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The sixteen grandsons of Noah

Secular history gives much evidence to show that the survivors of Noahs Flood were real historical figures, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world
by Harold Hunt with Russell Grigg

Ruins in Turkey. There is evidence suggesting that this countrys name is derived from that of Noahs descendant Togarmah (see text . !hen Noah and his family ste""ed out of the #rk$ they were the only "eo"le on %arth. &t fell to Noahs three sons$ 'hem$ Ham$ and (a"heth$ and their wives$ to re"o"ulate the %arth through the children that were born to them after the )lood. *f Noahs grandchildren$ +, grandsons are named in Genesis cha"ter +-. God has left us am"le evidence to confirm that these +, grandsons of Noah really lived$ that the names the .ible gives were their exact names$ and that after the .abel dis"ersion (Genesis ++ their descendants fanned out over the earth and established the various nations of the ancient world. The first generations after the )lood lived to be very old$ with some men outliving their children$ grandchildren$ and great/grandchildren. This set them a"art. The +, grandsons of Noah were the heads of their family clans$ which became large "o"ulations in their res"ective areas. 'everal things ha""ened0 +. 1eo"le in various areas called themselves by the name of the man who was their common ancestor. 2. They called their land$ and often their ma3or city and ma3or river$ by his name. 4. 'ometimes the various nations fell off into ancestor worshi". !hen this ha""ened$ it was natural for them to name their god after the man who was ancestor of all of them$ or to claim their long/living ancestor as their god. #ll of this means that the evidence has been "reserved in a way that can never be lost$ and all the ingenuity of man cannot erase. !e will now examine it.

The seven sons of Japheth

Genesis +-0+52 reads0 6Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah$ 'hem$ Ham$ and (a"heth0 and unto

them were sons born after the flood. The sons of (a"heth7 Gomer$ and 8agog$ and 8adai$ and (avan$ and Tubal$ and 8eshech$ and Tiras. The first of Noahs grandsons mentioned is Gomer. %9ekiel locates the early descendants of Gomer$ along with Togarmah (a son of Gomer $ in the north quarters (%9ekiel 4:0, . &n modern Turkey is an area which in New Testament times was called alatia. The (ewish historian )lavius (ose"hus records that the "eo"le who were called Galatians or Gauls in his day (c. #; <4 were "reviously called Gomerites.+ They migrated westward to what are now called France and Spain. )or many centuries )rance was called Gaul$ after the descendants of Gomer. North/west '"ain is called Galicia to this day. 'ome of the Gomerites migrated further to what is now Great em"ires of the "ast0 %gy"t$ #ssyria$ called !ales. The !elsh historian$ ;avis$ records a .abylon$ and 1ersia all have strong historical traditional !elsh belief that the descendants of Gomer links to the .iblical figures connected with the 6landed on the &sle of .ritain from )rance$ about three sons of Noah. 8ost$ if not all$ tribes and hundred years after the flood.2 He also records that the nations can be traced to these men through !elsh language is called Gomeraeg (after their ancestor their descendants. Gomer . *ther members of their clan settled along the way$ including in "rmenia. The sons of Gomer were 6#shkena9$ and Ri"hath$ and Togarmah (Genesis +-04 . Encyclopaedia Britannica says that the #rmenians traditionally claim to be descended from Togarmah and #shkena9.4 #ncient #rmenia reached into Tur#ey. The name Turkey "robably comes from Togarmah. *thers of them migrated to ermany. Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for Germany. The next grandson mentioned is 8agog. #ccording to %9ekiel$ 8agog lived in the north parts (%9ekiel 4:0+=$ # huge carved statue of the great "haraoh 4<02 . (ose"hus records that those whom he called 8agogites$ the Greeks called 'cythians.+ #ccording to Ramesses && of %gy"t (left . Ruins from the ancient Nabatean city of 1etra (right . Encyclopaedia Britannica, the ancient name for the region which now includes "art of $omania and the %#raine was 'cythia.> The next grandson is 8adai. #long with 'hems son %lam$ 8adai is the ancestor of our modern/day &ranians. (ose"hus says that the descendants of 8adai were called &edes by the Greeks.+ %very time the 8edes are mentioned in the *ld Testament$ the word used is the Hebrew word Madai (maday). #fter the time of ?yrus$ the 8edes are always (with one exce"tion mentioned along with the 1ersians. They became one kingdom with one law@6the law of the 8edes and 1ersians (;aniel ,0:$ +2$ += . Aater they were sim"ly called 'ersians. 'ince +<4= they have called their country (ran. The 8edes also 6settled (ndia.= The name of the next grandson$ (avan$ is the Hebrew word for reece. Greece, Grecia, or Grecians a""ears five times in the *ld Testament$ and is always the Hebrew word Javan. ;aniel refers to 6the king of Grecia (;aniel :02+ $ literally 6the king of (avan. (avans sons were %lishah$ Tarshish$ Bittim$ and ;odanim (Genesis +-0> $ all of whom have connections with the Greek "eo"le. The %lysians (an ancient Greek "eo"le obviously received their name from %lishah. Tarshish or Tarsus was located in the region of ?ilicia (modern Turkey .

Encyclopaedia Britannica says that Kittim is the biblical name for )yprus., The "eo"le who initially settled around the area of Troy worshi""ed (u"iter under the name of (u"iter ;odonaeus$ "ossibly a reference to the fourth son of (avan$ with (u"iter a derivative of (a"heth. His oracle was at ;odena. The Greeks worshi""ed this god but called him Ceus. Next is Tubal. %9ekiel mentions him along with Gog and 8eshech (%9ekiel 4<0+ . Tiglath/"ileser &$ king of #ssyria in about ++-- .?$ refers to the descendants of Tubal as the Tabali. (ose"hus recorded their name as the Thobelites$ who were later known as &beres.+ 6Their land$ in (ose"hus day$ was called by the Romans &beria$ and covered what is now (the former 'oviet 'tate of eorgia whose ca"ital to this day bears the name Tubal as Tbilisi. )rom here$ having crossed the ?aucasus mountains$ this "eo"le migrated due north/ east$ giving their tribal name to the river Tobol$ and hence to the famous city of Tobolsk.D 8eshech$ the name of the next grandson$ is the ancient name for &oscow. 8oscow is both the ca"ital of Russia$ and the region that surrounds the city. To this day$ one section$ the 8eshchera Aowland$ still carries the name of 8eshech$ virtually unchanged by the ages. #ccording to (ose"hus$ the descendants of grandson Tiras were called Thirasians. The Greeks changed their name to Thracians.+ Thrace reached from &acedonia on the south to the ;anube River on the north to the .lack 'ea on the east. &t took in much of what became *ugoslavia. orld Book Encyclopaedia says0 6The "eo"le of Thrace were savage &ndo/%uro"eans$ who liked warfare and looting.: Tiras was worshi""ed by his descendants as Thuras$ or Thor$ the god of thunder.

The four sons of +am

Next we come to the sons of Ham0 ?ush$ 8i9raim$ 1hut$ and ?anaan (Genesis +-0, . The descendants of Ham live mainly in south/west #sia and #frica. The .ible often refers to "frica as the land of Ham (1salms +-=024$2D7 +-,022 . The name of Noahs grandson ?ush is the Hebrew word for old ,thiopia (from #swan south to Bhartoum . !ithout exce"tion$ the word Ethiopia in the %nglish .ible is always a translation of the Hebrew word !ush. (ose"hus rendered the name as ?hus$ and says that the %thio"ians 6are even at this day$ both by themselves and by all men in #sia$ called ?husites.< Noahs next grandson mentioned was 8i9raim. Mizraim is the Hebrew word for ,gypt. The name %gy"t a""ears hundreds of times in the *ld Testament and (with one exce"tion is always a translation of the word Mizraim. %.g. at the burial of (acob$ the ?anaanites observed the mourning of the %gy"tians and so called the "lace A"el Mizraim (Genesis =-0++ . 1hut$ the name of Noahs next grandson is the Hebrew name for -ibya. &t is so translated three times in the *ld Testament. The ancient river 1hut was in Aibya. .y ;aniels day$ the name had been changed to Aibya (;aniel ++0>4 . (ose"hus says$ 61hut also was the founder of Aibia EsicF$ and called the inhabitants 1hutites$ from himself.< ?anaan$ the name of Noahs next grandson$ is the Hebrew name for the general region later called by the Romans 'alestine$ i.e. modern &srael and (ordan. Here we should look briefly at a few of the descendants of Ham (Genesis +-0+>5+: . There is 1hilistim$ obviously the ancestor of the 1hilistines (clearly giving rise to the name 1alestine Eed. note0 but see *rigins of the word G1alestineH$ 2-++F $ and 'idon$ the founder of the ancient city that bears his name$ and Heth$ the "atriarch of the ancient Hittite em"ire. #lso$ this descendant is listed in Genesis +-0+=5+: as being the ancestor of the (ebusites ((ebus

was the ancient name for (erusalem@(udges +<0+- $ the #morites$ the Girgasites$ the Hivites$ the #rkites$ the 'inites$ the #rvadites$ the Cemarites$ and the Hamathites$ ancient "eo"les who lived in the land of ?anaan. The most "rominent descendant of Ham was Nimrod$ the founder of .abel (.abylon $ as well as of %rech$ #ccad and ?alneh in 'hinar (.abylonia .

The five sons of Shem

Aast we come to the sons of 'hem0 %lam$ #sshur$ #r"haxad$ Aud$ and #ram (Genesis +-022 . %lam is the ancient name for 'ersia$ which is itself the ancient name for (ran. Intil the time of ?yrus the "eo"le here were called %lamites$ and they were still often called that even in New Testament times. &n #cts 20<$ the (ews from 1ersia who were "resent at 1entecost were called %lamites# The 1ersians are thus descended from both %lam$ the son of 'hem$ and from 8adai$ the son of (a"heth (see above . 'ince the +<4-s they have called their country &ran. &t is interesting to note that the word 6#ryan$ which so fascinated #dolf Hitler$ is a form of the word 6&ran. Hitler wanted to "roduce a "ure #ryan 6race of su"ermen. .ut the very term 6#ryan signifies a mixed line of 'emites and (a"hethitesJ Asshur is the Hebrew word for "ssyria. #ssyria was one of the great ancient em"ires. %very time the words Assyria or Assyrian a""ear in the *ld Testament$ they are translated from the word Asshur. He was worshi""ed by his descendants. 6&ndeed$ as long as #ssyria lasted$ that is until ,+2 .?$ accounts of battles$ di"lomatic affairs and foreign bulletins were daily read out to his image7 and every #ssyrian king held that he wore the crown only with the ex"ress "ermission of #sshurs deified ghost.+#r"haxad was the "rogenitor of the )haldeans. This 6is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nu9i tablets$ which render the name as #ri"/hurra@the founder of ?haldea.++ His descendant$ %ber$ gave his name to the +ebrew "eo"le via the line of %ber/1eleg/Reu/'erug/Nahor/Terah/#bram (Genesis ++0+,52, . %bers other son$ (oktan$ had +4 sons (Genesis +-02,54- $ all of whom a""ear to have settled in "rabia.+2 Aud was the ancestor of the -ydians. Aydia was in what is now !estern Tur#ey. Their ca"ital was 'ardis@one of the seven churches of #sia was at 'ardis (Revelation 40+ . Aram is the Hebrew word for Syria. !henever the word 'yria a""ears in the *ld Testament it is a translation of the word Aram. The 'yrians call themselves #rameans$ and their language is called #ramaic. .efore the s"read of the Greek %m"ire$ #ramaic was the international language (2 Bings +:02, ff . *n the cross$ when (esus cried out$ 6%loi$ %loi$ lama sabachthani (8ark +=04> $+4 He was s"eaking #ramaic$ the language of the common "eo"le.

!e have only taken the briefest glance at Noahs sixteen grandsons$+> but enough has been said to show that they really did live$ that they were who the .ible says they were$ and that their descendants are identifiable on the "ages of history. Not only is the .ible not a collection of myths and legends$ but it stands alone as the key to the history of the earliest ages of the world.

$elated "rticles
# 1ossible ?reationist 1ers"ective on the Tyrolean (*et9taler &ce 8an The original 6unknown god of ?hina The origin of languages0 a synthesis .iblical chronogenealogies

+. Josephus$ !omplete orks, Bregel 1ublications$ Grand Ra"ids$ 8ichigan$ 6#ntiKuities of the (ews$ +0,0+ (i.e. book +$ cha"ter ,$ section + . Return to text. 2. (. ;avis$ %istory o& the elsh Baptists &rom the 'ear (i)ty*three to the 'ear +ne ,housand (even %undred and (eventy, ;.8. Hogan$ 1ittsburgh$ +:4=$ re"ublished by The .a"tist$ #berdeen$ 8ississi""i$ ". +$ +<D,. Return to text. 4. Encyclopaedia Britannica, .0>22$ +<,D. Return to text. >. Encyclopaedia Britannica, ./0++,$ +<,D. Return to text. =. #.?. ?ustance$ -oah.s ,hree (ons$ Lol.+$ 6The ;oorway 1a"ers$ Condervan$ 8ichigan$ ". <2$ +<D=. Return to text. ,. Encyclopaedia Britannica 00442$ +<<2. Return to text. D. .ill ?oo"er$ A&ter the /lood$ New !ine 1ress$ ?hichester$ %ngland$ ". 2-4$ +<<=. Return to text. :. orld Book Encyclopaedia, Lol. +:$ ". 2-D$ +<,:. Return to text. <. Ref. +$ +0,02. Return to text +-.Ref. D$ ". +D-. Return to text. ++.Ref. D$ ". +D2. Return to text. +2.Ref. =$ ". ++D. Return to text. +4.8atthew 2D0>, and 8ark +=04> Kuote the #ramaic form of 1salm 220+$ but 8atthew reconverted Eloi to the Hebrew Eli. Return to text. +>.)or exam"le$ we made no attem"t here to trace the origins of the ?hinese. )or evidence on this sub3ect see 6The original$ GunknownM God of ?hina$ !reation ./(4 0=-5=>$ +<<:. This article also shows how ancient ?hinese ?haracters demonstrate that the ancient ?hinese knew the Gos"el message found in the book of Genesis. Return to text.

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