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Dear God, Thanks for the Husband Scientific Prayer for Finding Love By London Tracy

Smashwords Edition / Copyri ht !"#$ London Tracy

%&& 'i hts 'eser(ed) *o part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, raphic, e&ectronic, or mechanica&, inc&udin photocopyin , recordin , tapin or by any information stora e retrie(a& system without the written permission of the pub&isher e+cept in the case of brief ,uotations embodied in critica& artic&es and re(iews) &ondontracy$$-yahoo)com twitter -&ondontracy$$ &ondontracy)wordpress)com How My Intention to Find Love, Led to True Love .t a&& be an o(er a cup of coffee at my nei hborhood caf/) 0y friend asked me, curious&y, 12hy do we set oa&s and intentions for e(erythin but &o(e31 . thou ht about what she said and rea&i4ed she was ri ht) 2hy is that3 . thou ht, then said, 1. think it5s because we be&ie(e that &o(e is somethin that is 6ust supposed to happen) But does that mean we can5t p&ay a contributin ro&e in it happenin 31 . asked rhetorica&&y) 17f course, we can,1 . said) 1.5m oin to set an intention with a tar et date to fa&& head8first in &o(e within 9:; days from today)1

1<ou can5t do that,1 my friend insisted) 17f course, . can, and .5m oin to do it)1 1How3 How are you oin to do it31 1.5m oin to post my profi&e on se(era& datin websites, p&an to date once a week, and . promise you, . wi&& be mad&y in &o(e by my tar et date)1 1But you can5t make &o(e happen,1 my friend protested) 1Sure . can, if . date enou h peop&e)1 . set this intention to fa&& head8first in &o(e on September !:, !""=) . specified head8first in &o(e, because . wasn5t ta&kin about 6ust fa&&in in &o(e) 7h, no) . wanted to fa&& so mad&y in &o(e, . wou&dn5t be ab&e to see strai ht) That5s the kind of &o(e . was ta&kin about) The ood kind) The kind that takes your breath away) <eah, that kind) So . a(e myse&f 9:; days to find this wonderfu& sou&) . posted my profi&e on Tan owire)com, 0atch)com, >&entyoffish)com, Sin &esnet)com, and Crai s&ist)com) 2hy so many3 Because . was SE'.7?S) . was a serious woman on a serious mission and besides, . on&y had 9:; days) . had to et busy if . was oin to find the kind of &o(e . wanted) . knew that . wou&d probab&y ha(e to kiss a &ot of fro s) But uess what3 . was wron ) . on&y had to kiss one before . found The One) The second person . met was the ma ic . sou ht) 2e met on the !"th of *o(ember, !""= and . can say without hesitation, from the bottom of my heart and sou& that . am head8first mad&y in &o(e 6ust as . p&anned) Thou h . knew it wou&d

happen, . didn5t e+pect it to happen so soon, but .5m so &ad it did) 0y intention to find &o(e brou ht me more than . ima ined) 0y head spins e(en as . write these (ery words) <ou can ima ine the &ook on my friend5s face when . shared with her that not on&y had . found the &o(e that . sou ht, but that it happened in &ess than three months, nine months short of my tar et date) She was in shock, but she was a&so inspired and fina&&y . was i(en credit for knowin a &itt&e somethin about the power of intention) 0y rep&y to her was, 1. to&d you that you can p&an &o(e)1 . attribute my success to three princip&es@ A#B Settin a tar et date, settin an intention to fa&& in &o(e by a certain date) <ou see, settin a tar et date compe&s you to take action) A!B Ha(in a serious action p&an to make it happen) . didn5t 6ust say . wanted to fa&& in &o(e by September !:, !"#", or . wou&d &ike to fa&& in &o(e by September !:, !"#") . stated firm&y that . 2%S G7.*G to fa&& head8first in &o(e by September !:, !"#", and . had a serious strate y for makin it happen) A9B Ha(in the be&ief that it was possib&e) AIf you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, "Be uprooted and planted in the sea," and it ill obey you!Lu"e #$%&B) 2hy was . so sure that . wou&d find someone wonderfu& in 9:; days3 Because of my kick8butt action p&an) . knew it was impossib&e to post my profi&e on se(era& on&ine datin websites and o on numerous dates o(er and o(er a ain in a year5s period of

time and not meet anyone reat) . knew it as sure&y as . trusted that ni ht wou&d fa&& e(ery e(enin ) A$B Dai&y Scientific >rayer) 7nce a day, e(ery day, . wou&d i(e thanks to God in ad(ance, o(er and o(er a ain for iftin me with a wonderfu& &o(e re&ationship) This wonderfu& e+perience tau ht me about the power of intention) %nd then, there5s somethin e&se) %nd pay attention because this is so important) The on&y reason why anyone doesn5t ha(e the thin that they most desire is because they ha(e i(en up hope and are no &on er in pursuit of it) .f they are in pursuit of it, you can be&ie(e it5s on its way) Trivia 'uestion% (hat do you thin" of a man ho says he hates being single, can)t ait to get married and have a family again, but yet, hasn)t dated in t o years* +re you ready for the ans er* I actually as good friends ith such a person, The ans er is simple, Though he says he ants these things, he doesn)t believe that it is possible, so hy bother* The moral of the story is this% I ill "no hat you believe by hat you do, Cor those of you out there &ookin for &o(e) . ha(e ood news) True &o(e is a&so &ookin for you) So, come out sometime so it can find you)

"I ill "no

hat you believe by hat you do, DLondon Tracy

7ther Tit&es by London Tracy The Female Se-, the .epression /ure 0ust for Ladies 1our Life Story /ould Be a Best Seller Contents 2hat .s Scientific >rayer Chapter # Success Be ins with an .ntention Chapter ! Cue&in the Cire for Cindin Lo(e Chapter 9 >reparin to ?se Scientific >rayer Chapter $ %pp&ication >rincip&es for Scientific >rayer Chapter ; 0ore Techni,ues for Scientific >rayer Chapter : The >ower of Secrecy Chapter E The >erfect Date

Chapter F Scientific >rayers for Cindin Lo(e 2hat is Scientific >rayer3 "+nd so I tell you, "eep on as"ing, and you ill receive hat you as" for, 2eep on see"ing, and you ill find, 2eep on "noc"ing, and the door ill be opened to you"!Lu"e ##%3) The secret to effecti(e prayer is to praise God and i(e thanks beforehand) Thank him first and recei(e second) Scientific >rayer differs from traditiona& prayer because it is not askin or petitionin for God5s he&p or fa(or) 'ather, Scientific >rayer is affirmin in ad(ance what is wanted or needed, rather than affirmin what is) % ood e+amp&e wou&d be a traditiona& prayer for a 6ob where the prayee wou&d ask, be and maybe e(en bar ain with God for that prayer to be answered) Cor instance, 1p&ease i(e me a 6ob so that . can pay my bi&&s1 is a reat e+amp&e of a traditiona& prayer) This kind of prayer creates a fee&in of he&p&essness, fear and, more important&y, it doesn5t fee& ood) This kind of prayer usua&&y pro(es to be ineffecti(e as we&&) 7n the other hand, Scientific >rayer says, 1. a&ready ha(e that 6ob, and . am so ratefu& for it)1 .n addition, this kind of prayer fee&s ood and creates a fee&in of power and confidence and pro(es to be more effecti(e than the traditiona& prayer) Scientific >rayer can a&so be described as usin the power of your words, thou hts and ima es to transform your &ife into somethin ma nificent) 2hen we use Scientific >rayer, we are usin positi(e statements of truth and thanks i(in to speak to God)

Gesus, our reatest teacher, uided us in the use of Scientific >rayer when he said, "So I tell you, hatever you as" for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it ill be yours" A0ark ##@!$B) 2hi&e situations may not a&ways work out the way that we wou&d &ike, re ard&ess of what type of prayer techni,ue we practice, we can know with assurance that Scientific >rayer, whether spoken in si&ence, out &oud or in writin wi&& a&ways pro(e more effecti(e than any other type of prayer) 2ith Scientific >rayer, you can be in each day with a positi(e mind set by recitin somethin a&on the &ines of, ".ear 4od, than" 1ou for my onderful romantic partner ho adores me," By usin this positi(e approach in our prayers, we can (isua&i4e and p&an for the future with faith that the power of God is continua&&y b&essin our &i(es with un&imited possibi&ities) Scientific >rayer &eads to an awakenin of our spiritua& se&(es) .n faith, we pray i(in thanks in ad(ance that God is meetin our needs in ways that are best for us) .n &o(e, God responds to those prayers, e(en before we ha(e spoken them, by pro(idin us with the di(ine ideas necessary to uide us to a&& that we need to &i(e &ife fu&&y, 6oyfu&&y and peacefu&&y) Chapter # Success Be ins with an .ntention "1ou ill see the results only if you "no hat they loo" li"e,"

So that there is no misunderstandin in 6ust how successfu& you wi&& be in your ,uest for findin &o(e, you

are oin to set some intentions and oa&s) %nd before you can achie(e that specific oa& of findin &o(e, you ha(e to first de(e&op new habits, be&iefs, and thou hts) This process is about &earnin how to pray effecti(e&y by chan in your thou hts, be&iefs, and habits, which wi&& ine(itab&y &ead you to findin &o(e) 2hen you make chan es interna&&y, you wi&& see chan es e+terna&&y) Let5s think about the person who you wou&d need to become in order to find a &ife partner) 2hat habits or beha(iors wou&d you need to de(e&op3 2hat habits and beha(iors wou&d you need to surrender3 Let it stir around in your head a &itt&e, and rea&&y i(e it some thou ht) *ow, &et5s &ist the habits you wou&d &ike to de(e&op in this 9"8 day pro ram) To he&p you et started, . wi&& share with you some of the habits . set out to adopt and e(entua&&y, (ictorious&y de(e&oped) Here they are@ A#B Cirst, . needed to be&ie(e that it was possib&e for me to find &o(e) 0y hope needed to be restored) A!B . needed to create a p&an of action, a strate y for findin &o(e) A9B Because . was such a homebody, . needed to make p&ans to be in(o&(ed in some socia& e(ent re u&ar&y) A$B . needed to et into the habit of dressin as if . p&anned to meet someone) So instead of wearin my sweat pants and runnin shoes, . made a conscious decision to a&ways wear somethin a &itt&e nicer before &ea(in home)

A;B . needed to be open to meetin a&& different types of peop&e and not 6ust the types of peop&e that . may ha(e dated in the past, but a&& kinds of peop&eHperiod) These are 6ust a few of the beha(iors that . set out to de(e&op and successfu&&y achie(ed) . knew that if . succeeded at de(e&opin these habits, . cou&d consider myse&f a hu e success because these beha(iors were forei n to me when . first be an my 6ourney) So when these habits became the essence of who . am today, . knew . had succeeded) . had become a different person, and . had a new &o(e in my &ife to pro(e it) *ow it5s your turn) 0ake a &ist of some of the habits and/or beha(iors you wou&d &ike to de(e&op o(er the ne+t 9" days) 2rite as many as you desire) Think of beha(iors that wou&d shock anyone who knew you) 7n&y you know what it wi&& take to achie(e your oa&s) Create your &ist now) *ow it5s time to set an intention and a tar et date) Let5s be in with the intention) 2hat e+act&y are you &ookin for31 .s it your intention to find a boyfriend3 % wife3 To fa&& mad&y in &o(e3 Be (ery specific) .f you set an intention to find 6ust a boyfriend, that is e+act&y what you mi ht find) Gust a boyfriend) *ow &et5s discuss your tar et date) How much time are you oin to i(e yourse&f to find this specia& person3 Si+ months3 *ine months3 Two years3 Think about your time&ine) This is (ery important because your tar et date wi&& thrust you into action) So, now that you ha(e i(en thou ht to the type of re&ationship you desire and your time&ine, you are ready to take down some important information)

2hat specifica&&y is the type of re&ationship you seek3 .s it a spouse, a tra(e& companion, a ood friend3 Be as detai&ed as you &ike) 2hat is your tar et date3 .s it ne+t Christmas3 Ia&entine5s Day3 <our birthday3 *ow it5s time to create a 1Datin %ction >&an1 Aand this is importantB that inc&udes a (ariety of ways for meetin new peop&e) To he&p you et started, . ha(e &isted se(era& a(enues@ 88Ha(e your friends introduce you to other sin &es) 88Enro&& in a c&ass of interest where there wi&& be &ots of men 7' women) 88Goin a book c&ub where you5re &ike&y to meet men 7' women) 88Goin a socia& roup of your choice at www)meetup)com) 88Take a sin &es cruise) 88Io&unteer for a cause that you care about) 88Host a free seminar Aon any topicB at your &oca& pub&ic &ibrary, in(itin men and/or women to attend) Be sure to offer free coffee and oodies to sweeten the dea&) Cina&&y, on&ine datin has become e+ceptiona&&y popu&ar these days) % few websites to start you on your 6ourney are@ 0atch)com, Tan owire)com, >&enty of Cish A>7C)comBAfreeB, and Crais&ist)or AfreeB)

7b(ious&y, the more you take ad(anta e of these methods, the more &ike&y you are to meet someone) <our &e(e& of acti(ity reat&y inf&uences who you connect with, so the best ad(ice is to et out there a &otJ <ou see, your 1Datin %ction >&an1 inspires you to be&ie(e that what you desire is possib&e and where there is be&ief, there is ma ic) 88Beha(e &ike what you want is possib&eK 88Speak &ike what you want is possib&eK 88Take action &ike what you want is possib&eK 88Trust that God wi&& i(e you what you wantK and 88<ou wi&& be&ie(e that what you want is possib&e) Define your 1Datin %ction >&an1 here@ How wi&& you meet other sin &es3 .f you5re p&annin to meet on&ine, which websites wi&& you fre,uent3 How often wi&& you date3 7nce a week3 Twice a week3 7nce a month3 % ain, what is your tar et date3 Gust the (ery act of statin your intention and settin a tar et date sets the sta e for i antic success) Chan e your beha(ior, and success wi&& fo&&ow) That . know for sure)

Chapter ! Cue&in the Cire for Cindin Lo(e .f there is anythin you want, a&& you need to do is@ 88Lo(e it in prayerK 88En6oy it in prayerK 88B&ess it in prayerK 88Be thankfu& for it in prayerK 88>raise it in prayer) .n order to &earn to pray effecti(e&y, it he&ps to c&arify e+act&y why you want what you want) 2hen you think about why you want to find &o(e, you de&(e into the depths of who you are, and what5s important to you) 2hy you desire somethin spe&&s out the essence of what you tru&y want) *ow it5s time to et c&ear about why it is you desire to find &o(e) But before you be in makin your &ist of the reasons you most want to find &o(e, &et5s first ta&k about 6ust how wonderfu& you are now) TodayJ 'esearch has pro(en time and time a ain, that peop&e who rea&&y &ike who they are, are more &ike&y to achie(e their oa&s) Before you can become better in any (enture, you first ha(e to rea&i4e that you are okay ri ht now) So, &et5s ta&k about who you are, and why you are wonderfu& 6ust the way you are) .n the fo&&owin e+ercise, . am oin to ask you to name one person whom you tru&y admire) .f you are a

woman, it shou&d be a woman, and if you are a man, it shou&d be a man) %fter writin down his or her name, . am oin to ask you to name three reasons why you admire this person) ?se three ad6ecti(es to describe this person) The person . most admire is LFill in the blan"M) . admire this person because Ahe/sheB is LFill in the blan"M) Did you do it3 Did you &ist three different ad6ecti(es, describin this person3 Before oin any further, you ha(e to &ist those ad6ecti(es) %re you done3 7kay, now, &et5s ana&y4e your answers) <ou admire this person because you see yourse&f in this person) <ou are e(erythin that you admire) .f you see reatness in others, then it is your own reatness that you are seein ) .f you did not possess those characteristics, you wou&d not be so charmed by them) So for those of you who ha(e a hard time seein the ood in yourse&f, . enab&ed you to see for yourse&f 6ust how wonderfu& you tru&y are, ri ht now) *ow it5s time to add more fire to your f&ame) List fi(e or more thin s that you &ike about yourse&f) To repeat myse&f Awhich . actua&&y do a &otB, the reason for this e+ercise is to remind you of 6ust how wonderfu& you are ri ht now) Sure, findin &o(e wi&& be a reat accomp&ishment, but it does not define the tota& you)

*ow it5s time to &ist the reasons why you desire to find &o(e) <ou desire to find &o(e because in doin so@ %&& you need are fi(e ood reasons) %ctua&&y, a&& you need is one ood reason, but it doesn5t hurt to ha(e more) *ow that you are c&ear about why it is you want what you want, you can continue on, which wi&& enab&e you to menta&&y train yourse&f to take the necessary actions re,uired to find &o(e) Chapter 9 >reparin to ?se Scientific >rayer "1ou can)t ma"e one change ithout affecting other changes," "1ou can)t ma"e one change ithout affecting other changes," "1ou can)t ma"e one change ithout affecting other changes," 7opsJ Did . say that three times3 2hen you chan e one thin , other chan es are sure to fo&&ow) So in this chapter, you are oin to make some chan es in your beha(iors, which wi&& seemin &y ha(e nothin to do with findin &o(e) Howe(er sma&&, these successes wi&& ricochet into other areas of your &ife) So &et5s be in) A#B The first thin on the &ist is your &i(in en(ironment, which cou&d a&so inc&ude your work area

and your car) .f you reside in a c&ean and or ani4ed &i(in area, you are a&ready where you need to be) Howe(er, if not, it5s time to et or ani4ed and do some c&eanin ) . know that you are probab&y sayin , 12hat does a c&ean house ha(e to do with findin &o(e31 Everything! This one physica& act estab&ishes your commitment to chan in and mo(in forward) % c&ean house has a &ot to do with e(erythin when you are oin from one kind of person to another, oin from thinkin about yourse&f in a ne ati(e way, to thinkin about yourse&f in a positi(e &i ht) 2e are a&& creatures of habit, and we associate ne ati(e fee&in s with certain conditions) 2ho isn5t b&essed by a c&ean &i(in en(ironment3 [And while you're at it, why not purchase a new roo! and a new !op") . once read about a psycho&o ist who wou&d not meet with patients unti& they first a reed to c&ean their &i(in en(ironment beforehand) *ot on&y wi&& a c&ean and or ani4ed en(ironment make you fee& ood, but you wi&& ha(e opened the uni(ersa& door, i(in rise to more ood fee&in s and positi(e ener y comin your way) %nd the better you fee& about your en(ironment, the better you wi&& fee& about yourse&f) <ou don5t ha(e to c&ean and or ani4e e(erythin at once) 7ne room a week shou&d work 6ust fine) A!B *ow it5s time to raid your c&oset) E(ery psycho&o ist wi&& te&& you that the better you fee& about yourse&f, the more successfu& you wi&& become in e(ery endea(or) So what wi&& you do in this c&oset3 Cor the time bein , you wi&& &imit your wardrobe to on&y the c&othes that make you fee& ood about yourse&f) That means unf&atterin c&othes or c&othes which are too sma&& or too bi wi&& be put away) <ou do not ha(e to throw these c&othes away) Gust set them aside somewhere) . can5t emphasi4e enou h 6ust how important it is to fee& ood about yourse&f in your ,uest for a new &o(e)

. know you mi ht think that the abo(e two actions are insi nificant to your pro ress, but you wou&d be wron ) These beha(iors wi&& p&ay a hu e factor in your oa& of findin &o(e because you wi&& ha(e a&ready be un a chan e in your state of consciousness) 'emember@ <ou can5t chan e one thin without affectin other chan es) A9B %nd &ast&y, you wi&& script your way to success) <ou wi&& copy the fo&&owin script and post it on your front door, keep a copy in your wa&&et or 6ourna&, where(er, 6ust so &on as you remember to recite it dai&y) The more positi(e messa es you send to yourse&f, the more you5&& want to do what5s needed to find &o(e@ I o"e up in such a great mood today, 5verything seems to be going my ay, +s I sho ered this morning, I feel li"e a ma6or blessing has been besto ed upon me ith the onderful ne soul in my life, I never dreamed that I ould be this much in love ith someone ho loves me 6ust as much, or maybe even more, Life is s eet7 Scriptin your way to success is an e+treme&y forcefu& too& for chan e) % number of bestse&&in books, such as The +ttractor Factor by Goe Iita&e and 5-cuse 8e, 1our Life Is (aiting by the &ate Lynn Grabhorn ha(e hai&ed it as the u&timate source for chan e) Chapter $ >racticin Scientific >rayer God has pro(ided for us our most precious needs, and if we shou&d &ack anythin , it is on&y because we ha(e fai&ed to set our prayers to his ears) 2e can ha(e anythin we desire if we are first wi&&in to pay the price of dai&y and consistent prayer)

"Tell me ho I should pray," A>ray without ceasin NThessa&onians ;@#:B) There are many e&ements in(o&(ed in ha(in a successfu& prayer &ife) %&thou h Scientific >rayer can be used for many wishes and dreams, for a&& intent and purposes, this book wi&& focus e+c&usi(e&y on uti&i4in prayer to find a meanin fu& &o(e re&ationship) 2e a&& ha(e certain be&iefs and beha(iors that run our &i(es) 2hen you be in the practice of Scientific >rayer, you wi&& actua&&y a&ter some of those be&iefs and beha(iors, which wi&& aid you in brin in the thin s you desire into e+istence with God5s he&p) %nd the process is as simp&e as one mi ht think, once you know how) There are four princip&es that shape our dai&y e+periences, a&& of which can be a&tered with effecti(e Scientific >rayer) The first of these are be&iefs) 2e a&& &i(e with a set of be&iefs that shape our &i(es Ae,g, if you)re still single at 9:, you)re out of the gameB) Some of your be&iefs are empowerin , but others are not) Scientific >rayer works in accordance with your be&iefs) .f you be&ie(e it5s a stru &e to find a wonderfu& &o(e re&ationship, that is the e+perience you wi&& create for yourse&f) .f you be&ie(e it can be easy and 6oyfu&, that is what you wi&& create) Throu h this pro ram, it may be necessary to disempower certain be&iefs, which may be workin a ainst you) The second princip&e which shapes our &i(es is the ima es that we brin to mind throu hout the day) . used to be obsessed with p&ayin out in my mind the worst case scenario) 2hy did . do that3 . think . did it as a way of preparin myse&f for the future, but &itt&e did . know, .

was actua&&y desi nin my future) This is not to say that e(erythin you ima ine wi&& actua&&y come to pass) Howe(er, ima inin somethin does contribute to the process of he&pin you to be&ie(e that what you desire is indeed possib&e) The third princip&e is our thou ht process) %nd this is a tricky one) .f you are fami&iar with the book tit&ed The Po er of ;o by Eckhart To&&e, you wi&& be fami&iar with how our minds are most&y focused on memories, or the future) %nd that wou&dn5t be a bad thin e+cept for the fact that most of the memories are se&f defeatin , which we seem power&ess to a(oid rep&ayin o(er and o(er in our minds) Then you ha(e the future) Don5t you &o(e to think about the worst case scenario3 The truth of the matter is that no one contro&s each and e(ery thou ht a&& the time) How cou&d we3 <our oa& is not to contro& a&& of your thou hts, which is impossib&e) But your oa& is, to contro& some of them as often as you can) .f you are serious about puttin Scientific >rayer into practice, you wi&& want to pre8se&ect some of the thou hts, which you wish to ha(e circu&atin in your mind e(ery day) The fourth and fina& princip&e which makes the difference in how successfu& you wi&& be in your efforts to findin &o(e, is purposefu& actions) >urposefu& and concentrated actions are the steps you take in accomp&ishin your oa&s after you ha(e made your wishes known to God) <ou i(e thou ht to the type of person you wou&d &ike to ha(e in your &ife, send out your prayers of thanks i(in to God, then take purposefu& actions that wi&& mo(e you in that direction, and then, and on&y then, wi&& your actions be that much more successfu&) The Po er Prayer

The >ower >rayer is the essence of Scientific >rayer) .t5s your constant connection between you and God) The >ower >rayer is your reatest opportunity to share with God how much faith you ha(e in him by offerin him praise and thanks i(in in ad(ance of anythin you mi ht desire) Be&ow you wi&& find fi(e A;B different prayers to choose) Choose one of the fi(e prayers or e(en a&& fi(e if you &ike, and make it your >ower >rayer) <ou wi&& recite it whene(er you can, as much as you can, when you are stuck in traffic, waitin in &ine or any time you think of it) This is Scientific >rayer at its finest) >ower >rayers AChoose one of the fi(eB@ #) Thank you God for a&& the &o(e that comes into my &ife e(ery day) !) 2ith praise and thanks i(in , . i(e thanks for my wonderfu& new husband) 9) Thank you God for makin my dreams come true) $) 2ith 6oy in my heart, . i(e thanks for my sweetheart) ;) . i(e thanks for my boyfriend who adores me) 7f course, you can a&ways create your own) The point is to i(e praise to God each and e(ery day, a&& throu hout the day) .f you e+perience difficu&ty rememberin to recite your prayer, don5t hesitate to wear a rubber band or ribbon around your wrist to 6ar your memory) . say, whate(er works, o for itJ

. know this constant recitin wi&& seem &ike a &ot of work in the be innin , but as &on as you keep at it, it wi&& become easier and easier and be as habitua& as breathin ) %nd . do speak from e+perience) .n a nutshe&&, the essence of Scientific >rayer is so simp&e@ Thank God o(er and o(er, each and e(ery day for what you desire, and be&ie(e that he wi&& hear you) . ca&& it the one minute prayer, which some mi ht refer to as a prayer ritua&) The 7ne80inute >rayer <our one8minute prayer is your time to choose a desi nated time to connect with God with your words and ima es) Choose a mornin or e(enin time for your practice, and based on the prayer of your choice, thank God o(er and o(er for one minute whi&e at the same time, choosin an ima e that corre&ates with that prayer) <ou then ho&d that ima e firm&y in your mind unti& you be in to be&ie(e) .n no time at a&&, this practice wi&& become second nature to you) Before . met my sweetheart, . wou&d (isua&i4e a man smotherin me with kisses as . recited my power prayer) Cunny thin is, the man that . e(entua&&y connected with is a rea& affectionate, and kisses me a&& the time) 2ho knew3 Chapter ; 0ore Techni,ues for Scientific >rayer ";obody gets the medal for doing hat they)re supposed to do,"

0y nei hbor made that comment to me many years a o, and it a&ways stuck with me because it was powered with a punch) %t the time, . didn5t know it, but she was abso&ute&y ri ht) Think about the peop&e you admire the most, top ath&etes, performers, authorsDthey stand out not because they do what you e+pect of them, but because they do what you don5t e+pect) So what does a&& of this ha(e to do with the more techni,ues for Scientific >rayer3 This chapter is what some mi ht ca&& bonus materia&, which inc&udes uni,ue and cha&&en in beha(iors that are sure to 6ump start the powerfu& force inside you) E(en if you did not fo&&ow any of the su estions in this chapter, you wou&d sti&& be successfu& with your oa& of findin &o(e) Howe(er, you wou&d be missin out on a &ot of fun and e(en reater success) .f you are as e+cited and as dri(en as . was, you wi&& we&come this chapter and its uni,ue e+ercises) They are what . ca&& e+tra credit) . ha(e a&ways been an e+treme&y dri(en person, and whene(er . find myse&f interested in anythin , . a&ways o way out) . ha(e to know e(erythin , especia&&y if it means bi , bi success) Cor those of you interested, here are a &ist of se(era& actions you are we&come to take ad(anta e of throu hout the 9"8day period, or e(en &on er if you &ike@ *owH Let the fun be inJ A#B #undays Are Fun $ays) 7nce a week, Sunday, if you &ike, or any day of your choosin throu hout this 9"8day period, you are oin to do one thin that makes you fee& ood about yourse&f, preferab&y somethin hea&thy) .t cou&d inc&ude a number of thin s) 'emember, success breeds more success) The more you accomp&ish, the better you fee& about yourse&f, and the better you fee& about yourse&f, the more successfu& you wi&& become)

2hen . first ot started, . was not e+ercisin , and . was eatin anythin and e(erythin ) So my Sunday acti(ity was to o to the ym and sit in the steam room and re&a+) Did . e+ercise whi&e . was there3 %bso&ute&y notJ . 6ust wanted to re&a+) %nd that was a&&) That week&y action inspired me in more ways than one) . was doin somethin so&e&y for myse&f and it fe&t reatJ *eed some ideas to et you started3 Sty&e your hair different&yK Get a hair cutK Buy a new pair of earrin s or a new shirtK Take a &on bath whi&e &istenin to musicK Sit in the coffee shop and read a ood bookK 2rite a &o(e &etter to your future &o(eK Ha(e a manicure and pedicureK Do&& yourse&f up whi&e &istenin to dance musicK Cook a romantic dinner 6ust for youK A!B Learn #o!ething %ew) Be&ow you wi&& find a &ist of new acti(ities to strike your fancy@ Learn to swim Learn to meditate Learn yo a Learn to knit Learn to draw Learn a forei n &an ua e Learn >i&ates Learn to sew Learn ca&&i raphy Learn to cook Learn to write Learn hypnosis Learn to sin Learn to act Learn to p&ay a musica& instrument

Learn to dance Learn scrapbookin Learn wei ht trainin 2rite your &ife story 2rite a mo(ie %dopt a do %dopt a cat Io&unteer Take o&f &essons Take up cyc&in Start a home8based business Start a nonprofit or ani4ation Goin a support roup Awww)meetup)comB Goin a church Goin a ym Start a book c&ub Goin a book c&ub Start a 6ourna& Train for a marathon Take an aerobics c&ass Take a 6ewe&ry8makin c&ass A9B &rite a Letter) *ow that you are committed to findin &o(e, there5s no reason you can5t write that wonderfu& &o(e &etter today) Te&& your new8found &o(e how much you appreciate him or her, and most of a&& how much you &o(e them) This acti(ity is actua&&y a &ot of fun) A$B The Mirror Techni'ue) . first &earned of the 0irror Techni,ue from Louise L) Hay, author of 1ou /an <eal 1our Life many years a o) But it wasn5t unti& . heard of it a second time from C&aude Bristo&, author of The 8agic of Believing that . was inspired to put the practice into action) The 0irror Techni,ue is a powerfu& too& for chan e) .t5s a process which entai&s you &ookin into a mirror,

starin deep&y into your eyes, which he&ps you connect with your subconscious mind) .n this moment, you say fi(e or si+ times %L7?D, "I approve of myself" or any other powerfu& statement) The trick is to say it with fee&in ) %nd that5s it) >&ease don5t &et the simp&icity of this e+ercise foo& you about its effecti(eness) Like . ha(e said before and wi&& continue to state, the better you fee& about yourse&f, the more successfu& you wi&& become) %nd that is a promise) These practices are about more than findin &o(e) .t5s about bui&din se&f8esteem and se&f8worth, which wi&& enab&e you to de(e&op positi(e habits and beha(iors) Like anythin e&se, it wi&& take some ettin used to in makin the 0irror Techni,ue a part of your day, but keep at it, day after day) E(entua&&y you wi&& create a dynamic habit which wi&& be with you for many days and successes to come) Cor those of you who mi ht find it difficu&t to remember to recite your affirmations in front of the mirror, . offer the fo&&owin @ Tape a ribbon on your bathroom mirror or ha&& mirror, etc) 2hene(er you see it, you wi&& remember to recite your affirmations) . ha(e a b&ue and white ribbon on my bathroom mirror so . can speak from e+perience) .t works) A;B (ra a )en * )aper) . ha(e to admit@ . am a 6ourna& 6unkie) . ha(e been 6ourna&in since . was #9) 7nce . saw 0arcia Brady write about Da(y Gones in her diary, . knew . had to ha(e one) .n my 6ourna& . used to write about e(erythin , ood and bad, but not so much now) Cor e+amp&e, . ne(er say anythin ne ati(e about my sweetheart or my fami&y) Thou h no one is perfect, if you were to read my 6ourna&, you mi ht think that my sweetheart and fami&y are perfect because . on&y use wonderfu& words when . speak about them) Cor me, 6ourna&in is@

88% destressorK 88% prob&em so&(erK 88% shou&der to cry onK 88% too& for chan eK 88% &ife p&annerK and 88% success tracker) Howe(er, as much as . praise the practice of 6ourna&in , . ha(e to be rea&istic) .t5s not for e(eryone) So with that in mind, if you ha(e tried 6ourna&in in the past and did not en6oy the e+perience, then it5s safe to say 6ourna&in is not for you) But, if you ha(e not tried it in a whi&e or e(er, you owe it to yourse&f to be in keepin a 6ourna& on a re u&ar basis to witness the many rewards) Studies show that peop&e better understand and &earn from their emotions when they write about them) So i(e it a try) <ou mi ht be wonderfu&&y surprised and hooked for &ife) A:B #hower )ower) 0ake your dai&y shower or bath a findin &o(e ritua&) Since this is somethin we a&& do on a re u&ar basis, why not use it to our fu&& ad(anta e3 This is a reat time to recite your )ower Mantra or any other ama4in affirmation) Think about it@ .f e(ery time you showered, you repeated&y recited a powerfu& affirmation for 9:; days, you wou&d be astonished with the triumphant pro rammin and unbe&ie(ab&e resu&ts) %wesomeJ AEB (o #hopping, >ut your faith to the test) To pro(e to yourse&f that you be&ie(e that this specia& person is on his or her way into your &ife, o to a card store, dru store,

what ha(e you, and purchase a romantic card for this indi(idua&, or you can e(en write it yourse&f) Si n it, date it, and post it on your refri erator so that you are reminded dai&y of the specia& &o(e on its way to you now) AFB )lease, +a y, ,ry) 7kay, you mi ht need a drink for what . am about to su est ne+t and p&ease, no hosti&e emai&s) %t this time, you mi ht want to make a pitcher of &emonade or iced tea, somethin de&icious and soothin ) 2hite wine mi ht not be a bad idea) .f you ha(en5t fi+ed that drink yet, now is the time) Let me know when you5re ready) %re you ready3 %re you sure3 7kay, here it is) 'emember, no hosti&e emai&s) This particu&ar techni,ue which . am about to share with you is a wondrous one, which . &earned from my pastor) .t5s a &itt&e radica&, but it is the cornerstone of how Scientific >rayer rea&&y works) Cor this practice, A hich ta"es less than a minuteB you wi&& et into the fee&in p&ace of actua&&y bein in &o(e) <ou do this by si&ent&y or out &oud Aif you ha(e pri(acyB repeated&y demonstratin profound ratitude and 6oy for fina&&y ha(in found &o(e) <ou con6ure up thou hts about your stru &e to find &o(e and you think about fina&&y succeedin , fina&&y achie(in your oa&) <ou say than" you o(er and o(er) %nd then you say I am so grateful to finally be in love o(er and o(er unti& your eyes we&& up with tears) %t that moment, you can be assured that you ha(e transmitted your desire, your wish, your future to the Di(ine) %nd that is a G'E%T thin ) This e+ercise on&y needs to be performed once or twice) %nd that5s it) . used this process to find &o(e, ,uit smokin ,

&ose wei ht, and find an o&d friend) This process rea&&y worksJ .CHyou5re coura eous enou h to try it) .f you choose to participate in the abo(e8mentioned e+ercises, p&ease emai& me and share the 6oy) Chapter : The >ower of Secrecy "Secrecy is Sometimes the 8agic Formula," The power of secrecy has been tau ht for many years by e(ery ma6or re&i ious mo(ement) Time after time, indi(idua&s ha(e been ad(ised to keep their oa&s, wishes and prayers to themse&(es and not te&& a sou&) %nd there is ood reason for this) *ot on&y mi ht your intentions be tainted by other peop&e5s disbe&ief and 6ea&ousies, but you5re ten times more &ike&y to push forward with your endea(ors if you 6ust do it instead of b&abberin about it) 2hy te&& someone what you5re p&annin to do when you can 6ust do it) The truth of the matter is thisDta&kin about somethin reduces the amount of ener y that you ha(e a(ai&ab&e to brin in it into bein ) 2e ha(e a&& e+perienced this 1dissipation of ener y1 at one point or another) Think about a time when you became rea&&y e+cited about achie(in somethin , and you decided to share your p&ans with a friend or co&&ea ue, and then you discussed the sub6ect so much that you were &eft &itt&e enthusiasm to actua&&y pursue the idea any further) .n ta&kin about your p&ans, you weaken your ener y e(en faster) The best approach to take when you are practicin Scientific >rayer is to keep your intentions to yourse&f and (ow to &et the resu&ts of your work speak for themse&(es)

<ou can of course te&& other peop&e how you achie(ed somethin after you ha(e achie(ed it, but unti& that point, you shou&d say nothin ) This wi&& ensure that your ener y remains stron and (ibrant, and it wi&& he&p you to brin forth your desires far faster than you wou&d otherwise) Oeepin your Scientific >rayers secret makes it a reat dea& easier to keep your focus on the task at hand, because you won5t ha(e to think about the e+pectations or obser(ations of other peop&e) Such distractions can se(ere&y interfere with the entire process, and in some cases stop it a&to ether) The power of secrecy shou&d ne(er be underestimated) %&thou h the temptation to share your (ision for the future can be reat, resistin it wi&& enab&e you to et on with the much more important task of makin it a rea&ity) Chapter E The >erfect Date How did b&ind dates et such a bad wrap3 .s it because b&ind dates, by their (ery nature, offer &itt&e promise, or is it that we set our standards too hi h3 2hat if there was a way to uarantee that e(ery date we embarked on wou&d be a uaranteed success3 2e&&, uess what, there is such a way) 7ne of the reasons why b&ind dates ha(e such a ne ati(e connotation is because peop&e are e+pectin too much, too soon) 2hen you think about it, what are the chances of a b&ind date turnin into a &ife8partner3

*ot ood is ri ht) Howe(er, that is what many peop&e e+pect from them) . tried to set my sister up with a coworker and before she e(en had her first cup of coffee with this ent&eman, she was a&ready si4in him up as a potentia& husband) She wanted to know if he had bad credit, what year his car was, did he ha(e any chi&dren, and if so, how many and did they &i(e with him, and did he &i(e in the city of the suburb) %nd most important&y, she needed to know if he had any facia& hair) Cina&&y, . had to stop her, and inform her that she was not marrin this man) .t was simp&y oin to be a meet and reet, with nothin e&se promised) . went on to add that a&& the ,uestions she asked were irre&e(ant because he was not oin to be her husband) . mean, it5s possib&e that they cou&d ha(e hit it off, but with her e+pectations that hi h, it was more than &ike&y not oin to happen) 0y be&ief is that men and women set their e+pectations way too hi h for first meetin s) % more appropriate and effecti(e e+pectation is that you en6oy the con(ersation and perhaps maybe a ood mea&, and/or a reat cup of coffee or bott&e of wine and T<+T IS +LL) The funny thin about on&y e+pectin a reat con(ersation and a ood mea& is that sometimes, somethin ma ica& happens and you do end up with a husband or a wife, but it is not because you e+pected it) .t5s on&y because neither of you e+pected it) That5s simp&y how it is) Here5s my idea) .n preparin for your first date, think of this person as a passen er ne+t to you on an %mtrak train across country) .ma ine that you are in route to the

&o(e of your &ife who happens to be on the other side of the wor&d) This ima inary passen er ne+t to you is 6ust there to keep you company unti& you reach your fina& destination) .t doesn5t matter what he &ooks &ike, or where he &i(es or what he does for a &i(in ) 2hat do you care anyway3 <ou5re on your way to the &o(e of your &ife) He is 6ust there to pass the time) Think of e(ery first date as 6ust someone nice to keep you company unti& you meet the &o(e of your &ife) %nd the more someones that e+ists, the merrier) .f you were to meet nine nice ent&eman before you met the &o(e of your &ife, think about how enriched your &ife wou&d be once you met your husband) <our mission, if you shou&d choose to accept it, is to see how many wonderfu& friends you can meet before you meet your sweetheart) This is how you uarantee a perfect first date) Set your si hts on ood con(ersation, ood food and ood wine) <ou wi&& se&dom be disappointed) Chapter F Thirty Days of Scientific >rayer Thank you prayers are not on&y effecti(e, but they fee& ood as we&&) *ow it5s time to mo(e on to the 9" days of ma ic) .n this chapter, you wi&& be i(en se(era& prayers to write and recite e(eryday for the ne+t 9" days) >rayers are pro(en too&s for connectin with God) Their main oa& is to create powerfu& be&iefs and disempower unwanted ones) %nd for prayers to be effecti(e, they need to fee& ood when you recite them)

The prayers in this chapter were specifica&&y chosen for their fee&8 ood power) <ou are we&come to comp&ete these e+ercises at any time of the day) 0y on&y ad(ice is to perform them when you are fee&in ood and to say them with fee&in ) .f &istenin to your fa(orite music enhances the e+perience whi&e writin or recitin your prayers, then do that) 2ritin the fo&&owin prayers on a dai&y basis wi&& make your 6ourney a 6oy) How nice is that3 Thirty Days of 0a ic Cor the ne+t 9" days, write out the fo&&owin prayers dai&y and then recite them a&oud) PThank you God for a&& the &o(e that comes into my &ife) P. praise God for my boyfriend who adores me) PThank you God for the wonderfu& new person in my &ife) %nd that5s pretty much it) .f you wou&d rather not write out these prayers, that5s okay too) <ou are we&come to recite them each and e(ery day unti& your heart is content) Con ratu&ationsJ Con ratu&ations on your 6ourneyJ

. hope you ha(e en6oyed this materia&, &earned ama4in thin s about yourse&f, and most important&y rea&i4ed 6ust how powerfu& you are) Before c&osin , . want to encoura e you to make Scientific >rayer a permanent part of your &ife, re ard&ess of the different oa&s you mi ht pursue) . assure youDthe rewards wi&& be enormous) ?nti& the ne+t time, 2ishin you more 6oy and more &o(e than you can stand, DLondon Tracy 'ecommended 'eadin Love 1ourself Li"e 1our Life .epends On It by Oama& 'a(ikant ;atural <ighs, Supplements, ;utrition and 8ind=Body Techni>ues to <elping 1ou Feel 4ood +ll the Time by Hy&a Cass Q >atrick Ho&ford 1ou /an <eal 1our Life by Louise Hay A out the Author London Tracy is an author, free&ance writer and screenwriter) She has written for ma a4ines such as (riter)s .igest and Psychology Today, She &i(es in Los %n e&es) <ou can contact her at@ &ondontracy$$-yahoo)com,

twitter -&ondontracy$$ and &ondontracy)wordpress)com

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