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Dear Friend

A very popular TV programme

that is broadcast most evenings
is “Who Wants to be a
Millionaire?” The contestant is
given four possible answers to
each question and they have to
give the correct one in order to
move up a stage.
As the questions get more difficult, he or she can use
one of their lifelines and ask the audience to help out,
or phone a friend who might know the answer.
What a blessing our own lifelines are – the phone
which rings just when we feel in need of cheering up,
the unexpected bunch of flowers or the invitation to
come to tea and to know that your friends at the
Crusade are always here for you.
It‟s good to be on the receiving end – and rewarding to
be the giver.
Bro Roy
Jesus, after He had come down from the mount and
healed the epileptic boy said to His disciples “There is no
means of casting out this sort, but by prayer” (Mark
In the mind of Jesus, prayer and
healing are inseparable. A cautionary
note, however, needs to be sounded.
It must not be assumed that there is
nothing whatever beyond the power
of prayer to accomplish, nor must it
be expected that healing will
automatically follow in every case.
Paul’s thorn in the flesh remained, in
spite of persistent prayer for its
Why prayer results in healing in some cases and not in
others is a mystery. That prayer and prayer alone have
produced a cure cannot be disputed, therefore in spite of
the fact that prayer for healing is still shrouded in
mystery, we must still persist with it. The last verse of a
poem, which I came across, would seem to provide an
appropriate ending to this article.
Yes we are always wondering, wondering how.
Because we do not see someone, perhaps
unknown and far away, on bended knee.
If prayer is the top priority to enable every man, woman
and child to experience the healing power of the living
Christ, then surely the challenge presented to each one of
us is to be that – “someone, perhaps unknown and far
away, on bended knee”.

One of the popular TV programmes for many years

was the quiz “Mastermind” with its then question
master, Magnus Magnusson. When time ran out for
each contestant a buzzer sounded, but if Magnus
hadn’t completed the question he said, “I’ve
started so I’ll finish”. It gave the contestant an
opportunity to answer one more question and to
increase their score.

The saying became quite a catchphrase, but it is a

good motto for life too. There is something rather
sad about letting something we once started with
enthusiasm remain unfinished. On the other hand,
there is something immensely satisfying about a
job that has been completed.

At the end of a life filled with many hardships and

dangers, shipwreck and imprisonment, St Paul
"I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith”

Now there’s something to encourage us all!

When I lived in Cyprus in the 1980’s, I often used
to tour the island, and once when touring a
monastery, I came upon a painting of an outside
doorway to a church I knew well. A monk saw me
looking at it and said “I often pray before that
picture. I love to imagine how the door will open to
reveal the church inside”.

Before I could check myself I said “But it doesn’t!”

He merely smiled and said quietly “For me it does”.

I will praise Thee: For I am fearfully and

wonderfully made.

Marvellous are Thy works, and that my soul

knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14
By Dr Timothy O‟Higgins

Brother Conrad
3rd March 1933 – 14th September 2009

Brother Conrad has made his journey into his inner home.
On September 14th 2009, Conrad made his transition whilst
resting peacefully at home with his wife Anne and his friend
Conrad‟s life adventure was expressed through the World
Healing Crusade in prayer and service, writing and
counselling. His ministerial outreach included missions
throughout the British Isles, Ireland, Australia, New
Zealand, Africa and the United States. His professional life
as a psychologist included practice in England, South Africa
and Zimbabwe.
Although well versed in the study of psychology and
philosophy, he chose to express his wisdom writing with
profound simplicity, in Power lines and Crusader. His prayer
ministry continued by telephone, even in the last weeks of
his life, during which time he received and responded to
calls for prayer and support, from all over the world.
His life was gentle
And the elements so mixed in him
That nature might stand up
And say to all the world,
This was a man
Conrad‟s children, Kort, Rachel, Jo, his wife Anne, Breda and
I, were joined by many of his friends from the local community
of Benilloba village, near Alicante in Spain, on September
15th. 2009. At his funeral, we celebrated his life in music,
song and prayer. The inner family of God, and the extended
family of Crusaders throughout the world, rejoice with us in
his homecoming.
A gentle and private man, dedicated to service of the Divine,
Conrad Nyquist lived a life of spiritual simplicity, fidelity and
respect for the Divine incarnate in all creation. His counsel
centred on gratitude for divine activity to resolve all dilemmas,
to heal all wounds, to comfort all afflicted and to heal the
A man of deep spiritual insight, Conrad displayed a playful
spirit, a joie de vivre and a spontaneity flowing from
authenticity. He brought a childlike sparkle to the lives of
those who were privileged to relax in the warmth of his
friendship. In his relationships with family, friends and
colleagues, Conrad maintained a genuine respectfulness and
trust in their inner dignity. His particular love and respect for
the dignity of children, was expressed in his books listening to
the Lord, Short Stories for Prayer Time and Think Stories.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, the family of the World
Healing Crusade join Conrad‟s wife, his children and
grandchildren in prayerful support, in this time of Divine
Adjustment in their lives.
In this moment of reflection, with love and gratitude, greet
Conrad as he continues expressing on the pathways of the
Inner Life, with the words he loved „Always Hello‟. Siempre
British summertime comes
to an end this month and we
start the beginning of the
autumn season.
Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year, even if it
does herald the approach of winter and shorter, colder
days. I love the shades of brown, red and yellow which
leave’s turn, giving the trees a majestic beauty.
I love the smell of wood smoke that seems to permeate the
air at this time of year and the thought of nature’s bounty
to come, wild mushrooms, chestnuts, sloes and black
berries. Even in the autumn of our lives there is a rich
harvest to be had.
The swans now arrive,
And the air is alive,
With the whirring and stirring of wings,
as moor land now glints,
With bright autumnal tints,
My heart moves with the beauty of
Ripe apples now drop,
Give a bountiful crop,
Luscious grass, emerald green
From the rain,
As the summer now ends,
Just like greeting old friends,
Autumn days bring me
Pleasure again.
Chrissy Greenslade.

In the Divine Healing Service on

Tuesday afternoons and every
morning at the Altar in the
Sanctuary, the little card shown
with this Sanctuary Messenger is
held for Jesus to bless those, who
hold it in prayer.
In no time at all I have experienced in our togetherness with all
our prayer friends in my midst and wherever they are, that the
Lord takes our hearts and hands in His Own and blesses our
loved ones with this sacred card.

Thank you for holding it for the Lord to Bless. It is the Lord who
unites us in prayer and who takes us into the universal
perfection of His love and body for us to share.

So we give ourselves to Him in all His wisdom to be channels of

His care. How wonderful to be so divinely needed, and so
absolutely necessary for the spiritual wellbeing, health and
happiness of one another.

If you would like a prayer card, please write to us here at the

Sanctuary and we will be only too pleased to send you one.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.

Proverbs 3:5

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