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Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.



VersionNo. CoursePrerequisites Discrete Mathematical Structures

L T P C 3 1 0 4

Objectives 1. To introduce Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Abstract models of Computation and Computability, Computational complexities and NP Completeness. 2. To gain knowledge in computational theory. 3. To realize the theoretical concepts and techniques involved in the software system development ExpectedOutcome Students will be able to 1. Apply the theoretical concepts and techniques in designing the software systems. 2. Identify, analyze, design and formulate problems using computational theory. 3. Conduct experiments and interpret data using computational theory. 4. Apply the theoretical principles of computing for software construction. UnitI AUTOMATA 9+3hours Strings, Alphabet, Language, Operations, Finite State Machine, definitions, finite automation model, acceptance of strings and languages, on deterministic finite automation, deterministic finite automation, equivalence between NFA and DFA, Conversion of NFA into DFA, minimization of FSM ,equivalence between two FSM's, Moore and Melay machines. UnitII REGULAREXPRESSIONS 9+3hours Regular sets, regular expressions, identity rules, manipulation of regular expressions, equivalence between RE and FA, inter conversion, Pumping lemma, Closure properties of regular sets(proofs not required),regular grammars, right linear and left linear grammars equivalence between regular linear grammar and FA, inter conversion between RE and RG. UnitIII CONTEXTFREEGRAMMARS 9+3hours Context free Grammars, Derivation trees, Left Most Derivations, Right Most Derivations, Ambiguity in Context-Free Grammars, Specifications of Context Free Grammars, Normal Forms, Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Greibach Normal Form (GNF), Push Down Automata, NPDA, DPDA. UnitIV TURINGMACHINE 9+3hours Turing machine, definition, model, design of TM, Computable Functions, recursive enumerable language, Churchs Hypothesis, Counter machine, types of TM's(Proofs not required).


Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012

UnitV CLASSESOFPROBLEMS 9+3Hours Chomsky hierarchy of languages, linear bounded automata and context sensitive language, Grammar, decidability of problems, Universal Turing Machine, undecidability of posts correspondence problem. Turing reducibility. Text/ReferenceBooks 1. J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani, and J. D. Ullman, Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation, Addison- Wesley, 2006. 2. Kamala Kritivasan and B. Rama, Introduction to Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computation, Pearson Education, 1st edition, 2009. 3. Lewis H.P. & Papadimition C.H. Elements of Theory of Computation, Prentice Hall of India, 4th edition. 2007. ModeofEvaluation Recommendedbythe BoardofStudieson DateofApprovalbythe AcademicCouncil Tests, Assignments, Seminars.


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