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8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Monicas Parish

March 1 & 2, 2014

Anxiety is not a virtue by Alice Camille

Imagine subtracting all the anxiety from a single day. Don't worry about the alarm not going offor about it going off! Don't worry about burning the toast, missing the train or hitting traffic, not having enough cash in your wallet. Don't dread the meeting with that person who tries your patience or the boss who intimidates or the lunch date with the friend who is lately rather needy. Don't be anxious about getting the work done on timeor having to do the work at all. Don't worry about your job, or your lack of good employment; your relationships, or the loneliness that is lately filling the gaps; your hair (or lack thereof), or the weather. Don't worry if that ache in your joints is getting worse, if it might mean something more than what it seems to be. Don't think about your weight today. Don't worry about the kids, the car, the bathroom faucet, the past, the future. If you subtract all the things you normally worry about over the course of a single day, how much time would you have left over to relax, smile, tell a joke or hear one, sing a song, play, take a nap, make a new friend? One of the problems with being human is that you know all the things that can go wrong with your bodies, your relationships, your property, and your goals. You've been-there-done-that when things start to come apart, and it's not pretty. While worrying about the negative possibilities has never proven to eliminate their eventuality, you're not deterred from handing over the present moment to the entirely useless obsession with what-ifs. Anxiety is all about the negative, about giving yourself to the gremlins of fear and dread. Entrusting yourself to the way of faith is more than only being positive of course: it's not a glass half-empty vs. half-full scenario. Living faithfully means that no matter what lies behind you or what's up ahead, you're confident that God remains the Lord of your life. God's word is true, and God can be trusted. Even though you walk in that bitter valley of shadows, you won't go in alone, and you won't come out alone either. God is more reliable than humans and sturdier than a rock. If you don't believe that, then by all means, freak out. There are a million reasons to panic if you're mortal, not the least of which is that nothing lasts forever, including you. If you believe in your mortality, which most people over 25 do, then worry will materialize on your plate every morning like clockwork. Count on it. If you believe in the goodness and faithfulness of God, though, every anxiety proves to be a ghost that fades in the light.
PREPARE THE WORD Exploring the Word for Sunday, March 2, 2014 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

2014 Lenten Reflection and Prayer Booklets

The 2014 Lenten Reflection and Prayer Booklets are available for you to purchase at the main entrance of the church. The adult, family and childrens versions are priced at $2.00 each. Please put your payment in the Missalette and Newspaper Payment Box.

World Day of Prayer (March 7)

The World Day of Prayer is observed annually on the first Friday in March. It is an invitation for Christians to pause and pray together ecumenically and recalls our Christian responsibility to be sensitive to the signs of the times so that we might bring a more authentically Christian dimension to the concerns of our world, our country, our community. Sponsored by the Womens Inter-Church Council of Canada and its national counterparts around the world, it is celebrated in approximately 165 countries.

Its That Time Of Year Again To Spring Forward! Dont We All Wish The Weather Would Do That!
Before you go to bed next Saturday, March 8, be sure to move forward your clocks one hour to daylight saving time.

Adult Faith Enrichment

4:00 8:30 Saturday, March 1 Vincent Tedeschi Sunday, March 2 John Caporicci Our Ladys Saturday By his Wife & Family 8th Sunday Ordinary Time Teresa Supino

Bible Study
Please note that our bible study, with Pastor Brent Walker, will resume on Wednesday, March 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the parish hall. This will give everyone the opportunity to participate in our Ash Wednesday service this coming Wednesday, March 5 at 7 p.m.

11:00 In Loving Memory: Joseph Onesi, Giovanni & Norina Onesi, Fioravante Rotiroti, Francesco & Angela Supino, Maureen Lynch, Deceased members of the Cullen Family. Monday, March 3 Weekday Mass 8:00 Linus Doyle By Marion & Family Tuesday, March 4 St. Casimir 8:00 Luigi, Antonio, Sanda By Settimia Onesi Onesi Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday 8:00 Ignazio Ciampini By Wife Ernesta & Family 7:00 8:00 8:00 Special Mass Celebrated Ash Wednesday Thursday, March 6 Weekday Mass Antonio Bei By wife Gabriella Bei Friday, March 7 St. Perpetua & St. Felicity Theresa, Julian & Kevin Gary Rooney Rooney Saturday, March 8 St. John of God In Loving Memory: Micheline Dufresne, David Boyle, Mariette Bisson, Sybyl Murray Denis, Mike Kilbertus, Deceased members of the Charles J. McDonald Family, Alessandro Palladini. Sunday, March 9 First Sunday Of Lent John Caporicci Dominic Supino By Anna Massia

Video Divina
Fr. Raymond will present the movie The Gospel of John on Friday, March 7 at 7 p.m. in the parish rectory. If you are looking for a way to begin your Lenten journey, then please consider joining Fr. Raymond for this special presentation. All are welcome! Please refer to our brochure, website and the posters at the Church entrances for additional information.


March 5 to April 12, 2014
Lent prepares the faithful for Easter as they recall their baptism and do penance in preparation for the greatest feast of the year. Lent has two major purposes: It recalls or prepares for baptism, and emphasizes a spirit of penance. Fridays during Lenten season are days of abstinence from meat, but Catholics may substitute special acts of charity or piety on this day. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, in the Roman rite and in Canada, are days of fasting and of abstinence from meat (except for the sick, those under 18, and the elderly). Ash Wednesday: March 5, 2014 Easter: April 20, 2014


11:00 Giuseppi Dagostino & Maria Grazia

Thank you for your on-going support of our parishCollection for the weekend of February 22/23, 2014 totalled $3,094.55

Your Generosity

Share Lent Campaign

The beginning of Lent starts the Share Lent Campaign of Development & Peace. The theme this year is One Human Family, Food for All. In the coming weeks, there will be information regarding the issue in the bulletin. Please pray for justice and peace, especially throughout Lent.

ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES There will be two masses offered on Ash Wednesday, March 5. The usual morning mass will be offered at 8:00 a.m. and a second mass will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. Ashes will be distributed at both masses.


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