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Edgar Argel

CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

1. The communicative function of Hello Charlotte. Nice to see you tonight is that of
greeting. However I perceive it to be a little bit formal for the context given.

2. Hey, Charlotte. Whats up? = Informal, among friends.
Hello Charlotte. How are you doing tonight? = Consultative, professional setting.

BUT (line 3) = Conjunction used in this dialogue to change the focus of the conversation
from Rachels whereabouts to Charlottes, experience.

THEN (line 5) = Temporal sequencing adverb used to introduce the order of actions in
Charlottess morning.

AND = Conjunction to weaken the previous statement so as to strengthen the following
one since it is more important for the speaker.

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Language area and use: What is the grammatical structure you intend to teach and how is it/are
they used? For example; modals of deduction, present continuous for future use

Identify the TL and concept in simple words:

Past Simple vs Past Perfect Action completed prior to another point of time in the past.

The speaker expresses an action that happened before another one in the past.

Target language: provide an example sentence (that you will use in the class)
Marker Sentences (the possible sentences you will have on the WB to CLARIFY your target

I suddenly realised I didnt have my keys. I had left the car at home.

Focus on meaning: How will you CONVEY AND CHECK the meaning of the target language and its uses.
(Please include all timelines, concept questions etc. that you intend to use.) You should start by thinking of
a situation or context that will help you convey the meaning and bring the language to life.

Go back to the marker reference to CCQ so as to check for a full understanding of the tense

a) How many actions are there? (Two)
b) Did they happen at the same time? (No)
c) Which one happened first? (I had left)

Focus of form: What is the breakdown of the formas it will appear on WB/Handout. How would you
highlight write the form on the board, elicited from the students?

Elicit from the students the affirmative structure then elicit the negative and affirmative:
.: Past Perfect Affirmative :. .: Past Simple :.
had verb past participle Verb in past
aux main
Focus on pronunciation:

Stress is on the focus words.

I suddenly realised I didnt have my keys. I had left the car at home.

Source or Grammar Reference used to prepare for this lesson:
Write title, author, year, publisher and page number here of the grammar reference you used to analyse your Target

Grammar for Teachers, Andrea DeCapua, 2008, Springer, 189.

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Potential Problems of Meaning: ( write the potential problems learners might have with
Meaning- write at least 2 potential problems AND their solutions)


1) Students might think that the auxiliary
verb had expresses obligation.

Teachers asks CCQs so as to check the function
of the verb:

Do we need TO after had? (No)
Is it a verb or an auxiliary? (Auxiliary)

Teacher underlines and highlights in a different
colour the word AUX below had.
2) Students perceive the actions to have
occurred one after the other in a
sequential order.
Teacher will contrast two sentences on the
board (and timelines) while asking CCQs:

What happened first? (past perfect).

Potential Problems of Form: ( write the potential problems learners might have with Form- write
at least 2 potential problems AND their solutions)

1) Students tend to use the verb in
infinitive form.
Emphasize the conjugation of the verb in past

2) Students might confuse the order of
Teacher CCQs for the correct order of actions.

Potential Problems of Pronunciation: ( write the potential problems learners might have with
Form- write at least 2 potential problems AND the solutions)

1) Students might omit the pronunciation
of d.
Teacher models the pronunciation and drills.

2) Students might mispronounce regular

Teacher shows the correct pronunciation (using
phonetics if needed) then models and has
students repeat the verb.

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Language area and use: What is the grammatical structure you intend to teach and how is it/are
they used? For example; modals of deduction, present continuous for future use

Identify the TL and concept in simple words:

Second Conditional Unreal situations in the present

The speaker expresses a situation contrary to the reality in the present or future

Target language: provide an example sentence (that you will use in the class)
Marker Sentences (the possible sentences you will have on the WB to CLARIFY your target

If you were a professional burglar, you probably would do it in about half the time.

Focus on meaning: How will you CONVEY AND CHECK the meaning of the target language and its uses.
(Please include all timelines, concept questions etc. that you intend to use.) You should start by thinking of
a situation or context that will help you convey the meaning and bring the language to life.

Go back to the dialogue to CCQ so as to check for a full understanding of the meaning

d) Is she a burglar now? (No)
e) Can she do it in less than 5 minutes? (No)
f) Is it present or past? (Past)

Focus of form: What is the breakdown of the formas it will appear on WB/Handout. How would you
highlight write the form on the board, elicited from the students?

Condition Clause

Result Clause

If verb in past , would verb base form
Focus on pronunciation:

If you were a professional burglar, you probably would do it in about half the time.

Intonation rises on the first clause then falls on the second
Proper pronunciation of would /vud/

Source or Grammar Reference used to prepare for this lesson:
Write title, author, year, publisher and page number here of the grammar reference you used to analyse your Target

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers, Tony Penston, 2005, TP Publications, 91.

Potential Problems of Meaning: ( write the potential problems learners might have with
Meaning- write at least 2 potential problems AND their solutions)


3) Students might think that the sentence
make reference to a past situation.

Teachers asks CCQs so as to check the real
function of the structure:

Is she a burglar? (No)
Are we talking about past? (No)
Is it a situation in present? (Yes)

4) Students might think it makes
reference to a REAL present situation.
Teacher will contrast two sentences on the
board so as to elicit the real and the unreal.

Potential Problems of Form: ( write the potential problems learners might have with Form- write
at least 2 potential problems AND their solutions)

3) Students tend to use the verb in the
present simple tense.
Emphasize the conjugation of the verb in past
in a different colour then drill to reinforce.

4) Students might conjugate the verb
after the modal.
Teacher highlights the use of the base form
underlining the pattern on the WB then drills to

Potential Problems of Pronunciation: ( write the potential problems learners might have with
Form- write at least 2 potential problems AND the solutions)

3) Students pronounce would as /gud/ Teacher models the word emphasizing the /w/
sound. Then contrast the minimal pair
/gud/ /vud/

4) Students do not produce the proper
intonation in both clauses.

Teacher draws arrows in the clauses so as to
model and drill the intonation.

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Vocabulary Analysis Sheet Vocabulary
Word/phrase :
Meaning (keep it simple!):
making you feel ashamed
How will meaning be conveyed?

Pre-teach by using a situation.
T: Yesterday I was at my girlfriend house, when suddenly What do you think it happen?
SS: (thinking)
T: I realized my zipper was undone!!... How did I feel, embarrassed or happy?
SS: embarrassed
T: How was the situation, embarrassing or interesting?
SS: embarrassing
T: Exactly, it was an embarrassing situation.

What are your CCQs?

How did it make me feel? (bad, ashamed)
How was the situation? (embarrassing)

Anticipated problems & Solutions of Meaning

Students might think this word means pregnant
since its pretty similar in spelling to that word in

Teacher provides a couple of extra examples, then if
necessary shows a card of a pregnant woman so as
to make the distinction of pregnant and
Form (e.g Spelling, regular, irregular, transitive,
intransitive, collocation)


Anticipated problems & Solutions of Form

Students might want to pluralize adjectives.

Teacher writes an example on the board with a
plural subject:

These questions are embarrassing.

T asks SS:

Are we talking about one question or many? (many)
Is this a noun or an adjective? (adjective)
Is it singular or plural? (singular)



Anticipated problems & Solutions of Pronunciation

Students might pronounce the /g/ sound at the end
of the word. Teacher models the pronunciation of
the velar sound /p / and drills.

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Vocabulary Analysis Sheet Vocabulary
Word/phrase :
Manage to
Meaning (keep it simple!):
To succeed in doing something difficult
How will meaning be conveyed?

Pre-teach by using a situation.
T: Yesterday it was raining a lot, I was driving home but I couldnt see very well. Do you think I arrived home
SS: (Yes)
T: Do you think it was easy or difficult to drive in the storm?
SS: difficult
T: Yes difficult. I managed to drive home despite the heavy rain.

What are your CCQs?

Was I able to drive home? (yes)
Was it easy to drive in the storm? (no)

Anticipated problems & Solutions of Meaning

Students might think it is a synonym of CAN.

Teacher adds the idea of difficulty.

Form (e.g Spelling, regular, irregular, transitive,
intransitive, collocation)

- Intransitive or Transitive Verb
- Regular verb
- Manage to

Anticipated problems & Solutions of Form

Students might forget the use of TO.

Teacher will highlight the use of the infinitive
form by underlining it then drills.


Anticipated problems & Solutions of

Students tend to change the affricate sound
/d/ for the fricative sound /j/.

Teacher models the pronunciation then drills.

Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Vocabulary Analysis Sheet Vocabulary
Meaning (keep it simple!):
A person who enters a building to steal
How will meaning be conveyed?

Teacher will show a flashcard of a burglar then tell the stdents he is the following president.

What are your CCQs?

Is he an honest person? (no)
Does he take what is his? (no)

Anticipated problems & Solutions of Meaning

Students who speak Spanish might think this
word means vulgar

Teacher shows the flashcard then writes a
couple of examples.

Form (e.g Spelling, regular, irregular, transitive,
intransitive, collocation)

- Countable noun

Anticipated problems & Solutions of Form

Student might misspell the word like bulgar.

Teacher highlights the patter in spelling, may
be dividing it into syllables


Anticipated problems & Solutions of

Students tend to pronounce the sequence ur-
like the sound /u:i/.

Teacher models the sound /+:/ then drills.
However, if necessary gives a short list of
words containing the sound then drills using
the IPA

gIiI - /g+:I/
cailh - /+:0/
Edgar Argel
CELTA ih Mexico
Assignment 1

Icain - /I+:n/
buin - /b+:n/

Grammar for Teachers, Andrea DeCapua, 2008, Springer, 189.
A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers, Tony Penston, 2005, TP Publications, 91.
Learning Teaching, Jim Scrivener, 2005, Macmillan
REGISTER in language usage with implications for teaching, Closer Connections Conference October
1 and 2, 2009 Missy Slaathaug
Concept Questions and Timelines, Graham Workman, 2005, Chadburn Publishing, OHT22
Final Word Count : 1100

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