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SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank Career SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.

P) Bank being India's third largest private sector bank often post for career opportunities and job openings in various entr and !id !anage!ent level seg!ent. Types of SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank Career Oppor !n" "es of en a#a"la$le ("he belo# infor!ation is taken fro! SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank's #ebsite)

SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) bank career opportunities are found in General and Branch Banking$ "eller$ %ccountants.

Speciali&ed financial services like !erchant banking$ credit etc (!ostl custo!er ac'uisition).

(etail and Institutional !arketing$ lead generation$ custo!er ac'uisition etc.

Infor!ation "echnolog $ server !anage!ent etc.

%&a are &e '"fferen Pos s a#a"la$le "n SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank

Manager ) %ssistant Manager ) *eput Manager (elationship Manager +orporate banking operations official Branch ,ead)-perations ,ead

Branch Sales Manager Sales ./ecutives +usto!er Support

(o) o apply for SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank Jo$ open"ngs onl"ne

log on to ###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)! . +lick on the +areer link on right top side of the page.0o# click on various career opportunities and go through different available posts in SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) bank.

1ou can even log on to http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)+areers.asp for direct vacant post infor!ation access.

+lick on career opportunities. %fter clicking on the suitable job link ou can click on 3sub!it online application for!4 button.

0o# ou #ill be redirected to an online application 5ill in our details and sub!it. If ou are selected ou #ill be called for the first round of intervie#.

(o) o apply for SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) BAN* Career an' jo$ open"ngs "n person+

1ou can visit an of the nearb SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) Bank branch and en'uire for the career opportunities.

"he banker #ill give ou the application for!$ ou need to fill it and sub!it it to hi!.

In case ou are listed$ ou #ill be called for the ne/t round.

,l"g"$"l" y Cr" er"a for Career "n SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank

Should be a at least graduate in an of the recogni&ed colleges. -ne should have good acade!ic background record. -ne should be #ell versed in co!puter basic skills. Strong .nglish #ritten and co!!unication abilit .

(o) o f"n' o! &e C!rren Jo$ open"ngs a SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank

"he various current opportunities are updated ti!e to ti!e on SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) bank official #ebsite.

1ou can get it availed b keeping a fre'uent visit on http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)+areers.asp

1ou can even find the latest vacant posts at SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank on the #eekl career orient ne#s papers like *eccan -pportunities$ "i!es %scent$ .!plo ee 0e#s etc.

0ote2 -ne can even sub!it his resu!e on the belo# link. 1ou #ill be called in case of our resu!e !atch #ith an of the vacant posts in future. http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)+areers.asp +lick on the *eposit resu!e link on botto! of the page. Con a- Infor.a "on for .ore en/!"ry on SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank Career "he +entral -ffice SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank 6i!ited$ 898$ Maker "o#er : 5$ +uffe Parade$ +olaba$ Mu!bai : ;<< <<=. "el2 (<>>) ?@<@ ;;<@ 5a/2 (<>>) >>8A 8;>B (egistered -ffice SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank 6i!ited$ C"(IS,D6C$ "hird 5loor$ -pp. Sa!arthesh#ar "e!ple$ 0r. 6a# Garden$ .llisbridge$ %h!edabad : 9A< <<? .!ail2 custo!er.servicesESBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)! +all to2 8A<< 88>>88$ $ <@=A>>>@9>?

"his link #ill give ou the address of nearb SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) Bank branch. http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)findalocation)5ind:%: 6ocation.aspFofft peGBranchesHucodeGPersonal

*ifferent " pes of 7ob Posts often available in SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) Bank

Probationar -fficer %ssistant Manager for sales operation Sales officers

"o find about latest SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) career opportunies and available job positions$ ou can check http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)inde/.ht! (o) o apply for '"fferen pos s #a-an "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank #"a onl"ne

log on to http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)inde/.ht!.

5ill in the profile for! to create a login id nu!ber and pass#ord. "he e!ail id specified should be valid. 0o# our log in credentials #ill be sent to this id. %fter logging on to the site$ ou #ill have all the privilege to edit our account and resu!e.

Ieep our account active in order to kno# the latest hiring status of SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) bank.

ou can even reappl to the different vacant positions. B logging on to https2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)control)appl againstjob ou can appl directl to the job opportunities.

1ou can even register our resu!e on the talent database of SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) BANK$ #here all the future opportunities #ill be infor!ed to ou.

http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)control)vie#resu!e. %&a "s &e ."n".!. el"g"$"l" y for Career "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank

1ou should be a graduate #ith !ini!u! of ==J aggregate. Graduation can be under an discipline.

%&a are &e sele- "on pro-e'!res "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank +andidates have to go through !ultiple stages of screening and tests before getting finall selected. ,ere is the list of different rounds of selection procedure

%ptitude "est

Group *iscussion Profiling Personnel Intervie#

Ne0 S ep af er ge "ng Sele- e' "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank If ou have cleared the above rounds$ then ou #ill have to undergo an internship progra! #ith classroo! training. %t this stage stipend #ill be paid to ou. "his internship progra! lasts for 8; !onths. %fter the internship clearance$ ou #ill be beco!e the e!plo ee of SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) bank. If ou are interested ou can even take up P- progra! b an invest!ent of (s 8.=lacs #ith an interest of >.=J.

1e a"l Infor.a "on a$o! (SBI)

2. T" le of &e Proje- 2: .!plo !ent stud in State Bank of India$ Gopal ganj Sagar$ KM.P.L 3. O$je- "#e of &e Par 45 "he objective behind this topic in the facilities and Banking #ork in this field of #orking of e!plo ee in State Bank of India. "he Bank is entering into !an ne# businesses #ith strategic tie ups: Pension funds. General Insurance$ +ustodial Services$ Private .'uit $ Mobile banking$ Point of sale !erchant %c'uisition$ %dvisor services$ Structured product etc. each one of there

initiatives having a huge potential for gro#th. 6. 1e a"le' "nfor.a "on a$o! &e sear-& of e.ploy.en ("g&er

oppor !n" "es $y yo! "n e'!-a "on7Ser#"-es e -.

&e f"el' of e.ploy.en

5ollo#ing point #ise infor!ation about the option. (") ("") 0a!e of the option 2: Se!i Govern!ent 0ature of the option 2:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Govt. )Se!i Govt. Private Self e!plo !ent +o:-perative)0on:govt. -rgani&ation

(""") %&o .o "#a e' yo! o sele- &e Op "on45 5or choosing the topic)option the father and Brother has !otivated to select this option ("#) M"n".!. /!al"f"-a "on of op "on2: 8. .ducation 2: I SBI for beco!ing on clerk a people should passed the 8<M>$ class$ Graduate and also have kno#ledge about co!puter. >. "echnical 2 Beside the education a agent should have technical kno#ledge like$ co!puter Internet$ Banking$ co!puter is pla ing a i!portant 0ote because it help to do the #ork easil .


./perience 2:% agent !ust have the e/perience of >$ 9 or 8< of e/perience that help to get !ore respectable position of so!eti!e people also selected fro! his e/perience of #ork.


%dditional higher education regi!ent for the option2: %n agent should have the higher education because it is a ver

i!portant for doing job #ithout education a person is nothing and he in not capable of doing a job. % person get a higher job #hen he is having a higher 'ualification 0e#s da co!pan #ant a person for #orking in their co!pan that !ean higher education is !ust job for banking. =. Infor!ation about the co!petitive e/a!)training)related to our option2: 5or an agent education technical kno#ledge and e/perience is ver $ i!portant. Because of the ti!e of intervie# personal intervie# and training in re'uired "raining is of about 9 !onths is training the infor!ation about SBI given. "his t pe of training us given. .nglish is ver i!portant.


9ar"o!s Go# .7Non Go# .7Pr"#a e an' o &er agen-"es #"s" e' $y yo! for Colle- "ng "nfor.a "on a$o! Op "on45 &e

(a) (b) (c)

State bank of India Bank State bank of India office State bank of India -ffice

Gopalganj$ Sagar (M.P.) +ivil 6ine$ Sagar (M.P.) Bada Ba&ar$ Sagar (M.P.)

S. *ate 0o.

0a!e of Institution

0a!e of Personal +ontact 0a!e +ontact 0o.

Infor!ation +ollected


State bank of India Mr. (a!esh A<BA888>8 Gopalganj Sagar Mishra

Infor!ation about the function of state bank of india.



(SBI) = +ivil 6ine Mr. %!it >>8B;< Sagar Iash ap

Infor!ation about Iinds of %ccounts


+entral Bank +ivil Mr. line Sagar Bhatt

M.+. ;<?8A<

Infor!ation about %"Ms Services


SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank being India's Govt. sector

bank often post for career opportunities and job openings in various entr and !anage!ent level seg!ent . Types of SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank Career Oppor !n" "es of en a#a"la$le ("he belo# infor!ation is taken fro! SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank's #ebsite)

SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) bank career opportunities are found in General and Branch Banking$ "eller$ %ccountants.

Speciali&ed financial services like !erchant banking$ credit etc (!ostl custo!er ac'uisition).

(etail and Institutional !arketing$ lead generation$ custo!er ac'uisition etc.

Infor!ation "echnolog $ server !anage!ent etc.

%&a are &e '"fferen Pos s a#a"la$le "n SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)

Manager ) %ssistant Manager ) *eput Manager (elationship Manager +orporate banking operations official Branch ,ead)-perations ,ead Branch Sales Manager Sales ./ecutives +usto!er Support

(o) o apply for SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank Jo$ open"ngs onl"ne

6og on to ###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)! . +lick on the +areer link on right top side of the page.0o# click on various career opportunities and go through different available posts in SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) bank.

1ou can even log on to http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar

(M.P)!)careers)+areers.asp for direct vacant post infor!ation


+lick on career opportunities. %fter clicking on the suitable job link ou can click on 3sub!it online application for!4 button.

0o# ou #ill be redirected to an online application 5ill in our details and sub!it.

If ou are selected ou #ill be called for the first round of intervie#.

(o) o apply for SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) BAN* Career an' jo$ open"ngs "n personF

1ou can visit an of the nearb SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) Bank branch and en'uire for the career opportunities.

"he banker #ill give ou the application for!$ ou need to fill it and sub!it it to hi!.

In case ou are listed$ ou #ill be called for the ne/t round.

,l"g"$"l" y Cr" er"a for Career "n SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)

Should be a at least graduate in an of the recogni&ed colleges. -ne should have good acade!ic background record. -ne should be #ell versed in co!puter basic skills. Strong .nglish #ritten and co!!unication abilit .

(o) o f"n' o! &e C!rren Jo$ open"ngs a SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)

"he various current opportunities are updated ti!e to ti!e on SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) bank official #ebsite.

1ou can get it availed b keeping a fre'uent visit on http2))###.SBI

Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)+areers.asp

1ou can even find the latest vacant posts at SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank on the #eekl career orient ne#s papers like *eccan -pportunities$ "i!es %scent$ and .!plo ee 0e#s etc.

0ote2 -ne can even sub!it his resu!e on the belo# link. 1ou #ill be called in case of our resu!e !atch #ith an of the vacant posts in future. ,rror: (yperl"nk referen-e no #al"'. +lick on the *eposit resu!e link on botto! of the page. Con a- Infor.a "on for .ore en/!"ry on SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) "he +entral -ffice SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank 6i!ited$ 898$ Maker "o#er : 5$ +uffe Parade$ +olaba$ Mu!bai : ;<< <<=. "el2 (<>>) ?@<@ ;;<@ 5a/2 (<>>) >>8A 8;>B (egistered -ffice SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P) Bank 6i!ited$ C"(IS,D6C$ "hird 5loor$ -pp. Sa!arthesh#ar "e!ple$ 0r. 6a# Garden$ .llisbridge$ %h!edabad : 9A< <<?

.!ail2 custo!er.servicesESBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)! +all to2 8A<< 88>>88$ <@=A>>>@9>? "his link #ill give ou the address of nearb SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) Bank branch.
http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)findalocation)5ind:%:6ocation.aspF offt peGBranchesHucodeGPersonal

1"fferen Types of Jo$ Pos s of en a#a"la$le "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P)

Probationar -fficer %ssistant Manager for sales operation Sales officers

"o find about latest SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) career opportunies and available job positions$ ou can check http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar

(o) o apply for '"fferen pos s #a-an "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) Bank #"a onl"ne

6og on to http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)inde/.ht!. 5ill in the profile for! to create a login id nu!ber and pass#ord. "he e!ail id specified should be valid. 0o# our log in credentials #ill be sent to this id.

%fter logging on to the site$ ou #ill have all the privilege to edit our account and resu!e.

Ieep our account active in order to kno# the latest hiring status of SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P)

ou can even reappl to the different vacant positions. B logging on to https2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar
(M.P)!)careers)control)appl againstjob ou can appl directl to

the job opportunities.

1ou can even register our resu!e on the talent database of SBI

G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) $ #here all the future opportunities #ill be infor!ed to ou.
http2))###.SBI Gopal ganj sagar (M.P)!)careers)control)vie#resu!e .

%&a "s &e ."n".!. el"g"$"l" y for Career "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P)

1ou should be a graduate #ith !ini!u! of ==J aggregate. Graduation can be under an discipline.

%&a are &e sele- "on pro-e'!res "n SBI GOPAL GANJ SAGAR (M.P) +andidates have to go through !ultiple stages of screening and tests before getting finall selected. ,ere is the list of different rounds of selection procedure

%ptitude "est Group *iscussion Profiling Personnel Intervie#

0e/t Step after getting Selected in SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) If ou have cleared the above rounds$ then ou #ill have to undergo an internship progra! #ith classroo! training. %t this stage stipend #ill be paid to ou. "his internship progra! lasts for 8; !onths. %fter the internship clearance$ ou #ill be beco!e the e!plo ee of SBI G-P%6 G%07 S%G%( (M.P) . If ou are interested ou can even take up P- progra! b an invest!ent of (s 8.=lacs #ith an interest of >.=J.

Bank PO, Manger, Clerk, Branch Head Exam Preparation Details

Banking sector in India has been one of the preferred destinations for e!plo !ent. % career in banking assures #ell paid$ secure and satisf ing career prospects. Indian banks have proved to be rock:solid and have re!ained virtuall unaffected b the global !eltdo#n in banking industr . Banks have no# diversified their activities and are getting into ne# products and services including credit cards$ consu!er finance$ #ealth

!anage!ent$ insurance$ invest!ent banking$ !utual funds$ pension fund regulation$ stock:broking services etc. Indian banks are going global$ setting up offices in foreign countries and offer opportunities in a global arena. .!plo !ent opportunities Banking sector #as one of the largest job providers in the countr in ><<A: <B #ith over =<$<<< vacancies being notified and ><<B:8< is likel be an encoreN Banking industr provides entr opportunit at clerical and officer levels. 0ot surprisingl $ ever bank P- e/a! attracts lakhs of graduates$ postgraduates and professionals #ho #ant to grab one of fe# hundreds or thousands of vacancies notified. .ligibilit for bank P- 5or P- e/a!$ a graduate #ith prescribed !arks and in the age group of >8 to 9< ears is eligible. "he banks nor!all prescribe ==J or ?<J !arks in the graduation for P-. So!e banks prescribe different set of !arks for science and arts or co!!erce graduates. .ver bank provides a rela/ation in case of S+)S" and other reserved categor candidates in age and educational 'ualifications. 0or!all $ a rela/ation of = ears in age:li!it and =J in !arks in graduation is granted to S+)S" candidates. Sele- "on Pro-ess for Bank PO ,0a. "he selection process for P- varies fro! bank:to:bank. It is a t#o:stage process for !ost of the banks. "he first stage is the #ritten test$ nor!all conducted in t#o parts : an objective:t pe follo#ed b a descriptive test. +andidates shortlisted in the #ritten test are re'uired to appear in group discussions and personal intervie#. So!e banks do not have group discussion and use onl Personal Intervie# for the final selection. " picall $ the nu!ber of shortlisted students after the #ritten test stage is about =:@ ti!es that of the nu!ber of vacancies.

SBI had e/peri!ented #ith a three:stage selection process in ><<A. Si!ilarl $ P0B's e/a! on 9<th %ugust$ ><<B is a three:stage one. "hen there are so!e e/ceptions like S ndicate bank that does not conduct a #ritten test. "he shortlist candidates based on acade!ic background and selection is based on perfor!ance in personal intervie# alone.

%r" en es "he objective:t pe part of the P- e/a! includes reasoning$ 'uantitative aptitude$ general a#areness and .nglish language. %part fro! these$ a fe# banks also include 'uestions on co!puter a#areness$ banking a#areness and !arketing aptitude in their #ritten tests. Most of the banks e/pect candidates to do #ell in each test area and have a 'sectional cut:off' score in each section)area to 'ualif . ./cept for the .nglish section$ the 'uestion paper is bilingual$ i.e.$ in .nglish and in ,indi. Prepar"ng for Bank PO ,0a. "he candidate should be #ell versed in !aths up to O class and a good grounding using 0+.(" books #ill be useful. %s speed is i!portant in ans#ering !ore 'uestions in a li!ited ti!e$ candidates should build speed through !ental calculations and option eli!ination. Most candidates find reasoning section to be tough since the had never studied it in school)colleges. It #ill be i!portant for the! to practise these 'uestions !uch !ore In .nglish section$ strong vocabular and good gra!!ar funda!entals are essential to do #ell. "he level of difficult in this section is nor!all not ver high and it can therefore be a scoring section. "he 'uestions in general a#areness section are !ore likel to be fro! current develop!ents rather than static GI. ,0a. S ra egy It is our 'guessti!ate' that a candidate needs to score about =<:?<J !arks to have a good chance of 'ualif ing for the ne/t and final round. ,o#ever$ this !a var and #ill depend on the level of difficult of the paper and

co!petition. Spend least possible ti!e on GI since if ou don't kno# the ans#er$ ou are unlikel to re!e!ber it an #a . Since !ost 'uestions in !aths and reasoning sections re'uire to be solved$ allot !ore ti!e to these t#o sections. "he e/a! has negative !arking$ so guessing recklessl #ill backfire. But if ou can eli!inate three options out of five$ go ahead and guess judiciousl .5inall $ solving !odel papers in the given ti!e li!it #ill help ou to build speed and assess our perfor!ance. So it is strongl reco!!ended that ou solve a large nu!ber of !odel papers. Co.pany Prof"le of SBI4 State Bank of India (SBI) is India's largest co!!ercial bank. SBI has a vast do!estic net#ork of over B<<< branches (appro/i!atel 8;J of all bank branches) and co!!ands one:fifth of deposits and loans of all scheduled co!!ercial banks in India. "he State Bank Group includes a net#ork of eight banking subsidiaries and several non:banking subsidiaries offering !erchant banking services$ fund !anage!ent$ factoring services$ pri!ar dealership in govern!ent securities$ credit cards and insurance. "he eight banking subsidiaries are2 8:State Bank of Bikaner and 7aipur (SBB7) >:State Bank of , derabad (SB,) 9:State Bank of India (SBI) ;:State Bank of Indore (SBI() =:State Bank of M sore (SBM) ?:State Bank of Patiala (SBP) @:State Bank of Saurashtra (SBS) A:State Bank of "ravancore (SB") SBI Bank L"." e' 5 ;"nan-"al Analys"s Re#"e)

S!..ary SBI Bank 6i!ited (SBI Bank) offers a broad range of retail H corporate banking products and services in India. "he bank #as earlier kno#n as D"I Bank 6i!ited. "he co!pan offers several products including accounts$ deposits$ cards$ credits$ advisor services$ treasur $ !utual funds$ cash !anage!ent$ international banking and transaction services. "he bank operates A>@ branches and e/tension counters$ as on 98 March ><<B. SBI Bank has operations in >B States and 9 Dnion "erritories in India. "he bank has a net#ork of 9=B= %"M !achines. SBI Bank is the third largest %"M net#ork provider in India. It also has branches in +hina$ ,ong Iong$ Singapore and D%.. Global Markets *irectPs SBI Bank 6i!ited : 5inancial %nal sis (evie# is an in:depth business$ financial anal sis of SBI Bank 6i!ited. "he report provides a co!prehensive insight into the co!pan $ including business structure and operations$ e/ecutive biographies and ke co!petitors. "he hall!ark of the report is the detailed financial ratios of the co!pan

S-ope : Provides ke co!pan infor!ation for business intelligence needs "he report contains critical co!pan infor!ation Q business structure and operations$ the co!pan histor $ !ajor products and services$ ke co!petitors$ ke e!plo ees and e/ecutive biographies$ different locations and i!portant subsidiaries. : "he report provides detailed financial ratios for the past five ears as #ell as interi! ratios for the last four 'uarters. : 5inancial ratios include profitabilit $ !argins and returns$ li'uidit and leverage$ financial position and efficienc ratios. (easons to bu : % 'uick 3one:stop:shop4 to understand the co!pan . : .nhance business)sales activities b understanding custo!ersP businesses

better. : Get detailed infor!ation and financial anal sis on co!panies operating in our industr . : Identif prospective partners and suppliers Q #ith ke data on their businesses and locations. : +o!pare our co!pan Ps financial trends #ith those of our peers ) co!petitors. : Scout for potential ac'uisition targets$ #ith detailed insight into the co!paniesP financial and operational perfor!ance.

*ey)or's SBI Bank 6i!ited$5inancial (atios$ %nnual (atios$ Interi! (atios$ (atio +harts$ Ie (atios$ Share *ata$ Perfor!ance$ 5inancial Perfor!ance$ -vervie#$ Business *escription$ Major Product$ Brands$ ,istor $ Ie .!plo ees$ Strateg $ +o!petitors$ +o!pan State!ent$ Ser#"-es pro#"'e $y SBI (S a e $ank of In'"a) Introduction of SBI 2: "echnological progress in pa !ent and settle!ent s ste!s and 'ualitative changes in operation s ste! and process undertaken b various pla ers in the !arket have i!proved efficiencies for providing better service to the users or the s ste!. #ith dra#l of (BI'S instructions to banks on ti!e fra!e for collection of outstation che'ues$ pa !ent of interest on dela ed collection of outstation che'ues)instru!ents etc. #ith effect fro! 8st 0ove!ber ><<; had given further scope for increasing efficienc for better perfor!ance.

-bjective2 "he objective of the CState bank of IndiaC +o!pensation polic (Banking Services) is to establish a s ste! #hereb the Bank co!pensates the custo!er due to deficienc in service on the part of the Bank or an act of o!ission co!!ission$ directl attributable to the bank. Scope 2: (i) "he polic is based on principle transparenc and fairness in the treat!ent of custo!ers. (ii) It is designed to cover deficienc in service in cusses relating to account operations. +ollections and re!ittances etc. as specified in this polic polic is #ithout prelude. .+S direct details)other details to accounts2: "he bank undertakes to carr out #ithin the prescribed ti!e$ direct debit (.lectronic clearing service) debit instruction of custo!ers. In the event of non co!pliance)dela ed co!pliance of entrechat on b the bank. to !eet such co!!it!ents$ the custo!er #ill be co!pensated e'uivalent to interest calculated on the a!ount to be detailed for the Gant. of co!pensation under this

dela ed period at applicable s#ain bank rate !ini!u! (s. ><): subject to a !a/i!u! of (s. 8<<<):. Issue of %"M)debit +ards2: Rhere the bank had issued and activated a debit card #ithout #ritten consent of the custo!er #hich has been disputed b the custo!er

#ithout using the card$ the bank #ould not onl revenue the charges of levied$ i!!ediatel but also pa co!pensation to the custo!er

!ini!u! (s. =<): and !a/i!u! 8<<):. Pa !ent of che'ues after %ckno#ledge!ent of stop pa !ent Instruction2: In case a che'ue has been paid after stop pa !ent instruction is ackno#ledged b the bank shall reverse the debit #ith value dated credit #ithin t#o #orking da s of the custo!er inti!ating the transactions to the bank also co!pensate the custo!er #ith (s. 8<<):. 5unction of state Bank of India. "here are !an function of SBI. "here function of Bank can be do classified as under:


%ccepting *eposits 2: "he !ain function of a bank is to accept deposits fro! the people in general. "he purpose of !aking invest!ent and loan people deposit their !one for the sake of safet and interest$ #hich the bank pa . (a) (b) (c) (d) 5i/ed *eposit +urrent *eposit Saving *eposit (ecurring *eposit


6ending !one to the people 2: "he !ost i!portant function of SBI. "he banks lands out the !one #hich gets in deposit fro! the public. % state bank of India lands !one to traders and business!en onl . Dsuall for short period. (a) (b) +ash +redit 6oans

(c) (9)

-ver draft

%gent 5unctions2: So!e of the !ost i!portant agenc functions are as follo#s: (a) "he collect the pa !ent of the bills of e/change$

pro!issor notes$ che'ues etc. -n behalf of their custo!er on pa !ent of so!e co!!ission fro! their custo!ers. (b) "he collect dividends$ intrest on sho#s and debentures rent etc$ on behalf of the custo!er as per their instruction. (c) "he bu and sell shares and securit on behalf of the custo!ers as per their instruction for the!. (d) Dnder instruction bank (SBI) send !one fro! one place to another and fro! one branch of bank to another branch. (e) "he bank !ake pa !ent against life insurance pre!iu!$ loan install!ent and takes etc$ of the! custo!er. (f) "he bank (SBI) act as trustees or e/ecutors and under instructions deal #ith financial !atters of their custo!er.


6ocker 5acilities2 %ll !ost ever bank provide locker facilities to the custo!er

to keep their valuable gold$ silver and other docu!ents and so!e the state bank of India provide such facilities. (=) -ther services 2: "he state bank perfor!s a nu!ber of other services for the clients these services are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) "o provide transfer of !one facilities to the custo!er. "o issue letter of credit. "o arrange loan facilities of the govern!ent. "o finance the i!port and e/port of the countr . Dnder #riting of share and debentures. "o give orbit ration facilities to the custo!er in ti!es of conflicts.

(vii) "o give report about financial position and credit of the custo!er. Iinds of %ccounts2

Re also get infor!ation about opened the bank account of (SBI) #hich is follo#ing. (%) +urrent %ccount 2: "his account in !ore suitable to business!en #ho deposit and #ithdra# the a!ount in the bank fre'uentl 2 Gernall Bank charges so!e no!inal a!ount in !aintaining such t pes of account. (B) Savings Bank %ccount 2 It is an i!portant account for collecting s!all deposit of services class student and other personal$ an a!ount !a be deposits in saving bank account but #ith dra#ls area allo#ed t#ice in a #eek onl state Bank of India allo#s interest on the balance of the a!ount generall ; to = per annu! interest is allo#ed on the balance of a!ount. %nal sis Infor!ation H *ata +ollected I have collected different infor!ation like function of Bank kind of account and ho# !an banks are established in sagar *istrict etc. b the bank e!plo ees fro! the Bank.

"able:8 Position of Bank in Sagar (M.P) S. 0o. 8 > 9 ; = ? 0a!e of Bank +entral Bank of India State Bank of India %/is Bank Dnion Bank of India Punjab national Bank %llahbad Bank 0o. of Branches > A 8 > 8 8

@ A B 8< 88 8> 89 8; 8=

Bank of India Bank of Baroda Punjab H sindh Bank Dnited +o!!ercial Bank +enera Bank Indian Bank -riental Bank of +o!!erce S ndicate Bank *ena Bank "otal

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 >;

"able:> *evelop!ent of Banking in (SBI) for ><<B:8< Particulars *eposit (in 6acks (s.) %!ount 88?;.<<

%dvance deposit (in 6acks (s.) Invest!ent (in 6acks (s.) Bank Branches (0o.) Branch #ise deposit a!ount (in 6acks (s.) Branch #ise advance a!ount (in 6acks (s.) Branch #ise population (per thousand) State Bank of India 1ear of total inco!e

=98.<< ;=.<< <.>@ <.8> A;.<< 9>.<<

"able:9 1ear ><<A to ><8< 0ational Banks Percentage Govt. Banks =B.@J @=.<J B9.9J BA.<8J BB.<BJ Percentage of -ther Banks ;<.9J >=.<J ;<.9J >.<J <.<J

State Bank of India State Bank of 7aipur or Bikaner State Bank of Masoor State Bank of Indore State Bank of , drabad

State Bank of Pat ala



ATM Ser#"-es State Bank off net#orked %"M services 2: State Bank offers ou the convenience of over A=<< %"M'S in India$ the largest net#ork in the countr and continuig to e/pand fast2 "his !eans that ou can transact free of cost at the %"M's of state bank group ("his includes the %"M's of state bank of India as #ell as the %ssociate Banks no!el $ state bank of , derabad$ state bank of ! sore$ state bank of patiala$ state bank of sureshtra$ and state bank of tra#ancore and #holl o#ned subsidior vi&. SBI co!!ercial and 7nternational bank ltd. Dsing the state bank %"M cu! debit. (+ash plus) card. Iinds of cards accepted at state bank %"M's (8) (>) State Bank credit card. %"M cards issued b banks under bilateral sharing vi&. %ndhra Bank$ %/is Bank$ Bank of India$ "he bank of (ajasthan ltd. +anara Bank$ +orporation Bank$ *ena Bank$ ,*5+ Bank$

Indian Bank$ Indus Ind$ Bank$ Punjab 0ational Bank$ S+- bank and Dnion Bank of India. (9) +ards issued b banks (other than banks under bilateral sharing displa ing !aestro$ Mastro Master card$ firrus$ SIS% and SIS% electron logos. (;) %ll debit)credit cards issued b an bank outside India displa ing !aestro$ !aster card$ cirrus visa and visa electron logos. State Bank %"M cu!:debit (State bank plus) card. India's largest bank is proud to offer ou unporalleled

converience vi&. State Banks %"M:cu! debit +ash plus card. #ith this card$ there is noneed to carr cash in our #allet. 1ou can no# #ithdra# chsh and !ake purchases an ti!e ou #ish to #ith our %"M:cu!:debit card. Get an %"M:cu!:debit card #ith #hich ou can transact for free at an of over A=<< %"Ms of State bank group #ith it our +ountr . Transa- "on l"." s 45 (i) *ail li!it of (s. >=<<<): at the %"M.


*ail li!it of (s. =<<<<): at point of sale (P-S) ter!inal for debit transaction.

(iii) +o!bined dail li!it of (s. @=<<<): "he Breakup of !ulti option sche!e unit is available through the saving bank)current account linked #ith the %"M:cu!:debit card$ if attached #ith the !ods. "he #ith d#a#als can be !ode in units of (s. 8<<<): fro! the deposit. ;ees 2: "he state bank cash plus International card is available for one ti!e joining fee of (s. ><<): %nnual !aintenance fee of (s. =<): p.a. #ill be recovered fro! the second ear or issue ./perience %n ti!e an #here banking #ith S"%". B%0I. call us at our toll free nu!ber 8A<<:88>>88 fro! BS06)M"06 landlines or <A<:>?=AABB< fro! other Mobile)landlines. ,l"g"$"l" y45 %ll saving bank and current account holder having account #ith net#orked branches and are2:

(8) (>)

8A ears of age > above. %ccount t pe sole or 7oint #ith Ceither or survivorC an one or survitor.


0(. accout holder are also eligible but (0(- account holder are not.

Benef" s45 (8) (>) (9) (;) +onvernience to the custo!ers tra#eling coversons. +an be used as *o!estic %"M:cu!:debit card. %vailable at a no!inal joining fee of (s. ><<): Purchase protection up to (s. =$<<<): and personal %cciden cover up to (s. >$<<$<<<):. "oll free help line no. 8A<<:88>>88 fro! BS06)M"06 0ationali&ation of Banks in India "he 0ationali&ation of banks in India took place in 8B?B b Mrs. Indira Gandhi the then Pri!e Minister. It nationalised 8; banks then. "hese banks #ere !ostl o#ned b business!en and even !anaged b the!.

+entral Bank of India Bank of Maharashtra *ena Bank Punjab 0ational Bank S ndicate Bank +anara Bank Indian Bank Indian -verseas Bank Bank of Baroda Dnion Bank %llahbad Bank Dnited Bank of India D+- bank Bank of India

Before the steps of nationali&ation of India banks onl state banks of india (SBI) #as nationalsed. It took place in 7ul 8B== under the (SBI) act of 8B==. 0ationalisation of seven banks of India fro!ed subsideiar took place 8Bth jul 8B?<.

State bank of india pride itself as a oung and vibrant

organi&ation and recogni&e. Its e!plo ees as its greatest assets. +onse'uentl $ the e!plo eePs satisfaction level in the bank is possibl a!ongst the higher in the industr co!pensation package alone. +o!prising of people dra#n fro! different speciali&ation and divergent background$ the e!plo ees !erge into a highl ho!ogenous #orking group. +atal &ed b the infor!al and transparent different and does not ste! fro! the

policies pursued b the bank in addition to an attractive co!pensation stricture #e also offer leased housing facilities$ !edical and health insurance and loan. Rhen are have she died about of the !anage!ent of an banks or organi&ation then couldn't be able to set #hat actuall is the total #orking of the bank also$ ho# !anage!ent of the bank is done$ ho# !anage!ent staff #orks #hat all and the stars taken b the! is onl $ gathered or understood kno# practical stud )surve of the project.

*iffence bet#een classroo! stud and practical stud

Class Roo. s !'y45 It is i!portant to understand the cognitive social cognitive and de!ocratic skill capacities of student entering the college classroo! a ke area #here the kno#ledge about diversit in socialit and the under

planning of conte!porar social proble!s can be discussed. "he purpose of the stud is to access changes in such out co!es over one ter! and its link #ith student. Practical Stud 2 Generall in toda s pattern of stud !ost people are pla ing !ore stress on increasing practical stud #hich has !one benefits of its o#n. It help indirect infection of student #ith the actual #orking environ!ent bigger si!ple si&e collected. Practical vie#s of the people can be judicable #hich proves to be ver helpful in !aking future a!ongst. "his t pe of stud provides #aist and deal infor!ation #hich is easil understandable and anal &ed. I have selected this topic because I i!pressed ! brother. I!pressed ! brother #ho is preparing for the banking e/a!ination. %nd i

found the great infor!ation regarding the future of state bank of India so$ I thought and find ! great success in this field so$ i chose this topic. +o!parative stud bet#een project report of the first$ second$ and third$ fourth H fifth se!ester. I have studied in .!plo !ent stud in SBI both e!plo ers tell !e that there is no big change about job opportunities and #orking sagar (M.P.) *r. ,ari Singh Gour Dniversit as beco!e a central

Dniversit #hich is conducted b central govern!ent or !inistr of hu!an resources having a great range. But in beco!ing ti!e !a be a state Bank of India Successful at Present.

Referen-e an' B"$l"ograp&y

S. 0o. 8

%uthor M.6. Gupta



% stud of Banking and Bangalore infrastructure 6eading banks of India Indian Banks 5inancial Market Mone Makes Mone Ianpur %llahabad *elhi G#alior

> 9 ; =

Iavita +houhan Sharad (athore Pankaj %ggra#al 6alit Mohan 7oshi

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