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Living in the Spirit: The Gifts of the Spirit February 16, 2014 Danny W.

Davis Introduction Today we will be looking at what the Scriptures call spiritual gifts For some this morning you are new to this idea or concept. Others have heard about the Gifts of the Spirit: but are unsure of what it all means. Some of you know about and have experienced God using you in the spiritual gifts. And there are those who are afraid of spiritual gifts. Your fear stems from various sources: misuse of spiritual gifts for personal gain, a feeling that they are weird, and other reasons. My prayer this morning is that as a church we will move forward into a better understanding of spiritual gifts. I also want us to embrace the gifts as a vital growth element of the body of Christ. The Text 1 Corinthians 12:1 1 Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. 3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, Jesus be cursed, and no one can say, Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit. 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. The Context The church at Corinth was a petri-dish for church problems. It seems that if anything could go wrong it went wrong among the Corinthian believers. Paul writes to them several times attempting to help them through their situations. One of the many problems facing the Corinthian church was a misuse of spiritual gifts. You know the gifts we just read about: word of wisdom, faith, healing, prophecy, miracles, etc.

The problem was not that people did not believe in these gifts. Neither was it a case that people were not being used in all of these gifts. As a matter of fact people were being used to heal, do miracles, give messages in tongues and interpret them, to prophecy and more. SIDENOTE: This is not a complete list of spiritual gifts. You can find others listed in Ephesians 4:11, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 7:7 & 1 Peter 4:11 The problem in the Corinthian church was one of power. Instead of using spiritual gifts to build up and unify the body of Christ they were causing division. People in the church were equating one being used in a particular gift as a sign of spiritual power. Unfortunately, it also seems there were some church members glad to let other people think they were superstars in the area of spiritual gifts. This is why Paul writes to the whole church and says, Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed (ignorant KJV). He wants the whole church to understand the purpose and the SOURCE of spiritual gifts. The purpose is to build up the church and make it more effective for the Kingdom. The SOURCE of spiritual gifts is NOT HUMAN ABILITY OR POWER the gifts come from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit decides how He will gift EVERY INDIVIDUAL in the church. The Holy Spirit administrates the use of spiritual gifts in a way that brings peace and unity. If the spiritual gifts are causing confusion and disunity then two problems are at work: 1) the church is uninformed about spiritual gifts and needs teaching, or 2) the Devil is at work trying to use spiritual things to confuse Gods people (consider the miracles done by the sorcerers when Moses goes before Pharaoh). Consider this reality of Scripture in Matthew 7. Jesus tells us there will be those who do miracles, casts out demons and prophesy who will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus will look at them at the judgment and say, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Paul is trying to help the Corinthian believers be informed about spiritual gifts so they will not be led astray into false doctrine. He is trying to help them not be deceived by counterfeits claiming to be prophets of God but are just ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing. That is why we have 1 Corinthians 12 (and other passages) we too need to be informed. (TRANSITION) I dont want to get bogged down in looking at each of the gifts mentioned one by one. We will, at some point, do just that. Until then I want us to see the bigger picture of spiritual gifts rarely spoken of. Spiritual gifts are a FORESTASTE OF THINGS TO COME.

A FORETASTE OF THINGS TO COME Paul begins the book of 1 Corinthians with this word of encouragement to the believers 1 Corinthians 1:7 Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. Paul ties spiritual gifts to a specific season in history. The church would lack any gift between the ascension of Christ until His return. During that time we are to eagerly wait for the return but build one another up through the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Paul also tells the Corinthians that a day will come when spiritual gifts will no longer be needed. 1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. Prophecy and tongues and other gifts will cease when the perfect One Jesus returns. Until then we are to use what are essentially IMPERFECT gifts (when compared to the perfect gift Jesus). These gifts are to build up and encourage us to preach, testify, grow and go until Jesus returns for His bride. Because these are IMPERFECT gifts gifts that are understood and used in part they serve as a FORETASTE of something PERFECT that is to come in another age. Listen to how Paul describes the Holy Spirit: 2 Corinthians 1:22 a deposit guaranteeing what is to come 2 Corinthians 5:5 a deposit guaranteeing what is to come Ephesians 1:14 the deposit guaranteeing a future inheritance

I essence Paul is telling us the Holy Spirit, that is in us, is the down payment (earnest KJV). The Holy Spirits presence, dwelling in us and working through us by His gifts, points to something future that is fuller and richer and perfect. Think of it like this: God gives us a word of knowledge and through that word we use that gift to help a fellow believer along their journey. o This is only a taste of a day that is to come when we will unhindered knowledge in the age to come in the literal kingdom of God. Or, God uses you in the gift of healing. You pray for someone and their sickness leaves.

o This is just a foretaste of a day to come when Christ returns and we are given resurrected perfected bodies. In our healing we are getting a glimpse into the day when there will be no more pain or death or tears (cf. Revelation 7:17) Paul put it like this in 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. Every time we allow God to exercise spiritual gifts through and to us we are getting a glimpse of something amazing that is to come! That is why we should embrace the gifts. Sure there is room for misuse and even abuse but that should not cause us to fear. It should actually cause us to want to exercise the gifts of discernment and knowledge in order to root out the corrupt elements tearing down our vision of a bright and glorious future. Spiritual gifts are meant to bring us into unity. Our unity is even a foretaste of another age to come. Unity here is a glimpse into the perfect unity that will be found in heaven. Listen to how John describes that perfect day Revelation 5: 9 And they sang a new song, saying: You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. (TRANSITION) Because spiritual gifts are a foretaste of a coming perfection we can confidently let God use us through the Holy Spirit. Do not worry, God has provided biblical boundaries and tests that, if used, will keep us on track. Ultimately, when we set our eyes on what is to come we will quit focusing on what is right now and humbly accept our place in the bigger picture of redemption. CONCLUSION If we are used in spiritual gifts it is not so that we can gain power over others. They were never meant to be used as tools to manipulate. Spiritual gifts are given to us by the Holy Spirit so that we can come into the unity of the faith. As a church we are going to desire spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1). Why? Because they are pointing our hearts and minds toward something better something desirable. Every time God uses His gifts through us we get a glimpse of a kingdom to come right here and right now. RESPONSE Pray this prayer use me!

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