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Infectious Teaching

1st Explain the concept of microbiology?

Microbiology, the science of microscopic living organisms such as bacteria

Protozoa, fungi.

2nd Identify and describe the four types of micro-organisms?

• Bacteria
Smallest creatures (cellular structure but no complete cell nucleus, instead
Kernäqievalent) independent metabolism growth, propagation
Pus is a sign of a bacterial infection but can not supportive expire.
No living beings
No metabolic no independent propagation
Building envelope protein with DNA
Builds their DNA into the genome of infected cells, and can produce up to the
underlying cell.
many cel
Spurs trailing
Very Resistance capability

Duration forms disease mycosis

fungal diseases indicate a defensive weakness of the organism out
True cells e.g. Malaria pathogens
Amoebae toxoplasmosis (Amoebae Ruhr)
Diarrhoeal disease)

Infectious Teaching
3rd Describe four types of infection associated with the transmission paths
and two clinical examples?
Transmission to humans is the smear eg By shaking hands, wet towels especially
among children-fäka loral
Be by sneezing or dust transmitted infection
More transmission
Oral Infection food or° instruments
transmission eg. Stitch with contaminated needle Parenteral

°Sexual transmission

4th What is the meaning of immunity?

Organism has previous pathogens Contact (Passed Infection or vaccination)
memory cells; again contact will immediately recognize the pathogen and fended off
the disease no longer breaks out.
5th Explain please active vaccination, the passive immunization and the

active vaccination° passive immunization° Simultanimpfung

Of a vaccine For acute Is the gift of passive
Deaktivirajo Infection suspected And active immunization.
pathogens / exciter Surrender finished Together with note
component antibodies Vaccine should be allowed
Tot vaccine Onset immediately for Simultanimpfung
or is an antigen which is Effective period three E.g. Tetanol active vaccine
no longer proliferate, but months
still features There is no immunity Tetagan = passive vaccine
Weakened Therefore should be an
Capable of reproduction active
pathogens live vaccine, Vaccination connected
the organism must Be
themselves active
antibodies and memory
cells are creating an

6th STIKO: importance of the concept?

Short for Permanent Commission vaccination

What tasks?
By the Federal Minister of Health appointed commission of experts, established at
the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, dealing with vaccinations and infectious
diseases in Research and Practice. The STIKO recommendations will be legally
effective if they are in different states of the country's top health authorities in the
"public recommendations" were taken.

General Pathology

7th As the WHO defines the term health?

Health is more than just the absence of disease. The World Health Organization
(WHO) defines it as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being

8th What is the difference between good and malignant tumors?

benign tumours malignant tumours

Slow growth Rapid growth
Sharply to the original tissue is limited Blurred, limited Cancer feet
No recurrences Invasive / infiltrative growth
No metastases Relapse tilt
After removing cured (always comes back
Can be good poor but also his

9th Explain please according to the TNM classification system?

Is the division of cancer after its expansion

primary tumor T°
N Nodus° Lymphatikus (lymph nodes) tumors are located in closer
M remote metastases on the blood and other organs Lymph way
not°To detectable in primary tumor
at No. undetectable lymph node tumor°
°Mon not detectable by remote metastases, but may, in the form of
Metastatic exist
T1-T4, N1, N4 and M1-M4 is the division after the expansion°
Various sizes
for diagnosis of a tumour°All three characters indicated
E.g. Breast cancer T1 N1 = Mo
special form is the Carzionoma° in Situ Tis
It is strictly to the original tissue is limited
Has not yet metastasis
Subject only the upper layer of tissue
Is already malignant could not only develop
For early detection and removal is the Pa. In most cases cured
G Grading is the division after differentiation degrees° (degree change)
G1 well and slowly growing (similar)°
G2 growing° medium
growing fast G3 (undifferentiated anaplastisch)°

Reaction of the body to Tissue Damage

10th What are the cardinal symptoms of inflammation (with the technical terms)

function loss°
pain Dolor°
swelling° tumor
redness Rubor°
overheating Calor°

11st Depending on the cause of inflammation and immune location of the body,
a different inflammatory process. Tell them the course of four forms!

°Serous inflammation
Drawing by the accumulation of a large amount of protein-rich fluid. The Serösen
inflammation, for example under the skin wheal nettle contact or insect stroke.
At the mucous membranes are the Serous such as inflammation. Colds
pus inflammation°
Migration of leukocytes into the area of inflammation associated the area after work
together with Tissue debris
often than pus be expelled
Ulzerierende inflammation°
Deep computing couple defect of skin, mucous or inner vessel wall. As with gastric or
Duodenum ulcer
Proliferative and granulomatous inflammation°
Proliferativen inflammation is the formation of new connective tissue
Fibroblastenzellen the produce in the foreground. There is excessive Fiber rich
Tie tissue often to functional limitation.

12nd What is the difference between subjective and objective clinical signs?
subjective symptoms°
The disease own sense of sickness

objective signs of disease°

From the perspective of the doctor it beholder

13rd In what stages runs an infectious disease?

It limits the terms epidemic, pandemic, and endemism of each other!

• epidemic
Local and temporary outbreak of an infectious disease.

• Pandemic
World-wide spread of infectious disease

• Endemic
Andemisch / endemic
Local limited occurrence of infectious disease pathogens is there at home
14th Bitter explain the terms allergy and autoimmune

• • Allergy autoimmune
Hypersensitivity reaction hypersensitivity reaction
Always from the outside
(Antibodies against the body's immune tissue leading to the injury, for example, are
stored in the joints and lead to inflammatory reactions

15th Which law governs the handling of infectious diseases?

The federal disease Act regulates the obligation to report infectious diseases

Infection Act since 2001

Cytology cell Teaching

16th Count the main components of the cell and enter their tasks?

• cell consists of
Cell nuclear DNA, or DNA
Cell organelles - endoplasmatic Retikulim, mitochondria, ribosomes
Cell liquid - cytoplasm
Cell wall - Membrane

• functions of the cell

Metabolism, independent propagation, communication and growth. Recording and
processing and disposal of substances
17th Explain the difference between mitosis and meiosis!
• mitosis

As mitosis refers to the process of

nuclear division of cells in a living
Standard cell division

Doubling of the cell components and

subsequent division. From a mother cell
are two identical daughter cells.

• Meiose
Basis of sexual propagation
Germ cell has a set of chromosomes haploidem
The connects to the haploidem chromosomes of the other germ cell, it comes against
a cell with diploid chromosome set
Teaching tissue histology

18th Identify four major tissue groups!

Tissue - the cells cluster of a joint function between the cell is the between cell
- or interstitial Interstitium. The Interstitium effect the elasticity or the stability of
Tissue substance (eg, bone, tendon)

• tissue groups
Epithelial tissue surface tissue
Binder and supporting
Muscle Tissue
Nerve tissue

1st Epithelial tissue surface tissue

Exterior skin, lining of the organs inside Did various forms and functions of multi
interrogated until Insight plate
(lining of the vessels)
• glandular tissue
Merger of cups cell (epithelial tissue give it here
Exokrine glands
Endocrine Glands
• Individual glandular cells
The stored in their secretions and on the surface epithelium abgeben (sweat glands,
oral mucous glands, sebaceous glands)
• exokrine glands
Give her secretion on a course of the execution of surface epithelium (salivary gland,
liver is the largest gland in the body

• Endocrine Glands
Give her secretions to the inside, directly into the blood
Pituitary thyroid glands are endocrine pancreatic gonads There is no interstitial cell

2nd Binder and supporting

The binder and supporting the interstitial cells is an important factor substance he
determines the elasticity of the tissue consistency

• loose connective tissue

Cell boards with a lot of interstitial cell substance
Elastic Tie tissue vessels
Strict Connective tissue
loose Connective tissue
layer between other tissues

• connective tissue fibroblasts

Are responsible for the education hub scar tissue no longer has the function of the
tissue of origin and shows shrinking Denz

3rd Fat tissue

• upholstery fabrics
Fairing of organ eye socket hand and foot bales Not to energy produced only in times
of starvation, these upholstered dismantled
Big Storage
Insolating fett
Subcutaneous fat is used for energy generation

• Brown adipose tissue

In newborns
Is under the skin created and has the ability to generate heat Interior heart pillows
can be found in small mammals and animals in the winter snooze

4th Supporting
• Cartilage
• Bones

• cartilage cells
Cartilage is very elastic substance
Hyaline cartilage forms (high water compartment) fibrous cartilage tissue fibers
stored Bind
Cartilage is found between the joints, spine, ribs, nose, airways, trachea, auricle
Regenerate cartilage tissue is very slow (bradytroph) and is not kapilarisiert. The food
found on diffusion instead

• Bones
Osteblasten and osteoclasts
Osteblasten build the cartilage on him Osteoklastenbauen
OS tissue thus subject to a constant and dissipation important for the development
are calcium, exercise, hormone balance, vitamin D Oss Basic substance
is Osteoid Z (enamel is the hardest in the body)
In the meantime, cellular substance found calcium phosphate minerals
Muscle Tissue

• Smooth Muscle
Involuntary muscles by the vegetative nervous system acting

In the intestinal peristalsis

In vessels
In bronchi
• Cross-striated
Musculoskeletal (tired)

• Heart Muscle
Involuntarily Cross-striated
for self-excitation enables some heart muscles
To make a special sites excitation system

• nerve tissue

Nerve cell neuron Fort records

Deposits in the central nervous system DMF in the gray matter

A. progress rates
To leader
Fort sentence
Dendrites of one or more per cell
B. Way leader
Fort sentence
Axon Neurit only one per cell
Nerves are a continuation rates insulation layer surrounding the myelin Mark divorce
important for the excitation of Directors and the forming of CNS white matter

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