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and to Korea

Philosophical and Spiritual Foundation

To further understand and implement ANCA’s purpose, you are requested to read the following and/or attached
materials and to submit to Ruth Eshenaur before you come to Korea a response relating 10 things (explained in
10 paragraphs) that you learned from each of the papers. Then in connection with the 10 things that you have
learned, explain how you will and/or have applied them in your teaching and life style for the glory of God.

Learning to Serve (see below); See Appendices: Christian Kids Are Too Gentle to Live Amongst the Wolves by
Marsha West; Philosophy of Education by Michael Blais; ANAC’s Philosophy of Christian Education;
Revolutionary Parenting (George Barna); Virginia Tech Tragedy Is a Wake-Up Call to Parents

Mission Purpose
The purpose of ANCA is to glorify God by assisting the family and church in equipping students spiritually,
academically, and socially under the Lordship of Jesus Christ by instilling in each student a Biblical world-view
(Col 2:2-4, 6-8) in an environment of excellence in all spheres of its activity (Luke 2:52; Mark 7:37; Eph
4:12-16; Col 3:17) and maintaining cultural sensitivity (1 Cor 1:1-3, 18-25; 9:19-23). In particular, it is dedicated
to the well being of the students entrusted to its charge within a caring Christian environment and consistent with
the highest Christian values. ANCA serves as an important vehicle in helping to fulfill the Great Commission of
Christ as recorded in Mat 28:18-20 by winning the lost and disciplining believers to maturity (1 Cor 1:18-25).

The mission of ANCA can be summarized in its motto, “A purpose driven school designed to exalt Jesus Christ
by equipping students, strengthening families, and transforming societies to extend the kingdom of God to the
ends of the earth.”

The school provides programs designed to develop a Christian world view that changes lives through the
dynamic of a relationship with Jesus Christ and shapes and molds the whole person through the influence of
godly mentors (Deut 6:1-9; Col 1:9-11, 28; 3:20-21). This is accomplished through Bible study and
consideration of its historical understanding in the contemporary world. Through the personal example of godly
teachers, staff, and other adults (1 Tim 4:12; 2 Tim 2:1-2; 3:14; Titus 2:1-8) the school aims to encourage
students to make the truths of the Christian faith a matter of personal commitment.

The purpose of ANCA is to assist families with the task of educating their children. In accomplishing this task,
the priorities of ANCA initially are to assist Korean families and the families of Korean missionaries. Our vision
for each student includes the building of character on the foundation of biblical values, the developing of each
mind by the Word of God, the changing of lives through the dynamic of a relationship with Jesus Christ, and the
shaping and molding of the whole person through the influence of godly mentors (Deut 6:1-9; Col 1:9-11, 28;

History and Organizational Structure

In March 2004 the ACTS International Academy (AIA) was established on the campus of the Asian Center for
Theological Studies and Mission (ACTS) by In, Se-Jin, Dr. Ruth Eshenaur, and supporters, but its name was
changed to All Nations Christian Academy when it moved off campus in 2005 and established a sister ministry,
All Nations Community Church. Then in 2006 these ministries were combined under the name Educational
Ministries Serving All Nations (EMSAN). The chief executive officer and principal are directly responsible to
the EMSAN committee members and to All Nations Community Church, which help administer and support the

ANCA has various programs, each of which is managed by the lead teacher or administrator. These include an
English preschool, Korean Kindergarten, Leadership School, phonics and conversation classes, and the
International day school, all directed by the lead teachers.

Educational Philosophy
ANCA is committed to the historic Christian worldview as set forth in the Bible. We, therefore, affirm God as
the Creator of all things according to the biblical creation account, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior
of all who acknowledge Him as Lord, and the Holy Spirit as the One who empowers us to live the Christian life
(Gen 1-2; Exo 20:11; Col 1:15-17; 2:2-4, 6-8; 2 Peter 3:3-7).
ANCA is committed to the view that all truth finds its source in Jesus Christ and that the basis for absolute truth
is the written Word of God. In particular, the Bible teaches that

• Knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 1:7; 2:1-11, 20; 3:19-20; 8:1-36; 15:33);
• Fellowship with God is the basis of true fellowship (1 John 1:1-7; 1 Cor 1:9; 2 Cor 6:14; Philemon 4-6);
• Every individual is uniquely created by God as a physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual being,
endowed with particular talents (Psalm 139; Prov 20:11; 22:6; Luke 2:52; Rom 12:3-8);
• Though created in God’s image, every human being has a sinful nature (Prov 22:15; Rom 3:23);
• Understanding the Bible, God’s Word, is necessary to grow in the knowledge of God, come into and
develop a personal relationship to Him, and make decisions that result in a lifestyle consistent with a
personal faith in Christ (Titus 1:1-3; 1 Peter 2:2-3; 2 Tim 3:15-16).

ANCA is committed to the biblical truth that the family is a sacred institution, established by God as the basic
unit of all society. Parents are given the responsibility by God to rear their children for the glory of God.
Therefore, in this partnership responsibility with the parents, the aim of ANCA is to aid students as they grow in
their understanding of God and man, and develop their capabilities to the highest degree, in order that they may
become mature adults, living life to its fullest. The ANCA faculty is, therefore, expected to recognize and
reinforce the values of the Christian family and the God-given authority of parents both inside and outside the
classroom (Exo 20:12; Deut 21:18-21; Eph 5:22-6:4; Gal 4:1-3; Titus 2:4-8; 3:1-2).
ANCA is committed to the goal of building excellence and balance into every area of each student’s life,
including their spiritual, educational, social, cultural and physical development. Such a commitment to the
developmental progress of each student can only be done effectively as students are taught at an age-appropriate

• ANCA teachers are expected to assist students in forming the foundations of their beliefs and values as
opposed to merely presenting all ideas as having equal merit.
• As a Christian learning institution limited to elementary and secondary education, students should be
taught critical thinking skills within the boundaries of clearly defined, biblical truth as set forth in the
ANCA doctrinal statement and educational philosophy. The purpose of education at ANCA is to share
and mold a biblical worldview, not sowing seeds of doubt.
• Teachers should keep in mind that ANCA is not a university. Students will learn to evaluate prior beliefs
and values as they are guided by a broader exposure to truth and from a perspective of greater personal
maturity (Luke 2:52; Eph 4:13; Col 3:23; 1 Tim 4:6-8, 12; 2 Tim 2:15-16, 22-23; Titus 2:4-8).
The goal of ANCA is to help form an age-appropriate Christian worldview that will adequately prepare students
for the challenges of the world in which they now live as well as prepare them for future adulthood in a post-
modern philosophical world (Col 1:15-23, 28-29; 2:2-4, 6-10; 3:1-2, 16). In particular, ANCA seeks to equip our
students to participate meaningfully in the post-modernist cultures of Europe and North America and other non-
Christian world cultures from a Christian worldview. To do this, the school aims:

• To help each student establish a personal set of biblically based values and ethics (as opposed to culture-
or community-based);

• To train students to identify and challenge the non-biblical nature of culture- or community-based morals
and values (including “political correctness,” so-called tolerance-based values, alternative lifestyles,
abortion, etc.)
• To motivate students to have the courage to speak out on community issues in areas of deep, personal
conviction in order to contribute to and challenge the community through participation rather than

Spiritual Development
ANCA seeks to provide an environment that will encourage students to put their faith in God and to walk with
Him. To do this, the school aims:

• To teach the Bible as the inspired Word of God, the only source of truth for daily living;
• To encourage each student to seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by accepting Him as Savior,
acknowledging Him as Lord, and seeking to know and do His will;
• To assist each student in forming a personal biblical worldview that will permeate every area of life;
• To encourage each student to discover and develop his or her unique God-given talents and to use these
abilities fully in all areas of academic, social, and artistic endeavor, and to see the use of these talents as
an act of service to Christ and His body, the church;
• To provide, through the school staff, consistent examples of Christian living; and to train each student to
effectively communicate his or her faith.

Educational Development
ANCA seeks to provide a quality educational program that will prepare its students for continuing their
education and/or entering work fields of their choice. To do this, the school aims:

• To lead students to recognize God’s revelation in every area of study;

• To instill in students an awareness of God’s handiwork in the world around them;
• To provide a varied and progressive curriculum that will equip students for competence in their
future field of study or work;
• To teach skills in effective communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning;
• To stimulate creativity and individual expression; To teach and promote good study habits as a part
of self-discipline; and

• To encourage and recognize academic excellence.

Social Development
ANCA seeks to provide a Christian atmosphere in which the students will develop a spirit of cooperation
with and interdependence on one another. To do this, the school aims:

• To encourage a sense of individual personal worth;

• To provide opportunities for wholesome personal relationships with one another;
• To help students accept one another and learn to understand and respect the views and feelings of
others regardless of race or gender;
• To teach students the principles and practices of good citizenship, recognizing and assuming their
responsibility in their homes, their community, their home country, and the host country;
• To encourage good sportsmanship;
• To promote activities that will emphasize the development of leadership, initiative, and teamwork;

• To maintain a focus on character development; and to develop a desire to serve humanity in a spirit
of Christian love.
Cultural Development
ANCA seeks to promote a foundation for life-long appreciation of aesthetics and cultural refinement in all its
students. To do this, the school aims:

• To create an appreciation for and interest in the arts, history, geography, customs, and beauty found in all
• To promote an appreciation and understanding of different world cultures, especially the Korean culture
and home cultures of fellow students; to view the presence of a wide variety of cultures as an opportunity
to share Christ.

Physical Development
ANCA seeks to encourage and promote students’ physical development. To do this, the school aims:

• To provide physical education programs for all;

• To provide a fitness program that promotes physical development in areas of coordination, strength, and
• To promote health fitness in areas of nutrition and hygiene;
• To promote friendly competition, encouraging teamwork and responsibility;
• To encourage students to understand the lifetime benefits of fitness and the dangers of unhealthy
• To promote activities that can be enjoyed for a lifetime of physical well being; and

Statement of Faith (Tentative because not yet formally approved by ANCA board of directors, etc.)

A. We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God (Exo 24:4, Psalms
19:7 –10, Luke 24:44, Mat 5:17-18), without error in the original writings, including when it speaks
concerning history and nature (Deut 4:1-2), the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of man and
the divine and final authority for all Christian faith, life, and conduct (ll Tim 3:16).
We believe in one God (John 10:31), creator of all things (Gen 1:1), infinitely perfect and eternally existing
in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Mat 28:19).
B. We believe in Jesus Christ, without any change in His eternal deity (John 10:31-38; Heb 1:3), became man
through conception of the Holy Spirit and virgin birth (Luke 1:31-35), that He died on the cross (Mark
15:23-26, John 19:16-18), a perfect and complete sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures (Heb
9:13-15, Eph 1:6-7). He arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven (I Cor 15:3-4, Acts 1:6-11)
where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Advocate (Heb 2:16-17).
C. We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:13-14) and, during
this age, to convict of sin and regenerate the sinner upon belief in Christ (John 16:7-12; Rom 8:9; 1 Cor
6:11); at the time of regeneration baptizing the believer into the one body of which Christ is the head (Gal
3:26-28) and to indwell, guide, instruct, fill, and empower the believer for godly living and sacrifice (Rom
8:26-27 & 15:13; Prov 3:5-6).
D. We believe that man was directly created by God in His own image (Gen 1:27), but fell into sin (Gen 3).
The entire human race is, therefore, lost and only through repentance (ll Cor 7:10), faith in Jesus Christ (Eph
2:4-9), and regeneration of the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained (Rom 8:13-14).
E. We believe that the atoning death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground of
justification and salvation for all who believe (John 14:6; Acts 4:12), and that only such as receive Jesus
Christ by personal faith is born of the Holy Spirit and by Him is sealed to the day of redemption (Eph 4:30).
F. We believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ (II Tim 4:1), and that the hope of His appearing
has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer (II Tim 1:8-10).
G. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all the dead (Rom 8:11), of the believer to everlasting blessedness
and joy with the Lord (Rom 4:7-8), and of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting and conscious
punishment (Mat 25:46, Heb 10:29).
H. We believe that the Church is composed of all persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been
regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together in the body of Christ, of which He is the head (Rom
12:4-5, I Cor 12:12-13).
I. We believe that water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during
this present age. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means of salvation (Mat 28:19; Acts 18:8; I Cor
J. We believe that all the saved should live in such a manner as will honor and glorify and not bring reproach
upon their Savior and Lord, and that it is commanded of God to remain separate from false doctrine, sinful
pleasures, practices, and associations (Eph 5:25-27, 1 Peter 2:11).

Learning to Serve: You are asked to consider to adopt and develop the following Learning to Serve program at
ANCA that is being implemented at Seoul Foreign School (SFS): An integral element of the SFS strategic plan
beginning with the 2001/02 school year was to establish a Learning to Serve Steering Committee. The purpose
of this committee was to facilitate current service programs and to assess and make recommendations for a more
comprehensive program. The objective is to enable teachers and students to become other centered rather than
self centered.

Action Plan 1
Establish a steering committee chaired by the Chaplain and composed of faculty, parents, and students to
facilitate the current programs, assess and make recommendations for a more comprehensive program.

Action Play 2
Provide resources and support for implementation of assessed needs and a more comprehensive program.

Action Plan 3
Encourage teachers to consider Learning to Serve as part of their professional growth and development goal.
The Learning to Serve objective shall be accomplished through the following methods:
Value learning, Character development, Modeling Christ-likeness, Biblical instruction, Resource giving, and
Stewardship. These opportunities are encouraged both at the local level (host-country), and at the international
level (outside host-country). It is the desire of the Learning to Serve Steering Committee to ensure appropriate
and timely communication throughout the SFS community.

Important Names and Addresses

ANCA Campus: 222-2 ShinaeRi, Yangpyung-Eub, Yangpyung-Kun, Kyunggi, Korea 476-803; (031)
773-5665; email:; Fax to Korea: 011-82-31-770-7830 (?)

ANCA Staff

Mr. In, Se-Jin (Joseph), General Director; Cell: 011-904-90660; Hm: (031) 775-1753; email:;; B.A. in Social Welfare at Seoul National Univ.; B.A. in English
Ed. at Chongshin University; B.Th. ACTS; M.Ed. in English Ed. at Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies.

Ruth Marie Eshenaur, Ph.D., International Affairs Correspondent; Off. Tel: 82-31-773-5765; Hm.Tel. : (031)
773-8891; email:; B.A. in Eng. & Social Studies; B.Th. in Bible and Theology; M.A. and
Ph.D. in Journalism. Missionary in Africa and Asia for 31 years;

Rev. In, You-Jin, Pastor, All Nations Christian Community and Church; Cell: 019-385-4724; Off: (031) Hm:
(031) 772-3349; email:; B.Th. ACTS; M.Div. Chongshin Theological Seminary; Th.M.
ACTS; Ph.D. candidate ACTS

Current Teachers in English Programs

Sarah Pyon Wilson. B.Sci. in General Studies/Education, Univ. of Southern Calif.; Crisis
Counselor Certification; ESL Instructor; Experienced youth worker and Korean and English

Petra Graham. B.S. in Elementary Ed., Pensacola Christian College, Florida; B.A. in History, Algoma
Univ., Ontario, Canada. Teaching Internship, Pensacola Christian Academy

Robert Fee. B.Sci. Mass. College of Pharmacy, Boston, Massachusettes. Experienced caretaker of abused and
neglected children.

Anna Young-Joo Lee. B.Sci. in Eng. Linguistics and Eng. Education, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies;
B.Sci. in Fashion Merchandising, Kent State Univ., Ohio; M.Sci. in Textile Design, Philadelphia Textile
College. Experienced Eng. Teacher and Translator in ’88 Seoul Olympics for CBS News, etc.

Laura Heller. B.A. and M.A. at Moody Bible Institute in Urban Studies and Ministry; extensive cross
cultural experience and exposure; public school teacher; significant experience working with youth in
academic and spiritual settings

Young-Joo Lee (Anna). B.Sci. in Eng. Linguistics and Eng. Education, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies;
B.Sci. in Fashion Merchandising, Kent State Univ., Ohio; M.Sci. in Textile Design, Philadelphia Textile
College. Experienced Eng. Teacher and Translator in ’88 Seoul Olympics for CBS News, etc.

Jeff Wingfield. B.A. in General Studies (Early Child Development, Psy., Counseling, Bible), Briercrest Bible
College, Canada; S. Calif. Bible College, Fall Semester; San Diego, Calif.; Carl Sandburg College, Illinois,
Music, Psychology, One Semester; 100-Hour TESL Certification, Red Cross CPR, Licensed jail minister.

Sang-Hee Lee (Esther). B.A. Eng. Language Literature, Pai Chai Univ., Korea. Advanced EFS
certification, La Trobe Univ. Language Centre, Australia. Experienced ESL teacher at Hankuk
Univ. of Foreign Studies and elsewhere.


Michael Blais, e-mail:; B.Sc. Summa Cum Laude in Cross Cultural Ministries, North
Central Univ., Minneapolis; TEFL Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn.; M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction,
Columbia International University, S. Carolina; Professional Educator’s Certificate, Assoc. of Christian Schools

Ms Ruth Baek, Director of M.K. (Missionary Kids) Nest and former principal of Handong Global Academy
ANCA Administrators

Mrs. Min, Joo-Hee, (Becky) Pastor In You-Jin’s wife; 010-6349-4724

Mrs. Hae-Sook Lee (Grace), Joseph’s wife and Joshua’s mother; 016-249-7241

Teachers’ Apartment Address: #234 Bokpori Yangseomyon, Kyunggido, Korea 476-821

Landlord (knows English; was ship pilot): Mr. Kim, Hong-Suk: cell: 011-9027-1209

English Worship Services: All Nations Community Church English worship meets on Sundays from 10:00-11
a.m., first as a small group discussion; ANCC Korean worship meets on Sundays at 10 and 11 a.m. English
Sunday School 11:00-12:30 and daily morning prayer meetings.
From Incheon Airport to Yangpyong

It takes about 5 hours round trip to drive by car from Yangpyong to Incheon airport, and we will pick up new
teachers at the airport. But on any return trips, it is best if you would take the airport express bus to
Cheongyngni Train Station in Seoul (K125 on the purple subway Line 1) which costs maybe W12,000 ($12.00).
This bus takes about 2 hours from the airport, depending on the time of day because traffic is slow during rush
hours. From there you can take a train to Yangpyong which takes about an hour. You can get a train from
Cheongyangni station for W2900 to Yangpyong. The trains run about every hour and the last train to Yangpyong
leaves at 11 p.m. From Yangpyong, you can call Rev. In You Jin (Hm 031-772-3349) or Mr. In Se Jin (011 904
90660) to pick you up. If you take an express bus from Incheon airport, you can reach Cheongyangni before 11
p.m. to catch the train to Yangpyeong, depending of course on when your airplane arrives. But if you think you
might miss the train or if you have a lot of luggage, one of our staff will pick you up at the airport. Just let us
know the time, day, and flight number of your arrival and how we can identify you. You can take a subway or a
limousine (express) bus to Seoul from the Incheon International Airport. If you have a lot of luggage, the bus is
better but more expensive. There is no subway from Seoul to Yangpyeong.

Buses from Seoul and Subways: Another way to come to Yangpyong from Seoul is to take subway line 7 to
Sangbong subway station (#720) and exit. You can get to this Sangbong station by taking Line 5 (purple) to
Gunja Station and then transfer to line 7 (dark green) and go 5 stops to Sangbong Station. Walk or take a taxi or
mal (local) bus to the Sangbong Bus Terminal (It’s shown on the subway station’s local wall map) past Costco
Dept. Store. Ask the clerk for a bus ticket to Yangpyong which is a town beyond ACTS (Ashina Yonhop
Shinhak Daehakeo). It will cost about W3,500. The express bus leaves from gate 5. The last bus to Yangpyong
leaves Seoul at 9:10 p.m.

To go to the apt. building in Bopori, where some of our teachers stay, get the express bus to Duksuri and then the
local bus (W600). The local bus stops on the 4-lane highway’s stop light near the apt. building (from there you
can walk down the hill to the apt. bldg on the right) or the bus may pass under the railroad bridge at the bus stop
in the village of Bopori (from there you can walk up the hill to the apt. bldg. on the left).
You can use the same bus/subway card in Seoul if you first ride a bus; then you don’t have to pay for the subway
ride that follows the bus ride if you check out of the bus when you ride on it. The same is true if you transfer to
another bus.
You can get subway maps (free) & bus/subway cards (beginning at W2,000 up to W200,000) at the
subway station or at the kiosks outside the subway entrances. Use subway cards on the subways & buses in
Seoul and also on the airport express buses. You can save money this way.

Visas for Americans and Spouses to Korea

American Citizens with valid U.S. passports may enter Korea for a period of 30 days without a visa (arrival day
counts as day number one). All foreigners who stay in Korea more than 90 days must obtain residence
certificates. Fingerprints are generally required of all foreigners over age 20 who will be here for at least one
year. Americans don’t need to purchase a reentry permit if they leave the country for a short period of

Americans must keep their visa status current with Korean Immigration. Violators of immigration and entry/exit
regulations are subject to fines; i.e., if foreigners overstay their visas they must pay substantial fines. The lowest
fine is usually about 100,000 won for overstaying 30 days or less.

Permission is required to engage in any activity (e.g., part-time work) not covered by the original visa or status
of entry. Work visas are not granted in Korea; this type of visa must be obtained before entry.

You must obtain extensions of stay before the expiration of the allowed period. To get a visa for your spouse
who isn’t going to teach English, you should send to ANCA along with your own documents the following (see

Accompanying Spouse and/or Children (F-3)

- Documents proving family relationship
(certificate of marriage and register book or certificate of birth)
- Statement of employment and certificate of tax-payment
A. The Object of Visa Issuance
An F-3 status may be granted to individuals who meet the following requirements :

(a) A spouse of a person who applies to one of D-1 status through E-7 status ;
(b) Children underage and unmarried of the person described in the above (a).

B. Application and Required Documents

(1) Traditional Procedures

A foreigner shall make an application for a visa to a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad and required
documents are as follows:

ㅇ Passport;ㅇ Application Form (refer to Annex 2);ㅇ Required Documents--substantiating documents for the
relationship of families(e.g.: marriage certificate, birth certificate or Korean family tree register)
- certificate of inviter's employment and tax payment

※ If necessary, the chief of a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad may ask an applicant to submit more
documents than required.

(2) The Procedures in which a Certificate for Recognition of Visa Issuance is involved

ㅇ A certificate for recognition of visa issuance is issued to a person concerned in Korea(proxy) on the grounds of his application by
the chief of a district or branch office. (Ujongbu, Ulsan, Donghae)
ㅇ A person concerned in Korea(proxy) sends the issued certificate by the chief of immigration office to the applicant abroad.
ㅇ An applicant(foreigner) applies for a visa to a Korean Embassy or Consulate with the above certificate, passport and application
ㅇ Required documents by a person concerned in Korea(proxy) are the same as those of traditional procedures. If necessary, the chief
of a district or branch office may ask a proxy to submit more documents than required.

* An applicant may ask to issue a certain visa which is not mandated to the chief of a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad. However,
in this case, the chief of a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad shall get prior approval from the Minister of Justice in advance.

C. The Standard of Visa Issuance

ㅇ The chief of a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad may issue a single visa (F-3) with 1 year period of
sojourn to individuals who are ① immediate family members of the holder of D-1 status through E-7
status(excluding D-3 status) and registered in Korea for the purpose of joining their families

ㅇ For an applicant whose country(U.S.A, Japan, etc) has an agreement for multiple visas with the Republic of

Korea, a multiple visa stipulated by the agreement will be issued.

D. Visa Issuance

When the application is approved, the chief of a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad shall affix a visa
stamp in the passport of the applicant. On a visa stamp, there are the status of sojourn (F-3), period of
stay(less than 2 years) and validity of a visa.

There was an airport tax for all people departing Korea but this is now included in the price of your ticket.
There are no special exit procedures for tourists who depart the country before the expiration of the initial
period of allowed stay. However, reentry permits (no longer required for Eng. Teachers from USA),
residence certificates and other documentation may be required of foreign residents who wish to return here.
Complete information on these procedures may be obtained from any Immigration Office of the Korean
Ministry of Justice.

In Korea, the Immigration Bureau of the ROK Justice Ministry should be contacted for information regarding
other types of visas and/or adjustment of visa status. You can learn more from the Immigration Bureau on-
line. Their main Seoul office is located at #319-2, Shinjeong 6-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, telephone
02-2650-6225. For visas you need to call 02-2650-6233 or 02-2650-6234. Take Line 5 of the subway to
Omokyo Station, Exit No. 7. The Bureau is about a 10 minute walk once you exit the subway system.

Korean Embassies and Consulates in Canada & U.S.A.

Concerns and complaints should be made to Korean Immigration's "Foreigner's Advice Office," telephone
number 02-2650-6341, or to the "Control Office" at 02-2650-6212.

Persons outside of Korea should contact the Korean Embassy or Consulate nearest them. Americans in Korea
planning to travel to Fukuoka, Japan, for a visa run should follow this link to learn about applying for a
Korean visa in Fukuoka.

Ottawa (Ottawa Area, NT ,NWT) Toronto (ON, MB,)
150 Boteler Street 555 Avenue Road, Note: The Suwon Immigration
Ottawa, OntarioD.C. (DC, VA, MD) Toronto,
Washington, Atlanta Ontario
(AL, GA, NC, SC, TN) office, which provides visa
Canada Embassy
Korean K1N 5A6 Canada
Korean M4V 2J7
Consulate approval for our school, is
2540 Massachusetts Avenue NW 229 Peachtree Street, International closed every Saturday of
Washington, D.C. 20008
Phone: (613) 244-5010 Tower (416) 920-3809
Phone: every month.
Tel: 202-939-5600
Fax: (613) 244-5043 Atlanta,
Fax: GA
(416) 30303
http://www.emb- Tel: 404-522-1611
Boston (MA, NH, VT, ME) Chicago (IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN,
Visa Issuance--Traditional
Korean Consulate MO, NE, ND, SD, OH, WI) Procedures to get a teaching
One Gateway Center, 2nd Floor Korean Consulate visa are explained in detail
NB, NS, PEI, NL) #2700 NBC (Tower,
Vancouver BC, AB,455 Cityfront
SK, YK) Drive here:
Tel: 617-641-2830 Chicago, IL 60611
1 Place Ville-Marie, Suite 2015 1600-1090 West Georgia St.
Tel: 312-822-9485
Montreal, Quebec
Honolulu (HI) Vancouver,
Houston (TX,British
AK, Columbia
Canada H3B 2C4
Korean Consulate Canada V6E 3V7
Korean Consulate
2756 Pali Highway 1990 Post Oak Boulevard, #1250
Honolulu, HI 845-2555
Phone: (514) 96817 Houston,
Phone: TX 681-9581
(604) 77056
Tel: 808-595-3046
Fax: (514) 845-1119 Tel: 713-961-0186
Fax: (604) 681-4864
Los Angeles (SoCal, AZ, NM) New York (CT, DE, NY, NJ, PA, WV)
Korean Consulate Korean Consulate
3243 Wiltshire Boulevard 460 Park Avenue, 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010 New York, NY 10022
Tel: 213-385-9300 Tel: 212-752-1700
San Francisco (NoCal, CO, UT,
Seattle (WA, OR, ID, MT, AK)
Korean Consulate
Korean Consulate
2033, 6th Ave., #1125,
3500 Clay Street
Seattle, WA 98121
San Francisco, CA 94118
Tel: 206-441-1011
Tel: 415-921-2251

1. Send ANCA a copy of the page in your passport that has your photograph; signed employment contract;
4 passport size face pictures; ORIGINAL diploma (You will get it back.); three copies of your college
transcript each in envelopes sealed by your college; Resume of educational and work experience and
references. You must send these documents to us in Korea. (We will provide substantiating documents for
the foundation of ANCA as an institution). We take these documents to the Suwon Immigration Office. It
takes the Immigration Office in Suwon, Korea, about 1-2 weeks to process your visa application. If your
visa is approved, the visa confirmation number will be sent by email to ANCA in Korea, and we will email
it to your address in your home country.

2. Then you take or mail the visa confirmation/approval number and the following to the Korean Embassy or
Consulate near you.

1. valid passport
2. 1 passport picture
3. 1 college transcript (non-official okay)
4. $45.00 fee (cash or money order (if mailed it should be in the form of a postal mail order)

5. Visa application form

(If the Suwon Immigration Office faxed the number to the Korean Embassy or Consulate nearest you, then you

do not take or mail the visa confirmation number to them.) Put the following information on your application
form which you can download from a Korean Embassy or Consulate:

1. "Address in Korea" and "Phone Number"

All Nations Christian Academy

222-2 Shinae-ri, Yangpyong-Eup
Yangpyong-Gun, Gyeonggi-Do
S. Korea 476-803
Off.: 82-31-773-5765 (Ruth’s office tel.); 773-5665 (General Affairs & Joseph office tel.)

2. "Guarantor or Reference in Korea" - "Name" In-Se, Jin, "Address", Phone Number" (same as for ANCA
above), except add: cell phone: 011-904-90660, and "Relationship" Owner

3. "Purpose of Entry" – Teach English; "Occupation" English teacher

4. "Desired Length of Stay" - 1 year (or) 2 years, depending on your contract

Note: Please carry with you Joseph’s cell phone #011-904-90660 in case you get lost at Incheon Airport (He
usually picks teachers up when they come to Korea)

3. When the application is approved, the chief of the Korean Embassy or Consulate shall affix a visa stamp in
the applicant’s passport. On the visa stamp, there are the status of sojourn (E-2), period of stay (maybe one year)
and validity of the visa. If necessary, the chief of a Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad may ask an applicant to
submit more documents than these required above.

4. Within 90 days of coming to Korea with your visa, we will go or you should go to the Suwon Immigration
Office (tel. 031-278-3311-5) to obtain your alien residence card. To go by bus to Suwon, take a local bus from
the bus shelter at Bopori (costing W800) near the ANCA teacher’s apartment building) at 9 a.m. and get off at
the Yanpyong bus station. There purchase a ticket for Suwon for W5,400 that leaves at 9:30 and arrives in
Suwon at 11:30. You can then get a local bus to the Immigration Office (Bus 37, 38, or 39 from the subway
station to Kuandong Kang Apt.) or else take a taxi for 30 minutes costing about W6000. Be sure to get
translated into Korean the following request from Dr. Eshenaur: Please take me to the Suwon Immigration
Office (Tel. [031] 278-3311-3). Submit the following to the immigration official in charge: (1) 2 recent face
photographs, (2) certificate of employment, (3) copy of academy’s registration, (4) passport, (5) W10,000, (6)
Some officials may require a notarized sponsorship letter. The officer will ask you to fill out an application form
indicating your business and residence addresses and telephone numbers, will keep your passport, and will give
you a receipt. You should return in about two weeks with your receipt to collect your passport and alien
residence card. (You do not need to go in person because someone else can collect these for you if you give him/
her your receipt.)

Visa Renewal

At the end of your visa period (probably one year), go yourself or authorize someone to take to the Immigration
Office: (1) Certificate of Employment, (2) Certificate of Establishment of Organization, (3) Alien Registration
Card, (4) Passport, (5) W35,000 (amount may change). If you plan to leave and return to Korea within 6
months, you may also wish to buy a reentry permit if you’re not an American citizen with an E-2 visa.

Visa Run

If you have been invited to teach at ANCA and you do not have a visa to work with us and you are in Korea,
then ASAP make a visa run at your own expense to a nearby country such as Japan, China, or Taiwan. We will
obtain the documents you need to do this. Information for a Visa Run to Fukuoka, Japan: Pusan information
office: 051-1330. Ferry from Pusan to Fukuoka daily 9:05 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. To return to Pusan, 9:00
a.m., 12:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. One way is W85,000. RT fare is W170,000. Must book seat in advance on
weekends because seats may be all taken. There is no ferry to Osaka. One way bus to Pusan is W30,000. RT to
Osaka on K.A. is W538,000 and on Japan Air is W290,000.

Driver’s License

Dr. Eshenaur will loan the English manual for you to study to get a Korean driver’s license (see
& click the English icon). (International licenses can only be used with rented vehicles.) When ready for the
written test (If you have a valid license for your country, you don’t need to take the driving test.), take 3 color
passport size pictures, W10,000, and go to Kangnam Driver’s License Agency (It’s easiest to get there from
Yangpyeong) at Sam Song Station on Subway Line 2 (green), Exit 1; walk straight ahead about 5 minutes, then
turn right and walk several blocks. It’s near the Police Station. The first part of your exam is physical (sight,
reactions, etc.); then make an appointment to return for the written exam. Be sure to be there on time.

American Teachers Register at US Embassy

A new policy in Korea: American citizens who have an E-2 visa can make multiple re-entries into Korea without paying
for a re-entry permit (We used to have to pay W30,000 or so to return to Korea when we went overseas.) as long as our
visa is valid.

American citizens should register with the Embassy in Seoul through the State Department’s secure travel
registration website, Registering is an easy way for you to
let the Embassy know that you are in Korea, whether for a long-term stay or a short-term visit. It allows
you to record and update your trip to Korea, a visit to another country, or your contact information on the
internet at any time. Registering enables us to reach you quickly in the event of a crisis abroad or a family
emergency back in the United States. I also invite you to sign up for the American Citizen Services monthly
newsletter, cell phone notification (SMS), and e-mail warden messages at

1. Please pray for more students to enroll at ANCA each month.
2. If you need information in English, dial 021330.
3. If you need to deal with Korea Telecom in English, dial 100, wait for English language, to
connect press 8; Press #1 for new subscription; if you have a problem, press #2.

Some Comparisons of Christian Worldview with Western Secular Worldview
Western Secular Worldview
Christian Worldview
• Man evolved from lower animals. He has no eternal spirit
• Man, as created in the Image of because when he dies he ceases to exist.
God, is fallen in sin yet • Man determines his own purpose and meaning in life
redeemable and as such is according to his own desires, such as, to live for pleasure,
infinitely precious as one for selfish gain, power, money, etc.
whom Christ died. • Standards of right & wrong are mere social inventions
• Man’s purpose in life is to know devised to maintain the status quo, to legitimize the social and
& glorify God. economic status of the upper classes, etc.
• Standards of right and wrong are • Social institutions such as marriage are man-made inventions
based on God’s eternal moral in order to provide social stability and a place for child
standards that reflect His rearing, so they can be redefined according to individual or
character of holiness, social preferences. Homosexuality, for example, provides one
righteousness, and justice. of many types of sexual expression for animal behavior (since
• Social institutions such as we are only animals), so it is legitimate.
marriage are divinely ordained
and are to be respected and


Michael A. Blais (former ANCA teacher)
Columbia International University

What Is My Philosophical Foundation? My Worldview?

The philosophical foundation or worldview I espouse is Christian and based on the Bible, which is inerrant in the
original autographs. The Bible is the self-revelation of God through Jesus Christ. My worldview is informed and
shaped by the narrative contained in the Bible, which tells of the origin of creation, the nature of the creator, the
origin of sin, the solution for sin in the person of Jesus Christ, and God’s destined purpose for both redeemed
and unredeemed humanity. In light of this, I believe that the logos, absolute, universal became flesh/human and
dwelt among men in the person of Jesus Christ. God speaks to us here on earth through His Word (the Bible) and
His Spirit gives answers to the great questions of life.

How Do I Answer Philosophy’s Key Questions?

Philosophy involves one’s view of reality, truth, value, and the nature of man.


Reality for the Christian is centered in the creator God as revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
However, it is found in nature, the Bible, the person of Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. Everything God
created and said is real. This God centered reality is plainly laid out in the united narrative presented in the Bible
from the book of Genesis to the closing words of Revelation. In this narrative, one learns God created the

universe an orderly and hospitable place for humans to live. Within His universe, which appears to be infinite,
evil exists and has set itself in opposition to the supreme God and all that is good and perfect. At the head of this
evil realm is its chief architect Lucifer—the fallen archangel. The apostle Paul speaks of this creature when he
states, “For we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, more than once—and yet Satan thwarted us” (1 Thessalonians
2:18, NASB). Through the deceit of this villain, mankind was led captive into sin, death and condemnation. Only
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Almighty, has the solution for humans in overcoming sin and evil and the effects
inherent in both. Ultimately, the God of the Bible is reality itself, which extends back into infinity and reaches
forward into infinity!


Absolute truth is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. The apostle John noted that Jesus made the claim to being THE
TRUTH when during His earthly sojourn He said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the
Father, but through Me” (John 14:6, NASB). The ultimate source of knowledge and truth is the revealed Word
of God (the Bible). The truth revealed in God’s written Word all points to THE TRUTH: Jesus Christ the Word
of God revealed in flesh. Jesus told the religious leaders of His day, “You search the Scriptures, because you
think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to come to
Me, that you may have life” (John 5:39-40, NASB). Everything presenting itself as knowledge and truth is
filtered and judged by the Bible and the words of Jesus spoken therein. Although the Bible is true, it does not
contain all truth. God’s Word, God the Holy Spirit, and conscience provide enough light so that human beings
can live Godly and sanctified lives. The Bible, as the authoritative source of knowledge and truth, provides
answers to the big philosophical questions to life. However, God’s truth may be discovered through both
scientific inquiry and Scripture. Mankind’s reasoning is marred by the fall. Nevertheless, truth can be
apprehended through reason, but reason is not authoritative for judging truth. All truth is God’s truth. Therefore,
any differentiations between truths that are religious and truths that are non-religious are a falsity. Also, the
Christian faith is true to what exists. From the Christians perspective one will be hard pressed to find any truths
that genuinely contradict each other. Lastly, truth involves application. George Knight shows excellent insight
when he states, “…the Bible is not concerned with abstract truth. It always sees truth as related to life. Knowing,
in the fullest biblical sense, is applying perceived knowledge to one’s daily life” (p. 172).


The Christian view of reality, truth, and knowledge informs his or her value system (George Knight). God’s
character and values as revealed in the Bible must be the Christian’s values. The ideals and values of the world
are to be tested against God’s Word, because sin has warped and twisted what mankind thinks is good, valuable,
and worth striving to attain. This is apparent in the words of Jesus Christ to the religious leaders of his day, “You
are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly
esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15, NASB). Although Christian values may
intersect at times with non-Christians, often they do not, because they are based on biblical principles, which are
increasingly at odds with the world.


Mankind is created in the image of God but has been separated from fellowship with the creator because of
willful rebellion. As such, fallen humans seek self-sufficiency and live lives of illusionary “goodness.”
Nevertheless, men and women are redeemable, capable of rational thought, and of great value. Human beings are
spiritual creatures. They are capable of knowing God and having a relationship with Him once again. This is
accomplished by the active intervention of God the Holy Spirit quickening the spirits of men and women dead in
sin through the hearing of God’s written Word. Jesus says of God the Spirit that, “When the Helper comes,
whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear
witness of Me…” (John 15:26, NASB). In addition to all this, men and women are valuable enough that God the
Father sent His Son to die an undignified and horrible death to redeem us from the law breaking penalty of sin
and eternal separation from God.

What Are My Goals for the Educational Process?

My main goal for the educational process is to lead my students to a saving faith in Christ so they may glorify
Him and enjoy Him forever. This process can be facilitated by the teacher living his or her life in such a way, on
a daily basis, that God will make Himself known through the teacher’s Godly testimony, the teaching of the
Word, and revealing the Maker through the various disciplines being studied. Christian education is to serve as a
means to fulfilling the purpose of God, which is summed up when the prophet says, “For the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the earth” (Hab. 2:14, NASB).
God is placed at the center of the students’ daily educational experience, so they are able to clearly see Him
and honor Him in all they do. By regularly integrating the Word of God into all the disciplines being studied,
students will see how creation itself reveals God and His glory. In the process of seeing God in all creation,
students are able to comprehend the unity of the disciplines which all lead to Christ.
To state it somewhat differently, the purpose of Christian education is to lead students to a personal and
vibrant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Through this restored relationship, students will be able to bring
glory to God as vessels of His honor. Christian schoolteachers use the curriculum as a vehicle to reveal God to
their students. King Solomon says, “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto
the perfect day” (Prov. 4:18, NKJV). The purpose of Christian education is similar to this in that God’s
revelation of Himself to the students, through His teacher, makes this revelation become brighter unto the perfect
Academic goals include having students achieve in every discipline to the best of their ability and to stretch
them to develop their academic prowess for the glory of God. The teacher can help facilitate this by presenting
the subject matter in such a way that it appeals to the eight multiple intelligences Howard Gardner (Harvard
University) has identified. Material will also be given in a way that is attractive to various learning styles: visual,
auditory and kinesthetic. Additionally, both vocational and college bound students should be required to take
academic courses. All students must receive a liberal education in order to make them better persons and give
them exposure to culture. The academic goal of Christian schools should be to give students a well-rounded
education through which they will bring glory to Christ.

Who Has Responsibility for the Education of Children?

Ultimately, parents have the primary responsibility for their child’s education. This is particularly evident in the
Pentateuch. The two following examples should serve as evidence of this:

And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them
diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way
and when you lie down and when you rise up (Deut. 6:6-7, NASB).

For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers,
that they teach them to their children (Ps. 78:5, NASB).

After the parents, it is the responsibility of Christian educators to teach the students placed in their charge. I
believe that while the child is in the teachers care, the teacher stands in place of the parent. Finally, the church is
responsible for the child’s Christian education. The parents, Christian school, and church should be working
together to give children a truly Christian education in the face of wicked generation who wishes to take them
“captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary
principles of this world, rather than according to Christ” (Col. 2:8, NASB).
Who Should Teach?

In a Christian school, only a spiritually regenerate Christian should be given the responsibility to teach. This
person should be able to competently teach the given subject. He or she should be a life long learner always
eager to learn. A teachable and humble spirit should be the hallmark of his or her life. The ideal teacher should
show signs of spiritual growth and maturity. His or her life, although not yet fully perfected and sanctified,
should be one that is above incrimination. It may behoove a Christian school to place some of the same
requirements on Christian schoolteachers as are put on teachers in the church of Christ. These requirements are
spoken of in Paul’s pastoral epistle.

…not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain,
but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful
word which is in accordance with the teaching, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine
and to refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:7b-9, NASB).

Lastly, Christian schools should require their teachers to adhere The Apostles Creed and the inerrancy of the
Bible in the original autographs.

What Is the Role of the Teacher?

The role of the teacher should be viewed as educational and ministerial in nature. Equipping students to be able
to live God glorifying and productive lives involves the teacher in being an agent of reconciliation between God
and the student. The Holy Spirit works in and through the teacher to bring to fruition salvation and spiritual
development in the students’ lives. Consequently, I am in one hundred percent agreement with Knight when he
says, “the role of the teacher is ministerial and pastoral in the sense that the teacher is an agent of
reconciliation” (p. 198).
Knight views the schoolteacher in the same capacity as a church pastor but in a different context. He states,
“In twentieth-century society, the Christian teacher may be seen as one who pastors in a ‘school’ context, while
the pastor is one who teaches in the ‘larger religious community’” (p. 199). As I have said, I believe the
teacher’s role is ministerial; however, I think Knight goes a little too far in suggesting that the roles are
seemingly the same in nature but simply in a different context. The teacher/pastor in the church is theologically
and pastorally trained and called of God to deal with issues in the church of Christ. Although the position of
Christian schoolteacher and church pastor may share many of the same purposes, there is not an exact parallel
here. For example, one could not expect the pastor of a church to take the place of a schoolteacher nor the
teacher to attempt to fulfill the responsibilities of the church pastor.
Is the parent to be considered the child’s pastor in the context of the home and perhaps a greater sphere,
because they are the child’s primary teacher? The church pastor, parent, and Christian teacher all serve a
ministerial role for the child. In fact, all Christians are to serve as ambassadors of Christ to those with whom we
come in contact. Therefore, all Christians are agents of “reconciliation.”
However, Christian teachers are called of God and placed in the role of educator and ministerial agent.
Teachers are responsible for caring for students in a holistic way, which involves “ministering” to all of their
needs. However, the teacher’s role is unique in that it involves the responsibility of revealing to the students the
God of the Bible through the academic disciplines. In the process of this revelation, the students come to know
Christ in a deeper and more intimate way while at the same time being equipped to live a life of fruitful service
both to God and men. It is imperative that students come to see this life of God glorifying service as preparation
for further service in His eternal city. Thus, teachers serve as channels of the Holy Spirit’s grace, divinely
conforming the students’ perspective of reality to the true source of reality, Jesus Christ. During this process of
transformation, unlike the secular student, the worldly compartmentalization of thinking and living life is
recognized for the falsity it is and systematically and methodically eradicated from the Christian child’s life.
Additionally, the teacher serves to help the students identify the gifts God has given them. It is the teacher’s
responsibility to encourage the child and aid him or her to develop these gifts so that they may be used in service
to God and man.

What Are the Students Like? Nature and Needs.

Common sense informs one that students vary based on ethnicity, socioeconomic status, family structure,
temperament, gifting, etc. However, one of the most significant differences unbeknown to many educators,
Christian educators not excluded, is the difference between those who know Christ as Lord and savior and others
who have not yet entered into spiritual renewal. Although the difference may not be apparent at times because of
lack of spiritual and natural developmental maturity on the part of the student, it still remains one of the most
profound realities in the classroom and a spiritually minded teacher should be sensitive to it. From the Christian
perspective, one may safely say the nature of an unregenerate student is that of a person bound in sin but yet
nobly created in the image of God. The needs of such a student may be greater than that of a true Christian
because of enslavement to sin. Whereas, the born again Christian, although not fully sanctified and prone to sin,
has the ability to live a clear minded and God glorifying life.
Nevertheless, because of the common humanity and a need for a relationship with the creator God and one’s
fellow creatures, both groups of students have the same needs. George Knight has an excellent insight when he
notes, “The nature, condition, and needs of the student provide the focal point for Christian educational
philosophy and direct educators towards the goals for Christian education” (p. 195).
Ultimately, the greatest need of the student is to be restored to a right relationship with his or her creator
God. It is the teacher’s responsibility, acting as a guide and role model, to serve as a channel of the Holy Spirit
through which God is revealed to the students through the contents of the curriculum and the teacher’s personal
testimony. Also, students require love and dignified treatment, because they are the image bearers of God
A student must be provided with a classroom in which he or she feels secure and protected. This should be a
place where it is acceptable to make mistakes as part of the learning process. The student needs to know and feel
he or she can learn though perhaps more slowly than a fellow student. Lastly, he or she has to be encouraged to
develop potential areas of giftedness.

What Is the Student’s Responsibility Within the Educational Process?

Christian students are responsible for doing their best academic work all the time. They are to view their work as
something done to honor God. The apostle Paul says that “…whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to Him through God the Father” (Col. 3:17, NASB). They are commanded
by God to obey those placed in authority over them. The apostle Paul’s admonition to Christians to obey the
governing authorities, as long as they did not command disobedience to God’s Law, is directly applicable to
children obeying those put in authority over them—much more so those who are Godly teachers. Paul makes
reference to such obedience in his letter to the Romans when he states, “Let every person be in subjection to the
governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by
God” (Rom. 13:1, NASB). As with working Christian adults, students are commanded to strictly obey the first
and second commandments, which sum up the whole Law. This involves exhibiting a Christ honoring love
towards their fellow students.
Students at a Christian school must expect to be active participants in service to others. For example, when
they are called upon to be involved in school initiated community service, they should choose to be joyfully
participants rather than murmur begrudgingly. Students need to learn what Paul was teaching in his letter to the
Galatians when he reminded them “…through love serve one another. For the whole Law is fulfilled in one
word, in the statement, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Gal. 5:13b-14, NASB).

Students are to view their work as something that is to be used in service to God and man. It should not be
seen as a means to self-servicing ends—such as making as much money and having as much power as one
possibly can as an adult. I know parents and children at Christian schools would never think like this!

How Does My Belief About the Nature and Needs of the Students Effect My Views On Discipline and
Classroom Management?

Students want to know where the boundaries of classroom discipline lie. It is the teacher’s responsibility to
provide this information for students on the first day of class. When deemed necessary, the teacher must remind
the students of his or her expectations on an ongoing basis. Consistency is critical to any disciplinary plan and
personal favoritism will be acidic to maintaining a healthy classroom environment.
When the teacher initiates disciplinary action, students are to be shown the dignity and respect they deserve
as God’s image bearers. They are not to be shamed or humiliated before the class. The teacher is to ensure the
student understands why he or she is being called on the carpet, and the discipline is to be in alignment with the
expectations with which the students have already been familiarized.
Intrinsic motivation is the ideal for any classroom management system. However, extrinsic motivators have
their place when used in moderation. Extrinsic rewards will depend on the teacher and the educational context.
Naturally, the management of a Christian classroom should be done in an orderly and Godly fashion. The
apostle Paul in speaking to the Corinthian church about exercising spiritual gifts in the church says, “Let all
things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). The same rule should be applied within the walls of
God’s schools. Such conduct brings glory to God—which after all is our ultimate goal!

What Is My Concept of the Ideal Curriculum? How Will This Curriculum Help Me in Carrying Out My
Philosophy and Reaching My Goals?

The ideal curriculum is God centered. This means that the Bible is integrated into every subject as much as is
creatively possible. All subject matter is viewed in light of the Christian worldview which emphasizing the
existence of God and His purposes. Consequently, the Bible is not to be relegated to the Bible class, but it
permeates the entire curriculum. The Bible provides a framework in which all areas of study can be
interconnected and brought together as a unified whole. In addition to this, the curriculum extends beyond the
four walls of the classroom. It involves the life of the school, all the intertwined relationships of the board of
regents, staff, students and parents. Every school activity that takes place on or off campus is part of the
curriculum and God is to be at the center of it.
The concept of curriculum will help the school, and consequently the teacher, carry out a Christian
philosophy for education and thus each the intended goals. This is done by immersing the students in an
environment in which the knowledge of the truth (Jesus Christ) is revealed and lived out in a curriculum
involving everything the school does. Christ’s influence throughout the totality of the curriculum ideally works
through the curriculum and the lives of the students like a little leaven in dough. Thus spiritual, character, and
intellectual growth of the students and faculty is in a process of continual expansion until Christ has finished His
work in each life.

How Will I Measure the Attainment of My Goals?

I am in agreement with Knight’s following statement:

The redemptive, restorative, and reconciling goal of Christian education provides a focus for the
evaluation of all other aspects of Christian education, including the role of the teacher, curriculum
emphasis, proper instructional methodologies, and the reason for establishing Christian alternatives
to public education” (Knight, p. 195).

Formative assessment is needed to evaluate goals that contain spiritual growth elements. How does one measure
a child’s spiritual growth? Such a goal would have to be evaluated over time and would take into consideration
the totality of the student’s observable life. Questions that need to be asked for such an assessment include does
the student have a passion to know Christ, is the student growing in the knowledge of the Word, and does he or
she exhibit the fruits of the Spirit both in good times and under adverse conditions? The apostle Paul refers to the
fruit of the Spirit as “…love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-
control (Gal. 5:22-23b, NKJV).
As a Christian teacher, one must keep in mind that spiritual growth is often a non-measurable objective. The
Pharisees erred in that they tried to outwardly measure everything spiritual. They did not realize that it is
sometimes acceptable and reasonable not to have obtainable or measurable objectives for God’s Word. This is a
trap the Christian teacher must seek to avoid. Nevertheless, if there is something that is outwardly measurable, it
is acceptable to place it within one’s lesson (Dr. Anita Cooper, Columbia International University, Columbia,
SC). Those areas of biblical integration into subject matter that can be measured should be assessed using higher
order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Testing of subject matter and skills will be accomplished using assessment that seeks to gain input to the
student’s ability to retain knowledge, comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the material they
have been taught. Assessment tasks will include everything from true/false questions to authentic assessment

What Is My Instructional Philosophy? How Will I Teach or What Methods Will I Employ?

George Knight correctly points out that the goals of Christian education go beyond the pragmatic utilitarian aims
secularist have for education. Nevertheless, he notes that “Christian educators will use many, if not all, of the
same methods as other teachers. They will, however, select and emphasize those methodologies that best aid
them in helping their students develop Christ-like characters” (Knight, p. 229). Also, methodologies that foster
the students’ ability to reason and develop self-control are to be given the preeminence. Beyond this, Christian
instructional approaches will seek a committed response to new knowledge rather than passivity. As was
mentioned early, knowledge for the Christian involves doing (Knight).
Unlike the secularist educator’s, Christians have a wealth of God ordained teaching instructional
methodologies which can be drawn from the Bible. Great insight into a biblical educational pedagogy can be
gleaned from Knight’s following observation:

A major principle underlying Old Testament pedagogy is that instruction should not be forced upon
unready minds. Rather, the Old Testament illustrates instructional methods whereby the natural
interest in the topic was capitalized upon so that minds could be engaged in a dynamic interchange
(p. 233)

In the New Testament, much can be learned from the instructional methods of Jesus. He was able to effectively
teach partly because the methods he employed captured the attention of friend and foe alike. Knight identifies at
least five teaching methods Jesus used: illustrations, stories, object lessons, the use of both theory and practice,
and thought-compelling questions. Perhaps one of the sweetest and most affect elements of Jesus’ instructional
methodology was its reach to those elements of humanity that seemed the least redeemable. He inspired the
downtrodden and the outcast to achieve, through the grace of God, the greatest potential God had willed for their
lives. He imparted hope and excellence to all. Truly this is the hallmark of greatness in teaching. Although he did
not wink at sin he treated all with dignity and respect. Finally, Knight has an excellent recommendation for
Christian teachers I wish to apply to my own classroom. He points out that “Christian educators should keep
several contexts in mind while selecting their teaching strategies: (1) the redemptive/reconciling nature of the
task, (2) the needs of their students, and (3) the strengths and weaknesses of their personal individuality as
teachers” (p. 236).
Knight, G. R. (1998). Philosophy & education: An introduction on Christian perspective (4th ed.). Berrien

Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Press.

Ryrie, C. C. (1978). The Ryrie study Bible: New American standard version. Chicago: Moody Press.

The open Bible: New King James version. (1985). Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

ANAC’s Philosophy of Christian Education


For what reasons does All Nations Christian Academy exist?

1.) Schools are institutions where students learn about the world and their place and tasks in it. That is
the purpose.

Schools just do not do facts . . . but are a way of looking at facts as well.
The story of “Shaku, King of the Zulus” is an example:

“Until lions get their own historians, the hunter will always be the hero of the story.”
African proverb

2.) The foundation principle of life from a Christian viewpoint is not human reasoning, but rather God’s
Scripture, the Bible. As Christians, education has to start with God and what He has revealed to us.
With this start, we see that life is either lived in obedience or disobedience to Him.

Romans 1:25: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather
than the Creator – who is forever praised. Amen.”

3.) God not only created us, but also created us God seekers.

Acts 17:26,27 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he
determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would
seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

4.) The nature of your beliefs will determine the type of education you have. Public education is not
religiously neutral. Their beliefs determine the outcomes. For example, if human beings are simply
highly developed animals, then abortion is an acceptable way to dispose of an “animal” that is not wanted by
its mother.

5.) The Choice: send children to school where humankind is the center of worship or where God is the
center of worship.

6.) Therefore the following truths ought to be obvious from Scripture:

A. This is God’s world.

Ps. 24.1: “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.”

B. God sustains the world through his Son.

Hebrews 1:2,3: But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things,
and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation
of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sin, he sat
down at the right hand of the majesty in heaven.

C. God is the center of life; we ought to worship and serve him.

First commandment: You shall have no other gods before me. Deut. 5:7

What are the gods of our culture?

D. We need to be obedient and make God the center of all we do.

Matthew 22.37 Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all
your mind.

E. True knowledge is only in relation to Jesus. “I am the truth…” John 14.6

Colossians 2.3 Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.


1) A real Christian school cannot have curriculum taught as if God does not exist or God is irrelevant. Much of
modern culture, television, and media promote the idea that God is irrelevant or not there. This is called
secularism or worldliness. Our culture believes human beings have the ability to change life for the better
without God. This is called humanism. Both are beliefs and religious systems.

2) “Education is not religiously neutral. It never has been, and it never will be. Education is always the
expression of the beliefs about life and living that are held by those who determine the educational
process. The myth of religious neutrality in education is dead.” Richard Edlin

3) Even the secular media is not neutral; e.g. there is no neutrality in newspapers. Their language is not neutral.

4) The idea that if you don’t mention God, then you are separating church and state is anti-Christian--by not
mentioning God and his claim of Lordship--you constantly reinforce the idea that God is not relevant. This
is not neutrality; “it is a carefully calculated religious position that God may be relevant to private spiritual
matters, but that over the vast range of learning and life’s experiences, God is just not relevant.” Richard

5) Many Christians have relegated God to a narrow sector of living.

6) The heart of being humans is not reason, language, morals, creativity, or consciousness, but our
response and relation to God.

7) Education is not neutral. We believe Christians must nurture children in an educational environment where
Jesus is the center of all of the life of the school. They will discover who they are, develop a creative
enjoyment of their stewardship over God’s creation, and serve the King in any area of life.

8) We cannot choose to worship or not, but we can choose what/who we will worship.

9) The only truthful division in life is not spiritual/secular, but obedient/disobedient. Being a pastor is not
more spiritual than being a plumber. Rather we have obedient/disobedient plumbers or
obedient/disobedient pastors.


1) “To be in school is to acquire a world view.” Elliot Eisner

2) Everyone has a worldview. A world view is a set of beliefs that answer the following essential life

i. Origin: Where do we come from? Why am I here?

ii. Destiny: Where are we going?
iii. Nature of reality: What kind of world do I live in?
iv. Nature/purpose of man: Who am I?
v. Problem: What’s wrong with the world?
vi. Remedy: What’s the solution?

3) For educational purposes, we’ll summarize the Biblical worldview as follows:

Creation: God’s creation is good. Every bit of reality is good. We are created in His image. We are his
caretakers of His creation.
Sin: Sin is universal. Every aspect of reality is touched by sin.
Redemption/Restoration: Every aspect of reality is claimed by the Lordship of Jesus.

4) Vision/Mission Statement:

Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the mission of All Nations Christian Academy (ANCA) is to partner with
parents to provide a Christ-centered, academically advanced education whereby students are fulfilled spiritually
through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and fulfilled intellectually through an enlightened
understanding of the world that He created. Thus, ANCA is a purpose driven school seeking to exalt Jesus Christ
by equipping students, strengthening families, and transforming societies so as to extend the kingdom of God to
the ends of the earth.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the
faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through the hollow
and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians 2:6-8


1. The Devotional function:
Scripture is used to encourage us in our love relationship with the Lord.

2. The Foundational Function:

Scripture is studied as a separate subject. Scripture is foundational to all of what we learn. We need and our
children need to learn what God is saying, to whom He said it, why He said it, and how it applies to our
response of gratitude in obedience to Him.

3. The Permeative Function:

God’s word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. Ps 119:104
The Bible is used in a Christian school in many subjects not as the text, but as the guide. It is not the
frosting, but the leaven in the cake. As we study the world, we work from the perspectives of Scripture.

Some examples:
a. 1+1=2 not because it is convenient to think this way or because that’s just the way it happens to be, but
because God created and maintains his world and enables that simple equation to be true. Order is the
result of God’s ongoing dynamic creative activity.
b. Science has become a god in our culture. The scientific method is seen as the only way to know truth,
but it is just one way to explore the world. We do not have to make the choice between the facts of
science and the faith of Scripture. Both are faith commitments. For the Christian, the faith commitment
is that God’s Son is the way to truth. For the evolutionist, the faith commitment is that science is the way
to truth. We don’t need to fear evolution. We need to take a genuine study of non-Christian views so we
aren’t seduced by them and are able to help others who become deceived. We need to remember that
Scripture and creation are not in conflict. Scripture and creation are interpretations. The conflict lies in
the interpretation.
What this means is as God’s children we will explore His good creation to learn of it and to how we can be
salt, light, and caretakers.

“A child who is protected from all controversial ideas is as vulnerable as a child who is protected from
every germ. The infection, when it comes – and it will come – may overwhelm the system, be it the immune
system or the belief system.” Jane Smiley


1. The Christian school’s mission is clarified to shape all curricular goals and day-to-day practices.
Parents, staff, and students discuss frequently and confirm by consensus the school’s goals. They
rephrase and restate from time to time the biblical rationale for the school’s statement of purpose so that
is makes sense to each new generation of teachers, students, and parents. School structures—
administrators, boards, and committees—are in place to keep practice in line with mission.

2. The Christian school community stresses the restorative power of God’s grace in individual lives
and within the world community. In an age of cynicism and hopelessness, Christian people focus on
redemption, restoration, and “shalom” – as seen in history, as depicted in literature, as celebrated by the
church. Because grace transcends the balance-sheet approach to life, cooperation comes before
competition, service before self-interest.

3. Trusting the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the students’ lives, the Christian school community offers
opportunities and fosters responsibilities to exercise discernment—the making of informed
Christian choices based on God’s Word. The concepts of stewardship, justice, and compassion are
translated into practice. When students choose poorly, teachers nurture and provide guidance; they do
not simply punish or criticize.

4. The Christian school experience preserves in students the ability to feel and express the full range
of God-given emotions—wonder, shame, passion, and joy. Christian schooling insists there is meaning
in life to discover and important cultural choices to be made. In the face of “future shock,” sensory
overload, and the resulting boredom, it protects students from becoming “flat-souled people.”

5. Christian school teachers and students take the future seriously by confronting the realities of how
and where and with whom students will spend their lives. As enormous changes continue in the
twenty-first century—environmental threats, social upheaval, technological wizardry, economic
restructuring—the Christian school experience equips students not only to live in such a world but also to
transform it to reflect the coming of Christ’s kingdom of love, restoration, and “shalom.”

6. The Christian school curriculum is designed to address real problems, and its students are
prepared to generate real products. Christian school students become “change agents” who will be the
salt of the earth, people who will penetrate the status quo, object to injustices and failures, and work for
Christian alternatives.

7. In the Christian school, students learn a core knowledge base and develop essential life skills. The
core knowledge base includes the story of God’s people as found in the Bible and church history, the
central realities of the natural world, the basic expressions of the larger culture, and a sense of history—
all seen through “the spectacles of Scripture”. In our Information Age, the essential life skills include
reading, writing, mathematics, communication through various media, finding and critically processing
information, and independent learning.

8. The Christian school pays attention to and affirms each student’s developmental level. This
approach focuses on a student’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, aesthetic, and spiritual growth
process, not his/her rung on the K-12 ladder. Pedagogy is first of all effective and meaningful for the
student, not convenient and manageable for the teacher.

9. The curriculum in the Christian school reflects the diversity, complexity, and richness of God’s
world. These facets are engaged, explored, and celebrated by teachers and students. As a “community
of scholars,” they examine different ages, cultures, geographical areas, beliefs, and lifestyles.

10. The Christian school is a community in the biblical sense. Covenant, not contract, builds community
in the Christian school. Community will not arise if people are simply trading money for services. Trust
and cooperation characterize students, staff, and community relationships. The key principle of
community—Christian love in action—means worshipping, sharing, counseling, encouraging, and
celebrating with Christian joy and hope.

11. The Christian school curriculum allows for teacher strengths and artistry to be fully utilized. The
teachers are facilitators, guides, coaches, and models at several levels; they are not simply dispensers of
knowledge. They are worthy faculty members—curriculum creators, community members, change
agents—as well as good teachers.

12. The Christian school community continuously seeks a more excellent way by planning and
structuring for change. This effort requires time, money, and good communication. Administrators
provide leadership and teachers have ownership. Worthy ideas are kept under discussion by all involved.
Commendable practices are emphasized; undeserving ones are de-emphasized. While those seeking
change allow others to save face, those skeptical of change allow the more daring to take risks. Trust is
built on the idea that the Spirit speaks through the Body of Christ and not just through a single
interpretation by one person or by a few.

Source: 12 Affirmations, Steven Vryhof, Baker Book House


1. Dead Poet’s Society: a recent video that illustrates two types of curriculum:

a. Content centered curriculum: demonstrates rationalism – human reason leads us to discover existing
objective truth. Information is the same as knowledge and wisdom. The school, at which Mr. Keating
taught, demonstrated this approach.

b. Child centered curriculum: demonstrates empiricism – knowledge is that set of facts that can be
experienced and observed; knowledge is therefore open to interpretation based upon the sum of our
personal experiences. It is not the truth that sets us free, but the search for truth that does so. Mr.
Keating demonstrates this approach.

Whereas All Nations Christian Academy has a…

c. Christ centered curriculum:

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through
me.” (John 14:6) But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.” (John 16.13)

1. Our curriculum is based on God’s Word. It gives us direction and meaning in our relationships and daily lives.
Our students are children of God, called to be responsible image-bearers of the Creator. Each has unique gifts
and talents that must be used and developed to honor and give glory to God.

With their gifts and abilities, students are accountable to God and responsible for their actions. This obedience is
shown in our individual commitment to God, how we live in community (e.g., classroom, school, family, church,
etc.), how we care for God’s creation, and how we view the world around us.

2. How do teachers practically carry out this vision in daily learning?

a. Teachers start with a conceptual statement – a statement that defines why we are studying the topic in the light
of God’s Word.

b. The conceptual statement considers the following:

i. Creation: how things ought to be

ii. Fall: how we have ruined or abused ourselves and the world around us
iii. Redemption: what our responsibilities are in healing the broken areas of
our lives and the world.

c. The actual content that is studied is based on the following:

Need to know: basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes

Want to know: student questions, curiosity, and interests

d. Teachers carry out these objectives with a variety of teaching methods that respect the students, thereby
honoring their Maker.

i. Students need a variety of learning activities

ii. Student opinion is valued through relevant, thought-provoking issues
iii. Students’ learning styles need to be addressed
iv. Students’ individual needs must be met
v. Students learn within the context of a community

3. Beyond the “Curriculum”

a. Special activities and programs

c. Devotions
In a nutshell: In every aspect, the curriculum must relentlessly pursue the goal of promoting discipleship,
service, and gratitude towards our Creator and Savior.

Christian kids are too gentle to live amongst the wolves

By Marsha West, Posted: 04/18/2007

Revolutionary Parenting: Research Shows Parenting Approach Determines

Whether Children Become Devoted Christians
April 9, 2007

(Ventura, CA) - George Barna has released a new book on a familiar topic, based on an unusual research study
that indicates that there are six critical dimensions involved in raising children to become spiritual champions.

In a newly published study on raising children, entitled Revolutionary Parenting, the renowned research expert
serves up the latest in a long line of books that have been written on the topic. Barna noted that there are so many
books on the subject that it would require releasing ten new books about parenting every day of the year for each
of the next 21 years to equal the total number of volumes already available!

Reluctant to add to the glut, the award-winning author nevertheless produced his latest book because his research
among children and parents produced such significant results that it seemed inappropriate not to publish the
Distinctive Research

Most research on parenting has relied upon psychological theories or cultural expectations as the foundation for
recommendations. In contrast, Barna’s latest work is based on a multi-year study among children who have
grown up to reflect specific characteristics.

"Our strategy was to start by identifying desirable attributes that parents would want to see in their children, then
work backwards from the existence of those attributes in young adults to figure out what produced them. We
expected that studying people in their twenties who exhibited such qualities would reveal some common
practices that the parents of such children had implemented," Barna explained. "We surveyed thousands of
young adults in order to identify several hundred whose lives reflected the desired outcomes, then interviewed
both them and their parents to determine the relevant parenting perspectives and practices. The result was not
only clear but quite challenging."

Another unique feature of Barna’s research was the assumption that people are created primarily for spiritual
purposes. Consequently, the young adults who formed the foundation of the study met some unusual standards:

1. Knowing, loving, and serving God was identified as their top priority in life.
2. They described their faith in God as being of the highest importance.
3. Each of these young adults possessed a "biblical worldview," based on their responses to a series of
questions about their view of life. In essence, they contend that absolute moral truth exists; such truth is
defined in the Bible; God is the all-knowing and all-powerful creator and ruler of the universe; faith in
Jesus Christ is the only means to salvation; Satan is a real being; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth;
and all of the principles taught in the Bible are true and accurate.
4. They believe that their main purpose in life is to love God with all their heart, mind and strength.
5. They are currently active in a vibrant community of faith, as demonstrated by their consistent
engagement in worship, prayer, Bible study and spiritual accountability.

One of the most sobering outcomes of the research was that less than one out of every ten young adults in the
U.S. meets these simple criteria.

Upon identifying a sample of people between the ages of 21 and 29 who satisfied these standards, Barna’s
research team then conducted extensive interviews with them regarding how they were raised. After finishing
those conversations, the researchers proceeded to interview the parents of those young adults, seeking additional
insights into the tactics used by those parents.

"It’s one thing for a professional to write about theoretical approaches or for someone to describe their personal
ideas or experiences on how to raise a child," the California-based author explained. "It’s quite another thing,
however, to identify a desired outcome and work backwards to uncover its genesis, in order to figure out the
likely causes of such an outcome. I chose the latter approach because theories should be the product of
outcomes. Unfortunately, much of the literature about parenting is based on theories or experiences that are
divorced from significant scientific proof that they produce the desired result."

Three Types of Parenting

In Revolutionary Parenting, Barna notes that there are three dominant approaches to parenting currently
operative in the United States.

Parenting by default is what Barna termed "the path of least resistance." In this approach, parents do whatever
comes naturally to the parent, as influenced by cultural norms and traditions. The objective is to keep everyone -
parent, child, and others - as happy as possible, without having the process of parenting dominate other
important or prioritized aspects of the parent’s life.

Trial-and-error parenting is a common alternative. This approach is based on the notion that every parent is an
amateur at raising children, there are no absolute guidelines to follow, and that the best that parents can do is to
experiment, observe outcomes, and improve based upon their successes and failures in child rearing. In this
incremental approach, the goals of parenting are to continually improve and to perform better than most other

Barna found that revolutionary parenting was the least common approach. Such nurturing requires the parent to
take God’s words on life and family at face value, and to apply those words faithfully and consistently.

Perhaps the most startling difference in these approaches has to do with the desired outcomes. "Parenting by
default and trial-and-error parenting are both approaches that enable parents to raise their children without the
effort of defining their life," Barna explained. "Revolutionary parenting, which is based on one’s faith in
God, makes parenting a life priority. Those who engage in revolutionary parenting define success as
intentionally facilitating faith-based transformation in the lives of their children, rather than simply
accepting the aging and survival of the child as a satisfactory result."

For more information about George Barna’s book, Revolutionary Parenting, or to purchase a copy, click here

Six Significant Dimensions

After spending several years developing, conducting and analyzing the research, Barna noted that the results had
a deep personal impact upon him.

"At one point I stopped working on the project because the results were so overwhelming that I felt like a failure
as a parent," he admitted. "I picked up the project again, however, because I realized that the book is not about
me and that the outcomes obviously had the potential to reach the hearts of parents who care about their
relationship with God and their children, and it could help us to do a better job of preparing our children for life
in service to God."

The book describes the six critical dimensions that were common to effective parents. Those dimensions, each of
which included a variety of practices and perspectives, related to the priorities in the life of the parent; the
mental entry points for parenting; the non-negotiable boundaries established for children; the importance
of behaving like a parent; the critical values and beliefs needed by children; and the transformational
goals identified and pursued.

Revolutionary Parenting is a 176-page hardcover book published by Tyndale House Publishers. George Barna
is the Chairman of Good News Holdings, a multi-media company in Los Angeles, and also Chairman of The
Barna Group, a research and resources firm in Ventura. He has written 38 books, including numerous bestsellers
such as Revolution, Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions, The Power of Vision, and The Frog in
the Kettle. This new book is available at bookstores and can also be purchased at a discount directly from The
Barna Group

Virginia Tech Tragedy is a Wake-Up Call to Parents

April 23, 2007

(Ventura, CA) - Researcher and bestselling author George Barna says the current public debate about the
implications of the Virginia Tech tragedy is missing the point.

"The animated conversations about gun control, campus security, counseling standards, campus
communications, drug abuse and mental health funding do not address the core issue raised by this event. This
situation is not primarily a challenge to politicians, educators or police. It’s a dramatic wake-up call to parents."

Barna indicated that he was sympathetic toward the parents of the college student who murdered 32 classmates
and faculty before taking his own life. But he also stated that it sometimes takes a crisis to focus attention on
important issues that a society must address.

Citing the Research

Barna’s studies on parenting and child development led him to offer a series of facts and observations related to
the Virginia Tech situation.

• By the time an American child is 23 years old, as was the killer in Virginia, he will have seen countless
murders among the more than 30,000 acts of violence to which he is exposed through television, movies
and video games.
• By the age of 23, the average American will have viewed thousands of hours of pornographic images,
which diminish the dignity and value of human life.
• After nearly a quarter century on earth, the typical American will have listened to hundreds of hours of
music that fosters anger, hatred, disrespect for authority, selfishness, and radical independence.
• The typical worldview of a person in their early twenties promotes self-centeredness, the right to
happiness and fulfillment, the importance of personal expression in all forms, the necessity of tolerating
aberrant or immoral points of views, allows for disrespect of other people and use of profanity, and
advances forms of generic spirituality that dismiss the validity of the Judeo-Christian faith. Largely
propelled by postmodern thought, the typical worldview of young people does not facilitate respect for
life, acceptance of the rule of law, or the necessity of hard work, personal sacrifice, paying the dues or
contributing to the common good. Barna noted that only about 2% of today’s teenagers possess a
biblical worldview that acknowledges the existence of God, Satan and sin, the availability of forgiveness
and grace through Jesus Christ, and the existence of absolute moral principles provided in the Bible.
• The average adolescent spends more than 40 hours each week digesting media, and the typical
teenager in America absorbs almost 60 hours of media content each week. For better or worse, the
messages received from the media represent a series of unfiltered, unchaperoned worldview lessons.
• It appears that as many as one out of every five young people is or has been under the influence of mood-
altering medications, some of whose long-term side effects are not fully understood by the medical
community. Drugging children has become one of the ways in which we have coped with other issues.
• Stress levels have been steadily rising among young children over the past couple of decades. A variety
of factors have contributed to such stress, including parental acrimony and divorce, household financial
troubles, media-fed expectations regarding materialism, overscheduling of children, bullying, physical
abuse within the home, and excessive peer pressure.
• One-third of the nation’s teenagers report having been in a physical fight at least once in the last year.
Nearly one out of every five 9th through 12th grade students has carried a gun, knife or club in the past
• Education, both in the home and outside of it, provides diminishing emphasis upon the development of
character, and increasing emphasis upon meeting academic performance standards, especially
through standardized testing.
• Growing numbers of children seek to make their way through an increasingly complex life without the
traditional safety net comprised of a loving and supportive family, a stable circle of supportive peers,
teachers who know and help nurture the child, and a community of faith that assists in giving meaning to
life and a sense of belonging.
• Most young people admit that they feel as if they do not receive sufficient attention from their parents; do
not have enough good friends whom they can count on; are unsettled about their own future; have
personal spiritual perspectives but not much of a sense of spiritual community; lack role models; and do
not feel that they have intrinsic value.

"Parents have a huge influence on what their children grow up to become," stated the researcher. "Although
parents cannot guarantee that their kids will behave in specific ways, but their parenting style and practices can
hugely influence the likelihood of certain behaviors and perspectives."

Parents Are Struggling

Raising healthy and confident children in today’s world is not an easy task. Citing recent studies his firm had
completed with parents, Barna highlighted some of the struggles that American parents are currently facing.

• A majority of parents feel overly busy, stressed out or are buckling under the pressure of mounting
financial debt.
• Most adults are dissatisfied with their job, even though it consumes a majority of their waking hours.
• American parents tend to blame other parents for the problems evident among today’s young people
while excusing themselves from any blame. A large share of parents, however, do express worry about
the future that their children will inherit and how prepared their children are to deal with the challenges
of that future.
• Fewer than one out of every ten families have parents who pray together, study the Bible together and
lead the family in regular explorations of their faith.
• The standards that parents have established for evaluating their own performance as a parent are
innocuous. If their children have avoided publicly recognized problems - such as physical or substance
abuse, gang involvement, satanic activity, pregnancy, or physical aggression - and continue to get passing
grades in school and stay relatively healthy, the parents believe they are doing an acceptable job.
• Few parents are aware of the dramatic effect the media have upon people’s behavior and values.
Just 9% of parents believe that the media are the most significant influence on their children’s
lives, and only one out of every three parents of kids under 13 impose any significant restrictions or
limitations on how much or what type of media their children are exposed to. Shockingly few
parents have discussions with their children about the content of the media they have digested.

Wake-Up Call?

Barna explained that his studies of parents over the past several years highlight the importance of parental
guidance and involvement in shaping a child’s values and behavior. He noted that the moral and spiritual
development of people is largely determined by the time someone reaches age 13, and that fundamental
changes are minimal after that point. He offered some guidance for parents.

"In our most recent work, we have focused on the parenting practices of those who raised children who are now
grown and living an exemplary life. By studying these parents and their children we learned that there are some
critical child-rearing habits they all shared.

"One such habit," Barna noted, "was that the parents believed that raising children was the most important
job they were doing – even more important than their occupation that pays the bills. They relied upon schools,
their church and other entities to support them in that endeavor, but they accepted the primary responsibility for
the task and the outcomes.
"A second common outlook," he continued, "was approaching the job of parenting with a plan. These were
parents who had thought through what they were trying to accomplish and how they intended to pursue those
outcomes. While they were constantly revising that plan and tinkering with different strategies, they were very
strategic and intentional in their efforts. They left as little to chance as possible, and tried to stay a step ahead of
their children’s needs and the challenges thrown at them by society."

The California-based researcher pointed out that a crucial factor was consistency. "The grown children as well
as the parents themselves agreed that perhaps the single, most important element in their success was remaining
consistent in the principles and overall standards and values they implemented. These parents set their
expectations high and did not relax those expectations. Children rarely exceed their parents’ expectations, so the
level at which those standards are set determines the heights to which a child will rise."

The issue of media management was also evident in the families Barna studied. "An overwhelming majority of
these successful parents believed that the media have a significant influence on the lives of children.
Consequently, they limited, monitored and mediated the media content to which their children were
exposed. They often refused to give permission to the kids to watch particular programs or to listen to
certain music, and regularly had discussions with their children about the content of the media they
consumed. Those discussions were not always comfortable or pleasant, but were deemed to be very
important in making standards real for their children."

The spiritual side of life is another of the central factors addressed by successful parents. "These were parents
who took the development of their child’s worldview seriously, and invested enormous amounts of time and
energy laying a spiritual foundation that has proven to serve the children well throughout their life.
Besides teaching spiritual beliefs and moral principles, these parents shared religious experiences with their
children and prayed for them daily. The view of such parents is that their children are a gift from God and they
therefore had an intense responsibility to raise a child that pleased God."

Revolutionary Parenting, a 176-page book published by Tyndale House Publishers, is the 39th book written by
George Barna. Based on three years of research among parents and children, the book describes the six critical
dimensions that were common to effective parents. Those dimensions, each of which included a variety of
practices and perspectives, related to the priorities in the life of the parent; the mental entry points for parenting;
the non-negotiable boundaries established for children; the importance of behaving like a parent; the critical
values and beliefs needed by children; and the transformational goals identified and pursued. To read an excerpt
from Revolutionary Parenting, or to purchase a copy, click here

About The Barna Group: The Barna Group, Ltd. (which includes The Barna Research Group) conducts primary research,
produces media resources pertaining to spiritual development, and facilitates the healthy spiritual growth of leaders,
children, families and Christian ministries. Located in Ventura, California, Barna has been conducting and analyzing
primary research to understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors since 1984. If you would
like to receive free e-mail notification of the release of each new, bi-monthly update on the latest research findings from
The Barna Group, you may subscribe to this free service at the Barna website


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