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1. Past simple or Present Perfect?

The village of Greyford (be) ________________ largely traffic- free since its by-pass (open)
_________________ a year ago. Yesterday on the first anniversary of the new road, villagers
(hold) _________________ a street party to celebrate the event. We (have)
_______________________ peace and quiet here for a year now, said Mrs Debbie Groves,
who (organize) ___________________ the campaign for the by-pass. Ever since the traffic
stopped coming through here, it (be) ____________________ wonderful. Before that we
(suffer) _____________________ for years, and all that time we (campaign)
____________________ for our by-pass. I'll never forget the day when the work finally
(start) __________________, or the day when it (finish) ____________________.

2. Put the verbs into the suitable tense- Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past simple, Past
Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.
1. She (go) ______________ away every weekend.
2. He (go) _______________ abroad last week.
3. This boy (see) __________ never ____________ the sea.
4. (see) ___________ you ____________ my bag? I (lose) ____________ it.
5. I (see) ________________ you yesterday. You (sit) _____________________ outside
a caf.

6. I (hope) ________________ he (get) __________________ better now, I (hear)

__________________ he (have) _____________________ a bad cold all the week.
7. When I last (see) ____________________ him, he (live) _________________ in
8. (read) ____________ you ____________ that book yet? No, I (only just begin)
_________________ it.
9. I (see) _________________ that you (buy) _____________________ a new hat. How
much (pay) ___________ you ____________ for it?
10. He (live) ____________________ in England since 1970.

While I (walk) _____________________ through the park with Maisie last night, a man
(snatch) __________________ her bag from her hand and (run)
______________________ away. I (can) __________________ not run after him because
it (be) ________________ too dark to leave her alone. The police (not catch)
__________________ him yet.

Hello, who (bring) _________ you ____________ with you? (have) _____________ he
____________ supper yet? No, he (not have) ________________. We usually (have)
____________________ supper at eight, but Mary (not finish)
___________________________ yet. She (eat) ___________ still _____________ in the
dining room. He (not meet) ____________________ Mary, and she (not know)

__________________________ him, so take him in, introduce him and give him
something to eat.

3. Going to future or will future

1. We _____________________ have a party next weekend.
2. I'm busy getting things ready now. Ok, we _________________ help you if you like.
3. Look at Sophie, her eyes are closing. She __________________________ fall asleep.
4. Would you like something to drink? I ________________ have a cola, thanks!
5. Are you doing anything tonight? Yes, I ____________________________ work on
my project.

4. Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. They (just decide) _____________________________ that they (undertake)
________________________ the job.
2. When I last (stay) ___________________ in Cairo, I (ride) ___________________ to
the Pyramids on a camel.
3. I (never forget) ______________________________ what you (just tell)
________________________ me.
4. Whenever he (go) __________________ to town nowdays, he (spend)
__________________ a lot of money.

5. I (lose) ____________________ my keys; I cannot remember where I last (see)

______________ them.
6. We (not live) _________________________ in England for the last two years.
7. I (not leave) _________________________Paris since we (visit)
___________________ Dieppe three years ago.
8. She (just come) ___________________ in and (see) _____________________ you in
five minutes.
9. She (play) _____________________ the piano when our guests (arrive)
____________________ last night.

After leaving school he (study) __________________ French in Paris for two years then
(move) ____________________ to America, where he (now live) _______________. He
(visit) ____________________ England once or twice and (know)
______________________ English well, but (not yet have)
____________________________ the opportunity of visiting European countries.

5. Turn the sentences in active into the passive.

1. They will send Cyril to prison.
2. Somebody left the light on all night.

3. People were carrying the chairs out into the garden.

4. A huge wave overturned the little boat.
5. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings.
6. They will give you the answer next week.

6. Transform the direct speech into the indirect speech.

"I am very thirsty," he says.
"Be careful," she says.
I cannot take them home," he says.
He says: "Don't go to the beach alone."
"Are you shopping for food?" he asks us.
"What's the time?" he asks.
"Will we see each other again?" she asks me.

"Will you be at Tom's party?" he asks her.
"Do you see that great car?" he asks me.
When I finish the book, Im going to watch television Carol says.
What are you doing now? Peter asks me.

Did you see that documentary on TV last night? he wants to know.

Be careful when you are driving! his parents warn him.
Please, dont make so much noise! the teacher asks the students.

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