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Chanakya Neeti slokas are useful slokas composed by Chanakya (Kautalya), for our day-to-day life and

environment. These slokas give us very valuable insight into society and political life. ven today these
slokas have e!actly the same value and meaning in our life as it "as more than #$$$ years back.

|| | |
vidvata.n cha n%%ipata.n cha naiva tulya.n kadaachana
svadeshe puu&yate raa&aa vidvaan sarvatra puu&yate
'cholar and king are never comparable. King is "orshipped in his country, but scholar is "orshipped
-- 3 --
|s "| HO |4| [ HH
H|7HO[P4 9|7| 9| * |
paaN(ite cha guNaa) sarve muurkhe do'haa hi kevalam
tasmaanmuurkhasahasre'hu praadnyaa eko vishi'hyate
Noble people have all good *ualities and fools have only bad *ualities. 'o, people respect only one
noble person instead of a thousand fools.
-- 3 --

|4 54 H|
HHH4 s |
maat%%ivatparadaare'hu paradrave'hu lo'htravat
aatmavatsarvabhuute'hu ya) pashyati sa) paN(ita)
)e "ho looks at other+s "ife as mother, treats others+ "ealth as stone, and treats everyone as himself, is
really noble.
-- 3 --
H| H+H|H|, 9||H |-|H
H|H | HH 9| [ H |
chalaa lakshmiishchalaa) praaNaashchala.n &iivita-yauvanam
chalaachale cha sa.nsaare dharma eko hi nishchala)
.ealth comes and goes, life and youth goes from the living, in this "orld of coming and going,
+dharma+ alone is firm.
-- 3 --
H| "| | HO|7
975H| [7 |"|s |
varameko guNii putro na cha muurkhashaataanyapi
ekashchandrastamo hanti na cha taaragaNo.apicha
/ne good and noble son is better than a hundred fool sons. /nly one moon lights the sky, "here as
thousand stars do not. 'imilarly one noble son brings fame and respect to family than hundred fools.
-- 3 --
|H HO| H+4||

| |H HO| |7 H|4 |
duurata) shobhate muurkho lambashaaTapaTaav%%ita)
taavachcha shobhate muurkho yaavatki0Nchinna bhaa'hate
.earing e!pensive dresses a fool looks like a scholar from a distance. 1ut, "hen he opens his mouth
his ignorance comes out.
-- 3 --
3 HH |H
|| H| 8 |7H |
utsave vyasane chaiva durbhikshe raa'hTraviplave
raa&advaare shmashaane yati'hThati cha sa vaandhava)
)e "ho stands "ith, in good times, bad times, draught, riot, "ar, king+s court and after death2 is a real
-- 3 --
|H |[7| 9H 9|H
|T H 4

+H |HOH |
parokshe kaaryahantaara.n pratakshe priyavaadinam
var&ayettaad%%isha.n mitra.n vi'hakumbha.n payomukham
The friend "ho talks s"eet in front and does harm in the back, such friend must be left &ust like a pot of
poison "ith cream of milk on top.
-- 3 --
||| 94 H

| |7H| |"H
H | |H H|| HH |
&aaniiyaat pre'haNe bh%%ityaan vaandhavaan vyasanaagame
mitra.n chaapadi kaale bhaarya.n cha vibhavakshNe
%evealed is truth of servant+s loyality in time of "ork, friend+s friendship in time of danger and bad
time and "ife+s love in time of loss of "ealth.
-- 3 --
9|| +||H
HH 8 [|0 ( [H|[HH |
dur&ana) priyavaadii cha naiva vishvaakaaraNam
madhu ti'hThati &ihvaagre h%%idaye tu halaahalam
3n evil person must never be trusted even if talks s"eet. 1ecause an evil person has s"eet on tounge,
but has a heart filled "ith poision.
-- 3 --
H7|4H OH | |
sarpah kruura) khala) kruura) sarpaat kruuratara) khala)
mantrau'hadhivasha) sarpa) khala) kena nivaaryate
'nake is cruel and an evil person is also cruel, but an evil person is more cruel than a snake. 'nake can
be controlled by mantra and medicine, but ho" can an evil person be controlled4
-- 3 --
[| [[P [ |

q"| [ ||" |
hastii hastasahasreNa shatahastena vaa&ina)
sh%%iN6giNo dashahastena sthaanatyaagena dur&ana)
3 distance of a thousand hands in case of elephant, hundred hands for a horse, and ten hands for a cattle
should be maintained. 1ut, in case of an evil person one must leave the place.
-- 3 --
[| H

H| | [ |s
q"| H"s[ Oq"[ |
hastii a.mkushamaatreNa vaa&i hastena taa(ayate
shruN6gii lagu(ahastena kha(gahastena dur&ana)
3n elephant is controlled "ith a goud, a horse by beating "ith hand, a cattle "ith a stick, and an evil
person "ith a s"ord strike.
-- 3 --
HH| HHU7 | *|,
H||, "HU7 H|HHU7 |, |
adhanaa dhanamichchhanti vaacha.n chaiva chatu'hpadaa)
maanavaa) svargamichchhanti mokshamichchhanti devataa)
7oor people desire "ealth, po"er of speech animals "ish for, humans desire heaven, 8ods "ish for
-- 3 --
H| H| "

[ |
|H| HH| 9| |
arthanaasha.n manastaapa.n g%%ihe dushcharitaani cha
va0Nchana.n chaapamaana.n cha matimaan na prakaashyet
.ise people do not talk about - loss of "ealth, sadness in heart, family scandal, getting cheated, and
-- 3 --
H || | | H
7 | | |
dhanika) shrotriyo raa&a nadii vaidyastu pa0Nc&ama)
pa0Ncha yatranavidyante tatra vaasa.n na kaarayet
.ealthy people, scholars, king, river and doctor2 "here these five are not there, one should not live in
that place.
-- 3 --
H +H| 9| |7H|
|"H |
yasmin deshe na sammaana.n na priitirna cha vaandhavaa)
na cha vidyaagama) kashchit ta.n desha.n pairovar&&ayet
The country "here people do not have respect or friends or love and "here there are no scholars2 one
should leave that country.
-- 3 --
H| 7 H | 9|
H7HH| @ | |
manasaa chintita.n karma vachasaa na prakaashayet
anyalakshitakaaryasya yata) siddhirna &aayate
/ne should not reveal "ork that has been planned in mind. 1ecause if others kno" about the plan they
"ill try to create problems in that.
-- 3 --

| 4

8, H54 4

B4 H|H

| | H|d4 4

| || |s |
b%%ithaa b%%i'hTi) samudre'hu b%%ithaa t%%ipte'hu bho&anam
b%%ithaa daana.n dhanaa(he'hu b%%ithaa diipo divaa.api cha
%ain over ocen is meaningless, meaningless is feeding a "ell fed person, charity to a rich person is
meaningless, meaningless is lighting lamp in daylight.
-- 3 --
8| H|| H H


[ || H

du'hTaa bhaaryaa shaTha.n mitra.n bh%%ityashchottaradaayaka)
sasarpe cha g%%ihe vaaso m%%ityureva na sa.nshaya)
The perosn "ho has a bad "ife, a betrayer as a friend, a servant "ho ans"ers, and a snake in house2
undoubtly "ill die before time.
-- 3 --
#4|4| |H4
@ HH|U4 H |
%%iNashe'hashchaagnishe'ho vyaadhishe'hastathaiva cha
punashcha varddhate yasmaattasmaachchhe'ha.n na rakshayet
;oan should be completely paid back, fire should be removed completely, and root of illness should be
completely removed. /ther"ise these three again gro" up.
-- 3 --
|s HH | |s |HH 4HH
|s HH | |s H|7H 9H |
naa.asti meghasama.n toya.n naa.asti chaatmasama.n balam
naa.asti chakshu)sams.n te&o naa.asti dhaanyasama.n priyam
No drink is better than rain "ater, no po"er is e*ual to "ill po"er, no light is brighter that vision of
eyes, no "ealth is more satisfying than food.
-- 3 --
|H|| | F ||F d|

F|| HH|F ||H |

kokilaanaa.n svaro ruupa.n naariiruupa.n pativrataa
vidyaaruupa.n kuruupaaNaa.n khsamaaruupa.n tapasviinaam
Cookoo+s beauty is her voice, "ife+s beauty is her husband, kno"ledge is the beauty of ugly looking
people and forgiveness is beauty of noble people. <n other "ords e!ternal beauty is not the real beauty2
inner beauty is the real beauty.
-- 3 --
H| @9|7|s| s|7H
H|| H| || |98| |
ashochya) nirddhana) praadnyo.ashochya) paN(itavaandhava)
ashochyaa vidhavaa naarii putrapautraprati'hThitaa
.ise person does not regret even if he is poor, there is no reason to regret if friend is a "ise one, a
"ido" has no reason to regret if she has sons and grandsons. 1ecause these people "ill al"yas live in
-- 3 --
H [| Hq| HH| ||
H| H@ H7"[H |
atidarpe hataa laN6kaa atimaane cha kauravaa)
atidaane valirbaddha) sarvamatyantagarhitam
;anka "as destroyed because of too much pride of %avana2 Kaurabas "ere destroyed due to too much
pride2 1ali "as bound because of too much giving2 too much of everything is bad.
-- 3 --

| 98H |
satyena dhaaryate p%%ithivi satyena tapate ravi
satyena vaati vaayushcha sarva.n satye prati'hThitam
1y truth is held earth in its place, by truth is sun shining, by truth is air blo"n, everything is held by
-- 3 --
|q| | H "|H
H7|| 97| H|| H|| |
daaridryanaasana.n daana.n shila.n durgatinaashanam
adnyaananaashini pradnyaa bhaavana bhayanaashiini
Charity destroys poverty, good behavior destroys trouble, intelligence removes ignorance, "orshipping
8od removes fear.
-- 3 --

[ | H4 H|sHH
4 9| | | "H |
&anmam%%ityu hi yatyeko bhuvanaktyeka) shubhaa.ashubham
narake'hu patatyeka eko yaati paraa.n gatim
3 person comes to this "orld alone, he gets re"arded for good deeds alone, he alone gets punished for
his "rong doings, and he departs this "orld all alone.
-- 3 --
+ HH| | |" +

| + H U| + "

[H |
bitena rakshyate dharmo vidhyaa yogena rakshyate
m%%itunaa bhuupa) sastriiyaa rakshyate g%%iham
+(harma+ is protected by money, education by practice, king is protected by politeness, home by good
-- 3 --
| H 94 H|| H "

H|4H H HH| H H

vidyaa mitra.n pravase'hu bhaaryaa mitra.n g%%ihe'hu cha
vyaadhitasyau'hadha.n mitra.n dharmo mitra.n m%%itasya cha
Kno"ledge is a person+s friend in foreign land, at home "ife is the best friend, medicine is a sick
person+s friend, +dharma+ is the only friend after death.
-- 3 --
HH 9

|4 HH HH

HH| T| H|| HH 9 |
durllabha.n prak%%ita.n durllabha) kshemak%%it suta)
durllabhaa sad%%ishii bhaaryaa durllabha) sva&anapriya)
%are is truth and loving "ords, rare is a noble and respecting son, rare is a "ife "ith same characters as
self, and rare is a "ell "ishing friend.
-- 3 --
H H H|4 H| " "
|H| [ 7 |
shaile shaile na maaNikya.n mauktika.n na ga&e ga&e
saadhavo nahi sarvatra chandana.n na vane vane
Not all mountains contain gems in them, nor does every elephant has pearl in it. noble people are not
found every"here, nor is sandle"ood found in every forest.
-- 3 --
H H || |H|| | HH
H HO H| |||H

HH |
durvalasya vala.n raa&aa vaalaanaa.n rodana.n valam
vala.n muurkhasya maunitva.n chauraaNaaman%%ita.n valam
King is the po"er of po"erless, crying is the po"er of children, silence is the po"er of fool and lie is
po"er of thives.
-- 3 --
| H H 8H
H |H4 U 9

"H |
svadeta.n marddita.n chaiva ra&&ubhi) parive'hTitam
mukta.n dvaadashibhirva'hai) prak%%iti.n gatam
@assaging dog+s tail "ith oil, keeping it straight "ith rope around it for t"elve years does not make it
straight. 'imilarly a persons natural behavior and characteristics can not be changed.
-- 3 --
| H| 7H |HH|
|H [| | HH |
na cha vidyaa samo bandhurna cha vyaadhisamo ripu)
na chaapatyasams) sneho na cha daivaatpara.n valam
There is no friend like kno"ledge, no enemy like desease, no love like love for son, and no po"er like
8od+s po"er.
-- 3 --
|7 | | 7|4| OH

*|| | H HH| | |
shaantitulya.n tapo naasti na santo'hatpara.n sukham
na t%%i'hNaayaa) paro vyaadhirna cha dharmo dayaapara)
There is no penance better than peace, no happiness better than satisfaction, there is no desease "orse
than greed, and no better dharma than kindness.
-- 3 --
| H , |+ 4U||s|
| H , 4 |+ |" H " H| |
yathaa chaturbhii) kanaka.n nighar'haNachchhedanataapataa(anau)
tathaa chaturbhi) pariikshyate shilena guNena karmaNaa
The "ay gold+s purity is tested by rubbing, cutting, heating and pounding, similarly, a person+s *uality
is tested by gentleness, manners, habits and deeds.
-- 3 --
H|| 4|

H H H|
" $| | || "+ |
abhyaasadhhcaaryate biddyaa kula.n shilena dhaaryate
guNena dnyaayate tvaarya) kopo nethena gamyate
Kno"ledge is maintained through practice, family+s name by its credentials, a noble person is kno"n
by his good *ualities, and a person+s anger from his eyes.
-- 3 --
|| |*

H |$ | |[
H| U|

| *|"| |
raa&aa tas'hTrak%%<ta.n bhu.nkte raadnya) paapa.n purohita)
bhartaa cha striik%%ita.n paapa.n si'hyapaapa.n guuruustathaa
King is responsible for "rong doing of it+s sub&ects, precepter for the "rong doings of the king,
husband is responsible for his "ife+s faults, teacher for the disciple+s fault.
-- 3 --
UH | | |
"H"| | |
shuna) puchchhmiva vyartha &ivita.n vidyayaa vinaa
na guhyagopane shakta.n na da.nshanivaaraNe
;ife "ithout education is as "orthless as a dog+s tail. <t can neither hide dog+s private parts nor can it
"ard off flies.
-- 3 --
7H|7H |H|7H|
H|7H| H |4| |
na pashyati cha &anmaandha) kaamaandhau naiva pashyati
na pashyati madomato hyaarthi do'haam na pashyati
3 blind person can not see, nor can a person blinded by lust2 person blinded by "ealth can not see, nor
does an arrogant see his faults.
-- 3 --
3H| H|HU7 H| [ H[| HH |
adhamaa dhnamishshhanti dhana.n maana.n cha madhyamaa)
uttamaa maanamichchhanti mane hi mahataa.n dhanam
vil people "ish for only "ealth, "hereas average people "ish for "ealth and fame. noble people "ish
for fame as only fame is their "ealth.
-- 3 --
7|4U4 | H| H
4 |s || |
/ne should be satisfied "ith three things that he already has - o"n "ife, food and "ealth. /ne should
not be satisfied "ith three things - gaining kno"ledge, penance and charity.
-- 3 --
* "7H H H |8s

H| "s | [ |H| |
pu'hpe gandha.n tile taila.n kaa'hThe.agni.n payasi gh%%itam
ikshau gi(a.n tathaa dehe pashyaatmaana.n vivekata)
'cent in flo"er, oil in seed, fire in "ood, ghee in milk, sugar in sugarcan, and soul in body are not seen
from outside.
-- 3 --

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