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Handel's Messiah George Frederic Handel (1695-1759)

Part I

(1) Overture (2) Comfort Ye

!aia" #$%1-&

1. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned. . . . 3. he !oice of him that crieth in the wilderness, "repare ye the way of the #ord, make strai$ht in the desert a hi$hway for our God.

(&) 'ver( )alle(

!aia" #$%# %.&!ery !alley shall be e'alted, and e!ery mountain and hill made low, the crooked strai$ht, and the rou$h places plain.

(#) *nd t"e Glor( of t"e +ord

!aia" #$%5 (. )nd the $lory of the #ord shall be re!ealed, and all flesh shall see it to$ether*for the mouth of the #ord hath spoken it.

(5) ,"u! !ait" t"e +ord

Haggai 2%6-7 +. hus saith the #ord of ,osts- .et once, a little while and / will shake the hea!ens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land- 0. )nd / will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come .alac"i &%1 1. he #ord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to ,is temple, e!en the messen$er of the co!enant, whom ye deli$ht in*1ehold, ,e shall come, saith the #ord of ,osts.

(6) /ut 0"o ma( a1ide t"e 2a( of Hi! Coming3

.alac"i &%2 2. 1ut who may abide the day of ,is comin$2 and who shall stand when ,e appeareth2 3or ,e is like a refiner4s fire.

(7) *nd He !"all 4urif(

.alac"i &%& 3. )nd ,e shall purify the sons of #e!i. . . that they may offer unto the #ord an offerin$ in ri$hteousness.

(5) /e"old * )irgin 6"all Conceive

!aia" 7%1# (.att"e0 1%2&) 1ehold, a !ir$in shall concei!e, and bear a Son, and shall call his name &55)67&#, God with us.

(9) O t"ou t"at telle!t good tiding! to 7ion

!aia" #$%9 8. 9 thou that tellest $ood tidin$s to :ion, $et thee up into the hi$h mountain- 9 thou that tellest $ood tidin$s to Jerusalem, lift up thy !oice with stren$th- lift it up, and be not afraid- say unto the cities of Judah, 1ehold your God; !aia" 6$%1 1. )rise, shine- for thy li$ht is come, and the $lory of the #ord is risen upon thee.

(1$) For 1e"old- dar8ne!! !"all cover t"e eart"

!aia" 6$%2-& 2. 3or, behold, darkness shall co!er the earth, and $ross darkness the people- but the #ord shall arise upon thee, and ,is $lory shall be seen upon thee. 3. )nd the Gentiles shall come to thy li$ht, and kin$s to the bri$htness of thy risin$.

(11) ,"e 9eo9le t"at 0al8ed in dar8ne!!

!aia" 9%2 (.att"e0 &%16) 2. he people that walked in darkness ha!e seen a $reat li$ht* and they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the li$ht shined.

For unto :! a C"ild i! 1orn

!aia" 9%6 +. 3or unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is $i!en* and the $o!ernment shall be upon ,is shoulder* and ,is name shall be called <onderful, Counsellor, the mi$hty God, the e!erlastin$ 3ather, the "rince of "eace.

(1&) 4a!toral 6(m9"on( (1#) ,"ere 0ere !"e9"erd! a1iding in t"e

+u8e 2%5 =. here were shepherds abidin$ in the field, keepin$ watch o!er their flocks by ni$ht. +u8e 2%9 8. )nd lo; the an$el of the #ord came upon them, and the $lory of the #ord shone round about them* and they were sore afraid.

(15) *nd t"e *ngel !aid unto t"em

+u8e 2%1$-11 1>. )nd the an$el said unto them, 3ear not- for, behold, / brin$ you $ood tidin$s of $reat ?oy, which shall be to all people. 11. 3or unto you is born this day in the city of @a!id a Sa!iour, which is Christ the #ord.

(16) *nd !uddenl( t"ere 0a! 0it" t"e *ngel

+u8e 2%1& 13. )nd suddenly there was with the an$el a multitude of the hea!enly host praisin$ God, and sayin$,

(17) Glor( to God

+u8e 2%1# 1%. Glory to God in the hi$hest, and on earth peace, $ood will toward men.

(15) ;e<oice greatl(- O 2aug"ter of 7ion

7ec"aria" 9%9-1$ (.att"e0 21%5) 8. Ae?oice $reatly, 9 dau$hter of :ion- Shout, 9 dau$hter of Jerusalem* behold, thy Bin$ cometh unto thee. ,e is the ri$hteous Sa!ior. . 1>. . . )nd he shall speak peace unto the heathen.

(19) ,"en !"all t"e e(e! of t"e 1lind

!aia" &5%5-6 (. hen the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. +. hen shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the ton$ue of the dumb shall sin$.

(2$) He !"all feed "i! floc8 li8e a !"e9"erd

!aia" #$%11 11. ,e shall feed his flock like a shepherd- and he shall $ather the lambs with ,is arm, and carry them in ,is bosom, and shall $ently lead those that are with youn$.

.att"e0 11%25- 29 2=. Come unto C,imD, all ye that labour and are hea!y laden, and C,e shallD$i!e you rest. 28. ake ChisD yoke upon you, and learn of C,imD- for Che isD meek and lowly of heart* and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

(21) Hi! (o8e i! ea!(

.att"e0 11%&$ 3>. C,isD yoke is easy, and ChisDburden is li$ht.

Part II

(22) /e"old t"e lam1 of God

=o"n 1%29

28.1ehold the #amb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world.

(2&) He 0a! de!9i!ed

!aia" 5&%& 3. ,e is despised and re?ected of men* a man of sorrows, and acquainted with $rief. . . !aia" 5$%6C,eD$a!e C,isD back to the smiters, and C,isD cheeks to them that plucked off the hair* C,eD hid not C,isD face from shame and spittin$.

(2#) 6urel( He "at" 1orne our grief!

!aia" 5&%#-5 %. Surely he hath borne our $riefs, and carried our sorrows. . . . (. . . ,e was wounded for our trans$ressions, he was bruised for our iniquities*the chastisement of our peace was upon him,

(25) *nd 0it" Hi! !tri9e! 0e are "ealed

!aia" 5&%51 (. and with ,is stripes we are healed

(26) *ll 0e li8e !"ee9 "ave gone a!tra(

!aia" 5&%6 +. )ll we like sheep ha!e $one astray- we ha!e turned e!ery one to his own wayand the #ord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

(27) *ll t"e( t"at !ee "im laug" "im to !corn

4!alm 22%7 0. )ll they that see ChimDlau$h ChimD to scorn* they shoot out their lips, they shake their heads, sayin$*

(25) He tru!ted in God

4!alm 22%5 (.att"e0 27%#&) =. ,e trusted Cin GodD that he would deli!er him*let him deli!er him, if he deli$ht in him.

(29) ,"( re1u8e "at" 1ro8en Hi! "eart

4!alm 69%2$ 2>. C hyD rebuke hath broken ChisD heart- C,e isD full of hea!iness. C,eDlooked for some to ha!e pity Con ,imD, but there was none- neither found C,eD any to comfort C,imD.

(&$) /e"old- and !ee if t"ere 1e an( !orro0

+amentation! 1%12 12. 1ehold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto ChisD sorrow. . .

(&1) He 0a! cut off out of t"e land of t"e living

!aia" 5&%51 =. he was cut off out of the land of the li!in$* for the trans$ression of C hyD people was ,e stricken.

(&2) /ut ,"ou did!t not leave Hi! !oul in "ell

4!alm 16%1$ (*ct! 2%27) 1>. C1utD thou CdidstD not lea!e ChisD soul in hell- neither CdidstDthou suffer hy ,oly 9ne to see corruption.

(&&) +ift u9 (our "ead!- O (e gate!

4!alm 2#%7-1$ 0. #ift up your heads, 9 ye $ates- and be ye lift up, ye e!erlastin$ doors- and the Bin$ of Glory shall come in. =. <ho is the Bin$ of Glory2 he #ord stron$ and mi$hty, the #ord mi$hty in battle. 8. #ift up your heads, 9 ye $ates- and be ye lift up, ye e!erlastin$ doors- and the Bin$ of Glory shall come in. 1>. <ho is the Bin$ of Glory2 he #ord of ,osts, ,e is the Bin$ of Glory.

(&#) :nto 0"ic" of t"e angel! !aid He at an( time

He1re0! 1%5 (4!alm 2%7) (. 3or unto which of the an$els said ,e at any time, hou art my Son, this day ha!e / be$otten thee2

(&5) +et all t"e angel! of God 0or!"i9 Him

He1re0! 1%61 +. E#et all the an$els of God worship ,im.E

(&6) ,"ou art gone u9 on "ig"

4!alm 65%15 ('9"e!ian! #%5) 1=. hou art $one up on hi$h, hou hast led capti!ity capti!e, and recei!ed $ifts for men- yea, e!en for hine enemies, that the #ord God mi$ht dwell amon$ them.

(&7) ,"e +ord gave t"e 0ord

4!alm 65%11 11. he #ord $a!e the word* $reat was the company of Cthe preachersD.

(&5) Ho0 1eautiful are t"e feet

;oman! 1$%15 ( !aia" 52%7) 1(. ,ow beautiful are the feet of them that preach the $ospel of peace, and brin$ $lad tidin$s of $ood thin$s;

(&9) ,"eir !ound i! gone out

;oman! 1$%15 (4!alm 19%#)

1=. their sound is $one out into all lands, and their words unto the ends of the world.

(#$) >"( do t"e nation! !o furiou!l( rage toget"er3

4!alm 2%1-2 (*ct! #%25-26) 1. <hy do the heathen ra$e, and why do the people ima$ine a !ain thin$2 2. he kin$s of the earth rise up, and the rulers take counsel to$ether, a$ainst the #ord, and a$ainst ,is )nointed,

(#1) +et u! 1rea8 t"eir 1ond! a!under

4!alm 2%& 3. #et us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their yokes from us.

(#2) He t"at d0ellet" in "eaven

4!alm 2%# %. ,e that dwelleth in the hea!ens shall lau$h them to scorn- the #ord shall ha!e them in derision.

(#&) ,"ou !"alt 1rea8 t"em

4!alm 2%9 8. hou shalt break them with a rod of iron- hou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter4s !essel.

(##) Hallelu<a"
;evelation 19%6 +. ,allelu?ah; for the #ord God omnipotent rei$neth. ;evelation 11%15 1(. . . the kin$doms of this world are become the kin$doms of our #ord, and of ,is Christ* and ,e shall rei$n for e!er and e!er.;evelation 19%16 1+. . . . B/6G 93 B/6GS, #9A@ 93 #9A@S.

Part III

(#5) 8no0 t"at m( redeemer livet"

=o1 19%25- 26

2(. / know that my redeemer li!eth, and that ,e shall stand on the latter day upon the earth* 2+. )nd thou$h worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall / see God. 1Corint"ian! 15%2$ 2>. C3orD now is Christ risen from the dead. . . the firstfruits of them that CsleepD.

(#6) 6ince 1( man came deat"

1Corint"ian! 15%21-22 21. Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22. 3or as in )dam all die, e!en so in Christ shall all be made ali!e.

(#7) /e"old tell (ou a m(!ter(

1Corint"ian! 15%51-52 (1. 1ehold, / tell you a mystery* <e shall not all sleep- but we shall all be chan$ed, (2. /n a moment, in a twinklin$ of an eye, at the last trumpet-

(#5) ,"e trum9et !"all !ound

1Corint"ian! 15%521-5& (2. the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be chan$ed. (3. 3or this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

(#9) ,"en !"all 1e 1roug"t to 9a!!

1Corint"ian! 15%5#1 ( !aia" 25%5) (%. then shall be brou$ht to pass the sayin$ that is written, 4@eath is swallowed up in !ictory.4

(5$) O deat" 0"ere i! t"( !ting3

1Corint"ian! 15%55-56 (Ho!ea 1&%1#)

((. 9 death, where is thy stin$2 9 $ra!e where is thy !ictory2 (+. he stin$ of death is sin- and the stren$th of sin is the law.

(51) /ut t"an8! 1e to God

1 Corint"ian! 15%57 (0. 1ut thanks be to God, who $i!eth us the !ictory throu$h our #ord Jesus Christ.

(52) f God 1e for u!

;oman! 5%&1- &&- &# 31. /f God be for us, who can be a$ainst us2 33. <ho shall lay any thin$ to the char$e of God4s elect2 /t is God that ?ustifieth. 3%. <ho is he that condemneth2 /t is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen a$ain, who is at the ri$ht hand of God, who makes intercession for us.

(5&) >ort"( i! t"e +am1

;evelation 5%12- 1& 12. <orthy is the #amb that was slain to recei!e power, and riches, and wisdom, and stren$th, and honour, and $lory, and blessin$. 13. . . . 1lessin$, and honour, $lory and power, be unto ,im that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the #amb for e!er and e!er. )men.

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1998 Bruce L. Johnson

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