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The Pre-Adamite Race (Genesis 1:1-2)

(Notes from the Finis Jennings Dake Annotated Bible) Original Creations of God (1:1) The original creations of God include the heavens, the earth, and all things therein as first brought into being The! "ere made #erfect the first time Gen $%$ refers to the dateless #ast or the beginning of the creative ages (Job &'( )s '%&*'% $+%$*,( )r '%--*&$( Jn $%&, $.( Acts $/%-0*-,% 1ol $%$2*$'( 3eb $%$*$-( $$%&( 4ev 0%$$) The , da!s of re*creation (Gen $%&* -%-2) are a #art of and the end of the creative ages, and have nothing to do "ith the original creations of the heavens and earth God in the Eternal Past (1:1) That God e5isted from all eternit! is ver! clear in 6cri#ture ()s +.%-( +&%-( )r '%--*&$( 7ic 2%-( Jn $%$*&( 3eb +%$0( 4ev $%0*'( 0%'( --%2, $&) 8hat 3e did in all the dateless #ast, besides create the s#iritual, moral, and material universes, is not revealed (Dt -+%-+) Age of the Earth (1:1) 8e cannot sa! ho" old the earth is because "e do not kno" 839N the beginning "as God:s creation of the heavens and the earth in the beginning could have been millions and billions of !ears ago ;f geologists can #rove the age of the earth to be "hat the! claim, "e have no scri#tural authorit! to disagree The! cannot contradict the Bible, for it does not reveal an! time element in connection "ith the earth:s original creation This much is certain according to 6cri#ture% the earth is more than ,,... !ears old, and "as inhabited before the da!s of Adam The earth "as cursed and flooded, as in Gen $%-, because of sin before the , da!s of recreation in $%&*-%-2 <ucifer "as alread! a fallen creature "hen he came into Adam:s 9den, having alread! ruled the earth and rebelled, causing the first flood (Gen $%-( ;sa $0%$-*$0( Jer 0%-&*-,( 9= -'%$$*$/( <k $.%$'( - )et &%2*/) The Drafting of God's Plan That the #lan "as drafted b! all & members of the divine Trinit! is evident from Gen $%-,*-'( &%--( $$%/( ;sa ,%'( 0,%$.*$$( Acts $2%$'( 9#h $%0*$$( -%/( &%2*$$( $ )et $%-. The Bible is ver! clear as to there being & se#arate, distinct, and eternal #ersons in the Godhead 6ee The Trinity, p. 489 of N T God:s #lan is revealed in & distinct #arts being carried out b! these & #ersons >ne, no" kno"n as the Father, holds the headshi# in the #lan of creation and redem#tion of all things ($ 1hr -+%$$( $ 1or &%-&( $$%&) Another, no" called the 6on, carries out the re#resentative duties of the #lan God, the Father creates and redeems B? Jesus 1hrist (Jn $%&( 9# &%+( 1ol $%$2*$'( 3eb $%$*&( $ )et -%-0) A third #er son, the 3ol! 6#irit, actuall! e5ecutes the #lan under the direction of the Father and the 6on (Gen $%-( Job &&%0( <k $%&2( Jn &%2( $0%$,*$/, -,( $,%/*$2( - )et $%-$) 30fold Dis ensational Plan of God !ro" Eternity Past Thro#gh Eternity !#t#re (E h$ 3:11) ;f the student "ill master the follo"ing &. #oints and related scri#tures he can then rightl! divide the "ord of truth (- Tim -%$2), and the Bible "ill become a #lain and sim#le book to him $ God in the eternal #ast ()s +.%-( +&%-( 7ic 2%-( 3eb +%$0) - The drafting of God:s #lan (9#h &%$$( 3eb $%%&( $$%&( $ )et $%-.) & 1reation of the heavens, including the sun, moon, and stars (Gen $%$( 1ol $%$2*$'( )s '%&( +.%-( +2%2( $.-%-2( ;sa 0.%$-, -,( 02%$-( 0'%$&) $

0 1reation of the s#irit*"orld before the creation of earth (Job &'%0*/( 1ol $%$2*$') 2 1reation of the earth@made #erfect the first time (Gen $%$( Job &'%0*/( ;sa 02%$'( 3eb $$%&) , 1reation of the "orld (kosmos social order) that then "as (- )et &%2*/( ;sa $0%$-*$0( 02%$'( Jer 0%-&*-,( 9= -'%$$*$/) / <ucifer:s reign over the "orld that then "as (;sa $0%$-*$0(Jer 0%-&*-,( 9= -'%$$*$/( 1ol $%$2*$') The length of his rule is unkno"n ' >ther thrones, dominions, #rinci#alities, and #o"ers #laced over other #arts of the universe (1ol $%$2*$'( 9#h $%-$( &%$.( $ )et &%--) + The kingdom of God universal@God the 6u#reme 7oral Governor of the universe, and ever!thing in harmon! "ith 3im (Job &'( Dan 0%$/, -2, &-, &2) The length of rule of the universal harmonious kingdom before <ucifer:s rebellion is unkno"n $. <ucifer, the original ruler of the #lanet earth conceives an idea that he can obtain coo#eration of other angelic beings, dethrone God, and become the e5alted su#reme ruler of the universe himself (;sa $0% $-*$0( 9= -'%$$*$/( $ Tim &%,) $$ <ucifer carries out his #lans, falls through #ride, and slanders the Almight!, causing his o"n subAects and over one third of God:s angels (4ev $-%/*$-) to rebel against 3im The earth enters its first sinful career (;sa $0%$-*$0( 9= -'% $$*$/( $ Tim &%,) <ength of the u#rising is unkno"n $- <ucifer o#enl! breaks relations "ith God and 3is government, leading his rebels from the a##ointed #lace of mobili=ation on earth into heaven in his attem#t to dethrone God 3e is met b! 7ichael and the faithful angels and is defeated, being cast as lightning back to the earth (;sa $0%$-*$0( 9= -'%$$*$/( <k $.%$') $& God destro!s <ucifer:s kingdom on earth com#letel!, and curses the earth b! destro!ing ever! bird, animal, fish, cit!, inhabitant, and all vegetation 3e then turns the earth u#side do"n, and b! means of a great flood makes it em#t! and a "aste (Gen $%-( )s $.0%2*+( ;sa $0%$-*$0( Jer 0%-&*-,( 9= -'%$$*$/( - )et &%2*/) <ength of the #re*Adamite flood on earth is unkno"n $0 4e*creation of the heavens and earth in , literal -0*hour da!s The 6#irit of God moves u#on flooded earth in the darkness covering the "aters <ight is restored( earth is brought to a second habitable state% ne" land animals, fish, fo"ls, and vegetation are created( and Adam is made the ne" ruler of the earth in <ucifer:s #lace (Gen $%-* -%%-2( 95 -.%'*$$( &$%$2( )s $.0%,*+) $2 The earth being made #erfect a second time , all things in the universe are again in harmon! "ith God as before <ucifer:s rebellion, e5ce#t <ucifer and his s#irit rebels "ho are still at large in the heavenlies, being #ermitted to remain free to further God:s #lan b! testing man in the #robationar! #eriods of the human race (Gen $%&*-%-2( Job $%,( -%$( 9#h -%$*&( ,%$.*$'( 4ev $-%/*$-) $, T39 F;46T )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of ;nnocence (Gen -%$2*&%-$) <ength of this #eriod% onl! a fe" da!s (Gen -%$/*&%-0) 6ee Dispensation of Innocence, p. ', $/ <ucifer (no" the devil or adversar! of God and an, called B6atanB) enters the restored earth, tem#ts man and causes his fall, thus regaining dominion of the earth and all things therein (Gen &( <k 0( Jn $-%&$( - 1or 0%0( 4ev $$%$2( -.%$*$.) $' 4ebellion is begun on the earth again@b! its second ruler, Adam 7an is Audged, the earth is cursed again, and it enters its second sinful career, "ith all creatures being brought under the bondage of sin and corru#tion (Gen &( 4om 2%$-*-$( '%$+*-&) $+ The heavens and the earth "hich are no" (since the restoration "ork of the , da!s, and since the ne" curse on the earth) a"ait the time of the second renovation and the third #erfect state, called the Ne" 3eavens and the Ne" 9arth (-

)et &%2*$&( 4om '%$+*-&( 3eb $%$.*$-( $-%-0*-'( 4ev -$*--) -. T39 691>ND )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of 1onscience (Gen &%--* '%$0) <ength of this #eriod% $,,2, !ears (Gen 2%$*-+( /%$$) -$ T39 T3;4D )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of 3uman Government (Gen '%$2*$$%&-) <ength of this #eriod% 0-/ !ears (Gen $$%$.*$-%+) -- T39 F>C4T3 )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of )romise (Gen $-%l*95 $-%&/) <ength of this #eriod% 0&. !ears (95 $-%0.( Gal 0%&.) -& T39 F;FT3 )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of <a" (95 $-%&'*7t -%-&( $$%$$( <k $,%$,) <ength of this #eriod% over $,/.. !ears@from 7oses to 1hrist -0 T39 6;DT3 )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of Grace (7t &%l*4ev $+%$.( Jn $%$/) <ength of this #eriod% from the $st to the -nd advent of 1hrist and the binding of 6atan in the ab!ss at the end of this age ;t has alread! lasted over $,+.. !ears The ra#ture, com#letion of the first resurrection, Audgment of saints, Audgment of nations, and the tribulation or Daniel:s /.th "eek take #lace at the end of this age -2 T39 69E9NT3 )4>BAT;>NA4? )94;>D@Dis#ensation of Divine Government, or 7illennium (4ev $+%$$*-.%$2) <ength of this #eriod% $,... !ears (4ev -.%$*$.) -, 6atan loosed from the ab!ss at the end of the 7illennium, to deceive the nations and cause the last rebellion on earth and the destruction of all human rebels (4ev -.%/*$.) -/ The second resurrection and final Audgment at the end of the 7illennium (4ev -.%$$*$2) -' 9arth:s second sinful career ended "ith renovation of the immediate heavens and the earth b! fire, and removal of all the curse and its effects (4om '%$+*-&( 3eb $%$.* $-( $-%-0*-'( - )et &%$.*$&) -+ 1onfinement of all s#irit and human rebels of all ages in the lake of fire forever (;sa ,,%--*-0( 7t -2%0$, 0,( 4ev $0%+*$$( -.%$.*$2) &. The Ne" 3eavens and the Ne" 9arth, "hen the earth is #erfect the third time@the eternal #erfect state "ith God all*in*all again ($ 1or $2%-0*-'), as before rebellion in the universe headed b! <ucifer and Adam (;sa ,2%$/( ,,%--*-0( - )et &%$&( 4ev -$* --) The Pre%Ada"ite &orld (1:') $' )roofs of a )re*Adamite 8orld% $ ;n Gen $%$ "e have the original creation of the heavens and the earth This is certainl! #re*Adamite, for Adam "as created much later as is clear 4egarding the original creation, the follo"ing facts make it clear that the term in the beginning used in Gen $%$ *- does not refer to the time or "ork of the , da!s of Gen $%&* -%-2% (1) The "ord and is used $2& times in Gen $*- to se#arate the $.- different acts of God (see Use of "and" in Gen. 1-2, # /,) These acts are all inde#endent and im#ortant The and of Gen $%- #roves that the "ork of v - is entirel! inde#endent of the "ork of v $ 8hile v $ records the original creation of the heavens and the earth, v - records the original dr! land, or earth, made chaos and flooded through a great catastro#he "hich destro!ed all life on a #re*Adamite earth (2) The "ord "as in v - is from the verb to become, not the verb to be, "hich #roves that the earth became "aste and em#t! since its original creation and habitation in the beginning 6ee note, Gen $%(3) The #hrase "ithout form in v - is from the 3eb tohu", meaning "aste, desolation ;t is trans "aste (Dt &-%$.)% "ithout form (Gen $%-( Jer 0%-&)( vain (;sa 02%$'( $ 6am $-%-$)% confusion (;sa -0%$.( &0%$$( 0$%-+)( em#t! (Job -,%/)( vanit! (;sa 0.%$/, -&( 00%+( 2+%0)( nothing (Job ,%$'( ;sa 0.%$/)( and "ilderness (Job $-%-0( )s


$./%0.) ;t can be seen from these #assages "hat the condition of the earth "as in Gen $%- God did not originall! create the earth in such a "aste and ruined condition ;t is stated in ;sa 02%$' that 3e did not create the earth tohu" (vain, "aste, desolate), !et in v - it is this "a! Therefore, "e conclude that the earth "as made #erfect, dr! land, beautiful, and inhabited originall!, and that later it became em#t!, "aste, and a ruin because of sin (Dt &-%0( 9ccl &%$$) (0) The 3eb for void is bohu", em#t!, ruin, void ;t is trans, void (v -( Jer 0%-&)( and em#tiness (;sa &0%$$) The 3eb #hrase tohu" va bohu" "aste and em#t!, describes the chaotic condition of the earth at the time it "as cursed and flooded because of the sins of <ucifer and the #re*Adamites ;t could not refer to the earth as originall! created @beautiful, #erfect, dr! land 2 The earth "as created to be inhabited (;sa 02%$'), and "as inhabited before the flood of Gen $%- and the "ork of the , da!s of Adam:s time (Gen $%&*-%-2( ;sa $0%$-*$0( Jer 0%-&*-,( 9= -'%$$*$/( - )et &%2*/) 6ee #t (&) above 3 The earth is called dr! land (Gen $%$.) "hich means Gen $%$ could read, B;n the beginning God created the heaven and dr!land B 6ince it "as created dr! (not "et and flooded as in Gen $%-) then it "as immediatel! inhabited( and the flood of Gen $%- "as a curse, not a creative act According to )s $&,%, the earth "as originall! created dr! and Bstretched above the "aters,B not the "aters stretched u#on the earth (note g, )s $&,%,) This reFuires a #re*Adamite race "hose sin brought such a curse 4 ;n Gen $%- the earth is not onl! flooded "ith "ater but covered "ith total darkness, the sun, moon, and stars having "ithdra"n their light, causing all life on earth to be totall! destro!ed This reFuires a #re*Adamite "orld "ith vegetation, birds, animals, and men as #roved in Jer 0%-&*-,, notes 5 8e have the fact recorded in Gen $%- that the earth, the "aters, and the darkness "ere alread! in e5istence before the "ork of the , da!s "hich began in Gen $%& and continued until the earth "as restored to a second habitable state in Gen -%-2 Thus, it is clear from Gen $%$*- (and related scri#tures) that% ($) ;n the beginning, the dateless #ast, and not n , da!s about ,,... !ears ago, God created the heavens including the sun, moon, and stars@all he heavenl! bodies in s#ace 6ee note, )s $&,%/ (2) ;n the beginning, or the dateless #ast, as in #oint ($) above, God created the earth or dr! land (3) The heavens and the earth "ere created b! God, a #ersonal and an eternal Being( the! "ere not the #roduct of molecules deciding to #roduce innumerable offs#ring of heavenl! and earthl! things (4) The heavens "ere created before the earth "as 1# Job &'%0*/ (5) Both the heavens and the earth "ere created before the earth "as flooded (6) The earth "as created dr! land, not "et and flooded (v $,$.( ;sa 02%$') (7) The "aters that flooded the dr! land "ere created in the beginning along "ith the earth, to cause the dr! land to become #roductive (Job &'%0*&.), and not to curse the earth as in Gen $%(8) The darkness "as also created in the beginning "ith da!, or light, to hel# sustain life on the earth (Job &'%0*0$) (9) >nl! the earth "as cursed, flooded, and filled "ith darkness, not the heavens (v -) 8e therefore conclude that Gen $%$*- #roves a #re*Adamite "orld that "as destro!ed in a flood, "hich necessitated the making of the #resent Adamite "orld so that the original #ur#ose of God concerning the earth could be reali=ed (;sa 02%$') 6 ;t is further revealed in Gen $%- that the 6#irit of God began to move u#on the flooded earth and in the darkness to restore the dr! land as before it "as flooded This also confirms the fact of a #re*Adamite "orld "hich "as destro!ed, making it necessar!

to restore the earth to a second habitable state as in the , da!s of Gen $%&*-%-2 7 ;n 6cri#ture, all instances of obscuring the sun and bringing conseFuent darkness, and the - #ast cases of universal floods are revealed to be the result of Audgment, not creation (Gen ,%'*'%--( 95 $.%-$*-&( ;sa 2%&.( Jer 0%-&*-,) All #redictions of such future darkness de#ict Audgment (7t '%$-( -0%-+*&$(4ev ,%$-*$/('%$-( +%-( $,%$.( ;sa $&%$.( Joel -%&.*&%$,( Amos 2%$'*-.) 1ould "e sa! that Gen $%- is an e5ce#tion and the onl! #lace in 6cri#ture "here darkness and universal flood on the earth are not an act of AudgmentG ;f then, as in other cases, these are the result of Audgment, Gen $%- definitel! #roves there "as a #re*Adamite "orld "hich "as destro!ed b! darkness and flood No one Fuestions the flood of Noah:s time being an act of Audgment #assed u#on free moral agents because of sin No one doubts the e5istence of the free moral agents before the flood actuall! came 8h! then doubt the e5istence of a #re*Adamite "orld "hich "as destro!ed b! the darkness and flood of Gen $%-G That this "as even a "orse flood than the one of Noah:s time, and an act of greater Audgment in #unishment of more horrible sins is clear from the outline of contrasts belo" 8e find #roof of t"o universal floods on earth, one in <ucifer:s da! (Gen $%-( ;sa $0%$-* $0( Jer 0%-&*-,( - )et &%2*/) and another in Noah:s (Gen ,%$$*'%$0) The flood of Noah lasted over a !ear, !et vegetation "as not destro!ed But in <ucifer:s flood the fruitful #lace became a "ilderness (Jer 0%-&*-,) Ne" vegetation had to be #lanted in the , da!s, for the earth "as totall! desolate (Gen $%$$*$-( -%2, '*$/) This #roves that <ucifer:s flood "as on earth longer than Noah:s and, "ithout doubt, as Audgment for a more serious rebellion@a com#lete rebellion of the #re*Adamite "orld 8 The command for Adam to re#lenish the earth (fill it again), not #lenish it, #roves that the earth had been filled before this (Gen $%-') God gave the same command to Noah, after the second universal flood (+%$*-) 6hould "e conclude from 3is command to Noah to re#lenish the earth that 3e meant to fill it for the first time, and not refill itG 6ubstitute the "ord fill (meaning su##l! for the first time) in Gen +%$( ;sa -%,( -&%-( Jer &$%-2( 9= -,%-( -/%-2, as some do in Gen $%-' and see if it makes better sense 8hatever "e conclude in these other #laces "here re#lenish is used, let us be consistent and give the same meaning to Gen $%-' 9 The fact that <ucifer had alread! ruled the earth and become a fallen creature before Adam:s time is #roof that Adam and his race "ere not the first ones on earth 8e are reFuired to ackno"ledge that 6atan:s fall "as before Adam:s time because he "as alread! a fallen creature "hen he came into Adam:s 9den (Gen &( - 1or $$%&) 3ence, he must have fallen "ith a #re*Adamite creation 10 According to ;sa $0%$-*$0, <ucifer actuall! invaded heaven from earth, ho#ing to defeat God and take 3is kingdom( but, <ucifer himself "as defeated and his kingdom cursed Before his defeat he had a throne and therefore a kingdom and subAects to rule over 3is kingdom "as under the clouds, under the stars, and under heaven@therefore, on earth 3aving "eakened the nations over "hom he ruled, and "anting to be like God and take 3is #lace in heaven, <ucifer led the invasion of heaven All this had to be before Adam:s da!, for no such things have occurred since Adam "as created 11 ;n 9= -'%$$ *$/ "e have a #icture of <ucifer be fore he fell, as the anointed cherub or #rotector of the earth, as being full of "isdom and #erfect in beaut!, as ruling in a garden of 9den (before Adam), as being created of God and #erfect in his "a!s u# to the time of his fall The #assage gives the reason for his fall and the result of it The onl! time this could have been true of 6atan "as before the da!s of Adam, thus #roving a #re*Adamite "orld 12 ;n Jer 0%-&*-, "e have a full descri#tion of the earth under a total curse, as in Gen $%;t "as desolate and em#t!, the heavens had no light, the hills and mountains "ere

undergoing convulsions, there "as no man, no bird, no animal, no fruitful #lace, and no cit! left standing because of God:s fierce anger The onl! time Jeremiah could have seen the earth "ithout form and void and totall! dark and desolate of all life "as at the same time 7oses sa" it thus, as recorded b! him in Gen $%- There never has been a time from Adam until no" "hen the earth "as in such a state (not even at the time of Noah:s flood), and there "ill never be a time of such a curse in the eternal future The onl! time Jer 0%-&*-, could be fulfilled "as before Adam, for the earth "as in such a condition "hen the 6#irit began the , da!s: "ork of restoring it to a second habitable state (Gen $%-*-$) 4egarding the future, such "ill never be the condition of the earth again, for at the -nd advent 1hrist "ill begin to reign over all nations on earth forever, and of 3is kingdom there shall be no end (Gen '%--( +%$-( ;sa +%,*/( 2+%-$( Dan -%00*02( /%$&*$0, $', -/( Hech $0( <k $%&-*&&( 4ev $%,( 2%$.( $$%$2( -.%0*$.( --%0*2) 9ven the renovation of heaven and earth at the end of the 7illennium "ill not make the earth desolate as #ictured in Gen $%- and Jer 0%-&*-, (see notes 4om '%$+*-2( 3eb $%$.*$-( $-%-2*-'( - )et &%$.*$&) Therefore, Jer 0%-&* -, must refer to the same Audgment as #ictured in Gen $%-, thus #roving further that a real social s!stem@ men, birds, fruitful #laces, cities@e5isted before Adam $& )s $.0%2*+ s#eaks of God sending a flood on the earth after its creation, at "hich time the "aters stood above the mountains E / identifies this as <ucifer:s flood, saving BAt Th! rebuke the! fled B ;n the case of Noah:s flood, the "aters slo"l! and naturall! abated Furthermore, v + makes it clear that this flood "as at a time "hen God set a bound %or the "aters Bthat the! turn not again to cover the earth,B and that is "hat ha##ened in the , da!s: "ork of Gen $%&*-%-2 Thus, )s $.0%2*+ refers to the same flood as Gen $%- and #roves the e5istence of a #re*Adamite "orld "hich "as overthro"n b! a flood 14 Turning to the N T "e find that Jesus taught the fall of 6atan from heaven in <k $.%$' 8hen did he fallG Before Adam:s time, for he "as alread! a fallen creature "hen he came into Adam:s 9den (Gen &) 8h! did he fallG Because of #ride and "anting to e5alt his earthl! kingdom above God:s (;sa $0%$-*$,( 9= -'%$$*$/) 8hat "as the result of his fallG All of 6atan:s earthl! subAects as "ell as over one third of God:s o"n angels fell "ith him (4ev $-%&, /*$-)( and all nations "ere totall! destro!ed, along "ith vegetation, fish, fo"ls, and animals (- )et &%2*/) Thus <k $.%$' substantiates the teaching of > T #assages regarding a #re*Adamite "orld 15 Jesus further taught the overthro" of the #re*Adamite "orld b! #lainl! stating that the "orld had seen overthro"n 6ee note i, 7t $&%&2 16 )aul also taught the overthro" of the #re*Adamite "orld (9#h $%0% 3eb 0%&( +%-, 6ee notes at these scri#tures and note i, 7t $&%&2) ;n 1ol $%$2*$' he made it clear that there are thrones, #rinci#alities, and #o"ers in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible ;t should not be difficult then to believe that <ucifer "as given one of these thrones and a kingdom to rule over, before he fell That his kingdom "as on earth in a #re*Adamite #eriod is indicated b! the fact that he returned to the earth after his fall and moving "ith env! and Aealous! "rought about the do"nfall of the ne" earth*ruler, Adam 8h! all this desire to usur# man:s dominion on earth if the earth "as not one time <ucifer:s #lace of rulershi#G 9ven his eternal #unishment "ill be in the lake of fire under the earth, "hich further #roves his sin "as in connection "ith the earth@ and if so, "hen, if not at the time of a #re*Adamite "orldG $/ )eter "as ver! definite in his statements regarding a social s!stem overthro"n before Adam 6ee Pre%Ada"ites, p. 480 of the N T $' John referred to the overthro" of the #re*Adamite "orld (4ev $&%'( $/%', notes( also note 7t $&%&2) Thus, it is clear that both testaments give #roof of a #re*Adamite "orld The actual findings of science regarding #rehistoric animals and men, the age of the earth, its rock formation, and other facts can be recogni=ed onl! if "e believe the Bible:s revelation of a

#re*Adamite social s!stem There are man! Fuestions "hich cannot be ans"ered a#art from a belief in the #re*Adamite age 3o" did <ucifer become the devil and the #rince of demonsG 8hen did he "eaken the nations, ascend into heaven to e5alt his throne above the stars, and from heaven as in ;sa $0%$-*$0G 3o" did demons originate, for "hat #ur#ose, and "henG 8hat caused the calamit! of Gen $%-( Jer 0%-&*-,( )s $.0%,*+( )et &%2*,G 8h! "as hell #re#ared for the devil and his angels as stated in 7t -2%0$, and "h! "as it located beneath the earth (7t $-%0.( 9# 0%/*$$)G 8h! "as Adam told to re#lenish and not merel! to #lenish itG These and other Fuestions go unans"ered a#art from a belief in the #re*Adami "orld '0 Contrasts (et)een the ' !loods <ucifer:s 9arth made "aste($%-( Jer 0%-&) 9arth made em#t!($%-( Jer 0%-&) 9arth made totall!dark ($%-( Jer 0%-&) No light from hea ven ($%-( Jer 0%-&) No da!s ($%-*2) All vegetation destro!ed ($%-*$-( Jer 0%-&* -,) No continual abating of "aters off earth ($%,*$-) 8aters taken offin one da! ($%$.) 6u#ernatural "ork of taking "aters off ($%,* $-) God rebuked "aters($%,*$-( )s $.0%/) 8aters hastened a"a! ()s $.0 /) God set bounds for "aters ()s $.0%+) All fish destro!ed because sun "ith held from earth ($%-, -.*-&% Jer 0%-&*-,) No fo"ls left ($%-.( Jer 0%-&*-,) No animals left ($%-0*-2( -%$+) No man left ($%-,*-'( Jer 0%-&*-,) No social s!stem left (- )et &%,( Jer 0%-&* -,) No ark made to save life (Jer 0%-&*-,()et &%,*/) 1ause% fall of 6atan (;sa $0%$-*$0( Jer 0%-&* -,( 9= -'%$$*$/( <k $.%$') 4esult% became necessar! to make ne" fish, fo"l, land animals, vegetation, and man ($%&*-%-2) Noah:s Not made "aste ('%$$*$-,--) Not made em#t! (,%$/*--( '%$,) Not made totall! dark ('%,*--) <ight from heaven ('%,*--) Da!s ('%$*--) Eegetation left, not destro!ed ('%$$* $-,--) 1ontinual abating of "aters off earth ('%$*$0) 8aters taken off inmonths('%l*$0) Natural "ork of taking "aters off the earth ('%$*$0) No rebuke of "aters ('%$*$0) 8aters receded gradually (8:1-1 ) Bounds alread! set ($%,*$-( '%-) No fish destro!ed, onl! land animals sun not "ithheld (,%$'*'%--) Fo"ls saved (,%-.( '%$/) Animals saved (,%-.( '%$/) 0 men, 0 "omen saved (,%$') A social s!stem left (,%$'( '%--( - )et -%2) An ark made to save life (,%$0*--( $ )et &%-.) 1ause% man:s "ickedness (,%2*$&) and sin of fallen angels (!:1- ) 4esult% no ne" creations made for all things "ere saved (,%$'*'%--)

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