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The Annual Meeting of Trinity Episcopal ChurchJanuary 26, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order: 12:10 p.m. Prayer Minutes of Last Meeting: Approved Elections of Delegates to Convention We need no delegates or alternates: next year we will need one of each. Elections to Bishops Committee Johnnette has requested that kevin stay on as bishops warden for another 3 -year term, if the congregation agrees. Tim baker is also nominated to replace sally west. The floor was opened for nominations and stayed open for 30 minutes. Reports Vicars report was delivered in the sermon. Priest Associate: Carrol Davenport reported on her activities taking communion to a couple of Episcopalians in Milan. Carrol started vesting again recently, and alternates in officiating at the eucharist. The original plan when johnnette came was that carrol recede from these duties for a couple of months to give the congregation chance to get to know our new priest. However, at that time, carrol suffered a car accident which has depleted her energies and thus made for a longer hiatus than anticipated. She is glad to be back at the altar, sharing officiating services with Johnnette. Bishops Warden Kevin assured us that work is continuing behind the scenes on the building campaign. Within the next few months, the congregation will be called upon to discuss aesthetic issues that are not represented in the architectural blueprints. For instance, we may have to rethink the positioning of the pews and altar. Paul raised a question about the plans: has there been contact with the city about opening up the back alley? Answer is, yes; this is one of the issues that has slowed us up. We had a group of five who went down in st. Louis for the oasis meeting (the largest contingent from any church in attendancequite good since we are the furthest away). Junior Wardens: see attached report Treasurer:

Krista went over the budget reports. Wynne asked if egg fund is being put into the building fund. This has not yet been decided.

Roger asked why there was no amount for peer ministers. Krista answered that this is flow in, flow out, given to us by the diocese. Therefore it is not really our income or expense. Krista noted that there will be additional costs (e.g. moving things around upstairs). We hope that we will receive the diocesan grant this year again. We also hope that additional funds will come in beyond those pledged. Johnnette reemphasized how much we have achieved to raise the building funds as well as put the general budget back into the black.

Ministry Coordinators Diocesan delegates: Julia added that anyone who wishes to know more can contact her or cindy. She also urged people to check out the links for the convention speakers. Krista urged people to attend adult formation. It is an excellent chance to talk with each other about things we often dont discuss, to explore our faith as a community. Altar guild: Julia urged us to thank those who do this behind-the-scenes service. Sherri noted that Julia single-handedly did the brass cleaning. Diane thanked all those who have offered coffee hour throughout the year. She urged others to think about doing this. Communications committee: maria asked for another member to join her and kevin on this committee. She urged people to look at the diocesan website; each parish has a page on the site to shape as they see fit. Maria asked for input on what our page should look like. Music: scott thanked the choir for stepping up especially this year when he was extra busy and travelling a lot. The piano downstairs could be a better instrument than the one upstairs, but it needs substantial repairs before that can happen. Johnnette thanked Jessie for coordinating food-4-kids again. Tim noted that the fighting and unrest in south sudan has spilled over into lui in the last month or so. Bishop steven and many others had taken to the bush in hiding for a while. We dont know the condition of the buildings (chapel and cathedral) that the team worked on this summer. The rummage sale was a great success, and Karen reiterated how much help she received in staging this fundraiser. The congregation thanked her for organizing it. o Paul asked if we intend to hold a rummage sale every year. It is a lot of work, and also this year we would need another location as the construction will be ongoing. Johnnette thanked Karen for picking up lola every Tuesday for the service at twin pines. Ian asked for an update on outreach to parishioners who cannot make it to church (bob reed, joanne, lola). Johnnette noted that attendance at the twin pines service is usually around 7 or 8. It is a different kind of service, including wondering about scripture. For lola, Tuesday is her favorite day of the week! Karen told us about a woman who got married in this church many years ago who also receives communion in the nursing home. Canterbury club: Johnnette noted that Kathryn as been leading C.C. this year. Only about two other students have been regular attendees. Since Kathryn is in England this semester, the group is on hiatus and needs some work. Nominations for new bishops committee closed at 1:10 p.m. Roger moved that we approve kevin and tim by acclamation. Motion passed unanimously.

Budget: Krista noted that a positive pledge campaign allowed us to do more than we had hoped. The budget contains dream items that may or may not be realized. Millennial development goals: the idea is to give one percent to an organization that works towards these goals. Our budget each year for this is $1000.

Closing Prayer Adjourned at 1:22 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal Church Kirksville Annual Meeting Reports

Senior Warden Kevin Minch This has been a year in which Trinity members should be justifiably proud. While we have faced challenges, we have proven our resilience. To date, out building campaign has raised an impressive amount of money toward the goal of accessibility and secured a grant from the Diocese that helped underwrite the architectural work on the project. When faced with a budgetary shortfall for the year, and the prospect of making further cutbacks, our Trinity family stood up and increased its giving substantially for the coming budget year. A variety of important outreach and fundraising projects received our attention, and our collective efforts in food ministries, among other forms of charitable giving, have sent a message to the surrounding community that we care deeply about those around us. It is difficult to thank everyone adequately for the things they do. If I tried to list everyone, I would certainly miss someone. I do, however, want to point out a couple of activities that are not really described in other reports in this document but are worthy of comment. Several members have made welcoming visitors a priority. Im thankful for those whose powers of observation are better than my own, and who act quickly to welcome new faces. In particular, I want to thank Julia Delancey for her efforts to follow-up with individuals and families who sign our guest book. Her personal notes add a touch of class to our follow-up and make an important statement to those who come to Trinity. It is because people like Julia, throughout our membership, that visitors cannot help but feel comfortable. Likewise, I am exceedingly grateful for the many individuals who have stepped forward to support coffee hour and other forms of hospitality after services. Further, those who have volunteered to provide meals for Canterbury Club help our students feel cared for. I mention things like these which may seem routine but which are incredibly significant to our life as a community and our capacity to grow. Having been raised in a church where everyones responsibilities were scheduled from week to week, there is something especially refreshing about knowing that any of us will step forward to address what needs to be done from week to week. It makes me exceedingly humbled to have the honor of serving you. Thank you all! Junior Warden Julie Seidler and Sally West

Thanks to all who have volunteered throughout the year to mow the lawn and clear snow! We held two successful clean-up days (April and October)thank you to the many people who came to help. During the fall clean up, we discovered substantial rot in the church front doors. Thanks to Glen and other helpers (especially Alec) for spending a great deal of time to restore them. They still need one final coat of paint in the spring. A fire inspection was held in September, with some fire extinguishers being replaced so that we are up to code both for insurance purposes and city regulations. Thanks to Maria and others for putting up the doggie waste station. Thanks to Steve for arranging wifi in the church. Thanks to Tim for doing electrical work, among other things. There are still plenty of areas that need attention in the existing building, including mold on the back interior wall and renovation of the sacristy door. Fortunately, we were able to increase the maintenance budget for the coming year, in hopes of addressing needed improvements

Treasurer Krista Baker We began 2013 with a proposed deficit budget and ended the year with a surplus of about $3,900. This difference is due primarily to the large increase in plate offerings. Secondarily there were two additional contributing factors: pledges were slightly ahead of projections and expenses were slightly behind. One item of note is the Outreach pass-thru amount. The income for Outreach pass-thru ($ 1,489.78), differs from the expense Plate for Outreach pass-thru ($1,431.78) by $58. This is from the Uncle Als nuts sales and will be carried over to 2014 for the Bishop Committee to select a beneficiary for. The 2012 audit was complete and submitted to the Diocese in June 2013. Special thanks to Alan Davis for supervising his student Sarah Goo with preparation of the audit. Our 2013 commitment to the Diocese was paid in full. As a mission church we continue to receive support from the Diocese each year. Our plans to become a self-supporting parish within the next few years will be determined by our future pledges. Following is a summary of significant financial considerations. Item Pledge Units Amount Pledged Pledge Amount Received Pledge Outstanding Estimate of Plate Plate Amount Received Diocesan Aid (income) Diocesan Pledge (expense) 2011 32 85,223 92,200 4,095 6,777 12,776 15,000 10,272 2012 31 83,429 83,125 5,710 10,005 8,898 12,500 11,566 2013 28 75,565 79,677 4,135 8,000 15,613 11,000 12,528 2014 32 88,312 7174 11,000 10,848

It is important to remember our budget is based primarily on three sources of income: Total pledge amount - total of individual pledge commitments made during the fall pledge drive Plate offerings monies not designated for any specific fund which are placed in the collection plate Diocesan Aid received from the Diocese to support our mission, especially to the college community This year we were blessed with an unusual large plate offering. This does not always happen and we cannot depend on this source of income. 2013 General Fund End of Year Account Totals: Account Checking Savings Savings Certificate of Deposit CD-Egg money TOTAL End of Year Balance 44,459.80 21,470.01 25,000.00 9,953.51 100,883.32

The 2013 End of Year Financials and the 2014 Budget are both attached to this report. (See Appendix A and Appendix B)

Annual Convention Delegates Julia DeLancey and Cindy Cooper 174th Annual Convention Diocese of Missouri November 22-23, 2013 Report from The 174th Convention of The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri, Chesterfield, MO, November 2223, 2013. In attendance from Trinity Kirksville were the Rev. Johnnette Shane, the Rev. Carrol Davenport, Cindy Cooper (delegate) and Julia DeLancey (delegate). In addition, Steve Reiser and Krista Baker were there running the technological side of things. The convention opened with the Bishop's Address ( and a Convention Eucharist, both presided by The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith. The agenda on Day One included a Working Lunch, Introduction to Sabbath #1 by Rabbi Hyim Shafner (Bais Abraham Congregation in University City), Table Discussions on scripture readings, Budget Presentation, and Open Committee Meetings with the Budget Committee and the Standing Committee on Lay Credentials and the Admission of New Parishes. This first day ended with a working dinner at which we learned more about the merger of two parishes in Saint Louis (see Resolution F below), and a party with games hosted by the residents of Deaconess Anne House ( ) (with Trinitys trivia team putting up a brave fight). Day two began with a convention business session and open committee meetings. A break to reflect on the meaning of Sabbath and a second introduction to Sabbath (#2) allowed participants to have meaningful table discussions on what it means to keep the Sabbath, or, participants were encouraged to reflect individually (in an adjoining room prepared for quiet reflections; this room included a full-sized labyrinth and various stations to encourage meditation) or participate in group activities such as Chair Yoga. Videos of Rabbi Shafners wonderful Saturday addresses are available here ( and here ( After lunch we learned more about keeping the Sabbath (#3) and completed the convention business of hearing, discussing, and voting on resolutions. Convention Resolutions included (A) Minimum Clergy Compensation (B) People Living in Poverty (C) Seeking Our Past: Creating Our Future (D) Youth Ministry Task Force and (E) Task Force on Gender Violence (F) The Merger of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Warson Woods and Grace Episcopal Church in Kirkwood and (G) Diocesan Commission on Ministry. All but B and D passed, although both failed resolutions received much discussion. In addition, the convention meeting room was decorated with posters provided by each parish which highlighted parish traits and features; Trinity-Kirksvilles poster was most ably designed and produced by Cindy Cooper and Wynne Wilbur with help from Karen Henness and Krista Baker. If you have questions or would like to discuss any of the resolutions, please do not hesitate to contact either Cindy or Julia. The next convention (175th) will be held in Cape Girardeau, Missouri on November 21, 22 of 2014. The 176th Convention will be held in Saint Louis, on November 20, 21 of 2015. Minutes of the 174thConvention can be found: and more information about and reports from the Convention here ( Formation Krista Baker Adult Formation continues to meet at Trinity offering a range of topics. It has developed into a safe place where we share our thoughts, our stories, our reactions to writings, and grow together. Again, finding the right time to meet is a

challenge. However we continue to have a group of 4-8 individuals regularly attending. If you have not participated please consider it in 2014. The 2013 sessions included: February March July Discussion of various spiritual practices Lent series: The Bible in the Life of the Church Love Songs and Reproaches: Passionate Conversations with God, a book of poetry by biblical scholar and poet L. William Countryman. October Krista Tippetts series Civil Discourse, from Separation to Engagement which originally aired on her radio program On Being. December Picturing the Face of Jesus, Encountering Christ through Art by Beth Booram Altar Guild Report Julia DeLancey Current Altar Guild Members: Jessie Cragg (decorations and linens), Julia DeLancey (coordinator), Maria Evans (pinch hitter), Sherri Reiser, Julie Seidler, and Wynne Wilbur This year, the Altar Guild has continued the very-much-behind-the-scenes but essential ministry of setting up and cleaning up for almost all the services that Trinity holds (the Taiz organizing committee continues to do set-up and clean-up for that service) as well as of caring for the items needed by the church for our services. This year, our work continues to often involve multiple set-ups each week (e.g. five separate set-ups during Holy Week). We continue to make sure that the church has all the supplies needed for each weeks services, to do some maintenance cleaning, and to communicate with one another as we serve. We have some changes in duties and membership which we are excited about. After decades of serving on the Altar Guild, Jessie Cragg has been able to step back from monthly set-up duties to focus on seasonal decorations and on continuing the considerable work of keeping our altar linens in good condition. In addition, this summer, we enthusiastically welcomed Wynne Wilbur as the Altar Guilds newest member and are already benefitting from her service and dedication. On Sunday, September 22, 2013 an Altar Guild commissioning service was done as part of the Sunday Eucharist. The initial idea was to commission Wynne and Sherri as the newest members, but we then realized that Julie had not been commissioned, nor had Julia or Jessiedespite serving on Altar Guild for years. Everyone was grateful for the service and for the beautiful copper hand-made-in-Africa crosses from Johnnette+, and enjoyed a celebratory meal afterwards at Wynnes home. Probably the biggest project of the year was the removal of the lacquer from all the brass in the church (with the exception of the cross mounted on the window behind the altar). Almost all of the church brass had, years ago, been covered in a lacquer coating (the same process that is used on brass musical instruments) to keep the surfaces shiny and save on polishing. However, over time, the lacquer had darkened and, in addition, lacquered brass cannot be polished. Therefore, the decision was made to remove the lacquer, which was done in July 2013, and to polish the brass on a regular basis. The most dramatic transformation was probably the Morning Prayer candlesticks which turned out to be an entirely different color, almost! We hope everyone is enjoying a bit more sparkle as a result of that work. The Altar Guild Manual is also still a work in progress; just when we think its finished, we find another detail to be sorted out, but overall it is working well we hope. Since the original idea was to have something that even a complete novice could use to get ready for any service, start to finish, weve been continuing to refine it with Wynnes good help. This year we also still use a mixture of both fresh flowers and, when appropriate, silk flowers. As a reminder, anyone wishing to donate fresh flower arrangements for a particular Sunday in celebration or memory of a person or event just needs to put a check in the collection plate (with flowers written in the memo line), contact the relevant Altar Guild person to make arrangements for the flowers (any AG member can help with knowing who to talk with), and make sure

that the line for the bulletin is given to the Altar Guild member, or to Priscilla Riggle, so that it can be placed in the bulletin on the appropriate Sunday. We always welcome the involvement of new members of the Altar Guild. If you are interested in becoming involved, or even just in finding out more about this ministry, please contact any member of the Altar Guild for more information. All ages, genders, and experience levels welcome! Building Campaign Kevin Minch, Krista Baker, and Tim Baker The progress toward an accessible Trinity continues to move forward. With the Bishops visit this fall, and a symbolic groundbreaking, Trinity made a representative commitment that matched its already significant financial commitment to the project. A survey of the property was completed last spring, and completed plans have now been received from the architect. A bid process for a general contractor will commence as soon as some necessary conversations with the city have been completed. In the coming weeks, members will be invited to attend open meetings to discuss more of the aesthetic details that need to be considered as the project moves forward. While construction projects are always filled with unexpected surprises, the Bishops Committee is optimistic that we are on the verge of the rapid forward movement of the construction phase. Financial Information for the Building Project narrative Number of Pledges Total Pledged Total received in 2012 Total received in 2013 Pledge Amount Remaining 27 123,825.00 15,875.00 44,253.50 63,696.50

2013 Trinity Episcopal Church Accessibility Project INCOME BP - Opening Balance from 2012 BP - Fundraisers (pancake supper, candy sales, yard sale, jewelry sales) BP - Non Pledge Offerings BP Pledges Interest Income Other Income - Grant from Diocese of MO TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES BP - Administration Costs BP - Architect and Engineering Costs BP - Pre Construction TOTAL EXPENSES BALANCE AT YEAR END Coffee Hour Diane Johnson Coffee Hour Trinitarians enjoyed several special feasts following Sunday services in 2013, including our annual meeting potluck, our Easter Brunch, a fundraiser for Krista and Tims trip to Lui, and a fundraiser for the pet waste 69,953.90 2,294.75 31,934.00 44,254.50 47.93 7,500.00 155,984.08

112.36 18,631.50 3,519.00 22,262.86 133,721.22

station on the west side of the church. Many people answered the call to feed us including Arla, Wynne, Priscilla, Krista and Tim, Talie, Sally, Pete and Julia, Julie, Howard and Lisa, Steve and Sherri, Thomas and Brian and friends, and Diane. If there is to be a feed my sheep annual award, it is a three-way tie this year among Arla, Krista and Tim, and Pete and Julia. Thanks for the goodies, folks! May your generosity continue into this new year! I also want to note that many parishioners answered the call to provide us with paper towels, napkins, garbage bags, etc. to assist with our tight budget. Thank you for including us in your shopping! Communications Committee Maria Evans This year's activities for the Communications Committee predominantly involved maintaining the church's Web and Facebook page, as well as our weekly e-newsletter, "What's Happening at Trinity," aka the WHAT. We did not publish a more elaborate newsletter this year because there seemed to be a marked decline in contributors, and the WHAT seems to have decreased the need for a more in-depth newsletter. We moved the WHAT from being a pdf attachment in an email to being a Google Site, thereby enabling it to be easily read on digital devices. Kevin and Maria also attended the Diocesan Communicators Conference in October, and learned more in-depth about the diocesan Table Project--a more private, diocesan-wide social networking platform that allows coordination and cooperation through diocesan-wide groups. For instance, one group on the Table Project is for church communicators, another is for those involved in feeding or garden ministries, etc. We at Trinity are presently under-utilizing this platform as a way to connect us to the larger diocese. Other activities also included advertising selected church events as well as providing press releases when applicable. The diocese also updated their web site in a way that each congregation has its own page and can customize it. In many ways, we continue to feel that we are under-utilizing many of the readily available tools for mission and evangelism at Trinity, and we welcome your input on this. We also would welcome another addition to the committee, for fresh ideas and continuity within this ministry. If you feel called to serve in this way, please contact either of us or Johnnette+. Music Scott Alberts Music Program Report Scott Alberts, Music Coordinator The Music Program at Trinity continues to thrive, serving to enhance worship and aid the community in growing closer to God and one another. Congregational singing at the Sunday Eucharist is the heart of what we do, and the rest of our music program grows from there. I would put our fantastic congregational singing up against any church in the land, and I think you for your part in that. The choir continues to sing (almost) weekly but seldom weakly, offering musical anthems from a variety of styles and periods, and supporting and enhancing the congregation's singing and worship. A few days were more special, including Easter, Lessons and Carols, and the Bishop's visit, but we try to make every week special. A few new and returning members help keep us fresh and energized. We were sad to see our pianist Patrick MacMurchy move to other opportunities and out of the rotation of organists and pianists, but we will soon be welcoming a new Truman student to our lineup, joining our great team of Sandy Fleak and Dee Roberts. It may take some time to get him up to speed in our tradition, but he is quite talented and we have high expectations for his time with us.

This past year, we also hosted a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper with about 50 in attendance. We plan to expand our marketing profile and raise even more this year, collecting a free will offering for our building fund. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 4th, around 6:30 pm, for a great meal and to help support our upcoming building project. Outreach Efforts

Food 4 Kids Jessie Cragg Food 4 Kids is a church-based ministry which provides lunches to children for five weeks in the summer when school lunches are not available. In July 2013 thirteen volunteers from Trinity manned the Food 4 Kids program in two city parks for one of these weeks, helping with preparation, transporting food and supplies, serving lunches and interacting with the children. Special thanks goes to Mike Ashcraft, Tim Baker, Diane Johnson, Johnnette Shane, and Alec Zier, who gave their time every single day. Mike and Diane helped with preparation in the kitchen and served lunches in the parks. Johnnette continued her tradition of serving lunches in Jaycee Park. Tim faithfully delivered food and supplies to the parks and picked them up at shifts end. Alec worked with the F4K organizers as a park liaison. Other committed and dependable Trinity volunteers were Cindy Cooper, Jessie Cragg, Maria Evans, Ian Lindevald, Pam Ryan, Amy Shulse, Jared Shulse, and Cole Woodcox. Many thanks to all for dedicated service to an important ministry in our community. Lui Mission Tim and Krista Baker
Trinity Church continues to be involved with the Companion Diocesan Committee and their work in South Sudan. Tim and Krista Baker participated in the Diocesan Mission Trip to Lui, South Sudan in August 2013. They are grateful for the support of Trinity Episcopal Church and many friends and family who sponsored their trip. Krista and Tim were on the first team of seven individuals from the Diocese of Missouri and two from Blackmore-Vale in the United Kingdom. Their time there overlapped with the second team of three from Missouri and two from Lund, Sweden. Their work in Lui consisted of a carpentry project to complete a roof on the Linjuni Chapel, repairing sewing machines, helping with the ESL class, and working in the Diocesan office. It was a remarkable experience which they have been able to share with our parish and other parishes in the Diocese. Rummage Sale Karen Henness Our fundraiser this summer for the building fund was the church rummage sale. Our entire church pulled together and filled the undercroft with items for sale - clothing, kitchenware, furniture, rugs, jewelry, decorative items, etc. A large crew volunteered for two evenings of pricing. Another large group helped during the sale itself starting at 7:30 a.m. Helping Hands Mission arrived promptly at 3:00 to pick up what little was left over. We ended up with a little over $2000 for the building fund. It was a tremendous success! Other Activities, Fundraisers and Collections Various Contributors 1. We adopted eight Christmas angels from the Adair County Foster Family to provide Christmas gifts for. Tim, Krista, Cindy, Ian, Maria, Pam, Tallie, and Sally each had the fun of shopping for these special kids. 2. The Bishops Fund received $412.00 in plate offerings. 3. Canterbury Club support was provided by several individuals in the parish who cooked meals for Canterbury Club meetings on Sunday evenings. 4. The Christian Community Food Bank received help in several ways: a. Two Fill the Red Truck events at Hy-Vee (need someone to provide stats about these drives) b. Our total giving for the year is 2660.13 lbs, $3759.60 in food donations plus $520 in cash donations.

c. Monetary Contribution of $20 5. Millennium Development Goals (Financial support for the MDGs) a. This year we focused on Goal # 5 Improve Maternal Health by sending our $1000 to the Fistula Foundation which provides for obstetric fistula treatment in Africa and Asia. Obstetric fistula is a preventable childbirth injury that devastates the lives of mothers. 6. The annual holiday Mitten Tree was adorned with 5 pairs of mittens, 6 scarves, 6 pairs of socks, 7 pairs of gloves and 27 caps. These items were taken to the Salvation Army for distribution to those in need. 7. We collected various kitchen items for the Novinger High School Family and Consumer Science classroom to help provide much needed supplies to this underfunded curriculum. 8. Uncle Als nut sales generated $58 for the Bishops Committee to identify a worthy cause to receive. 9. UTO Spring and Fall ingathering collected $217.68 to send to the Diocesan committee 10. Vicar Discretionary Fund collection yielded $293 for our vicar to provide pastoral support as she sees fit. 11. Uncle Al generated a little more than $60 this year. 12. Marias prayer bead sales raised money for the building campaign 13. Thistle Farms sale raised funds for the Magdalene Community in Nashville

Appendix A
2013 Trinity Episcopal Church as of 12/31/2013
Category INCOME Real Income Diocesan Aid Interest Plate Pledges Subtotal Passthru Accessibility Project Flowers (passthru) Outreach (passthru) Peer Minister - passthru Subtotal 1,500.00 1,850.00 350.00 11,000.00 200.00 8,000.00 75,565.00 94,765.00 11,000.00 136.50 15,613.28 79,677.00 106,426.78 0.00 250.00 1,489.78 1,500.00 3,239.78 100.00% 68.25% 195.17% 105.44% 112.31% 2013 Budget YTD 12/31/13 100.00%

EXPENSES Building Building Insurance Maintenance Utilities, Church Utilities, Vicarage Subtotal Clergy Supply Clergy Vicar, Continuing Ed Vicar, Insurance Vicar, Pension Vicar, Salary & Travel Subtotal Misc Miscellaneous Supplies, Kitchen Supplies, Office Subtotal Music Choir Director Mtce, piano & organ Music Musicians Organist Subtotal Outreach Canterbury Club Diocesan Convention & Events Diocesan Pledge Discretionary Fund KIM Outreach, MDG Plate for Outreach - passthru Peer Minister-passthru Subtotal




3,800.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 12,800.00 500.00 500.00 10,031.00 10,710.00 45,500.00 67,241.00 175.00 75.00 400.00 650.00 3,000.00 500.00 250.00 150.00 4,125.00 8,025.00 50.00 500.00 12,530.00 100.00 30.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 15,710.00

3,802.00 1,029.64 3,536.00 3,727.68 12,095.32 375.00 100.00 10,122.00 10,413.00 45,504.00 66,514.00 283.00 0.00 295.68 578.68 2,775.00 390.00 589.00 375.00 4,200.00 8,329.00 79.95 505.60 12,528.00 100.00 30.00 1,000.00 1,431.78 1,500.00 17,175.33

100.05% 102.96% 88.40% 93.19% 94.49% 75.00% 20.00% 100.91% 97.23% 100.01% 98.92% 161.71% 0.00% 73.92% 89.03% 92.50% 78.00% 235.60% 250.00% 101.82% 103.79% 159.90% 101.12% 99.98% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 109.33%


Childcare, Worship Christian Ed-Adult Education Christian Ed-Children's Sunday School Flowers Flowers-passthur Worship Altar

700.00 100.00 100.00 350.00 200.00 300.00 1,750.00

500.00 18.17 0.00 0.00 236.78 190.11 105.85 1,050.91

71.43% 18.17% 0.00% 67.65% 95.06% 35.28% 60.05%



106,176.00 -9,561.00

105,743.24 3,923.32

99.59% -41.03%

Appendix B
Trinity Episcopal Church - 2014 Budget
Category INCOME Real Income Diocesan Aide Interest Plate Pledges Flowers (passthru) Outreach (passthru) Peer Minister - passthru 0.00 106,586.00 new total 11,000.00 100.00 7,174.00 88,312.00 106,586.00 2014 Budget

adjusted for differences added $4000 from original

Subtotal Passthru

Subtotal TOTAL EXPENSES Building Building Insurance Maintenance Utilities, Church Utilities, Vicarage Subtotal Supply Clergy Vicar, Continuing Ed Vicar, Insurance Vicar, Pension Vicar, Salary & Travel Subtotal Audio / Visual Equipment Event Registration Kitchen Supplies Miscellaneous Paper & Printer Cartridges Post Office Box Rental Tax Prep & Audit Expense Subtotal Choir Director Mtce, piano & organ

3,800.00 3,000.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 14,400.00 500.00 500.00 10,000.00 10,700.00 47,000.00 68,700.00 400.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 58.00 200.00 1,008.00 3,000.00 500.00

Increased by $2200



Increased by $200 increased by $20 Increased by $75 added this line item Increased by $30


Music Musicians Organist Subtotal Outreach Canterbury Club Diocesan Convention & Events Diocesan Pledge Discretionary Fund KIM Outreach, MDG Peer Minister - passthru Plate for Outreach - passthru Subtotal Altar Supplies - wine, candles, etc Baptism & Confirmation (BCPS) Childcare for Worhsip Christian Ed-Adult Education Christian Ed-Children Formation Flowers-passthur Taize Worship - bulletins, etc Subtotal

400.00 375.00 4,125.00 8,400.00 100.00 700.00 10,848.00 100.00 30.00 1,000.00

Increased by $150 increased by $175 Increased by $125

Increased by $200 Decreased by 2,768 based on new info from Diocese


12,778.00 250.00 50.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 250.00 1,300.00 106,586.00 0.00

Increased by $25 Increased by $25


new total

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