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Probes, Rollers and other Facilities (Appendix 20)

BioEnergy Partnership
Supporting Quantum Users

Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers July01

A20.1 A20.2 A20.3 A20.4 A20.5 Update Information Introduction Connection Clasp32 Program Access Points Protocols Feedbac Form Probe!"oller #rder Form

A20.1 Updates
June 2001 First Issue



In normal use t$e treatment %a&eforms are sent to t$e patient t$roug$ t$e $ead $arness. '$e energ( must tra&el t$roug$ t$e bod( to be used %$ere it is needed. )ocalised treatment is possible %$en t$e $ead $arness is placed near a focal area e.g. for t$e treatment of Fibrositis in t$e s$oulder or a lesion %$en using t$e degeneration program. '$e roller and point probes enable t$e energ( to be e&en more focused and t$us potentiall( more effecti&e. '$e po%er does not $a&e so far to tra&el. A *et of %ater from a $ose %ill clean an area on t$e %all of a s%imming pool if it applied locall( rat$er t$an $a&ing to tra&el t$roug$ a mass of %ater first. +ote $o%e&er t$at t$is is not t$e %$ole picture, more is not necessaril( better. '$e energ( %a&e is subtle and it is t$e form rat$er t$an t$e po%er t$at is important. App(ling locall( means t$at t$e fre-uencies are not absorbed en route and more a&ailable for t$e specific aspect selected. .it$in t$e test and dental screens it is possible to direct output to t$e point probe for an( item in t$e test matri/. .it$in dental and 0od( 1can2Face '$erap( specific t$erapies are a&ailable. 1ome areas of application include, Probe 3ental, Infection 1mall ca&it( repair assist 4ingi&itis 4eneral, an( item from t$e test matri/ Cellulite 4eneral facial .arts Roller

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers

Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership

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Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers July01 53 sec or 3 min 6ap7 8out$ and tongue ulcers .arts An( item in t$e test matri/ An( t$erap( after t$e probe is acti&ated in t$e test matri/ 9nergise %ater Safety ote re Po!er Settings Aging lines An( item in t$e test matri/ An( t$erap( after t$e probe is acti&ated in t$e test matri/

'$e double po%er facilit( in t$e main test screen and dental $as an effect on t$e probe. Please be safe and use appropriatel(. "s the harness also acti#e '$e $arness continues to sta( acti&e %$en t$e probe is acti&e. '$e %a&e form goes t$roug$ bot$ outputs. 1ince t$e :; is putting out lo% energ( %a&e forms< mainl( of $omeopat$ics< t$en t$e po%er is not reduced in t$e $ead $arness c$annel. '$e inputs and autofocus continues to operate. '$ere is no need to remo&e t$e $arness!t$is %ill also deli&er t$e treatment so t$at an( ot$er parts of t$e client t$at %ant some of t$e $ealing pattern %ill benefit. '$ere %ill be treatment effect t$roug$ bot$ routes, t$e $arness is not disabled.



A20.3.1 For Treatment '$e de&ices plug into t$e red output on t$e rear of t$e $arness interface bo/. '$e bo/ must be connected to t$e computer and be po%ered 5batteries or mains!adapter7 for operation. C#++9C' '# '=9 "93 #+)>
'$e multipin cable from t$e computer connects $ere '$e miltipin cable to t$e printer connects $ere

C#8PU'9" # #

P"I+'9" #


3C Po%er suppl( *ac

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Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers July01

'"A+ 5"937 #U'PU' 5to patient7 P24"+3 50)AC?7 I+PU' 5from patient7


For Testing

'$e blac input $as been present on all :; $arness bo/es for using e/ternal remed( tra(s or in earl( de&ices an e/ternal test plate 5integrated onto t$e %$ite bo/ in later &ersions as t$e metal panel on top7. '$is is designed to test t$e patient reacti&it( to an item %$ic$ is not in t$e test matri/. I' I1 +#' P#11I0)9 A' P"919+' '# U19 '=I1 I+PU' F#" P"#09 '91'I+4 #F 1P9CIFIC )#CA) A"9A1.


Clasp32 !rogram Access !oints

'$e principle of use is 1. 9nable!acti&ate t$e point probe 5or roller7 2. 1elect t$e treatment t$at (ou %ant to pass t$roug$ t$e probe. '$e follo%ing screens $a&e specific acti&ation facilities, Screen 'est Route 'reatments 2 Acti&ate Point Probe Display Point probe Acti&e 5top rig$t of screen7. '$e probe or roller %ill sta( acti&e for all subse-uent treatments or t$erapies. 3eacti&ates t$e probe2roller 1pecific '$erapies, Ca&it( @ap Point Probe "estore toot$ Point Probe 4ingi&itis Point Probe 1pecific '$erapies, Point Probe .arts Point Probe 1pots Point Probe )ines Point Probe Cellulite


'reatments 2 3eacti&ate Point Probe '$erapies

0od( 1can and Face '$erap(

'est 2 Programs 2 0od( 1can and Face '$erap( 2 1 in "e*u&enation

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers

Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership

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Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers July01

A20. .1

Test Screen Facilities

#nce acti&ated an( of t$e follo%ing treatments %ill pass &ia t$e point probe in addition to t$e $arness. '$ere is no need to remo&e t$e $arness!t$is %ill also deli&er t$e treatment so t$at an( ot$er parts of t$e client t$at %ant some of t$e $ealing pattern %ill benefit. '$ere %ill be treatment effect t$roug$ bot$ routes, t$e $arness is not disabled. 'reat 5select 3 sec or 3 min &ia @ap2Un6ap as al%a(s7! set t$e point probe under 'reatments drop do%n. @ap 8ode )ist!t$is $as A items from t$e bottom BPoint probe @ap acti&eC 9nergise .ater 5'reatments29nergi6e %ater from :;CI2point probe7. '$ere is also no% a&ailable a coil t$at %ill impart BspinC to t$e %ater. It is possible to treat an( main matri/ from t$e dental program as %ell. 1ee A20.4.2. An( t$erap( after t$e probe 5or roller7 is acti&ated 5e.g. spinal7. '$is means t$at t$e roller can be used to go do%n t$e spine. '$e point probe can be used on specific acupuncture points.

'$ere is no feedbac of energetic rectification. A20. .2 "ental

'$e re-uest from dentists %as t$e original t$rust be$ind t$e de&elopment of t$e probe. $%reen A%%ess 'est 1creen 2 Programs 2 3ental

#n access t$ere %ill be a message B>ou 8ust start Info 9/c$ange FirstC 4o to Information drop do%n< clic on t$is and t$e B1tart Info 9/c$angeC. '$is loads t$e scores from t$e test matri/ into t$e dental screen. '$ere is no B%indo%s interruptedC message and t$us no re!testing occurs at t$is point. Point Probe A%%ess '$erapies drop do%n list

'$is accesses bot$ some specific dental treatments and t$e facilit( to use t$e point probe on an( item in t$e main test matri/.

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Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers July01 '$ere is also a 3ouble and normal po%er selector, use %it$ care and be a%are t$at t$ere is no message about %$ic$ one is selected. Please be safe and *ust use normal po%er unless t$ere is a specific need. '$e dental specific treatments %ill run for 1 minute and co&er, Ca&it( @ap Point Probe, treats t$e infecti&e agents "estore toot$ Point Probe, facilitates small ca&it( repair 4ingi&itis Point Probe, treats gum disease For dentists t$ere are some special tools 51 cm diameter flat disc< s$arper point probe< $oop %$ic$ can go rig$t around a toot$7 %$ic$ attac$ to t$e probe tip.0e a%are of local legislation %$ic$ ma( restrict %$at (ou are allo%ed to do or claim. Clic on t$e topic from t$e list, a message %ill appear. Clic #?. '$e t$erap( %ill run for 1 minute %it$ a %indo%s interrupt message. '$e mouse %ill free6e. 'o treat an( main matri/ item select t$e item< t$en BPoint Probe Amplification from main matri/C. '$e same process as abo&e %ill ensue. '$ere is no feedbac of energetic rectification. A20. .2 $%reen A%%ess Point Probe A%%ess #od$ Scan and Face T%erap$ 'est 1creen 2 0od( 1can and Face '$erap( 2 1 in "e*u&enation &ia specific buttons for, Point Probe .arts Point Probe 1pots Point Probe )ines Point Probe Cellulite Clic ing an( of t$e abo&e buttons %ill initiate a BPoint Probe Amplification Acti&eC message panel. Clic #? for a 1 minute t$erap(. '$e timer $as no effect.


Some !rotocols

'$is seems &er( bareD Please contribute. Facial: "oll t$e %$ole face< t$rice on eac$ side. 8o&e t$e point probe along t$e %rin le lines. Cellulite Use firm pressure to roll to%ards t$e groin.

Appendix 20 Probes and Rollers

Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership

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