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r----------------------------~~ --~.:.

1. Consider the following statements : 1. the units of ionization potential are

4, Mendeleev's

blank starts to fill from which atomic numbers 7

.. ~

2. The second ionization potential of Mg is higher than second ionization potential of Na. ' 3. The first ionization potential of Na is less than the first ionization potential of Mg. 4. The first ionization potential of A I is. less than the first ionization potential of Be. Which of these statements are correct '?

(b) 57 and 89

56 and 88

(d) 55 and 87 5. Which, one of the following quantum num~rs is possible 7


set of

11=2,1=0, m=Oands=-t

(b) 11=2,1=1. m=Oands='-! (a) (b) (c) (d) I, 2, 3 and 4

J, 3 and 4 2 and 3 only

1 and 3 only

(c) (d)

IP=2.I=l,m=Ol\nds=+t n = 2, IE: -2,


= 2 ands '" 0

2. The electronegativity of elements X and Y is 12 and 3'() respectively. The bond fanned between X and Y would be (a) (b) Covalent Coordinate

6. Thc fourth period of modem periodic table contains (a) (b) (c) (d)

18 transition elements
10 transition elements J 8 non-transition 10 non-transition elements elements.

'(c) Metallic Cd) Jonic

3. Which one of the following compounds has highest oxidation state of Mn ? (3) -Mn02

7. The electronic configuration of an element having highest second ionizati~alis ~ (a) (b)
1.l2 'J.s2. 2p6 and 3.v2

i'f. .""





1$2. 'J.s2, 2p6, 3SZ and 3p2 I?, I? 'J.s2, 2pG. 3s2 and 3p6

(e) Mnp4 (d) ~Mn04 QS-LA-WJZP


(c) (d)


2p6 and 3.1'1

- A .

8. The quantity of energy released when -106 atoms of iodine in vapour stare are converted to r ions is 5 x lO-t3 J. What is the electron affinity (in KJ mol-I) of iodine? (Take Avogadro's number as 6 x 1023) (a) (b) (e) (d) 30 3 3000

12. Concept of mixing of orbitals on an atom having nearly equal energy, 10 produce entirely new orbitals which have same energy contents, identical shapes and are symmetrically disposed in space, is known as (8) Hybridization

(b) Tetra covalency (c) (d) Resonance Hydrogen bonding


9. Whin will be colour -of sugar if it is dehydrated ? (a) 1"r8nspureIiI (b) (c) Grey Brown

13. Whic~ one of the following statements is correct ? (8) The number of electrons present in the valence shell of SF6 is 12 The dipole moment of water is zero The rates of ionic reactions very slow According to VSEPR. linear molecule

(b) (c)

(d). Black 10. The number of "two-centred-two 'e=" bonds and "three-centred-two e=" oonds present in diborane (B2~ are respectively


SnCl2 is

Four and two

14. In the calcium fluoride structure, the coordination number ofthe cations and anions arc respectivel y (a) 6 and ~

_(b) Two and four (c) Two and two (d) Four and four

(b) 8 and 4 (e) 4 and 4


On the basis of electronegativity values -of H. C. N, 0 and SasH. 25, 3'(). 3,5 and 25 respectively, the most polar band is (a] C-H

(d) 4 and 8 15. Which form of carbon exist as molecular form ?



(b) N-H (cl S-H

(b) Diamond "(e) Carbon-black

(d) O-H

(d) Fullerene


16. Match List 1 with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List 1 A. Tetrahedral List 1I I. 0414 to 0732 2. 0225 to 0-414 3. 0155 to 0225

18. The ionic radii of Rb' and 1- arc: )47 and 2-16A respectively. The most probable type of geometry exhibited by RbI on the basis of radius ratio rule is (a) CsCI type

B. Octahedral
C. Body-centred cubic D. Planar triangle Code:

(b) NaC! cype (c) znS type (d) Boron Oxide type

4. 0732 to )-000

up of non-

(a) (b) (c) (d) 3. 2 3 2



19. Which one of the following statements is correct for non-conductivity in diamond -? (a) Diamond is made metallic carbon

4 4

2 3 (c) (d)

(b) Diamond has no molecular orbital Diamond has high refractive index Diamond has close packed arrangements of atoms .

17. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code gi ven below the Lists: List I A. Caesium chloride B.NaCI C. CUzS D.Cadmium Iodide LiS( II I. Layer. structure

20. Match List 1 with List JI and select the

correct answer using below the Lists : List! the code given

List II 1. Insulator at oo}{ 2. Good Conductor 3. Insularor up to melting point 4. Insulator

2. Non-stoichiometric compound 3. Octahedral arrangernent

A. Solid 12 B.Ag

D.Ge Code:

4. Body-centred
cubic Code: A (a) (b) (c) (d) QS-LA-WJZP - A 4 4


C 2 3 3 2

(a) 4 (b)

3 2

D 4

4 3 3 4

2 2


.4 4


~1. Which of the following compounds will

give carbylarnine on heating with chloroform and alcoholic KOH ? (3) Trimethylamine (b) Diethylamine

25. One of tile following compounds Cor making plastic known as as well .as - for sterilization of instruments and disinfectant houses (a) Chloroform

-is u~ Bakelite surgical in our

(c) (d)

Ethylamine Dimethylaniline : (d) Formaldehyde (b) Carbon tetrachloride (c) Alcohol

22.. Consider the following carbocations 1: CH3c+H2 2. CHz =c+H

26. Which of the following ingredients used

C+Hz in the manufacture of synthetic detergents acts as Anti-redeposition agent? in decreasing (0) Sodium Silicate

3. 'CH2

= CH of

4_ C6H~ - C'H},
The stability order is (a) 1>2>3>4 these (b) Sodium Sulphate (c) (d) Sodium Carboxyl methyl cellulose

(b) 4>3>2>-1 (c) 4>3>1>2 I- > 3> 4

Sodium Tripolyphosphate

(d) 2>

23. Aldehydes other than 'formaldehyde, react with Grignard reagent to give -on adduct, which on acid hydrolysis give
(0) (b)

27. The most economical process to produce ethylene commercially in - India is crackmg of (a) C,-e; fraction of natural gas fraction of naturaI gas

Secondary Carboxylic

alcohols acids

(b) Cz~3 -(c) (d)

C3-C4 frnction. of natural gas Naphtha employed for the most ceo-


Primary ~lcohoJs

(d) - Aldehydes 24. A molecule is divided into two halves which are mirror images of each other by (a) (b)

28. Among the technologies Caustic soda production, friendly technology is



cell cell

A centre of inversion A plane of symmetry An axis of symmetry A centre of symmetry (b) Diaphragm (e) _(d)

Mercury cell Chemical synthesis A - QS.LAWJZP


--------------------- -1
29. Ointments, Candles, Toiletries, Vaseline and Wax Pape!: are obtained from the following fraction of cracking of crude ail


Paraffin WIlX Heal flux

(b) Heavy fuel oil (c) (d) Naphtha Diesel oil or gas oil

30. "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) consists . of .


A~ Temperature drop

Ethane and. Propane Propane and Butane Methane and Eihane Butane and Pentane Heat flux vs. Temperature drop curve is shown above for boiling water. Portion AB is natural convection .: what is BC? (a) (b) (c) Transition boiling Film boiling Nucleate boiling

(b) (e) (d)

31. Kerosene having smoke point of 19 and sulphur content of 004% (by weight) will have aromatics content approximately ~ual to

(d) Forced convection

155 volume % 76 volume % 475 volume

(b) (c) (d)

35. If the temperature

of the liquid is less than the saturation temperature. the process is called (a) (b) Sub cooled boiling Pool boiling

475 volume %

32. In pipe still heaters, used in Petroleum

industry, following two heating sections are there . (a) (b) (c) (d) Convection and Conduction

(c): Bulk boiling (d) None of the above 36. When crude oil is pumped through furnace. the first heat transfer to tubes occurs when the hot flue gases and heat the tubes. The oil tubes' heated first by the process of (a) Conduction the the rise are

Radi"ation and Conduction Radiation and Convection Conduction and Boiling electro-

33. Hydrogen is liberated when chemical corrosion OCCw> in (a) (b) (c) (d) Acidic environment Busic environment Neutral environment

(b) Convection


Both acidic and basic environment - J\

(d) Condensation


37. Formation of tiny bubble in a liquid is called nucleation. A bubble nucleus formed in a bulk ot superheated liquid is cnlled (a) Homogeneous nucleation

40. Air at' 30C blows over a plate of 50 em x 75 em and maintained al 26<rC. If the convection heal transfer coeffi-

cient is 2495 W 1m2 C, the heat transfer rate is (a) ' .

215-<i kW
2156 kW

(b) Heterogeneous (c) (d)

nucleation (b) (c)

Nucleate boiling None of these

2156 kW,

(d) 2156 kW 41. The temperature of a piece of metal is raised from 27C to 327C. The rate at which energy radiated is Increased t~ (a) ,(b) (c) 4 times

38. Log mean temperature difference correction factor is used for (a) Single pass heat exchanger

(b) Multiple pass heat exchanger (c) Double pipe heat exchanger

16 times 9 times

(d) Plate and frame heat exchanger 39. Consider the following stateme!'ts : I. Thermal conducti vity gi yes measure . of the effectivity of the material in . transmitting heat. 2. A material in crystalline state has higher thermal conductivity than in amorphous state. 3. For metals, thermal conductivity decreases with increase in temperature (except Alu~inium) 4: Thermal conductivity decrease with increasing amount of impurities in metal.' . Which of these statements (a) (b) are correct?

(d) 8 times

42.' The


molar heats of combustion of ~2(g), C (graphite) and ~ are -31062. -9405 and -<>832 kcal respectively, TIle heat of formation 'of aCetylene is . (a)

':'6832 kcal +6832 kcal

(c) + 5420 kcal . (d) -:-5420 kcal 43. Economy as kg of (a) (b) (c) of an evaporator

is defined

Steam consumedlhr Steam consumed/kg vaporized Solvent vnporized/hr Solvent vaporized/kg 10 evaporator

1.2 and 3 only

I, 3 and 4 only and 4



(e)' 1,2,3


of steam fed

(d) . 2, 3 and 4 only 7


----------------------- -I~
44. Equation for turbulent flow mass transfer 10 pipe walls is modification of Sieder-Tate . equation (i.e. Nu = 0023 ReO'8 Pr"3 ~.) with Nu and-Pr numbers replaced by (a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The equilibrium line and operating lines arc nearly straight, The equilibrium and operating lines are straight and parallel Slope of operating line is unity The equilibrium and operating lines are perpendicular to each other

Sherwood and Schmidt nos. Sherwood and Gmetz nos .. Schmidt and Graetz nos.

(d) None of the above 45. When unsteady stale diffusion takes place in one direction in a solid or stagnant fluid, the governing differential equation is called (a) (b) (c) (d) Fourier equation Knudsen equation Pick's second law of diffusion Nernst equation

49. 20 g of a radioactive isotope left 250 mg after 24 hI'S. The half life period of the isotope is

(a) 6 hrs
. (b) 24 hrs (c) 8 hrs

(d) 4 hrs SO. If water falls from the height of 100 m on the blades of a turbine at the of -too kg/s, the power delivered to !he turbine is


46. The process of mass transfer from the bulk of one phase 10 the inter-phase surface. and then from the inter-phase to the bulk of another phase is termed as (a) (b) (c) (d) Homogeneous mass transfer Inter phase mass transfer Two phase mass transfer None of the above


100 kW 10 kW 1000 kW


(d) 1 kW 51. Pirani gauge used for pressure measurements has basic element (a) (c) Human hair Helical bourdon (b) Spiral bourdon

47. In crystallization, the two phase mixture of mother liquor and crystals of all sizes. which occupy the crystallizer and is withdrnwn as product is called (a) (c) Mother liquor Yield (b) Crystals (d)' Magma 48. In which of the following case the number of overall gas phase transfer units will be equal to number of ideal plates for the same degree of separalion? ~S-LA-WJZP - A Ii

(d) Filament of resistance wire 52. Typical specifications for control system design are that the gain margin should be greater than 17. similar specifications for the phase margin must be (a) (b)

Greater than 30" Less than 30 O

(d) Negative

53. Which one of the following thermocouples develops least e.rn.f for the same difference of temperature between hot and cold junctions?

(a) (b)

1 and' 2 correct 2 and



3 and 4 correct 1 and 3 correct

Ircn-consrantan Copper-constantan Chromcl-Alumel' Platinum-Platinum

(b) (c) (d)

+ 13% Rhodium

54. During the melting of a slab of ice at 273 K at atmospheric pressure l. Positive work is done by the icewater system on the atmosphere.

56. A black body at absolute temperature T is kept inside a closed chamber at absolute temperature TO' Sun rays are allowed to enter through an opening in the chamber slightly and it is observed that temperature T and To remain same. Following statements can be made in support of this observation? 1. The Tate of emission of energy from the black body remains the same. 2. The rate of emission of energy from the black body increases. 3. 1be rate of absorption of energy by the black body increases.

. 2. Positive work is done on the icewater system by the atmosphere .. .3. The internal energy of the ice-water system increases. 4. The internal energy of the ice-water system decreases. . (a) (b) (c) (d) 1. 2. 3 and 4 correct 2 and 3 only correct 2 and 4 only correct


The energy radiated by the black body equals the eneigy absorbed . statements are correct 1

3 and 4 only correct

Which of th~ (a) I and 4

55. C. and Cp denotes the molar specific heat capacities of gas at constant volume and constant pressure respectively, then 1.

(b). I and 2 (~) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 57. The Gibbs free energy and enthalpy . changes at 300K is-6694l1nd-'-4184kJ respectively for a chemical reaction. The chan~e in en~py .of the reaction in kJK'" is

c;, - C.

is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas.

2. Cp + Cv';s larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas ..

3. Cpl C. is larger for a diatomic ideal ..gas than for a monoatomic ideal
gas. 4. Cp' C. is larger-for a diatomic ideal' gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas. 9


(b) 0837 (e) 00837

Cd) 000837 A ...:QS-LA-WJZP

58. Potential energy of a mass of 15 kg is 30 kJ. The approximate height of the body t"rooj the ground i~ (a) 10 m

63. The relation between slope of vapour . pressure curve and molar heat of vaporization is given by (a) Clapeyron equation

(b) 20 m (c) 30 m
(d) 40 m

(b) Fanning equation


Chen's equation

(d) Ideal gas law 59. Cox chart used in the design of distillation column is a plot of (a) (b) (c) Temperature sure) vs log (Vapour Pres64. 12(.) + ~) (a)

~ 2ffiW'


= 124


The standard heat of formation of Hl is H kcallmol

Vapour Pressure vs log (Temperature) Vapour P.rcssure vs Temperature vs log (Vilpour

(b) 4-2 kcaJ/mol (e) 62 kcallmol

(d) Log (Temperature) Pressure)

(d) 248 kcallmol 65. N plug flow reactors in series with total volume V gives same conversion us A single plug flow reactor of

60. The degree of frceddm when a liquid solution of methanol in water is in equilibrium with its vapour is (a)

volume V
(b)' A single balch reactor of volume V (c) A mixed flow reactor of volume V (d) A single fluidized bed reactor of


(b) 2

(d) 0

volume V
66. A man (Volume 0-015 m3) consumes 12000 kJ of food per day. Assume food is glucose and reaction is C6HI206 + 602 ~ 6C0z + 6Hz0 (-All)" 3000 kJ

6L A h~t 'engine works between 137"C and 31C. The efficiency of the engine is

12% 24%

. (c) (d)


62. The coefficient of Thermal expansion 'a' for ideal gas is given by
(a), T-I

What is metabolic rate in terms of moles of 02 used per m3 of person per second 7
(0) 0{)()21

(b) (c)

p-I TIP PlT - A

(b) (e)


(d) 0-0051


btc.67. Milk is pasteurized jf it is heated' to 336 K for- 30 minutes. However it takes ooly 15 see when heated at 347 K. The activation energy forthis process will be (a) (b) 844 kllmol 211 kl/mol 422 kl/mol . 71. In a- Constant density system starting --- with an initial concentration 0{ 01 moll lit, the' reaction rate is found to be 0025 moillit, min. The reaction is carried out in a CSTR for a space time of 2 .min. The percentage conversion obtained is (a)


(d) 211 Hmol

50 2S

68. Par the reaction. B+2D 43A. The relation between rate- constants ks'
ko and kA is given by (a) .

(b) 80 (e)

(4) 20
72. Which hydrocarbon from the followings has least octane value 7
(a) Aromatics . (b) Aliphatic (c) Olctins' (d) Cyclo-paraffins is having





kA kA

(b) kB

(c) ks = 2 ko = 3 kA (d) ks =3 ko =2 k

69. If the Dispersion Number (DfIlL) is near . zero, the flow pattern inside the reactor

73. Which one of the following highest calorific value? (8) Coal gas (b) Oil gas (c) Producer gas (d) gas


Plug-flow' Mixed flow

(e) Laminar flow

(d) Turbulent flow 70. Consider the following statements for design of nuclear reactors: 1.. For the core of the reactor one neutron is produced after each fission.

74. Light oil obtuined from high temperature carbonization of coal is rich source of (n) (b)

Benzene, Toluene and Xylene Benzene, Styrene and- Mesitylene Toluene, Styrene and Xylene

2. For

chain reaction, the multiplication factor K.. should be


equal to unity.

(d) Toluene, Mesitylene and Cumene

3. If neutron flux and heat output rises

the control rods should be reversed. Which of these statements (8) (e)

75. The volume

(8) 71 Its (b) (c)

are correct ?

of air required for the complete combustion of 6 Its of CO. is

1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only 1,2 and 3 11

(b) I and 2 only

119 Its 143 Its

(d) 214 Its ~ - QS-LA-WJZP

76. The progressive transformation of wood to anthracite can be written as (a) Wood ~ lignite ~ nous ~ anthracite Peat ~ bitumi-

. 80. An increase in the carbide/gr~ite

in cast iron tends to J. Increase the hardness 2. Increase the brittleness


~ ,(c)

Wood ~ peat ~ lignite ~ nous ~ anthracite Wood ~ lignite ~ bituminous anthracite ~

bitumi3. Decrease the ductility peat ~ Which of these statements are correct? (a)

1 and, 3 only


Wood ~ bituminous ~ peat..... anthracite

lignite ~

(b) I and 2 only (c)

2 and 3 only 1. 2 and 3

77. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by the addition of (a) (b) PhOipbOrus and Tungsten Nickel and Chromium


81. Which one of the following polymer is widely used for making bullet proof material? (8) Polyethylene PoJyamides

(e) Lead and Vanadium (d) Molybdenum and Tungsten (c) Polycarbonares (d) Polyvinyl chloride 82. GR-S rubber is an example of (a) Condensation polymerization

78. An alloy of nickel and copper is used in Food and Chemical industry in evaporarors and heat exchangers. This alloy has about 67% nickel and 30% copper. ihis is called (a) Monel (b) (c) (d) Inconcl Brass Bronze

(b) Addition 'polymerization (c) Copolymerization

(d) Cross-linked polymer 83. The polymer used for making contactlens for eyes is (a) furnace . ~ (c) (d) 12 Polyamide Poly methyl mcth acrylate Polyalkene Poly ethyl acrylate

71}. Good thermal conductivity

of refracting material is desirable, if it is to be used in the construction of walls of (a) (b) (c) (d) Blast furnace Reverberatory Muffle furnace All of the above - A


84. A
Polymer sample. contains equal number molecules of mol.wt 10,000 and mol. wt 100.000. What is the number average molecular weight (UN) of the polymer sample? (Ii) '89. 'How much rust (F~03' 3HzO) will be formed when 112 kg of iron have completely rusted away? (Atomic wt of Fe'" 56. 0 = 16, H"" I) (a) 112 gtn

5500 (b) 550 (e) 5500 (d) 55000 8S. The intrinsic viscosity of a polymer is 200 emJ g-I. What is the concentration
of the .polymer in water which would . 'have a relative viscosity of 15 ? (a) 25 x 10-4 g cm-3

(b) 56 gm (c) 214 gm


(d) 200

90. Rusting of iron is, quicker in saline water

. than in, ordinary water. It is because of (a) (b) (e) (d) Iron oxidation potential increases in saline water


(b) 25 x 10-3 g em-3 25 x 10-2 g em-3 (d) 25 x 10-1 g erri-3

Chloride , potential


higher: reduction
increases in cell

,', 86. The synthetic rubber used for making

conveyer belts; high 'a1til!lde aircraft components and, tank linings is (a) (b) (c) Styrene rubber Nitrile rubber

Corrosion current saline water.



Iron undergoes concentration corrosion in saline water

Neoperene rubber
Butyl rubber

, .91, Water is flowing in a 25 mm id pipe at a velocity of 0'()34 m/s. What'is the

value of friction factor when viscosity of ~ warer at 25C is 085 x 10-3 Ns/m2'7 (a)


87. In a polymer sample. all the asymmetric carbon atoms have d-configuration. It is known as

O'()8 O'()16



Isotacric polymer
Atactic polymer Syndiotactic polymer Branched polymer


(c) 0,16 (d) 0.(J()8

(b) (e) (d)

92. Cylindrical

88. 'Butyl rubber is used for making inner tubes for tyres. It is copolymer made from (a) Butadiene' and styrene

rings, used as packing in packed towers and having length equal 10 diameter are known as rings


(e) (d)

(b) Lessig rings (c) P-,dl rings (d) Berl saddles


and Isoprene

Isoprene and styrene Butadiene and isoprene'



93. ~ nuclide has a half life of 40 days. If a sample containing 800 atoms is allowed to decay for 120 days how many atoms will remain undecayed '1 (a) (b) (c) SO 100 200


BOIh A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A . A is false but R is true

(c) A is true but R is false (d)

Cd) 400 94. ~ to (b) (e) (d) rate of mass transfer is proportional driving foree concentration driving

96. Assertion (A) ; The ionization energy of H and He are 1312 KJmoJ-1 and 2378 KJmol-1 respectively. Reason (R): This is due to increase in nuclear charge of He which is double of H.

(a) Concentration Square force of


Product of mass and velocity Square root of mass flux

95. During nuclear fission reaction. when uranium is bombarded by fast neutrons, which of the following reactions is not taking place. in the nuclear reactors 1 (a) Uranium nucleus is split into two nearly equal-parts

Assertion (A) : In the liquid slate H2~ is more highly associated via 'hydrogen bonding thanHz Reason (R); "Z02 readily decompose to "zO according to the equation 2Hz~ -+ 2Hz0 + ~'

98. Assertion (A) : Carbon tetrachloride has

. Reason low boiling point (170C). (R): The 'force of attraction between the molecules of a covalent compound is very weak.

(b) A considerable amount of energy is released (c) The process is a self sustaining chain reaction, ti for every . I neutron used 2 to 3 neutrons are generated is produced in the

(d) . Proto-actinium reactor

iach of the next Five (05) items consists of wo statements, one labelled as the Assertion A)' and the other as 'Reason (R)'. You are to 'xamine these two statements carefully and elect the answers to these items using the odes given below: ~des:

99. Assertion (A) : Oxygen is a gas but sulphur is a solid even though both belong to the same group of tbe periodic lab le, Reason (R); Oxygen forms stable diatomic molecules but sul phur forms more complex molecules. 100. Assertion (A) : Good conductors of heat are also good conductors of electricity and viceversa. R'CaSOn (R): Electrons are responsible for these conductors. 14

Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A


- A

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