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Employment/Career and Small Business Guide For Military and Veterans In San Diego County
Vol. 1 No 1
Sunday, February 23, 2014

National Veterans Transition Services, Inc.
Female vets struggling more to nd jobs
The San Diego region has 13
industry clusters with a total of
331,410 local jobs in 2010.
These cluster jobs represent 27
percent of the regions total
employment. On average, industry
cluster jobs pay higher wages
($56,000) than the regional average
San Diego
In Demand
Outlook of San
Consectetur adipiscing: Elit magnum dolorem et magnum aliquam
Helping Female Veterans Find Jobs
Female veterans face a di!erent journey than men when it comes to healing the wounds of
war. For those who are mothers, it takes a lot of readjustment back to home life.
Industry Clusters in the San
Diego Region Are Booming
>> read more on page 12
Did you know that there are now
more than 20 million military
veterans living in the United States?
When you imagine their faces, you
probably picture two distinct groups:
the now-aging men who served in
WWII, Vietnam and other conicts,
and the fresh-faced young people
returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
But there's something you may have
forgotten to include in that image: for
every 10 people returning from Iraq
and Afghanistan, there is one
Women make up a large part of our
armed forces and are serving in
combat. Like their male
counterparts, many women veterans
struggle to transition back into
civilian life, facing homelessness,
PTSD, issues with child care, efects
from sexual trauma endured while in
the military, lack of licensing or
credentialing, and many other
challenges that can quite
signicantly impede their paths to
economic self-sumciency. One
particular struggle women veterans
face is that of nding employment to
support themselves and their
families as they return to a bleak job
market and are unsure how to adapt
the skills they have developed in the
military to the private sector. In
January, the unemployment rate for
women veterans was 17.1 percent
according to the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics. The latest data for
May says it stands at the lowest rate
in years -- 4.9 percent. The
unemployment rate for women
veterans transitioning to the labor
force is volatile, and if the cycle
continues, we will likely see the rate
rise dramatically again.
Two years ago, First Lady Michelle
Obama and Dr. Jill Biden called on
Goodwill and others to support our
military veterans by participating in
the Joining Forces campaign.
Goodwill rose to that call and to date
has hired nearly 1,800 men and
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Shark Tank episode 518 keeps the
juggernaut season 5 going strong
with 4 new entrepreneurs seeking a
partnership and an investment from
the panel of wealthy Sharks.
FitDeck founderPhil Black, a Havard
MBA and former Navy Seal, brings a
series of exercise programs based
on a card game he played in college
combined with his military training
Former Navy SEAL Pitches
His Business on 'Shark Tank'
>> read more on page 35
>> read more on page 3
A community service of the National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. aka REBOOT
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posidonium in, et
nam alia meis.
January-February 2014 Wave~winds 1 Community Support Programs
Program Manager: Ron Vogel
Editors: Wanda Riggs, Mindy Hayes, Tim Cleator,
Abegail Baaga, Nancy Walker
Graphic Design: Kurt Stell, Brian Sulit,
Richard Valentine, James McGury, David Meza
Wave~winds is a bi-monthly publication of
Navy Region Southwest produced for military
members and their families to enhance their
quality of life. The information in this issue
is current at time of publication. Activities,
events, fees and hours of operation are subject
to change. For confirmation, please call the
activity. Complete listings of hours of operation
and phone numbers for Community Support
Programs, Navy Region Southwest, San Diego, are
located in the Facility Directory section.
Advertisements or listings in this publication do not
express or imply the endorsement of commercial
sponsors, businesses, or products by the Navy or
any other part of the Federal Government.
For Advertising and Sponsorship Information,
please contact Irene Wells at 619-556-7464, or
Abegail Baaga at 619-556-0474
San Diego Base Legend
Naval Base San Diego (NBSD)
San Diego, CA 92136
Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI)
Coronado, CA 92118
Naval Amphibious Base (NAB)
Coronado, CA 92155
NBPL, Main Base
(Point Loma) San Diego, CA 92106
NBPL, Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine
Warfare Command (NMAWC)
(Point Loma) San Diego, CA 92147
Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD)
(Balboa Park area) San Diego, CA 92134
January-February 2014
View Wave~winds online
Tickets & Travel 2
Liberty 8
Auto Skills 13
OAC & Party Rental 14
Bowling 15
Dining Services 16
Golf 18
Fleet & Family Support 20
School Liaison 21
Child & Youth Programs 22
Youth Sports 23
Housing 24
Safe Harbor 25
Aquatics 26
Marina & SCUBA 26
Woof Walk 27
Athletics & Fitness 28
CSP Facility Directory 30
Bridge Run 2014 Back Cover
to view the
2014 issue on
your Computer or
Smart Phone.
SECTION Workshops, Seminars, Resumes, Interviewing
Page 2
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis.
Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae nisl
a dolor mattis ornare sit amet pharetra
to date has hired nearly 1,800 men and
women veterans and military family
members, and it has served nearly
100,000 more with job training and
placement services.
These veterans are people like former
Army Sergeant Ishenia Mumphord, a
single mom who returned from three tours
of duty in Iraq to a tough job market in her
local community. She had a doubly hard
time earning employment with an expired
commercial driver's license, out-of-date
certications, and a rsum that did not
adequately reect her skills. She came to
Goodwill Industries of Houston for
assistance, where a Goodwill employment
specialist led her through rsum and
interviewing workshops. They worked
together to better represent her skills in
her rsum, and updated her commercial
driver's license. As a result of these eforts,
she earned a job as a manager at a major
trucking rm. She also received nancial
coaching, which helped her buy her rst
house before the arrival of her second
Vestibulum vitae neque endrerit purus
posuere egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu
sollicitudin lorem. Fusce placerat
gravida vehicula.
Mumphord's illustrates just one stirring
success story; there are thousands of
other brave veterans like her, many of
whom are facing similar struggles.
Perhaps more alarmingly, nearly half of our
women veterans are less than 30 years
old, and the unemployment rate among
our youngest veterans is even higher than
that for the group at large. These women
are a crucial element of America's future.
They are tomorrow's leaders, teachers,
mothers, CEOs, and, most likely, ghters.
But if we expect them to fulll any of these
roles, it's up to us to connect them with
the resources they need to succeed today.
On that note, I'm very pleased to
announce that Goodwill has launched a
new initiative to help 3,000 women
veterans nd jobs over the next two years.
We hope more individuals and
organizations will join with us to pay the
debt we owe to these heroes. Without
them, where would our nation be?
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis.
Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae nisl
a dolor mattis ornare sit amet pharetra
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in eget
nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce
placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed
commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed.
Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus
euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed
vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec orci
luctus velit interdum porttitor. Vestibulum
vitae neque. Praesent porttitor egestas
magna sed commodo. Quisque
elementum pretium odio.
A Call to Arms
Helping Female Veterans Find Jobs
Sed dicat eligendi
signiferumque ut.
Ius labore deserunt
posidonium in, et
nam alia meis.
Lorem Ipsum
Jacki Bullo Lorem
ipsum dolor sit
amet, movet eruditi
ancillae an mei. No
suscipiantur his. Ius
nonumy oblique te,
nam ea nihil affert
aliquam, probo
delicatissimi vel te.
Ius consulatu
constituto id usu?
Wounded warriors, veterans and
transitioning Marines attended a
networking event geared toward
helping them create a successful
future outside the military. Some
of the philosophies that make
REBOOT Workshops successful
were highlighted as ways to help
our countrys warriors transition
successfully. Space and Naval
Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) hosted the event at Wounded Warrior Battalion
Wests Hope and Care Center on Camp Pendleton Jan. 23, 2014.
NVTSI President/National Executive Director Maurice Wilson, U.S. Navy Master Chief
Petty Ofcer (ret), NVTSI REBOOT Workshop Enrollment Specialist Dietrice Hinojosa, and
Master Facilitator, The Pacic Institute, Angus MacDonald, U.S. Navy Captain (ret), were
on hand to talk with the warriors and participants during the networking portion of the
SPAWARs networking efforts grew from SPAWAR Commander, Rear Adm. Patrick
Bradys desire to hire wounded warriors. During his opening speech, Brady talked about
organizations like NVTSI/REBOOT who help veterans nd not just jobs but careers.
There are people out there who
want t o hel p t r ansi t i oni ng
veterans like you nd not just a
job but a meaningful career, said
Rear Adm. Brady. You need to
wi den your aperture, meet
industry personnel and build a
network of contacts that can help
you nd pl acement i nt o a
meaningful career.

Meaningful careers are exactly what NVTSI wants for all its graduates from REBOOT
Workshops. NVTSIs most recent initiative, Veterans Ready for Hire helps link employers
with qualied veterans who are also REBOOT graduates. The workshop facilitators teach
veterans about the importance of not just nding a job but nding a career they are
passionate about and an employer they connect with.
Five panelists from various military and government contracting backgrounds provided
advice to the warriors on what it takes to transfer the skills they learned in the military and
turn them into a career working in the defense industry. Even though the panel was
focused on how to help the Marines learn the ins and outs of applying for and
successfully gaining a government position, their advice would easily translate to any
If you own a computer, you are probably familiar with the
term reboot the process by which a computer is
restarted. Why bother restarting a computer? Because
the longer a computer is on, the slower it often becomes
due to the accumulation of countless invisible
background processes going on behind the scenes
usually without our knowledge or consent.

So there you are, staring impatiently at your screen
waiting waiting. waiting for what seems like an
eternity to gain access to all that cool software you
own. Whats yours, unfortunately, has become
frustratingly inaccessible.

The same phenomenon goes on inside of a human
During the course of a day or a week or a lifetime, all
kinds of stuff is going on inside us invisible stuff
the kind of stuff that bogs us down and ends up
interfering, big time, with the quality of our experience.

F o r some of
u s , this stuff
mi ght show up
a s g u i l t ,
doubt o r
regret. F o r
others, i t s
or desire. And then, of course,
t he r e s a l wa y s a reliable cache of worry,
sadness, anger, blame, projection and fear a
seemingly endless supply of bugs taking over our once
perfect human operating system.
Im not saying that human beings are computers. Im
simply noting the fact that sometimes all the stuff
spinning around in our heads can have a limiting effect
on us. It slows us down. It causes problems. It makes us
prime candidates for a reboot a simple way to get a
fresh start.This, in my experience, is what Prem Rawat is
offering and it happens in two different ways.

When I sit down to practice the techniques he taught me
for turning my attention within, I am restored to a pristine
state of being a state of optimal functioning. The
second way? Simply sitting before him and listening to
what he has to say. At that time (or should I say
timelessness), all the static going on inside my head
disappears. Sluggishness is replaced by responsiveness,
fragmentation by wholeness, and all my needless
spinning in space by the kind of stillness and presence I
never want to end.
This week, I thought I would take a sabbatical from covering business
intelligence to write about a very good book I read recently--about
"Reboot your Life" is one of those books that comes in handy when you
are in your thirties, forties, fties, sixties and now, with the work life of
everyone being streteched as far as you can see, maybe in
the seventies and eighties also!

Taking a break from what you do every day and doing something
different to recharge yourself, your brain and coming back all energized
to do the same things better or something else--this is not something
that is a luxury anymore, but a necessity.

This book explains very well why you need to take a break, preparing
ahead of time what you will be doing (or not doing!) when you do so, as
well as preparing those around you for you doing something different,
doing it, and then coming back and reintegrating yourself into your
usual run of things.

None of those steps can be skipped. When you have been doing the same
thing for years and years and then do something else, those around you
need to adjust more than you do. How true this is, as anyone who has
stayed home for any extended period of time between jobs or for health
reasons knows full well. How many marriages have fallen apart because one
of the spouses retired and the other one cannot stand the puttering, free,
cranky spouse anymore?

The best chapters are those that discuss re-entry and thinking hard about
whether you want to come back and do the same thing again after a
sabbatical. Most vocations and jobs are just those--a way of making a living,
although at the time, we imagine them to be much more. After a sabbatical,
you can come back and start doing something else with even more vigor
and interest. When you are learning something new and trying to do well in it,
life suddenly perks up.

This book is a gem and a must-have in any professional's library.
Transitions By Robert C. Kamei
A bend in the road is not the end of the road,
unless you fail to make the turn

Any time you deal with any adjustments in life, there will always be resistance to change. This
is especially true when you transition from military life to civilian life. I remember fearing life in
the civilian world because the civilian population doesnt understand the military mentality and
our own ways of communication.

To this day, my wife doesnt obey the orders I bark at her and she would be in direct violation of many regulations of the UCMJ! And for
these reasons (outside of my marital situation) is why the military created the Transition Assistance Program (TAP).

The purpose of TAP is to prepare separating Service members and their families with the skills, tools, and self-condence necessary to
ensure successful reentry into the Nation's civilian work force. TAPs are designed to complete the military personnel "life cycle. This
interestingly called cycle begins with the Service member's voluntary recruitment from the civilian sector, continues through training
and sustainment throughout a Service member's service in their respective branch of service, and concludes when the Service
member returns to the civilian sector. TAP services include pre-separation counseling, individual transition planning, employment
assistance, excess leave and permissive temporary duty, and relocation assistance for personnel overseas, which are to be provided
to Service members and their families for up to 90 days after separation.

When being discharged, released from active duty, or retiring, Service members and their families are primarily responsible for their
successful transition into civilian life. For Service members who are located overseas, there are advanced transition assistance
programs established for eligible members and their families to help alleviate the special dimculties overseas personnel encounter
when job and house hunting. The timeline for the Pre-Separation Brieng is suggested to attend this brieng 6 months prior to
separation or one year prior to retirement. It is MANDATORY at least 90 days prior to separation or retirement, with the spouse also
encouraged to attend the brieng. TAP helps you prepare for the many military to civilian transition challenges with topics to cover:
preparation for transition, job search skills, resume writing, record keeping, and veterans benets. This program is recommended at
least one year prior to separation or retirement, with the spouse also encouraged to attend.

But if you are afected by something that you did not plan for due to a disability, the Disability Transition Assistance Program (DTAP) is
what program we fall under. My goal was to be a career Marine, but just two years in, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and
was able to be transferred to a unit in San Diego to nish out my shortened career close to the Naval Medical Center (NMC) Balboa. At
the NMC was where I started my process for a Medical Disability Review where Service members mayle a VA Claim for Disability on
their own, with the assistance of a Veterans Center or with the assistance of a Veterans Service Organization (VSO).Of course I knew
nothing about what life would be like after the Marine Corps or what was going to replace my Captains pay.

I knew nothing about the VA, what VSOs are, or

what a claim is and how to le for one. The only
thing I knew was that I was being Medically
Boarded out on a Temporary Disabled Retirement
List (TDRL) and that I had to wait up to ve years to
be determined and placed on the Permanently
Disabled Retirement List (PDRL), which means a lot
to the VA. How can one letter (T or P) have such a
huge meaning to the VA? Well Permanent and Total
determines whether you qualify for the auto grant
(escalating to $18,900), the Specially Adaptive
Housing (SAH) grant (currently $63,780), and
Survivors and Dependents Education Assistance
for upper-level schooling. Based on the progressive
nature of my MS, I was quickly determined and
placed on the PDRL.
Eleven years later, I dont remember too much (either MS or old age) about going to these suggested meetings. I did start my claim
through the NMC after meeting with them a couple of times while I was still on active duty to nalize my Med Board. I was referred to
join PVA and met with this guy named Mr. Rollins to get the auto, SAH and other benets started. Getting in touch with a VSO is a
must since they have the knowledge to handle and coordinate your claim(s). And now that I am a National Service Omcer for the PVA, I
can say that its my turn to assist Service members, dazed and confused (like I was) leaving the branch of service I did not want to
leave from. Spreading the word about what the PVA is and what we can do for disabled Service member is necessary to get them
headed in the right direction and receive the benets they deserve to start their lives on a new road.
REBOOT Workshops is a free three-
week intensive military-to-civilian
transition workshop developed by
NVTSI that provides extensive
training focused on three areas:
Personal Transition, Lifestyle
Transition & Career Transition.
REBOOT addresses the personal and
social aspects of transitioning to
civilian life by using research-based,
outcome-driven methods drawn from
best practices in career planning and
cognitive-behavioral techniques.
Their workshop training is
supplemented with extended follow-
up that enhances career
opportunities, promotes social
networking, and leverages peer
support. REBOOT is available to
military active duty, veterans of all
wars, and spouses.
NVTS, Inc. is a San Diego-based 501
(c)(3) organization dedicated to
assisting veterans in adjusting to
civilian life and securing meaningful
employment by combining best-
practice performance social solutions
and techniques.
The organization was established by
a group of retired high ranking Naval
and Marine Corps omcers and
workforce development professionals
who seek to ll a tremendous gap in
the continuum of veteran services.
Their mission is to assist veterans in
making a successful transition from
military service to civilian life, with all
veterans achieving, within their
potential, their goals in the transition
domains of employment and career,
education, living situation, personal
efectiveness/wellbeing, and
community-life functioning.
REBOOT is a free
intensive military-
to-civilian transition
Page 5
Transition Service Providers In San Diego
Ruehlin Associates
Ruehlin Associates have professional career transition
consultants who specialize in training Senior Military
Personnel on how to transition to a private sector career. This
seminar ofers intensive professional career management and
transition counseling that specically addresses the unique
needs of Senior Omcers and Senior Enlisted Sailors who are
retiring from active military service within twelve eighteen
Veterans Transition Services, Inc
Veterans Transition Services is a California Corporation,
formed by Service-Disabled Veterans who have Master
Degrees in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and related
degrees, hold national certications and are Registered
Professional Counselors in the State of California. VTS, Inc.
serves veterans in: California and Ohio.
Advancing Careers
Advancing Careers is a woman-owned small business
specialized in providing career transition and vocational
rehabilitation services in both domestic and international
markets. Our goal is to foster personal and professional
growth for companies and individuals. We provide the
guidance, support, and tools needed to help you succeed!
Certied Career Consultants, Inc
Certied Career Consultants, Inc (CCC, Inc) was founded in
1985 and has been providing results-oriented career
development, and vocational rehabilitation services for over
National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. (NVTSI)
NVTS, Inc. is a San Diego-based 501 (c)(3) organization
dedicated to assisting veterans in adjusting to civilian
life and securing meaningful employment by combining
best-practice performance social solutions and
VEAP Southern California Region
In coordination with the California
Workforce Investment Board,
Employment Development
Department (EDD) funds
organizations to ofer services
targeted to meet the veterans
unique needs and occupational goals
with an emphasis on those who
recently returned to civilian life.
Agencies are tasked to prepare
veterans for careers in a variety of
elds in high demand.
With the assistance of state grants,
local programs focus on veterans
training and employment services
that recognize the skills and
experiences acquired in their military
career. The providers below ofer
services targeted to meet the
veterans unique needs and
occupational goals. The local
operators in San Diego County are:
Able-Disabled Advocacy, Inc.
Type of Training: Information
Technology & Green Jobs
4283 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 110
San Diego, CA 92105
Elaine Cooluris

North County Interfaith Council
Type of Training: Green Jobs,
Healthcare Services & Agriculture
550 West Washington Ave, Suite B
Escondido, CA 92025
Janet Bolosan
San Diego Workforce Partnership
Type of Training: Healthcare
Services, Transportation & Security
3910 University Ave, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92105
Suzanne Oliver
Veterans Village of San Diego
Type of Training: Green Jobs
4141 Pacic Highway
San Diego, CA 92110
David Siegler
Vestibulum vitae neque
Thanks to a $5 million grant from the Walmart Foundation,
new career services will be available to veterans in
Astoria, NY; Bufalo, NY; Fort Worth, TX; Oxnard, CA; San
Antonio, TX; Santa Ana, CA; San Diego, CA; Waco, TX;
and Winston-Salem, NC. With this grant, Goodwill
Industries International and the Walmart Foundation are
expanding Operation: GoodJobs, a program that helps
veterans and their families nd meaningful work and gain
nancial stability. Operation: GoodJobs, is expected to
serve more than 4,000 veterans and military family
members across the country by providing the tools and
resources they need to achieve their educational, career
and nancial goals.
Vestibulum vitae neque endrerit purus posuere
egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce
placerat gravida vehicula.
Over a three-year grant period that extends through July
2016, local Goodwill agencies will connect program
participants with the training, nancial education,
credentialing opportunities, retention support and case
management resources they need to get back to work
and advance their careers. The program is unique
because it is open to veterans, military spouses and adult
children dependents (ages 18-24). The program is also
making an additional commitment to focus on helping
women veterans. Through Operation: GoodJobs,
Goodwill will work with business partners to match
potential employees with employers. Goodwill will also
provide participants withfree job search assistance and
employment placement,screening, and support services,
including child care, nutrition advice and transportation.
The goal of Operation: GoodJobs is to smooth the
transition from military service to the civilian workforce,
said Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill
Industries International. These heroes stood up for
America in our time of need, and now Goodwill and the
Walmart Foundation are standing up for them.
The program not only benets veterans and their families,
but employers as well. By hiring veterans who have
participated in Operation: GoodJobs, businesses will be
bolstered by having highly skilled and mission-
ready military veterans in the workforce.
Our veterans have many great skills to ofer the current
job force, and with one million veterans slated to return
home in the next ve years, we need to ensure they have
the opportunity to put those skills to work, said retired
U.S. Army Brigadier General Gary Prot, senior director of
military programs at Walmart. Goodwill is an essential
partner in helping us fulll our commitment to help
veterans nd jobs where they have the ability to live better
lives and nd success.
After launching in the spring of 2012 in Austin and
Houston, TX, and Tacoma, WA, Operation: GoodJobs has
successfully served more than 815 veterans and families.
The newly expanded program now includes nine
additional Goodwill agencies in four states with high
concentrations of veterans: California, New York, North
Carolina and Texas.
Goodwill & the Walmart Foundation Stand Up
Connecting Veterans to their Next Mission
Vestibulum vitae neque
RISMEDIA, December 2013-CENTURY 21 Award is proud
to announce that the funds raised from our summer
Loser's RaMe have been allocated at Easter Seals
Southern California. The $30,000 gift serves as the
inaugural gift to launch the WorkFirst program in San
Easter Seals has a long, committed history of serving
military service members and veterans. For nearly 100
years Easter Seals has provided exceptional services to
people with disabilities and their families, and following
World War II Easter Seals expanded its reach to service
members returning home with disabilities. Building upon
these years of experience,
Easter Seals' national board of directors established a
military and veterans initiative as a global priority in 2005.
Furthennore, in response to Post-9/11 service members
returning home, Easter Seals created the Dixon Center in
2012 with Colonel David Sutherland, retired us Anny and
fonner Special Assistant to the Chainnan of the Joint
Chiefs of Staf.

ESSC has chosen to build upon its highly successful
employment program, WorkFirst, to deliver critical
employment placement assistance and job skills training
to returning veterans and their families as they seek to
reintegrate into their civilian communities. Strategically,
ESSC has made the decision to pilot our Military and
Veterans Services WorkFirst program in San Diego.
WorkFirst is a proven efective employment services
program focused on: 1) Ensuring employment for people
with all types of disabilities. 2) Decreasing the demand for
State-funded services. 3) Stimulating the economy by
adding people to the workforce. 4) Improving the quality
of life for people with disabilities while mitigating

Easter Seals Southern California Set to
Launch Military and Veterans Services
Consectetur adipiscing elit magnum dolorem et magnum aliquam Lorem Ipsum
Sed dicat eligendi
signiferumque ut. Ius labore
deserunt posidonium in, et
nam alia meis.
SECTION Job/Career Fairs, Hiring Events, Internships
Page InTransition 7
Page 8

Funded by
T (760) 730-9325 F (888) 457-9598
In April of 2013, the San Diego Workforce
Partnership (SDWP) commissioned BW
Research Partnership, Inc. (BW Research) to
identify the San Diego Countys top 50
indemand jobs and develop a robust prole of
each occupation based on employer
feedback and current labor market information.
The attached report is meant to
supplement the 50 occupational proles that
were developed as part of this research
and provide some additional insight on the
employer surveys, executive interviews and
online resume panels.

The study had three key research objectives:
1. Identify 50 in-demand occupations in San
Diego County that can be lled or developed
by SDWPs job-seeking customers.
2. Develop a robust prole of each of the 50 in-
demand jobs based on current labor market
information and direct feedback from San
Diego County employers through
quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews
and online panels.
3. Examine the evolving employer expectations
for education, technical skills and non-
technical skills in the context of the in-
demand occupations. This information is
meant to inform and educate students and
job-seekers as they prepare for the world of

The study also provided valuable workforce
development information for San Diego
County and the regional labor market, including:
An assessment of career pathways in San
Diego Countys labor market and their
relationship to diferent occupations and
An in-depth qualitative examination of San
Diego County employers attitudes and
perspectives on special population job-
seekers, including older workers, the
previously incarcerated, those with disabilities
and veterans.
An analysis of the role the resume plays in
getting employed and how that difers by
industry, occupation and the size of the

The research began with an extensive analysis

of available labor market information, using
California Employment Development
Department (EDD) and Economic Modeling
Specialists, Intl. (EMSI) labor market projections.
BW Research identied in-demand occupations
based on: a) total employment and forecasted
growth; b) relevance to key industries that were
prioritized by the San Diego Workforce
Partnership; and c) likeliness to have
educational requirements that could be met by
the SDWPs job-seeking customers.
Military Veteran Initiatives
Life science and the military are synonymous
with San Diego. To keep our region on the
cutting edge of scientic and technological
innovation we need to develop a new pipeline of
workers. There is an excellent t between the
life sciences industry and the needs of
transitioning military. However, making the
transition from military to civilian life is
challenging. Innovative strategies new to be
created, discussed and throughly cemented into
the culture of biotechnology hiring practices. To
discuss ways to create paths for veterans to
enter the industry, we have decided to bring key
military, educational and biotechnology leaders
together to form a Veteran Initiatives Committee
at Biocom.
Primary Goal: To create an open environment
where current veteran issues related to job
readiness and placements are discussed and
solutions are established.
Anticipated Start Date: March 2014
Needs: We are seeking interested parties to join
the committee as members and chairs. All
members must be willing to make positive
changes in the community. All inquiring
members must be employees of Biocom
member companies, employed in the life
science or med device industry, STEM
community/educational group or military group
and must reside in the greater San Diego region.
As the committee grows, changes can be made
to membership requirements.
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San Diego Industry Clusters
Life Sciences
The life sciences industry is a major driver of the innovation economy in the San Diego
region. The region has more than 600 life science companies and more than 80 research
institutes. The research institutes along with the University of California, San Diego
provide the sector with breakthrough technologies that fuel company growth and product
development. Major pharmaceutical companies including Pzer, Johnson & Johnson and
Merck maintain a presence in the region to foster collaboration with major research
institutes, universities and smaller biotech companies. The region attracts graduate
students and postdoctoral trainees from around the world. Many stay in the area to pursue
academic research or positions in industry. The forecast for job growth through 2013 is
approximately 3 percent.
San Diego's maritime industry is claiming its place as one of San Diegos unique
technology clusters. Recent studies have given us a clearer picture of the efect the
industry has on the region, and the inuence that technology is playing in all aspects of the
maritime sector. Blue Tech is a term being used to describe technology innovation in
maritime industries. Even traditional maritime activities are being transformed by
technology. One of the most important linkages is the longstanding relationship between
private maritime companies and the U.S. Navy.
San Diego is home to the largest concentration of military in the world. Total employment in
the sector accounts for one of every four jobs in the San Diego region. This includes
uniformed military, defense contracting and civilian employment, and related support
employment. San Diego is the home port for more than 60 percent of the ships in the
Pacic Fleet. Expertise in the defense-related research and development includes
command and control systems, reconnaissance and surveillance systems, unmanned
vehicles and cyber security.
San Diego has built successful industry sectors in communications, computers and
electronics, and software. Because of the linkages between these sectors, the region now
recognizes them under one umbrella cluster to highlight their interdependence and the
resulting benets in terms of increased collaboration and innovation. San Diego-based
companies specializing in Information and Communications Technologies have a global
footprint but also work closely with local military and defense companies. The regional
economic impact of software alone is estimated to be $9.8 billion.
San Diego has built successful industry sectors in communications, computers and
electronics, and software. Because of the linkages between these sectors, the region now
recognizes them under one umbrella cluster to highlight their interdependence and the
resulting benets in terms of increased collaboration and innovation. San Diego-based
companies specializing in Information and Communications Technologies have a global
footprint but also work closely with local military and defense companies. The regional
economic impact of software alone is estimated to be $9.8 billion.
San Diego is one of Californias most concentrated centers of cleantech employment with
more than 850 companies. Between 1995 - 2010, employment in the sector increased 73
percent, while total regional employment grew 26 percent. These companies represent 10
percent of the total green jobs in the state, 13 percent of renewable energy jobs in the state
and 11 percent of energy emciency and green building jobs.
San Diego ofers some of the most sophisticated healthcare in the country. Academic
medical centers and clinically-focused hospitals provide high quality primary care and
specialties that have achieved national stature. San Diego County is considered a leader in
health innovation due in part to their Live Well, San Diego! initiative, a 10-year plan to
build a healthy, safe and thriving community. The County has also been selected as one of
four communities nationwide to help launch a mobile app development challenge to help
prevent a million heart attacks and strokes as part of the Million Hearts initiative.
Aerospace has a long history in San Diego, dating back to the early 1900s when Ryan
Airlines built the Spirit of St. Louis and Reuben Fleet brought Consolidated Aircraft
Corporation to Lindbergh Field. Since then, San Diegos Aerospace cluster has been an
integral part of the regions innovation and defense economies. Home to some of the
worlds largest aerospace, aircraft and research and development companies, San Diego
is a North American aerospace hub. In addition to the cluster that exists in San Diego,
Baja California, Mexico is one of the worlds leading aerospace manufacturing hubs and a
vital part of the industrys success in the region.
San Diego North County - Key Industry Clusters

Education: North County is home to a strong education industry cluster including: California State
University San Marcos (CSUSM), MiraCosta College, Palomar College and National University.
Innovation and Specialized Manufacturing consists of industries involved in the research, design, testing,
development and manufacturing of higher value-addedproducts including biomedical devices, pharmaceuticals,
clean technologies, information technologies, sports and recreation equipment, and products for the defense
and communications industry. From a traditionalindustry classication perspective this includes those rms that
aremanufacturing products as well as those rms that are involved in the research,design, and testing of new
and innovative products.
Connected Tourism & Agriculture is comprised of industries directly or indirectly focused on serving tourist as well as
the production and service of food and beverages that bring visitors to North San Diego County. This includes a
wide variety of businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, breweries, wineries, casinos, and recreational and
entertainment resources (e.g., golf, Legoland, Safari Park).
Biomedical Devices & Products: This cluster includes both the biomedical devices manufacturers (including optical
instruments, surgical and medical instruments, and dental equipment) as well as related research services and testing
laboratories. In 2010, countywide employment for this cluster was 12,012 with average annual pay per worker at
Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals: This cluster includes those rms that are producing pharmaceuticals and related
biological products as well as related research services and testing laboratories. In 2010, countywide employment
for this cluster was 22,636 with average annual pay per worker at $107,000.
Cleantech: This cluster includes manufacturers, testing laboratories, and research services that support the
development of current and new renewable energy and energy emciency products and services. In 2010,
countywideemployment for this cluster was 7,986 with average annual pay per worker at$87,400
Information, Communications, and Technologies (ICT): This broad technology cluster includes those rms
designing and manufacturinginformation technology products (including semiconductors, software,computers,
and related products) as well as related research and engineering services and testing laboratories. In 2010,
countywide employment for thiscluster was 72,043 with average annual pay per worker at $94,400.
Agriculture and Natural

Because agriculture is
Californias most important
economic industry, California
is often called the
breadbasket of the world. If
you love nature,...

Arts, Media, and

The Arts, Media, and

Entertainment Sector offers a
broad range of employment
opportunities. The variety of
careers in this sector can

Building Trades and

Do you like to build things?

Are you comfortable working
on a project until all the
pieces t together? If you
answered yes, the Building
Trades and...

Education, Child
Development, and Family

Remember your favorite
teacher? Remember how that
teacher inuenced your life?
With a large number of
employees predicted to retire
from education,...

Energy and Utilities

Utilizing renewable energy

and sustainable resources will
impact our future for
generations to come.
Hydroelectric, geothermal,
and nuclear power are...

Engineering and Design

The Engineering and Design

Industry Sector is ideal for
students who have a strong
understanding of
mathematics and a creative
drive to design new...

Fashion and Interior Design

Who will be the new

internationally famous
designers? Could it be you?
Someone will be creating
their own fashion statements
and creating the styles...

Finance and Business

Business relies on nancial

and personnel managers to
keep companies running
smoothly. The pathways in
the Finance and Business
Sector are key to...

Health Science and Medical

Health care is one of the

fastest growing career
sectors. The Health Science
and Medical Technology
Sector requires academic and
technical skills, as...

Hospitality, Tourism, and

The Hospitality, Tourism, and

Recreation Industry Sector
encompasses many different
yet interrelated careers. If
you enjoy working with

Information Technology

Are you comfortable around

computers? If you like
working with computers and
other technology, this career
sector could be for you.

Manufacturing and Product

The Manufacturing and

Product Development Sector
provides a foundation in
manufacturing processes and
systems. Manufacturing is the
use of tools and...

Marketing, Sales, and Service

Do you like to shop for

yourself and others? Do you
think you would be good at
selling the merits of a product
or idea? The Marketing,
Sales, and...

Public Services

The Public Services Industry

Sector provides a foundation
for students interested in
being involved in their
community and serving the


Transportation plays a crucial

role in our society because
moving people and goods is
central to everything America
does. Vehicle components
The state of California has identied 15 Industry Sectors. Each sector contains multiple career pathways in which to develop
Programs of Study. It is up to individual school districts and the regions corresponding colleges and businesses to conduct
research into the needs of the industry and determine which sectors and careers can best serve the students, industry and
AT&T Launches Operation Hand Salute
AT&T Operation Hand Salute is a national education and
mentoring program designed to help service-disabled
veteran-owned businesses improve operations and be better
positioned for business growth. During this national
program, AT&T Global Supplier Diversity will work with
qualied CEOs to help them in three key areas:
To apply, CEOs must provide proof of SDVOB certication
Apply online through April 1, 2014 at
For more information on AT&T Global Supplier Diversity visit
Participants are paired with AT&T
executives and suppliers to provide
world-class, one-on-one mentoring.
Each participant will receive the
support of a blue ribbon taskforce
comprised of other service-disabled
veteran-owned business mentors,
as well as industry experts.

Participants will attend a 4 month
executive education course through
J FK Uni v e r s i t y I ns t i t ut e of
Ent r epr eneur i al Leader shi p,
featuring classes created specically
for service disabled veteran-owned.
AT & T ' s t e l e p r e s e n c e a n d
conference service technology will
be used as a virtual classroom.

Pa r t i c i p a n t s wi l l h a v e t h e
opportunity to take part in a nal
presentation with experienced CEOs
and AT&T procurement decision
Pa r t i c i p a n t s wi l l h a v e t h e
oppor t uni t y t o pr esent t hei r
businesss core competencies to
AT&T procurement decision makers
and AT&T suppliers.
Last summer, AT&T graduated its rst class of graduates from
Operation Hand Salute, its AT&T Supplier Diversity mentoring
program for Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises
(DVBEs). Operation Hand Salute offers AT&T an opportunity to give
back to our veterans for their military service, while helping to grow
and develop their businesses by providing mentorship opportunities
and enhancing their ability to win corporate contracts. AT&T is
proud to announce the 2012-2013 Operation Hand Salute
Mentoring Program.
AT&T recognizes that service disabled veterans in business can
face unique challenges, which is where Operation Hand Salute
comes in. After an extensive process, 15 of the brightest service-
disabled veteran business CEOs are embarking on a 10-week
program through JFK University where theyll learn everything from
entrepreneurship to growing a management team.
Each participant will receive the support of a blue ribbon taskforce
comprised of other service-disabled veteran owned business
mentors, AT&T executives and industry experts. They will also Fast
Pitch their business to a panel of experienced CEOs and AT&T
Operation Hand Salute is a great opportunity for service disabled
veteran business owners, who have proudly served our country, to
grow their business with the help of a mentor relationship and
guidance that only AT&T can provide. During this national program,
AT&T Global Supplier Diversity will work with qualied CEOs to help
them in three key areas:
The 100,000 Jobs Mission began in
2011 as a coal i ti on of el even
compani es commi t t ed t o hi re
100,000 veterans by 2020. Since
then, the coalition has grown to more
than 130 companies that represent
almost every industry in the American
economy. Each company has
committed to hire veterans, report
their hiring number on a quarterly
basis and share best practices.
Together, the 100,000 Jobs Mission
compani es have al ready hi red
117,439 veterans, exceeding the
original goal earlier than planned.
Building on this momentum, the
100,000 Jobs Mission has now
doubled its commitment. In total, the
companies plan to hire a total of
200,000 by 2020. The el even
f oundi ng member- compani es
include: AT&T, Broadridge Financial
Solutions, Inc., Cisco Systems Inc.,
Cushman & Wakeeld Inc., EMC
Co r po r a t i o n , I r o n Mo u n t a i n
Incorporated, JPMorgan Chase &
Co., Modi s, NCR Corporati on,
Universal Health Services, Inc. and
Verizon Communications Inc.
!*+,-,-. 0*1.*+2
?ou may be ellglble for a free lnnovauve
lnformauon 1echnology 1ralnlng rogram.
lncludlng A+, n+ and MCl1 Wlndows 7
SupporL 1echnlclan.
Featured Programs
Program aims to get vets solar jobs
Veterans looking for jobs in the local solar industry can get a boost on that career
path through a program beginning locally next year, backed by the San Diego
County Board of Supervisors.
This week, the board unanimously passed a
resolution endorsing Empower America, a
nonprot based in Temecula that will provide two
weeks of training for free to honorably discharged
veterans, and then try to place them in
t he l ocal sol ar i ndust r y. The
program, currently operating in
Riverside County, is scheduled to
launch in San Diego in early 2014.
Mar i o Pabon, CEO of t he
nonprot, said the program would
work through local employment
omces, military bases and
other organizations to locate
veterans for the two weeks of
training. Each session would
include 10 to 12 veterans,
who will learn hands on
how to place solar panels,
so that they will be ready for the profession.
The program aims to help alleviate veteran
unemployment, which has remained stubbornly
high. While the overall unemployment rate has
been on a downward trend, joblessness among
veterans of the recent gulf wars was 10 percent in
October, unchanged from October 2012.
"Veterans face unique barriers when trying to
integrate back into civilian life, including high
unemployment rates. We need to ensure that we
are doing everything in our power to assist our
heroes once they leave the military," Supervisor
Dianne Jacob said in a statement.
In Riverside County, where the program has
been operating since August, Pabon said
four employers have given authorization
for more than 160 jobs. He said the
entry level wages generally start at
$14 to $16 per hour, but he said there
is opportunity for advancement. He
said the organization recently placed
a warehouse manager, who earns
$50,000 per year.
"Renewable energy solar is by far out
in front and has a tremendous
a m o u n t o f c o n t i n u i n g
opportunity," said Pabon, whose
son is a Marine deployed to
Korea. "A lot of these owners are
saying, 'look, we need the leaders that can run the
crews and we envision the veterans that are
coming in are naturally taught to do that.' And so
we see that as a phenomenal t."
Locations for the training have not yet been
determined. Veterans interested in the program
can call Empower America at (951) 296-0208, or
v i s i t t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s w e b s i t e ,
GC Green is a Woman, Native American, Service-Disabled/Wounded
Warrior Veteran-owned general contracting and consulting rm
specializing in identifying and installing best of class energy emciency
and renewable energy solutions for residential, commercial, and
institutional customers.
We are recognized by USGBC as LEED Green Associates; certied
as HERS energy auditors, and accredited by the Building Performance
Institute. We are able to perform as a sole source energy services
provider via California Government Code 4217
We are committed to utilizing the skills and experience of Veterans
on our projects by means of education, training and apprenticeship
opportunities in energy emciency, solar, and other alternative energy
In addition to our own core group of experienced professionals we
can bring your project the talent and capabilities of several of our
preeminent strategic partners.
Learn more at:
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Work Street
Work City, Work State Work ZIP

Work PhoneHomepage URL
Closing Americas Job Gap
By Elizabeth M. Economou
UC San Diego Extension, which features around 100 certicate programs, has seen its
enrollment grow by 59 percent in the past four years, says Henry J. DeVries, assistant dean of
UC San Diego Extension and co-author of Closing Americas Job Gap, a compilation of
narratives about successful graduates of certicate programs.

Many individuals and organizational leaders believe that an undergraduate or advanced degree, coupled with on-the-
job experience, will provide the knowledge and skills sumcient for a professional career spanning several decades,
says DeVries. But in todays world, that is not always true. One of the reasons certicates have become so critical is
the acceleration of scientic and technological progress, coupled with a globalizing economy.

Demand for certicate programs is being driven by the desire to improve earning potential, says Cathy Sandeen, dean
of UCLA Extension, noting that the typical certicate student has already earned one or more degrees. More highly
paid employees have lost jobs in this downturn than previously. These individuals are seeking a quick way to retool for
re-employment, she says.

Certicate programs are of shorter duration and are less expensive than masters degree programs; they tend to be
geared toward practical application rather than academic knowledge; and they are scheduled at times convenient for
working professionals. For any or all of these reasons, they can be a good choice for those transitioning into a new role
or career.

Another trend is baby boomerswho are retired or nearing

retirementturning to certicate programs as a way to follow a
lifelong dream or passion.Many are pursuing health care,
education, nonprot or arts-related certicates, Sandeen
notes. Additionally, recent graduates are making themselves
more marketable by augmenting their bachelors degrees with
the practical knowledge and networking skills gained in a
certicate program. For example, an art history major might
complete a certicate in interior design, or a music major could
supplement his or her degree with a certicate in lm scoring.

Bradley Snaza, a graduate of Central Washington University in

Ellensburg, realized the value of adding a certicate program to
his list of credentials. Snaza, 26who is the assistant
restaurant manager and sommelier for the upscale Suncadia
Resort in Cle Elum, Washingtonsays sheer curiosity initially
led him to pursue a wine trade professional certicate while
earning a degree in tourism administration. His interest in wine
blossomed, and he spent another year earning a second
bachelors degree in global wine studies.

Unlike most programs that address viticulture and the study of

wine (enology), the wine trade professional certicate ofered by
CWUs Omce of Continuing Education is one of the few
accredited university programs in the United States to focus on
the international business of wine, says curriculum coordinator
and wine director Amy Mumma. We created the [wine trade
professional certicate] program because there were no other
programs that met this need, she says.

According to Mumma, Washingtons wine industry employs 19,000 people and has a $3 billion economic impact on the
state. Most wine-related jobs, she notes, are not found in the vineyard, but rather in marketing, branding, distribution,
retail, public relations and import/export.The wine trade professional certicate program boasts a 90 percent rate of
placement of its graduates, including jobs with regional businesses such as Swiftwater Cellars and neighboring
Suncadia Resort.
Similarly, myriad programs at UCLA are designed to help meet the needs of growing businesses. Almost all certicates,
such as digital media, technology, entertainment and nancial services, relate to surrounding local industries, says
Sandeen. Relevance is a principal goal. Some of the most popular certicates at UCLA Extension include global
sustainability and nonprot management.
Sometimes the popularity of certicate programs can reect local intellectual curiosity. Since the 1996 inception of the
University of Washingtons certicate in museum studies, some 450 students have completed the program, which is one
of the many popular oferings at the university. This comes as no surprise to Britta Simon, assistant director of
academic programs for UW Professional & Continuing Education, who explains that the program garners so much
interest due to its relevancy and to the combined experience of its instructors, all of whom are museum professionals.
People realize how important museums are in their communities, says Simon. Weve been wait-listing students for
the past ve years. The six-course program is geared toward entry- and mid-level professionals who are interested in
volunteering for or working at a museum, and also attracts art and history bufs. In the nal practicum, students apply
core concepts as interns in local museums, such as the Seattle Art Museum, EMP and the Henry Art Gallery. Museums
carry authority in local communities, says Simon. Museum professionals and volunteers join a movement where
history and culture are integrated into the here and now, where history becomes present.
Certicate programs can be a good way to explore evolving interests, as Leslie Widner found. When the graduate of
San Diego State University couldnt nd work as a teacher, she found alternate ways to better her community. In her
position as a front-omce supervisor at a large hotel chain, she noticed the company had no recycling protocol.
I saw such an enormous amount of waste, says Widner. Recognizing a need,she decided to do something about it.
Not only did she set up a recycling program for her employer, but she enrolled in the sustainable business certicate
program at UCSD Extension.
While learning about weighty topics such as environmental economics and green marketing, Widner applied for an
internship at the U.S. Green Building Council in San Diego, which led to a sales consultant job with Pasadena-based
Waste Less Living, a provider of composting services to schools and businesses. There she was able to marry her love
of teaching and her desire to protect the environment.
Its awesome to see the change in how kids think after we spend time together, she says.
As Widner, Snaza, Griggs, and many others have experienced, certicate programs can ofer a way to explore personal
interests or bridge the gap to greater career satisfaction.
Page 17
Military Advanced Education (MAE) has awarded Brandman University the designation of a Top
Military-Friendly University in its 2014 Guide to Military-Friendly Colleges & Universities.
Workshops for Warriors is a San Diego-based, non-prot
organization dedicated to providing free job training and certication
to veterans. Founder, Hernn Luis y Prado, was recently named a
Champion of Change by the White House, a recognition given out
to ordinary Americans (who) are doing extraordinary things in their

Workshops for Warriors assists the transition of
veterans and injured veterans into civilian life
through mentorship, training, and education. A
combination of vocational training and real-world
job experience empowers veterans, increases
their career options, their condence and self-
respect. The feeling of camaraderie in the shop
allows veterans to begin networking in order to
provide opportunities for challenging and
interesting work.

Workshops for Warriors is a Board-governed
nonprot organization that provides vocational
training to veterans of the US Armed Services. This
hands-on training as well as classroom education
ranges from hobby-level skills and access to common tools to
fabricating commercially viable products on state-of the art
machining systems. They provide classroom experience, practical
training, paths towards vocational certication, work experience,
and mentorship
programs in order to assure long-term independence and
integration into the workforce.

Instruction is offered by skilled veterans, active-duty service-
members, and industry experts. They offer assistance to graduates
of the program and previously certied veterans and their
entrepreneurial endeavors in the following ways: job placement,
work experience, business start-up, administrative/IT support,
logistical support, supply/receiving support, website creation and
management, equipment, tools and metal stock.

They loan the following equipment to graduates of the program
and certied veterans at no cost: diesel welders,
sandblasters, air compressors, shop welders,
grinders, trailers, forklifts, vehicles, storage and high
pressure washers.

In order to provide actual work experience for
veterans and be self-sustaining, Workshops For
Warriors frequently undertakes projects to help
disabled and homeless veterans, the community,
and local businesses. The most recent projects
i ncl uded: fabri cati ng handi capped rai l i ngs,
handicap-accessible ramps, metal cylinder pallets
and new doors for a local restaurant.

Veterans are consistently facing signicant barriers to
employment. The main objective of this organization is to
enable veterans to move from economic insolvency into self-
sufciency by learning necessary jobskills and earning a steady
income. Veterans have proven that they are: drug-free, trustworthy,
responsible and legal residents of the U.S.
Workshops for Warriors has condence that these young men and
women, once given the proper training and experience, will be able
to re-integrate seamlessly into the civilian workforce.
Alliance Bernstein
Armed Forces Interest Group
Armed Services YMCA, Camp
Ashford University
Atlas Executive Consulting
*BAE Systems
Baker Electric, Inc.
Bank of America
Basic Commerce and
Industries, Inc.
BB&T Capitol Markets|Windsor
BOB Search
Booz Allen Hamilton
CA Center for Sustainable
Capital Edge Consulting
Challenged Athletes Foundation
Operation Rebound (CAF)
Clark Realty Mgmt./Pacic
Cognitive Medical Systems
Colfax Fluid Handling
Consulate of Canada, San
Continental Maritime
Coronado Chamber of
Coronado Distribution Company
Cox Communications
Cubic Defense Applications,
DDL Omni Engineering
Defense Web Technologies
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Downstream Services, Inc.
Downtown San Diego
Drake Carver Communications,
DRT Strategies
Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.
Farmers Insurance Open/
Fleet Readiness Center SW
Galaxie Defense Marketing
General Atomics
General Dynamics IT
GET Engineering Corp.
Girl Scouts of America,
San Diego/Imperial County
Hampton Inn San Diego
SeaWorld/Airport Area
Herman Miller
Hire A Patriot
Hire Americas Heroes
INDUS Technology, Inc.
intelliSolutions, inc.
Interactive Online Social
International Corps Consulting,
International Manufacturing
KES, Inc.
Kratos Defense & Security
LEAD San Diego
Ledford Enterprises, Inc.
Lincoln Military Housing
*Lockheed Martin
LRAD Corporation
Manpower Inc.
Marriott International
MCCS Dept./MCAS Miramar
McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP
MCRD Museum Historical
Merrill Lynch
Mintz Levin
National University
National Veterans Transition
Services, (REBOOT)
Naval Submarine League Pacic
SW Chapter
Navy Federal Credit Union
Navy SEAL Veteran Network
Navy Region SW
Navy-Marine Corps Relief
Society SD
NBC San Diego
Newport News Ship Building
Huntington Ingalls Industries
North Island Credit Union
Northrop Grumman Corp.
NPS Intuitional Research
Oakwood Worldwide
PaR Systems
Pathient Corporation
Port of San Diego
Port of SD Ship Repair Assoc.
Products Techniques, Inc.
Rady School of Mgmt. UCSD
Redhorse Corporation
San Diego Business Journal
San Diego Chargers
SD Council of the Navy League
SD County Regional Airport
Authority (SDCRAA)
SD Fleet Week Foundation
San Diego Gas & Electric
San Diego Housing Commission
San Diego Leadership Forum
San Diego Padres
San Diego Regional EDC
San Diego State University
San Diego Tourism Authority
San Diego Unied Port District
San Diego Workforce
Sara E. Cooley, CPA
SDA Security Corporation
Sentek Global
ARC Service to the Armed
Soldiers Who Salsa
Southwest Defense Alliance
Stars and Stripes Marketing,
Strategic Alignment Global, Inc.
Support The Enlisted Project
Telgians Corp.
TerraConcepts, Inc.
The Charter School of San
The Mission Continues
The Ranger Group
The San Diego Daily Transcript
Total Vision Military Marketing
Travis Manion Foundation
Union Bank
United Through Reading
United Veterans Council of SD
UnitedHealthcare Military &
University of SD MS in Global
Leadership (MSGL)
USO San Diego
USS Midway Museum
UT San Diego
Vector Planning & Services, Inc.
Veterans Medical Research
W. W. Granger, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Page 19
La Jolla, CA ViaSat Inc. (NASDAQ:
VSAT), an innovator in satellite and
other wireless networking systems
and services, will be hosting active
duty military men and women at the
Farmers Insurance Open as the
Presenting Sponsor of the Patriots
Outpost, one of the premier
locations for watching the PGA
tournament. The Century Club of
San Diego will also be using ViaSat
Exede Enterprise satellite services
technology also used by U.S.
military personnel for networking
tournament operations.
The Patriots Outpost is a private
chalet both dedicated to and
exclusively available for Active Duty
military and their dependents. The
Outpost is located on the 14th hole
at Torrey Pines Golf Course with
beautiful views of the Pacic Ocean.
Local heroes are provided
complimentary food and beverage
as well as a great vantage point to
watch the action unfold on one of
the closing holes of the tournament.
Our company roots are in military
satellite communications and
network security so we have a deep
appreciation of the extraordinary job
that our service men and women
perform every day, said Rick
Baldridge, president and COO of
ViaSat. Were looking forward to
showing our gratitude for their
service at one of the signature San
Diego events of the year.
Exede Enterprise is a turnkey
business networking service with the
capacity and exibility to support
anything from a large network to a
single user. Powered by ViaSat-1,
the most powerful communications
satellite ever launched, it delivers
high-speed IP access instantly, even
in locations without terrestrial
networks. Virtually any location can
be connected with service available
on-demand anywhere within the
nationwide Exede service footprint.
The Century Club will use a number
of the small, portable Exede
terminals similar in size to a home
satellite TV dish to provide wireless
Internet and other communications
networking during the PGA TOUR
In the past, wireless networks were
costly and not always reliable across
property for our communications.
Dropping temporary cable is costly
and inemcient. Exede service has
already provided us with cost-
efective connections and no
downtime. The mobility of the
system allows us to expand its use
on-course throughout the PGA
TOUR event, said Peter Ripa,
Farmers Insurance Open CEO.
The Patriots Outpost is reserved to
Active Duty military and their
dependents.However, Retired and
Reserve military are provided
complimentary General Admission to
the Farmers Insurance Open. Please
log onto for
more information.
Corporate Spotlight - ViaSat
ViaSat Extends Thank You to Military as Presenting Partner of PGA Farmers Insurance
Qualcomm Corporate
Integration Program -
Warriors (QCIP)
Qualcomm created a corporate
integration program, an initiative
created to reach wounded warriors
and military veterans who are
transitioning into the civilian world,
some of whom have sustained either
physical or emotional injuries as a
result of their deployment. QCIP-
Warriors has been recognized as the
rst corporate program of its kind in
this region. Twice a year, Qualcomm
has veterans working in various
business groups that include:

Corporate Information Technology

(IT), Qualcomm Corporate
Engineering Services(QCES),
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies Tech
Pubs, Human Resources and
Qualcomm Real-Estate and Facilities
The main objective is to provide
these veterans exposure to the
corporate environment, provide
career development workshops and
on the job experience.
In honor of Veterans Day, the
Employer Assistance and Resource
Network (EARN) featured Qualcomm,
in theSpotlight of their newsletter
for our commitment to providing
employment opportunities to those
who serve our country through the
QCIP-Warriors program.
Semper Fit Fieldhouse
Building 5U MCRD San Diego
Wednesday, February 12, 2U14
1U:UUam - 1:UUpm
Bring your college transcript /Joint Services Transcripts
Meet college/university representatives
Receive free academic advisement
Learn more about GI Bill Benefts
For more information, please contact:
James Brooks
Bring multiple copies of your resume
Dress to Impress
Meet face to face with representatives from
dozens of top employers!
For more information, please contact:
Mina Threat
Open Io aII MiIiIary,
DoD/NAi mpIoyees,
VeIerans and amiIy Members
Personal & Professional Development
4U25 Tripoli Avenue Bldg 14, San Diego, CA 9214U
Visit us online at
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a
leading global nancial services rm
providing investment banking,
securities and investment
management services to a substantial
and diversied client base that
includes corporations, nancial
institutions, governments and high-
net-worth individuals. Founded in
1869, the rm is headquartered in
New York and maintains omces in
London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong
and other major nancial centers
around the world.
Job Summary & Responsibilities:
The Veteran population represents a
signicant and rapidly growing
workforce that has returned to the
U.S. job market with advanced skills
and proven leadership experience. To
aide in this transition and help foster
successful careers in nancial
services, Goldman Sachs developed
the Veterans Integration Program,
which provides returning Veterans
with professional skills training and
nancial services education. Similar to
an internship, the Veterans Integration
Program ofers a guided period of
exploration and skills cultivation in a
new and dynamic work environment.
Principal Responsibilities:
Veterans Integration Program
participants will be given the
opportunities and responsibilities of a
fulltime employee for a period of 8
Participants will have the ability to:
Explore new career paths and
acquaint themselves with nancial
markets careers
Demonstrate their abilities to
Goldman Sachs hiring mangers
Gain from the applied work
experience and technical skills
Expand their professional network
through programming and events
Basic Qualications
Bachelors Degree
At least one year of active or reserve
military service
Preferred Qualications
Interest in nancial markets
Strong interpersonal,
communication, written and
presentation skills
Team player with an ability to work
efectively with colleagues
Self-starter, demonstrates exibility
and the ability to learn quickly
Strong organizational skills and the
ability to manage multiple
assignments concurrently
Demonstrated track record of
success, innovation and creativity in
prior work/educational experience
Application Deadline:
December 15, 2013
Program Dates:
April 7 May 30, 2014
Participating Omces: Dallas/Irving,
Jersey City, New York, Salt Lake City
To apply, please follow these steps:
1. Visit the below website to answer a
few questions about your military
service. Your application is not
complete without this questionnaire.
2. Once youve submitted the
questionnaire, click the APPLY
NOW button to submit an online
The Goldman Sachs Veterans Integration Program is an eight-
week program that provides service men and women exiting the
military with an opportunity to develop their professional skills,
strengthen their understanding of nancial services and prepare
for future careers in the industry.
morbi trisqu
netus donec
Sumo reformidans et sit,
ad case vulputate sea.
123 Any Str.
Anytown, ST
Consectetur adipiscing elit
magnum dolorem et magnum
aliquam suspendisse sagittis
Viverra lorem consequat dictumuis purus leo dictutesue vitae
massa enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud. Sumo
reformidans et sit, ad case vulputate sea. Cu pri nihil dicam,
pro vocent saperet et. Pri ex minimum persecuti, vero
e$ciendi his at. His ad diam elitr malorum, graeco iisque
tibique usu id.
Page 21
Carefusion O!ers
Veteran Integration
Program (VIP) Internship
Qualcomm created a corporate
integration program, an initiative
created to reach wounded warriors and
military veterans who are transitioning
into the civilian world, some of whom
have sustained either physical or
emotional injuries as a result of their
deployment. QCIP-Warriors has been
recognized as the rst corporate
program of its kind in this region. Twice
a year, Qualcomm has veterans
working in various business groups that

Corporate Information Technology (IT),

Qualcomm Corporate Engineering
Services(QCES), Qualcomm CDMA
Technologies Tech Pubs, Human
Resources and Qualcomm Real-Estate
and Facilities (QREF).
The main objective is to provide these
veterans exposure to the corporate
environment, provide career
development workshops and on the job
In honor of Veterans Day, the Employer
Assistance and Resource Network
(EARN) featured Qualcomm, in
theSpotlight of their newsletter for
our commitment to providing
employment opportunities to those
who serve our country through the
QCIP-Warriors program.
Every day, military men and women make enormous sacrifices
in service to our country. In doing so they develop the leadership
skills and discipline that can help them succeed in the civilian
workforce. Its why were proud to employ thousands of veterans
and reservists and plan to hire 2,000 more veterans this year.
Learn more about Bank of Americas commitment at
to skills
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. 2013 Bank of America Corporation. ARXXXXXX
Lifes better
when were
to jobs
to experience
to condence
Page 22
Metro Center
Bank of America Merrill
Lynch Career Center
(Downtown Library
330 Park Blvd. Room #555
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 231-4289
View Map
Grant Hill Satellite
4153 Market Street, Suite
San Diego, CA 92102
(619) 233-6829
View Map
San Diego (Central)
3910 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92105
(619) 516-2200
View Map
San Diego (South)
4389 Imperial Avenue
San Diego, CA 92113
(619) 266-4200
View Map
Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa
Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa
Public Library
9005 Aero Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 715-0442
View Map
South County
Bonita Satellite
Bonita-Sunnyside Public
4375 Bonita Road
Bonita, CA 91902
(619) 472-6602
View Map
South County
1111 Bay Boulevard, Suite
Chula Vista, CA 91911
(619) 628-0300
View Map
East County
East County
924 East Main Street
El Cajon, CA 92113
(619) 590-3900
View Map
Spring Valley Satellite
Spring Valley Public
836 Kempton Street
Spring Valley, CA 91977
(619) 667-0133
View Map
North County
North County Coastal
1949 Avenida del Oro,
Suite 106
Oceanside, CA 92056
(760) 631-6150
View Map
North County Inland
463 North Midway Drive
Escondido, CA 92027
(760) 871-1962
View Map
Vista Townsite Satellite
201 Washington Street
Vista, CA 92084
(760) 724-1907
View Map
Veteran Employment Service Centers in San Diego
Page 23
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=5)2>(* 2* ?2@(/>(* 6AB 66B C 6DB DA6D
AL Lhe McMllllam LvenL CenLer, LlberLy SLauon
1hree days, 1hree focuses:
.EFG=HE.?% I .!JK#%L=? I .?%".F"#?J."
(uoL SecreLary) (uoL SecreLary) (uoC SecreLary)
keynoLes, workshops, neLworklng, resource expo, career expo, corporaLe besL pracuces
%20:5- O:-57--(ON
1he value of veLerans ln Lhe workplace, challenges ln hlrlng veLerans, Lhe plpellne from servlce Lo employmenL, mlllLary/
clvlllan culLural dlerences, soclal/economlc lmpacL, managemenL of veLerans ln Lhe workplace, legal aspecLs of hlrlng
veLerans, Lhe dlsabled veLeran - worklng wlLh wounded warrlors, veLeran amnlLy groups..





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UniversiLy of Phoenix is a longLine nenber of Servicenenbers OpporLuniLy Colleges (SOC). No lederal or Marine Corps endorsenenL of adverLisers or sponsors is inplied. 1he UniversiLy's CenLral AdninisLraLion is locaLed aL
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9 ""#$ %&'(&)*+ , -'&.+/'0+ 1 #)2 345(' 657&' 1 8)29)&:;6)&</ =>?@
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SAPR Victim Advocate (VA)
Initial Training
B5% !CDE FC "/.0',%( $/'+'$#) (2""./+ #3, /%(".3(%
+. 0'$+'*( .4 (%G2#) #((#2)+A B5'( *#3,#+./1 +/#'3'38
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Jan 13-17, 7:30 am-4:30 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 259

Feb 24-28, 7:30 am-4:30 pm, NAB EWTGPAC, Bldg 15

Mar 17-21, 7:30 am-4:30 pm, NBPL ARGONAUT HALL, Bldg 138
SAPR VA Refresher Training
I/%,%3+'#)%, F'$+'* C,0.$#+%( *2(+ $.*")%+%
>= 5.2/( .4 /%4/%(5%/ +/#'3'38 %0%/1 +7. 1%#/( +.
*#'3+#'3 )#+%(+ +. *#'3+#'3 $/%,%3+'#)( #3, /%$%'0%
)#+%(+ !CDE D/.8/#* 2",#+%(A

Jan 13, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Jan 22, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg G

Jan 29, 1-3 pm, NBPL Bldg 140

Feb 10, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Feb 19, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg G

Mar 10, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Mar 19, 1-3 pm, NBPL Bldg 140

Mar 26, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg G
Command SAPR Liaison Initial Training
!CDE J'#'(.3( #$+ #( # ('38)% ".'3+ .4 $.3+#$+ 4./ +5% 0'$+'*-
"/.*.+% /%(".3('0% *#3#8%*%3+ .4 # (%G2#) #((#2)+ $#(%-
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anu have uiiect access to the Commanuing 0fficei.

Jan 16, 8 am-4 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 259

Feb 20, 8 am-4 pm, NBPL Bldg 140

Mar 20, 8 am-4 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg G
SAPR Point of Contact (POC) and Data
Collection Coordinator (DCC) Initial Training
!CDE DMI( '*")%*%3+ #3, $../,'3#+% #7#/%3%(( #3, "/%0%3+'.3
"/.8/#*( #+ +5% $.**#3,- #( 7%)) #( *#'3+#'3'38 $2//%3+
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"/.0',%( 6.+5 /.)%( 7'+5 +5% +..)( +. (2$$%%,A

Jan 15, POC: 8 am-12 pm; DCC: 1 pm-3 pm,

Feb 18, POC: 8 am-12 pm; DCC: 1 pm-3 pm,
FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Mar 25, POC: 8 am-12 pm; DCC: 1 pm-3 pm,
FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263
SAPR POC & Liaison Quarterly
Refresher Meeting
C4+%/ 6#('$ +/#'3'38- !CDE DMI( #3, J'#'(.3( #/% %3$.2/#8%, +.
#++%3, H2#/+%/)1 /%4/%(5%/ *%%+'38( +. (+#1 2",#+%, .3 ".)'$1
$5#38%(- #0#')#6)% /%(.2/$%(- #3, +5% !CDE D/.8/#*A

Mar 4, 9-11 am, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263, Classroom 3
F2 )GG474'2 7' 52+9&42( 7/5 )H'I5 G9745+ )&5 )++4(25G
)2G 7/5 )00'4275G #)4J'&+ &5<54I5 &5K94&5G 7&)4242(L )JJ
CommonJinq 0fjicers {C0) must scbeJule o SAPR C0s
Toolkit witbin {S0) Joys of ossuminq commonJ. IISC Sexuol
Assoult Response CoorJinotors {SARCs) coorJinote tbis
7''J.47L )2G <)2 )J+' +900'&7 <'**)2G+ D47/ #A%B H&45M+ )7
<'**)2G 7&)4242(L FN3O$+L )2G '7/5& 5I527+E P' &5)</ :'9&
G5+4(2)75G <'**)2G #AB$L <'27)<7 ""#$E
Obama and Labor Secretary Thomas
E. Perez delivered remarks at the
National Symposium on Veterans"
Employment in Construction, hosted
at the Labor Department.
The event brought together
construction industry omcials,
government leaders and education
professionals to highlight hiring
commitments throughout the
industry, and it addressed
employment challenges and
opportunities for transitioning service
members and veterans.
The rst lady called the commitment
to veterans "a huge deal," adding,
"It"s days like today that remind me
why Dr. [Jill] Biden and I started
Joining Forces in the rst place."
Joining Forces is a national initiative
championed by the rst lady and the
vice president"s wife to engage all
sectors of society to give service
members and their family members
opportunities and support.
"We did this because we wanted to
inspire businesses and organizations
across the country to ask themselves
one simple question:... What more
can we do to honor and support our
veterans and military families?" the
rst lady said.
"And today all of you answered that
question with this incredibly strong
commitment," Obama said. "I know
that you all have made this
commitment not just because it is
the patriotic thing to do, ... [but also]
because you know that America"s
military turns our some of the
highest-skilled, hardest-working
employees this country has ever
The kind of work men and women in
uniform do every day includes
building cities in the middle of
deserts halfway around the world,
building schools in remote villages,
and repairing complex machinery in
combat zones in the middle of the
night, she said.
"Our ave taken on some of the most
challenging projects in some of the
most inhospitable places under
some of the toughest deadlines and
constraints," the rst lady said. "So
when it comes to the attitude and the
experience needed to thrive in
construction jobs, our men and
women in uniform are second to
As part of Joining Forces, the rst
lady and Dr. Biden issued a call to 50
U.S. governors to take executive or
legislative action to streamline state
licensing for service members,
veterans and their spouses by the
end of 2015.
Today, 44 states have passed
legislation that streamlines the
process for service members and
veterans to obtain civilian
certication and licensure, according
to a White House fact sheet.
In his remarks, Perez noted that the
Labor Department"s latest
employment report indicates the
private sector has created 8.5 million
jobs over the last 47 months. The
construction industry showed one of
the most dramatic growth rates, he
said, adding more jobs in January
than in any month since March 2007.
The construction industry is
expected to create more than 1.5
million jobs by 2022, Perez said,
adding that the industry has long
maintained a proven training and
employment infrastructure.
"Through apprenticeships,
certication and credentialing
programs provided by labor unions
and individual employers, veterans
can translate their skills into in-
demand civilian occupations," the
secretary said.
"Nearly 8 percent of all registered
apprentices are veterans," he added,
"while 23 percent of apprentices are
active military members learning
skills in over 120 occupations
ranging from airframe mechanics to
The rst lady said she and President
Barack Obama believe the nation"s
men and women in uniform should
be able to start pursuing such
careers the minute they hang up their
uniforms but that the transition from
military to civilian life can be dimcult.
"Too many of our troops ... get
excellent training [but] they don"t
always know how to translate that
military experience into good civilian
jobs," she said. "That"s why in 2012
my husband launched the
Department of Defense Military
Credentialing and Licensing Task
Force, and we"re already starting to
see results."
Today, she added, service members
nationwide participate in
apprenticeships and accredited
civilian training programs near their
bases, and the Defense Department
is working to help them apply military
training toward earning civilian
credentials, particularly in high-
demand elds like plumbing and
heating, ventilation and air
The president has assured that
veterans can use their Post-9/11 GI
Bill benets to pay for career and
technical training in construction and
other industries, the rst lady said,
and veterans and companies can
nd jobs and qualied employees in
2,600 American job centers across
the country.
Today"s commitment is about
putting highly skilled individuals to
work in high-paying careers and
providing U.S. companies with the
very best workers, but it"s also about
"modeling a certain set of values for
our communities and for our
country," she said.
"By making these kinds of
commitments ... you all are sending
a clear message that in this country
we honor those who"ve sacriced for
us," the rst lady said to company
representatives in the audience.
First lady: 100 companies to
hire 100,000 vets over ve
First Lady Michelle Obama announced that more than 100
construction industry companies have committed to hiring
more than 100,000 military veterans over the next ve years.
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Job Fair
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Mar 26, 10 am-2 pm, Scottish Rite Center,
1895 Camino Del Rio South, SD, CA 92108
How to Work a Job Fair Workshop
?,52 %62 :#-% #+ )#&$ @#A +,($ 2B"2$(2'=2 ,'3 2'-&$2
)#& -2% )#&$-20+ &" +#$ -&==2-- A) ,%%2'3('. %6(- =0,-->

Mar 24, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Mar 25, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 259
C'02-- #%62$4(-2 '#%23 A20#41 $2.(-%2$ +#$ %62 A20#4 4#$5-6#"-
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Finding Federal Employment
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2:"0#):2'% "$#=2-- ,'3 .2% %("- +$#: %62 2B"2$%- #' 6#4 %#
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Jan 7, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg 318

Jan 21, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Feb 4, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBPL, Bldg 211

Feb 18, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg 318

Mar 4, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Mar 20, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBPL, Bldg 211
How to Work a Job Fair Workshop
?,52 %62 :#-% #+ )#&$ @#A +,($ 2B"2$(2'=2 ,'3 2'-&$2 )#& -2%
)#&$-20+ &" +#$ -&==2-- A) ,%%2'3('. %6(- =0,-->

Mar 24, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Mar 25, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 259
Insights to Starting a Home-Based Business
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Feb 13, 12:30-4:30 pm, Logan Heights Library,
567 South 28th St, SD, CA 92113
Introduction to Owning
Your Own Business
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%62 0,%2-% ('+#$:,%(#'1 $2-#&$=2-1 ,'3 .&(3,'=2 %# :,52 )#&$
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Jan 14, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 259
Military Spouse Employment Workshop
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%# -%,$%P L2% )#&$ $2-&:2 $27(24231 2B"0#$2 )#&$ 23&=,%(#'
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Jan 10, 9-11 am, Bayside Community Center

Jan 24, 9-11 am, Bayside Community Center

Feb 7, 9-11 am, Bayside Community Center

Feb 21, 9-11 am, Bayside Community Center

Mar 7, 9-11 am, Bayside Community Center

Mar 21, 9-11 am, Bayside Community Center
Get the latest hot job postings on Facebook!
Like our FFSC Jobs Facebook at
Resume Writing
?,52 -&$2 )#&$ $2-&:2 -%,'3- #&%V.2% %62 0,%2-% %("- ,'3
%2=6'(M&2- %# 4#4 2:"0#)2$- 4(%6 ,' #$.,'(N231 2++2=%(721
,'3 4(''('. $2-&:2>

Jan 9, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBPL, Bldg 211

Jan 14, 9-11 am, FFSC Santee

Jan 16, 10 am-12 pm, FFSC GVB

Jan 21, 1-3 pm, FFSC VSM

Jan 23, 2-4 pm, Paradise Hills Library,
5922 Rancho Hills Drive, SD, CA 92139

Feb 5, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg 318

Feb 13, 10 am-12 pm, FFSC Santee

Feb 19, 10 am-12 pm, Murphy Canyon Chapel,
3200 Santo Rd, SD, CA 92124

Feb 25, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBPL, Bldg 211

Mar 5, 2:30-4:30 pm, FFSC VSM

Mar 13, 1-3 pm, FFSC NBSD, Bldg 263

Mar 25, 9-11 am, FFSC Santee

Mar 27, 2-4 pm, Paradise Hills Library,
5922 Rancho Hills Drive, SD, CA 92139
continued on next page...
Career Fair for Veterans
11:00am - 3:00pm
Follow us on
Register Now
Transitioning Military Personnel
National Guard Members
Reserve Members
and Spouses
Companies are hiring!
Job Opportunities
Continuing Education Opportunities
Business Ownership Opportunities
For more details visit:
Produced by RecruitMilitary in cooperation with The American Legion
Liberty Stations NTC
Promenade @ Corky
McMillin Companies
Event Center
2875 Dewey
San Diego, CA 92106

is the official online partner for Hiring Our Heroes Find Hiring Our Heroes online:

2014 Hiring Our Heroes Veterans Event San Diego, CA
University of Phoenix Campus
9665 Granite Ridge Dr.
San Diego, CA 92123
February 13, 2014

This University of Phoenix- sponsored hiring event is being conducted by the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the Department of Labor Veterans Employment
and Training Service (DOL VETS), the California Committee of the Employer Support
of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, The
American Legion, NBC News, and other local partners.

A workshop for veterans and other military job seekers that focuses on resume writing, tips
for successfully navigating hiring fairs, military skill translation, and interviewing will start at
9:00am. To register for the Hiring Our Heroes Employment Workshop, visit

For registration questions, please contact us at or call 202-463-5807.
Must register for FREE at
Register for FREE at
to guarantee admission. Walk-ins welcome but space not guaranteed.

HIRING FAIR: 10:00am 1:00pm

Industry of Focus: The
Veterans Employment
Network Project (VENP) will
focus on the following high
demand industries: Health
Care, Protection Services,
Computer Technology
Services and Customer
Service Reps/Retail Sales.
Targeted Participants to be Served:
The target participants will be those
veterans afected by service
connected disabilities, recently
separated, campaign Veterans,
Veterans with signicant barriers as
well as eligible family members of the
Veterans. Our organization is stafed
with clinical, medical and social work
professional to aid in the needs of
our veterans sufering from PTSD,
TBI or depression. Recently
separated veterans will make-up
75-80% of enrolled participants.
Key Partners: Partners include: The
Veteran Afairs (VA)-Veterans Benet
Association, VA-Medical Health
Services, EDD Veteran program staf,
San Diego Workforce Partnership,
LWIB, Veterans Centers and its
satellite omces, One-Stop Career
Centers, and the County's Veteran
Service Omces. Local educational
institutions in the North County of
San Diego - San Diego State
University, California State University
of San Marcos, University of
Southern California and Mira Costa
Project Description: The VENP is
framed under the premise that the
number of veterans and eligible
family members will increase in the
North County of San Diego and that
this project will provide assistance to
approximately 150 veterans of whom
75-80% are recently separated and/
or disabled. With our partners and
support agencies, we are postured to
implement this project with staf that
includes case managers, nurses,
clinical therapist, social workers,
resident managers and technicians.
We are equipped with one stop
program and services (housing,
social services, employment center,
and Veterans grant per diem and
contract). The project will be
delivered in phases including:
outreach, case management,
individual employment plan, job
search assistance/placement, and
follow-up services. Our partners will
be an integral part of the project
Expected Outcomes: The VENP will
serve and place 150 veterans and
their eligible family members in
education or training; 120 (80%) will
complete training and attain an
industry-recognized certicate; 105
(70%) will be placed in unsubsidized
employment and of those, 86 (82%)
will retain employment for 6-months.
North County Interfaith Council/
Interfaith Community Services
550 West Washington Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025
Contact: Mr. Bernard Gabriel
(760) 489-6380
Project Opens
New Ofce In
San Diego
West Coast presence part of
year long regional expansion
Jacksonville, FL (March 21, 2011)
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP)
announces the opening of their San
Diego omce, located in the heart of
the Liberty Station neighborhood.
In order to fulll our mission of
honoring and empowering wounded
warriors and to most efectively
deliver the innovative services we
ofer, we decided that we must have
a physical presence in the
communities where these brave
warriors live, stated Wounded
Warrior Project Executive Director
Steven Nardizzi. We are honored to
be a part of the San Diego
community and look forward to
serving the wounded veterans who
call this area home.
The new WWP omce, a 4,700 square
foot space, is located at 2468
Historic Decatur Road, Building 905,
Suite 150.
To start, this omce will employ a
staf of twelve with room to grow,
said Nardizzi. Well provide access
to a full range of WWP programs and
services in the areas of mental
health, physical health and wellness,
and economic empowerment.
A grand opening event, in
conjunction with Soldier Ride San
Diego, is planned for Friday, March
Over 40,000 troops have been
physically wounded during the
current military conicts in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands
more are estimated to be recovering
from invisible wounds of war,
including post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), major depression,
and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Whether through caregiver retreats,
combat stress programs or career
and education opportunities, these
services aim to ease the burdens of
the wounded and their families, aid in
the recovery process and smooth
their transition back into civilian life.
Currently, WWP has omces in
Jacksonville, FL; Washington, DC;
New York, NY and San Antonio,
Texas. New omces are planned for
Chicago, IL; Fayetteville, NC; Ft.
Lewis, WA and San Diego, California.
About Wounded Warrior Project
The mission of the Wounded Warrior
Project (WWP) is to honor and
empower wounded warriors. WWPs
purpose is to raise awareness and to
enlist the publics aid for the needs of
injured service members, to help
injured servicemen and women aid
and assist each other, and to provide
unique, direct programs and service
to meet their needs. To learn more,
Page 26
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A program for San Diego-based veterans and transitioning service
members for careers in the Cyber Security field
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Please contact Derrick Harrison, Workforce Specialist at Manpower (619) 699-1240
Presenting sponsor
!"#$%&'(& *+"( ,'(--( ./ 0*1-( 2-,"(.&*
34 0425 6+( 7-&-('/%
8-&'./ *+"( 9: 1-/-6.&%
In partnership with
Supporting sponsor

Military Career, Education &
Resource Event
Active Duty Military, Veterans & Their Families
(Open to all Job Seekers)
Thursday August 29, 2013
10am - 1pm
Pacic Views Event Center Bldg. 202850 San Jacinto Road
Camp Pendleton, CA92055
- Training and Resume Counseling|IlI.r
Premier Corporate Sponsors
Semper Fit Fieldhouse
Building 5U MCRD San Diego
Wednesday, February 12, 2U14
1U:UUam - 1:UUpm
Bring your college transcript /Joint Services Transcripts
Meet college/university representatives
Receive free academic advisement
Learn more about GI Bill Benefts
For more information, please contact:
James Brooks
Bring multiple copies of your resume
Dress to Impress
Meet face to face with representatives from
dozens of top employers!
For more information, please contact:
Mina Threat
Open Io aII MiIiIary,
DoD/NAi mpIoyees,
VeIerans and amiIy Members
Personal & Professional Development
4U25 Tripoli Avenue Bldg 14, San Diego, CA 9214U
Visit us online at
Making the transition back to civilian life from the war
front to the home front can be a difcult challenge,
especially for the newer and younger generation of
service-men and women who were deployed several
times to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Designed for service members, veterans and dependents,
REBOOT Workshops are a series of cognitive-
restructuring educational seminars that promotes a
successful social transition from military service to civilian
The goal of the workshop is to assist veterans in reframing
their thought patterns from military service to civilian life,
with all veterans achieving, within their potential, their
goals in the TRANSITION DOMAINS of:
Employment and Career, Education, Living Situation,
Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing, and Community-
Life Functioning.
Employment assistance provided upon graduation.
We are pleased to announce the North County series of
REBOOT Workshops beginning on July 8, 2013
at CSU San Marcos located at 333 So. Twin Oaks valley
Rd., San Marcos, CA 9278
This series of REBOOT Workshops is brought to you by
Wells Fargo and Citi Bank in partnership with the National
Veterans Transition Services, Inc. and CSU San Marcos.
Making the transition
back to civilian life is
not a job change, it is a
life change!
Sign-up Online!
Our 3-Week REBOOT Workshop Will Help You
ReLearn - ReBuild - ReBrand
Now Enrolling for North County

Operation Warghter (OWF) is a Department of
Defense Federal internship program exclusively
for RSMs. OWF places RSMs in supportive
work settings that positively impact their
recovery. Managed by OSDs Ofce of
Warrior Care Policy, OWF gives RSMs
the chance to gain real-world, on-the-
job employment experience through
i nt er nshi ps acr oss t he Feder al
gover nment . Our 10 Regi onal
Coordi nators l ocated across the
country, will work with you to explore
your potential career interests, build your
r e s u me , a n d p r o v i d e y o u wi t h
opport uni t i es f or addi t i onal t rai ni ng,
experience, and networking. The internship
opportunities will positively impact your rehabilitation
and reintegration. For those of you that return to duty,
OWF gives you the training and experience that
will benet you as you continue to serve in
the military. OWF is a win-win for
recovering Service members and the
Federal government. You are part of a
tremendous talent pool that Federal
hiring managers are searching for to ll
critical vacancies and theyre willing
to train you! If you are a recovering
Servi ce member l ooki ng f or an
opportunity like this or are a Transition
Coordinator and know of a recovering
Service member who would benet from
O W F, p l e a s e c o n t a c t u s a t :
osd.pentagon.ousd-pr.mbx.operati on-war-
Military Friendly College
Alliant International University was once again
designated as a Best for Vets" school by Military
Times EDGE (MTE) magazine for the third year in a
row. Ranked number six among non-traditional
colleges (dened as those which operate across a
network of small campuses), Alliant was the only
school in California, among non-traditional
schools, to be selected for the 2013 Military Times
EDGE Best for Vets Colleges list.
Some 650 schools more than ever before
participated in the 2013 Military Times EDGE (MTE)
A total of 111 schools were ranked across diferent
categories: 4-year, 2-year and online and non-
traditional. School rankings were based on
nancial assistance, academic exibility, campus
culture and support services that help veterans
make the transition from military to college life.
This Best for Vets award closely follows Alliants
recognition on G.I. Jobs magazines 2013 list of
Military Friendly Schools, representing the top
fteen percent of undergraduate and graduate
schools doing the most to embrace Americas
military service members and veterans as students.
Whats most striking about Alliants commitment to
veteran and military students is the welcoming and
supportive environment created by our staf, faculty
and students, says Dr. Russ Newman, provost and
vice president for academic afairs. Our Director of
Military and Veteran Afairs, Tina Moncada (USAF
Veteran), clearly understands the unique needs of
these students and has worked hard to assure that
others at the University understand as well, he
To learn more about Alliants Military and Veterans
Program, contact Tina Moncada at or 858-635-4659.
University Makes
Best For Vets
2013 List by
Military Times
What is CLEP?
CLEP, or the College-Level
Examination Program, is another way
to get college credit for the
knowledge and training you already
possess. CLEP is the most widely
accepted credit-by-examination
program that is available at more
than 2,900 colleges and universities.
Each college sets its own policy on
which CLEP exams it will grant credit
for and how many credits it will
award. Make sure you talk to your
admissions omcer, academic advisor,
or test center administrator to learn
more about your institutions CLEP
Policy. As with most things in the
realm of education, there is a cost
($77 for each test) but is far less
than actually taking the course in
both time and money. Exams are
approximately 90 minutes long with
mainly multiple-choice questions,
with the exception of College
Composition, which is 120 minutes
due to having other types of short-
answer questions and essays. These
exams include: History & Social
Sciences; Composition & Literature;
Science & Mathematics; Business;
and World Languages. There are test
preparation guides which include
practice questions for all exams,
exam descriptions, and test-taking
tips and strategies to help you get
ready for the exams. Before I started
working for the PVA, I was teaching
at the high school level. Since my
Bachelors Degree was in History, I
had to nd a new topic because
everyone in California teaches the
Liberal Arts in some way or another.
So while I was getting my Masters
Degree in Education, I was able
CLEP-out by getting my certicates
in Science and Earth Science without
any added coursework.

Whats my rst step?
% The rst step you need to take is
to want to go back to school.
As witnessed from the chart above,
higher education has become a
gateway to prosperity in America.
People who graduate with a
bachelors degree, on average, earn
about considerably more per week
and are signicantly more likely to be
employed than someone with just a
high school diploma. So the
motivation should be there to want to
go back to school. And with the Post
9/11 G.I. Bill, payments are issued
monthly in arrears with the tuition
and fees paid directly to the school,
the book stipend is paid to you at the
beginning of the term, and the
housing allowance is paid to you at
the end of each month. Choosing the
right career means considering many
important factors. Fortunately, there
is information available to assist you:
The Department of Labor has some
very good information available on
their website at http:// which
you may nd helpful; and the My
Next Move for Vets site is one of the
nation's primary sources of
occupational information. The time is
now to start looking for something
new in your life through all the
educational benets the military has
given you to exceed beyond what
you thought was fathomable when
you signed on the dotted line and
stepped on the yellow footprints.
Education is the key to unlock your
Post-Military Education
By Robert C. Kamei
In what could be considered a huge oxymoron, leaving the
safety of living in the military environment may be the biggest
challenge we face moving to the private sector. Face it, in the
service we had a paycheck every other week, terric medical
and dental care, and education forced upon us on a regular
basis to factor in for promotion.

What could be better than that? But now that we are out or about to get out of
our respective service, there are many questions that linger regarding our
futures: What am I going to do now?; How am I going to pay my bills?; Can I
cohabitate with long-haired civilians? Yet again, here is another great benet of
being a veteran of the greatest military force in the world getting college
credits for what we learned while in service!

What credits can transfer?

Schools are not going to give anatomy credits for the appropriate
disembowelment of a certain hostile, creative writing credits for overly-
generous tness reports, or physics credits for the correct angulations for
artillery strikes, but they do ofer credits for other more civil training that are
appropriate for the civilian community. The American Council on Educations
(ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT) connects workplace
learning with colleges and universities by helping adults gain access to
academic credit for formal courses and examinations taken outside traditional
degree programs. These can be courses that were taking in service to learn
Arabic for our Gulf War/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom
veterans to leadership training with the often used Franklin Coveys 7 Habits of
Highly Efective People. Colleges and universities have trusted ACE to provide
reliable course equivalency information to facilitate credit award decisions.
Consectetur adipiscing: Elit magnum et mse"ciendi his at
We learn more by
looking for the
answer to a
question and not
finding it than we
do from learning
the answer itself.
Lord Alexander
SECTION Trends, Colleges/Universities, Vocational Training
Page 29





RlCRlk l9lC/!l9N-
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Slll9k! \9l 9lSlk\l
klCR! Rlkl /! S/N 9llC9
Toke lhe firsl slep loword odvoncing your coreer.
- Speok wilh experienced mililory odvisors who
con help you moximize your velerons benefils.
- Forn on undergroduole or groduole degree
in high-demond fields like cybersecurily,
T ond monogemenl.
- lccess ocodemic ond finonciol oid counseling,
lronsfer credil informolion, complimenlory
degree mopping ond coreer services.
/! \9lk Slk\lCl SlNCl I/!
0nIine cIasses ncw enrcIIing
CaII 19-550-1537
3 0amino Del Rio North, 5te. 10 - 5an Diego, 0A
14-MIL-063 Ad Refresh_AFD_HRR7.indd 1 1/9/14 5:30 PM
Please confirm concerts before
attending. NOTE: Some venues
are age 21+ only.

Falling in REverse and Es-
cape The Fate, Chelsea Grin,
Thurs., Jan. 16, 7:3;0 p.m. Rock.
Soma, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd.,
San Diego (Midway district). (619)
Arrival From Sweeden: Mu-
sic of ABBA, Sat., Jan. 18, 7:30
p.m. Covers/pop. $30-$60. Pala
Events Center, 11154 Hwy 76,
Pala. (877) 946-7252.
The Harvard Glee Club, Sat.,
Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m. Standards.
Free-$25. California Center for
the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Es-
condido Blvd., Escondido. (760)
3 Doors Down (acoustic),
Tues., Jan. 21, 8:30 p.m. Age
21+. $47.50-$100. House of
Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego.
(619) 299-2583.
Sound Tribe Sector 9, Thurs.,
Jan. 23, 8 p.m. Hiphop/rap/pop.
House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave.,
San Diego. (619) 299-2583.
The Irish Rovers, Fri., Jan.
24, 7:30-10 p.m. $25-$45. Folk/
world. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth
Ave. (619) 570-1100. www.
Tommy Emmanuel and
Martin Taylor, Sat., Jan. 25, 8
p.m. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth
Ave. (619) 570-1100. www.
Styx, Sat., Jan., 25, 8 p.m.
Rock. Pechanga Resort & Casino,
45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula.
(951) 693-1819.
A Gala Night with David
Garrett, Sun., Jan. 26, 7-9 p.m.
$49.50-$54.50. Pop (violinist).
Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave.
(619) 570-1100. www.sdbalboa.
Thuy Nga-Paris by Night,
Sun., Jan. 26, 8 p.m. Standards.
Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000
Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula. (951)
Pink Martini, Wed., Jan. 29,
7:30 p.m. Pop. Balboa Theatre,
868 Fourth Ave. (619) 570-1100.
Mayer Hawthorne, Thurs.,
Jan. 30, 8 p.m. Age 21+. Rock.
$20-$38. House of Blues, 1055
Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619)
1st Marine Division Band,
Thur.-Fri., Jan. 30-31, 7 p.m.
Free. California Center for the
Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escon-
dido Blvd., Escondido. (760)
George Strait and Miranda
Lambert, Fri., Jan. 31, 7:30
p.m. Valley View Casino Center
(San Diego Sports Arena), 3500
Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego.
(619) 224-4171.
Patty LuPone, Fri., Jan. 31,
9 p.m. Covers/standards. $27-
$87. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth
Ave. (619) 570-1100. www.
Wilson Phillips, Fri., Jan. 31,
8 p.m. Pop. Pala Events Center,
11154 Hwy 76, Pala. (877) 946-
The Sweethearts of Swing,
Wed., Feb. 5, 1 p.m. 1930s-40s
covers. California Center for the
Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escon-
dido Blvd., Escondido. (760)
Joshua Bell (violin) 7 Sam
Haywood (piano), Fri., Feb. 7, 8
p.m. Classical. $35-$99. Balboa
Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. (619)
Pat Benatar & Neil Gir-
lado, Fri., Feb. 7, 8 p.m. Rock.
Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000
Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula. (951)
George Strait with Martina
McBride, Sat., Feb. 8, 7:30
p.m. STAPLES Center, 1111 S.
Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA
Young The Giant and Cayu-
cas, Sun., Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m.
Rock. Soma, 3350 Sports Arena
Blvd., San Diego (Midway dis-
trict). (619) 226-7662.
Englebert Humperdinck,
Fri.-Sat., Feb. 14-15, 8:30 p.m.
Pop. Pechanga Resort & Casino,
45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Tem-
ecula. (951) 693-1819.
Imagine Dragons, the Na-
ked 7 Famous, Sat., Feb. 15,
7:30 p.m. $29.50-$49.50. Valley
View Casino Center (San Diego
Sports Arena), 3500 Sports
Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619)
In The Mood, Sat., Feb. 15,
2 & 7 p.m. $24-$49. Big band
40s. California Center for the
Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escon-
dido Blvd., Escondido. (760)
Boz Scaggs, Mon., Feb. 17,
8:30 p.m. Rock. Balboa Theatre,
868 Fourth Ave. (619) 570-
Amos Lee, Sat., Feb. 22, 9
p.m. Blues. Balboa Theatre, 868
Fourth Ave. (619) 570-1100.
Miley Cyrus with Icona
Pop, Sat., Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
STAPLES Cent er , 1111 S.
Figueroa Street, Los Angeles,
CA 90015. www.staplescenter.
Pentatonix, Tues., Feb. 25,
8 p.m. Rock. $25-$30. Soma,
3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San
Diego (Midway district). (619)
Elvin Bishop, Fri., Feb. 28, 8
p.m. Pop/rock. Age 21+. Belly Up
Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave.,
Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140.
Buddy Guy, Fri., Feb. 28, 8
p.m. Blues. Pala Events Center,
11154 Hwy 76, Pala. (877) 946-
The Wailers, Sun., March 2, 8
p.m. Reggae/ska. $25-$44. Age
21+. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South
Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858)
Christopher Dean, Wed.,
March 5, 1, 4, & 7 p.m. Free.
Acoustic. California Center for
the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Es-
condido Blvd., Escondido. (760)
Aer ft. David von Mering &
Carter Schultz, Sat., March 8,
7 p.m. Rock. Soma, 3350 Sports
Arena Blvd., San Diego (Midway
district). (619) 226-7662.
Kenny Rogers, Sun., March
16, 8:30 p.m. Country. Pechanga
Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga
Pkwy, Temecula. (951) 693-
Lady Antebellum, Wed.,
March 18, TBA. STAPLES Cen-
ter, 1111 S. Figueroa Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90015. www.
Lady Antebellum, Sat. March
22, 7:30 p.m. Country/Rock.
Valley View Casino Center (San
Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports
Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619)
Feb. 7, 8 p.m. Classical. $35-$99
Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. (619) 570-1100
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College Opens
With a Navy Band playing
patriotic tunes as a backdrop,
Southwestern College
leadership dedicated a new
Veterans Resource Center
Tuesday that will serve as
home base for counseling and
technological resources for
student veterans.
The converted omce space will
omcially open next month, but plans
include conference space, a private
room for individual counseling, a
computer lab and a lounge area for
student veterans to socialize.
The dedicated resource center was a
long time coming, said Governing
Board President Humberto Peraza, Jr.
I know there was talk about a
center even before I became a
member of the board, Peraza said.
There are a lot of people who made
this happen, but it was because of the
persistence of the student veterans.
A veterans resource center is
Southwestern Colleges commitment
to the sacrice student veterans have
given to defend our country and our
principles, said Superintendent/
President Dr. Melinda Nish.
They (veterans) are accustomed to a
brotherhood and sisterhood where
they know that somebody will always
have their back, said Dr. Nish, Thats
what this veterans resource center will
bring to our returning veteransa
place to hang out with others who
know exactly what theyve been
Student Veteran Organization
President Tim Walsh, a United States
Marine Corps veteran, praised
Southwestern College leadership
calling the new veteran center a home
for heroes.
Veterans Service Specialist Jim
Jones, a former US Marine,
commended the new resource center,
noting the connection each veteran
has, and the need for a place for
veterans to mingle.
He also said no veteran should leave
Southwestern College empty handed.
The true measure of its (Veterans'
Resource Center) worth will be
determined when every veteran that
walks on the campus of Southwestern
College wearing a military uniform
proudly walks away from our campus
wearing a cap and gown," Jones
Ground on
New Veterans
A ceremony on Friday, Nov. 8
at CSUSM celebrated the
groundbreaking of Ecohabit,
an award-winning, zero-net
energy solar house created by
a team of interdisciplinary
Stevens Institute of
Technology (SIT) students in
Hoboken, N.J., and donated
to Cal State San Marcos for
use as its new Veterans
Ecohabit, which won fourth place in
the U.S. Department of Energy Solar
Decathlon, will support CSUSMs
commitment to serving its signicant
student veteran population.
We take great pride at Cal State San
Marcos in serving our military and
supporting those people who have
served us so well, said President
Karen Haynes. Today puts us right
over the top in terms of excitement
about this facility and how it will
continue to help us serve our veteran
and active duty students and their
dependents. This new building will be
a hallmark on this campus. It will be a
place for coming together, for
conversations, for support and for
CSUSM: A Veteran-Friendly
Approach to Higher Education
Cal State San Marcos, founded in
1989, was the rst university to be
built in the United States in 20 years
from the ground up. A young, vibrant
institution created for the modern era,
CSUSM prides itself on its mission to
serve the students of the region,
particularly those most educationally
at-risk, including veterans and
military-amliated students.
Today we celebrate breaking ground
on our tenth building in ten years.
Over 40 percent of our graduating
students for years have been rst-
generation college students and one
in ten current Cal State San Marcos
students is a veteran, active-duty or
dependent, said Haynes.
The University's veteran-friendly
approach to higher education
supported by such initiatives as the
War at Home and Abroad digital
history archive project, the Veterans
Student Support Fund, and veteran
specic scholarshipshas
consistently ranked the campus in the
top 15 percent nationally for veterans
education by Military Times Edge
since 2010.
And we are not done, emphasized
Haynes. We will continue to create
new programs. We are now going to
hire our rst-ever Veterans Center
director and we just completed our
Veterans and Active Duty Strategic
An Eco-Friendly Center, a Bi-Coastal
The new CSUSM Veterans Center will
be built on campus across from
Markstein Hall, replacing a smaller
facility which opened in Craven Hall in
2008. Expected to be in use by fall
2014, the 1,000-square-foot facility
will retain much of Ecohabits
emerging green technologies and
design innovations.

The opportunity to turn Ecohabit into
a functioning facility for returning
veterans made the Solar Decathlon
competition a truly meaningful
experience for our students, said Dr.
Michael Bruno, dean of the Charles V.
Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering
and Science at Stevens.
Featuring an omce, conference room, kitchen, lounge and event space, the
Center will be a place where military-amliated students can receive support
in achieving their academic and career goals with services tailored to their
unique needs. Staf will assist students to navigate the admissions process,
access their GI benets, register for courses, access campus resources and
get involved in leadership and social activities.

The Veterans Center will also provide a bridge to help civilian students learn
more about vets, dispel misconceptions and raise awareness of the
advantages that student veterans bring to our community, said Vice
President of Student Afairs Lorena Meza.

In addition, the Veterans Center will advance knowledge of energy emcient
design, directly supporting CSUSMs commitment to sustainability and
green building. CSUSM students will collaborate with Stevens students to
monitor and analyze data on energy use, weather and temperature and the
efect they have on energy emciency.

There is a hope and a promise here, said Bruno. We hope this is the rst
step in a long-term collaboration between our two campuses, driven by our
students: the users of the facility and the students back at Stevens in
Page 30


SDSUs Troops
to Engineers
Success in Engineering for
Recent Veterans through
Internship and Career

San Diego is ground zero for
veterans successful transition
to civilian careers.

In February, 2011, SDSU launched a
highly successful pilot program called
Troops to Engineers SERVICE (Success
in Engineering for Recent Veterans
through Internship and Career
Experience). Premise: career-enhancing,
paid internships are the key to a
successful transition from military to
civilian careers; and, the program
presents a win, win, win solution to a
local and national problem. A win for
industry that needs highly qualied
candidates for engineering jobs. A win for
young veterans because they get jobs. A
win for our region and the country
because employed veterans pay taxes
and give back to their communities in
numerous ways. The program provides
support for young veterans who have
honorably served their country at a time
when joblessness among young veterans
is at an unprecedented high.

Goals and evaluation of the

Goal #1: To place 100% of SDSU
student-veterans seeking career
assistance into paid internships and full
time jobs upon graduation. (Results.
September 2012, 55 student-veterans
were placed in internships or full time,
salaried, jobs. All of the student veterans
who had internships received full time
jobs when they graduated, most stayed
with the employers where they interned.
Most of the veterans enrolled in the
program are OIF or OEF veterans and
one third are VA classied as Wounded
Warriors (disability rating of 30% or
greater.) The program accomplished this
goal at a cost of $3,222 per veteranfar
less than most programs that focus on
veterans employment. In addition
companies received tax incentives
(between $2,400 and $9,600) for each
veteran they employed full time through
the national Vow to Hire a Heros Act
passed by Congress in 2011.

Goal #2: Increase the number of veterans
pursuing degrees and careers in
Engineering and other STEM (Science
Technology Engineering Math) majors.
(Results. E-mail and phone inquiries from
prospective student-veterans about the
program have increased from one per
week in May 2011 to two per day in
September 2012. Most veterans are
transfer students from Community
Colleges, therefore it will take one to
three years to evaluate the increase of
veterans in the College of Engineering at
SDSU. Interest in the program has
increased steadily with 81 student
veterans actively enrolled in the program
in November 2012 as compared to 57 in
May 2012, and 29 in May 2011.)

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(Results. Focus groups and individual interviews were conducted in September 2012 with student veterans returning
from summer internships and some of their employers. The results were overwhelmingly positive from both students
and employers. The program director is in the process of writing a paper reporting these results and best practices for
duplicating the program at other universities with similar conditions.)

Goal#4: Stabilize program funding through grants from industry and other organizations. (Results. The program has
received funding from the following companies in 2011 and 2012: Northrop Grumman ($100,000), SDG&E ($10,000),
Cubic ($10,000), General Dynamics ($5,000), Lockheed Martin ($8,000).

List of Companies employing veterans:
SPAWAR, L-3, Northrop Grumman, Cubic, Kevcon, Nova, Dokken, Leighton and Associates, Brady and Associates,
Power Engineering, SDG&E, Hamilton Sundstrand, General Dynamics (NASSCO), Qualcomm, Solar Turbines, Sony,
NAVAIR, SDSU, Seabotix, Linear, General Atomics, Assure Controls, Inova, Invetech, Lockheed Martin, NAVFAC,
United Launch, RORE, Harper, Ambient, Continental Controls, NOVA Engineering and Environmental, Sony, Secure
Wireless, Navy (AOCS), D3 Technologies
Page 31
The time has never been better for military veterans to further their education
and training. San Diego Mesa College is committed to helping veterans make
the best choices possible while attaining the maximum assistance, guidance,
and support using the new GI Bill and other programs. Find more information
on the GI Bill website.
Veteran students who may be facing challenges adjusting to life after military
service may visit the United States Department of Veteran Affairs Counseling
The San Diego Mesa College VA program has embraced and adopted the
Mission, Vision and Values of the VA Advisory Committee.
San Diego Mesa College's Veterans Program assures its students they will
receive superb veteran support services, and the encouragement they need
to facilitate the transition to college life, while maintaining an environment that
espouses respect, high ethical standards and aids student intellectual,
personal growth and development and educational success.
! #$%& '()*+,(- .,*/012*)3 %#45&
National University Center of Excellence
for Veteran Student Success
Spectrum Campus, Suite 171
9388 Lightwave Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
Monday: 0900 - 1930
Tuesday: 0900 - 1930
Wednesday: 0900 - 1930
Thursday: 0900 - 1930
Friday: 0900 - 1600
The Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS)s mission is to promote
the holistic development and achievement of student veterans through the integration of
academic, career, networking, and wellness services. Made possible by a Department of
Education Fund for the Improvement of Secondary Education (FIPSE) grant, the Center
serves as a centralized point for veteran students that focuses on four key areas: 1) easing
veterans transition to campus life, 2) increasing retention, 3) achieving educational and
career goals, and 4) providing a higher quality of life.
How Cnn Votornn Studonts BonoBt Iron tho Contor?
The contents of this document were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education,
and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
For more information, please call
or e-mail
Students who are on academic probation or
an at risk status are contacted by a veteran
peer mentor who will perform an intake and
discuss a plan to bring the students grades
back up. This program has shown a four-fold
increase in students GPAs being brought
back to good academic standing.
Career Corps is a monthly program to assist
veterans with resume writing, job searching,
and networking skills.
Please visit and Like the CEVSS
Facebook page at:
LVctcranSucccssScrviccs, and nnd out
about upcoming events at the Center.
Female veterans can have different military
experiences than their male counterparts.
This group provides a place for women to
come together and discuss their experiences
in a safe and supportive environment.
A vctcran-spccinc oricntation coursc has
been designed to acclimate veteran students
to University life. The course covers various
topics, including navigating the VA system
and time management skills.
The VA Work Study program places veteran
students in a peer mentoring position. They
assist with veteran outreach, support, and
other Center programs.
Through local individual and business
donations, this scholarship is for students
who have served our country honorably,
arc in nccd of nnancial support for school-
related expenses, and have shown either
community, or academic excellence.
Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC); the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for the Bachelor
of Science in Nursing Program; the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) for the School of Business and Management; and approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
National University is nonprot and does not discriminate in any of its policies or practices on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, or veteran status.
This honor comes eleven months after
Brandman was ranked second by U.S.
News & World Report for Best Online
Bachelors Programs for Veterans.
From community colleges to state
universities, online universities and
national known centers of higher
learning, MAEs 2014 Guide to Military
Friendly Colleges & Universities
provides potential students
information about institutions that go
out of their way to give back to our
men and women in uniform.
Among the attributes considered in
evaluating this years institutions for
inclusion in the Guide are the exibility
of online learning options, extent of
transfer credits accepted by degree
level, on-campus ROTC,
Servicemember Opportunity Colleges
(SOC) participation, on-campus active
duty/veteran assistance, the support
provided to the families of
servicemembers, faculty trained in
veteran reintegration issues, presence
on military installations, and full-time
counselors trained in veteran-specic
mental health concerns.
Brandman University takes special
pride in providing engaging curriculum
for our servicemembers, said Gary
Brahm, chancellor of Brandman
University. We have six campuses
located on military bases which allow
for greater access to military
As a military-friendly institution,
Brandman has nearly a thousand
military students enrolled in classes
for fall 2013.
Brandman is a Servicemembers
Opportunities College (SOC), and
participates in the Yellow Ribbon
Troops to Teachers,
and MyCAA, which provides nancial
assistance for military spouses who
are pursuing associate degrees,
licenses or credentials leading to
employment in portable career elds.
Brandman University was born in
1958 when Chapman University, one
of Californias oldest, nonprot
institutions, opened a campus at El
Toro Marine Corps Air Station to serve
the specic needs of military students.
Today, Brandman is a separate,
regionally accredited university within
the Chapman University System
dedicated to serving the needs of all
working students, military and civilians
Brandman Ranked as a Top Military-Friendly
School by Military Advanced Education
Military Advanced Education (MAE) has awarded Brandman University the designation of a Top
Military-Friendly University in its 2014 Guide to Military-Friendly Colleges & Universities.
Military Friendly College
Alliant International University was once
again designated as a Best for Vets"
school by Military Times EDGE (MTE)
magazine for the third year in a row.
Ranked number six among non-
traditional colleges (dened as those
which operate across a network of small
campuses), Alliant was the only school in
California, among non-traditional
schools, to be selected for the 2013
Military Times EDGE Best for Vets
Colleges list.
Some 650 schools more than ever
before participated in the 2013 Military
Times EDGE (MTE) survey.
A total of 111 schools were ranked
across diferent categories: 4-year, 2-
year and online and non-traditional.
School rankings were based on nancial
assistance, academic exibility, campus
culture and support services that help
veterans make the transition from
military to college life.
This Best for Vets award closely follows
Alliants recognition on G.I. Jobs
magazines 2013 list of Military Friendly
Schools, representing the top fteen
percent of undergraduate and graduate
schools doing the most to embrace
Americas military service members and
veterans as students.
Whats most striking about Alliants
commitment to veteran and military
students is the welcoming and supportive
environment created by our staf, faculty
and students, says Dr. Russ Newman,
provost and vice president for academic
afairs. Our Director of Military and
Veteran Afairs, Tina Moncada (USAF
Veteran), clearly understands the unique
needs of these students and has worked
hard to assure that others at the
University understand as well, he added.
To learn more about Alliants Military and
Veterans Program, contact Tina Moncada
at or
Makes Best
For Vets
2013 List by
Times EDGE
Page 32
Hoboken, N.J. Our hope is to exchange
data and improve on the system as we
go forward so that it is a living
laboratory. Our promise is that we will
be strong partners and will provide
guidance, input and share the learning
as we move forward.
The University of San Diego has a
long history of welcoming active duty
and veteran students to our campus
that predates the establishment of a
NROTC unit here in 1982 (since
expanded by cross-town agreements
to include Army ROTC and AFROTC
units as well). USD is committed to
providing support services that will
help such students succeed. This
webpage contains links to information
about those services and the people
who provide them. Active duty and
veteran students should contact
these individuals for answers to any
specic questions. Those with
general questions or who wish to
comment on the experience at USD
may send an e-mail message to
Laura Paquian, Veteran Student
Services Coordinator, at
UCSD's New Resource Center Salutes
Veterans Service
UC San Diego to dedicate student veterans resource center
UC San Diego currently has
251students who are veterans and
active duty military, up from 221 last
year. The UC San Diego Student
Veterans Resource Center was
established to support the campuss
growing student veteran population by
providing opportunities for students to
connect with groups and resources.
At UC San Diego, we are committed
to supporting our student veterans,
said Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla.
These men and women have served
our nation and they bring diverse life
experiences and perspectives to our
campus, and thats part of what
makes UC San Diego an exceptional
Located on the 2nd oor of the
Student Center, the Student Veterans
Resource Center includes 1,600
square feet of lounge, meeting, omce
and kitchen space. A full-time staf
member will provide support services
to student veterans in this location.
Following the UC San Diego Veterans
Ceremony, free tours of the center will
be ofered, guided by UC San Diegos
student veterans.
According to Dennis Garland,
president of UC San Diegos Student
Veteran Organization, the
establishment of the Student Veterans
Resource Center was made possible
through a collaborative efort among
student and staf veterans and
campus leadership.
I feel very fortunate to have so many
dedicated and passionate people on
campus that are willing to step up for
student veterans, said the Muir
College senior. It will be great to have
a physical place on campus so that
we can continue to foster a sense of
community and inclusion. The center
will provide a place for student
veterans to meet and talk, giving them
a place to interact with other people
that have similar experiences while
easing their way into the UC San
Diego community.
As part of the dedication event, the
14th annual Veteran of the Year award
will be presented by the UC San
Diego Veterans Association. The
Veteran of the Year for 2013 is Billiekai
Boughton. Boughton served as chair
of the Veterans Association for two
and a half years, representing
veterans on campus and was
one of the individuals instrumental in
getting the Student Veterans
Resource Center established at UC
San Diego.
Boughton served as a Switching
Systems Operator team lead in the
U.S. Army from 1989 to 1992, where
she provided telecommunications and
radio support during operation Desert
Storm/Desert Shield. At UC San
Diego, she is an executive assistant at
the San Diego Supercomputer Center.
As a result of increased outreach
eforts, the campus has seen an
increase in the number of students
who have served in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Earlier this year, UC San
Diego was ranked among the top 15
percent of the nations military-friendly
schools by G. I. Jobs magazine for
embracing veterans as students. The
results are based on university
initiatives to assist student veterans
including: nancial aid benets,
additional support to the campus
Student Veteran Organization, special
orientations for new student veterans
and early enrollment privileges.
2 0
Page 33
Page 34
Former Navy
SEAL Pitches
His Business
on 'Shark
Former Navy SEAL Phil
Black will appear on
televisions worldwide to
swim with the "Sharks." He'll
pitch them his custom deck
of workout cards and its
latest digital initiativeon
ABC's hit show "Shark
"After surviving Navy SEAL Hell
Week, I thought I'd be able to face
the high-pressure atmosphere of
'Shark Tank,'" says Black. "But
knowing that more than 9 million
people could be watching, my
adrenaline was certainly pumping."

On the show, Black,a San Diego

entrepreneur and Ivy League
graduate,will demonstrate that his
FitDeckstotal tness package. The
system is designed to deliver high-
performance results at minimal cost.
And by expanding into the digital
realm, Black anticipates reaching a
wider audience of tness fanatics,
with workouts readily available on
their phones. Will the Sharks "bite"
on his pitch and invest in his

FitDecks are designed to help people

of all ages and tness backgrounds
take their tness training to a higher
level, with titles ranging from FitDeck
CrossTrain to FitDeck Yoga.

"Staying t is dimcult. There are so

many obstacles and costs
associated with leading a health-
conscious lifestyle," Black says. "But
with FitDeck, any person who wants
to become healthier can do so with
the simple shuMe of the deck."

FitDecks come in two sizes: a 56-

card deck and a 26-card Booster
deck. Some FitDecks require no
equipment; others call for minimal
equipment. Users can mix and
match the diferent decks to create
millions of unique workouts. Cards
are color-coded by muscle group
and ofer three diferent levels for
beginner, intermediate, and
advanced individuals. FitDeck Mobile
allows users to add their favorite
FitDecks to their mobile
devices,which means most fans will
never leave home without their
workout in-hand again..
Retired Navy Admiral helps
steer tech-association
Vice Admiral Walter R. Davis, USN
(Ret), has been newly elected to the
Board of Directors for CommNexus,
a non-prot technology industry
association that works to accelerate
the formation, growth, and success
of the technology industry in the

Davis logged more than 3,500 ight

hours during his 37-year career as a
naval aviator ying the F-4 and F-14
ghter jets and being a test pilot and
Navy engineer for the F-14. His
combat tours included going to
Vietnam and Iraq.

During his career, Davis was also the

executive omcer of the USS Kitty
Hawk; commanded the USS
Sacramento and USS Ranger;
served as director of Naval Warfare
Systems; deputy chief of Naval
Operations for Space, Information
Warfare, Command and Control, N6;
and was stationed in San Diego three
times with squadrons VF-143 and
VF-114. He retired in 1999.

Veteran-owned businesses make

a valuable contribution to our
economy, but until now, we did not
have a benchmark that measured
their role. This is the rst time that
we can estimate the total number of
veteran-owned businesses, said
Census Bureau Deputy Director
Thomas Mesenbourg. Their impact
on our economy is even greater
when you add to that total those
businesses owned equally by
veterans and nonveterans.
All in all, businesses where
veterans were majority owners or
half-owners numbered 3.7 million,
representing 13.5 percent of all
businesses nationwide, accounting
for more than $1.6 trillion in receipts
and employing 8.2 million people.
The new data come from the
Survey of Business Owners (SBO):
Veteran-Owned Businesses: 2007,
which provides the rst-ever detailed
information for all veteran-owned
businesses in the United States,
including number of rms, sales and
receipts, number of paid employees
and annual payroll. Statistics are also
shown for nonveteran-owned
businesses, as well as for
businesses that are equally owned
by both veterans and nonveterans.
Nearly one-third of veteran-owned
businesses (32.5 percent) operated
in the professional, scientic, and
technical services and the
construction sectors.
The three states with the largest
number of veteran-owned
businesses in 2007 were California,
Texas and Florida. California had
239,422 veteran-owned businesses,
or 9.8 percent of all veteran-owned
businesses in the United States.
Texas had 199,476 businesses, or
8.1 percent, and Florida was home
to 176,727 businesses, or 7.2
Los Angeles County, Calif., had
more veteran-owned businesses in
2007 than any other county, with
62,667, or 2.6 percent of all veteran-
owned businesses nationwide.
Census Bureau Reports Veteran-Owned
Businesses Numbered More Than 2 Million
in 2007
In 2007, U.S. military veterans owned 2.4 million businesses, which accounted for 9.0 percent
of all businesses nationwide, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. These businesses
generated $1.2 trillion in receipts, or about 4.1 percent of all business receipts nationwide,
and employed nearly 5.8 million people.
Workshops, Seminars, Associations, Business
Page 35
New Veterans
The SBA Veterans Advantage
program is intended to
facilitate lending to veteran-
owned small businesses so
that they have the tools they
need to start and grow their
Currently, SBA Express loans of
$150,001 to $350,000 have an up-
front guaranty fee of 3%.
To continue supporting Americas
veterans, the SBA Veterans
Advantage reduces the up-front
guaranty fee from 3% to 0% for SBA
Express loans over $150,000
approved to small businesses owned
by qualied veterans. This will
encourage greater participation in
SBA lending programs with a direct
benet to veteran-owned small
businesses. (All 7(a) loans of
$150,000 or less have an up-front
guaranty fee of 0%, as announced in
SBA Information Notice
#5000-1288.) Note that there is no
reduction in the Lenders annual
service fee for loans over $150,000.
SBA Veterans Advantage
In order to qualify for this, businesses
must be 51% or more owned and
controlled by an individual or
individuals in one or more of the
following groups: Veterans (other
than dishonorably discharged);
Service-Disabled Veterans; Active
Duty Military service member
participating in the militarys
Transition Assistance Program (TAP);
Reservists and National Guard
Members; or Current spouse of any
Veteran, Active Duty service member,
or any Reservist or National Guard
member; or widowed spouse of a
service member who died while in
service or of a service- connected
Lenders must document in their loan
le a borrowers eligibility using the
documentation identied in the
attachment to this Notice and must
present copies of that documentation
with any request to SBA to
SBA currently assists veterans
through its 68 local SBA district
omces, 15 Veterans Business
Outreach Centers nationwide, its
partnership with approximately 1,000
Small Business Development Centers
and approximately 12,000 SCORE
Counselors. Questions concerning
this Notice should be directed to the
lender relations specialist in the local
SBA eld omce. The local SBA eld
omce may be found at

Sumo reformidans et sit, ad
case vulputate sea. Cu pri
nihil dicam, pro vocent
saperet et. Pri ex minimum
persecuti, vero e"ciendi his
at. His ad diam elitr malorum,
graeco iisque. Nam vulputate
vestibulum convallis. Fusce
in vehicula metus. Nam vitae
nisl a dolor mattis ornare sit
amet pharetra dui lorem
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in
eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem.
Fusce placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna
sed commodo. Quisque elementum
pretium odio, eu aliquet massa
hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non
nunc porta volutpat quis et arcu. In
posuere odio vel luctus euismod.
Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla facilisi.
Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed
vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed nec orci luctus velit interdum
porttitor. Morbi vel odio a libero
aliquam volutpat vitae nec diam.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor
suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus
eget viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac
purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam,
sit amet lobortis neque gravida sit
amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis
id molestie. Aliquam interdum dolor
neque, ut scelerisque felis
consectetur in. Nullam accumsan
ante ut dignissim malesuada.
Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros
gravida. Proin interdum commodo
tincidunt. Vivamus mollis tincidunt fa
condimder conubia nostra, per
inceptos himuis vitae mi eget est
rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus
ut metus tiec orci vel quam fringilla
adipiscing at ultricies nisl. Hendrerit
purus posuere egestas in eget nibh.
Nam eu sollici tudin lorem. Fusce
place gravida.
Page 36
Operation Boots to Business: From Service to
Startup, operated by the IVMF, is ofered by the
Whitman School of Management at Syracuse
University (SU) in cooperation with the U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA). A three-phase
training program developed to introduce and train
transitioning service members to business
ownership, Boots to Business begins during the
service members transition from the service (TAP
or TAMP) and can continue if the service member
decides to self-select into Phase II and III.
Phase I- 12 minute video introducing
military service members to business
ownership as a lifestyle (ofered in TAP or
Phase II- 90 Minute Session and
Introduction to Business Ownership
textbook(ofered in TAP or TAMP)
Phase III- Boots to Business eight-week
online mini MBA

The Boots to Business program is one of the many
resources available to transitioning military
members. This 3 phase program introduces
military members to business ownership. Service
members can access Phase I of Boots to Business
during the newly designed Transition Goals Plans
Success (Transition GPS, previously TAP or TAMP),
where business ownership is ofered as a

Boots to Business ofers training in the following:

Core component parts required to develop a
business or nonprot organizational plan.
The interrelationship/interdependency of
marketing, accounting/nance, operations/
production, and human resources required to
formulate a business plan for either a "for prot"
business or a nonprot organization.
Introductory concepts in entrepreneurship will be
covered, such as: idea creation, why the
business plan -matters, accounting for start-ups,
securing nancing, marketing on a shoestring
budget, and more
Develop and write an objective, cohesive, and
integrated business or nonprot plan.
A number of analytical tools, methodologies, and
frameworks useful in creating a great business
Presenting to prospective investors, lenders, or
other nancial backers of the proposed business
or nonprot organization.

To nd out more information visit
V-WISE Is Coming to San

Women Veterans Igniting the Spirit of
Entrepreneurship (V-WISE) is an
entrepreneurial training program for female
veterans of all service eras and branches with
a passion for and interests in either starting a
new small business or growing an existing
This unique entrepreneurship training program
was designed specically by Syracuse
University with the Omce of Veterans Business
Development, U.S. Small Business
Administration, to encourage and support
female veterans with an interest in exploring
the opportunities small business ownership
ofers. V-WISE is committed to helping female
veterans interested in pursuing careers as
small business owners and entrepreneurs.
This particular entrepreneurship training
program helps women veterans by providing
them with the tools to become successful
entrepreneurs; its goal is to integrate their
leadership, integrity, focus and drive into a
premier education training program taught by
accomplished entrepreneurs and
entrepreneurship educators from across the
United States.
V-WISE enables female veterans to nd their
passion and learn business-savvy skills to turn
their ideas or businesses into growth ventures
while recognizing entrepreneurship as an
important part of economic growth
nationwide. This program helps female
veterans to truly pursue their dreams and
make them a reality!

V-WISE is a three-phase program
Phase 1: What's rst? A 15-day online, self-
study course focuses on the basic skills of
entrepreneurship and the language of
Phase 2: Ready, Set, Go! A three-day
conference where participants are exposed
to accomplished entrepreneurs and
entrepreneurship educators from across the
United. States. This segment includes two
training tracks; a growth track, tailored to
those participants already in business and a
startup track focused on potential future
entrepreneurs. Courses include business
planning, marketing, accounting/nance,
operations/production, human resources
and work life balance. (The online course
segment is a prerequisite to conference
Phase 3: Keep Moving... Provides ongoing
support and mentorship delivered online and
Left to Right - Ruben Garcia, SBA District Director, San Diego; Rhett Jeppson, SBA Associate Administrator for Veteran Business
Development; Bob Mulz, Board Chair, Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Network; Maria Hughes, SBA Lender Relations
Specialist, San Diego; Jim Wong, Director, Veteran Business Outreach Center, SBA Region IX; Carlos Liu, SBA Business Opportunities
Specialist, San Diego
Veteran Business Resource Directory
Page 38
Hiring veterans is not only the right thing to do, its good business. Veterans are dependable, motivated, and
responsible. They have worked in a diverse environment under stressful conditions. Their military training and
experience enables business success.
UPS is proud to be one of the nations largest employers of military reservists
and veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Learn more at
U. S.
With the drawdown in Iraq and
Afghanistan, there will be 1 million service
members leaving the military over the
next 5 years.
Three of the many ways UPS reaches
out include:
UPS jobs are uploaded DAILY
to the Veterans Job Bank
UPS has a presence on 12
veteran-connected websites
UPSJOBS.COM features a veterans
outreach section
The Veterans Transition Franchise Initiative,
known as VetFran,was developed to help
vets transition into civilian life by providing
business opportunities.
2011 +35%
Source: *UPS Veteran and Military Activity Summary - December 11, 2012
**UPS Veteran Engagement Project Review November 12, 2012
UPS is commited to hiring
25,000 veterans over the
next ve years
Total franchise discounts
provided to veterans
Waived fees with the
Amount saved by qualied
veterans on the franchise
fee of a new THE UPS
STORE location
150 +
franchises awarded to rst-
time veteran buyers through
VETFRANsince 2004
)"*+ ,"-. /*.+"0#$123 4"$5
26* 7*3 2" ,"-. 8-99*++:
The transition from military
to civilian life includes
many decisions, not the
l east of whi ch i s the
sometimes overwhelming
what do I do now?
Many see a natural t for
veterans in the franchising
world, and the Franchisee
Type Prole, a personality
assessment tool in the
VetFran Toolkit will help
veterans clarify what their
personality indicates they
might be best suited for.
The VetFran Toolkit ofers
resources to help veterans
ent er t he f r anchi si ng
i n d u s t r y, i n c l u d i n g
Franchising 101, nancial
educat i on, a Vet Fr an
v i d e o l i b r a r y , a n d
ment or shi p net wor k.
Now, the Franchisee Type
Prole is available to all
veterans at no cost to
help with the very rst
step to embark on a
career in franchising
t h e a c t u a l c a r e e r
decision. The Prole
helps veterans identify
a s p e c t s o f t h e i r
personality that will be
relevant to their decision,
i n c l u d i n g Po t e n t i a l
Strengths, Potential Blind
Spot s, and Success
Strategies. Based on their
personality, the Prole
also identies the types of
opportunities that might
ma t c h t h e i r n a t u r a l
abilities and interests.
How can personality hold
the key to success? It
turns out that what people
are drawn to (and repelled
by) is mostly the result of
their Temperament the
essence of their inborn,
hardwired personalities.
This is why the same task
that one person cant wait
to dive into, can reduce
another to tears! Veterans
may experience unique
challenges after military
service, and this tool can
h e l p r e d e n e , o r
redi scover t hei r t r ue
passion. Throughout this
journey, it is important to
understand how much
inuence Temperament
can have it informs our
core values, key drives,
v o c a t i o n a l a n d
recreational interests, and
can even play a huge part
in whether we succeed or
Each Temperament has its
own natural strengths and
blind spots. Why is this
i mpor t ant t o know?
Because our greatest
success comes when we
capitalize on our strengths
a n d m i t i g a t e o u r
weaknesses. For example,
someone may not excel in
math, but have to manage
a budget. Or they may not
be a naturally organized
person. In both cases,
understanding this blind
spot enables them to do
something about it, such
as t ake a cour se i n
n a n c e o r t i m e
m a n a g e m e n t .
T e m p e r a m e n t i s
recognized as a powerful
and practical tool, used
dai l y by hundreds of
l eadi ng organi zati ons,
i ncl udi ng the mi l i tary,
around the world.
Paul D. Tieger is CEO of SpeedReading People LLC,
an internationally recognized Personality Type expert
and the author of ve books, including the one-million
copy career development best seller: Do What You
Are. SpeedReading People specializes in practical
training solutions and online tools that help businesses
engage, motivate, and retain their best talent. Find Paul
at via the directory or at
Page 39
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San Diego is one of the largest military cities in the United States. The County
is the third largest in the U.S. in terms of veteran residents, and the number
one destination for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Demographically, San Diego County veterans are younger, better educated
and earn higher incomes than national averages. However, veterans -
especially young individuals who are more susceptible to high unemployment
- may experience specic barriers when reintegrating into the civilian labor
force. - See more at:
Mintz Levin Offers Free
Workshops For Starting &
Growing Your Veteran-Owned
Business: A Free Six-Part

Many veterans looking to transfer their military skills, discipline, and commitment to the
business world consider starting companies of their own. Whether your enterprise is still
in the early planning stages or youre trying to grow an existing venture, our six-week
program can help you identify what you need to do and how to do it. With the
assistance of veterans who have established successful legal practices at our law rm
and other entrepreneurial attorneys and professionals who have counseled start-ups
and early-stage companies, youll learn the fundamental components of business
success and gain condence to pursue your goals.
Advising entrepreneurs on the formation and growth of new businesses is a cornerstone
of our San Diego practice. We would be honored to share our insight with you in this
free informative series, and look forward to watching your enterprise take root and
prosper in the years and decades ahead.
See below for registration links for all dates in the series.Sessions are complimentary
and open to anyone looking to start a new businessor grow an early-stage company.
Non-veterans are welcome to attend.
Week 1: Start-Up 101 Tuesday, March 4
5:30 6:00 pm Registration
6:00 7:00 pm Program
7:00 8:00 pm Networking
Location:Mintz Levin
3580 Carmel Mountain Road
Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92130
Week 1 Tuesday, March 4 Start-Up 101, with Marty Lorenzo
Growing your idea into a competitive business: company formation, corporate
considerations, and how to establish and build on a solid foundation
Week 2 Tuesday, March 11 Intellectual Property, with Pedro Suarez
Securing outside technology and IP: how to protect your ideas and technology
Week 3 Tuesday, March 18 Tech Transfer/Licensing, with Tali Tuchin & Brian Suh
from SPAWAR Exploring potential partnerships and opportunities
Week 4 Tuesday, March 25 Workforce Management, with Mitch Danzig
Focusing on the nuts and bolts of becoming a new employer so you can start smoothly,
retain a strong workforce, and avoid making HR mistakes that may result in litigation
Week 5 Tuesday, April 1 Funding, with Marty Lorenzo
Finding nancing sources, including individual angel investors and venture capital rms
Week 6 Tuesday, April 8 Government Contracting, with Jonathan Cain
Capitalizing on veteran-owned status: qualifying for, winning, and performing federal
contracts set aside for a veteran-owned small business
We hope you will join us for these free, informative events!
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Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec orci
luctus velit interdum porttitor. Morbi vel odio a libero aliquam volutpat vitae nec diam.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus.
Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie. Aliquam
interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse
pulvinar magna egestas libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt. Vivamus mollis
tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class
aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis vitae mi eget est rhoncus
blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt, suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla
adipiscing at ultricies nisl.
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis. Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae nisl a dolor mattis ornare sit amet
pharetra dui.
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce placerat gravida vehicula. Praesent
porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel
arcu non nunc porta volutpat quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla facilisi.
Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi. Praesent porttitor egestas
magna sed commodo. Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed
commodo. Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo.
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in
eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem.
Fusce placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna
sed commodo. Quisque elementum
pretium odio, eu aliquet massa
hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non
nunc porta volutpat quis et arcu. In
posuere odio vel luctus euismod.
Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla facilisi.
Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec
orci luctus velit interdum porttitor.
Morbi vel odio a libero aliquam
volutpla auctor interdum quam, sit
amet lobortis neque gravida sit amet.
Praesent fermentum nec felis id
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut
scelerisque felis consectetur in.
Nullam accumsan ante ut dignissim
malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar
magna egestas libero tincidunt,
seonubstra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Duis vitae mi eget est rhoncus
blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut
Ea est quodsi molestie
elaboraret, cu per
graece oporteat
phaedrum, vis at tantas
docendi antiopam. In
cum discere
suscipiantur. Fabellas
postulant quo te, mea
an iudico ponderum. Ei
mei prima ubique
indoctum, his errem
copiosae an. Stet
semper ex mea, atqui
docendi invidunt quo id.
Consectetur adipiscing: Sea viris, dupertinax deniebas
Jacki Bullo Lorem
ipsum dolor sit
amet, movet eruditi
ancillae an mei. No
suscipiantur his. Ius
nonumy oblique te,
nam ea nihil affert
aliquam, probo
delicatissimi vel te.
Ius consulatu
constituto id usu?
morbi esus
Tristique senectus
et netus lorem sit
fames ac turpis
Page 42





Viris consequuntur
Donec odio
Cras eget
lectus. Quisque facilisis
mattis eros. Vivamus
felis augue, malesuada
nec, congue nec, semper
a, risus. Mauris quam.
Morbi eget nunc nec
eros bibendum.
Page 2
Cras condimentum
consectetuer orci
Sed ipsum erat,
porttitor non, venenatis
id, vestibulum.
Phasellus eget massa
vitae libero imperdiet
lorem elementum.
Page 2
Nullam hendrerit
Nullam auctor enim
quis nibh. Maecenas
fermentum. Morbi
placerat dign. Praesent
fringilla sollicitudin
neque. Fusce ipsum
eleifend dolor.
Page 3
Maecenas faucibus
Sed ipsum erat, dign
porttitor non, venenatis
id, vestibulum. Amet
eget massa vitae libero.
Page 2
Nullam pellentesque
Suspendisse vestibulum
placerat odio. Phasellus
eget massa vitae lorem
libero non.
Page 2
Morbi vitae ligula
Vivamus venenatisvelit
sed nulla. Curabitur
sodales ornare urna.
Vivamus ultrices.
Maecenas eget id a
Donec odio risus
Cras eget lectus.
Quisque facilisis mattis
eros. Vivamus felis
augue, malesuada nec,
congue nec, semper a,
risus. Mauris quam.
Morbi eget nunc nec
eros bibendum.
Page 2
Page 43
Consectetur adipiscing elit
magnum dolorem et magnum
aliquam suspendisse sagittis
Viverra lorem consequat dictumuis purus leo dictutesue vitae
massa enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud. Sumo
reformidans et sit, ad case vulputate sea. Cu pri nihil dicam,
pro vocent saperet et. Pri ex minimum persecuti, vero
e"ciendi his at. His ad diam elitr malorum, graeco iisque
tibique usu id.
Vestibulum vitae neque
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce
placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec orci luctus velit interdum porttitor. Morbi
vel odio a libero aliquam volutpat vitae nec diam.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget
viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet
lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie.
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam
accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt.
Vivamus mollis tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a
lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis
vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt,
suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla adipiscing
at ultricies nisl.
Nostrudes Mediginium
Sumo reformidans et sit, ad case vulputate sea. Cu pri nihil
dicam, pro vocent saperet et. Pri ex minimum persecuti, vero
e"ciendi his at. His ad diam elitr malorum, graeco iisque
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis. Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae
nisl a dolor mattis ornare sit amet pharetra dui.
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce
placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec orci luctus velit interdum porttitor. Morbi
vel odio a libero aliquam volutpat vitae nec diam.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget
viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet
lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie.
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam
accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt.
Vivamus mollis tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a
lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis
vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt,
suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla adipiscing
at ultricies nisl.
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis. Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae
nisl a dolor mattis ornare sit amet pharetra dui.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue s.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget
viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet
lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie.
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam
accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt.
Vivamus mollis tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a
lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis
vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt,
suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla adipiscing
at ultricies nisl.
Page 44
This years summit will cover
overcoming obstacles
to hiring veterans
* 13 September 2014 *
keynotes; workshops; networking; resource expo;
career expo; corporate best practices
The value of veterans in the workplace; challenges in hiring
veterans; the pipeline from service to employment; military/ College of Arts & Science
Ex mollis principes
Has in amet viderer patrioque, pro no erant similiercipaboramus
vituperatoribus mei id, quaerendum dissentiet eum an, vel ad quando
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in
eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem.
Fusce placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed
commodo. Quisque elementum
pretium odio, eu aliquet massa
hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non
nunc porta volutpat quis et arcu. In
posuere odio vel luctus euismod.
Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla facilisi.
Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec
orci luctus velit interdum porttitor.
Morbi vel odio a libero aliquam
volutpla auctor interdum quam, sit
amet lobortis neque gravida sit amet.
Praesent fermentum nec felis id
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut
scelerisque felis consectetur in.
Nullam accumsan ante ut dignissim
malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar
magna egestas libero tincidunt,
seonubstra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Duis vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit
ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus.
Jacki Bullo Lorem
ipsum dolor sit
amet, movet eruditi
ancillae an mei. No
suscipiantur his. Ius
nonumy oblique te,
nam ea nihil affert
aliquam, probo
delicatissimi vel te.
Ius consulatu
constituto id usu?
morbi esus
Tristique senectus
et netus lorem sit
fames ac turpis
Page 45





Around Town
Ongoing Event: 2nd Saturday of every
month. Galleries, studios, museums, lo-
cal theaters, and the Escondido Antique
District open their doors to the public on
the 2nd Saturday of each month. Experi-
ence Escondido Art at its finest through
artists talks, artist receptions, open re-
hearsals, music, and more! Downtown
Escondido, Grand Ave. between S. Cen-
ter City Pkwy & Ivy St. (760) 745-8877.
Escondido: 2nd Saturday ArtWalk
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,%4 3.'%"* !,5"2 6,7,8" ,- !"&&
!!"# %&'()* +,)- ./0 12)3'4 5+ 6!#78
*+ -./-
92*)&):: ;<'0) =)>/2* ? .)*,2@)
24/7 Text or Call with any questions & free quotes
Schedule subject to change. Be sure to verify
events before going.
25th Annual San Diego Museum Month
2014! Through Feb. 28. Enjoy half-off entry fees at
44 San Diego Museums. Presented by Macys, this
popular event allows participants to explore the rich
variety of arts, culture, and science-oriented destina-
tions from the Oceanside Museum of Art down to
the Tijuana Estuary. Passes are free to obtain (from
Macys) while supplies last (see Details link). With a
pass, up to four visitors can gain admission to any
of the participating museums for half-price (see list
at Details link). Plus, you can use the pass all month
long. Info: San Diego Museum Council (619) 276-
San Diego Jewish Film Festival. Feb. 6-16.
10 a.m. Showcases over 60 of the best contem-
porary Jewish themed films from around the world
celebrating life, human rights, and freedom of
expression. Lawrence Family JCC, 4126 Executive
Dr., San Diego.
Escondido Chocolate Festival, Sat., Feb. 8,
1-5 p.m. Indulge in a mix of chocolate and unique
art. Chocolate takeover commences at 1 p.m. when
Sweet Street opens at the Maple Street Plaza. En-
joy a romantic horse-and-carriage ride and sample
from local and international chocolatiers, jewelry
designers, and the perfect pairing of boutique wines,
champagnes, and locally-crafted beers along Grand
Avenues tasting locations. Downtown Escondido.
Lake Poway Youth Fishing Derby, Sat., Feb.
8, 6 a.m.-noon. Great day of fun and prizes! The
fishing will continue until noon, then participating
children/families are invited to enjoy free barbecue
lunch, followed by awards ceremony. Cool prizes
awarded to age division winners and lucky raffle
winners. Prizes will also awarded for Kids Greatest
Fishing Story Contest. Fri., Feb. 7 is free fishing
seminar at 5 p.m. with food included. Overnight
camping will be available Friday evening for a $15
registration fee per family. Lake Poway 14644 Lake
Poway Rd., Poway.
Bird Walk at Batiquitos Lagoon, Sat., Feb.
8, 9-11 a.m. Free. Docent led walk. Expect to see
a number of migratory waterfowl on the lagoon as
well as shorebirds. Well have a scope, but bring
binoculars if you have them. Batiquitos Lagoon Na-
ture Center, 7380 Gabbiano Lane, Carlsbad. www.
Celebrate Black History Month, Sat., Feb.
8, 1-4 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Choir and
the WorldBeat Centers drummers and dancers
entertain. Meet legendary NHL player Willie ORee.
Crafts, refreshments, health screenings for all ages
provided. Spring Valley Library, 836 Kempton St.,
Spring Valley. (619) 463-3006.
Star Party! Sat., Feb. 8, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free.
Under Jupiter and the moon rising in the east, join
Mission Trail Regional Parks star gazer George
Varga as he scopes in the Orion Nebula, Little Bee
Hive in Canis Major, Open Clusters M36, 37 and 38
in Auriga, and more. Kumeyaay Lake Campground,
Two Father Junpero Serra Trail, Santee.
Discovery Table: Owl Pellets, Sat., Feb. 8,
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Stop by the Visitor Center for
this months hands-on science activity, dissecting
owl pellets. Discover what scientists learn with this
important tool for studying these fascinating night-
time fliers. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father
Junpero Serra Trail, San Carlos.
Japanese Spring Festival, Sat., Feb. 8, 11
a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Celebrate the Japanese Spring
Festival Haru No Matsuri. Free family event with
food, performances, and childrens activities from
Japan and around the world! Hosted by the Japanese
Friendship Garden. Joe and Vi Jacobs Center, 404
Euclid Ave., Emerald Hills.
Introduction to Wildlife Tracking, Saturdays,
Feb. 8, March 8, 8-10 a.m. Free. Join knowledge-
able SDTT instructor for informal dirt-time les-
sons in the art of wildlife tracking. All experience
levels welcome. Learn to identify the tracks and
scat of coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, deer, and other
wildlife in our area! No reservation necessary. Los
Peasquitos Ranch Adobe, 12122 Canyonside Park
Drive, Penasquitos.
32nd Annual Chinese Center New Year Food
& Cultural Fair, Sat.-Sun., Feb. 8-9, 10 a.m.-5
p.m. Free. Chinese Lunar New Year celebration (Jan
31, 2014/4712) is the Year of the Horse! Celebrate
cultural traditions and community diversity. Sample
Asian cuisine, lion dancing, dragon and lantern pa-
rade, martial arts, cultural music and dances, Asian
story theater, childrens craft area (make a lantern),
opportunity drawings, and more. Downtown San Di-
ego, 3rd Ave. & J St. Info: San Diego Chinese Center
(619) 540-8501
Nature Walk, Sat.-Sun., Feb. 8-9 & Wed., Feb.
12, 9:30-11 a.m. Also Sat.-Sun., Feb. 22-23 & Wed.,
Feb. 26, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Mission Trails Regional
Park trail guide introduces natural wonders, the
variety of life in sage, chaparral and river habitats,
and share fun facts. Mission Trails Regional Park,
One Father Junpero Serra Trail, San Carlos.
Military Appreciation: A Bellus Valentines
Day, Tues.-Thurs., Feb. 11-13, Age 18+. Free.
Make-up applications, shampoo and conditioning
treatments, manicures and pedicures, and waxing
services gratis for military spouses. Bellus Academy,
13266 Poway Rd., Poway. National City and El Cajon
locations also participating.
Harlem Globetrotters: Fans Make the Rules,
Fri., Feb. 14, 7 p.m. $34-$61. Fans get to vote online
to determine which wacky new rules and challenges
the Globetrotters will play by, from adding players
by scoring baskets to playing with two balls at the
same time. Some of the worlds greatest athletes and
entertainers, the Globetrotters have been entertain-
ing young and old alike in more than 25,000 games
played around the world. Valley View Casino Center,
3500 Sports Arena Blvd., Sports Arena.
Trek with the Trackers,
Saturdays, March 1, April 5, May
3, June 7. 8:30-10:30 a.m. Free.
Discover and identify tracks, scat,
bedlays and other evidence of crit-
ters that live in local underbrush
and trees. Join a Mission Trails
Regional Park tracking-team
guide for two hours of dirt-time
fun -- wear long pants! Meet in
front of the Visitor Center. Mission
Trails Regional Park, One Father
Junpero Serra Trail, San Carlos
Run for Fun! Wednesdays 6
p.m. Ongoing. Free. Locate new
routes in the city, test-drive latest
Nike footwear, run with motivated
people. Run choice of three-, five-,
and seven-mile routes, starting from
Nike Fashion Valley. (619) 294-9385.
7007 Friars Road, San Diego.
Consectetur adipiscing elit
magnum dolorem et magnum
aliquam suspendisse sagittis
Viverra lorem consequat dictumuis purus leo dictutesue vitae
massa enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud. Sumo
reformidans et sit, ad case vulputate sea. Cu pri nihil dicam,
pro vocent saperet et. Pri ex minimum persecuti, vero
e"ciendi his at. His ad diam elitr malorum, graeco iisque
tibique usu id.
Vestibulum vitae neque
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce
placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec orci luctus velit interdum porttitor. Morbi
vel odio a libero aliquam volutpat vitae nec diam.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget
viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet
lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie.
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam
accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt.
Vivamus mollis tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a
lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis
vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt,
suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla adipiscing
at ultricies nisl.
Nostrudes Mediginium
Sumo reformidans et sit, ad case vulputate sea. Cu pri nihil
dicam, pro vocent saperet et. Pri ex minimum persecuti, vero
e"ciendi his at. His ad diam elitr malorum, graeco iisque
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis. Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae
nisl a dolor mattis ornare sit amet pharetra dui.
Hendrerit purus posuere egestas in eget nibh. Nam eu sollicitudin lorem. Fusce
placerat gravida vehicula.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue sed vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec orci luctus velit interdum porttitor. Morbi
vel odio a libero aliquam volutpat vitae nec diam.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget
viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet
lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie.
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam
accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt.
Vivamus mollis tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a
lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis
vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt,
suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla adipiscing
at ultricies nisl.
Nam vulputate vestibulum convallis. Fusce in vehicula metus. Nam vitae
nisl a dolor mattis ornare sit amet pharetra dui.
Praesent porttitor egestas magna sed commodo. Quisque elementum pretium
odio, eu aliquet massa hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non nunc porta volutpat
quis et arcu. In posuere odio vel luctus euismod. Nulla ac convallis purus. Nulla
facilisi. Duis imperdiet iaculis augue s.
Quisque vel odio vitae quam auctor suscipit. Duis lacus sapien, faucibus eget
viverra sit amet, sollicitudin ac purus. Nulla auctor interdum quam, sit amet
lobortis neque gravida sit amet. Praesent fermentum nec felis id molestie.
Aliquam interdum dolor neque, ut scelerisque felis consectetur in. Nullam
accumsan ante ut dignissim malesuada. Suspendisse pulvinar magna egestas
libero tincidunt, sed feugiat eros gravida. Proin interdum commodo tincidunt.
Vivamus mollis tincidunt felis sit amet commodo. Sed consectetur nulla a
lacinia condimentum. Sed commodo adipiscing quam. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis
vitae mi eget est rhoncus blandit ut at tellus. Phasellus ut metus tincidunt,
suscipit turpis sit amet, auctor ipsum. Ut nec orci vel quam fringilla adipiscing
at ultricies nisl.
University of California, San Diego
Page 46
May 1-10,

Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

high school open house

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

customer appreciation day

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

May 10-20,

Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

high school open house

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

customer appreciation day

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

high school open house

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

customer appreciation day

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

high school open house

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

customer appreciation day

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!
Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

May 20-30,

high school open house

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

customer appreciation day

April 9: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Annual Deep"Dish fundraiser

April 1: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!

Warne bake sale

April 3: The Brasstown
Community Center will be
hosting a Deep"Dish Fundraiser
for all senior citizens between
the ages of 100"290. The dinner
will begin at 2:00. Be sure to
come for games, fun, and love!
Community Events
Meetings, Events, Seminars, Activities
Hero2Hired assists unemployed Reserve Component service
members with job placement.
The goal of the program ls to reduce the number of Peserve Component members
who are unemployed by helplng them nd [obs. Support ls provlded through the
ellow Plbbon Pelntegratlon Program to Peserve Component Combat veterans
who requlre employment asslstance.
Visit and sign up today!
March-April 2014 Wave~winds 31 Community Support Programs
5iIver 5trand 0ommunity
1302 Leyte Rd., Ph: 435-5056
Mon-Fri: 6:30 am-6 pm
iIIage at 5erra Mesa
0ommunity 0enter
8420 1/2 Krenz St.
Ph: 858-571-3853
Mon-Fri: 6 am-6 pm
outh 5ports
4867 Santo Rd.
Ph: 858-268-2244
Mon-Fri: 9 am-5 pm
Sat: 9 am-5 pm
San Diego Metro
For general Navy Region
Southwest SLO information,
contact 858-349-7678.
havaI 8ase 0oronado
Ph: 991-2509
Serving: Coronado, South Bay
Foint Loma
Ph: 858-431-6482
Serving: Coastal area west of the
5 freeway
havaI 8ase 5an 0iego
Ph: 858-349-7678
Serving: Murphy Canyon area,
San Diego City
havaI 8ase 5an 0iego
Ph: 247-9082
Serving: South San Diego, Lemon
Grove, La Mesa/Spring Valley,
Chula Vista, Sweetwater & El Centro
Marine Corps School
Liaison Officers
M0k5 Miramar
Ph: 858-577-8625
Ph: 524-8032/0916
0amp FendIeton
Ph: 760-763-7385/7386/7387
8aIIroom 0ance 5ociaI
NBSD - Ph: 556-7486
Bldg. 3223, Admiral Robinson
Recreation Center
Fri: 8-11 pm
6roup 0ance 0Iasses
NBSD - Ph: 556-7486
Bldg. 3223, Admiral Robinson
Recreation Center
Sundays: 6 & 7 pm
86I0hkL 0FFI0
NBSD - Ph: 556-3327, Bldg. 548
kdmiraI 8aker 8iver's dge
0af & 8ar
Mission Gorge - Ph: 487-0090
Bldg. 3604
Caf and Lounge open daily
Mon-Thu: 6 am-dusk
Fri-Sun: 5:30 am-dusk
Sunday Brunch: 10 am-1 pm
Reservations: 487-0016
knchors 0atering &
0onference 0enter
NBSD - Ph: 556-7788
Bldg. 3210
Lunch: Mon-Fri: 11 am-1 pm
Hol: Closed
8ayside 0eIi
NAB - Ph: 437-2160
BOQ, Bldg. 504
Mon-Thu: 10:30 am-1:30 pm
Hol: Closed
8udweiser 8rew ouse at
waterfront 8ec 0enter
NBSD - Bldg. 45, Pier 2
Mon-Fri: 10 am-10 pm
Sat-Sun: Noon-8:30 pm
Delivery: 556-9498 or
Mon-Fri: 10 am-8:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Noon-8 pm
0orner Fin 0af
NBSD - Ph: 556-9083, Bldg. 3223
Admiral Robinson Center
Mon-Thu: 6 am-10:30 pm
Fri: 6 am-11:30 pm
Sat: 8:30 am-11:30 pm
Sun: 8:30 am-10:30 pm
Lounge (Full-service Bar)
Mon-Sun: 4-11 pm
0F0 0antina {0Iuh)
NASNI - Ph: 545-3214, Bldg. F
Thu: 3-9 pm
Fri: 2-9 pm
For catered events: 619-545-9655
Fierside on the Foint
8ecreation 0enter
NBPL, Main Base - Ph: 553-4475
Bldg. 546
Mon-Fri: 10:30 am-1 pm
Fizza FarIor
NASNI - Ph: 545-7229, Bldg. 614
Mon-Thu: 10 am-9 pm
Fri: 10 am-10 pm
Sat: 1-10 pm, Sun: 1-9 pm
Delivery available:
Sun-Thu: 3-8 pm
Fri-Sat: 3-9 pm
5aIty 0rah
San Clemente Island
Ph: 524-9227, Bldg. 60127
Club: Daily: 4-11 pm
Bar: Daily: 4-10 pm
Kitchen: Daily: 4-10 pm
5ea 'h kir 19th oIe
8estaurant & Lounge
NASNI - Ph: 545-9660, Bldg. 800
Caf: 6 am-4 pm
Lounge: 11 am-Dusk
Prime Rib Buffet Served:
Thu: 11 am-1 pm
Hours may occasionally be ex-
tended to better serve our patrons.
Limited Hours on Holidays
545-9656 (front counter)
545-9660 (audix & bar)
For catered events: 619-545-9655
12th oIe IraiIer
Bldg. T, Sherman Rd.
Summer Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Winter Hours: 9 am-4 pm
5ea 'h kir Lanes Food 0ourt
NASNI - Ph: 545-7240, Bldg. 772
Mon-Thu: 6 am-9 pm
Fri: 6 am-10 pm
Sat: 10 am-10 pm
Sun: Noon-9 pm
Hol: Noon-8 pm
5ports 0orner Lounge
Sea N Air Lanes
NASNI - Ph: 545-7242
Mon-Thu: 10 am-10 pm
Fri-Sat: 10 am-11 pm
Sun: Noon-10 pm, Hol: Noon-9 pm
Hours may occasionally be ex-
tended to better serve our patrons.
NBSD - Bldg. 45, Pier 2
Mon-Fri: 4:30 am-5 pm
Sat, Hol: 6 am-1 pm
NASNI - Ph: 522-9500
Bldg. 2002, at Rogers & Quay St.
Mon-Fri: 4:30 am-5:30 pm
Hol: Closed
waterfront 8ec 0enter
8udweiser 8rew ouse
NBSD - Bldg. 45, Pier 2
Mon-Fri: 10 am-10 pm
Sat-Sun, Hol: Noon-8 pm
To Go Orders: 556-9498
Mon-Fri: 10 am-8:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Noon-8 pm
weIIdeck Fizza FarIor
NBSD - Ph: 556-2356, Bldg. 454
Mon-Fri: 6 am-9 pm
Sat-Sun: 10 am-5:30 pm
worId Famous "I" 8ar
NASNI - Ph: 545-0120, BOQ I
Mon-Thu: 3:30-9 pm
Fri: 11:30 am-10 pm
Hol: Closed
Call 545-9655 for special events.
havaI 8ase 5an 0iego
Ph: 556-7404, Bldgs. 259,
261 & 263
3005 Corbina Alley, Suite 1
havaI 8ase 0oronado
Ph: 545-6071, Bldg. 318 & G
Saufey Rd.
havaI 8ase Foint Loma
Ph: 553-7505, Bldgs. 211 & 212
140 Sylvester Rd.
8ayview iIIs 8ranch
Ph: 556-1275
1967 Sky Harbor Rd.
San Diego, CA 92139
6ateway iIIage 8ranch
Ph: 222-5548
3207 Rosecrans Pl.
San Diego, CA 92110
Murphy 0anyon 8ranch
Ph: 858-277-4259
4867 T Santo Rd.
San Diego, CA 92124
5antee 8ranch
Ph: 571-4868
8120 Arlette St.
Santee, CA 92071
iIIage at 5erra Mesa
Ph: 556-1277
3141 Afton Rd.
San Diego, CA 92123
FamiIy 8eadiness xpress
Ph: 858-361-9545
FFSC Mobile Unit
FIeet & FamiIy
5upport kppointments
Call our 24-hour toll free number
for clinical counseling, relocation
assistance, rsum assistance
and fnancial consultation
appointments at 866-923-6478.
0utdoor kdventure 0enter
NBSD - Ph: 556-7493, Bldg. 3223
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am-5 pm
Sat: 9 am-2 pm
Farty 8entaIs
NMCSD - Ph: 532-8466
Bldg. 26, Floor 1B
Mon-Fri: 7 am-3:30 pm
kdmiraI 8aker 6oIf 0ourse
Mission Gorge
2400 Admiral Baker Rd.
Ph: 487-0090
Mon-Fri: 6 am-dusk*
Sat-Sun, Hol: 5:30 am-dusk*
*caII fcr specifc cIcsin hcurs.
Call for a tee time or inquire how
to book online!
havaI 8ase 6oIf
Ferformance 0enter
NBSD - Ph: 556-7502, Bldg. 348
Daily: 8 am-7 pm
5ea 'h kir 6oIf 0ourse
NASNI - Ph: 545-9659, Bldg. 800
Call for a tee time or inquire how
to book online!
Mon-Fri: 6 am-dusk*
Sat-Sun, Hol: 5:30 am-dusk*
*caII fcr specifc cIcsin hcurs
Free and open to active duty only.
NASNI - Bldg. 2002
Midway Landing; Open 24 Hours
(when ships are in port at Pier L)
NASNI - Bldg. 2003
Langley Landing; Open when
ships are in port at Piers K & J.
NBPL, Main Base - Ph: 553-9138
Bldg. 546
Mon-Fri: 11 am-7 pm
Sat-Sun: 10 am-9 pm
Hol: 11 am-5 pm
Liherty 0enter
NMCSD - Ph: 532-8909
Bldg. 26, Floor 1B
Mon-Fri: 10:30 am-8 pm
Sat-Sun, Hol: 11 am-6 pm
Liberty Hall
NMAWC - Ph: 524-6587, Bldg. 51
Mon-Thu: 11 am-9 pm
Fri-Sun: 1-9 pm
Call for holiday hours.
NASNI - Ph: 545-2878/9200
Bldg. 2000
Mon: 2-10 pm
Tue-Sat: 1-10 pm
Sun: 10 am-10 pm
Hol: 1-9 pm
NAB - Ph: 437-5135/3190
Bldg 337
Mon: 2-10 pm
Tue-Sat: 11 am-5 pm
Sun: 10 am-10 pm
Hol: 1-9 pm
Resource Center
Tue-Sat: 12-5 pm
Hol: Clossed
Ihe 80k80
NBSD - Ph: 556-5078
Bldg. 221
Mon-Thu: 4-11 pm
Fri: 3 pm-Midnight
Sat: 9:30 am-Midnight
Sun: 9:30 am-11 pm
Fisher ouse
Home for families of patients
admitted to NMCSD
NMCSD - Ph: 532-8751, Bldg. 47
ousing 5ervice 0enter
Ph: 556-8443
ousing {08 & FamiIy)
Ph: 556-8144/8443
havy 6ateway Inns & 5uites
Ph: 877-Navy Bed
horth IsIand 8each 0ottages
NASNI - Ph: 435-1227
Facific 8eaconIFaImer aII
Ph: 231-3400
FiddIer's 0ove Marina
1st exit south of NAB Coronado
Ph: 522-8680
Daily: 8 am-5 pm
havy acht 0Iuh
Fiddlers Cove Marina
Ph: 437-0320
NBPL, Main Base
Ph: 553-7552, Bldg. 1
NAB - Ph: 437-2186, Bldg. 162
NASNI - Ph: 545-2877, Bldg. 281
NBSD - Ph: 556-7450, Bldg. 223
NMCSD - Ph: 532-7260
Call for appt. Walk-ins available.
Appointments recommended
Movie listings are at:
8ase Iheater
NBSD - Ph: 556-5568, Bldg. 71
Lowry Iheater
NASNI - Ph: 545-8479, Bldg. 650
0-Ione Iheater
NAB - Ph: 437-5487, Bldg. 337
Wed & Fri: 5 pm
Thu: Noon-5 pm
Sat: 2 & 5 pm
kdmiraI 8aker Ficnic krea
Mission Gorge
2400 Admiral Baker Road
Ph: 487-0090
Daily: 9 am-5 pm
8reakers 8each 0eck
Ph: 545-9199
8reakers 8each 0ahanas
NASNI - Ph: 545-2874
Daily: dawn to 11 pm
Reservations required. Call or
email: nbc.cabanareservations@
Lifeguards on duty daily: 12-5 pm
6ator 8each 0ahanas
NAB - Ph: 437-3028
hk8 Iurner FieId
NAB - Ph: 437-3065
Bougainville Rd. & Eniwetok
hMkw0 Ficnic krea
NMAWC - Ph: 524-0526
Reservation/approval required.
Forms and information available
at Bldg. 30, NMAWC
Ficnic krea 8eservations
NBSD - Ph: 556-7444
Athletic Complex
Next to Fitness Station
Bainbridge Park
Corner of Bainbridge & Kalbfus St.
Next to Harborside Fitness Center
Mariner Park
Across street from NEX/Commissary
Snyder Hall
Norman Scott Rd.
FIaying FieIds
NMAWC - Ph: 553-6457
NASNI - Ph: 545-2876
NBSD - Ph: 556-7444
5muggIer's 0ove
NBPL, Main Base - Ph: 553-6457
Reservation/approval required.
Forms and information available at
Bldg. 1, NBPL, Main Base.
















Foodie Fridays
Fr|day, Narch 7 5 pm $5
Liberty.Rec staff is here to walk
you through the steps of making a
simple dish using a microwave or
counter top toaster oven. Tonights
menu includes lasagna with garlic
Board Game Night
S0oday, Narch 9 6 pm F8
Stop by Liberty.Rec to play some of
your favorite classics.
Ultra Zone Laser Tag
S0oday, Narch 16 10 am
$25 active/$30 guest
Grab your buddies and find out
who has the laser eye! Ultra Zone
is the premier laser tag establish-
ment in San Diego, plus its a boat
load of fun! Cost includes your
ride, snacks and three games. Pre-
registration is required stop by
Liberty.Rec today!
T0esday, Narch 18 1 pm
Liberty.Rec is the place to view all
the major games! Youll even have
the opportunity to fill out a bracket
sheet to become the Tournament
Champion. All brackets must be
turned in before closing on March
17. Fun and excitement will be had
by all, so do not miss out!
FFSC Workshop: Flying
Space-A: Military Air Travel
Th0rsday, Narch 20 5 pm
Liberty.Rec and your Fleet & Fam-
ily Support Center are hosting a
workshop to help you navigate
and travel using low-cost military
Space-Available flights. Sign up by
March 18 to reserve your seat.
Foodie Fridays
Fr|day, Narch 21 5 pm $5
Liberty.Rec staff is here to walk
you through the steps of making a
simple dish using a microwave or
counter top toaster oven. Tonights
menu includes BBQ pizza!
Agua Caliente Mud Caves &
Hot Springs Camping Trip
Saturday-Sunday, March 22-23
11 am $80 act|vel$90 g0est
See ad on page 8.
Root Beer Pong Tournament
Liberty.Rec vs. Q-Zone
Th0rsday, Narch 27 6 pm
* 3ee Iiberty Iicks!
April Fools
T0esday, Apr|| 1 A|| 0ay F8
Come in and crack your best jokes!
If you can make the Liberty.Rec
staff laugh out loud, well give you
a FREE cookie. One cookie per
customer, but feel free to keep the
jokes coming!
FFSC Workshop: Effective
Communication for Couples
Th0rsday, Apr|| 3 5 pm F8
Liberty.Rec and your Fleet &
Family Support Center are hosting
Effective Communication for
Couples so you can master the
skills of understanding non-verbal
cues, constructive criticism, and
active listening. Sign up by April 1
to reserve your seat.
Foodie Fridays
Fr|day, Apr|| 4 5 pm $5
Liberty.Rec staff is here to walk
you through the steps of making a
simple dish using a microwave or
counter top toaster oven. Tonights
menu includes chicken pot pie cas-
Mystery Hike
Sat0rday, Apr|| 5 9 am
$5 active or guest
Everyone loves surprises includ-
ing the Liberty.Rec trip leaders!
Join us on a spectacular San
Diego trail hike. It could be coastal,
mountains, desert, or maybe even
urban. Either way it will be great
exercise and full of intrigue. Bring
good walking shoes, water and ap-
propriate exercise attire. Also, have
your camera ready for breathtaking
photo opportunities. Cost includes
transportation and Liberty staff to
lead the way.
Mid-Week Races
Th0rsdays, Apr|| 10 & 24 5 pm
$27 active or guest
Get hooked on speeding, K1 Speed
that is! Its the best karting action in
San Diego and Liberty.Rec is taking
you to experience the thrill! Cost
includes transportation, a one-time
annual karting license and one,
14-lap race. Pre-registration is
FFSC Workshop: Rsum
Th0rsday, Apr|| 17 5 pm F8
Liberty.Rec and your Fleet & Family
Support Center are on site to show
you tips and techniques to creat-
ing an effective rsum. Sign up by
April 15 to reserve your seat.
Foodie Fridays
Fr|day, Apr|| 18 5 pm $5
Liberty.Rec staff is here to walk
you through the steps of making
a simple dish using a microwave
or counter top toaster oven. To-
nights menu includes baked mac
n cheese with chocolate lava cake!
Easter Egg Hunt
S0oday, Apr|| 20 A|| 0ay F8
There are lots of eggs hidden inside
the Center, plus lots of Easter-
themed games to play and prizes
to win. Be on the lookout for a few
special eggs that may yield a great
Mid-Week Races
Th0rsday, Apr|| 24 5 pm
$27 active or guest
* 3ee Iiberty Iicks!
Catalina Adventure!
Friday-Sunday, April 25-27
See ad on page 8.
Board Game Night
S0oday, Apr|| 27 6 pm F8
Stop by Liberty.Rec to play some of
your favorite classics.
Bldg. 337
Mon: 2-10 pm
Tue-Sat: 11 am-8 pm
Sun: 10 am-10 pm
Hol: 1-9 pm
Tue-Sat: 12-5 pm
Hol: Closed
Open to all eligible MWR patrons
Wed & Fri: 5 pm
Thu: Noon & 5 pm
Sat: 2 & 5 pm
Movie Hotline: 619-437-5487
Ping Pong Tournament
T0esdays hooo F8
8-Ball Tournament
Th0rsdays 6 pm F8
Tiny Tot Theater
Th0rsdays hooo F8
March Madness
6ame h|ghts |o Narch F8
Watch the best NCAA basketball at
NABs Q-Zone on our movie theater
screen and throughout the Center.
FREE snacks during the playoffs.
Black Ops Tournament
Nooday, Narch 3 6 pm F8
Top winner receives a $20 MWR
gift card.
How to Microwave Cook
Th0rsday, Narch 6 11 am
FREE handout on the best tricks to
make a fabulous microwave meal!
Rsum Writing
T0esday, Narch 11 3 pm F8
Stop by the Q-Zone Resource
Center as we host a workshop with
your Fleet & Family Support Center
with tips and techniques to wow
employers with an organized,
effective, and winning rsum.
NBA14 Tournament
Fr|day, Narch 14 6 pm F8
Become an NBA legend! Winner
walks away with an AMC movie
pass. Sign up early to reserve your
Old Town Day
Sat0rday, Narch 15 11 am
$5 active/$10 guest
Experience San Diegos Old Town!
Explore its history, shopping and
dining. Cost includes your ride only.
Trip open to E1-E6 active duty and
a guest 18+.
St. Pattys Day BBQ
Nooday, Narch 17 4 pm
F8 0peo to 1-6 act|ve d0ty
* 3ee Iiberty Iicks!
The Art of Successful
Nooday, Narch 17 5 pm F8
Stop by NABs Q-Zone as we host a
workshop with your Fleet & Family
Support Center. Develop knowl-
edge and skills to achieve your
financial goals, explore strategies
for saving, learn about investment



MWR Coronado Liberty Programs
are proudly sponsored by
Photo caption and lead
story headline
Vellabor rorendusante prerios ut assectiur? Atquatque atiscil iquatem quate non nam nos vel inulla dolora peditat
ioressequis ex eaturit eaquis eum, atem. Uptatios vendi doluptatur? Qui issin et haruptaeum aut aut atuste nullescius.
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Fusce placerat gravida vehicula.
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sed commodo. Quisque elementum
pretium odio, eu aliquet massa
hendrerit sed. Fusce vel arcu non
nunc porta volutpat quis et arcu. In
posuere odio vel luctus euismod.
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seonubstra, per inceptos
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Jacki Bullo
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morbi esus
senectus et netus
lorem sit fames
ac turpis egestas


Page 49
National Veterans Transition

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