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Steel Data

Designation by Standards

Brand Name VCMO140

Ravne No. !4

Mat. No. 1. !!"

DIN 4!CrMo4

EN 4!CrMo4

AISI 414!

Chemical Composition
C#emi$a% Com&osition in 'eig#t ( C 0.41 Si 0.!0 Mn 0. " Cr 1.0" Mo 0.!) Ni * V * ' * Ot#ers *

General Information
Description +#is is one o, t#e $#romi-m. mo%ybden-m. manganese %o/ a%%oy stee%s noted ,or to-g#ness. good torsiona% strengt# and good ,atig-e strengt#. Applications Stati$a%%y and dynami$a%%y stressed $om&onents ,or ve#i$%es. engines and ma$#ines. 0or &arts o, %arger $ross*se$tions. $ran1s#a,ts. gears.

2#ysi$a% &ro&erties 3avarage va%-es4 at ambient tem&erat-re5 Mod-%-s o, e%asti$ity 610) N7mm!85 190*!10 Density 6g7$m)85 .:4 Contin-o-s Coo%ing +rans,ormation 3CC+4 Diagram

Do-b%e*$%i$1 t#e images to en%arge t#em and $%i$1 on$e to ma1e t#em t#-mbnai% si;e again.

Heat Treatment
Soft Annealin <eat to =:0* !0>C. $oo% s%o/%y in ,-rna$e. +#is /i%% &rod-$e a ma?im-m Brine%% #ardness o, !41. Hardenin <arden ,rom a tem&erat-re o, :!0*:"0. :)0*:=0>C ,o%%o/ed by /ater or oi% @-en$#ing.

!ormali"in Norma%i;ing5 :40*::0>C Temperin +em&ering tem&erat-re 3>C45 "40*=:0

Me$#ani$a% 2ro&erties in <ardening and +em&ering Condition Diameter 3mm4 -& to 1= 1 *40 41*100 101*1=0 1=1*!"0 0.! ( &roo, stress 3N7mm!4 900 "0 ="0 ""0 "00 +ensi%e strengt# 3N7mm!4 1100*1)00 1000*1!00 900*1100 :00*9"0 "0*900 E%ongation 3(4 10 11 1! 1) 14 Red-$tion o, area 3(4 40 4" "0 "0 "" Not$# im&a$t energy 3ISO*V4 3A4 )" 40 40 40 40

Me$#ani$a% 2ro&erties vs. +em&erat-re 3>C4

Do-b%e*$%i$1 t#e images to en%arge t#em and $%i$1 on$e to ma1e t#em t#-mbnai% si;e again.

<ardenabi%ity in t#e end*@-en$# test 3<ardness 3<RC4 vs. Distan$e 3mm44 <ardness 1." ) " 9 11 1) 1" !0 !" )0 )" 40

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'or in <ot ,orming tem&erat-re 3>C45 10"0*:"0 Machina%ilit& Ma$#inabi%ity o, t#is a%%oy is good in t#e annea%ed $ondition. In t#e #eat treated and @-en$#ed $ondition ma$#ining is best %imited to ,inis# grinding.

Other Information
Corrosion Resistan$e5 +#is a%%oy is a stee% and is not $orrosion resistant. 2rote$tive $oating m-st be -sed in $orrosive. or /ater. environments. 0orms man-,a$t-red5 2%ease as1. Disclaimer +#e in,ormation and data &resented #erein are ty&i$a% or average va%-es and are not a g-arantee o, ma?im-m or minim-m va%-es. A&&%i$ations s&e$i,i$a%%y s-ggested ,or materia% des$ribed #erein are made so%e%y ,or t#e &-r&ose o, i%%-stration to enab%e t#e reader to ma1e #is o/n eva%-ation and are not intended as /arranties. eit#er e?&ress or im&%ied. o, ,itness ,or t#ese or ot#er &-&oses. +#ere is no re&resentation t#at t#e re$i&ient o, t#is %iterat-re /i%% re$eive -&dated editions as t#e be$ome avai%ab%e. Cn%ess ot#er/ise s&e$i,ied. registered trademar1s are &ro&erty o, Meta% Ravne $om&any. Co&yrig#t !00" by Meta% Ravne. A%% rig#ts reserved.

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