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Disability Services Diploma Program 2014

Applicant Information Kit

Disability Services Training Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services

Ver. 1 - Jan 2014

Image: Alexander Shirokov / iStock / Thinkstock

Disability Services Diploma Program 2014

This Information Kit is for staff interested and eligible to complete either: CHC50108 Diploma of Disability or CHC52212 Diploma of Community Services Coordination

The Why
The way services are provided to people with a disability in Australia is undergoing significant change possibly the most significant change ever experienced. The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was precipitated by a campaign led by people with a disability and close supporters seeking more power in decisions regarding how, when and where services would be provided, and a shift from an eligibility model to an entitlement model. Staff working in Disability Services have valued skills and knowledge within the current framework of service provision. NDIS requires shifts in how we each think about service provision . These shifts necessitate new learning about how we design and deliver service provision in the future.

How will the Diploma program assist us in making the shift?

The program is designed to provide opportunities for reflection, analysis and re-formulation of how we as individuals and as an organisation approach service delivery. Disability Services Training (DST) will co-ordinate a program designed to build on the valuable skills and knowledge staff already have and lead to new insights in preparation for the future.

The Who
To be considered for this program, a candidate must: be permanently employed by the department for at least 12 months have disability or community services experience demonstrate a commitment to completing a full qualification by October 2014 have the support of their Manager be willing to commit some of your own time to completing the work involved

Staff who do not have a Certificate IV or higher qualification relating to disability services, allied health, or community services are strongly encouraged to apply. Note: A prioritisation process may be used if applications exceed places.

Applicant Information Kit Disability Services Diploma Program 2014 - Ver. 1.0 Jan. 2014

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The What
Two qualification options have been selected - CHC50108 Diploma of Disability, and CHC52212 Diploma of Community Services Coordination. Each option provides opportunities for development of skills and competency. These qualifications can lead to advanced standing for those undertaking university studies. The Diploma of Disability suits those staff whose work focuses on support, or coordination of support, for people with a disability. The Diploma of Community Services Coordination suits those staff whose work focuses on the management of these support services.

What will be the investment?

A requirement of participants is to plan their learning activities, and consider how they will structure their time to suit their learning plan and balance other demands on their time, including their personal lives and work commitments. Your discussions with your manager will ensure a shared understanding of expectations of time commitments. The program will offer events face-to-face and online. These events will be learning opportunities linked with assessment tasks and generally will be optional. These events will have clear links with preparing for the new environment, as well as enhancing current service delivery. Enrolment in individual events will require your managers approval via Learning Station, so that decisions can be made regarding workplace demands at the time. Each participant will be expected to commit some of their own time to complete assessment tasks and activities such as reading. Training and assessment fees for the Disability Services Diploma Program are funded through Human Resources and Ethical Standards.

How will this benefit me?

Times of significant workplace change can create anxiety regarding our personal capacity to make the change and our employment options. This program is designed to build skills in self-managed learning and career management critical skills in the world of work broadly and highly pertinent to disability service provision in the future. Fundamentally we aim that this program will be one of the ways that staff can learn to not just survive change, but to thrive. Completion of assessment tasks and learning activities will build a tangible career portfolio for each participant. Completion of the qualification will be an employability asset, and can be a stepping stone to articulation into a higher vocational or tertiary qualification.

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How will this benefit my work unit?

Our aim is that the benefit of new learning is not limited to the participants but is shared with their colleagues. Conversations regarding learning and assessment activities, sharing of readings and other resources, and modelling new behaviours are some of the ways that participants can consolidate their own learning and aid the learning of others. The program could spark ideas for innovation which can then have positive effects in your work unit. If several members of your work unit are participating in the program, you can work together encouraging each other to maintain momentum and building team strength.

The How How to apply

Make sure that you read this Applicant Information Kit and the Learner Guide carefully Complete the online Application Form via any Internet connection If you do not have access to the internet at home or at work, you can request a paper copy of the form by calling 3035 1603.

A limited number of places are available, so participants must meet mandatory criteria to be offered a place (see information later in this document). A prioritisation process may be used if applications exceed places. Once an application has been accepted DST staff will then assist each participant to complete their Individual Learning Plan.

Learning and Assessment Activities

Learning activities include: face to face workshops on topics such as person-centred planning webinars on topics such as financial management Harvard ManageMentor online modules reading self-reflection Each of these activities will provide evidence for inclusion in the persons portfolio. The program offers flexibility in how evidence is produced. For instance, if a participant cannot make a workshop, there will be other ways that they can produce evidence. De-identified workplace documents and Third Party Reports will be essential items in participants portfolios.

Gaining the qualification

DST staff will assess participants portfolios, providing feedback and guid ance along the way.

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The Department has a Memorandum of Understanding with Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE (SCIT) who will issue the qualifications. SCIT validates the assessment processes and tools and conducts quality assurance activities. Award of qualifications will be recorded in Learning Station.

The Details
Detailed information is available in the Learner Guide. Read this carefully to understand more about what is involved. If you then have any further questions: Email Post a question via the Q&A Forum on Collaboration Central Call Disability Services Training on 3406 7952

An Information Session will be held via Webex in early February. This session will particularly focus on selection of units within each Diploma qualification. Information on this session will soon be available via Whats New.

Note: Program information is subject to change.

Applicant Information Kit Disability Services Diploma Program 2014 - Ver. 1.0 Jan. 2014

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