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apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi or mysql-5.0.41-win32.exe Used - apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl.

msi Go to your desktop to the previously created folder and double click apache_2.0.59win32-x86-no_ssl.msi. This will start installation of Apache web server. Follow the instructions:

Fig. 0 - !n the first two fields type in localhos and in the last one in!o"localhos . "e will be installing Apache as a service which starts auto#atically when co#puter starts therefore we select #or 80. !f you are about to use your web server $ust fro# ti#e to ti#e then you #ay choose #or 8080. This way you would need to start Apache #anually everyti#e you are going to use it.

Fig. 0% - &elect $%s om and click nex .

Fig. 0' - (ecause we want our server to be installed in $&'(er)er click $han*e button to change the path of the installation. )avigate to $&'(er)er and click +,. *n the ne+t screen click nex .

http:,,localhost, http:,,-./.0.0.-, both tests worked

)ow let0s see if Apache is running. *pen your browser and if you were installing Apache as a service 12ort 304 then type in U56 h p&--localhos and press .n er. 7ou should see the sa#e page as displayed above. !f you were installing Apache using 2ort 3030 then you would need to first start it by going to ( ar / 0ll #ro*rams / 0pache 122# (er)er 2.0.59 / $on rol 0pache (er)er and click ( ar . Then in your browers0s U56 type h p&--localhos &8080. This should open the sa#e page in your browser. 8ake sure you allow Apache access on your firewall. #1# Go to your desktop and in the folder you initially created find file called php-%...9"in9..:ip. ;+tract the content of this file to <:=&erver=2hp. )ow we need to add our <:=&erver=2hp folder to the pa h of the .n)ironmen 3aria4les. To do this right click 5y $omp% er icon on your desktop and choose #roper ies. Then choose 06)ance6 tab and click .n)ironmen 3aria4les button 1Fig. -94.

Fig. -9 )ow select #a h fro# the (ys em )aria4les list in the botto# part of the window and click .6i 1Fig. - 4.

Fig. !n the new window click inside the 3aria4le )al%e& bo+ and press .n6 button on your keyboard to get to the end of the path. )ow type in or copy and paste the following 7 <:=&erver=2hp 1Fig. -%4. 8ake sure you start it with se#icolon and to use back slashes.

Fig. -%

*nce you have done this click +, in all of the windows until you close the (ys em #roper ies window. )ow you need to restart the co#puter. )e+t step will be to find out if our 2>2 is working. Go to ( ar / 8%n and type cm6. !n the co##and pro#pt window type php -). 7ou should see so#ething like Fig. -'.

Fig. -' "e still have so#e tweaking to do before we finish our installation. Go to <:=&erver=2hp and find file called php.ini-recommen6e6. 5ena#e that file to php.ini. *pen this file and #ake the following a#end#ents: -. identify line with 6oc_roo 9 and change it to: 6oc_roo 9 <:=&erver=Apache.'h 6ocs .. identify line with ex ension_6ir 9 :.-: and change it to: ex ension_6ir 9 <:=&erver=2hp'e+t ;6on< %se 6o%4le q%o es = >? &ave and close the file.

0pache $on!i*%ra ion

)ow we need to #ake sure that Apache knows where to search for php #odules. To do that first go to $&'(er)er'0pache2'con! and open file h p6.con! in your te+t editor. (ecause we will be running 2>2 as an Apache #odule which is faster and #ore secure option co#paring to <G! binary? we will need to do the following changes to h p6.con! file: -. identify @oa65o6%le section and add the following line at the top of this section: @oa65o6%le php5_mo6%le :$&-(er)er-#hp-php5apache2.6ll: .. identify 0662ype section and add the following line at the top of this section: 0662ype applica ion-x-h p6-php .php 9. lastly place the following line so#ewhere within the content: #1#AniBir :$&-(er)er-#hp-: - ensure you have a closing slash at the end of the path. &ave and close file. 5estart Apache by going to ( ar / 0ll #ro*rams / 0pache 122# (er)er 2.0.59 / $on rol 0pache (er)er and click 8es ar .

)ow go to $&'(er)er'0pache2'h 6ocs folder and select all files by pressing $ rl C 0 on your keyboard. 5ight click on any of the selected files and choose #roper ies. !n 0 ri4% es section of the Deneral tab tick 1i66en checkbo+ and click 0pply and +, to close the window. This way you will only see your own files in this folder which is the roo of our web server and the place where you will be setting up all your pro$ects. !nside $&'(er)er'0pache2'h 6ocs create a file and give it a na#e phpin!o.php. *pen this file with your te+t editor and place the following line: EFphp phpin!oGH7 F/. &ave and close the file. 5estart Apache *pen your browser and type the following line in the U56: h p&--localhos -phpin!o.php. 7ou should see now a 2>2 infor#ation page 1Fig. -/4.

Fig. -/ )ow that our Apache and 2>2 is installed let0s #ove on to the ne+t section where we will be installing 8y&@6. 5y(I@ or mysql-5.0.41-win32.exe

Fig. -3 - <lick nex .

Fig. -A - &elect $%s om and click nex .

Fig. .0 - <lick $han*e button to change the path of the installation.

Fig. .- - )avigate to $&(er)er'5ysql and click +,? then click nex .

Fig. .. - <lick Ans all to start installation.

Fig. .9 - Buring installation a new window will pop up introducing 5y(I@ .n erprise. &i#ply click nex twice to continue with your installation.

Fig. . - 7our installation is finished. 7ou are now ready to configure your 8y&@6 &erver. <lick Jinish to start configuration. 8y&@6 <onfiguration

Fig. .% - *n the first screen click nex .

Fig. .' - &elect Be aile6 $on!i*%ra ion and click nex .

Fig. ./ - &elect Be)eloper 5achine and click nex .

Fig. .3 - &elect 5%l i!%nc ional Ba a4ase and click nex .

Fig. .A - 6eave everything as default and click nex .

Fig. 90 - &elect Becision (%ppor GB((H-+@0# and click nex .

Fig. 9- - 6eave two options checked and port nu#ber as 3306 and click nex .

Fig. 9. - &elect ( an6ar6 charac er (e and click nex .

Fig. 99 - &elect Ancl%6e Kin Birec ory in Win6ows #021 and leave other options as default. <lick nex .

Fig. 9 - Tick 5o6i!y (ec%ri y (e in*s and type in a password you want to use to access 8y&@6 server? then click nex .

Fig. 9% - <lick .xec% e to apply configuration settings.

Fig. 9' <lick Jinish to e+it configuration wi:ard. The last thing you need to do is to open php.ini file located in $&'(er)er'#hp and unco##ent the line ex ension9php_mysql.6ll by re#oving se#icolon7 at the beginning. &ave the file and close it. 5estart the co#puter. This way you have co#pleted your installation and you are now ready to start developing your web applications using Apache? 2>2 and 8y&@6. Doo6 @%cLM copy li4mysql.6ll !rom php !ol6er o win6ows-sys em32 8es ar 0pache <o##on proble#s -The connection was reset -CN%s copy li4mysql.6ll !rom php !ol6er o apache-4in 2his par really worLs o *e apacheO php an6 mysql o alL o each o her N%s copy li4mysql.6ll !rom php !ol6er o apache-4in A 6i6 no nee o res ar he machine a! er A copie6 he li4mysql.6ll o apache-4in 87&@6 install error error no 2003 canP connec o mysql ser)er on localhos close apache and then continue

The last thing you need to do is to open php.ini file located in $&'(er)er and unco##ent the line ex ension9php_mysql.6ll by re#oving se#icolon 7 at the beginning. &ave the file and close it. 5estart the co#puter. 8es ar apache

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