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A. V.




Optimization of a Construction of the Compact Heat Exchanger with Themal Stresses

A.V. Chichindaev
NSTU 630092, Novosibirsk, K.Marks, 20, Russia
Abstract The purpose of the present adflty WBS analytical investigation of heat transfer and state of stress in primary heat exchanger of air conditioning systems. For this purpose the two-dimensional model of calculation of heat transfer in the heat exchanger (cross-precise compact plate ribbed) is designed. As a result of calculations the two dimeasional fields of temperatures of a heat-transport surface received, ground which one the thermal stresses in a design were calculated. The model allows for features of heat rejection on initial'segments of channels. Tbe veracity of model is tested by matching predicted data with known activities: the qualitative and quantitative consent is obtained. The numerical research is executed in a broad band of parameters. Input temperature of scavenghg air was set in range -SO... 100 ' C . In an heat channel input C . The major temperature was set in range 400. .. 500 ' factors contributing ta drop of thermal stresses in the heat exchanger are established. As a result of optimization of parameters o f a finning the versions of a design o f heat exchangers with favourable realIocating of temperatures of a heat-transport surface lowering temperature stresses in the heat exchanger are obtained. The obtained outcomes allow to proIong resource of activity of heat exchangers of the given type working in heat-stressed conditions.

At the same time at development and designing of heat exchangers for concrete heat power system there is a problem of optimization of their design under the definite requirements, which are flowing out from the working conditions. In particular, the greatest value for an industry there is the problems of reliability, resource of activity and simpIicity of exploitation. However, Iiterature contains restricted quantity of materials dedicated development of complex techniques of calculation, designing and optimization of a design of such heat exchangers. In the article criterions and algorithms for realization of complex optimization of a design of heatstressed compact heat exchangers are set up designed ground of perennial researches.


Compact plate-ribbed heat exchangers (Fig. 1) was received the widespread occurrence in the modem heat power systems (cooling systems in ship and automobile engineering, air conditioning systems). It is connected to their apparent virtues: by a relative simplicity of manufacturing, high specific compactness, reliability and simplicity at exploitation. In the literature to the present moment the great many of materials on lamina-ribbed used in compact heat exchangers is accumulated, as well as its methods of hydraulic and thermal calculations [I, 21.

A. Equations o f heat transfer The designed model of calculation represents the set of equations circumscribing processes of heat rejection in finned heat-transport channels: in an hot channel with the count of process of a dropwise condensation fkom a moist air, in a cold channel with the count of process of vaporization in a two-phase system <<air-water aerosol)). In the basis of a technique of calculation the set of equations of heat transfer for an elementary segment of thennoexchange (Fig. 2), fooking like the following utilised:

Fig. 1. Views of the compact plate-ribbed heat exchanger

where the index I corresponds to hot, and 2 - to cold heat carrier. Physical meaning of the first equations: the heat quantity which has been given away by heat carrier (the left-hand part), is equal to a heat quantity entered process heat rejections on a lamina (right member). Meaning of the third equation: the heat flow from hot heat carrier to a lamina (left-hand part) is corresponding to a heat flow acting &om a lamina to cold heat carrier. The availability o f a finning is allowed by a special factor of a finning cp, describing the area of ribs come per unit area o f a lamina.


0-7803-8943-3/05/%20.00 0 2005 IEEE

Mechanic development and new materials




A . Technological optimization Projecting design, as a rule, represents itself the

b !
Fig. 2. Two dimensional model for calcuIation of local heat transfer: I, It - segment of a heat-transport section; r finned packet for hot heat c a n i e ~ ; X - finned packet for cold heat camer; Ax]Ax2 computational site

Heat- and mass transfer in heat carriers was described with the help of homogeneous model designed i n Novosibirs State Technical University (NSTU) before [ 5 ] . The feature presenting an equations to a very simple kind, is, that all processes of heat- and mass transfer in heat carriers are included in parameter of an enthalpy i and enter therefore under the s i p of a derivative. It means, that on each elementary segment except of indicated set of equations of heat transfer it is necessary to compound and to decide a set of equations describing heat- and mass transfer in heat carriers. In view of heterogeneity of processes of heat- and mass transfer and the analytical solution of such problem is impossible for their nonlinearity. The change of intensity of process of heat rejection on an initial segment of a heat-transport channel was set under the known laws for channels and tubes. The algorithm of calculation described process of heat transfer between the "hot" and "cold" finned packets in the compact finned -ribbed crossprecise heat exchanger. The joint set of equations of energy is compounded for an elementary segment of a heat-transport surface AxAy and partition of the finned packets up to 100x100 of crosssections. The designed model allows to determine two dimensional fields of temperatures for hot and cold heat carrier, and also heat-transport surface in the compact heat exchanger.

sequence of iterations with the purpose of detection of sizes of the heat exchanger satisfying to input datas. By outcome of customary calculation [l, 21 (method kF,or E NT#) is the definition of the area of heat change F. Further there is a necessity for creation of this surface with the help of that or diverse ribbed laminas [2, 31, and also with allowance for of dimensional limitations. This purpose is the essence of technological optimization of the heat exchanger. In the basis of algorithm of the program the calculation of group ("set") compact heat exchangers with different number of packets is utilized at identical flow regimes of heat carriers. As criterion for seIection of an optimum design the principle of equality of three-dimcnsional sizes (form of an equilateraI cube) will be used. In this case alongside with optimum costs of manufacturing of a heat-transport section, receive minimum costs of manufacturing of connective fitting pipes.

5. Thermal optimization
The technological optimization is relevant, but not by an alone problem projecting design. In particular there is opened a problem on an overall performance of the designed heat exchanger. Most generalized effectiveness criterion of the heat exchanger is its thermal efficiency: relation of an actual heat flow in the actual heat exchanger to maximum theoretically possible in an ideal infinite countercurrent heat exchanger. In the basis of algorithm of the program the calculation efficiency of "set" of heat exchangers is utilized, and also specialized calculation according to thermal efficiency of utilized ribbed laminas on hot and cold channels. As creations of a thermal optimality there is used the principle of correspondence of efficiency of the heat exchanger fiom "set" to computational (projecting) efficiency, and also efficiency of utilized ribbed laminas 141.
C. Exploitational optimizution

B. Equivalent temperature stresses (UIfailure theory):

Where: ol, o3- principal stresses which are operational on platforms perpendicular one another o1> o3(for the primary heat exchanger is possible to accept of temperature stresses, laminas, operational along diagonals.) ; a coefficient of linear expansion, E modulus of elasticity for steel, AT- temperaturc drop of a heat-transport surface, L, m - length of a warped part of a construction.

After completion of technological and thermal optimizations the projecting calculation, as a rule, finishes. In case of designing of the heat exchanger under concrete conditions of the heat power system, as a rule, there are padding exploitational requirements. IOthe basis of such requirements there can be two groups of problems: at first, maximum reliability and resource of activity; secondly, maintenance of some demanded technological (exploitational) parameters or properties. For the solution of such problem it is necessary to execute verifying calculation o f the compact heat exchanger and tu analyze fields of temperatures of a heattransport surface and heat carriers for conformity to concrete operational requirements. In the basis of algorithm of the program there is used the designed two dimensional mathematical model of calculation of heat transfer in the cross-precise compact

Mechanic development and new materials

A. V . Chichinduev


KORUS2005 verifying calculation of the selected heat exchanger, as a result of which the two-dimensional fields of temperatures of hot, cold heat carriers and temperature of the finned surface are calculated. In completion the information on thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger and value of thermal stresses or faction of a keezing of heat-transport surace is represented.

plate-ribbed heat exchanger [5 J, consisting of a system of differential equations of energy for hot and cold heat carriers and equations of heat transfer. The solution of a system is implemented by the numerical method, for what the system of differential equations was exchanged with the help of method of finite differences by grid equations on a &rid 10x10 _.. 100x100 of clusters. The calculation of heat transfer thus was executed sequentially for each elementary site A x l b 2 before obtaining with given accuracy in 0,Ol C of values of temperatures of a wall, cold and hot heat carrier. The model allows heat and mass transfer in cold and hot channels (with allowance for heat and mass transfer in a boundary Iayer) and feature of heat transfer on initial segments of channels, according to designed earlier to techniques [63. As a result of calculations the two-dimensional fieIds of temperatures of hot, cold heat carrier and heat-transport surface on a grid with demanded accuracy were determined. As creations of an exploitational optimality two limitations often meeting were used. At firsf in case of activity of the heat exchanger in hypertherrnal heatstressed conditions the calculation of temperature stresses in a design of the heat exchanger is carried out and the matching with allowabIe stresses for a structural materiai is executed [7, 81. Secondly, in case of activity of compact heat exchangers on regimes with air-steam cooling [9] the caiculation of fields of temperatures of a heat-transport surface and matching with technological (exploitational) demanded parameters i s carried out.

A.Research of functionability of the heat-stressed heat exchanger In modem heat power systems there are appIied the airto-air compact heat exchangers to primary cooling of hyperthermal working heat carrier. In view of high nonstationary operation temperatures (400 ... 600 C) they often leave out of operation. Descending at it destruction of air-tightness of the heat exchanger is connected to a phenomenon of few-cycle strength [73. The periodic heating of a design of the heat exchanger is accompanied by monotonic drop ofallowable stress fkom a condition of resiliency. Arising at each actuation of the heat exchanger the thermal stress reach value of allowable strength of materials in a most dangerous section of the heat exchanger (Fig. 4) through final number of cycles. The heat exchanger thus leaves out o operation, causing under repair or cost intensive replacement (Fig* 5). Therefore there is an actual probIem of extension of resource of such heat-stressed heat exchangers, Pursuant at a stage of exploitational optimization in algorithm of verifjmg calculation the problem of definition of thermal pressure q , , in a design of the heat exchanger was decided. Allowing specificity of distribution of temperatures in cross-precise heat exchangers, the equivalent thermal pressure under the formuIa , a o1 cr3 were determined. In quality crl and a 3 the thermal pressure on directions of maximum and minimurn gradients of temperatures were selected. The comparison of equivalent thermal pressure uqv and maximum temperature of a heat-transport surface with the chart of resihency rr, for a material of the heat exchanger allowed precisely enough to judge about

D.Description o f the sofhoarepackage

The designed engineering s o h a r e package [lo] represents three-stepwise algorithm of specialized calculation of the compact cross-precise heat exchanger (Fig. 3). The first stage is intended for input of geometry of hot and cold ribbed laminas, initial parameters of heat camer and demanded heat rate. The second stage consists in fulfilment of automatic projecting calculation finishing by a list of versions of the heat exchanger, selected by the program and recommended on the technological requirements. The third stage represents

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1 1

Fig. 4. The scheme of a structural failure of the primary heat exchanger: i - fracture on a lamina; 2 fracture on a packet; 3 - diagonal - line of principal stresses; 4 - input of hot heat camer, 5 - input of cold heat carrier, 6 - most dangerous section ( T , AT-)

Fig. 3 Views of the menu of the software package

Mechanic development and new materials



A. K Chichindom

parameter - for values of ribbed surfaces. Changing numbers Rel, Re2 and cpl, rpz, included in R R and ~ -4, there are possible to receive any demanded version RR.
C . Optimization of a design of the heat-stressed heat exchanger As a result of executed researches is established, that at complex effect on the primary heat exchanger by maintenance of value RR < 1 it is possible significally to inffuence on thermal stress in the heat exchanger and to achieve sharp their repeated drop. As a result of a data analysis there are offered the concrete measures permitting to lower a level of thermal stress i n the primary heat exchanger at preservation of invariable input regime parameters of heat carriers. The ghen effect allows to increase resource of activity of a material of a design of the heat exchanger at few-cycle thermal strength load on it.

Fig. 5 , Views of flaws o f the primary heat exchanger after

loo0 flight hours

localization and degree of danger of a fatigue failure, and also to evaluate resource of activity of the heat exchanger. In activity the cycle of numerical researches on learning influencing on thermal stress in the heat exchanger of the different factors in a broad band of parameters is executed: input temperature of scavenging air was set in range -50 ,,. 100 *C; in an hot channeI input temperature was set in range 400 _..600 OC, Thus the different versions of layout o f the heat exchanger (fiom single- up to four- pass-precise), and also different combinations of the plate-ribbed surfaces were used. As a result of researches i s established, that with the help of a number of design factors it is possible considerably to Iower thermal stress in a design of the heat exchanger and considerably to improve reliability and resource of its activity.

In activity the criterions and algorithm for realization of complex optimization of a design of compact heat exchangers are set up, designed ground of perennial researches. The designed problem s o h a r e package

B. Generalized criterion of optimization of a design o f compact heat exchangers As a res& o f executed researches it is offered to use for a problem of optimization of a design of compact heat exchangers generalized cnterion RR = R21Rlt being relation of thermal resistance of a cold and hot channel. This parameter renders determining effect on temperature of a heat-transport surface, which one partitions heat carriers. Thus three cases are possible: 1). RR > I - the i t h hot: the resistance from the cold party is more, than w surface temperature is closer to hot heat carrier; 2). RR = 1 - the resistance are peer: a surface temperature on equal removal; 3). RR < 1 - the resistance from the hot party is more, than with cold: the surface temperature is closer to cold heat carrier. Thus, if to learn to set the value RR through design data of the heat exchanger, becomes to possible control of temperature of a heat-transport surface. Setting a desirable surface temperature, it is possible to supply any operating conditions of activity. In algorithm of the designed s o h a r e package the following equation for RR is utilized: RR= RRc-&, where: RRe- parameter depicting a ratio of regime parameters of heat carriers; R , - parameter depicting a ratio of the areas of ribbed laminas. From the point of view of a ~ for design of the heat exchanger parameter R R answers flow regimes of heat carrier (laminar - turbulent), and

allows to conduct of projecting and verifying calculation of the compact laminated-ribbed heat exchanger. h particular, the algorithm of calculations allows to execute optimization of a design of the heat exchanger on three independent conditions: tecbnologicd, thermal and exploitational efficiency. The activity is of interest for the specialists engaging designing of compact laminatedribbed heat exchangers, working on two-phase heat carriers or hyperthermal heat-stressed conditions. The activity is executed at financial support in the form of the grant of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation on a direction Basic researches in the field of engineering science.
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Mechanic development and new materials

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