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{378}{435}All I'm saying is that you're|way behind with little Wyatt.

{439}{513}- You should have applied before this.|- Yeah, well, you know,
{517}{554}he's not even a year old yet.
{558}{626}So? I had my Jake signed up|for Mommy and Me
{630}{705}- when I was still pregnant with him.|- Really, you can do that?
{709}{795}Oh, absolutely. In fact, I'm surprised|that they let you sign up this
{799}{855}Everybody wants to get in here|because it gets you
{859}{931}into Elderberry Preschool, which is|a feeder for Hoskins Elementary
{935}{988}and Bentley Middle School.
{1066}{1101}Doesn't have any siblings, does he?
{1136}{1184}No. How did you know?
{1188}{1242}Because he doesn't play well|with others.
{1246}{1324}Oh, don't worry about it. It's a common|problem among only children.
{1328}{1401}All the more reason to start developing|their social skills early.
{1405}{1446}First things preschools look for,|you know.
{1450}{1540}Yeah, well, that's why we're here.
{1649}{1674}Excuse me.
{1688}{1754}- Hi, thanks for coming.|- Oh, of course, you know,
{1758}{1860}anything for our little nephew.|What exactly are we doing
{1864}{1908}- for our nephew?|- Showing family support.
{1912}{1974}They look for it. Especially|when the father's not around a lot.
{1978}{2004}What are you talking about?
{2008}{2072}- Leo's around all the time.|- Yeah, for Wyatt. But he won't be
{2076}{2123}for the school. He can't be.
{2127}{2195}What are you doing?|Put that thing down.
{2206}{2250}I'm trying to reach Richard.|I can't find him.
{2254}{2314}You've been trying to call Richard|for the last couple days.
{2318}{2408}- Maybe you should give it a rest.|- But I'm just afraid he's off on
{2412}{2466}magical freak-out or something,|you know.
{2470}{2537}And I just want to be able|to help him.
{2541}{2580}Maybe he just needs|a little time alone.
{2584}{2648}It makes me question whether or not|I can even save an innocent
{2652}{2716}if I can't save my boyfriend.
{2722}{2822}- No offence.|- No, don't worry about it. I'm over it.
{2829}{2880}- Jason?|- Yeah, when you get to be my age,
{2884}{2958}you can't spend the time|crying over spilled milk, you know.
{2962}{3025}- Your age?|- Yeah, the whole biological clock thing,
{3029}{3076}it's very real and it's echoing:
{3107}{3200}Okay, neurotic people, can we get|back to my neurosis right now, ple
{3204}{3249}Sure, which one|were we talking about?
{3253}{3362}The one where I'm a rotten mother|who's raising an antisocial child.
{3367}{3430}Oh, that is ridiculous. And not true.
{3434}{3527}Is it? He doesn't have any friends,|Phoebe. You and I had each other
{3531}{3601}when we were growing up. But he|doesn't have anybody, he's all alone
{3610}{3655}Hey, I was all alone.
{3659}{3752}But you didn't know you had power,|so it was safe for you to have fr
{3756}{3821}Your mother didn't have to worry about|if you were gonna orb out
{3825}{3908}- during a play date or something.|- You think you're overreacting a
{4280}{4354}You cannot keep doing this,|sweetie, really.
{4358}{4401}Oh, guys...
{4447}{4489}What the...?
{4589}{4633}Oh, this is not good.

{4697}{4751}Orb him out of here. Go.

{4855}{4913}Oh, thank God you're home.
{5118}{5167}What the hell was that?
{5219}{5262}...was the Headless Horseman.
{7502}{7537}- Okay.|- You're very kind.
{7541}{7651}Yeah, can I ask you just one question?|How are you still talking?
{7655}{7690}Yes, well, fair question.
{7694}{7788}Fortunately, the rest of me is still|at Magic School, otherwise I'd
{7792}{7851}I'm sorry, Magic School?
{7855}{7935}Yes, that's right... Anyway,|as I was saying, as long as my body
{7939}{8038}remains on grounds, I can't...|Well, you know, die.
{8042}{8087}It's all part of the magic, thankfully.
{8091}{8151}Like the doorway|in the middle of my stairway.
{8155}{8233}Sorry, I didn't know where to put it.|It's the only way in or out of
the school.
{8237}{8280}- I had to reach you.|- Do you have a name?
{8284}{8348}Sigmund. But I'm afraid we don't have|much time for pleasantries.
{8352}{8400}I need to get you back|before he strikes again.
{8404}{8435}- The Headless Horseman.|- Right.
{8508}{8559}- Where's Wyatt?|- He's upstairs in his room.
{8566}{8637}I thought I should bring Leo...
{8641}{8715}Oh, my God,|and apparently I was right.
{8735}{8801}Leo! Oh, it's so good|to see you again!
{8805}{8832}Sigmund, what happened?
{8847}{8921}- Wait, you guys know each other?|- Gideon sent me for your help.
{8925}{8983}- All your help.|- Gideon? Who's Gideon?
{8987}{9062}- And who are you?|- All right, all you people with legs,
{9066}{9105}follow me.
{9110}{9157}You wait here.
{9205}{9290}Leo, just so you know,|this is what's keeping your son
{9294}{9367}- from developing social skills.|- And me from helping Richard.
{9371}{9434}And me from helping me.
{9438}{9478}- What?|- I'm talking about our lives.
{9482}{9546}We can't just drop what we're doing|every time somebody's head
{9550}{9583}comes rolling down the stairs.
{9597}{9645}I don't believe you're saying this.
{9649}{9729}You don't understand,|this isn't supposed to happen.
{9733}{9788}Magic School is supposed|to be protected from evil.
{9792}{9856}It's the only way Gideon can teach|magic to the next generation...
{9860}{9891}Wyatt's generation.
{9895}{9958}I think Wyatt is more concerned|with nursery school right now
{9962}{10007}- than Magic School.|- Are you sure?
{10020}{10078}Paige said he orbed back|in front of the door.
{10082}{10125}He was drawn to it.
{10143}{10210}Okay, you know what, I think we|should help the Magic School.
{10214}{10291}Because we can't just keep that head|on our foyer table, you know.
{10295}{10352}What is it, a centrepiece?
{10356}{10410}Okay, fine,|but we can't take Wyatt, sorry.
{10414}{10471}All right. I'll get Chris to watch him.
{10475}{10556}What? After everything he's done?|No, I don't think so.
{10560}{10613}- He was just trying to protect Wyatt.|- Oh, please.
{10617}{10699}I think his intentions are good.|He deserves another chance.
{11115}{11166}Are you sure|you can breathe in there all right?
{11170}{11216}Yes, l...
{11220}{11247}We must move quickly.
{11251}{11289}- All right.|- Just step around it.

{11293}{11358}Someone will be along for it shortly.

{11399}{11459}Wow, impressive.
{11463}{11498}How long is this hallway?
{11502}{11559}No one really knows.|It's endless.
{11563}{11628}- Great.|- So how are we gonna find
{11632}{11669}this dude Gideon anyway?
{11673}{11751}He's not a dude, he's an Elder...|My old mentor, actually.
{11755}{11798}Really?|You've never mentioned him before.
{11802}{11862}We met a long time ago|when I first became a whitelighter.
{11866}{11935}He helped me out, took me under|his wing. He actually fought for u
{11939}{12018}- to get married... To break the rules.|- Really?
{12133}{12195}I don't want to freak you out,|but there's a wolf following us.
{12250}{12311}There was a wolf following us,|I swear.
{12315}{12363}Not everyone sees|the same things here, Phoebe.
{12367}{12399}Only what they're meant to see.
{12403}{12450}Who you got in there, Confucius?
{12623}{12657}Okay, you all saw that, right?
{12661}{12728}Eleventh-grade levitation. She's late.
{12732}{12782}We should keep moving,|the great hall is just ahead.
{13487}{13548}Leo, good. Thanks for coming.
{13552}{13619}Although I do wish it was under|better circumstances.
{13623}{13706}- Gideon...|- And the Charmed Ones.
{13710}{13815}Lovely to see you again. Although you|probably don't remember meet
ing me.
{13819}{13876}You were just little girls.
{13923}{13995}Gideon, I believe|your invisibility shield is still up.
{14017}{14085}I'm sorry, I'm just a little distracted|with everything
{14089}{14157}- that's been going on around here.|- Yes, we heard.
{14217}{14323}- Sigmund, oh, I'm so sorry.|- It's all right, sir.
{14327}{14380}Didn't stop me from delivering|the message now, did it?
{14384}{14446}Okay, would somebody|please tell me what's going on here?
{14455}{14513}Always were the restless one.
{14517}{14558}Just like your Grams.
{14599}{14716}Well, it all started|innocently enough, actually.
{14720}{14833}Pranks, really. Setting the rats|loose from the Pied Piper.
{14837}{14923}Turning the north dorm|into a gingerbread house.
{14983}{15047}- And then?|- And then someone cast a spell
{15051}{15099}that brought forth the darkness.
{15103}{15214}And days became nights,|nights became terror,
{15220}{15289}and the Headless Horseman|has roamed the campus ever since,
{15293}{15350}targeting teachers.
{15385}{15464}Forgive me, sir, perhaps you'd like|to orb me over to the other he
{15505}{15542}- Good thinking.|- Nice to meet you.
{15552}{15585}You too, dude.
{15652}{15743}So, what you're saying is somebody's|trying to shut down the schoo
{15747}{15814}by cutting off teachers' heads?
{15818}{15921}What else could it be? What better|way for evil to gain an upper h
{15925}{15962}than to thwart the next generation?
{15966}{16017}Isn't it as simple|as finding who conjured
{16021}{16060}the Horseman|and reversing the magic?
{16064}{16165}Yes, except no student possesses|that level of magic.
{16169}{16203}At least they're not supposed to.

{16207}{16280}That's why I believe that a demon from|the outside has somehow cor
{16284}{16324}one of them into doing his bidding.
{16328}{16408}So you find the student,|you find the evil, right?
{16445}{16498}Except that you find much more|than that here, Paige.
{16557}{16663}The answers you each seek|can be found within these grounds.
{16667}{16715}You merely have to be open to them.
{16737}{16825}Teaching will help you find|the student in question.
{16829}{16922}But it will also remind you|of what you fear you have lost.
{16978}{17089}Investigating our nursery school will|help you with your worries o
ver Wyatt.
{17127}{17223}And if you follow the wolf,|she will lead you where you want to go
{17227}{17258}But be careful.
{17262}{17330}The deeper you look,|the more you will discover.
{17339}{17417}And the better chance|you will have of saving...
{17421}{17451}...all this.
{17733}{17794}Who does he think he is?|Obi-Wan Kenobi?
{17798}{17841}How can I be afraid|of losing something
{17845}{17890}if I don't know what I've lost?
{17894}{17952}Maybe that's why he wants you|to take over Sigmund's class.
{17956}{17984}So you can remember.
{17988}{18023}Remember what?
{18027}{18074}Your gift, perhaps.
{18078}{18157}Now, whatever you do, be strong.|Don't let them intimidate you.
{18161}{18244}This may be advanced magic,|but they're still just kids.
{18276}{18323}Help! Stop it!
{18362}{18410}Oh, my God.
{18471}{18522}- You okay?|- I'm fine.
{18536}{18601}Telepathy isn't the coolest|power now, is it, Zach?
{18605}{18650}- No.|- Did you do that?
{18677}{18749}Excuse me, I'm talking to you.|Did you do that?
{18759}{18815}- Yeah, so what if I did?|- What's your name?
{18952}{18994}What's so funny?
{19165}{19258}Thanks a lot, Slick.|Get me in trouble, why don't you?
{19334}{19419}What's the matter, teach?|You seem a little out of sorts.
{19423}{19501}Me? No, I'm perfectly fine.
{19605}{19664}Thank you. You're a conjurer.
{19724}{19786}And I'd watch your|pretty little neck if I was you.
{19935}{20026}Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie.
{20051}{20093}Come on.
{20097}{20155}I know you're here somewhere.
{20163}{20239}Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie...
{20348}{20421}Oh, hi. Hi, sweet wolfie.
{20425}{20510}Okay, you don't have to attack me,|because Gideon sent me...
{20552}{20629}Where are you going? Come on.
{21103}{21137}Neat trick.
{21147}{21175}Can you shape-shift
{21179}{21247}- into the Headless Horseman as well?|- I'm a shaman,
{21251}{21299}not a shape-shifter.
{21303}{21401}The wolf is merely a projection|of your quest. A symbol.
{21429}{21490}Fascinating.|You didn't answer my question.
{21505}{21570}Do you really think I lured you out here|just to kill you, Phoebe?
{21611}{21668}You have the power of premonition.
{21672}{21746}But it's unreliable. Especially lately.
{21750}{21832}I can help you|see your future more clearly.

{21836}{21915}If you're willing to take the risk.

{21973}{22025}I don't know what the hell|Gideon was talking about,
{22029}{22093}because this is certainly not|what I'm looking for.
{22097}{22152}Still, Wyatt doesn't have to|hide his powers. Plus he's
{22156}{22212}- not gonna be all alone.|- No, he'll be surrounded
{22216}{22273}- by all the other freaks.|- They're not freaks.
{22277}{22367}You know what I mean. I just want|Wyatt to have a normal upbringin
{22371}{22441}At least as normal as possible.|Is that too much to ask for?
{22466}{22499}I don't know. Maybe.
{22518}{22568}Well, we're not shopping|for preschools,
{22572}{22650}we're shopping for headhunters.|So where is...?
{22665}{22744}Sorry, had a little emergency.|Go ahead.
{22748}{22816}- Now, where were we?|- You were telling us about
{22820}{22868}your near miss with the Headless...
{22876}{22950}I don't want to scare the little ones.|They may have powers
{22954}{23008}- but they're still innocent.|- How did you get away?
{23012}{23102}I astral projected. Confused him,|I guess, by creating two of me.
{23106}{23175}- Thank God.|- Are you suggesting that
{23179}{23286}- one of these kids might be in...?|- Involved? Oh, dear, no. No.
{23290}{23351}- Why would you be a target?|- These children are the cradle
{23355}{23422}of good magic. Its entire future.
{23426}{23532}Without proper guidance, nurturing,|they could easily be turned...
{23683}{23724}What's that?
{23806}{23839}- Anybody hurt?|- Not yet.
{23862}{23926}- You guys okay?|- You're a teacher now. Be careful.
{23930}{23996}- Come on, I'll take you back.|- Wait, don't leave...
{24332}{24378}Just great.
{24699}{24753}- Easy, watch the hair.|- Sorry.
{24757}{24833}- You doing okay up there, honey?|- Actually, I feel a little wooz
{24837}{24873}Maybe because|we have you up too high.
{24877}{24945}- Want me to move you down lower?|- No, I don't want Wyatt to see
{24949}{25015}- like this. He will freak out.|- Well, you know, on the plus side
{25019}{25083}this is a great way|for Wyatt to get out and socialise.
{25093}{25148}If I had legs, I would kick you.
{25205}{25246}Could you move this for me, please?
{25370}{25431}You know, maybe I should just go|upstairs and check the Book
{25435}{25485}and see of there's a spell|that can fix this.
{25489}{25599}Or we can find the child that conjured|the Horseman and vanquish i
{25603}{25645}You think that would|reverse the spell?
{25649}{25701}- I'm hoping.|- You know, I keep getting this weird
{25705}{25769}feeling that it's one|of the students in my class.
{25773}{25830}- Why?|- Because who better to turn
{25834}{25892}than one of the most|powerful kids there?
{25896}{25954}- What do you suggest?|- I think we should bring them here.
{25958}{26002}- What?|- Yeah, if we get them away
{26006}{26055}from school, they can't conjure|the Horseman.
{26059}{26120}That way we keep them here|long enough to figure out who it is.

{26124}{26196}Actually, it's not a bad idea,|since you're targets now.

{26256}{26312}- I'll go get her.|- No. I do not want Wyatt
{26316}{26392}to have two headless parents.|Send Chris.
{26661}{26705}- What the hell is going on?|- I can explain.
{26709}{26747}- You okay, buddy?|- What was he doing?
{26751}{26816}Nothing! I mean, nothing bad.
{26820}{26865}- I swear.|- Nothing bad? He's a demon.
{26869}{26944}But he wasn't hurting him. I promise.|Wyatt's shield wasn't even u
{26948}{27016}I trusted you. I vouched for you.
{27032}{27079}Look, just let me explain.
{27083}{27131}Get out of here.
{27135}{27167}Paige, please?
{27346}{27408}- Is he okay?|- Yeah, I think so.
{27413}{27478}Listen, I'm gonna take him up there|where it's safe. Do you mind..
{27482}{27592}Getting Phoebe? No, not at all.|I just hope there's all of her to
{27795}{27843}So if you're so innocent,|why are you hiding out?
{27847}{27906}- I'm protecting myself.|- From what? You're a student.
{27910}{27962}The bad guy's only|after the teachers, right?
{27966}{28044}I'm not protecting my body.|I'm protecting my powers.
{28059}{28154}I sense someone trying to invade|mine. To use them for themselves.
{28166}{28205}How do I know|you're telling the truth?
{28209}{28284}You're an empath. You tell me.
{28314}{28343}I can't tell.
{28393}{28470}It's because you're conflicted.|Questioning your own magic.
{28474}{28548}Your very future.|It's affecting your powers.
{28552}{28598}I'm not questioning my future.
{28631}{28710}Okay, maybe just a little bit.|But how do you know that?
{28714}{28777}The wolf is a pack animal.
{28781}{28842}But constantly searching
{28846}{28908}for something she craves...
{28919}{28969}...but cannot find.
{28980}{29077}Seeing it means|you're searching too.
{29101}{29171}Drink this.|Take the vision quest.
{29175}{29231}There you will find|the answers we both seek.
{29257}{29319}- I'm not drinking that.|- No?
{29380}{29443}Tick, tick, tick...
{30591}{30678}You didn't tell me|I could get hurt on this vision quest.
{30682}{30762}You didn't ask.|The vision is of your future, Phoebe.
{30766}{30848}- It's no less real than anything else.|- And no less dangerous.
{30852}{30939}Great. More demons in my future.|It's exactly what I wanted.
{30943}{30997}But are there any more|beyond the light?
{31017}{31077}That's what you|really want to see, isn't it?
{31128}{31201}There you are, I've been looking|all over for you, Pheebs.
{31205}{31268}Are you okay?|What happened, the Horseman?
{31359}{31426}My inner demons, apparently.
{31437}{31512}Well, it's good to see at least|you have your head, unlike Piper.
{31516}{31563}- What?|- Yeah, the Horseman got her.
{31567}{31635}But, you know, she's doing pretty|good, considering the circumstan
{31639}{31684}A little grumpier|than normal, but hey...
{31688}{31746}Anyway, you really should|get out of here before, you know,
{31750}{31780}you get chopped.
{31851}{31907}- I think I should stay here.|- Why?
{31911}{31997}Because Gideon put me|on this path for a reason.

{32001}{32042}And I believe that|there are answers here.

{32086}{32183}I'll be okay. And you know where|to find me if you need me.
{32220}{32346}Okay, but remember|that she's a suspect too.
{32505}{32552}Ready to try again?
{32632}{32720}- What's that? Who is that?|- Don't worry, it's just me,
{32724}{32776}and some of the more|unusual suspects.
{32790}{32855}Wait, you think one of us|is responsible?
{32859}{32900}What, you didn't know|she thought that?
{32904}{32957}What kind of telepath|are you anyway?
{32961}{33037}- Stop picking on me!|- Yeah, or what?
{33041}{33109}All right, guys, knock it off.|You're in my house.
{33113}{33208}The Halliwell manor. I don't believe it.|It's just like in the tex
{33246}{33289}It looks like my grandma's house.
{33293}{33339}All right, all right,|move it along, people.
{33343}{33376}Let's go, other room.
{33568}{33655}- All right, is everybody here?|- Yes, ma'am.
{33659}{33732}- Kiss-ass!|- Hey, watch your mouth.
{33736}{33827}- Whoa, it's Piper Halliwell.|- Yeah, but only part of her.
{33840}{33899}- And not the good part either.|- Slick.
{33903}{34006}- Can it!|- Okay, here's the deal, people.
{34017}{34101}We know that one of you|is behind this.
{34105}{34247}So nobody is gonna leave here|until we figure out who it is.
{34303}{34407}- So far, nobody has gotten killed...|- Not yet anyway.
{34411}{34527}And so far, this has just been|a really stupid prank.
{34531}{34624}So please, let's not let it go|any further than that.
{34628}{34671}Is Gideon gonna shut down|the school?
{34699}{34734}Not unless he's forced to.
{34738}{34784}Why don't you start|with the conjurer?
{34788}{34835}Me? What about you, Quinton?
{34839}{34908}- You're the Sleepy Hollow buff.|- But Slick's the shape-shifter.
{34912}{34973}- Hey, screw you, Zachary.|- Wait, just stop it...
{34977}{35043}- Why not just admit that you did it?|- I would never do anything
{35047}{35077}to harm a Charmed One.
{35081}{35156}- I'll be right back.|- Where are you going?
{35160}{35214}- I wasn't talking to you!|- Paige!
{35323}{35389}- What are you doing here?|- I need your help.
{35393}{35434}My help?|That's rich, with what you pulled.
{35438}{35505}Listen, I have enough juvenile|delinquents to take care of. Thanks
{35509}{35585}Please, just hear me out.|I'm running out of time.
{35589}{35639}- What's that supposed to mean?|- Exactly that.
{35643}{35706}Don't you see? That's the only reason|why I went to the demon.
{35718}{35802}He can scan for evil. And maybe|figure out who's gonna turn Wyatt,
{35806}{35882}- since we haven't been able to.|- Okay, you're not making any sen
{35891}{35968}Paige, listen to me.|I need you to trust me.
{35972}{36033}And I need you to get|Piper and Leo to trust me too.
{36073}{36117}Before it's too late.
{36130}{36177}- The Headless Horseman!|- Paige!
{36181}{36222}What happened?
{36329}{36376}Are you okay?
{36592}{36638}Everyone all right?
{36644}{36687}I think so.
{36696}{36735}Head count.
{36739}{36825}No jokes, just do it.|What are you doing here?
{36841}{36907}- Just trying to help.|- They're all here.
{36934}{37009}I heard the alarm.|What's this doing open?
{37013}{37065}A student must have|opened it without my seeing it.

{37069}{37140}- And the Horseman?|- Gone, out those doors.

{37200}{37262}- You have to stop him.|- Okay, well, we have to figure out...
{37266}{37304}No, you don't understand.
{37308}{37399}People on the outside aren't protected|like we are at school.
{37406}{37431}They'll die.
{37454}{37515}- Then we need Phoebe.|- I'll get her.
{37551}{37594}But you can't wait for her.
{37598}{37638}You have to go after|the Horseman now.
{37662}{37723}By myself?|No, I can't vanquish him.
{37728}{37763}You don't have to.
{37767}{37818}All you have to do is lead him|back to the school
{37822}{37871}so that at least nobody|will be killed.
{37912}{38036}Don't let your concerns about Richard|make you question yourself.
{38040}{38103}You can do this. I'll help you.
{38290}{38339}Where are you going?
{38348}{38389}Don't give me that look.
{38393}{38477}I still got a mouth,|I could turn you into a toad.
{39388}{39467}- Well, at least we got him back.|- Not soon enough, I'm afraid.
{39471}{39624}The death of an innocent|means the death of Magic School.
{39760}{39839}I just don't understand why|the Horseman targeted him.
{39843}{39915}I mean, and why did he pass up|so many others along the way?
{39919}{39997}Granted, it could have been a lot worse|but it doesn't change my m
{40001}{40057}The police said he was a killer,|Gideon.
{40061}{40103}- Doesn't make it right.|- No, it doesn't,
{40107}{40159}but you shouldn't close|the school because of it.
{40163}{40226}We have the Horseman contained.|We just need to find...
{40230}{40293}It's too late. The damage|has already been done.
{40297}{40381}When I started this school, I made|a promise, that the magic withi
{40385}{40440}would never harm a soul.
{40631}{40692}- Piper, you okay?|- Hunky-dory.
{40748}{40794}You, come with me.
{40886}{40934}Anybody else want to try me?
{40979}{41044}- Leo!|- What do you want him for?
{41048}{41132}- Reinforcements.|- What's going on?
{41136}{41180}Talk him out of closing|down the Magic School.
{41184}{41242}Someone let the Horseman out, Leo.|He killed a man.
{41246}{41273}But why?
{41277}{41333}Why else? To force my hand.
{41337}{41432}If you let whoever is behind this win,|all those kids are gonna lo
{41436}{41497}- Is that what you want?|- Of course not.
{41501}{41531}- But...|- But what?
{41535}{41589}Big deal, you have one bad apple.
{41593}{41677}Just give us the time to flush him out,|to save the next generatio
ns of magic.
{41681}{41764}- I know, but the rules...|- Screw the rules! Listen,
{41768}{41848}you are the one who talked me into|doing this, you are the one who
{41852}{41910}I could do it.|So don't give up on me now, please.
{41963}{42036}Just let us finish the job|that we started.
{42089}{42124}Tell him, Leo.
{42158}{42198}I think you just did.
{42395}{42454}Next time, I give you warts.
{42510}{42584}Hey, who did that?
{42620}{42677}Where did you come from?
{42681}{42751}Hey. Hey, wait... Hey!
{42871}{42951}Piper? Oh, my God, Piper!

{42960}{43027}- The door is still closed.|- The kids are frozen.

{43031}{43092}- Piper must have done that.|- Without hands? I don't think so.
{43096}{43175}- Someone from the outside?|- Impossible, we got here too fast.
{43185}{43241}- It has to be one of them.|- The students? No,
{43245}{43322}they don't possess that kind|of power. Besides, they're frozen.
{43326}{43367}Then one of them is faking it.
{43525}{43601}Okay, you know what?|Enough already.
{43605}{43645}Every journey requires a sacrifice.
{43649}{43722}My whole life is about sacrifice.|If that's all that my future hol
{43726}{43787}- then I don't want to see it.|- You're fighting it.
{43867}{43928}Don't use your powers|to get through.
{43932}{43996}They're not working|very well anyway.
{44009}{44100}Just let it come to you.|Want it more than anything.
{45606}{45677}Wyatt, let your little brother play|with the game too, please.
{45681}{45707}Little brother?
{45719}{45790}Hey, Piper, can you take Phoebe|to the doctor instead?
{45794}{45863}I have so many papers to grade.|Thank you.
{45867}{45921}- The doctor?|- Yeah, we need to make sure
{45925}{45977}our little niece is doing okay.
{46071}{46147}Aunt Phoebe, we need your help.
{46275}{46304}Phoebe, can you hear me?
{46352}{46382}We need your help.
{46473}{46516}You okay?
{46580}{46625}I don't know.
{46640}{46697}- Am I?|- You tell me.
{46701}{46742}What did you see?
{46789}{46889}I saw children and my child.
{46929}{47001}And a life without demons...|Is that even possible?
{47005}{47111}With your powers, you know|by now what is truth and what is not.
{47115}{47168}Embrace those powers again.
{47172}{47239}Embrace your path,|and it will lead you there.
{47306}{47365}You don't know how much|you've given me.
{47383}{47421}You should go.
{47425}{47482}So you can use your powers|to help us save our school.
{47626}{47711}Oh, Phoebe, so glad to see you.|I was worried.
{47715}{47750}What's the matter? Didn't trust me?
{47754}{47795}- Separate subject.|- How's Piper?
{47804}{47859}- You're not gonna like it.|- She's been kidnapped.
{47863}{47903}- What?|- That's the bad news.
{47907}{47963}The good news is that she's here...
{48004}{48090}Well, if one of the students took her,|I can't sense which one it
{48114}{48163}Maybe I can.
{48167}{48212}Thanks to your wolf.
{48433}{48558}I can sense pain and anger...|A lot of anger.
{48575}{48639}Wants revenge...|Do any of them hate the high school?
{48643}{48723}Honey, they're teenagers,|they all hate the school.
{48727}{48784}But he's a conjurer.
{48940}{49010}No. It's not him.
{49014}{49082}- But who's this guy?|- A telepath.
{49103}{49199}Yeah, he's telepathing|a whole lot of rage right now.
{49214}{49260}Well, look who just solved the case.
{49264}{49306}- Zachary?|- Surprise.
{49356}{49412}- What happened? Where did he go?|- That wasn't Zachary,
{49416}{49492}- that was an astral projection.|- He doesn't have that power.
{49496}{49551}No, but a teacher here does.
{49555}{49609}And Herman's a conjurer,|and Piper can freeze.

{49613}{49677}He's using his telepathy|to tap into other people's powers.

{49681}{49725}Where's the real Zachary?
{49729}{49774}He's at school, with Piper.
{49778}{49831}But why?|What does he want with her?
{49912}{49950}You don't think he'll kill her, do you?
{49954}{49996}You know what, I have no idea.
{50014}{50112}He's a smart kid.|I just hope he's not luring us here.
{50479}{50586}You made me do this, you know.|I didn't have a choice.
{50674}{50743}So now what are you guys|gonna do?
{50894}{50966}So whose bright idea|was this anyway?
{50970}{51010}We were trying to save you.
{51014}{51070}Yeah. Good job on that one.
{51074}{51127}And who went|and got her head stolen?
{51131}{51222}While you were off contemplating|your navel. While you still had o
{51226}{51279}Guys, we are not getting|anywhere arguing.
{51283}{51363}Actually, we're not "getting anywhere"|because we don't have any b
{51367}{51407}Okay, look, we said we were sorry.
{51411}{51471}Can we try looking on the bright side?|I mean, you know,
{51475}{51523}- we're still alive.|- Only because Zachary...
{51527}{51591}...can't kill us in here.|- I don't think he would if he could.
{51595}{51636}I mean, he practically|apologised to us.
{51640}{51704}I think she's right, actually.|I didn't sense any anger from him,
{51708}{51783}- just a lot of sorrow.|- So, what,
{51787}{51862}he did this to us just to get us|out of the way? To do what?
{51866}{51951}- To get revenge on the school.|- And Gideon.
{52036}{52085}How could I not have seen this?
{52089}{52139}How could I not|have sensed his pain?
{52143}{52179}After all these years with him.
{52183}{52253}It's not your fault, Gideon.|Even you can't see everything.
{52257}{52304}I should have seen this.
{52308}{52430}I should have focused more|on the boy than on his magic.
{52471}{52531}- Get the kids out of here now.|- Why, what's the matter?
{52535}{52603}It's Zachary, he's lost it.
{52607}{52686}Orb them out, up there.|I'll try talking to him.
{52721}{52771}Just go.
{52895}{52937}You should leave too.
{52947}{53036}Why? After all, I came here for you.
{53159}{53205}Do you think this spell's gonna work?
{53209}{53278}Well, now that we know|who conjured the Horseman, it should.
{53282}{53376}We won't know until we summon him,|so let's just put our heads tog
{53413}{53446}You know what I mean, right?
{53793}{53819}Okay, now, now, now!
{53823}{53905}Power of three, unite!|End this grizzly fright
{53909}{53970}Reverse the roles|And make us whole
{54258}{54318}Thank God, it worked.
{54401}{54464}You want me to get you a room?
{54475}{54509}Let's go, let's go, let's go.
{54635}{54733}Why take it out on others, Zachary?|Why not just come after me?
{54737}{54778}Because I want you to suffer,|Gideon.
{54782}{54827}Like you made me suffer|ever since I got here.
{54831}{54926}I want you to see your precious|school destroyed. Bit by bit.
{54930}{54995}But that doesn't give you the right|to kill an innocent.
{54999}{55057}You scolding me now?|You're gonna give me a demerit?
{55094}{55193}That wasn't supposed to happen.|I just wanted the sisters out of t
he way.
{55197}{55239}The Horseman's only|supposed to hurt evil.

{55332}{55392}You think teachers are evil?

{55396}{55449}They are when they keep me here|against my wishes!
{55453}{55511}And they take me away|from my family, my home!
{55515}{55564}Without even thinking|about what I want!
{55568}{55638}- Why didn't you come to me?|- I did, damn it!
{55642}{55667}Every time I snuck out.
{55671}{55737}Every time I got in trouble.|But you didn't care.
{55741}{55791}- You wouldn't listen!|- We're listening.
{55823}{55863}It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you.
{55890}{55931}- We're here to help.|- How'd you get out?
{55982}{56055}See, sometimes it takes us away|from our lives as well.
{56059}{56105}A lot more than we like it to.
{56109}{56154}But it's who we are|whether we like it or not.
{56158}{56235}We can't change that|and neither can you.
{56239}{56284}You have to accept it.
{56327}{56424}You have to realise this is not|worth throwing your life away for.
{56479}{56520}Just let it go.
{56591}{56654}That's it. Easy...
{56874}{56945}- You okay?|- Yes.
{56950}{57074}I just guess I've been more invisible|than I realised over the yea
{58960}{58986}Hey, guys.
{58990}{59016}Wasn't Ziggy Marley
{59020}{59101}- supposed to play here before?|- Yeah, he had to reschedule.
{59105}{59139}So how's Zachary?
{59143}{59204}He's good.|He's at home with his family now.
{59208}{59299}But I wouldn't be surprised to see him|back at Magic School someda
{59303}{59406}I think he heard us, you know,|about accepting himself.
{59410}{59495}- So you're not gonna bind his powers?|- No, he didn't want me to.
{59499}{59615}But he gave me a good idea about|maybe doing that for somebody els
{59636}{59670}- Richard?|- Yeah.
{59674}{59738}You know, if he can't handle it,|why should he have to?
{59754}{59833}Maybe I can finally help him|accept that.
{59837}{59914}You're gonna make a really good|teacher one day, Paige.
{59927}{59982}- Teacher?|- Yes, in Magic School.
{59994}{60071}I saw it with my very own...
{60126}{60220}Yeah, well, I don't think she's gonna be|teaching Wyatt any time s
{60224}{60321}Suddenly I'm more concerned about|separating him from his family
{60325}{60363}than raising him as an only child.
{60367}{60484}Actually, there might be a day that you|don't have to be concerned
about that.
{60488}{60525}What do you mean?
{60604}{60635}I'm just saying.
{60654}{60694}What are you just saying?
{60698}{60728}Excuse me!
{60977}{61011}So did you come here|to kick me out?
{61015}{61082}No, actually, I came here|to ask you a question.
{61134}{61187}I need you to be honest with me.
{61191}{61269}No games, no running away.
{61273}{61326}Just the truth.
{61455}{61514}Are you Wyatt's little brother?

{61703}{61766}Only if I can get Piper and Leo|back together in time.

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