% Ai88 >e ?e6t in a 8o7?er >y t5e master.T5e re7ords are 6rote7ted from unaut5orised a77ess or dis78osure >y --O. On t5is s5i6 if t5ey are ?e6t in an e8e7troni7 format and are 6rote7ted >y a 6assAord@ aimed at 6reventin& t5eir unaut5orised de8etion@ destru7tion or amendment >y --O. E.F Interna8 Audits to >e 7arried out >y C-O on7e in a year. In 7ase C-O ne7essitates to ma?e revision on t5e %8an and system 5eCs5e Ai88 su>mit t5at re9uest to t5e R-O. RevieAs on t5e %8an to >e 7arried out >y --O <under su6ervision of s5i6 master= on7e at every " mont5s. Resu8ts to >e re6orted to C-O atta75in& essentia8 forms &iven in --%. In 7ase C-O ne7essitates to ma?e revision on t5e %8an and system 5eCs5e Ai88 su>mit t5at re9uest to t5e R-O.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 12 $



D8>265412@5 $.! As re9uired >y t5e I-%- Code t5e Com6any 5as desi&nated a Com6any -e7urity Offi7er <C-O= res6onsi>8e for se7urity for t5is s5i6 <see -e7tion Com6any Detai8s=. D:128> 45A R8>9@5>2D2=2128>$.# T5e C-O is res6onsi>8e for ensurin& t5e deve8o6ment@ su>mission for a66rova8@ im68ementation and maintenan7e of t5e %8an for t5is s5i6. $.F T5e C-O Ai88 6rovide t5e s5i6 Ait5 any advi7e issued >y t5e f8a& state on t5e 8eve8 of t5reat 8i?e8y to >e en7ountered@ or on ot5er re8evant se7urity re8ated matters@ usin& a66ro6riate se7urity assessments and ot5er information. $.E T5e C-O Ai88@ Ait5 t5e 7o;o6eration of t5ose res6onsi>8e for se7urity on t5e s5i6 and fo88oAin& 7onsu8tation Ait5 t5em@ ensure t5at t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an is modified or amended@ as a66ro6riate@ to address any identified se7urity defi7ien7ies and satisfy t5e se7urity re9uirements of t5e individua8 s5i6. T5e C-O Ai88 arran&e for re&u8ar assessments@ interna8 audits and revieAs of se7urity a7tivities and for any ne7essary verifi7ations of t5e s5i6Ms se7urity 6rovisions@ and t5e 6re6aration and su>mission for a66rova8 of amendments to t5is %8an >y on >e5a8f of@ t5e f8a& state. $.$ A8t5ou&5 t5e C-O is avai8a>8e for 7onsu8tation and advi7e at a88 times@ t5e master andCor -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er 5ave >een re9uested to 6re6are and su>mit re6orts on any issues re8ated to t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6 A5i75 arise durin& t5eir 6eriod of servi7e on t5e s5i6. In t5is Aay@ t5e Com6any Ai88 >e a>8e to assess t5e 7ontinued effe7tiveness of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an and@ A5ere ne7essary@ arran&e for its amendment. $." Any identified 8a7? of ade9uate trainin& for 6ersonne8 res6onsi>8e for t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6@ 6ro>8ems re8ated to 7o;ordination of se7urity arran&ements Ait5 6ort fa7i8ities@ or 7onf8i7t >etAeen se7urity 6rovisions and safety re9uirements Ai88 >e immediate8y re6orted to t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er. $.J T5e C-O Ai88 a8so assist in en5an7in& se7urity aAareness and vi&i8an7e amon&st t5e 7reA.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 13 $



D8>265412@5 ".! A -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er <--O= for t5e s5i6 5as >een desi&nated <-e7.# Form !G >y t5e Com6any. -ee --O Assi&nment Form. D:128> 45A R8>9@5>2D2=2128> ".# In 7o;ordination Ait5 t5e C-O and t5e master@ t5e res6onsi>i8ities of t5e --O in78ude: 45ere a66ro6riate@ advisin& t5e master as to t5e a66ro6riate se7urity 8eve8 in for7eI -u6ervisin& t5e im68ementation of t5e %8an@ any su>se9uent amendments to it@ and maintainin& t5e %8an durin& t5e voya&eI En5an7in& se7urity aAareness and vi&i8an7e on >oardI Ensurin& t5at ade9uate and a66ro6riate trainin& 5as >een 6rovided to 7reA mem>ersI Re6ortin& any defi7ien7ies and non;7onformities identified durin& interna8 audits@ 6eriodi7 revieAs@ se7urity ins6e7tions and verifi7ations of 7om68ian7e@ 6ro6osin& modifi7ations to t5e %8an to address t5em and im68ementin& any 7orre7tive a7tionsI Re7ordin& a88 se7urity in7idents Ait5 im68i7ations for t5e s5i6 and re6ortin& t5em to t5e master@ t5e C-O and@ if in 6ort@ to t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7erI Ensurin& t5at any s5i6 se7urity e9ui6ment is 6ro6er8y o6erated@ tested@ 7a8i>rated and maintainedI Ensurin& t5at t5e Dan&erous 0oods Manifest@ s5oAin& detai8s of dan&erous &oods on >oard and t5eir 8o7ation@ is avai8a>8e for 6ort state ins6e7tion if re9uiredI Ensurin&@ in 7o;ordination Ait5 t5e master and t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er@ t5at se7urity as6e7ts re8ated to t5e 5and8in& of 7ar&o and s5i6Ms stores are 6ro6er8y addressed

".F In addition@ A5en o6eratin& at -e7urity Leve8 ! or #@ t5e -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er@ under t5e &uidan7e of t5e master@ Ai88@ A5i8e in 6ort: Co;ordinate t5e im68ementation of t5e %8an@ in78udin& se7urity as6e7ts re8ated to t5e 5and8in& of 7ar&o and s5i6Ms stores@ Ait5 t5e re8evant %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er or@ in 7ase of s5i6;to;s5i6 o6erations@ Ait5 ot5er -5i6 -e7urity Offi7ersI and 2nderta?e re&u8ar se7urity ins6e7tions of t5e s5i6 to ensure t5at a66ro6riate se7urity measures are maintained.

".E 45en t5e measures out8ined in t5is %8an for im68ementation in res6onse to -e7urity Leve8 # or F are introdu7ed@ eit5er durin& a dri88 or in res6onse to an in7ident@ t5e --O Ai88: -ee? 7omments from a88 t5ose invo8ved as to t5e effe7tiveness of t5ose measures and re6ort to t5e C-OI At -e7urity Leve8 F@ 8iaise Ait5 t5e master and f8a& or 6ort state aut5orities as a66ro6riate and im68ement se7urity measures as instru7ted.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 14 $



J.! 45i8e a88 7reA mem>ers 5ave some res6onsi>i8ity for t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6@ t5e --O@ under t5e overa88 &uidan7e of t5e master@ 7arries t5e main res6onsi>i8ity for t5e a668i7ation@ maintenan7e@ effi7ien7y and effe7tiveness of t5is -5i6 -e7urity %8an. J.# Ea75 Offi7er of t5e 4at75@ to&et5er Ait5 t5ose 7reA mem>ers Ait5 Aat75?ee6in& res6onsi>i8ities@ monitors t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6 t5rou&5out 5is 6eriods on Aat75. A88 in7idents affe7tin& t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6 are re6orted to t5e --O. J.F T5e --O dis7usses se7urity issues Ait5 t5e master on a re&u8ar >asis. If o6eratin& at MAR-EC Leve8 #@ t5e --O dis7usses se7urity matters Ait5 t5e master on a dai8y >asis. Re&u8ar 7onta7t is a8so maintained Ait5 t5e C-O. J.E At MAR-EC Leve8 F@ t5e master Ai88 ta?e 7ontro8 of se7urity issues and maintain 7onta7t Ait5 t5e C-O and a66ro6riate f8a& and 6ort state aut5orities. J.$ T5e duties of s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 assi&ned se7urity res6onsi>i8ities and t5ose of ot5er s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 on se7urity as6e7ts are 7overed in t5e !$.D Security Organization

Company Company General General Manager Manager

Company Company Security Officer Security Officer

Ships Master Ships Master

Ships Security Ships Security Officer Officer Ships Crew Ships Crew As assigned As assigned


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 15 $



T78 C@?945< G.! T5e s5i6@ t5e -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er Ai88 maintain re&u8ar 7onta7t Ait5 t5e Com6any t5rou&5 t5e C-O or@ in t5e event of 5is unavai8a>i8ity@ Ait5 t5e Com6any Duty Offi7er >y TELE:. T5e system a88oAs for effe7tive 7ontinuous 7ommuni7ation to >e esta>8is5ed and maintained Ait5 t5e Com6any. P@;1 F402=2128> G.# 2n8ess a8ternative arran&ements 5ave >een made@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 esta>8is5 7onta7t Ait5 t5e aut5ority 6rior to entry into 6ort >y a66ro6riate systems TELE: 6rovidin& t5em Ait5 t5e re9uired se7urity information. T5e system a88oAs for effe7tive 7ontinuous 7ommuni7ation to >e esta>8is5ed and maintained Ait5 6ort fa7i8ities. G.F On arriva8 at a 6ort@ t5e --O Ai88 8iaise Ait5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er to determine t5e a668i7a>8e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 for t5e s5i6@ a&ree on a66ro6riate se7urity measures and ensure t5at t5ese are 6ut in 68a7e. O178; S729> G.E T5e Com6any 5as no o>Ne7tion to t5is s5i6 esta>8is5in& 7onta7t Ait5 ot5er s5i6s to eB75an&e information in res6e7t of t5e overa88 se7urity situation or t5e situation in s6e7ifi7 6orts >y a66ro6riate systems TELE:. T5e system a88oAs for effe7tive 7ontinuous 7ommuni7ation to >e esta>8is5ed and maintained Ait5 ot5er s5i6s. F=46 S1418 A:17@;21< G.$ T5e >a7?&round MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 for t5e s5i6 is esta>8is5ed >y t5e f8a& state aut5ority <a 5i&5er 8eve8 mi&5t >e set >y 6ort state aut5orities at t5e 6ort=. C5an&es to t5e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 for t5e s5i6 are t5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e f8a& state and Ai88 >e 6romu8&ated to a88 t5e s5i6s re&istered Ait5 t5e f8a& state >y Desi&nation Aut5orRty. A8ternative8y@ 75an&es Ai88 >e advised to t5e C-O >y 2nderse7retariat of Maritime Affairs <DA= and@ t5rou&5 5im@ to t5e s5i6. G." Information from t5e f8a& state Ai88 >e 7ommuni7ated to t5e s5i6 >y t5e C-O. P@;1 S1418 A:17@;2128> G.J T5e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 for 6orts is esta>8is5ed >y t5e 6ort state aut5ority. 45i8e t5e s5i6 is in 6ort it Ai88 introdu7e measures a66ro6riate to t5at re9uired MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8@ as 8aid doAn in t5is %8an. C5an&es to t5e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 for t5e 6ort are t5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e 6ort state and Ai88 >e 6romu8&ated to a88 t5e s5i6s in t5e 6ort or A5i75 5ave re6orted an intention to enter t5e 6ort. A8ternative8y@ 75an&es Ai88 >e advised to t5e C-O and@ t5rou&5 5im@ to t5e s5i6. T5e 7ommuni7ation 6ro7edures 8i?e8y to >e used >y 6ort state
aut5orities Ai88 >e fi88ed in -e7.# Form !E

P;@08A:;8>/S4C86:4;A> G.G T5e s5i6 fu88y 7onforms to t5e re9uirements of -OLA- I' and is 7a6a>8e of transmittin& s5i6;to;s5ore distress a8erts >y at 8east tAo se6arate and inde6endent means@ ea75 usin& a different radio 7ommuni7ation servi7e. In 6arti7u8ar@ ea75 radio insta88ation is 8o7ated@ 6rote7ted@ 6rovided Ait5 8i&5tin& and 78ear8y mar?ed in a77ordan7e Ait5 -OLAI'C". A88 radio e9ui6ment Ai88 >e su66orted a&ainst to 6oAer disru6tions


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 16 $



T;425256 D.! T5e Com6any 7ertifies t5at t5e --O 5as ade9uate ?noA8ed&e of@ andCor 5as re7eived trainin& in@ a88 of t5e fo88oAin& : .! .# .F .E .$ ." .J .G .D .! -e7urity administrationI Re8evant internationa8 7onventions@ 7odes and re7ommendationsI Re8evant nationa8 &overnment 8e&is8ation and re&u8ationsI Res6onsi>i8ities and fun7tions of ot5er re8evant se7urity or&anisationsI Met5odo8o&y of -5i6 -e7urity AssessmentI Met5ods of s5i6 se7urity surveys and ins6e7tionsI -5i6 and 6ort o6erations and 7onditionsI -5i6 and 6ort fa7i8ity se7urity measuresI Emer&en7y 6re6aredness and res6onse and 7ontin&en7y 68annin&I Instru7tion te75ni9ues for se7urity trainin& and edu7ation@ in78udin& se7urity measures and 6ro7eduresI .!! ,and8in& sensitive se7urity re8ated information and se7urity re8ated 7ommuni7ationsI .!# +noA8ed&e of 7urrent se7urity t5reats and 6atternsI .!F Re7o&nition and dete7tion of Aea6ons@ dan&erous su>stan7es and devi7esI .!E Re7o&nition@ on a non;dis7riminatory >asis@ of 75ara7teristi7s and >e5avioura8 6atterns of 6ersons A5o are 8i?e8y to t5reaten se7urityI .!$ Te75ni9ues used to 7ir7umvent se7urity measuresI .!" -e7urity e9ui6ment and systems and t5eir o6erationa8 8imitationsI .!J Met5ods of 7ondu7tin& se7urity audits@ ins6e7tion@ 7ontro8s and monitorin&I .!G Met5ods of 65ysi7a8 sear75es and non;intrusive ins6e7tionsI .!D -e7urity dri88s and eBer7ises@ in78udin& dri88s and eBer7ises Ait5 6ort fa7i8itiesI .# Assessment of se7urity dri88s and eBer7isesI .#! CroAd mana&ement and 7ontro8 te75ni9ues. D.# In addition@ and s6e7ifi7 to t5is s5i6@ t5e Com6any 7ertifies t5at t5e --O 5as ade9uate ?noA8ed&e of@ andCor 5as re7eived trainin& in@ a88 of t5e fo88oAin& : .! .# .F .E T5e 8ayout of t5e s5i6I T5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an and re8ated 6ro7edures <in78udin& s7enario;>ased trainin& on 5oA to res6ond to a se7urity in7ident=I T5e o6eration of on >oard se7urity e9ui6ment and systemsI and T5e testin&@ 7a8i>ration and@ A5i8st at sea@ maintenan7e of se7urity e9ui6ment and asso7iated systems.

D.F T5e Com6any a8so 7ertifies t5at s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 Ait5 s6e7ifi7 se7urity duties 5ave suffi7ient ?noA8ed&e and a>i8ity to 6erform t5eir assi&ned duties@ in78udin& : .! +noA8ed&e of 7urrent se7urity t5reats and 6atternsI .# Re7o&nition and dete7tion of Aea6ons@ dan&erous su>stan7es and devi7esI .F Re7o&nition of 75ara7teristi7s and >e5avioura8 6atterns of 6ersons A5o are 8i?e8y to t5reaten se7urityI .E Te75ni9ues used to 7ir7umvent se7urity measuresI .$ CroAd mana&ement and 7ontro8 te75ni9uesI


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 17 $

T5e use of se7urity re8ated 7ommuni7ation systemsI +noA8ed&e of emer&en7y 6ro7edures and Contin&en7y %8ansI O6eration of se7urity e9ui6ment and systemsI Testin&@ 7a8i>ration and@ A5i8st at sea@ maintenan7e of se7urity e9ui6ment and systemsI .! Ins6e7tion@ se7urity 7ontro8 and 6ersonne8 monitorin& te75ni9uesI and .!! Met5ods of 65ysi7a8 sear75es of 6ersons@ 6ersona8 effe7ts@ >a&&a&e@ 7ar&o and s5i6Ms stores. D.E T5e Com6any a8so 7ertifies t5at a88 ot5er s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 5ave suffi7ient ?noA8ed&e of@ and are fami8iar Ait5@ re8evant 6rovisions of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an@ in78udin&: .! 8eve8sI .# .F .E .$ T5e meanin& and t5e 7onse9uentia8 re9uirements of t5e different se7urity +noA8ed&e of emer&en7y 6ro7edures and Contin&en7y %8ansI Re7o&nition and dete7tion of Aea6ons@ dan&erous su>stan7es and devi7esI Re7o&nition@ on a non;dis7riminatory >asis@ of 75ara7teristi7s and >e5avioura8 6atterns of 6ersons A5o are 8i?e8y to t5reaten se7urityI and Te75ni9ues used to 7ir7umvent se7urity measures.

." .J .G .D

-e7urRty trainin& s5a88 in78ude T5e meanin& and t5e 7ose9uentia8 re9uRrements of t5e different se7urity 8eve8s. +noA8ed&e of emer&en7y 6ro7edures and 7ontin&en7y 68ans Re7o&nRtion and dede7tion of Aea6ons@ dan&erous su>stan7es and devi7es Re7o&nition on a non;dis7riminatory >asis of 75ara7teristi7s and >e5avioura8 6atterns of 6ersons A5o are 8i?e8y to t5reaten se7urity T5e s5i6 ser7urity 68an and re8ated 6ro7edures <in78udin& s7enario;>ased trainin& on 5oA to res6ond to a se7urity in7ident= T5e o6eration of on >oard se7urity e9uR6ment and systems Terror &rou6s and a7tions. D;2==> 45A EK8;02>8> D.$ T5e o>Ne7tive of dri88s and eBer7ises is to determine A5et5er s5i6>oard 6ersonne8 are 6rofi7ient in a88 assi&ned se7urity duties at a88 MAR-EC 8eve8s A5i8e identifyin& any se7urity re8ated defi7ien7ies A5i75 need to >e addressed. D." -e7urity dri88s and eBer7ises are 7onfidentia8. T5ey 7annot >e demanded >y@ and need not >e Aitnessed >y@ 6arties ot5er t5an du8y aut5orised f8a& state or Com6any offi7ia8s. D;2==> D.J To ensure t5e effe7tive im68ementation of t5e 6rovisions of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an@ dri88s are 7ondu7ted at 8east on7e every t5ree mont5s@ testin& individua8 e8ements of t5e %8an. <-e7.F A66.;A= D.G ,oAever@ in 7ases A5ere more t5an #$ 6er7ent of t5e s5i6Ms 6ersonne8 5ave >een 75an&ed at any one time@ a dri88 Ai88 >e 7ondu7ted Ait5in one Aee? of t5e 75an&e to >enefit 6ersonne8 A5o 5ave not 6revious8y 6arti7i6ated in any dri88 on t5at s5i6 Ait5in t5e 8ast F mont5s . T5ese dri88s are devised to test individua8 e8ements of t5e %8an.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 18 $


T5e e8ements to >e tested in78ude: .! .# .F .E .$ ." .J .G .D .! .!! .!# .!F A77ess 7ontro8 at MAR-EC Leve8 #I -5i6 sear75esI -e7urin& restri7ted areas at MAR-EC Leve8 FI Eva7uatin& t5e s5i6 A5i8e in 6ortI Fire 7ontro8 eBer7isesI Bom> t5reat rea7tionI CroAd 7ontro8 6ro7eduresI A7tivation of t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystemI Ca88in& emer&en7y stationsI Informin& t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er of a se7urity in7identI %re6arin& to 8eave 6ort at s5ort noti7eI A7tin& on instru7tions &iven >y 7ontra7tin& &overnmentsI and 2sin& ot5er Contin&en7y %8ans.

D.! T5e nature of a88 dri88s Ai88 >e entered in t5e s5i6Ms 8o& and t5e --O Ai88 re7ord detai8s of a88 dri88s and t5e 6ersons A5o 6arti7i6ated in t5em <-e7.# Form #;F=. EK8;02>8> D.!! 'arious ty6es of eBer7ises@ A5i75 may in78ude 6arti7i6ation of C-Os@ %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7ers@ re8evant aut5orities of 7ontra7tin& &overnments as Ae88 as --Os@ if avai8a>8e@ Ai88 >e 7arried out at 8east on7e ea75 7a8endar year Ait5 no more t5an !G mont5s >etAeen t5e eBer7ises. T5ese eBer7ises Ai88 test 7ommuni7ations@ 7o;ordination@ resour7e avai8a>i8ity and res6onse. T5ese eBer7ises may >e: .! .# .F Fu88 s7a8e or 8iveI Ta>8eto6 simu8ation or seminarI or Com>ined Ait5 ot5er eBer7ises 5e8d@ su75 as sear75 and res7ue or emer&en7y res6onse eBer7ises.

D.!# T5e master and --O Ai88@ fo88oAin& 7onsu8tation Ait5 t5e C-O@ 6arti7i6ate in any eBer7ises or&anised >y f8a& or 6ort states@ if invited@ and Ai88 >e re7orded any su75 6arti7i6ation in t5e s5i6Ms 8o& and in -e7.# Form #;F D.!F Fu88 detai8s re&ardin& dri88s@ in78udin& Com6any 6arti7i6ants@ are 5e8d >y t5e C-O.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 19 $



! .! T5ree maritime se7urity <MAR-EC= 8eve8s 5ave >een esta>8is5ed for use >y t5e internationa8 maritime 7ommunity. T5is s5i6 Ai88 o6erate at a MAR-EC 8eve8 as instru7ted >y t5e f8a& state aut5orities and 6ort state aut5orities in 7ase t5e s5i6 o6erates at 8oAer MAR-EC 8eve8 t5an t5e 6ort ! .# MARSEC L838= 1 N@;?4= Q t5e 8eve8 at A5i75 s5i6s <and 6orts= norma88y o6erate. At t5is 8eve8 t5ere is no ?noAn s6e7ifi7 t5reat of an un8aAfu8 a7t a&ainst t5e s5i6 or its 8o7ation. In !# and !G of t5is %8an out8ines t5e routine se7urity measures t5at are noA in effe7t for t5is s5i6. ! .F MARSEC L838= # H82671858A Q t5is 8eve8 Ai88 a668y for as 8on& as t5ere is a 5ei&5tened ris? of a se7urity in7ident. T5is ris? 8eve8 indi7ates t5at@ a8t5ou&5 t5ere is 6er7eived to >e a 5ei&5tened ris? of a se7urity in7ident@ no s6e7ifi7 tar&et 5as >een identified. On 8earnin& from t5e C-O@ f8a& or 6ort state aut5orities@ t5at MAR-EC Leve8 # is a668i7a>8e@ t5e --O Ai88 immediate8y introdu7e a88 t5ose se7urity measures a668i7a>8e to MAR-EC Leve8 #@ as out8ined in Itm.!# and !G of t5is %8an@ and inform t5e C-O A5en t5ese measures 5ave >een 6ut into effe7t. ! .E MARSEC L838= & EK08912@54= Q t5is 8eve8 Ai88 a668y for t5e 6eriod of time A5en t5ere is t5e 6ro>a>8e or imminent ris? of a se7urity in7ident@ a8t5ou&5 it may not >e 6ossi>8e to identify t5e s6e7ifi7 tar&et. On 8earnin& from t5e C-O@ f8a& or 6ort state aut5orities t5at MAR-EC Leve8 F is a668i7a>8e@ t5e --O Ai88 immediate8y introdu7e a88 t5ose se7urity measures a668i7a>8e to MAR-EC Leve8s # and F as out8ined in Itm.!# and !G of t5is %8an@ inform t5e C-O A5en t5ese measures 5ave >een 6ut into effe7t@ esta>8is5 and maintain re&u8ar 7onta7t Ait5 t5e C-O and f8a& and 6ort state aut5orities and >e 6re6ared to fo88oA any instru7tions issued >y su75 aut5orities. ! .$. Detai8s of t5e t5ree MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8s are 6osted on t5e s5i6Ms noti7e >oard@ to&et5er Ait5 t5e 8eve8 at A5i75 t5e s5i6 is 7urrent8y o6eratin& <-e7.F A66.; B =.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 20 $



!!.! 45i8e it is t5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e s5i6 to 6rote7t t5e 6erimeter of t5e s5i6 from unaut5orised a77ess@ it is t5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e 6ort fa7i8ity to 6rote7t t5at area of t5e 6ort A5i75 interfa7es Ait5 t5e s5i6 i.e. t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. !!.# %ort fa7i8ity is defined in t5e I-%- Code as Oa 8o7ation@ as determined >y t5e Contra7tin& 0overnment or >y t5e Desi&nated Aut5ority@ A5ere t5e s5i6C6ort interfa7e ta?es 68a7e. T5is in78udes areas su75 as an75ora&es@ Aaitin& >ert5s and a66roa75es from seaAard@ as a66ro6riateP. !!.F 2nder t5e I-%- Code@ simi8ar arran&ements are re9uired of t5e 6ort fa7i8ity as are re9uired of t5e s5i6 Q t5ere must >e a %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er <t5e e9uiva8ent of t5e --O= and t5ere must >e a %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity %8an <t5e e9uiva8ent of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an=. !!.E Ea75 6ort@ 8i?e ea75 s5i6@ is different@ Ait5 different 6otentia8 t5reats@ vu8nera>i8ities and 7a6a>i8ities. It is t5erefore essentia8 t5at@ to t5e &reatest de&ree 6ossi>8e@ t5e se7urity measures ado6ted >y t5e 6ort fa7i8ity and t5e s5i6 are 7om68ementary and@ to&et5er@ 6rovide an effe7tive and a66ro6riate res6onse to 6er7eived se7urity t5reats@ >ot5 to t5e s5i6 and to t5e 6ort. Liaison >etAeen t5e s5i6 and t5e 6ort is an essentia8 fa7tor in ensurin& t5is. !!.$ T5e Com6any en7oura&es t5e --O to esta>8is5 7onta7t Ait5 t5e a66ro6riate %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er at ea75 6ort fa7i8ity visited to ensure t5at a66ro6riate se7urity measures are ado6ted >y >ot5 t5e s5i6 and t5e 6ort su75 t5at@ to&et5er@ ade9uate 6ro7edures are in 68a7e. NeA 7onta7t detai8s s5ou8d >e re7orded >y t5e --O <see A66endiB A to t5is se7tion= and re6orted to t5e C-O A5o Ai88 arran&e for -5i6 -e7urity %8ans to >e u6dated. P;2@; 1@ E518;256 P@;1 !!." %rior to enterin& a 6ort@ t5e s5i6 may >e re9uested to 6rovide t5e fo88oAin& information to t5e desi&nated aut5ority of t5e 6ort or to t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er: .! .# .F .E .$ ." Confirmation t5at t5e s5i6 6ossesses a va8id Internationa8 -5i6 -e7urity Certifi7ate and t5e name of t5e issuin& aut5orityI Confirmation of t5e se7urity 8eve8 at A5i75 t5e s5i6 is 7urrent8y o6eratin&I Confirmation of t5e se7urity 8eve8 at A5i75 t5e s5i6 o6erated in t5e ten 6revious 6orts A5ere it 5as 7ondu7ted a re8evant s5i6C6ort interfa7e <or over t5e 6ast D days Q A5i75ever is t5e 8on&er=I Confirmation of any s6e7ia8 or additiona8 se7urity measures t5at Aere ta?en >y t5e s5i6 in any of t5e ten 6revious 6orts A5ere it 5as 7ondu7ted a re8evant s5i6C6ort interfa7e <or over t5e 6ast D days Q A5i75ever is t5e 8on&er=I Confirmation t5at t5e a66ro6riate s5i6 se7urity 6ro7edures Aere maintained durin& any 6revious re8evant s5i6;to;s5i6 a7tivity at t5e ten 6revious 6orts <or over t5e 6ast D days Q A5i75ever is t5e 8on&er=I or Ot5er 6ra7ti7a8 se7urity re8ated information <>ut not detai8s of t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an=.

O5 A;;234= 25 P@;1 !!.J T5e --O Ai88 8iaise at t5e ear8iest o66ortunity Ait5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er <%F-O= to esta>8is5 t5e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 a668i7a>8e to t5e s5i6 at t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. -5i6s Ai88 >e advised >y t5e 6ort of any 75an&e to t5at 8eve8. T5e 6ort s5ou8d a8so 6rovide t5e s5i6 Ait5 any re8evant se7urity information.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 21 $


T5e --O Ai88 esta>8is5@ if not a8ready ?noAn@ t5e a77ess 7ontro8 system o6erated >y t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. T5e s5i6Ms oAn a77ess 7ontro8 routines 7an >e amended at MAR-EC Leve8 ! <norma8= to ta?e t5is into a77ount.

D2CC8;256 S80:;21< L838=> !!.D On rare o77asions@ t5e s5i6 may need to o6erate at a 5i&5er se7urity 8eve8 t5an t5at a668i7a>8e to t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. On su75 o77asions@ t5e --O Ai88 advise t5e desi&nated aut5ority for t5at 6ort. Fo88oAin& 7onsu8tation Ait5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er@ t5e master and@ if ne7essary@ t5e C-O Ai88 ado6t su75 measures as are ne7essary to maintain t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6 to t5e a66ro6riate 8eve8. !!.! T5ere Ai88 >e no 7ir7umstan7es A5en a s5i6 7an 5ave a 8oAer se7urity 8eve8 t5an t5e 6ort fa7i8ity it is visitin&. T78 D80=4;412@5 @C S80:;21< !!.!! O77asiona88y@ a %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er may re9uire t5e s5i6 to 7ontri>ute toAards t5e 7om68etion of a ODe78aration of -e7urityP <-e7.# Form !!=. T5e De78aration of -e7urity s5oAs t5at an a&reement 5as >een rea75ed >etAeen t5e s5i6 and t5e 6ort as to t5e se7urity measures ea75 s5ou8d ta?e. T5is do7ument may a8so >e re9uested A5en 7ondu7tin& s5i6;to;s5i6 interfa7es. !!.!# T5e De78aration of -e7urity is 7om68eted >y: .! .# Eit5er t5e master or t5e --O on >e5a8f of t5e s5i6I and Eit5er t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er or@ if t5e 7ontra7tin& &overnment determines ot5erAise@ >y any ot5er >ody res6onsi>8e for s5oreside se7urity@ on >e5a8f of t5e 6ort fa7i8ity.

!!.!F T5e Com6any 5as no reservations a>out s5i6sM masters or --Os a&reein& to a re9uest from t5e 6ort@ or anot5er s5i6@ to 7om68ete su75 a do7ument. ,oAever@ if one is 7om68eted a si&ned 7o6y s5ou8d >e ?e6t on >oard and anot5er sent to t5e C-O. !!.!E A s5i6 7an re9uest 7om68etion of a De78aration of -e7urity A5en: .! .# .F .E .$ It is o6eratin& at a 5i&5er se7urity 8eve8 t5an t5e 6ort fa7i8ity <or anot5er s5i6= it is interfa7in& Ait5I T5ere is an a&reement >etAeen 7ontra7tin& &overnments on t5e need to o>tain a De78aration of -e7urity 7overin& 7ertain internationa8 voya&es or s6e7ifi7 s5i6s on t5ose voya&esI T5ere 5as >een a se7urity t5reat or a se7urity in7ident invo8vin& t5e s5i6 or invo8vin& t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ as a668i7a>8eI T5e s5i6 is at a 6ort A5i75 is not re9uired to 5ave and im68ement an a66roved %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity %8anI or T5e s5i6 is 7ondu7tin& s5i6;to;s5i6 a7tivities Ait5 anot5er s5i6 not re9uired to 5ave and im68ement an a66roved -5i6 -e7urity %8an.

!!.!$. T5e C-O Ai88 notify t5e s5i6 A5en a De78aration of -e7urity s5ou8d >e re9uested from a 6ort. T5e master or --O may a8so re9uest t5e 7om68etion of a De78aration of -e7urity if@ in t5eir 6rofessiona8 Nud&ement@ t5is Aou8d 7ontri>ute to s5i6 se7urity. A88 se7urity do7uments in78udin& re7ords to >e ?e6t on >oard for duration ! year and to >e ?e6t in t5e Com6any for duration of # years. !!.!" T5ere is no o>8i&ation under t5e I-%- Code for t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ or anot5er s5i6@ to 6rovide su75 a do7ument on re9uest from a s5i6. ,oAever@ re9uests >y t5e s5i6 for t5e 7om68etion of a De78aration of -e7urity must >e a7?noA8ed&ed >y t5e a668i7a>8e 6ort fa7i8ity or s5i6.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 22 $

For information 11.17. The US Coast Guard has stated (in a!i"ation and #essel $ns%e&tion Cir&ular o 10 02 of 21 '&to(er 2002) that all shi%s &arryin" *+i"h Conse,uen&e Car"oes- .ill (e re,uired to &om%lete a /e&laration of Se&urity at e!ery US %ort they !isit. *+i"h Conse,uen&e Car"oes- are defined as01 *2ny &ar"o that is a0 di!ision 1.1 or 1.2 e3%losi!e (as defined in 44 C56 177.80) and in a ,uantity in e3&ess of 89000 :" net e3%losi!e .ei"ht; di!ision 2.7 "as as defined in 44 C56 172.101 that is a material %oisonous (y inhalation as defined in 44 C56 171.< and that is in a ,uantity in e3&ess of 109000 :"; di!ision =.1 li,uid as defined in 44 C56 172.101 that is a material %oisonous (y inhalation as defined in 44 C56 171.< and that is in a ,uantity in e3&ess of 709000 :"; &lass 7 radioa&ti!e material that is a hi"h.ay route &ontrolled ,uantity or fissile material9 &ontrolled shi%ment9 as defined in 44 C56 177.407; di!ision 1.8 &om%ati(ility "rou% / e3%losi!e material for .hi&h a %ermit is re,uired under 44 C56 17=.4189 and that is in a ,uantity in e3&ess of 409000 :"; (ul: li,uid &ar"o that is re,uired to (e &arried in a Ty%e 1 shi% or &ar"o &ontainment system due to safety ha>ards under 4= C56 187; or (ul: li,uefied "as &ar"o that is flamma(le and?or to3i& and &arried under 4= C56.-

The US Coast Guard has also stated that a /e&laration of Se&urity .ill not (e re,uired for shi%s that re"ularly &all at the same %ort fa&ility %ro!ided an a"reement is rea&hed (et.een the shi% and the %ort fa&ility as to their res%e&ti!e se&urity res%onsi(ilities. 2ny su&h a"reements entered into .ill (e notified to the shi% (y the Com%any Se&urity 'ffi&er.] R89@;1256 F@==@B256 D894;1:;8 !!.!G. If@ fo88oAin& de6arture from a 6ort@ t5e master or --O 5ave any 7omments on t5e se7urity arran&ements in t5at 6ort@ t5ey Ai88 6rodu7e a %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Assessment for t5e C-O@ to 6rovide information to assess t5e stren&t5s and Aea?nesses of se7urity systems and 6ro7edures at a 6ort fa7i8ity. A su&&ested format for su75 an assessment is &iven in -e7.# FORM !# If se7urity measures are found to >e inade9uate@ ste6s Ai88 >e ta?en >y t5e Com6any to 7om6ensate for t5e defi7ien7ies for su>se9uent 7a88s at t5at 6ort. !!.!D. Routine 7omments on t5e effe7tiveness of t5e se7urity arran&ements a668ied durin& 6ort 7a88s Ai88 >e su>mitted >y t5e s5i6 to t5e C-O at t5e end of ea75 mont5.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 23 $



C@51;@==256 A008>> 1@ 178 S729 ! A008>> P@251>, IA8512C20412@5, S84;07256, K8< C@51;@=, A008>>C@51;@= M84>:;8> 45A C;8B C@?9=8?851 !#.! A77ess 7ontro8 measures re&u8ate entry to t5e s5i6 and to its restri7ted areas and@ as Ae88 as 6rote7tin& t5e s5i6 from unaut5orised a77ess@ 7reate de8ay@ 6rovidin& time for se7urity 6ersonne8 to res6ond to any a8ert or a8arm. !#.# A77ess 7ontro8 and identifi7ation 6ro7edures are 7riti7a8 se7urity measures to 6rote7t t5e fo88oAin& from interferen7e: .! CreA@ 6assen&ers@ and 6ort fa7i8ity 6ersonne8I .# +ey areas Ait5in a s5i6I and .F Car&o and s5i6Ms stores. A008>> P@251> !#.F. Aut5orised a77ess 6oints to t5e s5i6@ identified in t5is se7tion !#.EJ@ s5ou8d a8Aays >e 78ear8y mar?ed and arran&ed so as to minimise t5e o6tions avai8a>8e to unaut5orised individua8s. Effe7tive a77ess 7ontro8 measures 6ermit aut5orised 6ersons to move a>out a s5i6 Ait5 minima8 disru6tion@ A5i8e simu8taneous8y 6rote7tin& t5e 7riti7a8 areas. !#.E A77ess 6oints for Aor?ers and ot5er 6ersonne8 are >est 7ontro88ed Ait5 sin&8e fi8e 8ines to redu7e 7onfusion@ rat5er t5an a88oAin& 6eo68e to 7roAd o6en areas or a88oAin& t5em to 78uster in 8ar&e &rou6s immediate8y in front of an a77ess 7ontro8 6oint. !#.$ In se7urin& a77ess to t5e s5i6 a8on&side in 6ort@ 7onsideration s5ou8d >e &iven to t5e 6ossi>i8ity of a77ess from t5e seaAard side. T5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e 6ort fa7i8ity eBtends to an75ora&es and t5e a66roa75es to a 6ort@ and 8iaison Ait5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er 7an address a 6er7eived t5reat from t5is dire7tion. P8;>@54= IA8512C20412@5 !#." Identifi7ation is a ?ey 7om6onent to a77ess 7ontro8. If a88 visitors are free to >oard and roam t5e s5i6@ and t5eir 7redentia8s are not su>Ne7t to eBamination and verifi7ation@ t5e 7reA and 7ar&o may >e vu8nera>8e to 7rime. 2nes7orted visitors 7ou8d a8so >e7ome invo8ved in a77idents due to an unfami8iarity Ait5 t5e s5i6Ms 8ayout@ 7ontro8s and e9ui6ment. !#.J Com6any 6o8i7y is t5at a88 6ersons see?in& to &ain a77ess to t5e s5i6 s5ou8d 7arry some form of identifi7ation <-e7.F A66.;,= and s5ou8d >e 75e7?ed >ot5 on and off t5e s5i6. To t5is end@ t5e s5i6 5as >een su668ied Ait5 a visitorsM >oo? A5i75 t5e visitor s5ou8d >e as?ed to 7om68ete. <-e7.# Form !D= !#.G De6endin& on t5e 8eve8 of a77ess 7ontro8 eBer7ised >y t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ 6ersons un?noAn to t5e se7urity Aat75 A5o see? to >oard t5e s5i6 7an >e as?ed to identify t5emse8ves@ and t5eir reason for re9uirin& a77ess@ >efore >ein& a88oAed to do so. T5is a668ies e9ua88y to t5ose in t5e uniform of a 6ort state offi7ia8. !#.D A88 t5ose unAi88in& or una>8e to esta>8is5 t5eir identity andCor 7onfirm t5e 6ur6ose of t5eir visit to t5e s5i6 A5en re9uested to do so s5ou8d >e denied a77ess to t5e s5i6 and t5eir attem6t to &ain a77ess s5ou8d >e re6orted to t5e --O and t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 24 $

!#.! CreA mem>ers are re9uired to 7arry Com6any identifi7ation@ t5eir seafarerMs re7ordCdis75ar&e >oo? or 6ass6ort on ea75 o77asion t5ey 8eave t5e s5i6@ and may >e re9uired to 6rodu7e su75 identifi7ation >efore >ein& &ranted 6ermission to >oard. A>use of identifi7ation 6ro7edures or re9uirements may resu8t in dis7i68inary a7tion. Enteran7e and eBit of a88 7reA mem>ers on >oard Ai88 >e re7orded to se7.# form !F. !#.!! T5e 6rodu7tion of identity do7umentation is not@ of itse8f@ 7om68ete8y foo86roof. Identity do7uments 7an >e fa8sified. T5e o6tion to va8idate t5e identity do7ument s5ou8d >e ta?en on o77asion@ if ne7essary@ >y see?in& advi7e on t5e 6ro7edure for doin& so from t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er. !#.!# T5e identifi7ation re9uired@ and t5e fre9uen7y of va8idation@ is ta>8ed in t5is se7tion!#.EG. T5e s5i6 5as >een su668ied Ait5 a series of num>ered 6asses for issue@ as a66ro6riate@ to aut5orised 6ersons a88oAin& t5em a77ess to t5e s5i6. T5e issue and return of t5ese 6asses Ai88 >e 78ose8y 7ontro88ed and any anoma8ies re6orted to t5e --O.-am68e of a77ess 7arts of 7reA mem>ers and visitors in -e7.F A66.;,. S84;07256 !#.!F 45i8e a88 t5ose see?in& to >oard t5is s5i6 are 8ia>8e to >e sear75ed. -u75 sear75es may >est >e underta?en >y t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ if suita>8y e9ui66ed@ in 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5e s5i6 and in 78ose 6roBimity to it. A77e6ta>8y identified 7reA mem>ers s5ou8d not norma88y >e 8ia>8e to >e sear75ed >y t5eir fe88oA 7reA mem>ers un8ess t5ere are 78ear se7urity &rounds for doin& so. Any su75 sear75 must >e underta?en in a manner A5i75 fu88y ta?es into a77ount t5e 5uman ri&5ts of t5e 7reA mem>er and 6reserves t5eir >asi7 5uman di&nity. <0uidan7e on sear75in& is in78uded in t5is s5i6Ms Contin&en7y %8ans at se7tion !DC,.= K8< C@51;@= !#.!E T5e -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er Ai88 ?ee6 masterCs6are ?eys 5o8ders@ es6e7ia88y master ?ey 5o8ders. CreA mem>er ?ey 5o8ders must return t5eir ?eys >efore 8eavin& t5e s5i6 at t5e end of t5eir tour of duty. Losses of ?eys must >e re6orted to t5e C-O. A008>> C@51;@= M84>:;8> !#.!$ A88 a77ess 6oints to t5is s5i6 5ave >een identified <see !#.EJ= and Ai88 >e 7ontro88ed@ as set out@ in a77ordan7e Ait5 t5e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 in for7e. At Leve8 !@ t5e fo88oAin& se7urity measures Ai88 >e ado6ted to 7ontro8 a77ess to t5is s5i6: !. A 75e7? on t5e identity of a88 6ersons see?in& to >oard t5e s5i6 and 7onfirmation of t5eir reasons for doin& so >y 75e7?in&@ for eBam68e@ Noinin& instru7tions@ >oardin& 6asses@ Aor? orders@ &overnment 7redentia8s et7 <t5e identifi7ation of 7ontra7ted Aor?ers on t5e s5i6@ su75 as stevedores@ Ai88 >e 7o;ordinated Ait5 t5e 7ontra7tor=I #. In 8iaison Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ t5e esta>8is5ment of desi&nated se7ure areas in A5i75 ins6e7tions and sear75in& of 6eo68e see?in& to >oard@ >a&&a&e <in78udin& 7arry on items=@ 6ersona8 effe7ts@ ve5i78es and t5eir 7ontents 7ou8d ta?e 68a7eI F. Identifi7ation of t5ose a77ess 6oints to >e se7ured or attended to 6revent unaut5orised a77essI E. Denyin& a77ess@ >y 8o7?in& or ot5er means@ to unattended s6a7es adNoinin& areas to A5i75 visitors 5ave a77ess. $. %rovidin& se7urity >riefin&s to a88 s5i6 6ersone8 on 6ossi>8e t5reats@t5e 6ro7eduresfor re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons@o>Ne7ts or a7tivities and need for vi&i8an7e


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 25 $

!#.!" At -e7urity Leve8 #@ t5e fo88oAin& additiona8 measures Ai88 >e ado6ted to ensure 5i&5er vi&i8an7e and ti&5ter 7ontro8 as 6rote7tion a&ainst t5e 5ei&5tened ris? of a se7urity in7ident: .! .# .F .E .$ ." .J .G Assi&nin& additiona8 6ersonne8 to 6atro8 de7? areas durin& t5e ni&5t to deter unaut5orised a77essI Limitin& t5e num>er of a77ess 6oints to t5e s5i6 and se7urin& ot5ers >y removin& a77ess fa7i8itiesI In 8iaison Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ deterrin& seaAard a77ess to t5e s5i6I In 8iaison Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ esta>8is5in& a restri7ted area on t5e s5ore side of t5e s5i6I T5e fre9uen7y of sear75 of 6eo68e@ 6ersona8 effe7ts >ein& em>ar?ed or 8oaded onto t5e s5i6 defined in t5is se7tion !#.EG <>= Lidentifyin& and es7ortin& a88 visitors on t5e s5i6I Informin& t5e 7reA of any identified t5reats@ re;em65asisin& t5e 6ro7edures for re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts or a7tivities@ and stressin& t5e need for in7reased vi&i8an7eI and Carryin& out a fu88 or 6artia8 sear75 of t5e s5i6 6rior to de6arture.

!#.!J At -e7urity Leve8 F@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 5ave to 7om68y Ait5 any instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat. T5e additiona8 se7urity measures A5i75 7an >e ta?en >y t5e s5i6@ in 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5ose res6ondin& and t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ in78ude: .! .# Limitin& a77ess to a sin&8e@ 7ontro88ed@ a77ess 6ointI 0rantin& a77ess on8y to t5ose res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reatI

.F dire7tionCa77om6animent or dire7t su6ervision of a88 non;7reA 6ersons on >oardI .E .$ ." .J .G -us6ension of em>ar?ation or disem>ar?ationI -us6ension of 7ar&o 5and8in& o6erations@ de8iveries et7I Eva7uation of t5e s5i6I Movin& t5e s5i6I and %re6arin& for or 7ondu7tin& a fu88 or 6artia8 sear75 of t5e s5i6.

R8>1;2018A A;84> @5 178 S729 !#.!G Certain areas of t5e s5i6 5ave >een desi&nated >y t5e Com6any as Orestri7ted areasP. T5e 6ur6ose of esta>8is5in& restri7ted areas is to: .! .# .F .E %revent unaut5orised a77ess to sensitive areas Ait5in t5e s5i6I -5i6Ss 6ersonne8@ and 6ersonne8 from 6ort fa7i8ities Ot5er a&en7ies aut5orised to >e on >oard t5e s5i6I %rote7t 7ar&o and s5i6Ss stores.

!#.!D A88 t5ese areas are 78ear8y mar?ed to indi7ate t5at a77ess to t5e area is restri7ted and t5at unaut5orised 6resen7e Ait5in t5e area 7onstitutes a >rea75 of se7urity. Noti7es to t5is effe7t are 5e8d >y t5is s5i6 <t5is se7tion !#.ED=.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 26 $

!#.# At a88 times@ es7a6e and eva7uation routes from manned 7om6artments@ assem>8y or muster stations Ai88 >e maintained to ensure t5e order8y and safe emer&en7y eva7uation of t5e s5i6. T5ese routes 5ave to >e ?e6t 78ear of o>stru7tions and@ if t5ey are se7ured for se7urity reasons@ must >e 7a6a>8e of >ein& o6ened Ait5out ?eys from t5e dire7tion for A5i75 es7a6e is re9uired. !#.#! Any >rea75es of se7urity are re9uired to >e re6orted to t5e --O. !#.## At -e7urity Leve8 !@ t5e se7urity measures a668ied to restri7ted areas may in78ude: .! .# .F Lo7?in& or se7urin& a77ess 6ointsI Ensurin& 7reA mem>ers are in attendan7eI 2sin& &uards or 6atro8sI and

!#.#F At -e7urity Leve8 #@ t5e fre9uen7y and intensity of t5e monitorin& of@ and 7ontro8 of a77ess to@ restri7ted areas Ai88 >e in7reased to ensure t5at on8y aut5orised 6ersons 5ave a77ess. T5e additiona8 se7urity measures to >e a668ied 7an in78ude: .! .# Esta>8is5in& restri7ted areas adNa7ent to a77ess 6ointsI Dedi7atin& additiona8 6ersonne8 to &uard and 6atro8 restri7ted areas.

!#.#E At -e7urity Leve8 F@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 7om68y Ait5 any instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat. T5e se7urity measures A5i75 Ai88 >e ta?en >y t5e s5i6@ in 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5ose res6ondin& to t5e 5ei&5tened se7urity 8eve8 and t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ in78ude: .! .# Esta>8is5in& additiona8 restri7ted areas on t5e s5i6 in 6roBimity to t5e se7urity in7ident@ or t5e >e8ieved 8o7ation of t5e se7urity t5reat@ to A5i75 a77ess is deniedI and Ear75in& of restri7ted areas as 6art of a sear75 of t5e s5i6.

!#.#$ Detai8s of t5e restri7ted areas identified on t5is s5i6 and t5e measures ado6ted to 6rote7t t5em@ A5i8e >ein& an inte&ra8 6art of t5is %8an@ are 7onfidentia8 <as 6rovided for in t5e I-%- Code@ ACD.G.!= and 7an on8y >e made avai8a>8e to: .! .# Du8y aut5orised re6resentatives of t5e f8a& stateI and Ot5er 6ersons Ait5 t5e 6ermission of t5e f8a& state.

M@521@;256 D80F A;84> 45A A;84> S:;;@:5A256 178 S729 !#.#" T5is s5i6 5as t5e 7a6a>i8ity to monitor a7tivity on t5e s5i6@ t5e restri7ted areas on >oard and areas surroundin& it. A88 se7urity e9ui6ment Ai88 >e a>8e to 6erform 7ontinua88y a&ainst to a88 Aeat5er 7onditions or of 6oAer disru6tions. A88 e9ui6ment Ai88 >e su66orted >y emer&en7y >attery. T5e monitorin& 7a6a>i8ity is fa7i8itated >y t5e 6rovision of .! .# Li&5tin&I 4at75?ee6ers and de7? Aat75es in78udin& 6atro8s and@ A5ere ne7essaryI additiona8 se7urity &uards.

!#.#J At -e7urity Leve8 # t5e s5i6 Ai88 esta>8is5 additiona8 se7urity measures to en5an7e t5e monitorin& and survei88an7e 7a6a>i8ities@ A5i75 may in78ude: .! In7reasin& t5e fre9uen7y and detai8 of se7urity 6atro8sI


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 27 $

.# .F .E

In7reasin& t5e 7overa&e and intensity of 8i&5tin& or t5e use of se7urity and survei88an7e e9ui6mentI Assi&nin& additiona8 6ersonne8 as se7urity 8oo?outsI Ensurin& 7o;ordination Ait5 Aaterside >oat 6atro8s@ and foot or ve5i78e 6atro8s on t5e s5oreside@ A5en 6rovided.

!#.#G At -e7urity Leve8 F t5e s5i6 Ai88 7om68y Ait5 t5e instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat. ,oAever@ t5e s5i6@ fo88oAin& &uidan7e from t5ose res6ondin& and t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ 7an ta?e additiona8 measures su75 as: !. -Ait75in& on a88 8i&5tin& i88uminatin& t5e s5i6 or its vi7inityI #. If it is 6ossi>8e s8oA revo8ution of t5e s5i6Ms 6ro6e88ers F. Ins6e7tion of t5e 5u88 of t5e s5i6 L2671256 !#.#D T5is s5i6Ms a66ro6riate 8eve8 and 8o7ation of 8i&5tin&@ and t5at avai8a>8e at t5e s5i6Ms most re&u8ar 6orts of 7a88@ 5as >een assessed to ensure t5at: .! .# .F -5i6Ms 6ersonne8 are@ A5en ne7essary@ a>8e to dete7t a7tivities >eyond t5e s5i6@ on >ot5 t5e s5oreside and t5e AatersideI Li&5tin& 7an >e dire7ted to i88uminate t5e area on and around t5e s5i6I and Covera&e fa7i8itates 6ersonne8 identifi7ation at a77ess 6oints.

!#.F 45enever t5e s5i6 is a8on&side 7ondu7tin& s5i6C6ort interfa7e a7tivities@ su75 as 7ar&o Aor?in&@ t5e s5i6Ss de7? and a77ess 6oints to t5e s5i6 Ai88 >e i88uminated at ni&5t and durin& 6eriods of 8oA visi>i8ity. At ot5er times@ a8on&side or at an offs5ore termina8 or an75ora&e@ i88umination may >e uti8ised A5en 7onsidered ne7essary. !#.F! Additiona8 8i&5tin& may >e ne7essary to 6rote7t a&ainst a 5ei&5tened ris? of a se7urity in7ident. 45en ne7essary@ additiona8 s5oreside 8i&5tin& may >e arran&ed in 7o;ordination Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. !#.F# 45i8e underAay@ A5en 7onsidered ne7essary@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 use a88 t5e 8i&5tin& avai8a>8e 7onsistent Ait5 safe navi&ation@ 5avin& re&ard to t5e 7urrent 6rovisions of t5e Internationa8 Re&u8ations for t5e %revention of Co88isions at -ea <COLRE0- !DJ#@ as amended=. C4;6@ H45A=256 !#.FF T5e se7urity measures re8atin& to 7ar&o 5and8in& are aimed at 6reventin&: .! .# Tam6erin&I Car&o t5at is not meant for 7arria&e from >ein& a77e6ted and stored on >oard t5e s5i6.

!#.FE T5e se7urity measures@ some of A5i75 Ai88 >e a668ied in 8iaison Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ in78ude inventory 7ontro8 6ro7edures at a77ess 6oints to t5e s5i6. On7e on >oard t5e s5i6@ 7ar&o Ai88 >e 7a6a>8e of >ein& identified as 5avin& >een a66roved for 8oadin& onto t5e s5i6.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 28 $

In addition@ se7urity measures Ai88 >e ta?en to ensure t5at 7ar&o@ on7e on >oard@ is not tam6ered Ait5. !#.F$ T5e se7urity measures to >e a668ied durin& 7ar&o 5and8in& in78ude: .! .# .F .E T5e a88o7ation of res6onsi>i8ity for t5e su6ervision of 7ar&o 5and8in& to an a66ro6riate 7reA mem>er Routine 75e7?in& of 7ar&o@ 7ar&o trans6ort units and 7ar&o s6a7es 6rior to@ and durin&@ 7ar&o 5and8in& o6erationsI C5e7?s to ensure t5at 7ar&o >ein& 8oaded mat75es t5e 7ar&o do7umentationI C5e7?in& sea8s or ot5er met5ods used to 6revent tam6erin&I

!#.F" C5e7?in& of 7ar&o is a75ieved >y: .! 'isua8 and 65ysi7a8 eBaminationI and@ A5ere ne7essary@

!#.FJ At -e7urity Leve8 #@ t5e additiona8 se7urity measures to >e a668ied durin& 7ar&o 5and8in& Ai88 in78ude: .! .# .F Detai8ed 75e7?in& of 7ar&o@ 7ar&o trans6ort units and 7ar&o s6a7esI Intensified 75e7?s to ensure t5at on8y t5e intended 7ar&o is 8oadedI In7reased fre9uen7y and detai8 in 75e7?in& of sea8s or ot5er met5ods used to 6revent tam6erin&.

!#.FG Detai8ed 75e7?in& of 7ar&o may >e a77om68is5ed >y t5e fo88oAin& means: .! .# In7reasin& t5e fre9uen7y and detai8 of visua8 and 65ysi7a8 eBaminationI Co;ordinatin& en5an7ed se7urity measures Ait5 t5e s5i66er or ot5er res6onsi>8e 6arties in a77ordan7e Ait5 an esta>8is5ed a&reement and 6ro7edures.

!#.FD At -e7urity Leve8 F t5e s5i6 Ai88 7om68y Ait5 any instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat. T5e s5i6 7an@ in 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5ose res6ondin& and t5e 6ort fa7i8ity: .! sus6end 7ar&o Aor?in& H45A=256 S729$> S1@;8> !#.E T5e se7urity measures re8atin& to t5e de8ivery of s5i6Ms stores are aimed at: .! .# .F .E Ensurin& t5e 75e7?in& of s5i6Ms stores and 6a7?a&e inte&rityI %reventin& s5i6Ms stores from >ein& a77e6ted Ait5out ins6e7tionI %reventin& tam6erin&I and %reventin& s5i6Ms stores from >ein& a77e6ted un8ess ordered.

!#.E! Res6onsi>i8ity for t5e su6ervision of 5and8in& of s5i6Ms stores Ai88 >e a88o7ated >y t5e master or de6artmenta8 5ead for A5ose de6artment t5e stores are intended !#.E# T5e s5i6 Ai88 7onfirm t5at stores 6resented for de8ivery 5ave >een ordered >y@ or on >e5a8f of@ t5e s5i6. A do7umentary 75e7? Ai88 >e made@ >efore 8oadin&@ to 7onfirm t5at t5e


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 29 $

stores de8ivered mat75 t5e order. On7e t5is 75e7? is 7om68eted@ t5e stores Ai88 >e immediate8y se7ured and stoAed. !#.EF At -e7urity Leve8 #@ a 65ysi7a8 and do7umentary 75e7? Ai88 >e made@ 6rior to 8oadin&@ t5at t5e stores de8ivered mat75 t5e order. On7e t5is 75e7? is 7om68eted@ t5e stores Ai88 >e immediate8y se7ured and stoAed. !#.EE At -e7urity Leve8 F@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 7om68y Ait5 any instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat. At Leve8 F@ t5e s5i6 7an refuse to a77e6t s5i6Ms stores. H45A=256 U5400@?94528A B466468 2na77om6anied >a&&a&e is not a77e6ted to t5is s5i6. C;8B C@?9=8?851 !#.E$ T5e 7reA 7om68ement ta?es into a77ount any ne7essary se7urity duties assi&ned to s5i6Ms 6ersonne8 at MAR-EC Leve8 !. Additiona8 se7urity 6ersonne8 may >e en&a&ed at 7ertain 6orts.

AAA212@54= S80:;21< !#.E" T5e Com6any may 5ave eBistin& arran&ements Ait5 8o7a8 7om6anies 6rovidin& s5i6CAaterside se7urity servi7es. Additiona8 se7urity may >e Aarranted at 5i&5er MAR-EC 8eve8s. <-e7.# Form !$=


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 30 $

A008>> P@251 0an&Aay An75or 7a>8e Moorin& ro6es 4indoAsC6ort5o8es O6en Aeat5er de7? %i8ot 8adder Ot5er 8adders Cranes or ot5er 5oistin& &ear ,MARSEC L838= 1 Manned@ Noti7e@ identity 75e7?s@ sear75es FitC8o7? 5aAse 6i6e 7overs Rat &uards fittedC %atro88ed -e7ured %atro88ed -e7ured A5en not in use -e7ured A5en not in use 4at75ed A5en in use MARSEC L838= # Manned@ identity 75e7?s@ sear75es As Leve8 ! T 6atro8s As Leve8 ! T 6atro8s -e7ured %atro88ed As Leve8 ! As Leve8 ! 4at75ed if used@ se7ured A5en not in use MARSEC L838= & Manned@ 6rior a66rova8@ identity 75e7?s@ sear75es As Leve8 # As Leve8 # -e7ured Continuous8y monitored As Leve8 ! Do not de68oy 4at75ed if used@ se7ured A5en not in use

Additiona88y@ measures to 6revent a77ess to t5e s5i6Ms interior and ot5er restri7ted areas@ if t5e s5i6 is >oarded >y unaut5orised 6ersons@ 5ave >een ado6ted

MARSEC L838= 1 Com6any ID@ seafarerMs re7ordCdis75ar&e >oo?@ <T Noinin& instru7tions= Com6any ID@ dis75ar&e >oo? %5oto ID Em68oyer ID %5oto ID Em68oyer ID Em68oyer ID T 65oto ID Em68oyer ID Em68oyer ID Em68oyer ID MARSEC L838= # As Leve8 ! T 65oto ID MARSEC L838= & As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness As Leve8 # %5oto ID As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness %5oto ID As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness As Leve8 # T 6re;arriva8 aAareness

C=42?8A IA85121< CreA mem>ers Noinin& s5i6 CreA mem>ers returnin& to s5i6 %ort state offi7ia8s %ortCtermina8 offi7ia8s %i8ots De8ivery 6ersons Com6any re6resentatives Contra7t 6ersonne8 -tevedores 4at75men

As Leve8 ! T 65oto ID %5oto ID As Leve8 ! T 65oto ID %5oto ID %5oto ID Em68oyer ID T 65oto ID Em68oyer 65oto ID Em68oyer ID T 6ositive ID >y em68oyer Em68oyer ID T 6ositive ID >y em68oyer


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 31 $


F;8M:850< @C V4=2A412@5

C=42?8A IA85121< CreA mem>ers Noinin& s5i6 CreA mem>ers returnin& to s5i6 %ort state offi7ia8sV %ortCtermina8 offi7ia8sV %i8otsV De8ivery 6ersons Com6any re6resentatives Contra7t 6ersonne8 -tevedores 4at75men



MARSEC L838= & K! K! K! K! K! K! K! K! K! K! UL UL UL UL UL UL UL UL UL UL

V U5A8; M4>18;$> O912@5


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 32 $

1#. % S4?9=8 @C B4;5256 =4D8=




Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 33 $

1&. !F.!

ACTIVITIES NOT COVERED BY THE ISPS CODE If t5e s5i6 is s75edu8ed To visit 6orts in 7ountries A5i75 are not 6arty to t5e -OLA- Convention@ or Intera7t Ait5 a s5i6 A5ose f8a& state is not 6arty to t5e Convention@ or Intera7t Ait5 a s5i6 to A5i75 I-%- Code does not a668y@ or Intera7t Ait5 fiBed or f8oatin& 68atforms or a mo>i8e dri88in& unit on 8o7ation@ or Intera7t Ait5 a 6ort or 6ort fa7i8ity A5i75 is not re9uired to 7om68y Ait5 75a6ter :I;# and 6art A of I-%- Code

t5e s5i6 Ai88 >e &iven s6e7ifi7 dire7tions >y t5e C-O as to t5e se7urity measures A5i75 must >e 6ut in 68a7e 6rior to su75 visits or a7tivities. T5e 7urrent 8ist of states t5at are 6arty to t5e -OLA- Convention is avai8a>8e at AAA.imo.or&. A sam68e form to 8ist t5e states A5i75 are not 6arty to t5e -OLA- Convention@ to A5i75 t5e s5i6 is 8i?e8y to trade@ is &iven in -e7.F A66.C !F.# -5ou8d it 7ome to t5e noti7e of t5e master or --O t5at su75 a visit or intera7tion is imminent@ and no su75 instru7tions 5ave >een re7eived@ 7onta7t s5ou8d >e esta>8is5ed Ait5 t5e C-O. If not 6ossi>8e@ t5e s5i6 s5a88 ta?e t5e fo88oAin& 6ro7edures: !F.#.! %ort of a -tate@ A5i75 is not a Contra7tin& 0overnment ; Confirm t5e a66ro6riate 7om6etent aut5ority Ait5 A5om t5e s5i6 s5a88 7ommuni7ate in an emer&en7y@ and esta>8is5 and maintain t5e means of 7ommuni7ation@ ; %erform t5e norma8 6rote7tion measures in s5i6C6ort interfa7e re8evant to eBistin& marse7 8eve8 if ne7essary ta?e additiona8 measures@ ; Condu7t a 6ort fa7i8ity se7urity assessment <-e7.# Form !#= ; Re9uest and 7om68ete Do- <-e7.# Form !!=. If t5e 6ort fa7i8ity denied t5e 7om68etion of Do-@ enter t5is fa7t in t5e Do- 6re6ered. ; Re7ord t5e additiona8 measures t5e s5i6 5as 6erformed. !F.#.# Intera7tion Ait5 a s5i6 to A5i75 t5e I-%- Code does not a668y ; %erform t5e norma8 6rote7tion measures in s5i6Cs5i6 interfa7e re8evant to eBistin& marse7 8eve8 if ne7essary ta?e additiona8 measures@ ; Re9uest and 7om68ete Do- <-e7.# Form !!=. If t5e s5i6 denied t5e 7om68etion of Do-@ enter t5is fa7t in t5e Do- 6re6ered. ; Re7ord t5e additiona8 measures t5e s5i6 5as 6erformed. !F.#.F Interfa7e Ait5 a 6ort fa7i8ity to A5i75 t5e I-%- Code does not a668y T5e s5i6 s5a88 ta?e t5e same 6ro7edure as a668ied in !F.#.!. !F.#.E Interfa7e Ait5 %8atform or MOD2 T5e s5i6 s5a88 ta?e t5e same 6ro7edure as a668ied in !F.#.!. !F.F Detai8s of any su75 visits and intera7tion@ and t5e se7urity measures ado6ted@ Ai88 >e retained >y t5e --O. A sam68e format for t5is re6ort is &iven in -e7.# Form !".


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 34 $

1 .


%rosedures to assess t5e 7ontinuin& effe7tivenes of t5e --%@ and t5e 7ontinuin& effe7tiveness of se7urity 6ro7edures are in78ude t5e fo88oAin&s SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE E'UIPMENT INSPECTION !E.! 45en s5i6 is fitted Ait5 se7urity and survei88an7e e9ui6ment andCor for t5e eBistin& su75 e9ui6ment@ --O s5a88 fi88 t5e forms &iven in Md.!" and s5a88 ins6e7t t5em on7e every mont5 and re7ord t5e resu8ts. <-e7.# Form G= Ins6e7tion met5od s5a88 fo88oA t5e ma?erMs instru7tionCmanua8s. T5ese instru7tionsCmanua8s are a8so O7onfidentia8P do7ument. REVIE* !E.# T5is %8an Ai88 >e revieAed on a re&u8ar >asis Kat 8east on7e a yearL >y t5e Com6any and@ A5ere ne7essary@ u6dated. Master and -5i6 -e7urity Offi7er are t5e res6onsi>8e 6ersons. Norma88y@ t5is revieA may >e made at t5e same time A5en -M- is revieAed. T5e resu8t s5a88 >e re6orted to t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er. <-e7.# Form $= INTERNAL AUDIT !E.F T5e C-O 5as res6onsi>i8ity to 7ondu7t an interna8 audit of t5e s5i6 at 8east on7e a year. -e7.# Form E= Norma88y@ t5is audit may >e made at t5e same time A5en -M- audit is 7ondu7ted. %ersona8 to 7ondu7t t5e interna8 audit s5ou8d not >e t5e 7reA of t5e s5i6. A 7o6y of re7ord of interna8 audit s5ou8d >e 68a7ed on >oard t5e s5i6. <-e7.# Form $= ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL THREADS !E.E T5reats to a s5i6 7an ra6id8y 75an&e. Internationa8 events@ 7ou68ed Ait5 a s5i6Ms 8o7ation@ f8a&@ 7reA or 6assen&er nationa8ity or ty6e of 7ar&o 7arried@ 7an dramati7a88y a8ter t5e t5reat to a s5i6. As a 7onse9uen7e@ it is 7riti7a8 t5at t5ese events are re&u8ar8y monitored to assess 6otentia8 t5reats. !E.$ A8t5ou&5 su75 monitorin& Ai88 >e 7arried out >y f8a& or 6ort states@ and >y t5e C-O@ and t5e 8eve8 of t5reat notified to t5e s5i6@ t5e master and --O Ai88 7ontinua88y assess t5e se7urity situation durin& t5e voya&e and ta?e a7tion a77ordin&8y. !E." --A Ai88 >e reAieved <-e7.# Form !J= and re7orded 6eriodi7i8y. <-e7.# Form $= T5e 7riteria used in t5e initia8 -5i6 -e7urity Assessment are 7onfidentia8 <It.# = !E.J Information a>out 6otentia8 t5reats is avai8a>8e from a variety of sour7es. T5ese in78ude oAnerMs re6resentatives@ t5e media@ 6ort aut5orities and t5eir se7urity offi7ers@ %ort Ca6tains@ 8o7a8 8aA enfor7ement offi7ers and 8o7a8 7onsu8ar or di68omati7 re6resentatives. -ome usefu8 7onta7t 6oints for t5is s5i6 are &iven in -e7.F A66.F. T5e --O or master may add to t5ese@ notifyin& t5e Com6any -e7urity Offi7er. I518;581 A008>> !E.G Internet sites are avai8a>8e t5at 7om6i8e data on 6ira7y and ot5er t5reats. A variety of &overnment@ industry@ and internationa8 >usiness or&anisations a8so 6rovide information on 6otentia8 t5reats. For eBam68e@ &overnments issue Aarnin&s for areas Ait5 5i&5 se7urity ris?s. A 8ist of some a66ro6riate internet sites 7an >e found in -e7.F A66.D to t5is se7tion. T5e --O or master may add to t5ese@ notifyin& t5e C-O for Aider dissemination.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 35 $

I>>:8> 1@ T4F8 251@ A00@:51 !E.D Issues for t5e s5i6 to 7onsider A5en ma?in& an assessment are: Lo7ation: A s5i6Ms 8o7ation 7an >e im6ortant in determinin& a 6otentia8 t5reat. For instan7e@ s5i6s are most 8i?e8y to >e atta7?ed >y 6iratesCt5ieves in 7ertain 6arts of t5e Aor8d A5en near 8and@ A5en sai8in& t5rou&5 narroA 75anne8s@ A5ere s6eed and manoeuvra>i8ity may >e restri7ted@ at an75or or a8on&side. 0overnment@ &enera8 and Com6any Aarnin&s are announ7ed for s6e7ifi7 7ountries or re&ions of 5i&5 6irate a7tivity. T5ese Ai88 >e 6romu8&ated to t5e s5i6 >y t5e C-O. T5e 6otentia8 t5reat may a8so vary from 6ort to 6ort@ even in t5e same 7ountry. Time of day: -5i6s are most vu8nera>8e at ni&5t A5en t5ere may >e inade9uate 8i&5t to dete7t or 6revent an unaut5orised >oardin&@ A5et5er at sea@ a8on&side or at an75or. Ty6e of -5i6: A8t5ou&5 most of t5e maNor terrorist in7idents invo8vin& trans6ort a7tivities 5ave invo8ved air7raft@ t5ere 5ave >een in7idents on >oard s5i6s@ and 7ertain 7ate&ories of s5i6s and s5ore insta88ations 6resent a t5eoreti7a88y attra7tive@ a8t5ou&5 often diffi7u8t@ tar&et for terrorist a7tivities. Ty6e of Car&o: t5e 6resen7e or a>sen7e of 7ar&o@ its nature and 6ro6erties and stoAa&e 7ou8d >e a fa7tor. If terrorists are see?in& to use a s5i6 as a Aea6on@ t5ey may see? to &ain 7ontro8 of a s5i6 trans6ortin& 5aHardous 7ar&o. CHANGES TO SSP !E.! After a>ove mentioned a7tivites@ if t5ere is a need to ma?e revisions identified@ C-O s5a88 a7t a77ordin& to !.!.". A88 75an&es Ai88 >e re7oded. <-e7.# Form "= Revision date@ num>er@ and dis7ri6tion s5a88 >e inserted to re8evant 6a&es a77ordin&8y.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 36 $

1+. DUTIES OF SHIPBOARD PERSONNEL *HO HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES R8>9@5>2D2=2128> T78 M4>18; !$.! T5e master 5as overa88 res6onsi>i8ity for t5e safety and se7urity of t5e s5i6@ 7reA and 7ar&o. T78 C@?945< S80:;21< OCC208; ,CSO!$.# T5e deve8o6ment of &enera8 se7urity 6o8i7ies and 6ro7edures for t5is s5i6 is t5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e C-O. T78 S729 S80:;21< OCC208; ,SSO!$.F T5e --O is res6onsi>8e for im68ementin&@ maintainin& and su6ervisin& t5is -5i6 -e7urity %8an@ under t5e overa88 aut5ority of t5e master. T78 S80:;21< *4107 !$.E T5e se7urity Aat75 is res6onsi>8e for maintainin& a s5ar6 8oo?out at a88 times. -us6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts and a7tivities and t5e fai8ure of any se7urity measures@ systems or se7urity e9ui6ment must >e re6orted to t5e duty offi7er and t5e --O. A7ordin& to se7urity 8eve8s@ a88 7reAs of No> in !$.D 1. D:128> 45A R8>9@5>2D2=2128> @C 178 OCC208; @C 178 *4107 T5e Offi7er of t5e 4at75 Ai88@ durin& t5e Aat75: Re7eive and 8o& re6orts of t5reats or se7urity in7idents Notify t5e master and --O of a88 re6orts of t5reats and se7urity in7idents

Ma?e re9uired notifi7ations to t5e fa7i8ity@ 6ort and 8o7a8 8aA enfor7ement@ as dire7ted >y t5e master
Re9uest emer&en7y assistan7e from t5e fa7i8ity@ 6ort or 8o7a8 8aA enfor7ement@ as dire7ted >y t5e master A7tivate se7urity teams@ as dire7ted >y t5e master Re7eive routine 75e7?;in 7a88s from se7urity 6atro8s Re7eive and 8o& 75an&es in se7urity 8eve8s and inform t5e master and --O Lo& se7urity trainin& and eBer7ises.

#. D:128> 45A R8>9@5>2D2=2128> @C 178 S80:;21< P41;@=/G456B4< *4107 -e7urity 6atro8s@ in78udin& t5e &an&Aay Aat75@ Ai88 re6ort to t5e --O andCor t5e Offi7er of t5e 4at75 on a88 matters re&ardin& safety and se7urity on t5e s5i6 durin& t5eir duty 6eriod and must notify t5em if in dou>t on any matter. In t5e event of an emer&en7y situation@ t5e se7urity 6atro8C&an&Aay Aat75 s5ou8d@ Ait5out Neo6ardisin& t5eir oAn or ot5er 6ersonsM safety@ a8ert t5e Offi7er of t5e 4at75 andCor t5e --O as a66ro6riate.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 37 $

T5eir duties in78ude: +ee6in& an a8ert Aat75 at a88 times at t5e &an&Aay and ot5er a77ess 6oints@ in78udin& 7arefu8 s7rutiny of t5e 9uayside and Aaterside area and@ in 6arti7u8ar@ any movements of 6ersonne8 near o6en de7?s@ moorin& 8ines fore and aft@ sus6i7ious >oats et7 Maintainin& a Aat75 for unaut5orised remova8 of s5i6Ss e9ui6ment and stores or any sus6i7ious 6a7?a&es >ein& 8eft on >oard Ensurin& t5at a88 visitors >oardin& and 8eavin& t5e s5i6 are a66ro6riate8y identified Informin& t5e Offi7er of t5e 4at75C--O of any instan7e of 6ersons >oardin& or 8eavin& t5e s5i6 ot5er t5an >y t5e &an&Aay@ e.&. 8ea6in& onto main de7?s@ doAn 7onveyor >e8ts et7 Ensurin& used and unused visitorsM 6asses are ?e6t se7ure at a88 times and not 8eft 8yin& in any 68a7e A5ere t5ey 7an >e mis8aidCsto8en. <On de6arture from every 6ort a88 visitorsM 6asses s5ou8d >e returned to t5e --O.=

T78 C;8B !$.$ T5e s5i6Ss 7reA Ai88 >e made aAare >y t5e --O of t5e se7urity 8eve8 t5e s5i6 is o6eratin& under. T5e 7reA must at a88 times ?ee6 a s5ar6 8oo?out and o>serve and re6ort to t5e duty offi7er any ma8fun7tionin& se7urity e9ui6ment@ sus6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts and a7tivities. O5 B@4;A C@??:520412@5> !$." T5e se7urity 6atro8 Ai88 >e 6rovided Ait5 a tor75 and a A5ist8e to summon assistan7e and a 5and;5e8d #;Aay radio to ?ee6 in tou75 Ait5 t5e Offi7er of t5e 4at75. B;28C256> !$.J On Noinin& t5e s5i6@ offi7ers and 7reA mem>ers Ai88 >e >riefed >y t5e master or --O as to t5eir se7urity duties and res6onsi>i8ities and ?e6t informed as to t5e se7urity 8eve8 at A5i75 t5e s5i6 is o6eratin&. A88 7reA mem>ers must >e aAare of 6ossi>8e t5reats and t5e 6ro7edures for re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts or a7tivities and of t5e need for vi&i8an7e. R89@;1> !$.G T5e --O Ai88 re6ort to t5e master any in7idents affe7tin& or t5reatenin& t5e se7urity of t5is s5i6 and ensure t5at re6orts on su75 in7idents are 6assed to t5e C-O.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 38 $

1+.% C;8B


RANK/SECURITY LEVEL MA-TER C,IEF OFFICER -ECOND OFFICER C,IEF EN0INEER -ECOND EN0INEER T,IRD EN0INEER RADIO O%ERATOR BOAT-4AIN ABLE -EAMAN -EAMAN OILER 4I%ER COO+ -TE4ARD LEVEL 1 Overa88 Contro8 -u6ervision to overa88 se7urity and assist to Master 4at75 ?ee6in& and assist to CCO Contro8 of ECR and ma75inery s6a7es@ assist to Master 4at75 ?ee6in& 4at75 ?ee6in& To orders Assist to CCO in de7? se7urity or&aniHation 4at75 ?ee6in&@ 6atro88in& 4at75 ?ee6in&@ 6atro88in& To orders To orders To orders To orders LEVEL # Overa88 Contro8 -u6ervision to overa88 se7urity and assist to Master@ or&aniHe 6atro8s -ame as Leve8 ! Contro8 of ECR and ma75inery s6a7es@ assist to Master 4at75 ?ee6in& 4at75 ?ee6in& To orders Assist to CCO in de7? se7urity or&aniHation 4at75 ?ee6in&@ 6atro88in& 4at75 ?ee6in&@ 6atro88in& To orders To orders To orders To orders LEVEL & Overa88 Contro8 -u6ervision to overa88 se7urity and assist to Master@ or&aniHe 6atro8s and sear75 teams -ame as Leve8 ! Contro8 of ECR and ma75inery s6a7es@ assist to Master 4at75 ?ee6in& 4at75 ?ee6in& To orders Assist to CCO in de7? se7urity or&aniHation 4at75 ?ee6in&@ 6atro88in& and sear75 team 4at75 ?ee6in&@ 6atro88in& and sear75 team To orders To orders To orders To orders


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 39 $



T78 S729 S80:;21< A=8;1 S<>18?

!".! T5is s5i6 is e9ui66ed Ait5 a -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem. a7tivation 6oints@ one of A5i75 is sited on t5e >rid&e. !".# T5is a8ert system Ai88:

T5e system 5as t.o

Initiate and transmit a s5i6;to;s5ore se7urity a8ert to a 7om6etent aut5ority@ identifyin& t5e s5i6 and its 8o7ation and indi7atin& t5at t5e se7urity of t5e s5i6 is under t5reat or 5as >een 7om6romised Not send t5e s5i6 se7urity a8ert to ot5er s5i6s Not raise any a8arm on >oard t5is s5i6 Continue t5e a8ert unti8 it is dea7tivated andCor re;set.

!".F T5e 8o7ations A5ere t5is e9ui6ment is sited@ to&et5er Ait5 6ro7edures@ instru7tions and &uidan7e on t5e use of t5e system@ in78udin& its testin&@ a7tivation@ dea7tivation and re; settin&@ and met5ods of 8imitin& fa8se a8erts@ are 7onfidentia8 and Ai88 on8y >e dis78osed Ait5 t5e 6ermission of t5e f8a& state. !".E Detai8s of t5e sitin& of t5e a7tivation 6oints for t5e a8ert system are in78uded in !".! to t5is se7tion Ait5 detai8s of t5e ty6e of a8ert system used@ 6ro7edures@ instru7tions and &uidan7e on its use@ testin&@ a7tivation@ dea7tivation and re;settin&@ 68us 6ro7edures for 8imitin& fa8se a8erts. <-e7.F A66.;E=

!".$ A5< ;8M:8>1> @; A8?45A> C;@? 9@;1 >1418 @CC2024=> 1@ ;8384= 178 =@0412@5,>- @C 178 >729$> >80:;21< 4=8;1 40123412@5 9@251> @; 074;4018;2>120> ?:>1 D8 ;89@;18A 1@ 178 CSO, 45A 4 ;8>9@5>8 4B4218A, D8C@;8 45< A8142=> 4;8 ;8384=8A S729 A=4;? S<>18?> ,2C 178 >729 74> D885 8M:2998A!"." T5e s5i6Ms a8arm system 6rovides an immediate notifi7ation of an emer&en7y. Immediate res6onse >y nominated 7reA mem>ers to an a8arm from an intrusion dete7tion system or devi7e is im6ortant if its use is to >e effe7tive. T5erefore@ a8arm res6onse 6ro7edures must >e 6ra7tised. T5e or&anisation of su75 res6onses is t5e res6onsi>i8ity of t5e --O. !".J A8arm res6onse 7an >e dramati7a88y im6eded if 7reA mem>ers 7annot 9ui7?8y 7onta7t t5e --O or ot5er on;Aat75 se7urity 6ersonne8. 45en in 6ort@ t5e --O must arran&e 7onta7t 6oints Ait5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er or 5is staff. !".G Detai8s of t5e a8arm systems fitted on t5e s5i6 are s5oAn in !".!! to t5is se7tion to&et5er Ait5 6ro7edures@ instru7tions and &uidan7e on t5eir use@ testin&@ a7tivation@ dea7tivation and re;settin&@ 6ro7edures for 8imitin& fa8se a8arms and su&&estions for 7ontin&en7y arran&ements in t5e event of fai8ure of t5e system. <-e7.F A66.;E= %ro7edures to ensure t5e ins6e7tion@ testin&@ 7a8i>ration@ and maintenan7e of ot5er se7urity systems Kif anyL to&et5er Ait5 6ro7edures@ instru7tions and &uidan7e on t5eir use@ a7tivation@ dea7tivation and re;settin& are in78uded in !".!# to t5is se7tion and -e7.F A66.;E@ to&et5er Ait5 su&&estions for 7ontin&en7y arran&ements in t5e event of fai8ure of t5e system.

Other Security Systems !".D


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 40 $

1..1( THE SHIP SECURITY ALERT SYSTEM T5e system 5as t.o a7tivation 6oints@ one of A5i75 is sited on t5e >rid&e. T5e ot5er a7tivation 6oints are in 7a6tainMs room. T<98 @C A=8;1 S<>18?: FURU O F!"COM #$ % MARSA& C S'S&!M P;@08A:;8>, I5>1;:012@5> 45A G:2A4508 @5 21> U>8J T5is -ystem Ai88 not >e used Ait5out 6ermission of master. )f ne7essary t5e system Ai88 >e o6erated >y master or --O <4it5 MasterMs order= T8>1256J LE'EL !:T5e system Ai88 >e tested in every !$ days under --O Contro8 <-e7.F A66.;E= and re7orded in -e7.# Form G LE'EL #:T5e system Ai88 >e tested in every Aee? under --O Contro8 <-e7.F A66.;E= and re7orded in -e7.# Form G LE'EL F:T5e system Ai88 >e tested in every day under --O Contro8 <-e7.F A66.;E= and re7orded in -e7.# Form G A0123412@5J A7ordin& to -e7.F A66.;E t5is system Ai88 >e ?e6t as a7tive >y --O D840123412@5 45A R8!>811256J A7ordin& to -e7.F A66.;E t5is system Ai88 >e ?e6t as a7tive >y --O P8;>@5> A:17@;2>8A 1@ T:;5 OCC 178 S<>18? : Master and --O

L2?21256 F4=>8 A=8;1>J O6eratin& 6oints are in &8ass 7overed

D418 @C I5>14==412@5:

! W2NE #


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 41 $

1..11 SHIP ALARM SYSTEMS T5is s5i6 5as no s6e7ia8 se7urity system. T<98 @C A=4;? S<>18?J

P;@08A:;8>, I5>1;:012@5> 45A G:2A4508 @5 U>8J



D840123412@5 45A R8!>811256:

P8;>@5> A:17@;2>8A 1@ T:;5 OCC 178 S<>18? :

L2?21256 F4=>8 A=4;?>:

D418 @C I5>14==412@5:

D418 L4>1 I5>98018A:

Contin&en7y %8an in t5e Event of Fai8ure:


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 42 $

1..1# SHIP SECURITY SYSTEMS T72> >729 2> 8M:2998A B217 !. #. F. E. AI,and dete7tor -ear75 8i&5ts ',F Aa8?y;ta8?ie

P;@08A:;8>, I5>1;:012@5> 45A G:2A4508 @5 U>8J A88 se7urity e9ui6ments Ai88 >e used >y se7urity 6ersons under --O 7ontro8 eB7e6t AI-. !;%ress to turn;on >utton@ arran&e of sensitivity Ait5 >utton and 5o8d to visitors or 6ar7e8s@ if si&na8 7ome 75e7? as >y 5and. #;%ress to turn;on >utton@ arran&e 75anne8 >y >utton and 6res to t5e %TT >utton for 7ommuni7ation F;%ress to turn;on >utton for o6enin& E;T5e AI- E8e7troni7s 2nit 7ontinua88y >road7asts t5e oAn s5i6 data <i.e. 6osition@ s6eed@ 7ourse et7.= A5i75 7an >e re7eived >y a88 ot5er AI- stations in ',F ran&e. T8>1256J LE'EL !:T5e system Ai88 >e tested in every !$ days under --O Contro8 <-e7.F A66.;E= and re7orded in -e7.# Form G LE'EL #:T5e system Ai88 >e tested in every Aee? under --O Contro8 <-e7.F A66.;E= and re7orded in -e7.# Form G LE'EL F:T5e system Ai88 >e tested in every day under --O Contro8 <-e7.F A66.;E= and re7orded in -e7.# Form G

C@51256850< P=45 25 178 E3851 @C F42=:;8J A77ordin& to -e7.F A66.;E@ e9ui6ments Ai88 >e re6aired to t5eirs servi7es. -e7urity e9ui6ments Ai88 >e su66orted Ait5 anot5er e9ui6ment in t5e s5i6. T5e year8y mainatan7e Ai88 >e made >y t5e arran&ed s5ore maintan7e 7om6any and re7orded in -e7.# Form G


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 43 $


IA8512C20412@5 @C R8>1;2018A A;84> 45A M84>:;8> C@; 178 P;838512@5 @C A008>> 25 P@;1 "ocation ormal Restriction (MARS!C "e)el #*
Notice and manned Notice and manned Notice& indicativel" sealed and c'ec#ed Notice and (atrolled Notice and (atrolled Notice and (atrolled Notice and (atrolled Notice& indicativel" sealed and c'ec#ed Notice& indicativel" sealed and c'ec#ed 3atrolled Notice& indicativel" sealed and c'ec#ed Notice& sealed and c'ec#ed Notice and (atrolled Notice& sealed and c'ec#ed 3atrolled or sealed Loc#ed Notice and (atrolled Notice and loc#ed !'en not in -se Loc#ed !'en not in -se ,ealed and c'ec#ed Notice& sec-red and c'ec#ed Notice& sealed and c'ec#ed Notice& indicativel" sealed and c'ec#ed Notice& sealed and c'ec#ed

MARS!C "e)el +
As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 Notice& single (oint access& (atrolled As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 +anned2loc#ed !'en not in -se As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 Loc#ed !'en not in -se

MARS!C "e)el ,
ne !a" loc#ed and manned ne !a" loc#ed and manned ne !a" loc#ed Notice& single (oint access& manned As Level 1 As Level 1 Notice& sealed& (atrolled As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 2 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 As Level 1 Loc#ed !'en not in -se As Level 2

Bridge $ngine room $ngine room emergenc" e%it Accommodation Li)e*oats +on#e" island ,teering gear room $mergenc" )ire (-m( room .i%ed )ire )ig'ting store room /e.g. 0 2 *ottle room1 and activation (oints 0rane (o!er -nit2mac'iner" 4-ic# closing valve station /5ig' ,(eed 0ra)t onl"1 6oors to )-nnel 7entilation and air conditioning rooms 3i(e t-nnel2-nder dec# (assage!a"s 0argo s(aces ,'i( stores& loc#ers and c'ain loc#er 8alle" /e%cl-ding (antr"1 3rovision 'andling s(ace 5os(ital $lectrical distri*-tion *o%es 7entilation s"stem access (oints ,-rveillance2sec-rit" e9-i(ment& s"stems and control s(aces $ngine room access 'atc' ,tores2(rovisions access 'atc'

T5e fre9uen7y of sea8 75e7?in& andCor 6atro8s Ai88 in7rease at MAR-EC Leve8s # and F. At MAR-EC Leve8 F@ a s5i6Ms offi7er must >e 6resent A5en sea8ed or 8o7?ed s6a7es are a77essed eB7e6t in an emer&en7y or for safety of 8ife.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. 1/.# Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 44 $

D@@;> @5 E?8;6850< E>0498 R@:18> C;@? M4558A S9408>

45en re9uired >e7ause of t5e MAR-EC se7urity 8eve8 in for7e@ doors on t5e fo88oAin& eBit routes must >e se7ured in a manner A5i75 does not in5i>it t5e 6otentia8 for es7a6e in an emer&en7y. EK21 C;@? En&ine Room Brid&e A77ommodation
Muster -tation A Muster -tation B Muster -tation C

E?8;6850< E>0498 R@:18 -i&ned Ait5 arroAs to aft de7? -i&ned Ait5 arroAs to >rid&e de7? -i&ned Ait5 arroAs to main de7? Boat de7?

M817@A @C S80:;256 Can >e easi8y o6ened from inside Can >e easi8y o6ened from inside Can >e easi8y o6ened from inside


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 45 $



-EC2RIT1 LE'EL I !G.!. -5ift %eriods : ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 for E 5ours s5ift 6eriods <-e7.# Form #F= !G.#. C5e7?in& t5e identity of a88 6ersons see?in& to >oard t5e s5i6 and 7onfirmin& t5eir reasons for doin& so >y 75e7?in&. For eBam68e Noinin& instru7tions@ 6assen&er ti7?ets@ >oardin& 6asses@ Aor? orders et7. !. As?in& t5e ID of ea75 6erson and any ot5er means of va8id reason for a77ess. #. In 7ase t5e 7on7erned 6erson<s= 6roves va8id reasons@ 7o88e7tin& ID of ea75 individua8@ 6rovidin& visitor 7ards to a88 of t5em and re7ordin& ea75 6erson to t5e Ovisitor 8o&>oo?P. -e7.# Form !$@ # F. A88 7on7erned 7om6any offi7ia8s s5a88 indi7ate free 6asses 6revious8y issued for t5em. E. s7reenin& ea75 6erson and t5eir 7arry on items >y 5and dete7tor andCor any ot5er mean $. Ca88in& t5e re8ated de6artment 5ead to es7ort t5em. !G.F. In 8iaision Ait5 6ort fa7i8ity@ t5e s5i6 s5a88 ensure t5at desi&nated se7ure areas are esta>8is5ed in A5i75 ins6e7tions and sear75in& of 6ersons@ >a&&a&e <in78udin& 7arry;on items=@ 6ersonne8 effe7ts@ ve5i78es and t5eir 7ontents 7an ta?e 68a7e. !. In 8iaison Ait5 6ort fa7i8ity@ a se7ure area is desi&nated on >oard su66orted >y >order mar?in& system. #. C5e7?ed 6ersons@ t5eir >a&&a&es@ 6ersonne8 effe7ts@ too8sCdevi7es and 7arry on items to >e se&re&ated to a se7ure 68a7e in t5e area. !G.E. -e7urin&@ >y 8o7?in& or ot5er means@ a77ess to unattended s6a7es@ adNoinin& areas and visitors 5ave a77ess. !. A88 unattended s6a7es and adNoinin& areas to >e se7ured >y a66ro6riate 8o7?in& system 6rior to enterin& t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. !G.$. %rovidin& se7urity >riefin&s to a88 s5i6 6ersonne8 on 6ossi>8e t5reats@ t5e 6ro7edures for re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts or a7tivities and t5e need for vi&i8an7e.

!. Before a66roa75in& t5e 6ort 8imits@ if 6ra7ti7a>8e@ a88 s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 are >riefed a>out 6ossi>8e t5reats@ t5e 6ro7edures for re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons o>Ne7ts or a7tivities and t5e need for vi&i8an7e. #. In any 7ase@ a88 s5i6 and se7urity 6ersonne8 are a77ordin&8y >riefed at 8east on7e every F mont5s.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 46 $

-EC2RIT1 LE'EL # !G.". -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods and additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures. !G.J. Assi&nin& additiona8 6ersonne8 to 6atro8 de7? areas durin& si8ent 5ours to deter unaut5oriHed a77ess. After sunset startin& from # : 5ours unti8 sunrise G: 5ours in t5e Mornin& t5e a>ove mentioned additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5e staff of 8eve8 I to 6atro8 de7? areas. !G.G. Limitin& t5e num>er of a77ess 6oints to t5e s5i6@ identifyin& t5ose to >e 78osed and t5e means of ade9uate8y se7urin& t5em. !. On8y one a77ess to t5e s5i6 via &an&Aay to >e ?e6t o6en and s5e88 &ates entran7es are redu7ed to tAo. A88 ot5er a77ess 6oints su75 as ot5er 8o7?ed entran7es@ moorin& 8ines fore and aft@ an75ore 75ain and free>oards to >e suffi7ient8y monitored to 6revent unat5oriHed a77ess. #. Additiona8 se7urity staff <&iven a>ove= s5a88 assist for 6atro88in& t5e a77ess 6oints. !G.D. Deterrin& Aaterside a77ess to t5e s5i6@ in78udin&@ for eBam68e@ in 8iaision Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ 6rovisions of >oat 6atro8s. !. 4aterside of t5e s5i6 is to 78ear8y i88uminated >y a 6oAerfu88 8i&5tin& system #. Re&u8ar8y 7ontro88ed Ait5 on de7? andCor >oat 6atro8s. !G.! . Esta>8is5in& a restri7ted area on t5e s5oreside of t5e s5i6@ in 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity In 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity a restri7ted area to >e esta>8is5ed on t5e s5oreside of t5e s5i6 >orderin& Ait5 mar?in& >arriers. !G.!!. Identifiyin& and Es7ortin& visitors on t5e s5i6. A88 visitors to >e identified and es7orted on t5e s5i6. !G.!#. Informin& t5e 7reA of any identified t5reats@ re;em65asisin& t5e 6ro7edures for re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts or a7tivities@ and stressin& t5e need for in7reased vi&i8an7e. !. A88 s5i6 6ersonne8 to >e additiona88y >riefed on any identified t5reat@ re em65asiHin& t5e 6ro7edures for re6ortin& sus6i7ious 6ersons@ o>Ne7ts or a7tivities and stressin& t5e need for in7reased vi&i8an7e. --O or 5is aut5oriHed re6resentative s5a88 &ive t5e 7on7erned >riefin&s. #. Fu88 sear75 of t5e s5i6 Ai88 >e 7arried out 6rior to de6arture. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL F !G.!F. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods and additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures and a88 ot5er s5i6 6ersonne8 s5a88 >e vi&i8ant.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 47 $

!. Limitin& a77ess to a sin&8e@ 7ontro88ed a77ess 6oint. #. On8y a sin&8e a77ess 6oint to >e ?e6t o6en. A88 ot5ers to >e ?e6t 78osed !G.!E. 0rantin& t5e a77ess on8y to t5ose res6ondin& to se7urity in7ident or t5reat. -ame as a>ove !G.!$. Dire7tionCa77om6animent or dire7t su6ervision of a88 non;7reA 6ersons on >oard. -ame as a>ove. !G.!". -us6ension of em>ar?ation or disem>ar?ation. -ame as a>ove ti88 t5e identified t5reat or in7ident finis5ed. !G.!J. -us6ension of 7ar&o 5and8in& o6erations and de8iveries. In 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity and as 6er 7onse9uen7e >asis@ a88 7ar&o o6erations and de8iveries to >e sus6ended ti88 t5e identified t5reat or in7ident finis5ed. !G.!G. Eva7uation of t5e s5i6. A77ordin& to t5e 7ir7umstan7es@ t5e A5o8e s5i6 ot5er t5an t5e 6ersonne8 res6ondin& t5e identified t5reat or in7ident may >e eva7uated. !G.!D. Movin& t5e s5i6 A77ordin& to t5e 7ir7umstan7es@ t5e s5i6 s5a88 >e moved to anot5er se7ure 68a7e. !G.# . %re6arin& for or 7ondu7tin& a fu88 or 6artia8 sear75 of t5e s5i6 T5e s5i6 s5a88 >e fu88y sear75ed


-EC2RIT1 LE'EL ! !G.#!. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods. !G.##. Lo7?in& or se7urin& restri7ted areas A88 restri7ted areas identified are to >e ?e6t 8o7?ed and se7ured at t5e 6ort. !G.#F. Ensurin& 7reA mem>ers are in attendan7e A88 7reA mem>ers s5a88 >e in a8ert and a88 differen7es Ai88 >e informed to --O !G.#E. 2sin& &uards or 6atro8s T5e s5i6 se7urity staff s5a88 monitor restri7ted areas at 8east on7e at every 6atro8. <-e7.# Form #E=


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 48 $

-EC2RIT1 LE'EL # !G.#$. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods and additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures. !G.#". Continuous8y monitorin& restri7ted areas and dedi7atin& additiona8 6ersonne8 to &uard and 6atro8 t5ose areas A88 restri7ted areas s5a88 >e 7ontinuous8y monitored under assistan7e of additiona8 se7urity staff assi&ned for t5is se7urity 8eve8. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL F !G.#J. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods@ additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures and a88 ot5er s5i6 6ersonne8 s5a88 >e vi&i8ant. !G.#G. -ettin& u6 of additiona8 restri7ted areas on t5e s5i6 in 6roBimity to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5e >e8ieved 8o7ation of t5e se7urity t5reat@ to A5i75 a77ess is denied T5e areas 78ose to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5e >e8ieved 8o7ation of se7urity t5reat to >e a77e6ted as restri7ted areas and monitorin& to >e im68emented under t5e instru7tions issued >y res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident and t5reat. !G.#D. -ear75in& of restri7ted areas as 6art of a sear75 of t5e s5i6 A88 identified restri7ted areas s5a88 >e sear75ed in detai8 at an in7reased fre9uen7y as 6er instru7tion re7eived.

-EC2RIT1 LE'EL I !G.F . ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods. !G.F!. T5e a88o7ation of res6onsi>i8ity for t5e su6ervision of 7ar&o 5and8in& to an a66ro6riate 7reA mem>er -u6ervision of 7ar&o 5and8in& to >e made >y t5e assi&ned se7urity staff on Aat75 !G.F#. Routine 75e7?in& of 7ar&o@ 7ar&o trans6ort units and 7ar&o s6a7es 6rior to and durin&@ 7ar&o 5and8in& o6erations Car&o trans6ort units@ 7ar&o and 7ar&o s6a7es s5a88 >e visua88y and 65ysi7a88y 75e7?ed >y t5e duty se7urity 6ersonne8. !G.FF. C5e7?s to ensure 7ar&o >ein& 8oaded mat75ed t5e 7ar&o do7umentation Car&o to >e 75e7?ed >y t5e duty se7urity 6ersonne8 in order to mat75in& Ait5 7ar&o do7umentation. A88 dan&erous &oods and 5aHardous su>stan7es 7arried on >oard Ai88 >e 75e7?ed and re7orded -e7.# Form ##


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 49 $

!G.FE. C5e7?in& t5e sea8s or ot5er met5ods used to 6revent tam6erin& A88 sea8s C remar?s C >anda&es et7. 2sed for t5e 7ar&o to >e 8oaded s5a88 >e 75e7?ed to 6revent tam6erin&. !G.F$. 2sin& s7annin& C dete7tion e9ui6ment@ me75ani7a8 devi7es or do&s As 6er 7onse9uen7e >asis@ an avai8a>8e 5and dede7tor 7an >e used for 7ar&o 75e7?in&. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL # !G.F". ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods and additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures. !G.FJ. Detai8ed 75e7?in& of 7ar&o@ 7ar&o trans6ort units and 7ar&o s6a7es Car&o@ 7ar&o trans6ort units and 7ar&o s6a7es s5a88 >e 75e7?ed in detai8 Ait5 t5e assistan7e of additiona8 se7urity staff. A88 dan&erous &oods and 5aHardous su>stan7es 7arried on >oard Ai88 >e verified and re7orded -e7.# Form ## !G.FG. Intensified 75e7?s to ensure t5at on8y t5e intended 7ar&o is 8oaded !. Car&o manifest@ >i88 of 8adin& and ot5er do7uments to >e 75e7?ed in detai8 and sensitive mean to ensure t5e intended 7ar&o is 8oaded. #. In7reasin& t5e fre9uen7y and detai8 of visua8 and 65ysi7a8 eBamination F. Car&o@ 7ar&o trans6ort units and 7ar&o s6a7es s5a88 >e intensive8y 75e7?ed >y additiona8 se7urity staff >y visua8 and 65ysi7a8 eBamination. !G.FD. Coordinatin& en5an7ed se7urity measures Ait5 t5e s5i66er or ot5er res6onsi>8e 6arty in a77ordan7e Ait5 an esta>8is5ed a&reement and 6ro7edures In 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity@ s5i66er and ot5er 7on7erned 6arties re8atin& to 7ar&o@ additiona8 se7urity s5a88 >e ta?en. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL F !G.E . ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from a>ove at E 5our s5ift 6eriods@ additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures and a88 ot5er s5i6 6ersonne8 s5a88 >e vi&i8ant. !G.E!. -us6endin& t5e 8oadin& or un8oadin& of 7ar&o As 7a6tainMs de7ision@ 8oadin& or un8oadin& may >e sus6ended. !G.E#. 'erifyin& t5e inventory of dan&erous &oods and 5aHardous su>stan7es 7arried on >oard@ if any@ and t5eir 8o7ations A88 dan&erous &oods and 5aHardous su>stan7es 7arried on >oard are to >e verified and re7ord >y s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8. <-e7.# Form ##=


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 50 $

B2T IN AN1 CA-E@ !G.EF. Ot5erAise@ t5e A5o8e s5i6 s5a88 7om68y Ait5 t5e instru7tions issued >y t5ose res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident and t5reat t5ereof and detai8s t5e se7urity measures A5i75 7ou8d >e ta?en >y t5e s5i6@ in 78ose 7o;o6eration Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity and se7urity offi7ia8s T5e A5o8e s5i6 s5a88 7om68y Ait5 t5e instru7tions issued >y t5ose res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident and t5reat t5ereof.


-EC2RIT1 LE'EL I !G.EE. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods. !G.E$. C5e7?in& to ensure stores mat75 t5e order 6rior to >ein& 8oaded on >oard T5e do7uments of t5e stores ordered to >e 75e7?ed in detai8 >y t5e duty se7urity staff to ensure t5e stores mat75 t5e order to >ein& 8oaded on >oard. !G.E". Ensurin& immediate se7ure stoAa&e of s5i6Ms stores After 7onfirmation of mat75in&@ a88 s5i6 stores s5a88 >e stoAed in a se7ure manner. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL # !G.EJ. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods and additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures. !G.EG. 'isua88y and 65ysi7a88y 75e7?in& to ensure stores mat75 t5e order 6rior to >ein& 8oaded on >oard -tores ordered to >e 75e7?ed 65ysi7a88y in detai8 as an additiona8 measure >y t5e duty se7urity staff to ensure t5e stores mat75 t5e order 6rior to >ein& 8oaded on >oard. !G.ED. Ensurin& immediate se7ure stoAa&e of s5i6Ms stores After 7onfirmation of mat75in&@ a88 s5i6 stores s5a88 >e stoAed in a se7ure manner. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL F !G.$ . ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from a>ove at E 5our s5ift 6eriods@ additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures and a88 ot5er s5i6 6ersonne8 s5a88 >e vi&i8ant. !G.$!. -u>Ne7tin& s5i6Ms stores to more eBtensive 75e7?in& A88 s5i6Ms stores are su>Ne7t to more eBtensive 75e7?in& >y se7urity staff. !G.$#. %re6aration for restri7tion or sus6ension of 5and8in& of s5i6Ms stores As 7a6tianMs de7ision@ a88 s5i6 7reA 7an >e 6re6ared for restri7tion or sus6ension of 5and8in& of s5i6Ms stores. !G.$F. Refusa8 to a77e6t s5i6Ms stores on>oard t5e s5i6 As 7a6tianMs de7ision@ t5e s5i6 7an refuse to a77e6t t5e s5i6Ms stores


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 51 $

B2T IN AN1 CA-E@ !G.$E. T5e s5i6 Ai88 7om68y Ait5 any instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat In any 7ase@ A5o8e s5i6 Ai88 7om68y Ait5 any instru7tions issued >y t5ose aut5orities res6ondin& to t5e se7urity in7ident or t5reat.


-EC2RIT1 LE'EL ! !G.$$. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods. !G.$". -e7urity measures to >e a668ied in 7om>ination of 8i&5tin&@ Aat7?ee6ers@ se7urity &uards and se7urity 6atro8s !G.$J. LI0,TIN0: 45o8e s5i6Ms de7?s and a77ess 6oints s5a88 >e i88uminated durin& 5ours of dar?ness and 6eriods of 8oA visi>i8ity@ A5i8e 7ondu7tin& s5i6C6ort interfa7e a7tivities or at a 6ort fa7i8ity or an75ora&e A5ere ne7essary. As a 7a6tainMs de7ision@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 >e e9ui66ed Ait5 additiona8 8i&5tin&. T5is i88umination s5a88 ensure t5at !. -5i6Ms 6ersonne8 are@ A5en ne7essary@ a>8e to dete7t a7tivities >eyond t5e s5i6 on >ot5 t5e s5oreside & t5e Aaterside #. Li&5tin& 7an >e dire7ted to i88uminate t5e area on and around t5e s5i6 F. Covera&e fa7i8itates 6ersona8 identifi7ation at a77ess 6oints E. As a de7ision of 7a6tain@additiona8 8i&5tin& Ai88 >e e9uR66ed. !G.$G. 4ATC,+EE%ER- & DEC+ 4ATC,ER- INCL2DIN0 %ATROL!. -e7urity 6ersonne8 E 5our s5ift 6eriods. s5a88 ?ee6 t5eir Aat75es in front of &an&Aay at

#. %atro88in& s5a88 >e 7arry out on7e at every E 5ours -EC2RIT1 LE'EL # !G.$D. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods and additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures. -e7urity measures to >e a668ied in 7om>ination of 8i&5tin&@ Aat7?ee6ers@ se7urity &uards@ se7urity survei88an7e e9ui6ment and se7urity 6atro8s !G." . LI0,TIN0 !. Additiona8 8i&5tin& may >e ne7essary to 6rote7t a&ainst a 5ei&5eten ris? of a se7urity in7ident. 45en ne7essary@ additiona8 s5ore side 8i&5tin& may >e arran&ed in 7o;ordination Ait5 t5e 6ort fa7i8ity. #. In7reasin& t5e 7overa&e and intensity of 8i&5tin& F. 45i8e underAay@ A5en 7onsidered ne7essary@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 use a88 8i&5tin& avai8a>8e 7onsistent Ait5 safe navi&ation@ 5avin& re&ard to t5e 7urrent 6rovisions of t5e Internationa8 Re&u8ations for t5e %revention Co88isions at sea <COLRE0- !DJ#@ as amended=.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 52 $

E. As a de7ision of 7a6tain@additiona8 8i&5tin& Ai88 >e e9uR66ed. !G."!. 4ATC,+EE%ER- & DEC+ 4ATC,ER- INCL2DIN0 %ATROL!. -e7urity 6ersonne8 s5a88 ?ee6 t5eir Aat75es in front of &an&Aay at E 5our s5ift 6eriods. #. %atro88in& s5a88 >e 7arry out on7e at every # 5ours. -EC2RIT1 LE'EL F !G."#. ! -e7urity 0uard to >e se8e7ted from s5i6 se7urity 6ersonne8 at E 5our s5ift 6eriods@ additiona8 se7urity staff to assist t5em for t5e fo88oAin& measures and a88 ot5er s5i6 6ersonne8 s5a88 >e vi&i8ant. !G."F. -e7urity measures to >e a668ied in 7om>ination of 8i&5tin&@ Aat7?ee6ers@ se7urity &uards and se7urity 6atro8s !G."E. LI0,TIN0 In addition to ot5er measures sAit75in& on a88 8i&5tin& i88uminatin&t5e s5i6 and its vi7inity. 4i88 >e e9ui66ed Ait5 additiona8 8i&5tin&. !G."$. 4ATC,+EE%ER- & DEC+ 4ATC,ER- INCL2DIN0 %ATROL!. A88 se7urity 6ersonne8 s5a88 >e stand >y a&ainst 6ossi>8e se7urity in7ident or t5reat #. %atro88in& s5a88 >e 7arry out on7e at every one 5our



PATROLLING DAY On7e at every E 5ours

PATROLLING NIGHT On7e at every E 5ours On7e at every # 5ours On7e at every one 5our

GANG*AY *ATCHING E 5ours s5iftin& E 5ours s5iftin& E 5ours s5iftin&

MARSEC LEVEL 1 On7e at every # 5ours MARSEC LEVEL # On7e at every one 5our MARSEC LEVEL &


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 53 $

1%. PROCEDURES FOR RESPONDING TO SECURITY THREATS OR BREACHES OF SECURITY, INCLUDING PROVISIONS FOR MAINTAINING CRITICAL OPERATIONS OF THE SHIP OR THE SHIP/PORT INTERFACE ,ISPS A/%. . S80:;21< T7;841> !D.! If t5ere is assessed to >e a 5i&5er t5an norma8 se7urity t5reat@ t5e s5i6 Ai88 >e instru7ted >y t5e f8a& state@ >y t5e &overnment of t5e 6ort fa7i8ity to o6erate at MAR-EC Leve8s # or F. T5e se7urity measures to >e ta?en in su75 an event are as 8aid doAn in t5is %8an. !D.# If t5e s5i6 is at MAR-EC Leve8 ! and t5e master@ fo88oAin& 7onsu8tation Ait5 t5e --O@ 7onsiders t5at a se7urity t5reat eBists@ 5e Ai88 ta?e a66ro6riate a7tions to redu7e t5e t5reat. ,e Ai88 inform t5e [CS'9 the fla" state and (if a%%li&a(le) the %ort state] a>out t5e t5reat and t5e se7urity measures ta?en to address it. B;84078> @C S80:;21< !D.F 45en se7urity is >rea75ed or t5reatened@ t5e master@ fo88oAin& 7onsu8tation Ait5 t5e --O@ may 7onsider t5e fo88oAin& a7tions: !D.E A7tivatin& t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem Ca88in& emer&en7y stations Informin& t5e 7ontra7tin& &overnment of t5e 6ort fa7i8ity %re6arin& to eva7uate t5e s5i6 %re6arin& to 8eave t5e 6ort A7tin& on instru7tions &iven >y f8a& or 6ort state administrations 2sin& ot5er a66ro6riate Contin&en7y %8ans. T5is se7tion 7ontains Contin&en7y %8ans and &uidan7e in re8ation to: a. >. 7. d. e. f. &. 5. i. N. ?. 1%/A A7tivatin& t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem Ca88in& emer&en7y stations Emer&en7y s5ut;doAn of main en&ines Eva7uatin& t5e s5i6 Informin& 7ontra7tin& &overnments <f8a& state andCor 6ort state= of a se7urity in7ident A7tin& on instru7tions &iven >y &overnments at MAR-EC Leve8 F Bom> t5reats and res6onses -ear75in& ,iNa7?in& A7tua8 or attem6ted atta7?s on s5i6s ; &uidan7e -toAaAays. A012341256 178 S729 S80:;21< A=8;1 S<>18? !. T5is s5i6 s5a88 >e e9ui66ed Ait5 a -e7urity A8ert -ystem. #. T5e a8ert system Ai88 on8y >e a7tivated in t5e event t5at t5e s5i6 or t5e 8ives of t5e 7reA are under imminent t5reat from armed 6ersons or ot5er s5i6s@ and under t5e instru7tions of:


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 54 $


T5e masterI or if t5e master is unavai8a>8e A res6onsi>8e s5i6Ms offi7erI or@ if a res6onsi>8e offi7er is unavai8a>8e A senior ratin&.

F. %ersons res6onsi>8e for &eneratin& 5oaB a8erts Ai88 >e su>Ne7t to dis7i68inary a7tion. C4==256 E?8;6850< S1412@5> !. T5is Ai88 >e si&na88ed >y SHIP SECURITY OFFICER #. In res6onse@ 7reA mem>ers Ai88 14F8 1782; 9@>212@5> 41 M:>18; S1412@5 1%/C E?8;6850< S7:1!A@B5 @C M425 E56258> !. T5is Ai88 >e si&na88ed >y CHIEF ENGINEER #. In res6onse@ 7reA mem>ers Ai88 14F8 1782; 9@>212@5> 41 ?:>18; >1412@5 1%/D E340:41256 178 S729 !. T5is Ai88 >e si&na88ed >y SHIP SECURITY OFFICER #. In res6onse@ 7reA mem>ers Ai88 14F8 1782; 9@>212@5> 41 ?:>18; >1412@5 F. In 6ort@ t5e Ca6tain s5a88 determine if t5e vesse8 s5ou8d >e eva7uated. ,e s5a88 ma?e t5is determination >ased u6on 5is eB6erien7e@ t5e nature of t5e t5reat or sus6e7ted t5reat@ and t5e safetyCse7urity of t5e 7reA. E. At sea@ under most 7onditions@ t5e vesse8 7an not >e eva7uated. ,oAever@ t5e 7reA 7an >e instru7ted to eva7uate 7ertain areas of t5e vesse8@ ta?in& into 7onsideration t5e safetyCse7urity of t5e 7reA and t5e vesse8. If a 6arti7u8ar area of t5e vesse8 is eva7uated@ T5e Ca6tain s5a88 muster t5e dama&e 7ontro8 team in a safe 68a7e Ait5in as 78ose 6roBimity to t5e eva7uated area as safety Ai88 a88oA. S2508 8340:412@5 8385 41 9@;1 45A >84 2> 4 38;< >8;2@:> A802>2@5, 178 >729 ?4>18; 74> 178 C:== 4:17@;21< 1@ A2;801 178 >729 0;8B 4> 98; 8340:412@5 0@5A212@5. 1%/E I5C@;?256 C@51;401256 G@38;5?851> ,F=46 S1418 45A/@; P@;1 S1418- @C 4 S80:;21< I502A851 !. In t5e event of a se7urity in7ident o77urrin& A5i8e t5e vesse8 is on t5e 5i&5 seas@ t5e master or --O@ in addition to a7tivatin& an a66ro6riate res6onse andCor a8ert@ Ai88 inform t5e C-O of t5e detai8s of t5e in7ident. T5e C-O Ai88 inform t5e f8a& state and a66ro6riate 7ontra7tin& &overnments. <-e7.# Form # = #. In t5e event of a se7urity in7ident o77urrin& A5i8e t5e vesse8 is in t5e territoria8 Aaters@ >ut not in t5e 6ort of@ a 7ontra7tin& &overnment@ t5e master or --O@ in addition to a7tivatin& an a66ro6riate res6onse andCor a8ert@ Ai88 inform >ot5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er of t5e nearest or neBt 6ort@ and t5e C-O@ of t5e detai8s of t5e in7ident. T5e C-O Ai88 inform t5e f8a& state and a66ro6riate 7ontra7tin& &overnments. F. In t5e event of a se7urity in7ident o77urrin& A5i8e t5e vesse8 is in 6ort@ t5e master or --O@ in addition to a7tivatin& an a66ro6riate res6onse andCor a8ert@ Ai88 inform >ot5 t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er of t5e 6ort@ and t5e C-O@ of t5e detai8s of t5e in7ident. T5e C-O Ai88 inform t5e f8a& state and a66ro6riate 7ontra7tin& &overnments.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 55 $


A01256 @5 I5>1;:012@5> G2385 D< G@38;5?851> 41 MARSEC L838= & !. In t5e event of >ein& advised t5at MAR-EC Leve8 F is a668i7a>8e@ t5is s5i6 Ai88 a7t in a77ordan7e Ait5 any instru7tions &iven >y t5e re8evant aut5ority of a 7ontra7tin& &overnment to t5e maBimum eBtent 6ossi>8e. #. T5e C-O Ai88 >e informed as soon as 6ossi>8e of t5e de78aration of MAR-EC Leve8 F@ and of t5e a7tions A5i75 5ave >een@ or Ai88 >e@ ta?en to address t5at 8eve8 of t5reat.


B@?D T7;841> 45A R8>9@5>8>

Re7eivin& Bom> T5reats !. ALL >om> Aarnin&s must >e ta?en serious8y. #. If a >om> t5reat is re7eived >y t5e s5i6@ t5e masterC--O Ai88 need to de7ide ur&ent8y@ on t5e >est advi7e avai8a>8e@ A5et5er t5e Aarnin& a66ears to >e rea8@ or a 5oaB A5i75 7an >e i&nored. Detai8ed information on any >om> Aarnin&@ rea8 or 5oaB@ and t5e s5i6Ms rea7tion to it@ must >e re6orted to t5e C-O and@ if in or a66roa75in& a 6ort@ to t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er. F. T5e 7ir7umstan7es in A5i75 t5e Aarnin& 5as >een re7eived may 5e86 a de7ision to >e rea75ed as to its aut5enti7ity. If t5e Aarnin& 7omes via t5e 6o8i7e or 8o7a8 aut5orities@ t5ey may >e a>8e to &ive an o6inion. E. If t5e Aarnin& 5as >een re7eived >y te8e65one at@ for eBam68e@ t5e Com6anySs offi7es or t5e s5i6 itse8f@ t5e o6erator or re7i6ient of t5e 7a88 may >e a>8e to &ive furt5er information A5i75 7an 7ontri>ute to a sound de7ision: t5e 7a88erSs mannerI a77ent and 8an&ua&e usedI A5et5er made from a 7a88 >oB@ t5rou&5 an o6erator or 6rivate8yI >a7?&round noiseI 6re7ise Aordin&I time of 7a88. $. A de7ision on A5et5er t5e Aarnin& a66ears to >e a 5oaB or is rea8 Ai88 determine A5et5er sear75es s5ou8d >e made and A5o s5ou8d >e informed. ". Any sear75 s5ou8d >e 7arried out as soon as 6ossi>8e@ >y 6ersonne8 fami8iar Ait5 t5e area to >e sear75ed. -ear75ers need to >e 7arefu88y >riefed on A5at t5ey are 8oo?in& for. %arti7u8ar attention s5ou8d >e 6aid to ma75inery 7om6artments@ sensitive areas et7. T8=897@58 C4==> J. T5e 6erson re7eivin& t5e 7a88 is an essentia8 sour7e of information for t5e aut5orities to assess t5e va8idity of t5e t5reat. G. T5e 6erson re7eivin& t5e 7a88 s5ou8d note t5e time of t5e 7a88 and@ if 6ossi>8e@ try to o>tain t5e fo88oAin& information from t5e 7a88er: 45en is t5e >om> &oin& to eB68odeX 45ere is t5e >om>X 45at does it 8oo? 8i?eX 45at ?ind of >om> is itX 45at Ai88 7ause it to eB68odeX Did you 68a7e t5e >om>X 45yX 45ere are you 7a88in& fromX 45at is your nameX


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 56 $

45at is your addressX and ma?e a note of t5e 8an&ua&e used@ andCor a66arent a77ent@ and A5et5er t5e 7a88erMs voi7e a66eared to >e: Ca8m or eB7itedCan&ryCstressed -8oA or 9ui7? Ma8e or fema8e Dee6 or 5i&5 Loud or soft -8urred or 78ear Contro88ed or 7ryin& -6ee75 im6ediment@ e.&. 8is6@ nasa8@ s9uea?y 0i&&8in& or serious.

In addition@ t5e 6erson re7eivin& t5e 7a88 s5ou8d try to note doAn t5e eBa7t Aords of t5e 7a88er and 7onsider A5et5er t5e voi7e Aas fami8iar <i.e. A5om did it sound 8i?eX=@ and A5et5er t5ere Aas any >a7?&round noise. D. T5e re7i6ient of a >om> t5reat s5ou8d a8Aays inform t5e master and t5e --O and@ if in 6ort@ t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er@ ot5er s5ore aut5orities <,ar>our Master@ %o8i7e@ Fire -ervi7es et7=. T5e C-O s5ou8d a8so >e informed. ! . In t5e event t5at fo88oA;u6 a7tions are deemed ne7essary@ t5e master or --O s5ou8d: Muster t5e 7reA %re6are a sear75 6arty and >rief t5em a>out t5e >om> a8ert %re6are fire fi&5tin& e9ui6ment <ri& 5oses et7= and im68ement any emer&en7y dama&e routines O>tain t5e stoAa&e 68an Be aAare of t5e s5i6Ms sta>i8ity 7ondition. B@?D A=8;1> 45A C@:518;?84>:;8> !!. -5i6s are vu8nera>8e to eB68osive or in7endiary devi7es: 6ersonne8. In s5i6Ms stores In t5e 6ost Carried on >oard >y s5ore Aor?ers in 6ort or >y 7ontra7torsM

!#. Bom>s 7an >e 7onstru7ted to 8oo? 8i?e a8most anyt5in& and 7an >e 68a7ed or de8ivered in a num>er of Aays. .a. C@38;1 851;< 1@ 178 >729 45A M:20F!9=451 A83208 T5e sa>oteur Ais5in& to atta7? a s5i6 a8on&side to 7ause s6e7ifi7 dama&e or immo>i8ise 6arti7u8ar e9ui6ment may Ais5 to attem6t to >oard t5e s5i6 undete7ted@ 68ant an eB68osive or in7endiary devi7e and disem>ar? >efore it detonates. -a>ota&e atta7?s differ from 5osta&e;ta?in& atta7?s in t5at t5ere are no ne&otiations over demands. If 6u>8i7ity is t5e sa>oteursS aim@ it is 8i?e8y t5at t5e in7ident Ai88 >e Y78aimedY after t5e event. -a>ota&e atta7?s of t5is sort are 8i?e8y to >e dire7ted at a s5i6 of a 6arti7u8ar nationa8ity or ty6e@ a&ainst t5e s5i66in& Com6anySs 6o8i7ies@ or t5e Nustifi7ation may >e entire8y 8o7a8. -in7e


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 57 $

sa>oteurs on t5is ty6e of mission need to >oard and 8eave t5e s5i6 Ait5out >ein& dete7ted@ a77ess 7ontro8 arran&ements may not a8Aays deter t5em. To &uard a&ainst t5is ty6e of atta7?@ vu8nera>8e 7om6artments s5ou8d >e 8o7?ed or sea8ed and Aat75?ee6in& 6ersonne8 s5ou8d ma?e random visits to 8oo? for si&ns of tam6erin&. A sa>oteur need not on8y use eB68osive or in7endiary devi7es@ 5e may try to dama&e t5e vesse8Ss ma75inery. EBtra vi&i8an7e is needed immediate8y 6rior to sai8in&@ or fo88oAin& a >om> Aarnin&. CreA mem>ers s5ou8d immediate8y >e sus6i7ious of uneB6e7ted o>Ne7ts in unusua8 68a7es. >. S4D@1468 D< ;8?@18=< 0@51;@==8A @; A8=4<8A 4012@5 A83208

T5e sa>oteur may use some 7onvenient means of 7on7ea8in& and smu&&8in& on >oard de8ayed a7tion >om>s or in7endiary devi7es in 6assen&ersS or 7reAsS >a&&a&e@ in de8iveries of s5i6Ms stores or as misde78ared 7ar&o. CreA mem>ers s5ou8d not a77e6t 6a7?a&es from stran&ers and s5ou8d >e made aAare t5at devi7es 7ou8d >e introdu7ed in seemin&8y inno7ent re7e6ta78es. 0as 7y8inders or oBy&en >ott8es@ for eBam68e@ ma?e idea8 7ontainers for eB68osive devi7es. De8iveries of stores A5i75 5ave >een 78eared 7ou8d >e >ound Ait5 7o8oured ta6e for de6artmenta8 identifi7ation@ or automati7a88y stra66ed usin& 6o8y6ro6y8ene stra66in& ta6e. 7 EK18;54= >4D@1468

MaNor dama&e to a s5i6 7an a8so >e 7aused >y a sa>oteur rea75in& t5e 5u88@ eit5er from anot5er vesse8 or underAater@ and 68a7in& an eB68osive devi7e in a vu8nera>8e area. T5e sa>oteursS o>Ne7tives in mountin& su75 atta7?s 7an >e to >8o7? >ert5s or narroA 75anne8s@ or to immo>i8ise a 6arti7u8ar vesse8. -u75 atta7?s re9uire 7onsidera>8e ?noA8ed&e and te75ni7a8 s?i88 and 8ie Ait5in t5e 7a6a>i8ity of on8y fair8y so65isti7ated terrorist &rou6s: to >e effe7tive@ some 6re7ision is re9uired in 68a7in& t5e 75ar&es and t5is re9uires trained sAimmers. Measures to 6rovide 6rote7tion in78ude: Over;t5e;side 8i&5tin& A5i75 &ives an even distri>ution of 8i&5t on t5e A5o8e 5u88 and Aater8ine +ee6in& a &ood Aat75 from t5e de7?@ to 8oo? out for >u>>8es <divers=@ f8oatin& refuse <A5i75 may 5ide sAimmers= or sma88 >oats C5a88en&in& a88 a66roa75in& >oats. If unidentified@ t5ey s5ou8d@ A5ere 6ossi>8e@ >e 6revented from 7omin& a8on&side.

If it is t5ou&5t 8i?e8y t5at a devi7e 5as >een fiBed to t5e outside of t5e 5u88 >e8oA t5e Aater;8ine@ t5e assistan7e of 8o7a8 aut5orities s5ou8d >e sou&5t. At t5e 5i&5est t5reat 8eve8@ and A5ere instru7ted to do so >y a66ro6riate aut5orities@ or at t5e dis7retion of t5e master in 7onsu8tation Ait5 t5e a66ro6riate aut5orities@ it s5ou8d >e noted t5at: a >oat 6atro8@ 7arried out at fre9uent >ut irre&u8ar interva8s and toAin& >ar>ed Aire or fis5 5oo?s@ is an effe7tive defen7e a&ainst fro&men or sAimmers


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 58 $

if t5e s5i6 is ?noAn to >e under atta7? from sAimmers@ turnin& 6ro6e88ers a5ead and astern 7reates tur>u8en7e in t5e Aater and ma?es sAimmin& more diffi7u8t.

!F. -ome of t5e a>ove measures may seem fan7ifu8 or far;fet75ed@ >ut t5ey 5ave a88 >een used in t5e 6ast Ait5 some su77ess and are in78uded to s5oA t5e sort of 6rote7tive measures A5i75 are needed A5en t5e t5reat demands it. !E. If a sus6i7ious o>Ne7t is found@ furt5er de7isions need to >e ta?en ; on iso8atin& it@ re6ortin& detai8s@ and issuin& instru7tions to 6ersonne8 in t5e vi7inity. Movement of 6ersonne8 a>out t5e s5i6 needs to >e 7arefu88y 7ontro88ed. Even if 6ra7ti7a>8e <e.&. A5en t5e s5i6 is a8on&side= tota8 eva7uation is not invaria>8y t5e >est so8ution as more t5an one devi7e mi&5t 5ave >een 68anted and t5e Aarnin& may >e a ta7ti7 to draA 6eo68e into t5e vi7inity of a se7ond devi7e. F25A256 :52A8512C28A @DE801>/8K9=@>238> !$. O>Ne7ts ot5er t5an dru&s A5i75 may 6ose serious t5reat to t5e 7reA@ t5e s5i6 or >ot5@ fa88 into t5is 7ate&ory. T5ey may in78ude@ >ut not >e 8imited to@ eB68osives@ 75emi7a8s@ >io8o&i7a8 or ot5er Aea6ons. T78>8 @DE801> 0@:=A D8 D;@:671 @5 D@4;A 25 45< 9@;1. !". If a devi7e is found on >oard a s5i6 in 6ort@ t5e master or res6onsi>8e offi7er Ai88 eva7uate t5e s5i6 in a77ordan7e Ait5 t5e emer&en7y 68an@ retainin& on8y suffi7ient staff to 6rovide te75ni7a8 su66ort to t5e se7urity servi7es. !J. If a devi7e is found A5i8e a vesse8 is at sea@ t5e masterMs res6onse Ai88 >e >ased on t5e siHe and 8o7ation of t5e devi7e@ t5e s5i6Ms 8o7ation and t5e time unti8 t5e se7urity servi7es and ot5er assistan7e >e7omes avai8a>8e. !G. T5e masterMs res6onse s5ou8d in78ude 7onsideration of t5e fo88oAin& measures: detonate de7? >8ast. T5e need to 6ro7eed to 0enera8 Emer&en7y stations T5e need to eva7uate t5e area >y routein& everyone Ae88 78ear of t5e sus6e7t devi7e Instru7tin& a88 on >oard to ?ee6 78ear of a88 doors@ trun?s and 5at75es 8eadin& from t5e s6a7e 7ontainin& t5e devi7e to avoid 6ossi>8e >8ast inNuries T5e 6ossi>i8ity of see?in& assistan7e from t5e se7urity servi7es T5e 8i?e8y dama&e sta>i8ity state of t5e vesse8 if t5e devi7e Aere to T5e need to man t5e dren75er room if a devi7e is found on a ve5i78e T5e need to >ui8d a 7ontainment Aa88 around t5e devi7e to a>sor> a

1%. U5A8; 5@ 02;0:?>14508> >7@:=A 45<@58 1@:07 @; ?@38 >:>9202@:> @DE801> @; 45<17256 4114078A 1@ 178?. # . On findin& a sus6i7ious o>Ne7t@ t5e master or --O s5ou8d inform t5e C-O@ t5e nearest 6ort a&ents and@ if in 6ort@ t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er ur&ent8y Ait5 an a77urate des7ri6tion of t5e o>Ne7t in res6e7t of its a66earan7e@ siHe@ 7o8our@ any atta75ments and its 8o7ation on >oard. #!. T5e fo88oAin& &uidan7e s5ou8d >e fo88oAed:


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 59 $

DO NOT devi7e ##. ,oAever: DO 1%/H S84;07256 %8a7e sand >a&s or mattresses around t5e sus6i7ious o>Ne7t C8ear t5e area around@ a>ove and >e8oA t5e o>Ne7t Identify t5e dan&er area and instru7t 7reA not to &o anyA5ere 78ose O6en u6 doors and 6ort5o8es to minimise 6rimary dama&e Fo88oA offi7e or s5ore aut5oritiesM instru7tions. Ensure Aater;ti&5t inte&rity and sta>i8ity Render first aid A5ere and if ne7essary Ta?e fire fi&5tin& 6re7autions Muster 6ersonne8 to esta>8is5 num>er and names of 7asua8ties Inform t5e C-O and 8o7a8 aut5orities <in 6ort=@ and ma?e distress 7a88 <at sea= if ne7essary If in 6ort@ >e 6re6ared to 5and8e en9uiries from 6ress and neBt;of;?in. G@ 584; >:>9801 A83208> Investi&ate too mu75 or too 78ose8y 65ysi7a88y Move t5e devi7e aAay from 6eo68e ; move 6eo68e aAay from t5e ,and8e@ tou75@ s5a?e@ o6en or move sus6e7ted eB68osives or sus6e7ted devi7es %ut it in Aater or s6ray Aater on it as t5is 7ou8d s5ort a 7ontro8 7ir7uit and detonate it Run in t5e vi7inity of t5e devi7e U>8 VHF/UHF ;4A2@> B21725 178 3202521< ,& ?81;8>- @C 178 A83208 Cut or 6u88 Aires@ fuses or strin&s -tam6 out fuses %ass meta88i7 too8s near t5e sus6e7ted devi7e Move sAit75es or re8ease 5oo?s or fastenin&s -mo?e near>y.

#F. If a >om> eB68odes Ait5out Aarnin&@ on >oard or near t5e s5i6@ t5e master s5ou8d:

#E. T5e master or --O s5ou8d ?ee6 re7ords of a88 7ommuni7ations and a7tions ta?en. (The" is an e3am%le of %ossi(le instru&tions for sear&hin" a shi%) T5e -e7urity Team Ai88 >e esta>8Rs5ed in 7ase of 7ontin&en7y 7ir7umstan7e >y --O s6e7ia88y assi&ned for >om> sear75 o6erations. ,oAever in 7ase t5e team is una>8e to 6erform suffi7ient o6erations@ ot5er se7urity 6ersonne8 to assist t5em P8;>@558= @C S80:;21< T84? #ND. OFFICER TEAM LEADER BOATS*AIN TEAM MEMBER A/B TEAM MEMBER A/B TEAM MEMBER O/S TEAM MEMBER


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 60 $

!. 45en sear75in&@ it s5ou8d >e >orne in mind t5at a terrorist may try to mat75 t5e devi7e to t5e >a7?&round@ su75 as a too8 >oB in an en&ine room. #. T5e 6re6aration of a system of 0780F 04;A> for individua8 vesse8s is a usefu8 7ontin&en7y@ one >ein& issued to ea75 sear75er A5i75 s6e7ifies t5e 6re7ise route to >e fo88oAed and t5e areas to >e sear75ed. T5e 7ards are 7o8our 7oded for different areas of res6onsi>i8ity@ e.&. >8ue for de7? areas@ red for en&ine room et7. On 7om68etion of an individua8 sear75 tas? t5e 7ard is to >e returned to a 7entra8 7ontro8 6oint@ so t5at A5en a88 7ards are in t5e sear75 is ?noAn to >e 7om68ete. F. In addition to a 7om6re5ensive sear75 68an@ a 68an for a fast sear75 or S9ui7? 8oo?S of t5e more vu8nera>8e and a77essi>8e areas 5as >een draAn u6. E. 2sin& t5e 7ard system@ se8e7ted 7ards on8y Ai88 >e issued to 7over t5e vu8nera>8e and a77essi>8e areas.L $. -u75 a fast sear75 mi&5t >e 7arried out A5ere: t5ere is a s5ort Aarnin& time >efore a 6otentia8 >om> detonation se7urity mana&ement Nud&es t5at a re7eived >om> t5reat needs investi&atin& an o66ortunity o77urs to 7ondu7t a 9ui7? sear75. T<98> @C S84;07 (if further detailed information re,uired) ". R8401238 S84;07 ; T5is ty6e of sear75 Ai88 >e 7arried out in rea7tion to a s6e7ifi7 t5reat or 6ie7e of 5ard inte88i&en7e indi7atin& t5at a >om> or Aea6ons 5ave >een 68a7ed on t5e s5i6. It 7an a8so >e used as a 6re7aution durin& times of 5ei&5tened t5reat. 45enever a rea7tive sear75 is ordered it Ai88 7om68y Ait5 t5e fo88oAin& 6rin7i68es: devi7e areas re6ort sear75ers s5ou8d >e a>8e to 7ommuni7ate Ait5 t5e sear75 7ontro88ers sear75ers must ?noA 6re7ise8y A5at to do if a sus6e7ted devi7e is found. a 7entra8 7ontro8 6oint s5ou8d >e esta>8is5ed to A5i75 t5e sear75ers t5ere must >e a system of mar?in& or re7ordin& sear75ed or S78eanS t5e sear75ers s5ou8d >e fami8iar Ait5 t5e area >ein& sear75ed so t5at out of t5e ordinary items are noti7ed t5e sear75 s5ou8d >e 7ondu7ted a77ordin& to a s6e7ifi7 sear75 68an or s75edu8e and must >e 7arefu88y 7ontro88ed >y offi7ers and mana&ement sear75ers must >e a>8e to re7o&nise a 6otentia8 >om> or in7endiary

J. P;83851238 S84;07 Q T5is aims to deter terrorists from smu&&8in& >om>s or arms on >oard a s5i6 or into a termina8 or restri7ted area@ and to ena>8e t5e 7reA to find t5ese devi7es if t5e terrorist tries to smu&&8e t5em in. T5e fo88oAin& 6rin7i68es a668y to a88 6reventive sear75in&: 68a7es s5ou8d >e esta>8is5ed A5ere 6eo68e and &oods are 75e7?ed or sear75ed >efore t5ey 6ass into t5e restri7ted area. On7e in t5e area@ se&re&ation is


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 61 $

essentia8 and no 7onta7t must >e a88oAed Ait5 un75e7?ed 6ersons or &oods. T5e 6er7enta&e of 6ersonsC&oods sear75ed Ai88@ of 7ourse@ de6end on t5e t5reat 8eve8. on7e in t5e area@ no 6erson or ve5i78e s5ou8d >e a88oAed to 8eave t5e area or 8and from a s5i6 Ait5out t5e ?noA8ed&e of t5e 6erson 7ontro88in& t5e sear75. 7ar@ >a&&a&e and frei&5t re7on7i8iation Ait5 oAnersCdrivers is a ?ey o>Ne7tive. restri7ted or steri8e areas and t5e a77ess to t5em s5ou8d >e sear75ed. T5e fre9uen7y of su75 sear75es Ai88 >e di7tated >y t5e t5reat 8eve8.L

S84;07 S<>18? 45A S84;07 M817@A> G. T5is s5i6Ms sear75 system Ai88 >e >ased on t5e 7reA sear75in& t5eir oAn area of Aor? under t5eir norma8 offi7er or senior ratin&. In t5is Aay@ an unusua8 o>Ne7t is more 8i?e8y to >e identified. -ear75 6arties Ai88 Aor? in 6airs Ait5 one sear75in& Y5i&5Y and one sear75in& Y8oAY. If a sus6i7ious o>Ne7t is found@ one of t5e 6air Ai88 remain on sentry A5i8e t5e ot5er re6orts t5e find. To mana&e any sear75 effi7ient8y s5i6Ms staff Ai88 use 2,FC',F radios >ut o6eratin& 75anne8s s5ou8d >e 8imited to t5ose 6revious8y Aor?ed durin& t5e voya&e. T5e sear75 7ontro88er (e". SS') Ai88 ?ee6 a re7ord of a88 re6orts from t5e sear75 &rou6s to ensure a88 s6a7es are 75e7?ed and t5at t5e master a8Aays 5as an u6 to date sear75 status. Durin& t5e sear75 routine any 8ifts s5ou8d >e turned off. T5e sear75 system 7an >e divided into tAo sta&es: D. A >84;07 @C :5=@0F8A >9408> ; sin7e most unused s6a7es s5ou8d >e 8o7?ed a ra6id sear75 of vu8nera>8e areas 7an >e a75ieved >y: 75e7?in& a88 8o7?ed or sea8ed doors to ensure t5ey 5ave remained 8o7?ed and sea8ed sear75in& a88 un8o7?ed s6a7es and ru>>is5 >ins sear75 &rou6 8eaders advisin& t5e --O on 7om68etion of sear75es of t5eir a88o7ated s6a7es t5e --O ?ee6in& a re7ord of a88 re6orts from sear75 &rou6 8eaders to ensure t5at t5e master 5as an u6 to date status re6ort.

! . A >84;07 @C =@0F8A >9408> ; if Aarranted@ a fu88 sear75 of 8o7?ed s6a7es 7an fo88oA Ait5: a88 8o7?ed s6a7es >ein& t5orou&58y sear75ed usin& t5e ne7essary 6ass ?eys a88 7reA a77ommodation@ 8o7?ers@ Aardro>es and draAers >ein& t5orou&58y sear75ed sear75 &rou6 8eaders advisin& t5e >rid&e on 7om68etin& t5e sear75 of t5eir a88o7ated s6a7es t5e --O ?ee6in& a re7ord of a88 re6orts from sear75 &rou6 8eaders to ensure t5at t5e master 5as an u6 to date status re6ort.

!!. T5e dis7overy of one devi7e s5ou8d not >e t5e end of a sear75 as t5ere is a8Aays t5e 6ossi>i8ity t5at more t5an one 5as >een 68anted. !#. T5e oAners of un78aimed 8u&&a&e or a>andoned 6a7?a&es found durin& a sear75 s5ou8d >e sou&5t A5i8e 78earin& t5e area adNa7ent to t5e sus6e7t item.L P8;>@558= S84;07 L@0412@5>


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!F. A 7entra8ised sear75 6oint as5ore is &enera88y most e7onomi7a8 in terms of e9ui6ment@ 6ersonne8 and s6a7e and it a88oAs 7ontro8 servi7es su75 as 6o8i7e@ 7ustoms and immi&ration to inte&rate more easi8y. If ne7essary@ t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er s5ou8d >e as?ed to ma?e suita>8e arran&ements. !E. ,oAever@ ?ee6in& t5e Y78ean 6ersonsY se&re&ated after sear75 may 6resent 6ro>8ems of or&anisation and survei88an7e. A sear75 at t5e &an&Aay 5ead 5as t5e disadvanta&e of a88oAin& 6otentia8 terrorists to &et 78ose to t5eir tar&et. A8so s6a7e in s5i6s is at a 6remium 7om6ared Ait5 as5ore@ and 8on& 9ueues of 6assen&ers@ or ot5er visitors to t5e s5i6@ Aaitin& on an o6en &an&Aay to 6ass t5e sear75 7ontro8 may 7ause irritation. ,oAever@ t5is o6tion may >e ne7essary A5en t5ere is no on s5ore s7reenin& or A5en@ durin& a 5i&5 8eve8 of t5reat@ a dou>8e 75e7? is ne7essary.L M817@A> @C S84;07 ! P8;>@5> !$. P7<>204= S84;07256 ; %5ysi7a8 sear75in& is >est 7arried out in a s7reened off area@ as 6riva7y minimises em>arrassment and in7reases effe7tiveness. %eo68e >ein& sear75ed s5ou8d not >e &iven t5e o66ortunity of se8e7tin& a 6arti7u8ar sear75er. One offi7er s5ou8d >e de8e&ated to o>serve 6eo68e Aaitin& and note sus6i7ious >e5aviour and a88o7ate 6ersons to avai8a>8e sear75ers to ensure no over;8oadin&. B466468 S0;885256 !". P7<>204= S84;07 ; A 65ysi7a8 sear75 of >a&&a&e@ A5en 7onsidered ne7essary@ s5ou8d in78ude a 75e7? for fa8se 7om6artments@ often used for t5e smu&&8in& of Aea6ons and devi7es. A8t5ou&5 fa8se Y>ottomsY are most usua8@ devi7es 5ave >een in7or6orated around t5e sides of 7ases@ in t5e 8ids and in t5e 7om6artments of 5o8da88s. A sme88 of &8ue@ or a 5eavy odour to mas? t5e sme88 of &8ue or eB68osives@ may >e an indi7ation t5at a 8inin& may 5ave >een stu7? >a7? in 6osition. Attention s5ou8d >e 6aid to any tam6erin& or re6air to a 7ase@ non; standard or unmat75ed 7ase 7om6onents@ and a8so to &reasy stains or sma88 5o8es in t5e 7ase eBterior. If t5e >a&&a&e Aei&5t seems dis6ro6ortionate@ or t5e >a& is un>a8an7ed for no o>vious reason@ t5en a furt5er 75e7? for a fa8se 7om6artment Aou8d >e Nustified. %arti7u8ar attention s5ou8d >e 6aid to e8e7tri7a8 and e8e7troni7 a66aratus@ su75 as radios@ A5i75 5ave often >een used as 7ontainers for devi7es to avoid dete7tion under :;ray eBamination. E9ui6ment may >e eBamined for unusua8 75ara7teristi7s: si&ns of tam6erin&@ eB7essive Aei&5t@ 8oose o>Ne7ts inside <rotate@ donMt s5a?e=. :;ray t5e e9ui6ment if sus6i7ions are aroused. Treat a88 neA@ 6a7?a&ed e9ui6ment in t5e same manner as used mode8s. !J. D8=238;28> 1@ S729> ; Terrorists may Ae88 use inno7ent@ mis7e88aneous ve5i78es and 6eo68e de8iverin& stores to a s5i6. 0ood a77ess 7ontro8@ 6ersonne8 identifi7ation and random sear75es Ai88 5e86 to 7ounter t5is ris?.L 1%/I. H2E40F256 !. T5e Aord Y5iNa7?Y is used to define t5e for7i>8e seiHure of a means of trans6ort >y terrorist or 7rimina8 &rou6s as a Aay of furt5erin& t5eir 7ause@ rea75in& t5eir o>Ne7tive@ or ma?in& &ood t5eir es7a6e. A 5iNa7? may not feature in t5e terroristsM ori&ina8 68ans and may o77ur@ as in t5e 7ase of t5e SA75i88e LauroS@ A5en terrorists are dis7overed on t5eir Aay to a tar&et and@ as a resu8t@ ta?e over t5e means of trans6ort. #. Air7raft 5ave >een 5iNa7?ed >y a sin&8e 6erson armed on8y Ait5 imitation Aea6ons and@ in t5e ri&5t 68a7e e.&. t5e >rid&e@ one armed 6erson 7ou8d >e enou&5 on a


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 63 $

s5i6. ,oAever@ a 68anned terrorist 5iNa7? of a vesse8 is mu75 more 8i?e8y to invo8ve a &rou6 Ait5 rea8 Aea6ons. T5e maNor tas? fa7in& t5e Aou8d;>e 5iNa7?ers is to >oard t5e vesse8 Ait5 t5eir Aea6ons@ and se7urity measures aimed at 6reventin& t5is s5ou8d >e introdu7ed A5en t5e t5reat 8eve8 Aarrants t5em. F. A8t5ou&5 in most 6arts of t5e Aor8d t5e t5reat of t5is ?ind of a7tion is 8oA@ s5i66in& 7om6anies and masters need to 5ave a ran&e of measures avai8a>8e to introdu7e as and A5en t5e need arises. E. If des6ite a88 efforts at deterren7e and 6revention a vesse8 is 5iNa7?ed@ t5e master s5ou8d@ if 6ossi>8e: Broad7ast a s5i6 se7urity a8ert or distress messa&e N@1 try to resist armed terrorists un8ess as a 8ast resort in a 78ear 8ife t5reatenin& situation N@1 return a>use or a&&ression +ee6 7a8m and advise a88 ot5ers to ?ee6 7a8m Ensure t5e safety of t5e s5i6 in a77ordan7e Ait5 maritime 6ra7ti7e Be aAare t5at 5iNa7?ers are un8i?e8y to understand fu88y 5oA a 6arti7u8ar s5i6 Aor?s@ its 7a6a>i8ities and 8imitations and may >e sus6i7ious a>out routine o6erations. T5ey are a8so un8i?e8y to >e fami8iar in detai8 Ait5 t5e safety re9uirements asso7iated Ait5 t5e 7ar&o Offer reasona>8e 7o;o6eration 2nderstand t5at esta>8is5ment of a reasona>8e ra66ort >etAeen 5osta&es and 7a6tors is 8i?e8y to redu7e t5e 75an7es of t5e terrorists a7tin& vio8ent8y a&ainst t5eir 5osta&es Try to esta>8is5 A5i75 &rou6 of terrorists is invo8ved Try@ Ait5out ris?@ to in7rease t5e num>er of a77ess 6oints to t5e vesse8 En7oura&e t5e esta>8is5ment of a se7ure@ dire7t ne&otiation 75anne8 Ait5 t5e aut5orities 4it5out su&&estin& A5at t5ey may >e@ see? to esta>8is5 t5e 5iNa7?ersM demands and A5at dead8ines 5ave >een set for meetin& t5em Assume t5at t5e in7ident Ai88 >e 6ro8on&ed. T5e 8on&er in7idents dra& on@ t5e more 8i?e8y t5ey are to end Ait5out inNury to t5e 5osta&es Re7o&nise t5at 5osta&es Ai88 fee8 iso8ated durin& t5e in7ident@ as t5ey Ai88 >e unaAare of ste6s >ein& ta?en >y t5e Com6any andCor &overnment aut5orities on t5eir >e5a8f. T5is 7an 8ead to anta&onism a&ainst t5e aut5orities and sym6at5y for t5e terrorists. Every effort Ai88 >e >ein& made to end t5e in7ident Ait5 t5e utmost em65asis on t5e 6reservation of 8ife and 6ersona8 safety of a88 inno7ent 6arties invo8ved Be aAare t5at at some sta&e in t5e in7ident a 7onfrontation >etAeen t5e terrorists and outside aut5orities may o77ur. Before t5is 7onfrontation@ an o66ortunity may arise or may >e 7reated to 6ass information a>out t5e 5iNa7?ers@ su75 as t5eir num>er@ des7ri6tions@ seB@ 5oA t5ey are armed@ 5oA t5ey de68oy t5emse8ves@ 5oA t5ey 7ommuni7ate Ait5 ea75 ot5er@ t5eir 7ause@ nationa8ity@ 8an&ua&e<s= s6o?en and understood@ t5eir standard of 7om6eten7e and t5eir 8eve8 of vi&i8an7e@ and A5et5er any of t5e 5osta&es 5ave >een se6arate8y identified as to nationa8ity@ re8i&ion or o77u6ation <e.&. for7es 6ersonne8=


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 64 $

Avoid 7reA mem>ers >e7omin& dire7t8y invo8ved in t5e ne&otiations. If 7reA mem>ers are for7ed to ta?e 6art t5ey s5ou8d sim68y re6eat t5e dia8o&ue >a7? and fort5 45erever and A5enever 6ossi>8e@ en7oura&e t5e 5iNa7?ers to surrender 6ea7efu88y and dis7oura&e t5em from mistreatin& eit5er 6assen&ers or 7reA Rea8ise t5at mi8itary a7tion may@ in t5e 8ast resort@ >e ta?en in order to save 8ife and re7a6ture t5e vesse8. A@ 5@1 rea7t to stran&e8y dressed neA7omers A@ 5@1 attra7t attention to any unusua8 a7tivity if s5ootin& or t5e 8oud 7ommand Y GET DO*NY is 5eard@ immediate8y 8ie fa7e doAn@ 7over ears@ 78ose eyes and s8i&5t8y o6en mout5. Do not move unti8 an Ya88 78earY is &iven if t5e 8oud 7ommand YSTAND STILLY is 5eard t5en freeHe if t5e 8o7ation of terrorist >om>s or Aea6ons is ?noAn@ inform a mem>er of t5e mi8itary assau8t for7e as soon as 6ossi>8e do 5@1 s5e8ter or 5ide terrorists do 5@1 ta?e 65oto&ra65s of t5e mi8itary assau8t for7e.

+. I5 178 83851 @; 25 4512029412@5 @C ?2=214;< 4012@5J


". F@==@B256 178 2502A851, 178 ?4>18; 45A 72> 0;8B >7@:=A 43@2A 14=F256 1@ 178 9;8>> 45A @178; ?8A24 98;>@5> 4D@:1 178 ?817@A> :>8A 1@ ;8>@=38 178 2502A851>. 1%/O A01:4= @; A118?918A A1140F> @5 S729> ! G:2A4508 !. 45i8e &overnments@ f8a& states and 7oasta8 states must do a88 t5ey 7an@ t5e s5i66in& industry a8so 5as a ro8e to 68ay@ 6arti7u8ar8y in ensurin& t5at 7reA@ 6assen&ers and vesse8s are 6rote7ted a&ainst atta7?. #. T5e Internationa8 C5am>er of -5i66in& <IC-= and t5e Internationa8 -5i66in& Federation <I-F= 5ave re7ent8y u6dated t5eir 0uidan7e notes on %ira7y and Armed Ro>>ery. T5is &uidan7e@ intended for s5i6 oAners and masters and 7reAs of s5i6s@ stresses t5e im6ortan7e of ta?in& a7tion to deter atta7?s and advises on 5oA to dea8 Ait5 t5em if t5ey o77ur. F. Es6e7ia88y if tradin& in 5i&5 ris? areas@ t5e C-O@ A5ere re8evant@ Ai88: advise masters Ait5 re&ard to t5e 5i&5 ris? sea areas and 6orts and t5e nature of any t5reat 6rovide advi7e on 7reA se7urity arran&ements 6rovide advi7e re&ardin& se7urin& s5i6sM e9ui6ment ensure t5at se7urity Aat75es@ es6e7ia88y at ni&5t@ 7an >e en5an7ed A5en a vesse8 is in Aaters@ or at an75or off 6orts@ A5ere atta7?s o77ur A5ere re8evant@ 7onsider 6rovidin& 6oAerfu8 8i&5tin&@ 8oA;8i&5t >ino7u8ars@ so65isti7ated survei88an7e and dete7tion e9ui6ment@ and a8arm systems on vu8nera>8e 6ositions and 8oo?out 6oints in78udin& t5e use of a sma88 ya75t radar@ fitted in su75 a Aay as to ensure 7om68ete 7overa&e of t5e stern@ not o>s7ured >y t5e radar s5adoA of t5e s5i6 itse8f


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verify t5e 7redentia8s of any se7urity or 7reA 6ersonne8 en&a&ed 8o7a88y@ as individua8s 5ave sometimes infi8trated t5e s5i6 in advan7e to a7t as a77om68i7es durin& a 8ater atta7? so far as is 6ossi>8e@ 68an t5e stoAa&e of 7ontainers 7ontainin& va8ua>8es so t5at t5ey are door;to;door and in tiers try to 7ontro8 t5e dissemination of information on 7ar&o stoAa&e.

E. P;894;412@5> D8C@;8 8518;256 4 ;2>F 4;84 5ave a Ae88 6ra7tised anti;atta7? 68an@ 7overin& measures for ear8y dete7tion of a 6ossi>8e atta7?@ non;a&&ressive 7reA res6onses A5en an atta7? is under Aay@ radio and a8arm 6ro7edures@ and t5e re6orts to >e made after a su77essfu8 or attem6ted atta7? inform 7reA mem>ers of t5e anti;atta7? 68an and 5o8d trainin& eBer7ises to ensure t5at t5ey are fu88y >riefed on t5e a7tions to ta?e in t5e event of an atta7? identify and esta>8is5 7ontro88ed se7ure areas@ diffi7u8t for atta7?ers to 6enetrate@ as a san7tuary for t5e 7reA. If 8ar&e num>ers of armed ro>>ers su77eed in >oardin& t5e s5i6@ it may >e essentia8 for 7reA mem>ers to retreat to a se7ure area or areas. De6endin& u6on t5e 7onstru7tion of t5e a77ommodation and t5e eBtent to A5i75 areas 7an >e effe7tive8y sea8ed off@ t5e se7ure area may >e esta>8is5ed in t5e a77ommodation as a A5o8e@ or in more restri7ted 6arts around t5e >rid&e and inside t5e en&ine room. %rovision s5ou8d >e made@ 5oAever@ for es7a6e durin& a fire or ot5er emer&en7y esta>8is5 a dri88 for re&u8ar tAo;Aay 7ommuni7ation >etAeen t5e de7? Aat75 and t5e >rid&e and a7tions to ta?e in an emer&en7y.

T78 A1140F P;838512@5 P=45 $. P;804:12@5> @5 @98;41256 25 4 7267 ;2>F 4;84J Ait5 t5e a&reement of t5e C-O@ avoid dan&er areas if 6ossi>8e@ and em68oy measures su75 as s8oA;steamin& to de8ay an75orin& A5en due to arrive at an75ora&es durin& dar?ness in 5i&5 ris? areas 8imit@ re7ord <in78udin& 65oto&ra65y= and 7ontro8 a77ess to s5i6s A5en in 6ort and at an75or@ sear75 s5i6s >efore 8eavin& 6orts and restri7t information on t5e nature and 8o7ation of 7ar&oes on >oard >e vi&i8ant ; t5e maNority of atta7?s Ai88 >e deterred if t5e atta7?ers are aAare t5at t5ey 5ave >een o>served@ and t5at t5e 7reA 5as >een a8erted and is 6re6ared to resist attem6ts to >oard. Ensure t5at 7reA mem>ers are seen to >e 7onstant8y movin& around t5e s5i6@ ma?in& random rat5er t5an 6redi7ta>8e 6atro8s maintain a #E 5our visua8 and se7urity Aat75 ; in78udin& s5ort ran&e radar survei88an7e of t5e Aaters around t5e s5i6. +ee6 a s6e7ia8 8oo?; out for sma88 >oats and fis5in& >oats A5i75 are diffi7u8t to o>serve on radar. In 6ira7y Y5ots6otsY@ dis7oura&e t5e 7reA from tradin& Ait5 8o7a8s usin& sma88 7raft A5i75 may a66roa75 t5e s5i6 stren&t5en ni&5t Aat75es ; es6e7ia88y around t5e stern of t5e vesse8 and 6arti7u8ar8y >etAeen t5e 5ours of ! and " A5en most


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 66 $

atta7?s o77ur@ Ait5 7ontinuous 6atro8s 8in?ed >y YAa8?ie;ta8?ieY to t5e >rid&e. If 6ossi>8e@ a88o7ate an additiona8 offi7er to assist t5e norma8 >rid&e Aat75?ee6ers at ni&5t@ to 6rovide a dedi7ated radar and visua8 Aat75 for sma88 7raft A5i75 mi&5t attem6t to manoeuvre a8on&side@ and a88oA t5e Aat75?ee6ers to 7on7entrate on norma8 navi&ationa8 duties sea8 off means of a77ess to t5e s5i6 ; fit rat &uards to moorin& 8ines@ fit 5aAse 6i6e 68ates@ 8o7? doors and 5at75es et7. 45i8e ta?in& due a77ount of t5e need for es7a6e in t5e event of fire or ot5er emer&en7y@ so far as 6ossi>8e@ sea8 off a88 means of a77ess to t5e a77ommodation area and 8o7? AindoAs and doors of 7reA a77ommodation areas. B8o7?in& a77ess >etAeen t5e aft de7? and t5e 7reA 9uarters is 6arti7u8ar8y im6ortant esta>8is5 radio 7onta7t ; and a&ree emer&en7y si&na8s s6e7ifi7a88y indi7atin& atta7?s Ait5 t5e 7reA@ t5e %ort Fa7i8ity -e7urity Offi7er and ot5er ons5ore aut5orities use avai8a>8e 8i&5tin& ; de7? and over;side 8i&5ts@ 6arti7u8ar8y at t5e >oA and stern@ 7an i88uminate t5e de7? and t5e Aaters >eyond and daHH8e 6otentia8 >oarders. -ear758i&5ts s5ou8d >e avai8a>8e on t5e >rid&e Ain&s and tor75es s5ou8d >e 7arried >y t5e se7urity 6atro8s to identify sus6i7ious 7raft. -u75 additiona8 8i&5tin& s5ou8d not 5oAever >e so >ri&5t as to o>s7ure navi&ation 8i&5ts or interfere Ait5 t5e safe navi&ation of ot5er vesse8s ?ee6 Aater 5oses and ot5er e9ui6ment ; A5i75 may >e used to re6e8 6otentia8 >oarders ; readi8y avai8a>8e. +ee6 a 7onstant 6ressure of Aater in t5e 5oses. In dan&er areas ?ee6 t5e de7? Aas5 6um6 in o6eration at a88 times ; s6ray Aater over t5e rear de7? A5ere it is easiest for t5e atta7?ers to >oard redu7e o66ortunities for t5eft ; remove a88 6orta>8e e9ui6ment from t5e de7? maintain a 7onstant radio Aat75 Ait5 s5ore or nava8 aut5orities in dan&er areas@ and on a88 distress and safety fre9uen7ies re6ort sus6i7ious movements to t5e Res7ue Co;ordination Centre <RCC= for t5e area. if under Aay@ deter an atta7? >y evasive manoeuvrin& <>y 5eavy A5ee8 movements in Aaters A5ere it is safe to do so= and >y in7reasin& s6eed 7onsider t5e use of 5i&5;6ressure Aater 5oses transmit a dan&er messa&e to Aarn s5i6s in t5e vi7inity if an atta7? is imminent or under Aay@ >road7astin& an 2r&en7y or Distress Messa&e <if ne7essary@ t5rou&5 t5e -5i6 -e7urity A8ert -ystem= if it 7an >e done safe8y avoid t5e use of firearms or ot5er a&&ressive >e5aviour A5i75 mi&5t 6rovo?e vio8en7e >y t5e atta7?ersI and 7om68y Ait5 t5eir demands if t5is is t5e on8y safe o6tion if >oarded@ try to maintain 7ontro8 of navi&ation Ait5out endan&erin& 8ife.

". R84012@5> 1@ 45 2??25851 41140F

J. F@==@B :9


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 67 $


ma?e a ra6id and 7om6re5ensive re6ort of an atta7? to t5e nearest RCC@ to t5e res6onsi>8e <in territoria8 Aaters= or nearest <on t5e 5i&5 seas= 7oasta8 state@ as Ae88 as to t5e C-O and@ t5rou&5 5im@ to t5e f8a& state ma?e a fu88 re6ort fo88oAin& reso8ution of t5e in7ident 7o;o6erate Ait5 any su>se9uent investi&ation revieA and@ if ne7essary@ 6ro6ose amendments to t5e -5i6 -e7urity %8an. do not 5esitate to sound t5e s5i6Ms &enera8 a8arm in 7ase of a t5reat of assau8t try to maintain ade9uate 8i&5tin& to 6ermanent8y daHH8e t5e atta7?ers@ in 7ase of an attem6t >y stran&ers to 78im> t5e s5i6Ms side raise t5e a8arm@ >y ',F C5anne8 !"@ to t5e s5i6s in t5e area and to t5e 6ermanent Aat75 system of t5e aut5orities as5ore. T5e effi7ien7y of assistan7e >y t5e se7urity for7es de6ends on an ear8y a8arm sound t5e a8arm Ait5 intermittent >8asts on t5e siren and use visua8 a8arms Ait5 f8ood8i&5ts and si&na88in& ro7?ets if a66ro6riate to 6rote7t t5e 8ives of t5ose on >oard@ use measures to re6e8 t5e >oardin& >y em68oyin& 6oAerfu8 f8ood8i&5ts for daHH8in& t5e a&&ressors or usin& Nets of Aater a&ainst t5e areas of >oardin& do not attem6t any 5eroi7 a7ts.

G. I5 04>8 @C 45 4>>4:=1


%rior to de6arture stoAaAays sear5in& Ai88 >e 7arried out on >oard. <-e7.# Form #!= IMO &uide8ines on t5e a88o7ation of res6onsi>i8ities to see? t5e su77essfu8 reso8ution of stoAaAay 7ases@ ado6ted >y IMO on #J Novem>er !DDJ@ are &iven in &enera8 as fo88oAs: !. A re7o&nition t5at stoAaAays arrivin& at or enterin& a 7ountry Ait5out t5e re9uired do7uments are@ in &enera8@ i88e&a8 entrants. De7isions on dea8in& Ait5 su75 situations are t5e 6rero&ative of t5e 7ountries A5ere su75 arriva8 or entry o77urs. #. -toAaAay asy8um;see?ers s5ou8d >e treated in 7om68ian7e Ait5 internationa8 6rote7tion 6rin7i68es as set out in internationa8 instruments <t5e 2N Convention re8atin& to t5e -tatus of Refu&ees of #G Wu8y !D$! and t5e 2N %roto7o8 re8atin& to t5e -tatus of Refu&ees of F! Wanuary !D"J= and re8evant nationa8 8e&is8ation. F. T5e s5i6oAner@ and 5is re6resentative on t5e s6ot@ t5e master@ as Ae88 as 6ort aut5orities and nationa8 administrations s5ou8d 7o;o6erate as far as 6ossi>8e in dea8in& Ait5 stoAaAay 7ases. E. -5i6oAners@ and t5eir re6resentatives on t5e s6ot@ t5e masters@ as Ae88 as 6ort aut5orities and nationa8 administrations s5ou8d 5ave se7urity arran&ements in 68a7e A5i75@ as far as 6ra7ti7a>8e@ Ai88 6revent intendin& stoAaAays from &ettin& a>oard a s5i6 or@ if t5is fai8s@ Ai88 dete7t t5em >efore a s5i6 arrives in 6ort. 45ere nationa8 8e&is8ation 6ermits@ nationa8 aut5orities s5ou8d 7onsider 6rose7ution of stoAaAays for tres6assin& u6on or dama&in& t5e 6ro6erty of t5e s5i66in& 7om6any@ or t5e 7ar&o. $. Countries s5ou8d admit returned stoAaAays Ait5 fu88 nationa8ityC 7itiHens5i6 status of t5at 7ountry or a ri&5t of residen7e.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 68 $

". T5e 7ountry of t5e ori&ina8 6ort of em>ar?ation of a stoAaAay s5ou8d norma88y a77e6t t5e return of su75 a stoAaAay for eBamination 6endin& fina8 7ase dis6osition. J. Every effort s5ou8d >e made to avoid situations A5ere a stoAaAay 5as to >e detained on >oard a s5i6 indefinite8y. In t5is re&ard 7ountries s5ou8d 7o;o6erate Ait5 t5e s5i6oAner in arran&in& t5e return of a stoAaAay to an a66ro6riate 7ountry. G. -toAaAay in7idents s5ou8d >e dea8t Ait5 5umane8y >y a88 6arties invo8ved. Due 7onsideration must a8Aays >e &iven to t5e o6erationa8 safety of t5e s5i6 and t5e Ae88;>ein& of t5e stoAaAay. D. As a first ste6 in addressin& t5e issue@ a frameAor? of t5e various res6onsi>i8ities@ ri&5ts and 8ia>i8ities of t5e 6arties invo8ved needs to >e identified and a&reed. T5e fo88oAin& a88o7ation of res6onsi>i8ity is su&&ested: %.1 T78 M4>18; D.!.! to ma?e every effort to determine immediate8y t5e 6ort of em>ar?ation of t5e stoAaAay D.!.# to ma?e every effort to esta>8is5 t5e identity@ in78udin& t5e nationa8ityC 7itiHens5i6 of t5e stoAaAay D.!.F to 6re6are a statement 7ontainin& a88 information re8evant to t5e stoAaAay@ in a77ordan7e Ait5 information s6e7ified in t5e standard do7ument anneBed to t5ese 0uide8ines@ for 6resentation to t5e a66ro6riate aut5orities D.!.E to notify t5e eBisten7e of a stoAaAay and any re8evant detai8s to 5is s5i6oAner and a66ro6riate aut5orities at t5e 6ort of em>ar?ation@ t5e neBt 6ort of 7a88 and t5e f8a& state D.!.$ not to de6art from 5is 68anned voya&e to see? t5e disem>ar?ation of a stoAaAay to any 7ountry un8ess re6atriation 5as >een arran&ed Ait5 suffi7ient do7umentation and 6ermission for disem>ar?ation@ or un8ess t5ere are eBtenuatin& se7urity or 7om6assionate reasons D.!." to ensure t5at t5e stoAaAay is 6resented to a66ro6riate aut5orities at t5e neBt 6ort of 7a88 in a77ordan7e Ait5 t5eir re9uirements D.!.J to ta?e a66ro6riate measures to ensure t5e se7urity@ &enera8 5ea8t5@ Ae8fare andsafety of t5e stoAaAay unti8 disem>ar?ation. %.# T78 S729@B58; @; O98;41@; D.#.! to ensure t5at t5e eBisten7e of@ and any re8evant information on@ t5e stoAaAay 5as >een notified to t5e a66ro6riate aut5orities at t5e 6ort of em>ar?ation@ t5e neBt 6ort of 7a88 and t5e f8a& state D.#.# to 7om68y Ait5 any remova8 dire7tions made >y t5e 7om6etent nationa8 aut5orities at t5e 6ort of disem>ar?ation.


Issued By : Liva Maritime & Trade LTD. Date of Revision : Rev. No :

CONFIDENTAL Date of Issue : !. ".# %a&e No : 69 $



T5e fo88oAin& 7riteria Aere used in t5e -5i6 -e7urity Assessment A5en deve8o6in& t5is %8an: 1ou 7an find t5e -5i6 -e7urity Assessment Re6ort and On Qs7ene se7urity survey re6ort a668ied at 5ere;atta75ed do7uments.

POTENTIAL THREATS AND VULNERABILITIES S2I8/T<98 @C S729 : GE@D M. BO1 Q !F@J$ M . EN C 0ENERAL CAR0O P7<>204= C74;4018;2>120> Free >ooard : ".! m. 0ross Ton : #!ED De6t5 : J.F m.

O98;412@54= C74;4018;2>120> L)'A MARITIME & TRADE LTD. O T5e 7om6anyMs maNor >usiness is 7ar&o tran6ort at sea. F=46 S1418 J T,E RE%2BLIC OF T2R+E1 N412@54=21< @C C;8B J T.C. V@<468 P4118;5 IA8512C<256 9@185124==< 72678; ;2>F 9@;1>/>84 4;84> -5i6Ms main route is B8a7? -ea and Mediteranean 6orts. P@185124= T7;841> In s5i6Ms trade area 6otentia8 t5reats 7onsidered asI smu&&8in&@ stoAaAays and in some 6orts terrorists. P@185124= V:=58;4D2=2128> LoA free>oard 7onsidered as vu8nera>i8ity. D418 @C A>>8>>?851 F!. $.# $

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