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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author First and Last Name School Name School City, State Unit !er!ie" DEVJANI S NA! VINES" ".#.$ A%A$ C !!E#E )'NE, $A"A*AS"(*A & ED'CA(I N

#odule $% (hink o+ a topic and possi,le pro-ect scenario +or your unit. *evise this section as you work throu.h the re/ainin. /odules. 0rite +irst dra+t o+ your 'nit Su//ary. Unit Title

Unit Summary

(he students o+ std 1 sensiti2e the/selves to the pro,le/ o+ waste disposal in our country. (he students are asked to introspect on how /uch attention we pay to waste .eneration and eventually to its sa+e disposal. (he students study the various types o+ waste and how it should ,e disposed. At the sa/e ti/e they are ac3uainte with the ways in which we can reduce its .eneration to the extent possi,le. As a parallel, they also study the conse3uences o+ waste .eneration on the environ/ent and what role they can play in contri,utin. to a clean .reen India. (his is done ,y conductin. awareness in the nei.h,ourhood, conductin. a cleanliness drive, hostin. an event i the di++erent classes selectin. the cleanest and eco +riendly class o+ the year. Su&'ect Area
Environmental Education

Class Le!el
Class 9

Appro(imate Time Needed

30 days

Unit Foundation o #odule $% Choose 45st century skills, hi.her6order thinkin. skills, sylla,us .uidelines, unit topic, creat o,-ectives, and develop Curriculu/6&ra/in. 7uestions +or your unit. *evise this section as you work throu.h the re/ainin. /odules. Targeted Sylla&us )uidelines

8 499: Intel Corporation. All *i.hts *eserved.


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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

1.To create awareness among students about waste generation. classify the different types of waste and their respective safe disposal. create awareness among students about how we can reduce the waste generation on an individual level. .to inculcate the same in their younger peers! their family and neighbourhood. ".to understand the repercussions of uncontrolled waste generation on the environment. inculcate the value of cleanliness! as a way of life.

Targeted $*st Century and +igher

rder Thin,ing S,ills

$ist of 21st century s%ills and higher&order thin%ing s%ills that are targeted in your unit.




The 'tudents will! by discussion! study the different %inds of waste. They will study their appropriate safe disposal. They will learn why it is essential to study the same! owing to serious impact of waste on the environment. The different strategies in reducing waste generation. Their contribution in ma%ing a difference. (rganising a peer programme to create awareness of the same! organi)ing a cleanliness drive in the neighbourhood.

Curriculum.Framing /uestions Essential /uestion *ow can we ma%e the earth a better place to live in+

Unit /uestions

,hen you wa%e up in the morning! what is the first thing you do+ *ave you thought about where the water you use to wash your face or flush the pot! goes+ ,here does your leftover brea%fast go+ ,here does your bathing water go+ ,hen you throw away your e-ecise boo%s! where does that go+ ,hat happens when you throw a used battery from your remote control+

Content /uestions

,hat are the *ow is waste ,hat are the generation+ ,hat are the

different %inds of waste+ disposed+ .udicious ways in which we can reduce waste ways in which you can ma%e a difference+

Assessment Plan o o o

#odule 0% Dra+t an Assess/ent (i/eline. #odule 1% Dra+t an Assess/ent Su//ary and create an assess/ent to .au.e student needs. Create a assess/ent +or your student sa/ple. #odule 2% Create an assess/ent to +oster student sel+6direction and update your Assess/ent )lan.
3e4ore pro'ect "or, 3egins Students "or, on pro'ects and complete tas,s A4ter pro'ect "or, is completed

Assessment Timeline

Teacher organi)es a group discussion!to find out the level of

'tudents organi)e a cleanliness drive!conduct a peer programme!

(rgani)e a competition in school for the most uni/ue contribution of a student to his

8 499: Intel Corporation. All *i.hts *eserved.


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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

awareness regarding waste.

host an event for the selection of the most eco friendly class in school.

school or neighbourhood.

Assessment Summary

0escribe the assessments that you and your students use to gauge needs! set goals! monitor progress! provide feedbac%! assess thin%ing and processes! and reflect on learning throughout the learning cycle. These might include graphic organi)e .ournal prompts! anecdotal notes! chec%lists! conferences! /uestioning! and rubrics. 1lso describe the artifacts of student learning that you assess! such as products! presentations! written documents! or performances and the assessments you use. 0escribe in the 2nstructional 3rocedures section who uses the assessments! how they are used! and where they occur

Unit 5etails Prere6uisite S,ills

'tudents %now how to use 4icrosoft ,ord! 3ower point! digital camera!internet surfing!dramatics! organi)ing events in school.

Instructional Procedures o 5ay.*% the teacher as,s the students, "hat comes to their mind "hen one says Singapore or Surat7 8hat are they synonymous "ith9 She ena&les the children to guess "hat they are going to learn9 o She as,s the children to ma,e a 'ournal "here they enter the di44erent items they dispose through the day and arri!e at the di44erent types o4 "aste7 o 5ay$.:. the student studies the classi4ication o4 "aste and the need to do so7 o 5ay1.*;. the student studies ho" the di44erent ,inds o4 "aste are disposed sa4ely7 o 5ay**.*:. "hy is "aste disposal important to study9 5ue to its impact on the en!ironment7 The student studies these e44ects7 o 5ay*1.$*. the student is as,ed to collect in4ormation along "ith photographs, ho" "aste is disposed in their home, school and neigh&ourhood7 o The student photographs open dumps, "rong methods "here e!ident in their neigh&ourhood o Conducts a cleanliness dri!e in the neigh&ourhood7 o 5ay$$.$:. rgani<es a peer programme in school "ith the younger classes to create a"areness7 o Conducts a programme "here the classes in school compete 4or the most eco.4riendly class, title7 o 5ay$1. hosts a school competition 4or the most uni6ue contri&ution made &y a student to the issue o4 "aste disposal7 o 5ay$2.0; Seminars are held group. "ise o4 class =, to !ie" the achie!ement o4 the pro'ect7
1 clear picture of the instructional cycle5a description of the scope and se/uence of student activities and an e-planation for how students are involved in planning their own learning

Accommodations 4or 5i44erentiated Instruction o #odule 2% Dra+t ideas to support all learners and create student support /aterial.
The students are given visual instructions and allowed to carry on their research at their own pace. They are allowed e-tra time for presenting their assignments. 1llot simple tas%s and as% them to volunteer for those they would li%e to accomplish. 4otivate them with special credits for those. 3rovide 67$ for easy research.l

Special Needs Student

8 499: Intel Corporation. All *i.hts *eserved.

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

)i4ted-Talented Student

Challenge them with comple- and challenging tas%s. 2nvolve them in event conducting and and managing them. Enable them to thin% of innovative ways of combating the problem. 1s% them to organi)e a community programme to create awareness.

#aterials and >esources >e6uired 4or Unit o o """7google7com """7yahoo7com

Technology?+ard"are ;Click ,oxes o+ all e3uip/ent needed<

Ca/era Co/puter;s< Di.ital Ca/era , DVD )layer Internet Connection !aser Disk )rinter )ro-ection Syste/ Scanner VC* Video Ca/era Video Con+erencin. E3uip. ther

(elevision Technology?So4t"are ;Click ,oxes o+ all so+tware needed.< Data,ase=Spreadsheet Desktop )u,lishin. E6/ail So+tware Encyclopedia on CD6* $ Printed #aterials Supplies Internet >esources ther >esources 8ewspaper articles! te-t boo%! 'tationery!camera! /uestionnaire! (ther students! local municipality! hospital! ragpic%ers!neighbourhood sweepers. I/a.e )rocessin. Internet 0e, >rowser $ulti/edia 0e, )a.e Develop/ent 0ord )rocessin. ther

)ro.ra/s o+ the Intel? Education Initiative are +unded ,y the Intel &oundation and Intel Corporation. 8 499@, Intel Corporation. All ri.hts reserved. Intel, the Intel lo.o, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel (each )ro.ra/ are trade/arks o+ Intel Corporation in the '.S. and other countries. A ther na/es and ,rands /ay ,e clai/ed as the property o+ others.

8 499: Intel Corporation. All *i.hts *eserved.


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