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Given the data below, compute for the standard time : Information Source of Data for one day $%& mins $(& pieces Data Total time expended by operator Time cards wor!in" time and idle time# 'umber of parts produced Inspection Departmen )or!in" time in percent Idle time in percent ,vera"e performance index Total allowances t )or! samplin" )or! samplin" )or! samplin" -ompany manual wor!day# %*+ 1*+ 11&+ 1*+


total time in mins#x wor!in" time in +# x performance index in percent# Standard time / ............................................... x ,0 per piece Total number of pieces produced $%& x &.%* x 1.1&# $(& 1&& 1&&.1*#

/ ......................... x ............ / 1.(1 mins

(. ,n analyst has been as!ed to prepare an estimate of the proportion of time that a lathe operator spends ad2ustin" the machine with a 3&+ confidence level 4/1.1*#. 5ased on previous experience, the analyst believes the proportion will be approximately 6&+. )hat sample si4e would the analyst need in order to have the maximum error be no more than *+7 SOLUTION : n / 8 49e#2 p 1.p#: n / 8 1.1*9&.&*#2 &.6&# &.;&#: n / 8 1.1*9&.&*#2 &.6&# &.;&#: n / ((%.13 or ((3

6. The owner of a lar"e "ift shop wants to estimate the proportion of time shoppers spend in a certain part of the store. The shop is open nine hours a day, six days a wee!. Twelve observations will be ta!en over a 6&.day period. Determine the random observation times usin" Table %.1 and these instructions : a. 0or days, read the first two di"its of column (, "oin" down, and then the first two di"its of column 6, "oin" down. b. 0or hours, read one.di"it numbers in row $ from left to ri"ht. c. 0or minutes, read numbers usin" the first two di"its in column 1, "oin" down, and then the second two di"its in column 1, "oin" down.

SOLUTION : a. Days >andom number ;( 11 ($ 1* ;( 16 ;; 16 %( 33 11 &1 (% &* (; 13 &3 b. <ours >andom number 1 1 6 ( 1 * $ 1 1 3 * & 1 c. =inutes >andom number 13 6$ $; 11 %* 63 ;% (; (3 %* &* (3 1( 31 1* 6( 1&

-ombinin" these results, in the order they appeared, produces the followin" results : Day 11 ($ 1* 16 16 11 &1 (% &* (; 13 &3 <our 1 1 6 ( 1 * $ 1 1 3 * 1 =inute 6$ $; 11 63 (; (3 &* (3 1( 1* 6( 1&

,rran"in" the results chronolo"ically by day, hour, and minute but maintainin" the same combinations# produces this list of observation times : ?bservations 1 ( 6 $ * 1 ; % 3 1& 11 1( Day &1 &* &3 11 16 16 1* 11 13 ($ (; (% <our $ 1 1 1 1 ( 6 * * 1 3 1 =inute &* 1( 1& 6$ (; 63 11 (3 6( $; 1* (3

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