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Pterygoid muscles: function of lateral vs.

medial Look at how your jaw ends up when saying first syllable of Lateral or edial!: La!: your jaw is now open" so Lateral opens mouth. e!: your jaw is still closed" so medial closes the mandible. #upine vs. prone body position #upine is on your spine. $herefore" prones the other! one. % &lso" prone to suffocate in prone position. eckels diverticulum details ' inches long. ' feet from end of ileum. ' times more common in men. '( occurrence in population. ' types of tissues may be present. )ote: di*! means two!" so diverticulum is the thing with all the twos. Perineal vs. peroneal Perineal is in between the legs. Peroneal is on the leg. &nterior forearm muscles: superficial group $here are five" like five digits of your hand. Place your thumb into your palm" then lay that hand palm down on your other arm. +our , fingers now show distribution: spells P-P- .pass/fail" pass/fail0: Pronator teres" -le1or carpi radialis" Palmaris longus" -le1or carpi ulnaris +our thumb below your , fingers shows the muscle which is deep to the other four: -le1or digitorum superficialis. 2arpal tunnel syndrome causes 345&) $6&P: 7 y1oedema" 3dema premenstrually" 4iabetes" 5diopathic &gromegaly" )eoplasm" $rauma" 6heumatoid arthritis" &myloidosis" Pregnancy % nemonic fits nicely since median nerve is trapped.

Lumbar ple1us 5" 5 8et Laid 9n -ridays!: 5liohypogastric .L:0 5lioinguinal .L:0 8enitofemoral .L:" L'0

Lateral femoral cutaneous .L'" L;0 9btruator .L'" L;" L,0 -emoral .L'" L;" L,0 &lternatively: 5 twice 8et Laid 9n -ridays!. &lternatively: 5nterested 5n 8etting Laid 9n -ridays<! 3lbow: muscles that fle1 it $hree =s =end the el=ow: =rachialis" =iceps" =rachioradialis 2avernous sinus contents 9 $9 2&$:

9 $9 are lateral wall components" in order from superior to inferior. 2& are the components within the sinus" from medial to lateral. 2& ends at the level of $ from 9 $9 . 9cculomotor nerve >555?" $rochlear nerve >5@?" 9phthalmic nerve >@:?" >@'?" 2arotid artery" &bducent nerve >@5? $: Ahen written" connects to the $ of 9$9 . =ronchi: which one is more vertical 5nhale a bite" goes down the right!: 5nhaled objects more likely to lodge in right bronchus" since it is the one that is more vertical 2arotid sheath contents 5 #ee :B 22s in the 5@!: 5 #ee >5.2.? C 5nternal 2arotid artery :B C 2) :B >@agus nerve? 22 C 2ommon 2arotid artery 5@ C 5nternal Dugular @ein @; innervated muscles y &EE ylohyoid &nterior digastric uscles of astication $ensor veli palatini $ensor tympani 5nferior vena cava tributaries 5 Like $o 6ise #o Figh!: eets $he $oilet!: a1illary nerve

5lliacs Lumbar $esticular 6enal #uprarenal Fepatic vein. % $hink of the 5@2 wanting to rise high up to the heart. #pleen: dimensions" weight" surface anatomy :";"G"H"I"::J: #pleen dimensions are : inch 1 ; inches 1 G inches. Aeight is H ounces. 5t underlies ribs I through ::. Feart valve seKuence $ry Pulling $ricuspid Pulmonary itral &orta Liver: side with ligamentum venosum/ caudate lobe vs. side with Kuadrate lobe/ ligamentum teres @2 goes with @2!: $he @enosum and 2audate is on same side as @ena 2ava .posterior0. $herefore" Kuadrate and teres must be on anterior by default. 2ranial bones P3#$ 9- LJ: Parietal 3thmoid #phenoid $emporal 9ccipital -rontal $he L just reminds that theres L of them to remember. $hyroid: isthmus location 6ings '";", make the isthmus floor!: 5sthmus overlies tracheal rings '";", 2ervical ple1us: arrangement of the important nerves 8L&#$!: y &orta!:

% , compass points: clockwise from north on the right side of neck: * 8reat auricular * Lesser occipital * &ccessory nerve pops out between L and # * #upraclavicular * $ransverse cervical Lumbar ple1us roots ' from :" ' from '" ' from ;J: ' nerves from : root: 5lioinguinal >L:?" 5liohypogastric >L:?. ' nerves from ' roots: 8enitofemoral >L:"L'?" Lateral -emoral >L'"L;?. ' nerves from ; roots: 9bturator >L'"L;"L,?" -emoral >L'"L;"L,?. Doints in the midline #2!: 5n medial line" below #econd 2ervical" joints are #econdary 2artilaginous and usually have a di#2. % )otes: secondary cartilaginous is also known as symphysis. $he one that doesnt have a disc is 1iphi*sternal. &nterior forearm muscles: superficial group Pimps -Mck Prostitutes -or -un!: Pronator teres -le1or carpi radialis Palmaris longous -le1or carpi ulnaris -le1or digitorum superficialis 31ternal carotid artery branches #ome &ggressive Lovers -ind 9dd Positions #timulating!: #uperior thyroid &scending pharyngeal Lingual -acial 9cciptal Posterior auricular a1illary #uperficial temporal &1illary artery branches #crew $he Lawyer #ave & Patient!: #uperior thoracic $horacoacromiol Lateral thoracic ore

#ubscapular &nterior circumfle1 humeral Posterior circumfle1 humeral 4escending abdominal aorta branches from diaphragm to iliacs Prostitutes 2ause #agging #wollen 6ed $esticles .in men0 Living 5n #in!: Phrenic .inferior0 2eliac #uperior mesenteric #uprarenal .middle0 6enal $esticular .Nin menN only0 Lumbars 5nferior mesenteric #acral 5nversion vs. eversion muscles in leg #econd letter rule for inversion/eversion: % 3version muscles: * p3rineus longus * p3rineus brevis * p3rineus terius % 5nversion muscles: * t5bialis anterior * t5bialis posterior 31ternal carotid artery branches #ister Lucys Powdered -ace 9ften &ttracts #illy edicos!: % =efore entering the parotid gland: * #uperior thyroid * Lingual * Posterior auricular * -acial * 9ccipital * &scending pharyngeal % 3nds as: * #uperficial temporal and * a1illary bifurcating in the in the parotid gland #permatic cord contents ; arteries" ; nerves" ; other things!:

; arteries: testicular" ductus deferens" cremasteric. ; nerves: genital branch of the genitofemoral" cremasteric" autonomics. ; other things: ductus deferens" pampiniform ple1us" lymphatics. % )ote some argument about this: inguinalO oore doesnt put in cremasteric nerve" Lumley puts in

-ibula vs. tibia: which is the bigger one People talk of telling just a little white lie!" or a little fib!: $herefore" the fibula is smaller. % &lternatively: $5=ia is the $hicker 5nner =one. % &lternatively: Little lat -5=" big fat $5=!. 5nterossei muscles: actions of dorsal vs. palmar in hand P&d and 4&b!: $he Palmar &dduct and the 4orsal &bduct. % Pse your hand to dab with a pad. $horacic duct: relation to aQygous vein and esophagus $he duck between ' gooses!: $horacic duct >duck? is between ' gooses" aQygous and esophagus. Lumbricals action Lumbrical action is to hold a pea" that is to fle1 the metacarpophalangeal joint and e1tend the interphalangeal joints. Ahen look at hand in this position" can see this makes an L! shape" since L is for Lumbrical. Pectoral nerves: path of lateral vs. medial Lateral Less" edial ore!:

Lateral pectoral nerve only goes through Pectoralis major" but edial pectoral nerve goes though both Pectoralis major and minor. 5ntrinsic muscles of hand >palmar surface? & 9- & 9- &!: % $henar" lateral to medial: * &bductor pollicis longus * 9pponens pollicis * -le1or pollicis brevis * &dductor pollicis.

% Fypothenar" lateral to medial: * 9pponens digiti minimi * -le1or digiti minimi * &bductor digiti minimi 4iaphragm innervation ;" ," G keeps the diaphragm alive!: 4iaphragm innervation is cervical roots ;" ," and G. -emoral triangle: arrangement of contents )&@3L: % -rom lateral hip towards medial navel: * )erve >directly behind sheath? * &rtery >within sheath? * @ein >within sheath? * 3mpty space >between vein and lymph? * Lymphatics >with deep inguinal node? % )erve/&rtery/@ein are all called -emoral. Lingual nerve course $he Lingual nerve $ook a curve &round the Fyoglossus. Aell 5ll be fMRkedS! #aid Ahartons 4uct" $he bastards gone and crossed usS! 31ternal carotid artery branches #ome &natomists Like -MRking" 9thers Prefer # T * #uperior thyroid * &scending pharyngeal * Lingual * -acial * 9ccipital * Posterior auricular * #uperficial temporal * a1illary !:

% &lternatively: &s #he Lay -lat" 9scars Passion #lowly &bdominal muscles


#pare $563 around their abdomen!: * $ransversus abdominis * 5nternal abdominal obliKue * 6ectus abdominis * 31ternal abdominal obliKue =icipital groove: attachments of muscles near it $he lady between two majors!: * $eres major attaches to medial lip of groove. * Pectoralis major to lateral lip of groove. * Latissimus >Lady? is on floor of groove" between the ' majors. 2arpal bones #ome Lovers $ry Positions $hat $hey 2ant Fandle!: % Pro1imal row then distal row" both lateral*to*medial: * #caphoid * Lunate * $riKuetrium * Pisiform * $rapeQium * $rapeQoid * 2apate * Famate % &lternatively: #cared LoversO! % &lternatively: #enior LecturersO!. =ronchi: which is more vertical 6ight on 6ed!: any places allow making a right hand turn at a red light" if you first come to a complete stop. & child swallowing a red penny is more likely to get it stopped down the right bronchus" since it is more vertical. L, landmark: ' items =,P! .before you0: =ifurcation of aorta L, Pmbilicus 6etroperitoneal structures list

#&4 PP2U36: * #uprarenal glands * &orta T 5@2 * 4uodenum >half? * Pancreas * Preters * 2olon >ascending T descending? * Uidneys * 3sophagus >anterior T left covered? * 6ectum 31ternal carotid artery branches #ome &berdeen Ladies -Rck" 9thers Prefer #timulation!: % -rom inferior to superior: * #uperior thyroid * &scending pharyngeal * Lingual * -acial * 9ccipital * Posterior auricular * a1illary * #uperficial temporal #uperior mediastinum: contents P@$ Left =&$$L3: * Phrenic nerve * @agus nerve * $horacic duct * Left recurrent laryngeal nerve >not the right? * =rachiocephalic veins * &ortic arch >and its ; branches? * $hymus * $rachea * Lymph nodes * 3sophagus 6etroperitoneal organs >major? &2/42 6ocker Uids Party 4own!: * &scending 2olon * 4escending 2olon * 6ectum * Uidneys anual

* Pancreas * 4uodenum =ells palsy: symptoms =3LL# Palsy: * =link refle1 abnormal * 3arache * Lacrimation .deficient" e1cess0 * Loss of taste * #udden onset * Palsy of @55 nerve muscles % &ll symptoms are unilateral. Liver inferior markings showing right/left lobe vs. vascular divisions $heres a Fepatic F! on inferior of liver. 9ne vertical stick of the F is the dividing line for anatomical right/left lobe and the other vertical stick is the divider for vascular halves. #tick that divides the liver into vascular halves is the one with vena cava impression >since vena cava carries blood" its fortunate that its the divider for blood halves?. 31traocular muscles cranial nerve innervation L6L#9, rest ;J: Lateral 6ectus is Lth #uperior 9bliKue is ,th rest are all ;rd cranial nerve -emoral hernia: epidemiology -3 oral hernias are more common in -3 ales. 9bturator canal: relations of structures Ahos flying in the top of 9bturator canal< 9bviously )ot & @einS!: 9bturator )erve &rtery @ein $horacoacromial artery branches &=24: &cromial =reast >pectoral?

2lavicular 4eltoid 4iaphram aperatures: spinal levels 2ome 3nter the &bdomen: @ena 2ava .V0 3sophagus .:B0 &orta .:'0 2ubital fossa contents y =ottoms $urned 6ed!: % -rom medial to lateral: * edian nerve * =rachial artery * $endon of biceps * 6adial nerve $hyroids: relative siQes $hyroid looks like a bra. =reasts are bigger in women" so thyroid bigger in women. Pregnant women have biggest breasts of all" so they have the biggest thyroids. Uidney hilums at transpyloric plane .L:0 L*: goes through hilum of only : kidney" and its the Left one. 6adial nerve: muscles supplied >simplified? =3#$ muscles!: =rachioradialis 31tensors #upinator $riceps #uperior orbital fissure: structures passing through LaQy -rench $arts Lie )aked 5n &nticipation 9f #e1!: Lacrimal nerve -rontal nerve $rochlear nerve Lateral nerve )asociliary nerve 5nternal nerve &bducens nerve

9phthalmic veins #ympathetic nerves 2ranial bones!-raternity Parties 9ccasionally $each #pam 3tiKuette!: % $he first two letters of each bone: -rontal" Parietal" 9ccipital" $emporal" #phenoid" 3thmoid. 5nternal iliac artery: posterior branchP5L#: Posterior branch" 5liolumbar" Lateral sacral" #uperior gluteal -oramen ovale contents 9@&L3: 9tic ganglion >just inferior?" @; cranial nerve" &ccessory meningeal artery" Lesser petrosal nerve" 3misary veins &natomical planes: coronal" horiQontal" sagittal 2oronal: & classic painting/stained glass window of a saint/angel has a corona radiating around the persons head. $he plane of the glass/page is cutting their head in the coronal plane. ForiQontal: #omeone coming over the horiQon has their abdomen cut in the horiQontal plane. #agittal: the remaining one by default. =rachial ple1us branches! y &unt 6aped % -rom lateral to medial: y Pncle!: edian Plnar

usculocutaneous &1illary 6adial

$ibia vs. fibula: which is lateral $he -ibuL& is L&teral. #uperior orbital fissure: structures passing through Lonely -at $eenage @irgins 6arely Like #wallowing &nd )ever 5ngest!: Lacrimal nerve" -rontal nerve" $rochlear nerve" @ein: ophthalmic 6ing: tendinous % -rom the ring" arises: Lateral rectus" #uperior division 555" &bducent nerve )asociliary nerve" 5nferior divison 555 =rachial ple1us: branches of posterior cord#$&6:

#ubscapular .upper and lower0" $horacodorsal" &1illary" 6adial 4ermatome 2L location #tick arm out like crucifi1ion stance. 2url your thumb and forefinger into an 9U! symbol while keeping your other fingers straight. +our hand should now look like a L shape. #o 2L dermatome is your thumb and top of arm >reason for crucifi1 stance? Feart valves $oilet Paper y &EE!: itral" &ortic

% -rom right to left: $ricuspid" Pulmonic"

edian nerve: hand muscles innervated $he L9&- muscles!: * Lumbricals : and ' * 9pponens pollicis * &bductor pollicis brevis * -le1or pollicis brevis % &lternatively: LL9&-" with ' Ls" to recall theres ' lumbricals. % $o remember that these are the edian nerve muscles" think eat L9&-!. 5nterossei muscles: number of palmars vs. dorsals ; on the P" , on the 4or!: $here are ; Palmar" and , 4orsal interossei. 2arpal bones: trapeQium vs. trapeQoid location % #ince theres two $s in carpal bone mnemonic sentences" need to know which $ is where: $rapeQiP is by the thP =" $rapeQi954 is in#543. is by the thP =" $rapeQ954 is by its #543.

% &lternatively" $rapeQiP

#perm pathway through male reproductive tract #3@3) PP: #eminiferous tubules 3pididymis @as deferens 3jaculatory duct )othing Prethra Penis

Preter to ovarian/testicular artery relation Aater under the bridge!: $he ureters >which carry water?" are posterior to the ovarian/testicular artery. % 2linically important" since a common surgical error is to cut ureter instead of ovarian artery when removing uterus. #oleus vs. gastrocnemius muscle function #tand on your #oles. 31plosive gas!: +ou stand on soles of your shoes" so #oleus is for posture. 8asoline is e1plosive" so 8astrocnemius is for e1plosive movement. #erratus anterior: innervation and action 2G*L*H raise your arms up to heaven!: Long thoracic nerve roots >GLH? innervate #erratus anterior. % $est 2GLH roots clinically by ability to raise arm past IB degrees. Arist: radial side vs. ulnar side ake a fist with your thumb up in the air and say 6adS!. +our thumb is now pointing to your 6adius. % )ote: 6adS was a late VBWs catchphrase" short for 6adical. $hings that were good were called 6ad. edial malleolus: order of tendons" artery" nerve behind it $om" 4ick" &nd )ervous Farry!: % -rom anterior to posterior: * $ibialis * 4igitorum * &rtery * )erve * Fallicus % -ull names for these are: $ibialis Posterior" -le1or 4igitorum Longus" Posterior $ibial &rtery" Posterior $ibial )erve" -le1or Fallicus Longus. % &lternatively: $om" 4ick &)d Farry!. % &lternatively: $om" 4ick &nd )ot Farry!. 4iaphragm apertures ; holes" each with ; things going through it!: &ortic hiatus: aorta" thoracic duct" aQygous vein.

3sophageal hiatus: esophagus" vagal trunks" left gastric vessels. 2aval foramen: inferior vena cava" right phrenic nerve" lymph nodes. =uttock Kuadrant safest for needle insertion #hut up and butt out!: $he Ppper 9uter Kuadrant of the =uttock safely avoids hitting sciatic nerve. #uperior thyroid artery branches ay 5 #oftly #KueeQe 2harlies 8irl<!: uscular 5nfrahyoid #uperior laryngeal #ternomastoid 2ricothyroid 8landular 4eep tendon refle1es: root supply :"'";","G"L"H"VJ: #:*': ankle L;*,: knee 2G*L: biceps" supinator 2H*V: triceps @ertebrae: recogniQing a thoracic from lumbar 31amine vertebral body shape: $horacic is heart*shaped body since your heart is in your thora1. Lumbar is kidney*bean shaped since kidneys are in lumbar area. 2ubital fossa contents % -rom medial to lateral: edian nerve =rachial artery =iceps tendon 6adial nerve 3ar: bones of inner ear $ake a Fammer: alleus Fit an 5ndian 3lephant: 5ncus 5t puts its foot in a stirrup: #tapes % 4escribes the shape" and relative position >from out to in? of the inner ear bones. % &lternatively: ailing 5ncludes #tamps!. ==6:

Popliteal fossa: muscles arrangement $he two #emis go together" #emimembranosus and #emitendonosus. $he embranosus is medial. edial and since the two semis go together" #emitendonosus is also

$herefore" =iceps -emoris has to be lateral. 9f the semis" to remember which one is superficial: the $endonosus is on $op. 2) @55 innervated muscles >branchial arch ' derivatives? 5magine someone making the facial e1pression to say P##O : -acial e1pression muscles Posterior belly of digastric #tapedius #tylohyoid 2arpal bones #cottish Lads $ake Prostitutes $o $he 2aledonian Fotel!: % Pro1imal row" then distal row: #caphoid Lunate $riKuetrium Pisiform $rapeQium $rapeQoid 2apate Famate % &lternatively: #tudents Like $aking Prostitutes $o $he 2arelton Fotel!. =ronchopulmonary segments of the left lung &stute &natomists #hare 5nside #ecrets &bout Lungs!: &picoposterior >#:X'? &nterior >#;? #uperior >#,? 5nferior >#G? #uperior >#L? &nteromedial basal >#HXV? Lateral basal >#I? =iceps brachii muscle: origins +ou walk shorter to a street corner. +ou ride longer on a superhighway.!:

% #hort head originates from coracoid process. % Long head originates from the supraglenoid cavity. 31trinsic muscles of tongue .for pro soccer fans0 Paris #t. 8ermains Four!: Palatoglossus #tyloglossus 8enioglossus Fyoglossus % P#8 is a -rench soccer team >foreign?" hence e1trinsic comes to mind. &ntefle1ed vs. anteverted: what bodypart each describes &ntefle1ed and &nteverted both bend toward &nterior!. % $he @! words go together: @erted is for the cer@i1 >therefore fle1ed must be uterus?. Lung lobe numbers: right vs. left $ricuspid heart valve and tri*lobed lung both on the right side. =icuspid and bi*lobed lung both on the left side. &1illary artery branches #end $he Lord to #ay & Prayer!: % -rom pro1imal to distal: #uperior thoracic $horacacromial Lateral thoracic #ubscapular &nterior circumfle1 humeral Posterior circumfle1 humeral -oramen spinosum: location on base of skull -oramen spinosum is adjacent to the spine of sphenoid. $onsils: $he three types PPL >people? have tonsils!: Pharyngeal Palatine Lingual Palmaris longus: location" relative to wrist nerves $he Palmaris between two Palmars!:

Palmaris longus is between the Palmar cutaneous branch of Plnar nerve and Palmar cutaneous branch of edian nerve. Fyoid bone: muscle attachments 2hrist" Fe 4idnt #crew 8irls #tupid!: uch. $hats 9bvious"

% $he first sentence is for L muscles attaching superiorly" the second sentence is for ; muscles attaching inferiorly. % =oth sentences are in order from lateral to medial: 2onstricter >middle? Fyoglossus 4igastric #tylohyoid 8eniohyoid yloyoid $hyrohyoid 9mohyoid #ternohyoid Lung lobes: segments of right middle lobe LC L!: #egments of iddle Lobe are edial T Lateral.

-emale pelvic organs blood supply ; organs" each get ' blood supplies!: Pterus: uterine" vaginal. 6ectum: middle rectal" inferior rectal .inferior rectal is the end of pudendal0. =ladder: superior vesical" inferior vesical. -ace muscles: large muscle groups cranial innervation andibular nerve: astication. -acial nerve: -acial e1pression. -emoral triangle: arrangement of nerve" artery" vein @&): % -rom medial to lateral: @ein &rtery )erve % )erve/&rtery/@ein are all called -emoral. 2ranial bones 9ld Pygmies -rom $hailand 3at #kulls!:

9ccipital Parietal -rontal $emporal 3thmoid #phenoid % )ote: skull*eating pygmies helps remind that mnemonic is for the skull. % &lternatively: 9ld People -rom $e1as 3at #piders!. % &lternatively: Prostitutes 9ffer -ree #e1 $o 3veryone!. Psoas major: innervation 5f you hit L'" ;" , Psoas gets soreS &nsa cervicalis nerves 8Fost $Fought #9meone #$upid #Fot 5rene!: 8eniohyoid $hyrohyoid #uperior 9mohyoid #ternothyroid #ternohyoid 5nferior omohyoid Leg: anterior muscles of leg $oms Fairy &)d 4irty Penis!: $: $ibialis anterior F: e1tensor Follicis longus &): anterior tibial &rtery T deep fibular )erve 4: e1tensor 4igitorum longus P: Peronius tertius .aka fibularis tertius0 3ye rotation by obliKue muscles 5 Love #T !: 5nferior obliKue: Lateral eye rotation. #uperior obliKue: edial eye rotation. 5nversion vs. eversion direction in the foot Little 5)tro@36ted boys roll their feet in when talking to girls. &lso" can just watch which way the sole of the foot goes: does it face in or out< =owel components 4ow Dones 5ndustrial &verage 2losing #tock 6eport!:

% -rom pro1imal to distal: 4uodenum" Dejunum" 5leum" &ppendi1" 2olon" #igmoid" 6ectum % &lternatively: to include the cecum" 4ow Dones 5ndustrial 2limbing &verage 2losing #tock 6eport!. Plnar nerve to ulnar artery and radial nerve to radial artery relations $hink peripheral nerves!: $he ulnar nerve is ulnar! to the ulnar artery. 6adial nerve is radial! to the radial artery. 2arpal bones Fer 2Rnts $oo $ight #o Lubricate $he Penis!: % &nticlockwise: Famate" 2apate" $rapeQoid" $rapeQium" #caphoid" Lunate" $riKuetral" Pisiform 9bliKue muscles: direction of e1ternals vs. internals Fands in your pockets!: Ahen put hands in your pockets" fingers now lie on top of e1ternal obliKues and fingers point their direction of fibers: down and towards midline. % )ote: obliKue! tells that must be going at an angle. % 5nternal obliKues are at right angles to e1ternal. 4uodenum: lengths of parts!2ounting : to , but staggered!: :st part: ' inches" 'nd part: ; inches" ;rd part: , inches" ,th part: : inch 3lbow: which side has common fle1or origin >as in 6adio?: -le1or edial" so 2ommon -le1or 9rigin is on the medial

2arpal bones #he Licks $oms PrickY Fer 2uMts $oo $ight!: #caphoid Lunate $riKuetrum Pisiform Famate 2apitate $rapeQoid $rapeQium #upination vs. pronation: which is more powerful #crews were designed to be tightened well by majority of people. 6ighty tighty!: to tighten screws you turn to the right. ajority of people are right*handed. $urning right*hand to the right is supination.

edian and ulnar nerves: common features 3ach supply :/' of fle1or digitorum profundus. 3ach supplies ' lumbricals. 3ach has a palmar cutaneous nerve that pops off prematurely. 3ach supplies an eminence group of muscles .ulnar: hypothenar. median: thenar0. 3ach enters forearm through two heads .ulnar: heads of fle1or carpi ulnaris. median: heads of pronator teres0. 3ach has no branches in upper arm. 3ach makes two fingers claw when cut at wrist. 3ach supplies a palmaris .median: palmaris longus. ulnar: palmaris brevis0. =owel components 4ublin #isters 2eramic 6ed 2olored Dewelry &pparently 5llegal!: % '*, letters of each component: 4uodenum #igmoid 2ecum 6ectum 2olon Dejunum &ppendi1 5leum $horacic duct: which half of upper body does it drain Unow drains all of lower body" but was it the right or the left part of the upper body< &nswer: its Lymph from the Left of the upper body. ediastinums: posterior mediastinum structures $here are , birds: $he esopha899#3 >esophagus? $he va899#3 nerve $he aQy899#3 vein $he thoracic 4P2U >duct? a1illary artery branches 4& 5 & Piss 4runk =ut #tupid 4runk 5 Prefer" &nonymous!: 4eep auricular &nterior tympanic iddle meningeal 5nferior alveolar &ccessory meningeal asseteric Pterygoid ust Phone &lcoholics

4eep temporal =uccal #phenopalatine 4escending palatine 5nfraorbital Posterior superior alveolar iddle superior alveolar Pharyngeal &nterior superior alveolar &rtery of the pterygoid canal Plna bone: Kuick recognition in oral e1am $he Plnar bone has a P! at the end where it goes over the trochlea. @etebrae subtypes 2ertain 4octors Luv #addling 2oeds!: % -rom superior to inferior: 2ervical 4orsal Lumbar #acrum 2occy1 31ternal carotid artery branches #t&pL3 9P5#: #uperior thyroid &scending pharyngeal Lingual 31ternal ma1illary >facial? 9ccipital Posterior auricular 5nternal ma1illary #uperficial temporal 2arpal bones $he boat sailed to the moon with ; p3as in a r9w" at the wheel was 2aptain Fook!: % 2arpal bones in order of occurrence: =oat is scaphoid. oon is lunate. ; is triKuetrum. Peas is pisiform >stressing the 3 sound for trapeQium?. 6ow is trapeQoid >stressing the 9 for trapeQ9id?. 2aptain is capitate. Fook is hamate >hamate has the hook?. 2oelic trunk: branches Left Fand #ide >LF#?:

Left gastric artery Fepatic artery #plenic artery Penis: spinal level innervation #'" ;" , keep the penis off the floor!: % &lternatively: #'" ;" , make a mess on the floor!. Penis innervated by pudendal nerve branches" derived from spinal cord levels #'*,. $horacic cage: relations to the important venous structures =ehind the sternoclavicular joints: the brachiocephalic veins begin. =ehind the :st costal cartilage on the right the superior vena cava begins. =ehind the 'nd costal cartilage on the right the aQygos vein ends. =ehind the ;rd costal cartilage on the right the superior vena cava ends. Lacrimal nerve course Lacrimals story of V Ls!: Lacrimal nerve runs on Lateral wall of orbit above Lateral rectus" then Lets communicating branch join in" then supplies Lacrimal gland" then Leaves it and supplies Lateral upper eye LidS #permatic cord contents Piles 4ont 2ontribute $o & 8ood #e1 Life!: Pampiniform ple1us 4uctus deferens 2remasteric artery $esticular artery &rtery of the ductus deferens 8enital branch of the genitofemoral nerve #ympathetic nerve fibers Lymphatic vessels =rachial ple1us organiQation $he 2astrated 4og $urns 6abid!: % -rom lateral to medial: $erminal branches 2ords 4ivisions $runks 6oots Lordosis vs. kyphosis Lordosis: Lumbar. U+phosis is F+ up on the spine.

2arpal bones Fappy 2at $om $ook Pie $o Little #ister!: Famate 2apitate $rapeQoid $rapeQium Pisiform $riKuital Lunate #caphoid Plantarfle1ion vs. dorsifle1ion Plantar fle1ion occurs when you sKuish a Plant with your foot. &utonomics to the gut $he P&6&sympathetics follow a rule of $A9! .pair C two0: % $he vagus does the top" the sacral splanchnics the outflow tract. $he sympathetics follow a rule of threes!: % 8reater" lesser" least splanchnic nerves go to the celiac"superior and inferior mesenteric ganglion. &dductor magnus innervation & &dductor #9S!:

agnus innervated by #ciatic and 9bturator.

2arpal tunnel syndrome: causes $6& P: $rauma >occupational? 6heumatiod arthritis &cromegaly y1oedema Pregnancy % &lternatively: &6 P5$ to include 5diopathic. usculocutaneous nerve: muscles innervated ==2 >=ritish =roadcasting 2orporation?: =iceps brachii =rachioradialis 2oracobrachialis 4escending abdominal aorta: seven divisions #ometimes 5ntestines 8et 6eally #tretched 2ausing Leakage!:

#uprarenals .paired0 5nferior mesenteric 8onadal .paired0 6enals .paired0 #uperior mesenteric 2eliac Lumbar .paired0 enisci attachments in knee 3ach meniscus has something attached to it!: $he medial meniscus has the medial collateral ligament. $he lateral meniscus is attached to the popliteal muscle. 2arpel bones #o Long $o Pinky" Fere 2omes $he $humb!: % Pro1imal row" lateral*to*medial" then distal row" medial*to*medial: #caphoid Lunate $riKuetrium Pisiform Famate 2apate $rapeQoid $rapeQium 2ruciate ligaments: insertions P& # &PPL3#: Posterior .passes0 &nterior .inserts0 edially. &nterior .passes0 Posteriorly .inserts0 Laterally. #perm: path through male reproductive system y boyfriends name is #$3@3!: #eminiferous $ubules 3pididymis @as deferens 3jaculatory duct -emoral artery deep branches Put y Leg 4own Please!:

Profundus femoris >deep femoral artery? edial circumfle1 femoral artery Lateral circumfle1 femoral artery 4escending genicular arteries Perforating arteries Lower limb peripheral nerve injurys 4rop into a 43eP P5$ and shuffle your way out!:

-oot 4rop results from 4orsifle1ors and 3vertors paralysis" due to common Peroneal nerve lesion. Plantarfle1ion and 5nversion impairment due to $ibial nerve lesion" results in a shuffling gait. #upination vs. pronation #9PPination!: #upination is to turn your arm palm up" as if you are holding a bowl of soup. P9P6*nation!: Pronation is to turn your arm with the palm down" as if you are pouring out whatever is your bowl. % &lternatively" Pronation donation: Pronation is palm facing downward" as if making a donation. #ubclavian artery branches @ery $ired 5ndividuals #ip #trong 2offee #erved 4aily!: @ertebral artery $hyrocervical trunk Z5nferior thyroid Z#uperficial cervical Z#uprascapular 2ostocervical Z#uperior intercostal Z4eep cervical #calp: nerve supply 8L&##: 8reater occipital/ 8reater auricular Lesser occipital &uriculotemporal #upratrochlear #upraorbital $ibia: muscles of pes anserinus >the muscles attached to tibias medial side? & 8irl between $wo #argeants!: 8racilus is between #artorius and #emitendonosus 6ib costal groove: order of intercostal blood vessels and nerve @&):

% -rom superior to inferior: @ein &rtery )erve 5nternal pudendal branches 5 Pee Pee =ut 4ont 4umpS!: 5nferior rectal Posterior scrotal >or labial? Perineal =ulb 4eep artery 4orsal artery #pinal cord: length in vertebral column #2PLL: #pinal 2ord Pntil L' >LL?. 3rector spinae muscles: order #pinalis is on the spine >most medial?. 5liocostalis is on the ribs >most lateral?. &nd its a Long >Longissimus? way between the spine and the ribsS 2arpum and tarsum #25$!: >&rtum? #uperior 2arpum >&rtum? 5nferior $arsum =rachial artery: recurrent and collateral branches 5 &m Pretty #e1y! 5nferior ulnar collateral artery goes with &nterior ulnar recurrent artery. Posterior ulnar recurrent artery goes with #uperior ulnar collateral artery. % &lternatively: 5 &m Pretty #mart!. 9rbit: bones of medial wall y Little 3ye #its in the orbit!: a1illa >frontal process? Lacrimal 3thmoid #phenoid >body? -acial nerve branches $wo [ombies =uggered y 2at!:

% -rom superior to inferior: $emporal branch [ygomatic branch =uccal branch andibular branch 2ervical branch % &lternatively: $wo [ulus =it y 2at!. % &lternatively: $wo [ebras =it y 2occy1!. % &lternatively: $o [anQibar =y otor 2ar!. % &lternatively: $all [ulus =ear any 2hildren!. 2artilage derivatives of :st pharyngeal arch >mandibular? 5 8irl?: 5ncus alleus &nterior ligament of malleus #pine of sphenoid #phenomandibular ligament 8enial tubercle of mandible -acial nerve: branches after #tylomastoid foramen $en [ulus =uggered >Painfully?!: % -rom superior to inferior: $emporal branch [ygomatic branch =uccal branch andibular branch 2ervical branch >Posterior auricular nerve? % &lternatively: P&ssing $hrough [anQibar =y otor 2ar! >P& for Posterior &uricular?. y 2at & #uper #e1y 8uy! >or

#perm pathway through male reproductive tract #$a6$ 433P7@4S!: % #perm duct system progression" from smallest to largest: #$: #eminiferous $ubules 6$: 6ete $estes 43: 4uctus 3fferentes 3P: 3pididymis @4: @as 4eferens #uperior orbital fissure: structures passing through Live -ree $o #ee &bsolutely )o 5nsult!:

Lacrimal nerve -rontal nerve $rochlear nerve #uperior branch of oculomotor nerve &bducent nerve )asociliary nerve 5nferior branch of oculomotor nerve @ertebrae: number of facets a typical thoracic has $ypical $horacic has $en facets. 31ternal carotid artery branches #o Long -or &cting 9ld Parenting #uperior thyroid Lingual -acial &scending pharyngeal 9cciptal Posterior auricular a1illary #uperficial temporal Forners syndrome components F96)y P& ! % Forners is: Ptosis &nhidrosis iosis #uperior mediastinum contents =&$# T $3)$!: =rachiocephalic veins &rch of aorta $hymus #uperior vena cava $rachea 3sophagus )erves >vagus T phrenic? $horacic duct #crotum layers #ome 4ays 3ddie 2an 5rritate People @ery $hourougly!: #kin 4artos layer 31ternal spermatic fascia 2remaster muscle 5nternal spermatic fascia eans #tability!:

Parietal tunica vaginalis @isceral tunica vaginalis $unica albuginea 31ternal carotid artery branches #ally &te Lots 9f -resh Produce #eptember!: #uperior thyroid &scending laryngeal Lingual 9ccipital >9 before - is an e1tremely common variation? -acial Posterior auricular a1illary $ransverse facial #uperficial temporal 2ubital fossa contents 6eally )eed =ooQe $o =e &t % -rom lateral to medial: 6adial )erve =iceps $endon =rachial &rtery edian )erve 2ricoarytenoids: abductor vs. adductor Ahen aliens abduct you" they Probe you. Posterior cricoarytenoids abduct. Lateral therefore is adduct by default. 31tensor e1pansion location in the hand $he e\tensor e\pansion is on the pro\imal phalyn\. 2arpal bone having the hook $he Famate has the Fook. 31ternal carotid artery branches #he Lay -laccid &s 9lafs Penis #lipped 5n!: % -rom caudal to cephalad: #uperior thyroid Lingual -acial &scending pharyngeal 9ccipital Posterior auricular y )icest!: arch $hrough

#uperficial temporal >5nternal? ma1illary =rachial artery is medial to biceps tendon =& =5!: =rachial &rtery is edial to =iceps 5n elbow.

9ssification ages 3very Potential &natomist #hould Unow Ahen! % Ahen they ossify" in order of increasing year: 3lbow: :L years Pelvis" &nkle: :H years #houlder" Unee: :V years Arist: :I years 2arpal bones >multangular names? )ever Lower $illies Pants. Fome.!: )avicular Lunate $riKuetrium Pisiform greater ultangular >trapeQium? lesser ultangular >trapeQoid? 2apitate Famate @;: sensory branches =uccaneers &re 5nferior Linguists!: =uccal &uriculotemporal 5nferior alveolar Lingual =rachial ple1us subunits!6andy $ravis 4rinks 2old =eer!: 6oots $runks 4ivisions 2ords =ranches % &lternatively: 6eal $e1ans 4rink 2oors =eer!. $arsal bones $all 2alifornian )avy edcial 5nterns Lay 2uties!: other ay 2ome

% 5n order >right foot" superior to inferior" medial to lateral?: $alus 2alcanous )avicular edial cuneiform 5ntermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneifrom 2uboid

&trioventricular valves!L&= 6&$!: Left &trium: =icuspid 6ight &trium: $ricuspid $arsal tunnel: contents $iny 4ogs &re )ot Funters!: % -rom superior to inferior: $: $ibialis posterior -: fle1or 4igitorum longus &: posterior tibial &rtery ): tibial )erve F: fle1or Fallucis longus @agal nerve: path into thora1 @agus nerve" unlike phrenic" continues through diaphragm with esophagus7it is )ot Left =ehind!: % $he left vagus is anterior" right is posterior .behind0. 5nguinal canal: walls! &L$: ' " '&" 'L" '$!: % #tarting from superior" moving around in order to posterior: #uperior wall >roof?: ' uscles:% internal obliKue uscle" % transverse abdominus uscle

&nterior wall: ' &poneuroses: % &poneurosis of e1ternal obliKue"% &poneurosis of internal obliKue Lower wall >floor?: ' Ligaments: % inguinal Ligament"% lacunar Ligament Posterior wall: '$s: % $ransversalis fascia % conjoint $endon =ronchopulmonary segments of right lung & P&L #eed akes &nother Little Palm!: % 5n order from superior to inferior: &pical Posterior &nterior Lateral edial basal &nterior basal Lateral basal Posterior basal $arsal bones $raverse 2ity >is? )oted >for? 5chigans Lovely 2herries!: edial" 5ntermediate" cuneiforms" edial #uperior

$alus" 2alcaneus >new row?" )avicular >new row?" Lateral cuneiform" 2uboid &orta vs. vena cava: right vs. left

&orta and right each have G letters" so aorta is on the right. @ena and cava and left each have , letters" so vena cava is on the left.

Fip: lateral rotators!Play 8olf 9r 8o 9n ]uaaludes!: % -rom top to bottom: Piriformis 8emellus superior 9bturator internus 8emellus inferior 9bturator e1ternus ]uadratus femoris % &lternatively: P*89*89*]!. -acial bones!@irgil 2an )ot @omer 2onchae )asal #calp layers #2&LP: % -rom superficial to deep: #kin 2onnective tissue &poneurosis Loose areolar tissue Pericranium $horacoacromial artery branches!2&lifornia Police 4epartment!: 2lavicular &cromial Pectoral 4eltoid &nkle: anterior compartment of leg contents $he Famptons &re )ever 4ull Parties!: % -rom medial malleolus: $ibialis anterior tendon >31tensor? Fallacus longus &rtery >anterior tibial? )erve >deep peroneal? >31tensor? 4igitorum Peroneus tertius 3rector spinae muscles 5 Love #e1!: % -rom lateral to medial: 5liocostalis Longissimus #pinalis % &lternatively: 5 Long for #pinach! % #e1! helps you think of 3rector!" but Long! and #pinach! help you remember the muscles names. Leg: anterior muscles of leg!$he Fospitals &re )ot 4irty Places!: $: $ibialis anterior F: e1tensor Fallucis longus &: anterior tibial &rtery ): deep fibular )erve 4: e1tensor 4igitorum longus P: Peronius tertius .aka fibularis tertius0 )asal cavity components )ever 2all e )eedle )oseS!: a1illa ake y Pet [ebra LaughS!:

andible Palatine [ygomatic Lacrimal

)ares .e1ternal0 2onchae

eatuses )ares .internal0 )asopharyn1

% )ote mnemonic sentence is nasally*related. 6otator cuff muscles!$he #5$# muscles!: % 2lockwise from top: #upraspinatus 5nfraspinatus $eres minor #ubscapularis % & pro baseball pitcher has injured his rotator cuff muscles. &s a result" he #5$# out for the rest of the game" and then gets sent to the minor leagues. 6adial nerve: muscles innervated $ry & =ig 2hocolate 2hip #undae" 4ouble 4ip 2herries &nd Peanuts Preferably 5ncluded!: % 5n order of their innervation" pro1imal to distal: $riceps &nconeus =rachioradialis e1t. 2arpi radialis longus e1t. 2arpi radialis brevis #upinator e1t. 4igitorum e1t.4igiti minimi e1t. 2arpi ulnaris &bductor poll. longus e1t. Poll. brevis e1t. P poll. longus e1t. 5ndicis % -or the neighboring words that start with the same letter >eg: chocolate and chip?" notice that the longer word in the mnemonic" corresponds to the longer of the two muscle names >e1: e1t. carpi radialis longus and e1t. carpi radialis brevis? 4eep tendon refle1es: root supply % 8od designed body refle1es according to a nursery rhyme: 9ne" two7 buckle my shoe. $hree" four7 kick the door. -ive" si17 pick up sticks. #even" eight7 shut the gate. #:"' C ankle jerk L;", C knee jerk 2G"L C biceps and brachioradialis 2H"V C triceps Penis autonomic innervation actions Parasympathetic Puts it up. #ympathetic #purts it out!. &lternatively: Point and #hoot!: Parasympathetic Points it" #ympathetic #hoots out the semen. % 3rection and 3jaculation >3mission?. 5nternal iliac artery: anterior branches Ahat =ill admitted to Filary: 5 ilked 9ur 5nsatiable 5nterns Pdders Pnder the 4esk!:

5nferior gluteal iddle rectal 9bturator 5nferior vesical artery 5nternal pudendal artery Pmbilical P/4CPterine artery >female?/ 4eferential artery >male?

uscles: potentially absent ones % uscles which may be absent but may be important: G Ps: Palmaris longus .upper limb0 Plantaris .lower limb0 Peroneus tertius .lower limb0 Pyramidalis .anterior abdominal wall0 Psoas minor .posterior abdominal wall0 2arpal bones!#top Letting $hose People $ouch $he 2adavers Fand!: % Pro1imal row" lateral*to*medial: #caphoid Lunate $riKuetrum Pisiform % 4istal row" lateral*to*medial: $rapeQium $rapeQoid 2apitate Famate 2arpal bones!#he Looks $oo PrettyY $ry $o 2atch Fer!: % Pro1imal row then distal row" both lateral*to*medial: #caphoid Lunate $riKuetrium Pisiform $rapeQium $rapeQoid 2apate Famate % &lternatively: #he Likes $o PlayY $ry $o 2atch Fer!. -le1or digitorum muscles: how they insert onto fingers % & little rhyme: #uperficialis #plits in two" $o Permit Profundus Passing through. #crotum layers #ome 4amn 3nglishman 2alled 5t $he $estis!: % -rom superficial to deep: #kin 4artos 31ternal spermatic fascia 2remaster 5nternal spermatic fascia $unica vaginalis $estis -emoral triangle: contents )&@+: % 5n order from lateral to medial: )erve &rtery @ein + of the groin % &lternatively: + C +*fronts .male underwear0. @agus nerve: path into thora1!5 Left my &unt in @egas!: Left @agus nerve goes &nterior descending into the thora1. #upine vs. prone body position Unow #PPination is your hand while carrying a bowl of #9PP. +our face follows where your palm is facing .i.e. up0. Put a handpuppet on your hand while hand is in supination and the puppet will be the supine position.

&1illary artery branches #uQy $hompkins Loves #e1" &lcohol" and Pot!: % -rom pro1imal to distal: #uperior thoracic $horacacromial Lateral thoracic #ubscapular &nterior circumfle1 humeral Posterior circumfle1 humeral Forners syndrome components #P& : #unken eyeballs/ #ymphathetic ple1us >cervical? affected Ptosis &nhydrosis @oicebo1: names of parts in sagittal cross*section $heres ; @s in your @oicebo1!: @estibular fold @entricle @ocal fold % )ote: @estibular and @ocal cord also known as false and true cords respectively. #erratus anterior: innervation #&L$: #erratus &nterior C Long $horacic. Fip: lateral rotators Piece 8oods 9ften 8o 9n ]uilts!: Piriformis 8emellus superior 9bturator internus 8emellus inferior 9bturator e1ternus ]uadratus femoris $high: innervation by compartment! &P 9- #ciatic!: iosis

edial compartment: 9bturator &nterior compartment: -emoral Posterior compartment: #ciatic % #o all the thigh muscles in that compartment get innervated by that nerve. 5nternal jugular vein: tributaries! edical #chools Let 2onfident People 5n!: % -rom inferior to superior: iddle thyroid #uperior thyroid Lingual 2ommon facial Pharyngeal 5nferior petrosal sinus 8enu valgum vs. genu vargum 8enu val8P >knock*knee?: knees are 8P med together.

% @arum >bowleg? is the other by default" or -ar rhymes with @ar" so knees are far apart. 3rector spinae muscles!5 Like #tanding!: % -rom lateral to medial 5lliocostalis Longissimus #pinalis

2ubital fossa contents )* &)!: % -rom lateral to medial: )erve uscle &rtery )erve uscle tendon" brachial &rtery" median )erve. aking #e1

% #pecifics are radial )erve" biceps

31ternal carotid artery branches!#uQy &lways Lays -lat 9n Pillows $errific!:

#uperior thyroid &scending pharyngeal Lingual -acial 9ccipital Posterior auricular a1illary #uperificial $emporal edian nerve: recogniQing it in an opened a1illa $he edian nerve is the and ulnar nerves. iddle of a giant capital ! formed by the musculocutaneous

$rigeminal nerve: where branches e1it skull #tanding 6oom 9nly!: #uperior orbital fissure is @: foramen 6otundum is @' foramen 9vale is @; 4ermatome 2H location 2H gives the finger to heaven >as in middle finger?. 31ternal carotid artery branches!#ome &ngry Lady -igured 9ut P #!: #uperior thyroid &scending pharyngeal Lingual -acial 9ccipital Posterior auricular a1illary #uperificial temporal =rachioradialis: function" innervation" one relation" one attachment =rachio6adialis: -unction: 5ts the =eer 6aising muscle" fle1es elbow" strongest when wrist is oriented like holding a beer. 5nnervation: =reaks 6ule: its a fle1or muscle" =ut 6adial. >6adial nerve usually is for e1tensors: 6ecall =3#$ rule: = was for brachioradialis?. 5mportant relation: =ehind it is the 6adial nerve in the cubital fossa. &ttachment: &ttaches to =ottom of 6adius. Pleura surface markings!&ll the even ribs" in order: '","L"V":B":' show its route!: 6ib': sharp angle inferiorly

6ib,: the left pleura does a lateral shift to accommodate heart 6ibL: both diverge laterally 6ibV: midclavicular line 6ib:B: mida1illary line 6ib:': the back &ortic arch: major branch order Unow your &=2#!: &ortic arch gives rise to: =rachiocephalic trunk left 2ommon 2arotid left #ubclavian % =eware though trick Kuestion of Ahat is first branch of aorta< $echnically" its the coronary arteries. @; innervated muscles >branchial arch : derivatives? .4. y $@!: astication .masseter" temporalis" pterygoids0 4igastric .anterior belly0 tensor $ympani tensor @eli palatini -oramen ovale contents &L3: andibular nerve" &ccessory meningeal artery" Lesser petrosal nerve" 3missary veins ylohyoid

Head Mnemonics
Cranial Nerves
5*optic" 55*olfactory" 555*oculomotor" 5@*trochlear" @*trigeminal" @5*abducens" @55*facial" @555*acoustic >vestibulocochlear?" 5\*glossophrayngeal" \*vagus" \5*spinal accessory" \55*hypoglossal 9n 9ld 9lympus $owering $ops" & -inn &nd 8erman @iewed #ome Fops +ou have 5 nose. +ou have 55 eyes. >5 7 9lfactoryY 55 7 9ptic?

Motor and Sensory nerves

#ome #ay arry oney" =ut y =rother #ays =ig =ras atter ore

Innervation of Extraocularmotor Muscles

L6L >#9,? ; L6L7Lateral rectus7^ @5 abductens #9,7#uperior 9bliKue7^ 5@ $rochlear ;7$he remaining , eyeball movers C 555

Branches of Facial Nerve after Stylomastoid foramen

-rom superior to inferior: $emporal branch [ygomatic branch =uccal branch andibular branch 2ervical branch >Posterior &uricular nerve? Ten Zebras Bought My Car To ZanQibar By Motor Car P ssing Through ZanQibar By Motor Car >P for Posterior uricular?. Ten Zulus Buggered My Cat >P infully?

Cervical S!inal Nerves

2;*,*G keeps the phrenic alive >innervation of phrenic nerve? 2;*,*G keep the diaphragm alive >innervation of diaphragm? 2G*L*H raise your arms to heaven >nerve roots of long thoracic nerve innervate serratus anterior?

@; innervated muscles ylohyoid &nterior digastric uscles of astication $ensor veli palatini $ensor tympani My EE Meets The Toilet

"#$ sensory %ranches

=uccal &uriculotemporal

5nferior alveolar Lingual Buccaneers re Inferior &inguists B I&

&acrimal nerve course

Lacrimals story of V Ls Lacrimal nerve runs on Lateral wall of orbit above Lateral rectus" then Lets communicating branch join in" then supplies Lacrimal gland" then Leaves it and supplies Lateral upper eye LidS

CN "II innervated muscles '%ranchial arch ( derivatives)

-acial e1pression muscles: Posterior belly of digastric Stapedius Stylohyoid N5magine someone making the facial e1pression to say PSSO

Scal!$ nerve su!!ly

8reater occipital/ 8reater auricular Lesser occipital &uriculotemporal #upratrochlear #upraorbital *& SS

Cranial %ones
Parietal 3thmoid #phenoid $emporal 9ccipital -rontal P3#$ 9- L

$he L just reminds that theres L of them to remember.

9ccipital Parietal -rontal $emporal 3thmoid #phenoid

9ld Pygmies -rom $hailand 3at #kulls 9ld People -rom $e1as 3at #piders Parietal 9ccipital -rontal #phenoid $emporal 3thmoid Prostitutes 9ffer -ree #e1 $o 3veryone

,r%it$ %ones of medial -all

a1illa >frontal process? Lacrimal 3thmoid #phenoid >body? My &ittle Eye Sits in the or%it

Foramen s!inosum
Location on base of skull -oramen s!inosum is adjacent to the s!ine of s!henoid.

Cavernous sinus contents

9cculomotor nerve >555? $rochlear nerve >5@? 9phthalmic nerve >@:? a1illary nerve >@'? 2arotid artery &bducent nerve >@5? , T,M C T , T,M are lateral wall components" in order from superior to inferior. C are the components within the sinus" from medial to lateral. C ends at the level of T from , T,M. T: Ahen written" connects to the T of ,T,M.

Cartila.e derivatives of /st !haryn.eal arch 'mandi%ular)

5ncus alleus &nterior ligament of malleus #pine of sphenoid #phenomandibular ligament 8enial tubercle of mandible I0M Super Se1y *uy >or *irl?

Face muscles .rou!s cranial innervation
Mandibular nerve: Mastication. Facial nerve: Facial e1pression.

Ptery.oid muscles
-unction of Lateral vs edial: Look at how your jaw ends up when saying first syllable of &ateral or Medial: &a!: your jaw is now o!en" so &ateral pterygoid o!ens mouth. Me!: your jaw is still closed" so Medial pterygoid closes the mandible.

Eye rotation %y o%li1ue muscles

Inferior obliKue: &ateral eye rotation Superior obliKue: Medial eye rotation I &ove S2M 31trinsic muscles of tongue .for pro soccer fans0 Paris #t. 8ermains Four!: Palatoglossus #tyloglossus 8enioglossus Fyoglossus _ P#8 is a -rench soccer team >foreign?" hence extrinsic comes to mind.

Maxillary artery %ranches
4eep auricular &nterior tympanic iddle meningeal 5nferior alveolar &ccessory meningeal asseteric Pterygoid 4eep temporal =uccal #phenopalatine

4escending palatine 5nfraorbital Posterior superior alveolar iddle superior alveolar Pharyngeal &nterior superior alveolar &rtery of the pterygoid canal 3 M I M Piss 3runk But Stupid 3runk I Prefer" Must Phone lcoholics nonymous!

Nec4 Mnemonics
Su%clavian artery %ranches
@ertebral artery $hyrocervical trunk 5nferior thyroid #uperficial cervical #uprascapular 2ostocervical #uperior intercostal 4eep cervical @ery $ired 5ndividuals #ip #trong 2offee #erved 4aily

External carotid artery %ranches

Some ggressive &overs Find ,dd Positions More Stimulating #uperior thyroid &scending pharyngeal Lingual -acial 9cciptal Posterior auricular a1illary #uperficial temporal #ister Lucys Powdered -ace 9ften &ttracts #illy edicos #o Long -or &cting 9ld Parenting eans #tability #ally &te Lots 9f -resh Produce arch $hrough #eptember

Cervical !lexus
&rrangement of the important nerves *& ST! , compass points: clockwise from north on the right side of neck: *reat auricular >)orth? &esser occipital >3ast? ccessory nerve >pops out between L and #? Supraclavicular >#outh? Transverse cervical >Aest?

Hyoid %one$ muscle attachments
2onstricter >middle? Fyoglossus 4igastric #tylohyoid 8eniohyoid yloyoid $hyrohyoid 9mohyoid #ternohyoid 2hrist" Fe 4idnt #crew 8irls

uch. $hats 9bvious" #tupid

$he first sentence is for L muscles attaching superiorly" the second sentence is for ; muscles attaching inferiorly. =oth sentences are in order from lateral to medial.

Thoracic 3uct &ocation
$he duck is between two gooses >duck C thoracic duct? ' gooses C aQy*,5S and esopha*,5S

Carotid sheath contents

5 #ee :B 22s in the 5@!

5 #ee >5.2.? C 5nternal 2arotid artery :B C 2) :B >@agus nerve? 22 C 2ommon 2arotid artery 5@ C 5nternal Dugular @ein

3ee! Muscles of the Bac4

5liocostalis Longissimis #pinalis 7 #emispinalis ultifidus 6otatores 5 Love #paghetti 7 #ome ore 6agu!:

Brachial Plexus
6oots $runks 4ivisions 2ords =ranches 6eally Thirsty< 3rink Cold Beer! 6andy Travis 3rinks Cold Beers! >$erminal nerves?: usculocutaneous &1illary 6adial edian Plnar M 6M5

Muscles Insertin. into Humerus

& lady between two majors! Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipital groove" the teres major attaches to medial lip of bicipital groove" and the latissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of bicipital groove. $he lati! is between two majors!

Car!al Bones '7 !roximal8 lateral to medial9 7 distal8 lateral to medial)

#caphoid Lunate $riKuetrum Pisiform $rapeQoid $rapeQium 2apitate Famate Some &overs/&ions Try Positions That They Cant Handle! $rapeQiP at the thP b! $rapeQi954 is in#543! -le1or carpi superficialis splits in two" to permit profundus to pass through!

6adial Nerve Innervations

=rachioradialis 31tensors #upinator $riceps BEST

Median Nerve Innervations

Lateral ' Lumbricals 9pponens pollicis &bductor pollicis brevis -le1or pollicis brevis ( &, F

6otator Cuff Muscles '# .reater tu%ercle9 / lesser tu%ercle)

#uperspinatus 5nfraspinatus

$eres minor #ubscapularis SITS

Transverse Sca!ular &i.ament

&rmy over >bridge? )avy under >bridge? &rtery goes over and )erve goes under the ligament

Cu%ital Fossa 'lateral to medial)

$endon >biceps brachii? &rtery >brachial? )erve >medial? T N

P 3!: Palmar >hand? muscles 3duct 3 B!: 3orsal >hand? muscles Bduct &bductor digiti minimi -le1or digiti minimi 9pponens digiti minimi &dductor policis 9pponens pollicis -le1or pollicis brevis &bductor pollicis brevis ll For ,ne nd ,ne For ll! >medial to lateral?:

xillary rtery Branches

#upreme/#uperior $horacic &rtery $horacoacromial &rtery Lateral $horacic &nterior 2ircumfle1 Fumeral

Posterior 2ircumfle1 Fumeral #ubscapular >$horacodorsal and 2ircumfle1 scapular? #ave $he Lions &nd Protect #pecies!

Thoracoacromial rtery Branches

2lavicular &cromial Pectoral 4eltoid C lifornia Police 3epartment!

Pectoral Nerves
Lateral is less" medial is more! Lateral pectoral nerve goes through pectoralis major" while medial pectoral nerve goes though both pectoralis major and minor.

The mnemonic that I'm going to impart onto your small sieve like brains is thus: P.I.N and P.I.N.S from below the piriformis Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Inferior gluteal vessels and nerves Nerve to uadratus femoris Pudendal nerve

Internal pudendal vessels Nerve to obturator internus Sciatic nerve

2arotid #heath** @&) 5nternal Dugular @ein 2ommon carotid &rtery @agus )erve Pelvic 3ia!hra.m

P529L9>&? *Posterior to anterior P5riformis 29ccygeus Levator &ni Pelvic #planchic*Parasympathetic #acral #planchic*#ympathetic

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