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Michelle Deng Michael Jacobs Kelly Lowen David (Jiarui) Zhang



Our goal was simplicity. We have three proximity detectors that initially detect the nearest wall. Our bot backs up to square with the wall before proceeding to the middle of the arena. Proximity sensors read the change in distance due to jutting exchanges to get the lay of the land. Upon reaching the Mt. Gox server (2nd decrease in one of the side proximity sensors) the bot stops and turns 90 degrees towards Mt. Gox to back up into the button. The Au bot rams the button 36 times to collect 8 coins. It then moves forward to run into Mt. Gox. A mechanical lever extending from the front of the bot naturally dumps the coins into Mt. Gox when the bot runs into server. Time pending, the bot will continue to collect 3 more coins (20 further button pushes) and project them into BitInstant.

Motor at 20rpm= 3.14in/sec (quickly enough for our purpose) Torque per motor= 5.0 kg-cm 2 motors used so Torque = 10 kg-cm

1) Can the motor push the algorithm button? Yes, max force generated by motor is more than force required to push button Max

= 5.77 where is the radius of our roller blade wheels, 1.5

Force required to push button ~1lb 2) Can the motor activate the mechanical dumper? Yes, max force generated by motor is more than force required to mechanically actuate dumper Max

= 5.77 where is the radius of our roller blade wheels, 1.5

Force required to actuate dumper ~1lb as empirically measured 3) Can the motor roll the weight of the robot? Yes, max force generated by motor is greater than required to overcome static friction Max

= 5.77 where is the radius of our roller blade wheels, 1.5

= = 0.1 45 = 4.5 = 1 where is the highest static coefficient of a tire on a road and FN is 10lbs, the maximum estimated weight of the robot


1) Can Arduino power L293?
Yes, see midterm solutions

2) Can L293 be operated correctly?

Yes, operation voltage and current are under maximum ratings

Max V: 36V, operation voltage: 14.2V Max I: 1A, operation current: measured
cc 1.81.8 t

= 0.05 where t = 210 as empirically

Initial Side View:

5 3

Final Side View:

1) Can the dumper successfully dump the botcoins? Yes, the angle of the dumper is higher than the angle needed to slide the botcoins off the dumper. = tan1 Therefore, end angle is 40 . Empirically, the angle necessary to dump botcoins is ~30. 3" = 45 3"


Some components could not be found in Fritzing. The L298 board from 210 is not in the library, so an equivalent was used with the extra pins ignored. IN1 and IN2 are used for DIRA and DIRB. A fuse is used coming off the batteries to protect the circuitry from accidental shorting. Decoupling capacitors will also help reduce noise on all the ICs. The Arduino and ultrasonic sensors will run off ~5V, while the L298 driver runs off the raw 14.2V batteries (two LiMH in serial).


The three ultrasonic sensors have been configured and tested to verify operability and accuracy. From a preliminary setup, the proximity sensors were placed in a row on a sheet of wood and aimed at a wall 100 cm away. See the below picture for reference.

The following is a portion of the serial monitor output, illustrating the sensor relative accuracy and consistency. The proximity sensors emit sound outwards in a conical shape, so the distance to the closest, near-perpendicular object in the general field of view is returned. Narrow PVC pipe blinders are being considered to restrict the field of view, in effect narrowing the sound waves. L: 98 | M: 99 | R: 98 L: 98 | M: 100 | R: 98 L: 98 | M: 99 | R: 98 L: 98 | M: 99 | R: 99 L: 98 | M: 100 | R: 98 L: 98 | M: 99 | R: 99 L: 99 | M: 100 | R: 99 L: 99 | M: 100 | R: 98 L: 99 | M: 100 | R: 99 L: 99 | M: 100 | R: 98 L: 99 | M: 100 | R: 98

The Arduino code utilized for the test is copied below.

//Testing out the ultrasonic sensors /*-----VARS---------------------------------*/ long ultraLDist = 0; long ultraRDist = 0; long ultraMDist = 0; /*-----PIN ASSIGNMENTS----------------------*/ const int ultraLTrigPin = 3; //ultrasonic left, triggering pin const int ultraLEchoPin = 4; //ultrasonic left, echo pin const int ultraRTrigPin = 5; const int ultraREchoPin = 6; const int ultraMTrigPin = 7; const int ultraMEchoPin = 8; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ultraLTrigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ultraLEchoPin, INPUT); pinMode(ultraRTrigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ultraREchoPin, INPUT); pinMode(ultraMTrigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ultraMEchoPin, INPUT); digitalWrite(ultraLTrigPin, LOW); digitalWrite(ultraRTrigPin, LOW); digitalWrite(ultraMTrigPin, LOW); }//setup

//set trig pin low

void loop() { digitalWrite(ultraLTrigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(12); digitalWrite(ultraLTrigPin, LOW); ultraLDist = pulseIn(ultraLEchoPin, HIGH)/29/2; digitalWrite(ultraRTrigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(12); digitalWrite(ultraRTrigPin, LOW); ultraRDist = pulseIn(ultraREchoPin, HIGH)/29/2; digitalWrite(ultraMTrigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(12); digitalWrite(ultraMTrigPin, LOW); ultraMDist = pulseIn(ultraMEchoPin, HIGH)/29/2;

Serial.print("L: "); Serial.print(ultraLDist); Serial.print(" | M: "); Serial.print(ultraMDist); Serial.print(" | R: "); Serial.println(ultraRDist); delay(100); }//loop


The bitcoin-depositing dumper designed was prototyped from a rough foam model that is actuated mechanically when colliding with a server (wall).




Project roles defined below list primary responsibilities, however a members role is not limited to this list. It is expected that all members will assist with every aspect of the project, however the lead for each group is responsible for asking for help and designating tasks so that their part of the project is completed.

Primary: Michelle, Secondary: David ~ responsible for making sure all necessary electrical components are identified ~ makes sure to find appropriate power supplies and circuit protections ~ put datasheets for all parts in the google drive

Primary: Michael, Secondary: Kelly ~ responsible for code architecture ~ works closely with hardware lead to identify ports and signals ~ assembles system block diagram (case diagram)

Primary: David, Secondary: Michael ~ responsible for creating robot housing ~ works closely with hardware lead ~ must CAD design

Primary: Kelly, Secondary: Michelle ~ responsible for making sure all systems can integrate ~ double checks the hardware leads circuit design ~ responsible for collecting necessary documentation information from everyone ~ learn HTML or workaround for final report


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