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Client: Lukenya Academy Period ended: 31.

December, 2008 #ub$ect: Client Acceptance %ue&tionnaire

Prepared by: AW e!ie"ed by:

Date: Date: 85300

'b$ecti!e: To ensure sufficient information has been obtained to enable the firm to decide whether to accept the entity as a client of the firm. The questionnaire must be completed at the client acceptance stage and then at least once every five years. Refer to Section 5.1 of the Manual for guidance on completion of this questionnaire.
()*) AL +*,' -A.+'* Detail& u!enya "cademy $rd May% &''& .R No ((5)*+ "thi,river% Macha!os -.../o0 &&(+' Nairobi "s "bove -rivate 3ducational .perating a school None -roviding high quality education Statistics not provided Ma!ini Schools Riara Schools "cacia 6rest "cademy -rivate Registrars imited 6ertified -ublic Secretaries -.../o0 +7)7,''&'' Nairobi None 6ompanies "ct% 8ncome Ta0 "ct P +*C+PAL #/A )/'LD) # 0 '"ner&1ip 5'9 5'9 )6ecuti!e 6hairman Managing #irector D+ )C.' #/+P e&pon&ibility Acti!e +n 2u&ine&& 3 4e& 5 *o :es :es 't1er ele!ant +n7ormation <usband =ife

Name of company #ate of incorporation Registered office

ocation of principal office if different from registered office Nature of ownership 1private * public * public quoted * limited by guarantee2 /usiness sector 1manufacturing * trading * retail etc.2 -rimary activity * activities Secondary activity * activities 4ey products and services -osition in the industry * sector #etails of ma5or competitors and their position 6ompany secretaries

Specialised accounting policies 1industry specific2 Specialised laws * regulations applicable to company * sector *ame 4asanga Mulwa Martha 4asanga *ame ;ustice 4asanga Mulwa Mrs Martha Mulwa

Client: Lukenya Academy Period ended: 31.December, 2008 #ub$ect: Client Acceptance %ue&tionnaire Mrs #olores Mutheu -artington 9)4 -A*A()-)*. *ame

Prepared by: AW e!ie"ed by:

Date: Date:

#eputy Managing #irector Po&ition 5 e&pon&ibility

#aughter 't1er ele!ant +n7ormation

Mr. Kasanga Mulwa Mrs. Martha Mulwa Mrs Dolores Partington

Mrs >elistus 4avete )LA.)D PA .+)# *ame )LA.)D PA .+)# *ame

Chairman Managing Director Registrar

"ccountant elat )LA.)D PA .+)#ion&1ip *ature o7 .ran&action& and Pricin: elation&1ip

Lukenya Academy Lukenya Girls High chool

Common shareholding and directorship Common shareholding and directorship

ACC)P.A*C) );AL<A.+'* CL+)*. -A..) # 't1er ele!ant +n7ormation. ,ull detail& &1ould be attac1ed in re&pect o7 4e& an&"er& to:et1er "it1 4e& 5 conclu&ion on t1e &a7e:uard& to be adopted to *o enable t1e acceptance o7 t1e appointment.

)n!ironment: 1. #oes the client operate in a specialist legal and regulatory environment? 8f yes% note the special requirements. &. #oes the client operate in an industry that is e0periencing an economic downturn or any special problems or has it undergone a retrenchment or significant reduction in profitability? '"ner&1ip and -ana:ement: $. "re there any concerns as to the identity of the ultimate owners of the company? +. <ave there been% or are there about to be% changes in the ownership of the company% !ey management or those charged with governance that give doubt to the client@s integrity? 5. /ased on the information available% do we have any concerns with the integrity or the No





Client: Lukenya Academy Period ended: 31.December, 2008 #ub$ect: Client Acceptance %ue&tionnaire business reputation of the owners% !ey management% related parties and those charged with governance? A. 8s there a dominant individual in the management or board who has the ability to influence matters affecting audit ris!? ). "re there any concerns on the attitude of the principal owners% !ey management and those charged with governance towards such matters as aggressive interpretation of accounting standards and the internal control environment? eliance: (. =ill the financial statements be used by owners who do not ta!e an active role in the business? 7. =ill the financial statements be used to meet regulatory% credit or contractual obligations? Le:al and e:ulatory: 1'. <as the client frequently changed auditors in the past? Note the reasons for the proposed change of auditors. 11. "re there any concerns as to why the previous auditors have not been re, appointed? 1&. 8s the client involved with significant litigation currently% or has this been the case in the past? 1$. 8s the firm involved in any litigation with the client% or is any threatened? 1+. "re there indications that the client might be involved in money laundering or criminal activities? 15. 8s there concern on the mode of the client@s operations or business practices which cast a doubt on its reputation and integrity? 1A. =here applicable% are there any significant issues with the legal and regulatory authorities * unfavourable press reports? ,inancial Condition: No No No No

Prepared by: AW e!ie"ed by:

Date: Date:




No No



Client: Lukenya Academy Period ended: 31.December, 2008 #ub$ect: Client Acceptance %ue&tionnaire 1). >rom a review of the financial statements% management accounts and forecasts% is there any indication that the going concern basis may not be appropriate? 1(. 8s the financial viability of the client dependent of future plans e.g. cost reductions through restructuring% ta!eover or merger% proposed listing or private placement? Accountin: and Audit: 17. "re there any special accounting policies that require the use of comple0 5udgements and estimates? 8f yes% are such 5udgements and estimates common to the industry? &'. <as the client received any qualified audit reports or are there any unreasonable delays in the production of audited financial statements? &1. #o the accounting polices or treatment of specific transactions cast a doubt on the integrity of the financial information? &&. 8s the client part of a comple0 group structure? &$. "re there significant transactions with related parties and are these at arms length? &+. #oes the client trade or have interests overseas? &5. "re there li!ely to be ta0 comple0ities arising from the accounting treatment of transactions? &A. 8s there any indication of an inappropriate limitation in the scope of wor!? No No

Prepared by: AW e!ie"ed by:

Date: Date:



No No "t arms length :es

No No No

,+ - -A..) # 't1er ele!ant +n7ormation. ,ull detail& &1ould be attac1ed in re&pect o7 4e& an&"er& to:et1er "it1 4e& 5 conclu&ion on t1e &a7e:uard& to be adopted to *o enable t1e acceptance o7 t1e appointment.

Client: Lukenya Academy Period ended: 31.December, 2008 #ub$ect: Client Acceptance %ue&tionnaire +ndependence: &). =ill the client account for 159 or more of the firm@s income? &(. =ill the audit fee from this client account for 1'9 or more of the firm@s income? &7. 8s there an indication that the client is aggressively concerned with maintaining the fees as low as possible or has a history of slow payments? $'. "re there li!ely to be any significant time or fee constraints on the wor! to be carried out? $1. #oes any partner of the firm have family or personal relationships with the client or any direct financial interest or indirect material financial interest in the client? $&. #oes any staff that will be part of the engagement team have family or personal relationships with the client or any financial interest in the client? $$. #oes any partner 1or closely connected person2 hold shares of the client on trust? $+. "re we aware of any conflicts of interest that the engagement may create with an e0isting client? 8f yes% list them. $5. "re we aware of any conflicts of interest with the client or does the e0tent of provision of other services potentially affect our independence? ist other significant services regularly provided and assess the impact of each individually and in total. $A. #o any of the partners or any staff who will form part of the engagement team have any potential employment with the client% or have they been employed by the client in the last two years? $). 8s any former partner of the firm an employee of the client or its director or officer? Competence: $(. 8s there a ris! that the engagement partner and staff allocated to this assignment do not No No No

Prepared by: AW e!ie"ed by:

Date: Date:


#epending on timely availability of documents No








Client: Lukenya Academy Period ended: 31.December, 2008 #ub$ect: Client Acceptance %ue&tionnaire have sufficient !nowledge and e0perience to be able to service the client properly? $7. =ill the engagement require the use of wor! of e0perts or an engagement quality control review? 8f yes% ensure that sufficient e0pertise is available. Con&ultation&: +'. 8f the answer to any question is yes% is any consultation required? 8f yes% record all the issues on which consultations were sought% the conclusions and how these were implemented. Communication "it1 Pre!iou& Auditor&: +1. "re there issues arising from communication with the previous auditors% professional or otherwise% which suggest that the firm should decline the appointment? No No

Prepared by: AW e!ie"ed by:

Date: Date:


=e were the auditors in &'')

Conclu&ion 3 #tate "1et1er t1e en:a:ement &1ould be accepted and any &i:ni7icant i&&ue&: /ased on the above% there are no matters arising% which indicate that the engagement should not be accepted.



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