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Art, Man, and Society

(Reaction Paper)

Submitted to: Prof. Zenaida Hipolito Submitted by: Michellin Ann Gutierre !S!A " #$H year

The Miracle Worker

This play, The Miracle Worker, is set in the 1880s. It follows the Keller family and their stru les with their dau hter !elen, who is deaf, mute and dum"# and $nne %ulli&an, a youn teacher. Cast of Characters: 'elow are the lists of characters on The Miracle Worker. Helen Keller (!allie Kate )isen"er * a si+,and,a, half year old dau hter of Kate and $rthur who is left deaf and "lind after a serious illness as an infant. -espite her handicaps, she.s a irl of e+ceptional intellect and cle&erness. Anne Sullivan ($lison )lliot* she is a &ery kind and hard,workin o&erness. The miracle worker to which the title of the play refers.

Captain Arthur Keller (-a&id %tratham* a hearty entleman in his forties. !e is a newspaper pu"lisher who possesses much power, "oth in the "usiness world and in his own home. /othin is done and no decisions are made in the Keller household without his consent. Kate Keller (Kate 0reenhouse* a youn entlewoman with a sweet irlish face. %he is patient and entle with !elen. James Keller (1uca 'lack* 2aptain Keller3s son from a pre&ious marria e, he.s an indolent youn man. !e is often flippant and sarcastic, lar ely due to his inner turmoil. !e helped $nnie to pro&e to 2aptain Keller that she is a capa"le teacher. Aunt EV (4atricia 0a e* a "eni n &isitor who ser&es as a catalyst for the Keller3s first contact with the 4erkins Institute. %he.s a talkati&e woman who often tries to "e helpful, "ut who can "e a "it intrusi&e.

Percy (Ke&in -uhaney* is a youn $frican, $merican child who seems to "e a "it older than Martha. Martha (%tephanie %ams* a youn $frican, $merican child, she is playful and curious, and can also "e a "it "ossy, especially with 4ercy. Viney (5ackie 6ichardson* an $frican,$merican woman and a ser&ant in char e of the daily housework and meals in the Keller household. %he is cheerful, practical, and &ery adept at her 7o". Jimmie (1iam 6o"inson* $nnie3s dead youn er "rother and the stron est of all the offsta e &oices. Anagnos , a stocky "earded man, he is $nnie3s counselor at the 4erkins Institution for the 'lind. !e places $nnie in the Keller3s home as a o&erness for !elen.

Reaction I can say that the mo&ie entitled 8Miracle Worker9 ser&es as a memento that there are thin s we "elie&ed to "e impossi"le, "ut "ecame possi"le "ecause we e+erted sufficient perse&erance into it. I salute the passion and commitment of $nnie %ulli&an to tutor a deaf, mute and "lind child in the person of !elen Keller. $nnie %ulli&an is 7ust one out of many teachers out there who ha&e i&en their life to "ecome catalyst for well :rounded de&elopment of the differently a"le children. -urin the moments I watched the mo&ie, I really asked myself if it is still possi"le for a person to learn if he;she has multiple sensory impairments such as the defects of the si ht, hearin , and speakin . I definitely reali<ed that e&en if the senses were impaired and not the mind, there would still "e a possi"ility to learn the same way like those with normal sensory functionin if there is a colla"orati&e support from the community, home, and school. I a ree what $nnie %ulli&an said, 81an ua e is more important to the mind than li ht

is to the eye9. This mo&ie is the most that captured my heart as well my mind. It was touchin mo&ie I ne&er watched any mo&ie that captured my attention, e+citement, e&ery time I watched the scenes. What $nnie %ulli&an showed in the mo&ie is e+ample of a teacher who has i&en their life to "ecome catalyst for well :rounded de&elopment of the differently a"le children. I salute $nnie for her determination to teach !elen and she understands how difficult it is for !elen to do thin s and to cope with the defects she has. $fter I watched the mo&ie, I thou ht it was created story "y director until I saw the picture of true !elen and her teacher $nnie %ulli&an it was True to life story. It was &ery nice mo&ie I will ne&er for et this mo&ie "ecause it tau ht me much a ood lesson. Conclusion Recommen!ation The central issue of the Miracle Worker was Miss %ulli&an teachin !elen a si n lan ua e. When she tau ht !elen for the first time, it was difficult for her "ut she still pursues to teach !elen. $fter weeks

of practices, !elen successfully learned &ery much, can now communicate and the time passed "y she also successfully raduated from colle e. I recommend all students and teachers to watch this mo&ie 8The Miracle Worker9 "ecause it tells the relationship "etween the student and teacher. $ sym"iotic relationship is a relationship "etween two entities which is mutually "eneficial for the participants of the relationship. $s we o"ser&e, !elen Keller learned a lot from $nnie %ulli&an and the latter also learned a lot from the former. If I relate it to the real life teachin situations that I soon to "e e+perienced, I can say that the mo&ie is a "i help especially in tellin that the teacher : student relationship creates a more effecti&e teachin strate y if there is a 8 i&e and take9 or 8sym"iotic connection9 wherein the teacher is open to learn from the student and the student is also willin to learn from the teacher.

New Yorker in Tondo

/ew =orker in Tondo is a story of a irl named Kikay who went to /ew =ork to study !air 2ulture and 'eauty %cience. >pon oin home after a year, she ac?uires all the /ew =orkish thin s like style, lan ua e, looks and manner. %he e&en influenced her mother with her way of li&in . Cast of Characters: 'elow are the lists of characters on /ew =orker in Tondo. Aling Atang , mother of Kikay, has "een carried away "y her dau hter3s way of li&in . %he tries to con&erse with e&ery"ody in "roken )n lish. "ony , childhood sweetheart of Kikay, decides to &isit and catch thin s up with her friend. !e is a

simple uy who ot secretly en a ed with their other childhood friend, /ena. #ena , is a tom"oyish type of irl. @n her &isit in Kikay.s house, she finds her friend different and weird. %he ets irritated and e&en imitates Kikay.s ways. "otoy , the Tondo Acanto "oyA is their other friend who is funny and has a secret lo&e for /enan which has only "een re&ealed when the two females Reaction The con&entional play entitled 8/ew =orker in Tondo9 was performed "y the students in different courses of $212 2olle e Ta ui . When the play started in the first scene it was confusin part "ecause you cannot ima ine what the story all a"out. It was nice how the students played

"y their respecti&e role "ut ?uite ood "ecause there &oice is too low we cannot here from the audience. Conclusion Recommen!ation I su est make it serious they must know how to capture the attention of the audience throu h their clear messa e in order to understand what are they sayin . They must practice their &oice a little "it louder so that the audience can understand what the story is all a"out. @ne thin that made me interestin when secret lo&e of the characters in the story is re&ealed. $nd the two pairs end up in each other.s arms. Kikay is "ack to her old self ,, simple and kind. Most of all, the Bilipino &alue learned "y the prota onist which is Athere is no place like homeA, is a lesson on lo&e of country and its culture.

Why Women Wash the Dishes

The story of .Why Women Wash -ishes. is "ased on a couple who fi ht o&er washin of dishes. They decide for endin up this ?uarrel and decide that whoe&er speaks first will wash the dishes. In this condition, the wife loses and the hus"and wins. Cast of Characters: Ka ugong : hus"and of ka maldan Ka mal!ang : wife of ka u on Hugo $mel!a #eigh%ors

Reaction The students who played the story 8Why Women wash the dishes9 act perfect "y the "est actors and actress on role of ka u on , ka maldan , nei h"ors, and specially who played the role of !u o he did the "est act in the scene. $nother thin , the characters were funny and it emphasi<es sense of humor. The story made me interestin and it has happy endin . )&ery scene, I lau hed so hi h "ecause how they act the role it felt me happy until the end of the story.

Conclusion Recommen!ation The story made interestin "ecause the reason that why they should ar ue to themsel&es in terms of the dishes. In reality, washin dishes was 7ust a minor pro"lem of a hus"and and wife. Bault : findin s, countin each contri"utions and complaints are one the reason why two couple ar ue results into separation, if not properly settled. It has a moral lesson that a couple should understand it doesn3t important how many your work the matter your helpin each other as a couple. The students played perfect as their respecti&e role o&erall impact on their sta e play %$TI%BI)-.

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