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Realized Master Ramakant Maharaj, Direct Disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj - Now Teaching in Nashik, Maharashtra, India Ramakant Maharaj

is a phenomenon, known only to a handful of people. He is, in f act, the only direct Indian disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, in the world. London, England, UK, February 19, 2014 -- Quietly, yet earnestly, Ramakant Mahar aj is sharing his knowledge with seekers at his small ashram in the city of Nash ik, Maharashtra, N. India. He received the 'Naam Mantra' - initiation into the l ineage - from Nisargadatta Maharaj in 1962 - over 50 years ago now. For those who missed Nisargadatta Maharaj, an extraordinary Master, who passed o ver in 1981, there is now an exciting and invaluable opportunity to receive the same high teachings from this 72 year-old Master, who spent nearly 20 years with Nisargadatta Maharaj. His teachings in English are direct, simple and sublime, scattered with power-packed quotes such as "Reality is engraved in the invisible listener," "'You' are disturbing the peace," and "Entire power, entire energy, entire spirit is in you." See "He has presence," said one aspirant, "When I first sat at his feet and words st arted flowing from his mouth, it was like nothing I had known before because the words seemed to be like arrows going straight into the very core..." Another vi sitor to the ashram said: "When I first met Maharaj, I spontaneously felt someth ing that could be called 100% trust." Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Adva ita, (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Navnath Sampradaya (a long line of Gurus). When Nisargadatta died, he left a massive hole which seemed impossibl e to fill - but now, no longer. Realized Master, Ramakant Maharaj, is authentic, and his teachings are pure and unadulterated. Unlike many of the pseudo-Advaiti n teachers who claim to have had 'epiphanies', and then make a career out of tea ching and 'Satsangs '- 'Truth sharing'. Ramakant Maharaj often says: "It is my d uty to teach" - he has no hidden agenda. He is kindly, amiable and unassuming, h umbly living and teaching in Nashik - refreshing. Nisargadatta Maharaj still has a huge following across the globe. And even today , his readers and disciples continue to study his teachings, still wrestling wit h meanings from the 1973 spiritual classic "I Am That," penned by Maurice Frydma n. Ramakant Maharaj can now help clarify points and clear any misunderstandings or lingering doubts about these teachings. Like his Master before him, he feels compelled to help seekers get rid of illusi on and become enlightened. This living Master is eager to share his knowledge, f ree of charge. He said: "Shri Bhausaheb Maharaj of our lineage gave strict instr uctions to all his disciples that they should not demand or expect money from an y devotee. Knowledge is free. There should not be any marketing or commercializa tion of knowledge whatsoever." "Tell the seekers to come, they are all welcome," concluded Maharaj. When news of this unique Master and his rare teachings starts to spread, no doub t, seekers will be coming to Nashik in droves. Could this be a fresh wave of for eign interest in the 'Indian Guru' - one that heralds a shift away from self-sty led Western gurus, back to home-spun Realized Masters? Facebook: Contact: Ann Lewiss

London, England, UK 0-44-143-183-1278

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