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[ ]TheHandyman1 128 points 11 hours ago Mine is "Make You Smile". Really wish that chick would have stayed with Mark and friends. permalink parent [ ]k1d650 28 points 9 hours ago Was she the one in the original recording of 'Not It Isn't' as well? Her voice i s lovely. permalink parent [ ]TheHandyman1 12 points 9 hours ago Where she doesn't come in until the end? Yes. permalink parent [ ]radiowackoman 16 points 9 hours ago She's on the demo for Cliff Diving, as well: nnDfmpw permalink parent [ ]coconutpanda 2 points 7 hours ago Does anyone know who she is? permalink parent [ ]Professor_Plop 8 points 6 hours ago Her name is Carol Heller. That's all I know permalink parent load more comments (2 replies) [ ]tinia_flab 2 points 7 hours ago Carol Heller. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Porkins67 3 points 9 hours ago

This is my favorite video for that song. M0c permalink parent [ ]newtohere123 3 points 8 hours ago I love the drumming on this song permalink parent [ ]Suitcase56 6 points 5 hours ago I love Travis Barker. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (4 replies) [ ]iddothat 70 points 11 hours ago Chapter XIII permalink parent [ ]aR4ndomblackguy 18 points 10 hours ago absolute favorite. im so happy to see this on reddit brought back some pretty aw esome memories. permalink parent [ ]EricSanderson 6 points 7 hours ago Upvotes for everyone down here. Ridiculously good song. That bridge... permalink parent [ ]chapter-xiii 11 points 8 hours ago a la my username. I love that song with everything in me permalink parent [ ]jmm57 15 points 10 hours ago Gotta back Chapter XIII. I loved this album so much. Wish they would have made m ore. The Blink reunion has been....underwhelming permalink

parent load more comments (2 replies) load more comments (3 replies) [ ]SwAgDr 50 points 11 hours ago no it isn't just gets me every time. it's like the adam's song of +44 permalink parent [ ]theorfo 37 points 10 hours ago "Please understand, this isn't just goodbye, this is I can't stand you." Cuts de ep. permalink parent [ ]StrikeAnywherePanda 5 points 7 hours ago Oh god dammit. Now I need to play this album again. I know it's somewhere in my car. permalink parent [ ]theorfo 15 points 7 hours ago Seriously. I'm on my second loop of it on Spotify now. Feels like I'm 16 again.. . permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (1 reply) [ ]ohiocat 4 points 8 hours ago Not my favorite track on the album, but definitely not a bad song of theirs. At the time of its release, I remember hearing some rumors that the song was abo ut the rift between Tom and Mark, but I also remember hearing that that rumor wa s false. The fact that Blink ended up getting back together makes me want to bel ieve it's false. Any idea what influenced this song's lyrics? permalink parent [ ]SwAgDr 8 points 8 hours ago "The track's lyrics largely concern former bandmate Tom DeLonge, and also encomp ass feelings of betrayal by friends and label executives. "No, It Isn't" titled so to avoid press questions on the matter of whether it was about their former ban

dmate" I got that from Wikipedia. I've also heard people say that it was about Tom and the title of the song does hint towards it, but I guess we will never know for s ure. (and as long as blink keeps making music, it doesn't matter to me) permalink parent load more comments (12 replies) [ ]jcom88 6 points 4 hours ago I remember Mark also released the demo version of the song on Tom's birthday. Se ems pretty telling permalink parent [ ]ohiocat 4 points 4 hours ago DAMN!! That settles it then. Great memory, man! permalink parent [ ]Dean_Kuntz 3 points 3 hours ago I point this out every chance I get. :) permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]bitchinkitchin79 9 points 10 hours ago Just letting y'all know I went back and downloaded all of the songs that y'all m entioned... I thought Baby Come on and Make you smile were the only good ones, b oy was I wrong. Thanks Guys! permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Benthew 5 points 10 hours ago No It Isn't is very good too permalink parent load more comments (3 replies) [ ]radiowackoman 6 points 9 hours ago Agreed. I'm so glad I saw them on their first tour, when Travis played with one

arm. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]zamboniman46 6 points 9 hours ago Lillian rules permalink parent [ ]nihoyminioy 5 points 9 hours ago Yep, two other good ones are Weatherman and Little Death ... Little Death makes me realize how small and insignificant I am permalink parent [ ]landon34Pandora 3 points 9 hours ago I loved No It Isn't! permalink parent [ ]genesis-12a 3 points 9 hours ago Agreed. 155, No It Isn't, Baby Come On and Little Death are probably my favourit es. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Salzberger 2 points 8 hours ago 155 is awesome. It's my favourite too. Baby Come On is pretty good too, and the title track too of course. Actually, every fucking song on there. I'd really love another +44 record. permalink parent load more comments (6 replies) [ ]Nerd_vader 35 points 10 hours ago +44 made it to the front page.... today was a good day permalink load more comments (1 reply) [ ]TeamJim 34 points 10 hours ago

TIL Mark Hoppus does not age permalink [ ]TheAtomicBrainFart 16 points 10 hours ago Up until the last few years he didn't. But look at him now. permalink parent [ ]Slaughterhouse451 16 points 7 hours ago He still looks good for a 40 something touring musician. His voice still kicks a ss live and his stage presence is awesome. permalink parent [ ]TheAtomicBrainFart 7 points 7 hours ago True that. permalink parent [ ]Niikavod 4 points 5 hours ago Produces like a mofo too permalink parent [ ]TheAtomicBrainFart 4 points 5 hours ago Yes he does. permalink parent [ ]Rock2MyBeat 3 points 2 hours ago Did you know he plays bass, too? Her has a thing for bands with numbers in them. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Danceswithwood 31 points 10 hours ago Annnnnd I'm a sophomore again. Love this album, wish they had made more permalink [ ]funkyfritos[S] 6 points 10 hours ago right?!

permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]WildcatEmperor 22 points 10 hours ago My opinion is that anything Mark, Tom, or Travis releases is pure gold. But hey, maybe I'm just a biased fan. And to add to this wonderful debate, Baby Come On is probably my favorite +44 so ng. edit: spelling permalink load more comments (3 replies) [ ]bubblegamy 22 points 11 hours ago Ahhhhh one of my first Myspace profile songs! permalink [ ]gierinjr 42 points 11 hours ago Loved "Make You Smile." As for all the AVA hate, it's a toss up for me, personal ly. I thought both they and +44 were pretty great in their own ways permalink [ ]autumnfallnBandcamp 11 points 5 hours ago I was never a fan of AVA, even though I love old blink and +44. Not only does th e music itself just not appeal to me, but Tom's attitude about it...he was just really stuck up and snobby about it. That was a huge turn-off. And the "new voic e" that he was that? The formation of +44 and the release of their album (at least to my knowledge) d idn't have so much hype surrounding it. Mark and Travis weren't saying they were going to change the face of music forever. They just made music and had fun. I dunno. I don't really hate on AVA, but I definitely don't respect the group an d I honestly don't think their music is great. I genuinely enjoyed +44, and whil e they obviously have their flaws as well, I would have liked to have seen more music come from them rather than AVA. My personal favorite of all this side proj ects was Boxcar Racer, though! So, so good! But that's just my taste! To each their own =) permalink parent load more comments (9 replies) [ ]grassrootdiet 18 points 10 hours ago* There is a german cover version of this song from the iTunes Foreign Exchange - Pr ogram from Wir sind Helden:

Also the +44 cover Version from a german song in return: watch?v=zCmPDN8_Jkg permalink [ ]isaac_thirteen 5 points 10 hours ago awesome!! love both versions!! got to give Wir Sind Helden a listen again... permalink parent [ ]dekenfrost 2 points 3 hours ago They were awesome. Former lead singer Judith Holofernes just released her solo A lbum by the way, haven't really listened to it yet though. permalink parent [ ]nojoda1 4 points 8 hours ago Oh god I loved these! Also +44 covered Smashing Pumkins' I Am One permalink parent [ ]radiowackoman 3 points 9 hours ago The guitar riff from Guten Tag is one of my favorites ever. permalink parent [ ]VisVirtusque 78 points 11 hours ago I could watch Travis Barker play drums all day long. permalink [ ]AidenRyan 31 points 11 hours ago First concert I went to was a Blink 182 concert at the New York State Fair in 20 01. Travis was on a platform, the closest thing I could really compare it to wou ld be Jabba The Hutt's platform, in the center of the stage. During one of the s ongs, he started doing a drum solo with the platform moving forward on the stage , flames erupting from the base of the platform, and the platform rotating slowl y so he was essentially facing everyone in the audience head on at least once du ring his solo. Just something I wanted to share. permalink parent [ ]funkyfritos[S] 9 points 11 hours ago

There's something about a drummer that really gets you going. I.e. Neil Peart Jo hn Bonham and Mike Portnoy. permalink parent [ ]Savageturtles 7 points 10 hours ago Joey Jordison had a pretty sick drum solo. He has to be strapped to a chair beca use his platform goes vertical! permalink parent [ ]theorfo 4 points 7 hours ago Along those lines, Tommy Lee used to do the upside-down solo back in the halcyon days of Motley Crue. permalink parent [ ]funkyfritos[S] 5 points 10 hours ago I saw Slipknot live, will say, between the three drummers it's just an awesome s how! permalink parent [ ]brocalmotion 2 points 7 hours ago I saw Blink at the LA Bowl a few years ago, and there was a 4 minute drum solo w here Travis and his setup was on the end of a crane sort of thing moving him ove r the audience. It was an amazing sight permalink parent [ ]HiImKostia 3 points 10 hours ago Went to a blink-182 concert in montreal not so long ago (2011 iirc) and the last part was pretty much this, he was set up on a moving platform, in the air, play ing his drum solo whilst the platform was moving video permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (2 replies) [ ]-DonnieDarko- 7 points 8 hours ago Thank god he's still fucking alive. permalink parent

[ ]mrcarlita 3 points 5 hours ago RIP DJ AM permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]brownsound89 6 points 9 hours ago Hes playing with one hand in this performance. Its so cool permalink parent [ ]er-day 6 points 9 hours ago I went to a +44 concert years ago when he had a broken arm and played the whole set one handed better than most drummers can play with two. It was pretty incred ible. permalink parent [ ]robtheverb13 13 points 10 hours ago Travis is unbelievable. I saw +44 in Milwaukee a few years ago, but I was disapp ointed when Travis came out with a big cast on his right hand. Fortunately for a ll the fans there, it didn't matter. He had an extra pedal setup for a snare dru m(i think) and played the rest with his left hand. He didn't miss a beat, and st ill pulled off some of the greatest drum solos I've ever seen, all the while hol ding up his broken hand in the air. He is certainly the greatest drummer I'll ev er see play live. permalink parent [ ]Elder_Ent 5 points 7 hours ago I saw Blink182 in 98' at Warped Tour. They played at like 2pm, they weren't the big headliners. I distinctly remember at one point two dudes (people with a back stage pass, perhaps) fake boning each other (one was bent over) behind Travis. That was the extent of their special effects that day. permalink parent [ ]uradox 3 points 8 hours ago The only time I actually had tickets to see Blink 182 play live Travis broke his foot and they cancelled the show. This was 10 years ago in Western Australia :( permalink parent load more comments (1 reply)

[ ]svtguy88 3 points 8 hours ago Upvote for Mke reference. permalink parent [ ]plus44throwaway 6 points 5 hours ago* Hmm, relevant story. Edit: Quite the wall of text. tl;dr: Drove Rick Thorne and his crew around all d ay, ended up hanging out with Shane and got a personal thank you from Travis Bar ker. In 2007 during the Honda Civic Tour, +44 was touring with a few other bands and the Famous Stars and Straps crew (they were doing a separate promotional skate/B MX/street bike tour along side with Travis Barker). I was reading up on Mark Hop pus' blog that said "Well, looks like we just rolled up to Moline, Illinois!" Just happened to be super bored that day, so I took a stroll over to the Mark of the Quad Cities (Now the iWireless Center) to check it out. Sure enough, I see their tour busses parked out back. I see quite a few guys decked out in FSAS gea r, figured they'd be friends with Travis. (I really wanted to meet Travis and sn ap a photo that day because I had one on a disposable camera from the 2005 Warpe d Tour with him that NEVER TOOK. It was a major disappointment.) Out of nowhere, ne of the dudes ere from here?" l probably need I decided to walk over to the busses and say "What's up guys?" O said "Hey bro! You know where this skate shop is? Can we ride th I replied, "Uh yeah, that's in Davenport across the river. You'l a ride."

They look at each other then say "You wanna hook us up brother? We have stickers and shirts and shit!" I was like "Hell yeah! I'll roll over here in a second." I bring my car around, and they all start loading their bikes and skateboards in my trunk, which was filled to the brim with random stuff I hadn't cleaned out i n a few months. I'll never forget what one of them said: "Yo man, you should clean this shit out in case you need to kill a bitch sometim e. I'm from LA, we do that shit!" They all busted out laughing and I just kinda laughed it off. Anyway we pack 5 of their dudes into my Dodge SRT-4 with me in the drivers seat, and head for this skate shop in Davenport. On the bridge, one of the guys' truc ks fell off his board and an ongoing guy told us...I figured these guys were mil lionaires or at least really well off if they were sponsored and on tour with FS AS..."Hey man, we gotta go back for that truck!" "Haha...alright then." So we go back onto the bridge with decent traffic, slow d own to about 5 MPH so one of the guys can hop out and grab it. It was nuts. Even had a cop say "Hey, what was that all about??" So we go to this skate shop, and before I know it we get swarmed with everyone i n the shop asking for autographs and what not. I started to wonder who I was car ting around. Fast forward to us going to the Davenport skate park...everyone's s taring at us while we skate around for a bit, and as we're leaving the ENTIRE sk ate park of over 75 people came to my car and the guys just started handing out stickers and autographing everything.

Turns out I was carting around Rick Thorne and his crew, had no idea. So at the end of the day, I drop them off wondering if they'd introduce me to Tr avis as a final thank you. Rick tells me "Nah man, I know Travis has a tight sch edule right now. Can't do that to him." Ouch. I knew where he was coming from th ough, you don't bring random fans to a high profile friend unless they know abou t it and are cool with it in advance. He said "Sorry dude, but thanks again. You were a HUGE help today. Here's a bunch of stickers and some cash (like 40 bucks ). What size shirt you wear?" Got a few shirts too. So I snapped a pic with Rick, and went on my way. Well on my way out, I run inside the hotel to use the bathroom and the next pers on I see is Shane (the lead guitarist of +44) asking the clerk if he knew where he could buy some smokes. I said "Hey, you're with +44 right?" He's like ah shit , a fan "Yeah man. What's up." I just offer him a cigarette, he said "Eh fuck it." So comes out front of the ho tel and we just chat about the band and LA. Asked him about the song "No It Isn' t" and told him about a friendship I lost with a childhood buddy due to drugs, g ot betrayed and the song really helped me cope. He seemed genuinely cool with it , saying "Good man. Glad it helped you out." So fast forward to when his friends came out, they wanted to grab some food and a few beers so we all went to this little bar up the road in downtown Moline. On e of the guys played keyboard for Transplants, they all seemed pretty down to ea rth. After a few hours we head back, I snapped a photo with Shane but I ended up losi ng it over the years. It's on my old Motorola Rokr somewhere. So NOW as I'm leaving the hotel, all the FSAS dudes I helped out start pouring b ack into the lobby and they're all "Hey myname! Thought you left brother!" And t he last guy to roll in was Travis Barker. Rick says "Oh yeah Travis, this is the guy that helped us out today." Travis comes over, shakes my hand and is like "Yeah man, I heard you helped my f riends and held up traffic on the bridge. Thank you very much." Talked for a little bit, and got a picture with him. What a hell of a day. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]TheEasyWay17 260 points 13 hours ago While both AVA and +44 are great, they just cannot compare to Box Car Racer. Han ds down the best of the Blink side projects. permalink [ ]CatLikeThi3f 145 points 11 hours ago I feel like Box Car was the height of Tom's voice. If you've listened to blink-182 live recently, Tom makes every Blink song sound

like AVA. It's really annoying. I understand the his voice is obviously going to change over the years, but it's just bad. permalink parent [ ]ishouldgohome 59 points 11 hours ago Right after the reunion his voice sounded a lot like AVA, but it's a lot better now in my opinion... permalink parent [ ]CatLikeThi3f 9 points 11 hours ago Did you see the performance at the KROQ sound stage? I'm not able to link it rig ht now, but Tom's voice was rough. It was a pretty recent performance. permalink parent [ ]rekooHnzA 20 points 11 hours ago Here you go permalink parent [ ]Honey_Otter 39 points 10 hours ago This is literally as good as Tom Delonge has ever sounded. Blink 182 has never b een about them being amazing singers. permalink parent [ ]BBanner 24 points 8 hours ago You're right, but Mark Hoppus still sounds worlds better than Tom in most cases permalink parent [ ]JustSomeD00d 4 points 5 hours ago Mark just can't make it up to some of the high notes he could when he was younge r. permalink parent [ ]dandotcom 25 points 8 hours ago Agree. I think that's what sets them apart to modern pop punk, the bands of this generation sing too well to make it work... In an odd, or not so odd way - crap vocals made Blink's music so good.

permalink parent [ ]thehonorablechairman 10 points 6 hours ago I've always loved how shitty he sounds on Dude Ranch permalink parent [ ]JustSomeD00d 3 points 5 hours ago I think i'm different, but this is where I belong... permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (1 reply) [ ]haircutbob 5 points 7 hours ago He was really good on Mark Tom and Travis show. He can be good when he's not fuc king around too much. That being said, when I saw them in Kansas City, that was the worst I've ever heard from him. He was hammered. permalink parent [ ]thehonorablechairman 4 points 6 hours ago I'm pretty sure they edited that album a lot to make it sound better. I remember reading somewhere you can actually hear a second guitar in some spots permalink parent load more comments (5 replies) [ ]EricSanderson 4 points 6 hours ago Honestly they've never been the best live musicians. I can live with it though, considering they're three of the greatest studio musicians around. Pop or not, t heir albums and side projects are inextricably tied to so many different phases in my life. permalink parent [ ]i_shit_my_spacepants 3 points 5 hours ago Tom's not really a great studio musician, either, though. I remember watching "m aking of" shows while they were recording their untitled album, and they had to re-record Tom's vocal tracks a lot. That being said, he is an amazing lyricist. permalink

parent [ ]1iota_ 4 points 4 hours ago Yeah... I dunno. His lyrics are pretty bush league too. This thread has come ful l circle Tom just being all around shitty. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]TheSummer301 12 points 10 hours ago Tom's voice really sounds pretty good here compared to how it's been at other pe rformances I've heard permalink parent [ ]lemarchingbanana 6 points 8 hours ago honestly mark's lazy "i'm feelin this"'s always ruin the live versions for me. tom sounded way better in early blink, but also sounded way worse around the end of blink through angels live. he was doing a bunch of pills and just got sloppy . seems to be better now though, he's just not a kid anymore. permalink parent [ ]Salger12Spotify name 3 points 10 hours ago Better than when they first got back together. This isn't really frustrating. permalink parent [ ]BBanner 2 points 8 hours ago Wow, Tom is dropping the ball during the chorus of I'm Feeling This permalink parent load more comments (5 replies) [ ]The_Brian 2 points 10 hours ago I'm more amazed at how much his voice has changed. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]dro9383 17 points 11 hours ago I loved Boxcar Racer, but I never loved Tom's voice. You're right about it being the peak of his voice, and it kind of started with I Miss You, which both singe

rs were great in. I still like Mark's over Tom's. But, I There Is is possibly on e of my favorite songs of all time. permalink parent [ ]Eff3ction 31 points 9 hours ago I fucking love There Is. permalink parent [ ]dro9383 4 points 9 hours ago Song is amazing, and the video is awesome. It's a shame it didn't get more love from the mainstream. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Cvnt_Crvsher 7 points 8 hours ago I saw AVA at the roundhouse in Sydney a couple of years ago and the rest of the band left the stage halfway through their set so that Tom could sing a solo vers ion of There Is. It was pretty cool. permalink parent [ ]elainex 3 points 8 hours ago They done that the last time I seen them in Glasgow, oh it was amazing. I need t hem to come back here so bad. permalink parent [ ]shortymcsteve 2 points 5 hours ago I've been in the same room as a random redditor! That's kind of weird actually. permalink parent load more comments (2 replies) [ ]jbsilvs 2 points 7 hours ago Haha, one of the things that pissed me off the about the song miss you is when t om start singing. It's not that it's bad, it's just that Mark's voice fits so pe rfectly with the melody that he should have just sang the whole song. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply)

[ ]TheEasyWay17 3 points 9 hours ago I agree 100% but if you are talking about Tom's live singing voice, as bad as it was in 2010-2011, it has actually got much much better and his live performance s are tolerable again. PS: Love your username permalink parent [ ]genesis-12a 2 points 9 hours ago I agree. Tom sounded the best he ever has on Take Off Your Pants And Jacket and Box Car Racer. permalink parent load more comments (10 replies) [ ]CornAndBroccoli 16 points 9 hours ago Cat Like Thief is my jam permalink parent [ ]TheEasyWay17 6 points 9 hours ago One of my favourite songs ever. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]NeverMeant125 11 points 13 hours ago Yeeeeeees. I still listen to Sorrow all the time. So great. permalink parent [ ]grumpy_bob 15 points 11 hours ago All about Elevator permalink parent [ ]TheHandyman1 4 points 11 hours ago Elevator is amazing. I love every song but "My First Punk Song". permalink parent [ ]Sanitence 16 points 10 hours ago

YOU'VE GOT NO DICK. permalink parent [ ]NOTorAND 4 points 7 hours ago My thought exactly. permalink parent load more comments (3 replies) [ ]gbsfgfg 5 points 12 hours ago there is has to be one of my favorite songs. permalink parent load more comments (5 replies) [ ]hi_mynameisjake 38 points 10 hours ago Not sure if anyone cares, but the length of this album is exactly 44 minutes. Ma ybe I'm the only one who thought that was cool, I dunno. permalink [ ]haircutbob 8 points 7 hours ago I remember when I was a young kid and I was using my CD player to see how long e ach song was to add up to figure the length of the album for a road trip. 44 pop ped up on my little calculator and I freaked out, thinking it was a coincidence. Hahaha permalink parent [ ]iamloganSpotify 3 points 2 hours ago I remember when I was a young kid That album was released when I was 16. Now I feel old. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Cacklemoore 12 points 10 hours ago Fantastic side project by Mark Hoppus. My personal favorite from the album is "N o, It Isn't", titled as such because it was the response he gave every time some one asked if it was about Tom Delonge. He is constantly teasing a sophomore albu m from +44, but I doubt it given how busy he is with blink-182 and especially ho w busy Travis Barker is with his own thing.

permalink load more comments (1 reply) [ ]abrooks1125 43 points 12 hours ago This was a very good album. Def prefer +44 over AVA permalink [ ]musingsontap 7 points 7 hours ago Not hating, just curious. What are your reasons? permalink parent [ ]daftdude05 14 points 7 hours ago I simply think Mark has much better lyrics than Tom. An apples to oranges compar ison though really. permalink parent [ ]musingsontap 13 points 6 hours ago* I think if someone can't get their head around Tom's almost biblical imagery the n they really aren't going to like the lyrics. I like them both and think +44 so unds more like blink, but I do like me some AvA. permalink parent [ ]DrowSpectre 5 points 6 hours ago I find myself liking them both. A lot of people say it lacks the same feel of Bl ink, which it does, but I find both bands had a piece of Blink that made them aw esome to me. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]liontamerhat 4 points 6 hours ago I have the same opinion. AVA just never did it for me, Tom had really grand noti ons and for me it backfired horribly. Mark and Travis just did what they always did and created gamazing pop punk tunes and that's great for me. permalink parent [ ]abrooks1125 4 points 7 hours ago I think it mainly stems from my preference of Mark's voice over later-Tom's voic e. AVA has some really good songs, but I like nearly every song on the +44 album . They're also very different styles, and idk if I'm a fan of that neo space roc

k whatever AVA tends to do permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]Wheeto 44 points 15 hours ago This whole album is amazing, Lillian is my favourite. permalink [ ]KristnSchaalisahorse 13 points 9 hours ago Man, going back and listening to that song now is tough. I played it so much dur ing a difficult break up at the time. For me, these lyrics applied to the brief time we stayed together after she conf essed to cheating on me: And she's trying to sleep it off With her head on my shoulder And I'm trying to keep it out Of my thoughts when I hold her permalink parent [ ]zamboniman46 8 points 9 hours ago YES. i dont think this song gets enough love from fans permalink parent [ ]CptnAlex 5 points 9 hours ago Agreed. Of the entire album, I listened to Lillian on repeat for like a year. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]i_shit_my_spacepants 11 points 12 hours ago My favorite thing ever said about the two post-blink bands is that Tom can write good songs and that Mark can sing them. permalink [ ]lee7890 11 points 11 hours ago that weatherman song was so good and dark permalink [ ]radiowackoman 1 point 9 hours ago

Awesome remix of Weatherman/Little Death that their producer Holmes put together : permalink parent [ ]lumshot 27 points 10 hours ago TIL: Angels and Airwaves, Blink 182, Box Car Racer were all interrelated. No wonder I loved them all. I feel stupid :/ permalink [ ]peachgoodman 14 points 9 hours ago growing up i always knew about blink, but i randomly discovered & loved AVA, onl y to find out it was tom's project. which subsequently got me even more into bli nk, and then box car & +44. it's all good stuff! personally angels & airwaves is my favorite side project, & "we don't need to whisper" is my favorite album eve r! permalink parent [ ]lawlamanjaro 12 points 9 hours ago I got to crowd surf to the war during a thunder storm it was amazing permalink parent [ ]stillgotlegs 4 points 9 hours ago That is incredibly cool :D The War is a really good song. It has a really Blinky feeling to it too. permalink parent [ ]Niikavod 2 points 5 hours ago That's like the peak man... epic permalink parent [ ]lawlamanjaro 3 points 4 hours ago It really was a ton of fun permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]OnECenTX 8 points 10 hours ago Mark, Tom and Travis will never get their dues for being pretty great musicians (well Mark and Tom, Travis gets his due for being a great drummer.) It's hard en

ough for one guy to go off an make another band and produce a good album but the se guys were able to do so with four bands! (BCR, +44, AVA, Transplants) permalink [ ]Disintergration 8 points 8 hours ago I'm late to the party but what the hell... +44 are my favourite of the 2 projects that appeared after blink split. It was s uch a raw and passionate album that was a lot closer to the way blink sounded pr e-break up than AVA and I felt like it was some of the best writing Hoppus has e ver done, brilliantly reflecting the loss of a career that he had worked so hard to build and his best friend in the whole world whom he shared many many fond m emories with. Angels and Airwaves however was strange. I enjoy some of their songs but I could n't shake the feeling that Delonge was trying to hard to run from his former imm ature self and forget the whole idea of blink-182. It's an almost preachy album with an over use of synthesisers and now blink has returned I feel as if AVA mes ses with the new blink stuff. Neighbourhoods had way to much AVA influence for m y liking and it wasn't even the better sounding AVA stuff. I felt as if Delonge was taking the failed ideas from AVA albums and just throwing them at Hoppus and Barker leaving a mess of synthesisers mixed in with an out of place guitar soun d, and punchy pop punk bass and drums. However the songs that Hoppus is left to write, are jarringly obvious due to their pop punky undertones (e.g. Mh .4.18.20 11, the versus of Dogs Eating Dogs and the whole of Hearts All Gone). I also thi nk that there is still some tension between Tom and the other two, before the br eak up they were best friends and we could all see it. The played jokes on each other and never took themselves seriously, now we rarely hear of Hoppus and Delo nge interacting unless they are touring. TL;DR: +44 was my favourite of the two side projects. I'm not too fond of AVA. D elonge brings AVA into blink too much. Delonge and Hoppus are no where near as c lose as they were pre-break up. permalink [ ]loveisakeyblade 81 points 15 hours ago Definitely the better of the two bands that formed after Blink split. I really h ope another album comes out in the future as Mark has suggested. permalink [ ]flamingtoetacoSpotify 23 points 12 hours ago I liked AVA, but some of their songs were straight up stupid. permalink parent [ ]amrocthegreat 5 points 10 hours ago I liked their singles, but when I saw them at Warped Tour in like '09 or so, the y sounded like shit. permalink parent

[ ]CreamyLikeFred 3 points 9 hours ago That damn air raid siren was pretty dumb. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]JustSomeD00d 3 points 5 hours ago It kind of just went downhill around love pt.2. I think Tom was trying to hard t o make it an art band. permalink parent [ ]loveisakeyblade -1 points 11 hours ago I don't really have an opinion on AVA. All their songs sound alike (in a bad way ), and that one song is okay at best. permalink parent [ ]flamingtoetacoSpotify 77 points 11 hours ago that sounds a lot like an opinion. permalink parent [ ]grumpy_bob 5 points 11 hours ago Some would say, those are like assholes. permalink parent [ ]loveisakeyblade 3 points 11 hours ago I mean in the sense of "I don't like or dislike them". I guess I should've said "I'm indifferent towards AVA" instead. permalink parent load more comments (2 replies) [ ]dcox3 1 point 10 hours ago I think the first album was pretty good but it all sounds the same. Tom's proble m is that he came out a year before the band released anything and said he was w orking on the greatest album ever made. I honestly hope he doesn't believe that, but all the goofy stuff he does with AVA leads me to believe he does. permalink parent [ ]ricodued 5 points 8 hours ago

I honestly hope he doesn't believe that Apparently he was addicted to painkillers when he said that and it wasn't until much later when he realized how ridiculous that sounded. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]SkaBonez 2 points 7 hours ago The first was great, the second grew on me, but yeah, they all sound too similar and I couldn't get into Love pt 1 & 2 (especially when I heard some old musical motives and ideas regurgitated) permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]SkeIetonsPop-Punk 15 points 13 hours ago* I don't know man, Box Car Racer was very solid. EDIT: I can't read. permalink parent [ ]loveisakeyblade 47 points 13 hours ago better of the two bands that formed after Blink split permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]smallerthings 5 points 10 hours ago Definitely the better of the two bands that formed after Blink split. I disagree. Personally, I just feel like +44 was blink182-light. Mark tried his best, but it just wasn't there. Which is a shame since when he first announced i t they described it as a Postal Service type rock/electronic mix. I think this w ould have fit Mark's style really well. Plus, you also have to take in to account +44 only released 1 album to AVA's 4 a lbums and 1 ep. Who knows what the rest of their music would be. I also enjoy AVA. A lot of it is too self indulgent and over-produced, but a lot of it is also really catchy and well written. permalink parent [ ]charlie1337 5 points 10 hours ago

Man, I really like +44's album. On the other hand I cannot stand AVA's music. permalink parent [ ]smallerthings 3 points 9 hours ago I liked +44's album too. I still listen to it occasionally. I just feel like it was a lesser Blink. permalink parent [ ]aqlpswkodejifrhugty 1 point 9 hours ago permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (31 replies) [ ]SwAgDr 33 points 11 hours ago Why is everyone hating on AVA? I like both permalink [ ]Salzberger 13 points 8 hours ago Because they have differing opinions to you perhaps. permalink parent [ ]SwAgDr 2 points 7 hours ago that would make sense. I just didn't want to see this turn into the comments sec tion on one of Tom's photos on instagram that is filled with people fighting ove r whether he should focus on AVA or blink. Not many seem to be able to be able t o like one without despising another permalink parent [ ]Diemac 3 points 7 hours ago People think that Tom formed that band out of spite at the time. Or vice-versa. permalink parent load more comments (7 replies) [ ]n0teye 6 points 9 hours ago If you think about it - +44 was the way that Mark Hoppus wanted to take Blink182 and Angels & Airwaves was presumably where Tom Delonge wanted to take the band.

I prefer +44 over Angels & Airwaves but would have enjoyed a mixture of both as well as some Box Car Racer. permalink load more comments (1 reply) [ ]vi1xi 25 points 11 hours ago i remember in high school when i avoided Blink 182 because they werent (in my he ad) considered contemporary (this is back in 06-- post break up). I got around to listening to +44 and thinking they were amazing as hell, then I tried blink 182 a few months later (because why the hell not) i was floored, blink 182, together, is a million times better than any of the ba nds that were created post break up. Shit, Neighborhoods is more solid than When Your Heart Stops Beating (Album)-- a nd Dogs Eating Dogs EP has really whetted my appetite for what Blink has cooking for their next album-- JUST PLEASE RELEASE IT GODDAMMIT permalink [ ]googlyeyes93 7 points 8 hours ago I thought Neighborhoods was a pretty great effort and,showed how the band had ma tured. Sure it sounded a bit AVA-ish, but you can't expect all that influence to just leave immediately. Dogs Eating Dogs was great and was more of a return to older Blink sound, but with more mature lyrics. New album Is supposed to be out by August! permalink parent [ ]Rustash 2 points 6 hours ago What I liked about Neighborhoods is that you could clearly hear the influences e ach member brought with them from their time apart. Some songs sound more like A vA (Ghost on the Dance floor) and some more like +44 (MH 4.18.2011) but they all had enough little tweaks to make it sound like blink in the end. permalink parent load more comments (5 replies) load more comments (5 replies) [ ]mchughomchugho 5 points 10 hours ago Shit I forgot about the hot woman in the video. I feel my sexually frustrated 13 year old self again. permalink [ ]JulepMint 4 points 13 hours ago Love them!!!

permalink [ ]lmaodude 3 points 13 hours ago I really liked their style. So awesome, still listening through the whole album from time to time. Absolutely no-skipper. permalink [ ]Rudyrobbob 4 points 12 hours ago I loved them all. permalink [ ]venialjo 3 points 11 hours ago* "All Systems Go" - BCR = "Up All Night" - blink-182 I could never rank the side projects, I thought they were all amazing, and fuele d the making of Neighborhoods. When they followed that up with Dogs Eating Dogs, wow. EDIT: My First Punk Song, I just had to mention it. permalink [ ]maxout2142 4 points 9 hours ago "Dogs Eating Dogs" the song is completely biased off of +44s style. permalink parent [ ]ramble_bamble 3 points 10 hours ago I forgot this existed, night = made! permalink [ ]charlie1337 3 points 9 hours ago Big +44 fan. Really wished they'd put out another album. permalink [ ]hanoldbuddy 3 points 8 hours ago Lycanthrope is so great permalink [ ]Ineedsomewater 3 points 6 hours ago Me and my ex were extras on this video, got me meet mark... Such a funny and hum ble guy... He's exactly how you would picture him to be in real life. permalink

[ ]Wonderingwanderr 3 points 6 hours ago Anyone heard the acoustic version of Baby, Come On? permalink load more comments (1 reply) [ ]duffman182 3 points 4 hours ago Can't believe this is on the front page. Self titled blink album is my all time favorite album of all time. When it came to their bands when they broke up, I ha d such a deeper appreciation and love for +44 over Angels and Airwaves, it was j ust such a shame that Mark only made one album with the band. Super glad blink i s back though, but I'd still love another +44 album as this one was fantastic. M y favorite track was Chapter 13, but really the whole album is brilliant. permalink [ ]Ningen4 2 points 10 hours ago I really enjoyed +44 as far as the Blink side bands go. Thanks for posting and r eminding me. It's been so long! permalink [ ]ja-r00d 3 points 9 hours ago Hugely underrated album that didn't get nearly the attention that it deserved. T he closer is fucking awesome. Thanks for reminding me about this. permalink [ ]Balleuuh 2 points 9 hours ago* It keeps amazing me how music gives you flashbacks to certain periods in your li fe... Absolutely loved +44, Box Car Racer, AVA and Blink in the days.. Albums pl ayed for hours on end. The highschool flashbacks are real. permalink [ ]purle111 2 points 7 hours ago Great song and on one of the few albums where I can listen to every song. I real ly hope +44 release another album. permalink [ ]TPUBGU 2 points 7 hours ago I like the one +44 album better than anything that any of the Blink 182 or their members bands have ever released. I wish they would record more. permalink [ ]Martjain 2 points 6 hours ago Here's the german version to the song by the german band Wir Sind Helden.

+44 also covered Guten Tag (WSH's top hits) in English. Both bands did this in the context of the iTunes foreign exchange progam. permalink [ ]Savoroax 2 points 6 hours ago One of my top favorite records easily! Bought it the day it came out. permalink [ ]ross755 2 points 4 hours ago Pop* permalink [ ]Seanrad 3 points 12 hours ago These guys look like they could all be one of my characters from Tony Hawk's Und erground. permalink [ ]Allthesmallthings182 2 points 12 hours ago I love this album I got another copy for Christmas this year! And it is the best of the THREE bands that formed when blink split permalink [ ]Sinisterminister77 2 points 9 hours ago Is it a rule to only like one of AVA or +44? I really like both of them... permalink [ ]Bigassbird 1 point 11 hours ago Could someone explain why they're named after the international dialling code fo r the UK? permalink [ ]zippy_long_stockings 12 points 10 hours ago Mark and Travis came up with the idea for the band in the UK. Plus I think Hoppu s is a bit of an Anglophile permalink parent [ ]Salger12Spotify name 9 points 10 hours ago Mark has a hard on for the UK. permalink parent

[ ]FightingAgainstTime 2 points 10 hours ago I believe that's where the band came into fruition. permalink parent [ ]whatsajawsh 1 point 10 hours ago My favorite song! permalink [ ]JohnnyHammerstix 1 point 10 hours ago I was actually searching for a remix of Blink 182 - Adam's Song & What's My Age Again 2 days ago and came across info on the group members. It was then I realiz ed Barker and Hoppus. I was shocked and super happy about it. Made a lot of sens e since I was a huge fan of +44's music. permalink [ ]blastcage 1 point 10 hours ago I hadn't heard of +44 before. I was expecting them to be British based on their name. permalink [ ]mchughomchugho 4 points 10 hours ago That's where they got their name from, Mark Hoppus loves Britain. permalink parent [ ]Mosusu 1 point 10 hours ago Regardless of how good is the song and how much I liked it, the only thing this song and the band reminded me of was the end of blink 182. It was always followe d by a blink classic... permalink [ ]benmay2112 1 point 10 hours ago Only in 2006 can you find an outfit of gym shorts and a polo. permalink [ ]epicbrewtality 1 point 9 hours ago I loved this album. Mark's band was way better than Angels and Airwaves. permalink [ ]genesis-12a 1 point 9 hours ago Absolutely STELLAR album. Mark Hoppus is an amazing musician.

permalink [ ]starfunkel 1 point 9 hours ago A few days ago I was reminiscing about what a great record this was and told mys elf to listen again- but didn't. Thank you for the reminder! permalink [ ]EzrealBot 1 point 9 hours ago ah yes the nostalgia permalink [ ]Teaaaph 1 point 9 hours ago As a subscriber to /r/poppunkers, I am proud this has made my front page from /r /music. permalink [ ]Naderade 1 point 8 hours ago Brought back so many memories! Thanks for that! permalink load more comments (104 replies) about blog about team source code advertise jobs help wiki FAQ reddiquette rules contact us tools mobile firefox extension chrome extension buttons widget <3 reddit gold store redditgifts radio reddit

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