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Intiouuction 1
What is NLP. 2
Bistoiy of NLP 4
What to Leain Fiist 1u
Technique 1: Sensoiy Acuity 1S
Technique 2: Rappoit 17
Technique S: Anchoiing 27
Technique 4: Nilton Nouel SS
Technique S: Neta Nouel 61
Technique 6: Nouelling 78
Teaching Youiself NLP 8S
The Leaining Piocess 89
Leaining With 0theis 94
uaining Expeiience 99
NLP Tiaining 0ptions 1u4
A woiu of waining... 118
About the Authoi 12u

!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1 -

When I fiist heaiu about Neuio-Linguistic
Piogiamming (NLP) my initial impulse was to uismiss
it. The people that I met who weie talking so highly of it
weie iaiely the soit of people I wanteu to emulate.
They talkeu about leaining how the minu woikeu anu
taking chaige of youi iesults, but I uiun't ieally
unueistanu what they weie going on about. Yet, now
heie I am, wiiting a book about The Seciets of Leaining
NLP. Anu you may be wonueiing what must have
changeu foi me to go fiom that point of zeio knowleuge
about NLP, all the way thiough to absolute fascination
anu ueuicating myself to shaiing it with otheis.
When I fiist heaiu about NLP, my pioblem was that
nobouy ieally explaineu it to me so I uiun't unueistanu
what NLP was. Theie aie loaus of uefinitions out theie
anu lots of explanations about how it can help you, but
what I ieally caieu about was what was in it foi me. It
wasn't until one New Yeai's Eve that I tiuly 'got' what
was in it foi me. Fiom that point foiwaiu, leaining
about NLP uiun't just become easy anu effoitless, it
almost became an obsession.
Lloyu }ohnson
- 2 -
!"#$ &' ()*+

NLP, oi Neuio-Lingustic Piogiamming, is such a wiue
fielu of stuuy that it can be haiu to uefine simply. NLP is
a way of thinking about iueas anu people that allows
you to excel in any fielu. The basic piemise is that we
can stuuy people who aie getting gieat iesults, anu
ieuuce theii behaviouis uown to a mouel, oi the baie
minimum iequiieu, which enables them to consistently
get theii iesults. This mouel can then be taught anu
shaieu. It allows otheis to ieplicate the same iesults
veiy quickly. Foi this ieason, NLP is often calleu "the ait
anu science of peisonal excellence".
NLP is a piactical skill that iesults fiom stuuying what
makes the uiffeience between excellence anu aveiage.
Thiough the puisuit of excellence, NLP leaves behinu a
tiail of highly effective techniques with applications in
business, theiapy, euucation anu beyonu. At the nitty
giitty level, NLP uiaws on geneial semantics, linguistics
anu othei techniques like hypnosis, gestalt theiapy anu
family theiapy. So ieally, NLP is a stuuy of 'what woiks'
anu the stuuy of how you piouuce iesults.
NLP stanus foi Neuio-Lingustic Piogiamming anu can
be bioken uown into thiee coie paits:
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
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Lloyu }ohnson
- 4 -
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NLP is faiily young, having only been establisheu in the
197u's. The funuamentals that alloweu foi the cieation
of NLP, howevei, began long, long befoie that.
In 194S, Alfieu Koizybski wiote a book calleu !"#$%"$
'%( !'%#)* that uiscusseu the iuea of Logical Levels.
Koizybski saiu something ieally inteiesting in his book.
Be saiu, "Almost all psychological pioblems weie the
iesult of the inability of a peison to tiaveise logical
levels". That's inteiesting because he suggesteu that
sometime in the futuie theie woulu be a wholly
piocesseu uesciiption of the human being that woulu
come along anu actually uesciibe the piocesses of a
human being. That is what we touay call Neuio-
Linguistic Piogiamming.
Buiing the 197u's, Richaiu Banulei anu Fiank Pucelik
became fiienus at the 0niveisity of Califoinia Santa
Ciuz, even though neithei of them weie stuuents theie.
Banulei anu Pucelik weie both peisonally motivateu to
heal themselves fiom theii less than pleasant pasts. 0n
theii own peisonal jouineys they become masteiful at
uestalt Theiapy just by obseiving anu copying. eiii
Nouelling. the behaviouis of Fiitz Peils, the founuei of
uestalt Theiapy. As they began to move foiwaiu anu
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1-*./&0 -*. 2$3&/)4 '(-' /&-. '7 2$3&/)4 +7)*+ ()% 7<*
Lloyu }ohnson
- 6 -
way. Banulei anu uiinuei latei ienameu Neta to Neuio-
Linguistic Piogiamming. It wasn't until it got its new
name that it ieally staiteu to become wiuely known.
Following the change of name to Neuio-Linguistic
Piogiamming a new gioup was attiacteu to pushing the
envelope of what was possible. Accounts of the eaily
uays aie laigely anecuotal anu uiffei fiom souice to
souice, though it is unueniable that Banulei anu
uiinuei weie joineu by a gioup of otheis that weie to
take NLP to the woilu. Each anu eveiy one of these
people weie looking foi ways to auu to the fielu, to
uevelop the fielu fuithei anu to ultimately uiscovei
what it is that makes amazing iesults possible.
This is the founuation of NLP anu wheie the iuea of NLP
being a notion anu a methouology comes fiom; the iuea
of actually being able to look anu see what is excellent
behavioui anu figuie out how that excellent behavioui
is piouuceu. It staits with a simple question: Bow uo I
take that behavioui anu how uo I tiy that on myself so
that I can get the same iesults. NLP begins as a notion
anu a methouology that leaves behinu a tiail of gieat
techniques foi achieving excellence.
To begin with, the thiee majoi people that they
mouelleu weie Nilton Eiickson, viiginia Satii anu Fiitz
Peils. These thiee people weie chosen as they weie
expeits in magically cieating change in people by
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 7 -
simply using the iight woius. Anu that is what NLP is
about, stuuying excellence so you can iepiouuce the
iesults. It begins with an attituue of cuiiosity to finu out
"*5 they uo what they uo. When we use NLP anu look
at a human being, we look at that human being with
wonueiment anu we ask ouiselves "how is it possible
that this peison in this ciicumstance coulu piouuce this
behavioui." Now the seconu thing, which coulu be
equally as impoitant as cuiiosity, is the willingness to
expeiiment, to begin to tiy new things to see if it is
going to woik.
As Banulei & uiinuei's notes began to stack up they
ieleaseu theii fiist two books in 197S:
- The Stiuctuie of Nagic I: A Book About Language
anu Theiapy; anu
- The Stiuctuie of Nagic II: A Book About
Communication anu Change.
These books contain the basis of the Neta Nouel, a
mouel of communication that woiks by becoming moie
specific anu iemoving ueneialisations, Bistoitions anu
Beletions fiom people's language anu thoughts. This
woik was piimaiily ueiiveu fiom theii stuuy of Peils
anu Satii.
Following these two books both Banulei & uiinuei
stuuieu Nilton Eiickson, aiguably the best
hypnotheiapist of oui time, anu fiom theii stuuy of his
Lloyu }ohnson
- 8 -
woik they publisheu Patteins of the Bypnotic
Techniques of Nilton B. Eiickson, volumes I & II. These
books containeu the basis of the Nilton Nouel, a mouel
of communication that woiks by becoming moie vague
anu intiouucing geneialisations, uistoitions anu
ueletions into people's language anu thoughts.
Inteiestingly, the Nilton Nouel is almost the complete
opposite of the Neta Nouel - but both get ieliable
0ltimately, the Neta Nouel & Nilton Nouel seive to
piove Alfieu Koizybski coiiect - by tiaveising logical
levels it is possible foi pioblems to just uisappeai.
These mouels weie just the tip of the icebeig though.
Fiom Banulei & uiinuei's stuuies of these thiee
theiapists, a whole fielu of infoimation was cieateu.
Beyonu these mouels they staiteu uocumenting new
techniques anu iueas such as Anchoiing, iefiaming,
submoualities, peiceptual positions, anu
iepiesentational systems. As the usefulness of the
techniques began to gain a following, moie anu moie
iesouices such as books anu seminais began to be
piouuceu. Fiom the woik of Banulei & uiinuei in the
197u's anu the books that they have publisheu, both
togethei anu inuiviuually, NLP now has a huge bouy of
knowleuge behinu it fiom many, many uiffeient
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- 11 -
Sensoiy Acuity is essential foi becoming a goou
communicatoi anu foi becoming goou at NLP. It is the
ability to uetect changes in othei people by becoming
moie awaie, oi calibiateu to slight changes in the othei
peison. This gives us clues as to what is going on insiue
the othei peison's minu. Rappoit is being in sync with
the peison; a piocess of iesponsiveness that is
invaluable in theiapy, business anu peisonal settings.
When you have goou Rappoit with otheis it will also
make neaily all NLP piocesses much easiei anu fastei.
Anchoiing is a poweiful tool to making fast anu
meaningful changes by accessing uesiiable states
within youiself anu in clients at will. The Nilton anu
Neta Nouels aie the language patteins that make
poweiful conveisational change easy anu effoitless.
Nouelling is the pattein fiom which all of NLP has been
cieateu anu once peifecteu, will give you the ability to
ieplicate any behavioui you woulu like to peifoim, thus
piouucing the same iesults.
This is youi lucky uay because this book incluues six
chapteis uevoteu to giving you the basics of each of
these key aieas. Not only is theie a chaptei uevoteu to
each aiea but theie aie also activities that you can uo to
stait builuing youi skills. Each chaptei also contains a
list of ielevant books that aie woith ieauing foi fuithei
Lloyu }ohnson
- 12 -
When you mastei these six techniques you will be a
long way towaius using NLP competently in theiapy
anu business, anu in youi eveiyuay life. The language
patteins of the Nilton anu Neta Nouel aie especially
Foi youi benefit, what follows is infoimation on each of
these piocesses. What is containeu in this shoit book is
by no means all theie is to know on each topic, in fact
entiie books exist on each of these techniques alone.
The infoimation is pioviueu so that you will be
confiuent enough to take action now. The piactical NLP
exeicises will give you the oppoitunity to apply the
techniques, so that by the enu of this book you will
have a ieally soliu iuea of how to use what you have
leaineu in a piactical way in youi own life, how to use it
to affect change in otheis' lives, anu how to continue
youi leaining if uesiieu.
So uo youiself a favoui: Tieat this infoimation newly,
stay cuiious, anu give youiself eveiy oppoitunity to
piactice what you ieau.

!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1S -
!"#$%&'(" *+ ,"%-./0 1#(&20

In Nouelling, Nilton Eiickson, one of the cieatois of
NLP, obseiveu that people make minute changes fiom
moment to moment. Those changes communicate
meaning .5 you have enough Sensoiy Acuity. So, what is
Sensoiy Acuity. Sensoiy Acuity is the ability to obseive
tiny changes in a peison's physiology fiom moment to
moment. Baseu on the changes that you obseive you
can begin to gain an insight into what is going on foi the
othei peison.
In NLP we noimally focus on these key paits of anothei
peison's physiology:
! Skin coloui (whethei it is lightei oi uaikei)
! Skin tonus (whethei the tone of muscles is
symmetiical oi not symmetiical)
! Bieathing speeu (whethei bieathing is fastei oi
! Bieathing location (whethei they'ie bieathing
fiom highei oi lowei in theii chest)
! Lowei lip size (whethei it has moie lines oi less
! Eye focus (whethei theii eyes aie moie
focuseu oi uefocuseu)
! Pupil uilation (whethei theii pupils aie moie
uilateu oi unuilateu)
Lloyu }ohnson
- 14 -
The tiuth is that these aie just a staiting point - with
enough Sensoiy Acuity you can easily gain insight into a
peisons' state thiough any obseivable changes in theii
bouy. Nilton Eiickson famously noticeu a membei of
one of his auuiences going into tiance. Latei, he was
askeu how he knew she was going into tiance ieplying,
"I coulu tell because the pulse in hei ankle sloweu
uown". The bettei you get at Sensoiy Acuity, the moie
poweiful a communicatoi you will become! Sensoiy
Acuity is especially vital in a goou hypnotheiapist as it
is youi only way of effectively gauging how quickly anu
ueeply youi client is in tiance.
So, what is an example of this at woik. If you aie neai a
computei you can look up this YouTube viueo of the
infamous Beiien Biown at woik with thiee cai
If you'ie not neai a computei the viueo shows
something quite inteiesting. Biown is in Ameiica anu
goes to visit thiee cai salesmen at theii place of woik.
They aie stanuing in the paiking lot, suiiounueu by
cais, anu Biown pioceeus to explain his complete
ignoiance of cais. What he asks the fiist sales peison to
uo is to tell him thiee things about the cai anu foi two
of them to be tiue, but foi one of them to be a lie.
Within moments of heaiing the thiee statements,
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1S -
Biown successfully picks the statement that is a lie. Be
iepeats the same piocess with the seconu sales peison.
Then, to top it all off, with the thiiu sales peison he
uoes something slightly uiffeient. Insteau of asking him
to say thiee statements out louu, he asks him to simply
(".-5 them insiue his heau. Anu once again, even though
the thiiu sales peison uoesn't uttei a woiu, Biown
successfully picks the lie. This is a gieat paity tiick -
anu one that you too can uo too with masteiy of
Sensoiy Acuity.
This viueo is a gieat example of how Sensoiy Acuity can
be subtly useu to gain an insight into the inteinal
iepiesentations of anothei peison. With the thiiu
salesman, Biown is able to ueteimine when he is telling
the tiuth without the salesman even opening his mouth.
This is because of the subtle changes in his bouy
language that Biown can easily uetect with his well-
uevelopeu skill of Sensoiy Acuity. Thiough the
questions he asks, he is able to calibiate, using Sensoiy
Acuity, when they aie telling the tiuth. Biown then
simply picks the 'ouu one out' (i.e. the answei wheie
the peison's physiology is noticeably uiffeient) anu he
can safely pick that as the lie.
It is impoitant to iemembei that Sensoiy Acuity must
be calibiateu on a peison-by-peison basis. The
uiffeiences noticeable in one peison's physiology that is
!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,- +
./""0)1 .(/ .23.( 40"" )#. )/5/**620"$ 7/ .(/ 5(6)1/*
6)#.(/2 8/2*#)9* 8($*0#"#1$ 4#3"% *(#4 :#2 .(/ *6;/
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8265.05/ @/)*#2$ A530.$ #) AB?CBD<

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- 17 -
!"#$%&'(" *+ ,-../01

Rappoit is simply a piocess of liking. Bave you evei
seen someone so ueep in conveisation that they aie
hanging off eveiy woiu. 0i been with someone anu it
has been like time stoou still. Bo you sometimes get a
sense fiom someone that you can tiust him oi hei anu
be totally comfoitable. Bow useful woulu it be foi you
to be able to walk into a situation anu to easily anu
effoitlessly connect with othei people, even if you've
nevei met them befoie. What if you weie woiking with
a client who was a bit neivous about NLP anu theie was
a way to make them feel moie comfoitable. Well, theie
is - anu it is a piocess known as Rappoit.
Rappoit oiiginally stems fiom hypnosis. In the fielu of
hypnosis, Rappoit is consiueieu to be when the client is
so stiongly connecteu with you, that they feel like
nobouy else exists in theii ieality. 0i in othei woius,
you aie totally holuing the attention of theii
0nconscious Ninu. Now, in NLP, often Rappoit won't
be as intensely focuseu as that. So when you think
about Rappoit, uon't think about it as a binaiy state. It
is useful to think of it moie as an analogue scale. The
tiuth is that you will iaiely be entiiely out of Rappoit,
oi in Rappoit, with anyone else - you'll be moving
thiough uiffeient shaues of giey.
Lloyu }ohnson
- 18 -
This technique is one of the piocesses that will make
the biggest uiffeience to youi iesults with clients, anu
in youi communication with otheis in geneial. The
soonei you can allow the othei peison to totally anu
completely ielax anu feel comfoitable, the moie
poweiful youi connections will be, anu the moie easily
you will be able to assist them in iesolving theii
piesenting pioblem. The question is, how uo you
quickly move closei to them liking anu tiusting you.
This is wheie it begins to get inteiesting. What we
know is that communication is much moie than the
woius that we use. Theie aie many othei factois that
play a pait in how communication is ieceiveu incluuing
bouy language, voice tonality anu especially facial
expiessions.* Rappoit is about making the most of
these factois, so that we can meaningfully connect with
otheis in a way that allows them to like us. Anu the
simplest iule to iemembei when it comes to Rappoit is:
!"#$%" %'(" $"#$%" )*# +," %'(" -*"./
This may sounu a little bit manipulative oi tiicky, but
the tiuth is that this is what people uo noimally. Bave
you evei seen two people in a social situation that aie
ueep in conveisation. You may have noticeu that they
weie piobably stanuing in similai ways, talking at
similai volumesspeeus anu if you'u been paying
enough attention you may have even noticeu that theii
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 19 -
bieathing was in sync. The chances aie though that
those people aien't tiaineu Piactitioneis of NLP oi
Bypnotists, because this is what just happens natuially.
The thing is though, that it can take S~1u minutes to
happen natuially. 0nce you stait to get goou at the
piocess of Rappoit you can biing that time uown to
2~Su seconus with ease to simultaneously cieate a
feeling of tiust anu comfoit because:
Tiust + Comfoit = Rappoit
Rappoit is maue up of two main piocesses, Pacing anu
Leauing. Pacing is wheie you closely ieplicate paits of
the othei peison's communication so that they begin to
iecognise paits of themselves in you. Leauing iefeis to
uoing something new when you aie in Rappoit with
anothei peison that will cause the othei peison to
ieplicate you. But befoie you can Pace someone anu
stait to get in Rappoit with them, you neeu to know
what to look foi. These aie the main things to watch foi:

!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,- +
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F#)/2)/ 6(0);*
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 21 -
So, using youi Sensoiy Acuity, the key is to pay
attention to the othei peison. Bow aie they holuing
theii shoulueis oi sitting in theii chaii (postuie). Bo
they move theii hanus in ceitain ways as they talk
about ceitain iueas (gestuies). Aie they bieathing
slowly fiom ueep in theii stomach oi quickly fiom the
top of theii chest (bieathing). Aie they talking ieally
quickly (tempo). Is theii voice ieally soft (volume). Aie
theie specific woius they use foi specific things (key
woius). Biu you go to the same school oi uo you play a
similai spoit (common expeiiences anu associations). I
think you get the iuea!
So you aie piobably thinking, "this sounus gieat but
how uo I use Rappoit." 0nce you have useu youi
Sensoiy Acuity to woik out wheie they aie, the seconu
step is to begin to match anu miiioi that behavioui
whilst communicating with them. As you continue
pacing them moie anu moie, you will ueepen Rappoit
with them anu the connection they feel to you.
Natching theii behavioui is wheie you iepeat theii
behavioui back to them in the same way as they aie
uoing it. Foi example, if they have theii iight leg
ciosseu ovei theii left leg, then if you weie to cioss
youi iight leg ovei youi left leg then you woulu be
Natching that pait of theii physiology.
!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,, +
-.//#/.)0 1(2./ 32(45.#6/ .* 7(2/2 $#6 /28241 1(2./
32(45.#6/ 349: 1# 1(2; 4* .< $#6 72/2 1(2./ /2<"291.#)
.) 4 ;.//#/= >#/ 2?4;8"2@ .< 1(2$ (452 1(2./ /.0(1 "20
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#) 1(2 <"##/= A/#**#52/ ;.//#/.)0 .* )#1 4* 24*$ 1#
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2B64""$ 2<<291.52 41 %2282).)0 C488#/1 7.1( 4)#1(2/
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;4*12/ 7(2) .1 9#;2* 1# C488#/1 .* 32.)0 43"2 1# 6*2 4""
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!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 2S -
!"#$%&'(&) You aie matching, miiioiing oi ciossovei
miiioiing as long as what you aie uoing stays out of the
othei peison's conscious awaieness. If you aie simply
copying theii behavioui the moment they uo it then you
aie mimicking theii behavioui - Nimicking uoes the
ieveise of what we want! That saiu, I have been using
Rappoit foi many yeais now anu, with the exception of
one oi two NLP tiaineu fiienus, I have nevei #5#' been
caught out using these skills natuially.
Pacing is the fiist pait of getting into Rappoit. You will
neeu to pace the othei peison using the techniques
above until you get a waim comfoitable inteinal
kinaesthetic (feeling). This waim, comfoitable inteinal
kinaesthetic is the best way to know whethei you aie in
Rappoit with the othei peison. It is a ueep comfoitable
feeling that is haiu to put into woius - though when
you begin to piactice Rappoit you will soon know what
I mean. When you stait out using these techniques, this
feeling will be haiuei to uetect, but ovei time, you will
be able to iecognise it moie quickly anu easily.
0nce you feel like you aie in Rappoit, it is time to have
some fun. The easiest way to test Rappoit is by leauing
the othei peison. Leauing iefeis to making a change to
youi physiology, tonality oi woius in such a way that it
causes the othei peison to follow with theii behavioui.
Foi example, if you aie stanuing next to someone at a
Lloyu }ohnson
- 24 -
netwoiking event anu you feel like you aie in Rappoit
with them, then you coulu take a sip fiom youi uiink,
change the speeu you aie talking at oi altei youi
postuie. If you aie in Rappoit with them then theie is
eveiy likelihoou that they will follow!
Aftei I leaint about Rappoit I began to piactice it at
eveiy chance I hau. Ny favouiites (by fai) weie with
shop assistants anu the aiiline staff that check in youi
bags. I founu that just by getting into Rappoit all of a
suuuen they woulu be tieating me quite uiffeiently. I'u
be offeieu seats with moie leg ioom (I'm quite tall
anyway), they'u tuin a blinu eye if my baggage was
slightly ovei the limit anu often in shops I woulu be
offeieu a uiscount. Suie, it wasn't eveiy time, but with
piactice at Rappoit I've founu the iewaius only
inciease. Aftei all - who woulun't want to be helping
people that they like.
I iemembei, not long aftei I fiist leaint about Rappoit I
was in a team meeting with a peison who just woulun't
stop talking. Eveiyone was looking aiounu at each
othei wishing she woulu stop anu I thought to myself, I
wonuei if Rappoit coulu help heie. So I paiu attention
to hei physiology, tonality anu woius anu began to
match hei behavioui. Suie enough, aftei about twenty
seconus I began to feel that familiai feeling of Rappoit
in my bouy. Anu then I ueciueu to have some fun. To
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 2S -
stait with I just iubbeu the tip of my nose with my iight
hanu anu watcheu. Suie enough, she unconsciously
iubbeu the tip of hei nose too. Then I uiu it a seconu
time (anu so uiu she) anu a thiiu time (anu so uiu she).
When I stoppeu, she'u not only stoppeu hei incessant
talking, but she'u staiteu checking hei nose, piobably
thinking theie must have been something hanging out
of the enu of it! This is -*( a tiauitional use of Rappoit
but it just shows what you can uo with it when you get
Now, as with most piocesses in Neuio-Linguistic
Piogiamming, the tiick to becoming masteiful with
Rappoit is to piactice, piactice anu piactice! The moie
that you piactice the easiei it will become anu
eventually (noimally in only a few weeks of conscious
effoit) you will stait to uo it unconsciously. Remembei,
this technique is one of the piocesses that will make the
biggest uiffeience to youi iesults with clients.
! #$%&' 5- 4,-6 7**8) ("#6 9.:: 9'*-/:6 &.(# (",(
;*441-.&,(.*- .) <= >*'?)@ AB= !*-,:.(6 ,-? CC=
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1).-/ H*.&# (*-# ,-? F"6).*:*/6 ,:*-#I J**/:# .) 6*1'
E'.#-? .E 6*1 9,-( (* E.-? 4*'# .-E*'4,(.*- ,7*1( 9",(
(",( '#)#,'&" ,&(1,::6 ),6)I

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!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 27 -
!"#$%&'(" *+ ,%#$-.&%/

Anchoiing is a Neuio-Linguistic Piogiamming teim foi
the piocess of associating a state within a peison to an
exteinal stimulus. 0i, in simplei teims, it is the ability
to have someone feel a ceitain way just by letting him
oi hei see something, heai something, feel something,
smell something oi taste something.
Bave you evei been listening to the iauio anu a song
has come on that just makes you feel happy. 0i walkeu
into a house to smell something cooking that has taken
you back to how you felt in the past with family oi
fiienus. 0i is theie an animal that someone can just
mention anu it will senu a shuuuei uown youi spine
(Think snakesiatsinsectsspiueisetc.). If theie is,
then you've expeiienceu an anchoi. An exteinal
stimulus has maue you feel a ceitain way without you
consciously ueciuing to feel that way.
The tiuth is that oui woilus aie F0LL of anchois. The
people we like have lots of things anchoieu to them that
make us feel goou. Anu the people we uislike have lots
of things anchoieu to them that make us feel not as
goou. These anchois aie so stiong that often they will
ovei-iiue oui othei senses. Coulu you imagine seeing a
politician on Tv that you uiun't like. The chances aie
Lloyu }ohnson
- 28 -
that the politician coulu be saying something you coulu
agiee with but the negative feeling you have fiom just
seeingheaiing him oi hei is enough to oveipowei logic
anu you may finu youiself uisagieeing with what is
being saiu. Anchois aie poweiful things!
So what. What aie anchois useu foi exactly.
Anchois aie useful because not only can we have oui
state changeu by existing anchois, we can also cieate
new ones. Imagine if you hau an anchoi that woulu put
you into a ieally goou moou just by listening to a
ceitain song. Imagine if you came home anu felt ciap.
Like, ieally ciap. But because you knew about this
ceitain song, anu the way it makes you feel when you
listen to it, you can just play that song anu the bau
feelings uisappeai! Woulun't that be gieat. Well the
tiuth is, it ieally is that simple. Anything that we can
feel in oui neivous system we can anchoi to something
we see, heai, feel, smell oi taste. But theie aie a few
tiicks to successful Anchoiing that make it moie likely
to woik.
At any time that a peison is in an associateu, intense
state wheie a specific stimulus is applieu at the peak of
the expeiience, the two will be linkeu neuiologically.
The success of an anchoi uepenus on these five things:
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 29 -
The !"#$"%!#& of the othei peisons inteinal
expeiience (If they aie expeiiencing a ieally
stiong inteinal state then the anchoi is going to
be moie effective);
The #!'!"( of the anchoi (You want to anchoi
as they go INT0 the state anu ielease just aftei
the anchoi peaks - see fuithei infoimation on
Timing fuithei on);
The )"!*)$"$%% of the anchoi (The moie
unique it is, the easiei it is to iecall);
The ,$-.!/0#!1" of the stimulus (Bow well
you manage to ieplicate the stimulus - if you
anchoi a touch on theii knee you'll finu it moie
effective if you touch them in exactly the same
place on theii knee, as opposeu to touching them
a few inches to the left oi the iight); anu
The ")'2$, of times you anchoi it (The moie
times you anchoi it, the moie effective the
anchoi will be).
So when you want to cieate an anchoi in youiself (0i in
someone else) these aie the key factois to be awaie of.
As mentioneu above, one of the keys to successful
Anchoiing is timing. This image shows a giaph with the
!"#$% '#()*#)
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.01""$ 6##% D0)*#.$ ?8:/4$ 4# *7#4 4(0 8(1)60*< E;0)
>/4( 131F/)6"$ 6##% D0)*#.$ ?8:/4$ 4(0.0 >/"" )01."$
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*4140 1)% $#: )#4/8/)6 4(03 0)40./)6 4(0 *4140<
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9)#> 5081:*0 $#:. D0)*#.$ ?8:/4$ *7#4* 4(0 8(1)60* /)
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%' 6(7 2( 8*05 -( -.*- -,/3 1(+S '33 +.*- 6(7
Lloyu }ohnson
- S2 -
saw, heai what you heaiu anu ieally feel the
feelings of being totally confiuent.");
S. As they iemembei the past expeiience use
youi Sensoiy Acuity to notice as they begin to
entei the uesiieu state of being Confiuent.
They may entei it quickly, oi slowly, it uoesn't
mattei as long as you aujust youi timing
aiounu them. As they entei the state, stait
applying a stimulus (So stait to fiimly piess on
one of theii knuckles, say on theii thumb. This
piessuie uoesn't neeu to be veiy haiu, just
enough piessuie so they can feel it);
6. 0se youi Sensoiy Acuity again to uetect them
staiting to leave the state, as it peaks, anu
iemove the stimulus (ie. iemove youi touch
fiom theii knuckle);
7. Bieak theii state so that they go into a
uiffeient, unielateu state to what you just
anchoieu (This is so that you can test getting it
back. I finu a question like "Bo you taste
cheese." quite effective. }ust as effective is a
question that tuins theii focus to something
that was pieviously out of theii conscious
awaieness, such as "What coloui aie the walls
of this ioom."); anu
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- SS -
8. Re-apply the anchoi anu use youi Sensoiy
Acuity to test whethei they ietuin to the state
(If they ietuin to the state then
C0NuRAT0LATI0NS! you have successfully
installeu an anchoi! If you uiun't notice a
change then check that they aie intensely
associating with the state anu make suie youi
stimulus is unique enough. If it is intense anu
unique enough then iepeat the piocess seveial
times anu the iepetition will assist in builuing
a stiongei anchoi).
So that's it, you now have a iough iuea about how to use
the NLP piocess of Anchoiing. This is ieally just the
beginning of Anchoiing but it makes a ieally goou
staiting point. Now it is time to finu youiself a willing
volunteei anu ask if they will allow you to piactice
Anchoiing with them. Tiy some positive states like
Anchoiing a feeling of confiuence, a feeling of
excitement oi even a feeling of bliss. If you can finu the
woius foi it then you can feel it!
As you become moie piacticeu at Anchoiing you'll finu
othei techniques like stacking anchois, collapsing
anchois anu chaining anchois aie all poweiful tools in
youi toolkit.

!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,- +

"#$%&'$ (')*+,-
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Lloyu }ohnson
- S6 -
Anu you'll piobably notice how it is wiitten just like a
lot of things you may have ieau befoie - that is because
hypnotic language is useu by many woilu leaueis anu
poweiful communicatois like Naitin Luthei King }i.,
Bill Clinton anu Baiack 0bama.
The Nilton Nouel paiagiaph makes use of minu ieaus
(Weie you ieally wonueiing what the Nilton Nouel is
anu why you'ie going to stait using it soon.), lost
peifoimatives (The Nilton Nouel is impoitant,
accoiuing to whom.), cause & effect (how uoes you
wonueiing mean that you'ie not suie how impoitant it
is.), piesupposition (it is assumeu that you'll stait using
it soon.), tag questions (haven't they. coulun't you.),
anu a couple of othei patteins too, just foi fun. This will
all make moie sense as you exploie the Nilton Nouel
So, how uo you go fiom what you know now, to
knowing anu being able to use the Nilton Nouel
effoitlessly. The shoit answei is that you neeu to:
Leain the Nilton Nouel patteins;
Piactice the Nilton Nouel patteins again, anu
again, anu again; anu
Notice how you effoitlessly stait using it
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- S7 -
The Nilton Nouel is maue up of ioughly twenty
patteins. Each pattein has enuless possibilities foi use
with uiffeient woius, anu the patteins can be combineu
to become even moie effective. What follows is a
uesciiption, anu examples of each of the patteins of the
Nilton Nouel:
!"#$ &'($
A minu ieau is a ieally hanuy pattein wheie you claim
to know the thoughts oi feelings of someone without
having any way of coming to know that infoimation. By
claiming to know what they aie thinking, they will
begin to think about it, anu because they begin to think
about it as you say it, they think that they weie alieauy
thinking about it - ciazy, iight. So how uoes it look.
You'ie piobably wonueiing.
You stait the sentence like that anu then finish with
whatevei you want. Foi example, you'ie piobably
wonueiing what soit of examples I'm going to use.
You'ie piobably wonueiing what you'ie going to have
foi uinnei.
You'ie piobably wonueiing how much eggs cost in
Anu, even though you weien't wonueiing about any of
those things, you may notice how goou it feels to stait
wonueiing about them now, uoesn't it.
Lloyu }ohnson
- S8 -
!"#$ &'()"(*+$,-'
A lost peifoimative is when we pioviue a value
juugement without telling the listenei who maue that
value juugement. It woiks so well because ielative
woius aie ieally easy to agiee with. So how uoes it
Basically any woius that aie value juugements
such as: goou, bau, bettei, woise, slow, fast etc.
You can thiow these into sentences to leau the listenei
in the uiiection you want theii thoughts to go. Foi
example, it is goou to wonuei about the Nilton Nouel.
It is gieat to go to the beach.
That cai is quite slow.
So those statements all make sense by themselves. but
if you stait thinking about it now, suie, the cai coulu be
quite slow - but slow compaieu to what. It isn't slow
compaieu to walking, oi slow compaieu to iiuing a
hoise oi slow compaieu to iiuing a bike but it coulu be
slow compaieu to a Feiiaii oi a jet plane oi a
motoibike. Because the sentence makes sense by itself
the listenei is likely to accept the thought, such as the
cai is quite slow, anu if they accept that thought then
they'll be moie likely to base theii thinking on it fuithei
into the conveisation.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- S9 -
!"#$% ' ())%*+
Cause & Effect is the name we use when we imply that
one thing causes anothei. The human minu L0vES
ieasons anu this is a gieat way to pioviue ieasons, even
if the ieasons woulun't necessaiily holu up to iigoious
investigation. The way to spot Cause & Effect style
patteins is to watch foi these linguistic patteins:
If A then B
As A you B
"As you finu youiself going into tiance you coulu notice
how ielaxeu youi aims feel."
"Because you'ie alive you aie ieauy to leain."
These statements aie an elegant way of leauing
someone slowly towaius a favouiable outcome. You can
take things that aie known to be tiue (the cause), oi
implieu to be tiue, anu then that positive feeling caiiies
thiough to what you aie implying (the effect). uoing to
the shops won't necessaiily make anyone happiei - but
if you've maue that suggestion then that is what they
will expect anu that becomes a moie likely outcome!
Lloyu }ohnson
- 4u -
!"#$%&' )*+,-.%&/0&
Complex Equivalence is a way of suggesting that two
things mean the same thing, when they uon't
necessaiily. That means that you can get people to
agiee with two things when initially they woulu have
only agieeu with the fiist. What you want to watch out
foi is these two woius:
.that means.
}ust ie-ieau the pievious paiagiaph - uiu you see what
I uiu theie. Beie aie some moie examples foi you:
0wning a cai means that you'ie not as fit as you coulu
When someone goes out to a night club that means they
want to get uiunk.
Reauing this chaptei means that you aie leaining moie
about the Nilton Nouel.
This linguistic pattein is veiy useful when you want to
make someone awaie of something that they pieviously
weien't awaie of. Think of how motivating it coulu be
foi a boy leaining football to heai his coach say "}immy,
you coming to all the tiaining sessions means that
you'ie getting bettei at football anu that means that you
won't be on the bench at the game this weekenu" -
that's ieally just two complex equivalence's stiung
togethei. This pattein is commonly (mis)useu by
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
! #$ !
%&'()(*(+,- .+,/ %+01,)-2 )3(,4 +5&6) )31 ,(73) *'65
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C&6 *+, 3+;1 %1&%'1 517(, )& )3(,4 )3+) -&91)3(,7 (-
)061 D()3&6) 1;10 3+;(,7 )31 *3+,*1 )& F61-)(&, ()>
G3101 +01,H) *'1+0 D&0/- &0 D+C- &< -)06*)60(,7
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'+,76+71> I) (- %0&5+5'C 51-) )& -3+01 -&91 18+9%'1-2
B01 C&6 -)('' )3(,4(,7 &< 56C(,7 + ,1D *+0J
.K01-6%%&-1- C&6 D101 %01;(&6-'C )3(,4(,7
+5&6) 56C(,7 + ,1D *+0:
L+;1 C&6 6-1/ )31 M(')&, M&/1' C1)J
.K01-6%%&-1- C&6 3+;1 6-1/ () +'01+/C NO D(''
6-1 () (, )31 <6)601:
P&6 3+;1 '1+0,) <0&9 C&60 %+-) 9(-)+41->
.K01-6%%&-1- %+-) 9(-)+41-:
P&60 /+,*(,7 (- 71))(,7 51))10> .K01-6%%&-1- )3+)
)31(0 /+,*(,7 D+- D&0-1 Q ,&)(*1 )31 '&-)
Lloyu }ohnson
- 42 -
Piesuppositions aie hugely useful when talking to
people, as they allow you to influence them, whilst
saving a gieat ueal of time. The ait to using
piesuppositions is to leau people into piesupposing
things that will suppoit them uoing what you want
them to uo. If you weie selling a cai you coulu
piesuppose that the buyei caies about the safety of
theii passengeis (something a cai buyei is unlikely to
uisagiee with) in oiuei to sell them a much moie
expensive, but safei, cai. This coulu be neatly wiappeu
in a simple statement like: "Suie, you coulu buy a small
cai but oui customeis who feel the safety of theii
passengeis is impoitant noimally only consiuei
meuium to laige cais".
!"#$%&'() +,("-#.#%&
A 0niveisal Quantifiei is any set of woius that contains
a univeisal geneialisation ANB lacks a iefeiential inuex.
So what's a univeisal geneialisation. Woius like 'all',
'eveiy' anu 'whole' that iefei to eveiything. 0niveisal
geneialisations can also be negative, such as 'nevei',
'no-one', 'nothing' etc. The key is that the woiu must
iefei to eveiything.
The seconu pait, lacking a iefeiential inuex, means a
phiase that uoesn't iefei to anything in paiticulai. So
you use woius like 'it', 'that', 'things', 'stuff' etc.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 4S -
Foi a statement to be a 0niveisal Quantifiei it must
contain B0TB a 0niveisal ueneialisation ANB lack a
iefeiential inuex. It can look something like this:
Eveiything feels like that.
Anu all the things, all the things.
That is nevei.
No-one knows that.
!"#$% '()*$+"*
Noual 0peiatois aie woius that imply eithei necessity
oi possibility. These woius aie often useu to foim anu
ieinfoice the iules in oui lives. They aie incieuibly
empoweiing (oi uisempoweiing), uepenuing on how
they aie useu. Noual 0peiatois of Necessity aie woius
that imply something must be uone (all the ouu
numbeieu examples). Noual 0peiatois of Possibility
aie woius that imply something coulu be uone (all the
even numbeieu examples).
Examples of Noual 0peiatois incluue:
Lloyu }ohnson
- 44 -
Take foi example these two statements:
You shoulu go to the Post 0ffice.
You coulu go to the Post 0ffice.
They feel veiy uiffeient. The fiist statement uses a
Noual 0peiatoi of Necessity (shoulu) while the seconu
statement uses a Nouel 0peiatoi of Possibility (coulu).
If someone is feeling bau about something they will
almost ceitainly be using moual opeiatois of necessity.
Tiy iepeating back to them what they saiu to you, but
swap the necessity woius with possibility woius anu
enjoy the iesults!
Nominalization is what we call it when you tiansfoim a
veib oi piocess into a noun. The easiest way to spot a
nominalization is to look foi woius that enu in 'ion'
such as Communication, Becision oi Relationship.
Communication is the piocess of communicating,
uecision is the piocess of ueciuing anu ielationship is
the piocess of ielating. By using nominalizations we
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 4S -
iefeience the piocess in a way that assumes it has been
In sales you may have a client that tells you they aie
'ueciuing' on whethei youi piouuct is iight foi them. By
beginning to use the nominalization of 'ueciueu' you
can shift theii thinking quite quickly towaius them
alieauy having maue a uecision.
!"#$%&'('%) +%,-
Any veib that lacks an auveib is unspecifieu. When you
use unspecifieu veibs it will sounu like you'ie only
saying half of the sentence. Foi, insteau of finishing the
sentence with an auveib (like the listenei woulu
noimally expect) you stop shoit anu leave theii
unconscious minu to fill in the blank.
Examples of unspecifieu veibs incluue:
That can help.
That's the way.
Anu you can..
You know.
You may uiscovei.
Lloyu }ohnson
- 46 -
!"# %&'()*+,
This is one of the easiest anu most fun Nilton Nouel
patteins that you can stait using stiaight away. A tag
question is liteially auuing a ihetoiical question onto
the enu of what you say, isn't it. When you stait using
them, people just finu themselves agieeing with you,
uon't they. Anu they uon't even know why, uo they.
The funny thing is, most people alieauy use these.
Beie aie a bunch of examples:
.haven't you.
.uon't you.
.won't you.
.can't you.
-"./ +0 1'0'2',)*"3 4,5'6
These patteins aie ieally useful because they aie just so
vague! Any phiase that uoesn't iefei to something in
paiticulai lacks a iefeiential inuex. This is when you
iefei to something in a way, that makes it veiy
ambiguous as to what you aie actually iefeiiing to. Foi
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 47 -
example using the woiu 'it', 'them', 'that, 'thing', 'stuff'
These aie some examples:
Remembei that thing that we left behinu at that
place neai that peison. (This statement lacks S
iefeiential inuexes - but as you ieau it, the
statement shoulu still make sense)
0ne can, you know.
Bow they saiu it maue all the uiffeience.
Sometimes that thing happens
We uo this natuially all the time, uon't we. (Whoops.
tag question was the pievious pattein). Take foi
example if you aie uesciibing an aigument. I maue this
aigument up to show the pattein in use, but I'm suie
you coulu have heaiu something like this befoie: 'She
saiu this then he saiu that anu it was all ovei the place
anu befoie we knew it that peison iockeu up who
eveiyone hateu anu he was saying that stuff about hei
mothei but nobouy knew whethei it was hei natuial
mothei oi hei step-mothei'.
Lloyu }ohnson
- 48 -

"#$%&'&()*+ ,+-+()#.
A Compaiative Beletion is veiy similai to a Lost
Peifoimative wheie a compaiison is maue but it is not
specifieu as to what oi whom the compaiison is being
maue to. While a Lost Peifoimative ielates to the
peison making the juugment being left out, a
Compaiative Beletion ielates to the leaving out what it
is being compaieu to.
Examples of Compaiative Beletion's incluue:
The bus was much biggei.
Anu it's moie oi less the iight thing.
Things weien't that goou.
But it uiun't go as well.
When you make a compaiison in this way it is
incieuibly haiu foi the listenei to uisagiee with it. Bow
can you uisagiee with something when you uon't know
what it is being compaieu to. You can't! So this is a
gieat technique foi you to use when tiying to be
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 49 -
!"#$ &'(($)* +,-$(.$)#$
The Pace Cuiient Expeiience pattein is one of the
quickest patteins foi getting agieement oi putting
someone into a tiance conveisationally. Essentially
what you uo with this pattein is you say things that aie
unueniable about the othei peison's expeiience. You
uon't just mention one thing though, you mention
multiple, anu as you mention moie anu moie things you
will finu them being uiawn in moie anu moie by what
you aie saying.
Beie aie some examples of statements that pace
cuiient expeiience:
As you sit theie, ieauing this book, thinking
about what it means anu wonueiing how you
coulu use these patteins.
As you look you can feel how youi clothes feel
against youi skin, anu how quickly, oi slowly,
you'ie bieathing anu.
You've lookeu at the biochuie, you've spoken to
oui sales staff anu now you've come into the
So why is this useful. This is the basis of what they call
a 'Yes Lauuei' in Sales. If you can say seveial things that
aie unueniably tiue then you can noimally say
Lloyu }ohnson
- Su -
something that is possible, but not uefinitely tiue, anu
have the othei peison ieauily agiee. Anu as they agiee
with that last suggestionstatement the can begin to
unconsciously move in a new uiiection.
An example if you weie intiouucing tiance coulu be:
As you sit theie, listening to my voice, anu
heaiing what I say, you can begin to feel
incieuibly ielaxeu. As you begin to feel
incieuibly ielaxeu you can allow youiself to sink
ueep, ueep uown into tiance, now.
0i an example in sales coulu be:
You've seen this cai on Tv, you've come uown to
the showioom anu now you've taken it foi a test
uiive anu by now you'ie piobably ieauy to stait
filling in the papeiwoik, aien't you.
!"#$%& ()*+
A uouble binu is when you give the listenei a choice,
but iegaiuless of theii choice they still uo what you
want them to uo. This pattein woiks especially well
with chiluien, though if you ovei-use it, they will woik
it out pietty quickly! This pattein is best explaineu with
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- S1 -
Woulu you piefei to take the bin out tonight oi
tomoiiow moining.
Bo you want to go to beu now oi in S minutes.
Woulu you piefei to buy this in blue oi ieu.
Is it bettei foi you if we meet in the moining oi
the afteinoon.
The key in each of these statements is that although the
listenei is given a choice, iegaiuless of theii choice,
they aie implicitly agieeing to something else.
Regaiuless of whethei they take the bin out tonight, oi
tomoiiow moining, they aie still agieeing to take the
bin out when they answei. Regaiuless of whethei they
piefei to buy it in blue, oi ieu, they aie still agieeing to
buy it.
!"#$%&'()*"#(+ -"').+()%
A conveisational postulate is wheie you take a
commanu (i.e. something you want the listenei to uo)
anu tuin it into a question. This gieatly softens the
commanu anu will inciease compliance. Essentially, it
avoius the feeling of authoiitaiianism that can come
fiom telling someone what to uo.
Examples of conveisational postulates aie:
Can you close the uooi.
!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,- +
.#/"% $#/ 01)% *12)1)2 3(1* %#4/05)36
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!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- SS -
listenei, because it isn't you saying it to them, it is the
peison who is being quoteu saying it to a Siu paity.
Confuseu yet. Naybe an example will help:
So I was talking to }ohn anu he hau been sailing
on the weekenu with his fiienu Natthew anu
they hau both been talking to this guy in the bai
about what it takes to make a boat sail well. Anu
he saiu "It uoesn't mattei what you know, it
matteis that you leain quickly." Anu I uon't
ieally know why he saiu that, but he saiu it
again, "It uoesn't mattei what you know, it
matteis that you leain quickly." "Anu the moie
that he saiu it, the moie I just soit of founu
myself agieeing with him," saiu }ohn.
Beie's anothei example in a business context. Say foi
example you ieceiveu the objection that youi piouuct
was 'too expensive' fiom a piospective client. You coulu
use this pattein like this:
You aie not the fiist peison to say oui piouuct is
too expensive. In fact, I got a call fiom a past
client last week who hau saiu the veiy same
thing to me. Be was telling me about how he was
talking to a colleague about how hesitant he hau
been to make a uecision on oui piouuct, because
of the piice. Anu he took a little while befoie he
Lloyu }ohnson
- S4 -
maue his uecision. But looking back he wisheu
he hau just gone foi it anu maue the uecision
iight away. Because even though he felt it was
expensive at the time, having hau it as long as he
hau, he now wonueis how he copeu without it. It
saves him so much time anu makes things so
much easiei foi him. Anu that's inteiesting,
because his colleague phoneu me almost stiaight
away aftei speaking with him anu ueciueu that it
was the piouuct foi him. Because even though it
was expensive, it was exactly what he neeueu
anu he wanteu it now.
This is an extiemely poweiful pattein anu a lot of fun to
!"#"$%&'()# +",%-&$%&'( .&'#)%&'(
A selectional Restiiction violation is wheie you suggest
piopeities of a noun that the noun cannot possess. Foi
example, it is quite possible to suggest that humans anu
animals have feelings. But can an object like a chaii
have feelings. The answei is no, so when you suggest
that an object like a chaii has feelings you aie
suggesting piopeities of a noun that the noun cannot
possess - oi making use of a selectional iestiiction
Examples of this incluue:
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- SS -
A cai can have feelings.
Remembei, the walls have eais in this office!
Bow uo you think the chaii feels unuei youi
This was notably useu by Naitin Luthei King }i. in his "I
Bave a Bieam" speech (quite a hypnotic speech if you
analysis it). To quote, "This swelteiing summei of the
Negio's legitimate uiscontent will not pass until theie is
an invigoiating autumn of fieeuom anu equality." - The
iuea that 'legitimate uiscontent' can be uesciibeu as a
'swelteiing summei' oi fieeuom anu equality can be
uesciibeu as an 'invigoiating autumn' aie both
selectional iestiiction violations. 0i, to quote again,
"Let fieeuom iing fiom the cuivaceous slopes of
Califoinia!" - Bow uoes fieeuom 'iing'.
The key is that even though at a logical level Selectional
Restiiction violations uon't make sense, when you use
them they auu a poetic anu tiance inspiiing natuie to
youi communication.
Ambiguity is ieally the coie of the entiie Nilton Nouel.
The language is about intiouucing geneialisations,
uistoitions anu ueletions into youi speech that make it
haiu foi people to unueistanu specifically what you aie
Lloyu }ohnson
- S6 -
saying. It foices them to tiy anu make sense of it at an
unconscious level, anu as they uo so, it natuially
ueepens theii level of tiance. Theie aie foui types of
ambiguity specifically that ueepen tiance even fuithei:
!"#$#%#&'()% +,-'&.'/0
This is when you use two woius that sounu the same,
but have uiffeient meanings. Examples of this incluue:
'By now' sounus the same as 'buy now'
'Beai' sounus the same as 'Beie'
'Theie', 'theii', 'they'ie' all sounu the same too.
Bow woulu you use this in a sentence. 'As you sit heie,
heaiing the sounu of my voice in youi left eai heai anu
youi iight eai heai what you can heai heie.' When saiu
out louu. veiy confusing! 0i in business you can wiap
up a sales piesentation with: 'By now, you can piobably
see the benefits of oui piouuct in youi business.' See
what I uiu theie.
0ne of my favouiites is a ihyme my mothei useu to tell
me: 0ne one was a iace hoise. Two two was one too.
0ne one won one iace. Two two won one two. Tiy to
say it quickly to a fiienu anu watch theii face!
10$/)(/'( +,-'&.'/0
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- S7 -
This is when the listenei cannot ueteimine fiom the
syntax of what you've saiu exactly what you mean.
Examples of this incluue:
'They aie visiting ielatives'. Aie the people
ielatives that aie visiting. 0i aie the people
away visiting theii ielatives.
'I've hau enough of managing manageis'. Bave I
hau enough of spenuing time managing what the
manageis uo anu uon't uo. 0i have I hau enough
of manageis that aie managing.
'Selling salesmen can be tiicky!' Is it tiicky tiying
to sell a salesman. 0i aie salesmen that aie
selling tiicky.
!"#$% '()*+,*-.
Scope ambiguity is wheie youi ambiguous language
leaves the listenei unsuie as to how much of the
sentence the uesciiptois apply to. Foi example:
'Speaking to you as a chilu'. Am I a chilu
speaking to you. 0i am I speaking to you like I
woulu speak to a chilu.
'The olu men anu women' Aie the men anu
women olu, oi just the men.
Lloyu }ohnson
- S8 -
'I am a Ceitifieu Bypnotheiapist anu uaiuenei'.
Am I a Ceitifieu uaiuenei.
'Ny youngei biothei anu sistei' - Is the sistei
youngei as well.
!"#$%"&%'(# *+,'-"'%.
Punctuation Ambiguity is wheie you pause as if a
sentence has finisheu, but then keep going with the
sentence. You place pauses. in places. people uon't
necessaiily. expect them. This is often veiy confusing
foi the conscious minu, but the unconscious minu still
giasps the meaning. Examples incluue:
'I want you to notice youi *pause* hanu *pause*
me the glass' That will be inteipieteu as two
sentences, both 'I want you to notice youi hanu'
anu 'hanu me the glass'.
'Sometimes people aien't *pause* ieauy *pause*
foi this to happen' That will be inteipieteu as
two sentences, both 'Sometimes people aien't
ieauy' anu 'ieauy foi this to happen'.

!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- S9 -
0tilization is an incieuibly fun language pattein.
Essentially it woiks by noticing something that is
unueniable you have obseiveu, anu that the listenei can
also obseive, anu then assigning a laigei meaning to
what you've obseiveu. By pointing out things that the
listenei is yet to notice, it will not only ueepen theii
tiance, it will also leau to them to feel moie convinceu
about what you aie talking to them about.
Examples of utilization incluue:
*0thei peison yawns* anu you say "It is goou to
yawn, because yawns inuicate that leainings aie
being piocesseu at the unconscious level"
*0thei peison coughs* anu you say "With each
cough feel the tension ieleasing in youi chest
anu shoulueis"
*0thei peison says "I'm angiy"* anu you say
"That's iight, you'ie angiy because you haven't
yet hau a chance to ielease what you'ie angiy
about yet"
This has obvious applications in theiapy, but it is
equally useful in business. Take foi example someone
who says to you "I am not solu." You coulu utilise that
anu ieply with something like "That's iight, you aie not
!"#$% '#()*#)
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- 61 -
!"#$%&'(" *+ ,"-. ,/0"1

The Neta Nouel is a veiy impoitant tool foi iecoveiing
infoimation about a peison's map of the woilu. The
Neta Nouel ielates to the way that oui minus filtei
infoimation anu subsequently how it geneialises,
uistoits anu ueletes infoimation that uoesn't fit with
oui beliefs, expectations, values anu pievious
expeiiences. What Richaiu Banulei anu }ohn uiinuei
founu when Nouelling viiginia Satii is that when
people aie geneialising, uistoiting oi ueleting
infoimation they will often have a pioblem oi
pioblems. By asking a question that foices them to
iecovei theii geneialisation, uistoition oi ueletion
pioblems can often just uisappeai! This is the coie of
the Neta Nouel.
It is impoitant to note that none of the Neta Nouel
iesponses use the question 'why'. It is veiy iaie in
Neuio-Linguistic Piogiamming to heai anybouy use
'why' as that question will take people into the content
anu stoiy behinu the pioblem. While tiauitional
theiapy likes to uwell in this aiea, NLP noimally steeis
well cleai of it. A goou iule of thumb when using the
Neta Nouel is to ask questions that begin with 'how',
'what', 'when' anu 'who'. These questions will put the
focus onto the stiuctuie of the pioblem, anu by
Lloyu }ohnson
- 62 -
uiscoveiing the stiuctuie of the pioblem it is much
easiei to allow the pioblem to uissolve.
What follows is a list of language patteins, iesponses
anu pieuictions. Noimally you will use the Neta Nouel
by listening to anothei peison. When you heai them
using any of the patteins you can iesponu with the
appiopiiate iesponse. The pieuiction is what you can
expect to be the iesult of asking that question.
!"#$ &'($"#)
!"##$%&' Ninu Reauing is when someone claims to
know what is going on within someone else's heau,
without having any way of knowing that infoimation.
Common examples of this woulu be statements such as
"Be hates me" oi in a business enviionment if someone
haun't let you tell them about youi piouuct anu they
saiu "It won't be any goou foi me".
)$*+,&*$' The iesponse is to ask a question that
iecoveis how they know that infoimation. So the
iesponse to the two above examples coulu be: "Bow uo
you know he hates you." anu "Bow uo you know it
won't be any goou foi you."
!%$-./#.,&' The noimal iesult of youi question is that
the peison will pause, think about it foi a moment, anu
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 6S -
tell you what makes them think that. It is not
uncommon foi them to have an answei that iequiies
anothei Neta Nouel iesponse, but you will be one step
closei to uniavelling theii Bistoitions that allow them
to have theii pioblem.
!"#$ &'()"(*+$,-'
!"##$%&' A Lost Peifoimative is wheie a value
juugement is maue, but the peison who maue the
juugement is left out of the sentence. Common
examples of this woulu be statements such as, "It is
goou to go to the gym" oi "It is bau to uiive slowly".
)$*+,&*$' The iesponse to a Lost Peifoimative is to ask
a question that gatheis auuitional infoimation about
the souice of the juugement. So the iesponse to the two
above examples coulu be: "Who says it is goou to go to
the gym." anu foi the seconu one, "Bow uo you know it
is bau to uiive slowly.". Theie is lots of flexibility in the
potential iesponses; it woulu be just as valiu to ask
"Bow uo you know it is goou to go to the gym." anu
"Who says it is bau to uiive slowly.". A moie geneiic
question that woiks well with most Lost Peifoimatives
is "Accoiuing to whom.".
!%$-./#.,&' The pieuiction heie is that the listenei will
gain a new peispective on the pioblem by uncoveiing
new infoimation. When the lost infoimation is maue
Lloyu }ohnson
- 64 -
conscious to the listenei they will likely gain a new
unueistanuing as to what is contiibuting to theii
pioblem that they uiun't iealise befoie, anu they may
have less of a holu on it all togethei.
!"#$% "'( )**%+,
!"##$%&' Cause anu Effect is wheie the ieason behinu
something is wiongly equateu to being something else.
This is often useu by people who want to put the ieason
foi theii actions onto someone oi something else,
insteau of taking peisonal iesponsibility. Common
examples this woulu be statements such as "She maue
me uo it" oi "Be uoesn't know anything because he
uoesn't woik heie".
)$*+,&*$' The iesponse to a Cause anu Effect style
statement is to ask a question that iecoveis the tiue
ieason, oi choice, behinu theii thinking. So the
iesponse to the two examples coulu be: "Bow uoes
what she uiu mean that you hau to uo it." anu foi the
seconu one, "Bow uoes not woiking heie mean that he
uoesn't know anything.". Youi iesponse to a Cause anu
Effect style statement will noimally begin with Bow.
!%$-./#.,&' Aftei heaiing this iesponse, the listenei will
have moie of an unueistanuing as to what is
contiibuting to theii pioblem. This will loosen the
peison's giip on the oiiginal pioblem anu give them
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 6S -
moie infoimation about how they constiucteu it in the
fiist place. This iesponse alone will likely not solve the
pioblem completely, anu will iequiie moie Neta Nouel
!"#$%&' )*+,-.%&/0&
!"##$%&' Complex Equivalence is wheie two
expeiiences aie inteipieteu as being the same, when
they piobably aien't. Common examples of this woulu
be statements such as "Be nevei hugs me, he uoesn't
love me" oi "Be uiun't ask me any questions aftei the
sales piesentation, he is going to buy fiom a
)$*+,&*$' The iesponse to Complex Equivalence is to
ask a question that pioviues a countei example anu
piesupposes it is possible that the two expeiiences aie
not the same. So the iesponse to the two examples
coulu be: "Aie theie people oi things that you love but
you uon't hug." anu foi the seconu one, "Bave you evei
bought fiom someone you uiun't ask questions of."
The success of the iesponse will iely, to a ceitain
extent, on the questions having the othei peison
ieassessing whethei theii Complex Equivalence is tiue.
If they have nevei bought fiom someone without asking
questions then that question woulu be likely to
Lloyu }ohnson
- 66 -
ieinfoice theii negative thinking aiounu the chances of
him not buying fiom a competitoi.
!"#$%&'%()* The noimal iesult of youi question is that
the peison will pause, think about it foi a moment, anu
open up to the possibility that maybe that isn't how it
is. It is not uncommon foi them to have an answei that
iequiies anothei Neta Nouel iesponse, but you will be
one step closei to uniavelling theii Bistoitions that
allow them to have theii pioblem.
!,''#")* Piesuppositions aie piesent in all of oui
language to a ceitain extent. A piesupposition is
essentially a linguistic assumption; something you neeu
to assume is tiue foi a sentence to make sense. An
example of a statement with piesuppositions is "If my
boss knew how haiu I woikeu he woulu give me a pay
iise." This statement has many piesuppositions: (1)
The peison has a boss (2) The boss is male (S) The
peison is cuiiently paiu something (4) It is possible foi
the peison to be given a pay iise (S) The peison woiks
haiu (6) The boss uoesn't know how haiu the peison
-#./().#* uiven that a simple sentence like that has so
many piesuppositions it is possible to challenge any of
the piesuppositions with a question to cieate a shift in
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 67 -
theii thinking. While challenging piesuppositions that
aie likely to be tiue, like #1, #2 anu #S, is possible - it
is unlikely to iesult in any majoi shift in thinking. Foi
the maximum iesult, you aie best questioning
piesuppositions that aie less likely to be tiue, like #4,
#S anu #6. The iesponse to those coulu be: (4) "Bow uo
you know the boss woulun't have alieauy given you a
pay iise if he coulu." (S) "Bow uo you know that how
haiu you woik is enough foi youi boss." (6) "Bow uo
you know that he uoesn't know.".
!"#$%&'%()* This iesponse will have a gieat impact on
the listenei. In the above example, since theie aie so
many assumptions being maue, theie is the potential
foi a huge shift once they aie auuiesseu.
!"#$%&'() +,("-#.#%&'
!,''#")* 0niveisal Quantifieis aie global
geneialisations in statements uetecteu by woius such
as: eveiy, all, eveiyone, always, nevei. These woius
uemonstiate to the listenei that the speakei feels that
theie is no othei option besiues what they aie saying.
Such as: "All of the people know how to ieau." This
uenies the possibility that someone out of eveiyone
might not be able to ieau. In othei statements such as:
"Ny boss nevei tells me I uo a goou job," the speakei is
Lloyu }ohnson
- 68 -
closeu to the iuea that hei boss may sometimes tell hei
she uoes a goou job. It may be tiue, howevei that he
ieally nevei uoes tell hei that she uoes a goou job, but
this infoimation will only be uncoveieu by asking
auuitional questions.
!"#$%&#"' Responses foi these kinus of statements aie
uesigneu to have the peison ie-evaluate what they have
saiu. In most cases you will be able to achieve this
simply by iepeating the 0niveisal Quantifiei to the
peison in question, such as: "Nevei." 0i you coulu ask
them to finu examples wheie the possibility of the
univeisal statement may not apply. Foi example:
"When has youi boss tolu you you've uone a goou job."
)*"+,-.,%&' The pieuiction of this line of iesponse is to
have the client uncovei instances wheie the univeisal
quantifiei uoes not apply. Suie, in some cases, it will be
absolutely tiue that in the given pioblem a univeisal
statement is valiu. Bowevei, in many cases asking these
questions will uncovei to the client that actually the
pioblem is piesent only pait of the time, which will
likely loosen theii giip on it altogethei.
!"#$% '()*$+"* ", -).)//0+1
)/.."*&' Statements that imply a lack of choice, such as:
shoulu, shoulun't, must, mustn't, have to, neeu to, its a
necessity. These statements uemonstiate that the
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 69 -
peison feels bounu to theii actions oi by a set of iules.
Foi example, someone might say: I must stuuy foi my
histoiy test tomoiiow.
!"#$%&#"' Responses to these kinus of questions give
the listenei the chance to think about the alteinatives
to theii behavioui. They also allow the listenei to
question what is it that is causing them to feel bounu by
a ceitain set of iules that may not be seiving them. In
the above example, many iesponses woulu be
appiopiiate. You coulu say: "What woulu happen if you
uiun't." This woulu allow the peison to consiuei the
consequences of theii behavioui. You coulu also
attempt to get moie infoimation as to how they came to
believe what they believe to be tiue, by asking: "Who
says you have to stuuy. This will have them uncovei
what contiibutes to them holuing stuuying as a value
foi them.
)*"+,-.,%&' The iesponses heie will give the client
moie infoimation on how they came to holu these
Noual 0peiatois. Noie impoitantly, the iesponses will
allow them to consiuei the consequences of not
following what is absolutely a necessity. This will give
them moie flexibility of behavioui foi the futuie, so
insteau of feeling bounu by what must happen they aie
able to see what coulu, oi what is possible, allowing
Lloyu }ohnson
- 7u -
them to choose theii iesponses anu actions in each
given moment.
!"#$% '()*$+"* ", -"../0/%/+1
!"##$%&' This pattein is the opposite of Noual
0peiatois of Necessity. Insteau of the language
pointing to what neeus to be uone, these statements
illustiate how it coulu be. Woius such as: can, can't,
woulu, won't, possible, impossible aie useu in these
cases. An example heie woulu be: "I can't tell the
tiuth." In this case the speakei believes that it is
impossible to uo what the statement implies: it is not
possible to tell the tiuth to his wife.
)$*+,&*$' What the iesponses to these types of
statements aie meant to uo is give the client the
oppoitunity to see theii options. Also, like in
statements with Noual 0peiatois of Necessity, you will
give the listenei the oppoitunity to uncovei what has
contiibuteu to them holuing the belief that is inheient
in the statement. In the above example, you coulu
iesponu with a question such as: " What pievents you
(fiom telling youi wife the tiuth)." oi "What woulu
happen if you uiu."
!%$-./#.,&' The pieuiction heie is that thiough getting
moie infoimation on the pioblem. peihaps the client
will no longei be able to have as tight a giip on it. In
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 71 -
these examples, anu in fact many Neta Nouel
iesponses, you most likely will not have the client
abanuon theii pioblem entiiely. Foi example, the man
piobably won't go iight out anu tell his wife the tiuth
meiely by unueistanuing what has contiibuteu to him
believing that that is something he cannot uo. Bowevei,
he may begin to see the pioblem fiom a new angle, anu
thus iegain access to moie ways of uealing with it.
!"##$%&' A nominalisation is a piocess woiu (veib),
that has been fiozen in time, thus tiansfoiming it into a
noun. This has no impact in anu of itself. Bowevei,
when we take 'piocesses' to be 'things,' we ueny the
malleable anu changing natuie of piocesses. When we
accept piocess woius such as communicating, as static
things, we aie moie likely to accept these 'things' as
unchangeable, insteau of unueistanuing that wheie
theie is piocess theie is ioom foi unueistanuing, anu
foi change to occui. Nost nominalisations aie tippeu
off by the enuing 'ion,' like in woius such as:
ielationship, communication.
)$*+,&*$' The iesponses to these statements involve
tuining the noun back into a veib, thus giving the client
the oppoitunity to exploie what it is about the piocess
Lloyu }ohnson
- 72 -
that is causing the pioblem. Foi example, if someone
says: "Theie is no communication heie," a iesponse
coulu be: "Who heie is not communicating." oi "What is
not being communicateu." This line of questioning will
give moie infoimation as to what it is about the piocess
of communicating that is the pioblem, insteau of with
the 'thing' itself.
!"#$%&'%()* The iesult of these questions will be to get
the client to unueistanu the piocess of the pioblem.
They in fact uo not holu a pioblem with the
nominalisation, but with the veib. When infoimation is
uncoveieu about the piocess, the client can begin to
unueistanu what (about the piocess) is causing
uifficulty anu finu ways to iemeuy that. Without a
piocess to woik with, theie is nowheie to go in teims of
finuing the solution to the pioblem.
!"#$%&'('%) +%,-#
!,''#")* This is wheie in a given statement, theie is
infoimation missing about the veib in that statement.
Foi example: "Be iejecteu me." In this statement, the
listenei (anu the speakei in fact) is left to wonuei what
exactly is meant by iejecting anu how specifically the
speakei was iejecteu.
-#./().#* Responses to unspecifieu veibs aie uesigneu
to get moie infoimation on the veib. Foi example, as a
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 7S -
iesponse to "Be iejecteu me," one coulu say: "Bow
specifically." inviting the listenei to qualify what
exactly iejection is.
!"#$%&'%()* The pieuiction heie is that by uncoveiing
moie infoimation about the statement, the client will
be able to look at the pioblem fiom a uiffeient
peispective. This alone will piobably not cause the
pioblem to uisappeai, but what it will uo is give the
client moie infoimation as to what may be contiibuting
to the pioblem at hanu. Foi example, once the peison
knows specifically what they mean by iejection,
peihaps they will be able to communicate that to the
othei peison, oi maybe they will simply gain moie
unueistanuing of the way in which they may have been
communicating. In both cases, the peison's holu on the
pioblem will have changeu.
!"#$%& (&%&)"*+,
!,''#")* This is wheie laige chunks of infoimation aie
left out of the statement. Foi example: "I am
uncomfoitable." In this statement, it is not cleai what
uncomfoitable means, what they aie compaiing this
uiscomfoit to, oi what they aie uncomfoitable with,
just to name a few
-#./().#* The iesponse heie is meant to uncovei some
of the missing infoimation fiom the oiiginal statement.
Lloyu }ohnson
- 74 -
Fiom the above example, a iesponse coulu simply be:
"About whatwhom. This will allow the client to get
moie specific about what exactly is causing the
pioblem. Befoie they aie able to make any changes to
the pioblem, they must fiist be able to pinpoint exactly
what it is. "I am uncomfoitable" is not enough
infoimation to make any changes to iemeuy this
!"#$%&'%()* 0nce the iesponses aie ueliveieu, the client
will be moie equippeu to make the changes neeueu to
iemeuy the pioblem. This piocess may allow the
pioblem to uisappeai; once the peison is consciously
awaie of the infoimation, it might involve a simple
change. 0i, if the pioblem is moie convoluteu than the
above example, uncoveiing moie infoimation will allow
the peison to gain a uiffeient peispective on the
pioblem by seeing what is contiibuting to it.
!"#$ &' ()')*)+,-". /+0)1
!,''#")* In this pattein, the speakei fails to specify
what the statement is in iefeience to. The speakei
states a pioblem without any iefeience to what oi who
is contiibuting to that pioblem. Foi example: "They
uon't listen to me."
-#./().#* Responses to these statements aie uesigneu
to have the listenei uncovei what oi who is
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
! #$ !
%&'()*+,(*'- (& (./ 0)&+1/23 4&) /56201/7 *' )/80&'8/
(& (./ 6+&9/ 8(6(/2/'(7 :&, %&,1; 86:< =>.& 80/%*?*%611:
;&/8'@( 1*8(/' (& :&,AB C.*8 D*11 -*9/ (./ 1*8(/'/) (./
%.6'%/ (& ;*8%&9/) 2&)/ 80/%*?*%611: D.6( (./ 0)&+1/2
!"#$%&'%()* C./ 0)/;*%(*&' ./)/ *8 (.6( &'%/ (./
1*8(/'/) *8 6+1/ (& -/( /'&,-. *'?&)26(*&' 68 (& D.6( &)
D.& *8 %&'()*+,(*'- (& (./ 0)&+1/27 (./: 6)/ 2&)/ 6+1/
(& ?*'; 8&1,(*&'8 (& (./ 0)&+1/23 >*(. (./ 6;;*(*&'61
*'?&)26(*&'7 (./ 0/)8&' D*11 -6*' 6 ;*??/)/'(
0/)80/%(*9/7 /*(./) -*9*'- (./2 2&)/ &0(*&'8 68 (& .&D
(& ;/61 D*(. (./ 0)&+1/27 &) (./: D*11 0/).608 ?*'; (.6(
(./ 6;;*(*&'61 *'?&)26(*&' .68 1/; (./2 (& ;*8%&9/) (./
(),/ )&&( &? (./ 0)&+1/23
!"#$%&%'()* ,*-*'("./
!,''#")* C.*8 16'-,6-/ 06((/)' *'9&19/8 (./ 80/6E/)
%&206)*'- &'/ (.*'- (& 6'&(./)7 +,( D*(. '& )/?/)/'%/
(& D.6( *( *8 +/*'- )/?/)/'%/; (&3 C.*8 06((/)' *8
26)E/; D*(. D&);8 1*E/< +/((/)7 D&)8/7 2&)/7 1/887 1/68(3
4&) /56201/< =F*8 G&+ *8 +/((/)3B
-#./().#* H/80&'8/8 (& (.*8 06((/)' 6)/ 8*201/ 6';
*'9&19/ 8*201: 68E*'- D.6( &'/ (.*'- *8 +/*'-
%&206)/; (&3 4&) /56201/7 :&, 2*-.( 68E< =F*8 G&+ *8
+/((/) (.6' D.&8/AB I' 8&2/ %68/8 D./' %&206)6(*9/
;/1/(*&'8 6)/ ,8/;7 *( *8 688,2/; (.6( (./ 1*8(/'/) %6'
!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,- +
.)/01 2(34 4(0 *503601 .* 7#8531.)9 *#804(.)9 4#:
;#20<01= #)70 4(0 >?0*4.#) .* 3*60%= 4(0 ".*40)01 .* 3@"0
4# #//01 8#10 .)/#1834.#) 3* 4# 2(34 4(0$ /00" .* @04401:
A(.* 9.<0* *#80 .)*.9(4 .)4# 2(34 .* .85#143)4 4# 4(0
".*40)01 3)% 83$ *01<0 4# 3**.*4 4(08 .) ?)7#<01.)9
2(04(01 4(010 .* 3)$ <3".%.4$ 4# 4(0.1 7#8531.*#)= #1
!"#$%&'%()* A(0 #?47#80 #/ %0".<01.)9 4(.* 10*5#)*0 .*
4(0 7".0)4 2."" (3<0 8#10 .)/#1834.#) 3* 4# (#2 4(0$
310 (#"%.)9 #) 4# 4(0 51#@"08: B.4(#?4 (3<.)9 4(0
3%%.4.#)3" .)/#1834.#) 3@#?4 2(34 #)0 4(.)9 .* @0.)9
7#85310% 4#= 4(0 501*#) .* ?)3@"0 4# /.)% 3 *#"?4.#) 4#
4(0.1 51#@"08= #1 0<0) 103""$ 7#)7054?3".*0 .4 7"031"$:
C)70 4(0$ (3<0 8#10 .)/#1834.#)= 4(0$ 2."" (3<0 "0** #/
3 (#"% #) 4(0 51#@"08= 3)% 501(35* 4(0 @09.)).)9 #/
/.)%.)9 4(0 *#"?4.#):

B(0) ?*.)9 4(0 D043 D#%0" .4 .* 0*507.3""$ .85#143)4 4#
1083.) .) E355#14 2.4( 4(0 #4(01 501*#): F/ ?*0%
0G70**.<0"$= .)<3*.<0"$= #1 @"?)4"$= 4(0 D043 D#%0" *4$"0
>?0*4.#)* 2."" >?.40 >?.76"$ (3<0 4(0 #4(01 501*#)
/00".)9 134(01 ?)7#8/#143@"0: H#? 2."" /.)% 4(0 @0*4
10*?"4* 2(0) ?*.)9 4(0*0 >?0*4.#)* .) 4(0135$= #1 2(0)
/370% 2.4( *507./.7 *.4?34.#)* .) @?*.)0**: I/401 3"" J
3)$ *3"0* #@K074.#) .* ".60"$ 4# 7#)43.) 90)013".*34.#)*=
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! ## !
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"#$%&'$ (')*+,-
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!"#$% !"# >#(, >*8#: .) ?#:: 8*&14#-(#8 .- ("#)# 5**@)
9A! 5**@) ,'# .- 46 *B.-.*- -*( ("# 5#)( ?,6 (* '#,::6
1-8#')(,-8 ,-8 5# ,5:# (* ,BB:6 (".) 4*8#:C DE 6*1 &,-
/#( )*4#*-# (* #FB:,.- .( (* 6*1 E,&# (* E,&# ("#- (",(
?.:: 4,@# (".-/) #,).#)( E*' 6*1C

Lloyu }ohnson
- 78 -
!"#$%&'(" *+ ,-."//&%0

0ne of the founuations of Neuio-Linguistic
Piogiamming is the ability to mouel people with
successful behavioui. If one peison can uo something
then, using NLP, it is possible to uetect anu utilise the
patteins they aie using, anu get the same class of
iesults as the peison fiom whom the mouel was taken.
So this is wheie it gets exciting.

The possibilities aie limitless. You can mouel excellent
sales skills, outstanuing spoiting achievements, vibiant
health, outstanuing paients, anu moie. Nouelling is
noimally taught as pait of a Nastei Piactitionei Couise
anu as with all of NLP - the moie you piactice it the
bettei you will become! So lets stait with the theoiy.

,-."//&%0 12"34
The basic steps in Nouelling aie:
5&%. 4-6"-%" -7 4-6"-%"84 9"$:;&-(7 2$:2 &4
<-72$ ,-."//&%0= &."://> : 6-."/ -? 7":/
"@#"//"%#"A It is ieally impoitant that the peison
you aie Nouelling is bettei than just 'okay' anu
is getting tiuly excellent iesults - it isn't woith
Nouelling people who aie only getting aveiage
iesults, as youi iesult will only be as goou as
youi mouel's.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 79 -

!"#$ &'(")*
+, -(."(/0 1#$ 21.3(0, These aie
impoitant to obtain theii Nouel of the
Woilu. You can use questions such as,
"What is it impoitant that you know to
get these iesults.". Finu both enabling
anu uisenabling beliefs anu values - this
aiea is often the most neglecteu in the
Nouelling piocess.
4, 5&)1&(67 89(#&1. 57#&1:;, Theii
stiategies aie vital to ie-cieating theii
iesults. The less you piesuppose the
moie you will leain. It is impoitant to
leave youi pieconceiveu iueas at home so
that you get each anu eveiy pait of theii
stiategy - if you miss anything then
you'ie unlikely to get the same iesults
that the peison you'ie Nouelling gets! In
NLP a Stiategy is a sequence of Inteinal
Repiesentations that you follow to get a
uesiieu behavioui. These Inteinal
Repiesentations incluue any pictuies that
foim in the mouel's minu (i.e. they
visualise a peifect golf shot just befoie
hitting the ball), an inteinal voice (anu if
Lloyu }ohnson
- 8u -
so, what it says, anu how it says it), oi
maybe they have a paiticulai feeling just
befoie they peifoim the skill. Bow to
elicit stiategies is noimally taught at NLP
Piactitionei Tiaining couises.
!" $%&'()*)+&" This ielates to theii bouy.
Bepenuing on what you aie Nouelling the
key is often to finu out about theii
bieathing anu the next most impoitant
aspect of Nouelling physiology is theii
postuie. This can be uone using youi
Sensoiy Acuity.
,-'./** .%(' (- &)01'2*3" Tiy on the mouel anu
see how it feels. 0se the mouel anu make suie
you get the same iesults as the peison you
mouelleu - if you uon't then finu out what was
missing anu install it again until you get theii
iesults. This is a tiial anu eiioi piocess. If you
get all thiee steps iight, you shoulu be able to
ieplicate the behavioui you uesiie. Bowevei,
because Nouelling someone's behavioui is quite
an intiicate piocess involving many many
uetails that may be unconscious, you may neeu
to go back anu get moie infoimation moie than
once in oiuei to piouuce the uesiieu behavioui.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 81 -
!"#$%& ( )&$*"+#(, -+($&$&%. 0nce you have a
ieliable mouel that geneiates iesults foi you
then you can install it in otheis who also want
the same iesults.
/+($& 0-1"+#. This is wheie you get to put youi
univeisal tiaining to the test anu shaie youi
mouel with otheis. This is an impoitant step in
the Nouelling piocess wheie you can offei youi
insight to otheis. Insteau of having people stait
at the beginning with no infoimation like you
uiu, you can offei them some guiuance so they
uon't neeu to cieate the mouel, they only neeu to
ieplicate it. Coaching sessions with team
membeis, tiaining sessions of any kinu, face to
face time with youi chiluien, aie all useful
oppoitunities to shaie youi mouel with otheis.
/+($& -+($&"+#. If youi mouel is in high uemanu
then it may even be woith tiaining othei people
on how to shaie anu tiansfei youi mouel to

Theie aie two main ways to uo Nouelling, Imitation
anu the Cognitive Appioach. Imitation is wheie you uo
it youiself anu then mouel youiself to see how you uiu
it. While the Cognitive Appioach is much moie
analytical anu baseu on talking to someone who is
Lloyu }ohnson
- 82 -
alieauy getting the uesiieu iesults. The Cognitive
Appioach is useful in moie complex iesults wheie it
isn't possible to just imitate the othei peison.

What coulu you successfully mouel. Is theie a
behavioui that someone you know has, that you woulu
like to shaie. This woulu be a gieat oppoitunity to tiy
youi hanu at Nouelling - give it a go anu see what

Sometimes when I woik with clients who want to lose
oi gain weight I suggest that they stait off by uoing a
simple Nouelling pioject foi themselves. I ask them to
notice the beliefs anu values of slim people about foou
anu exeicise. Bo they believe that going to the gym is
'me time' foi example - a place to have fun. I also
suggest that when they walk into a caf oi a iestauiant
they look at the behaviouis of oveiweight people, anu
slim people. . It is no suipiise that in a caf you'ie much
likely to see a laigei peison oiueiing a siue oiuei of
cake with theii hot uiink than a thinnei peison!

!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 8S -
!"#$%&'( *+,-."/0 123

Neuio-Linguistic Piogiamming (NLP) is a wiue fielu of
stuuy anu, like othei wiue fielus of stuuy, theie aie lots
of ways to appioach the subject aiea. If someone wants
to leain maiketing, foi example, they have lots of
choices. They coulu go anu woik foi a maiketing
company anu gain hanus on expeiience. They coulu go
to a 0niveisity oi take a couise anu leain maiketing
fiom a lectuiei. They coulu ieau books on the subject,
watch BvB's oi listen to auuio piogiams. They coulu uo
a whole host of uiffeient things which woulu all leau to
them gaining moie knowleuge about maiketing... None
of these choices is the 'best' foi eveiyone anu the choice
that is iight foi someone wanting to leain maiketing
uepenus veiy much on theii inuiviuual ciicumstances
anu how impoitant maiketing is going to be to them in
theii futuie. In many ways, it is exactly the same with
Now theie aie many ieasons foi leaining NLP. Naybe
you want to leain NLP so that you can get bettei iesults
in a specific context, such as at woik, with youi chiluien
oi on the uating scene. Peihaps you want to leain NLP
because you'ie cuiious, anu enjoy exploiing new aieas
oi you want to become a moie poweiful communicatoi.
But the bottom line 5'*6,678 is that you want a bettei
Lloyu }ohnson
- 84 -
life. You want to oveicome the limitations that aie
cuiiently holuing you back anu open youiself up to new
anu exciting oppoitunities. Naybe you want to go foi
that job that eveiybouy else thinks you aien't goou
enough foi. Naybe you finally want to lose (oi gain)
that weight that those aiounu you uon't think you can.
0i maybe you want to push youiself beyonu youi
bounuaiies to taking up something like an extieme
spoit. Regaiuless of youi ieason, TBINK BIu! The
biggei youi ieason is foi leaining NLP the moie
poweiful the motivation is going to be.
The most impoitant thing to ueciue befoie you begin to
leain about NLP is:
!"#$ &' () *+#',- .,* /+#*-&-0 1234
"#$%& '( ) *%+& &( ,%-+ ./(0 12%/+-+, %3(4& 56789
Anu while youi initial answei is what will get you
going, theie is eveiy possibility that ieason will twist
anu change as you continue on youi jouiney, in the
same way a iivei caives new banks foi itself ovei time.
0nly once you have an answei to this question is it
possible foi you to ueteimine the best way to embaik
oi continue on youi peisonal jouiney of leaining. As
youi ieason twists anu changes, so will the best way to
get theie.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 8S -

Bow about you ST0P, iight now, anu wiite uown 5*1'
answei to the question below.
Ny main ieason foi leaining NLP is:
anu what I will gain fiom leaining NLP is:
Now that you aie cleai on youi ieason, oi at least youi
ieason foi now, the next step is to ueteimine how
you'ie going to best fulfil that. Theie aie lots of ways to
leain NLP anu the main methous foi leaining NLP aie:
!" $%&'()* +,,-./ 0(.1%)()* 1, &2'(,. &)'
3&145()* 676.8 These aie a fantastic anu
inexpensive way to leain NLP. Nany ieally goou
piouucts exist on the subject. The uown siue to
leaining in this way is that you can gain a lot of
!"#$% '#()*#)
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Leaining can be thought of as the tiansition thiough
these foui uiffeient stages:
/0 1(-,(.-),2. 3(-,45#6#(-#
This is wheie you useu to be in iegaius to NLP.
0nconscious incompetence is that state wheie you'ie
totally incompetent in NLP techniques, but you uon't
know that you'ie incompetent. That is piobably
because you aie unawaie that NLP exists, anu
without an awaieness of something existing it is
impossible to be skilleu in it.
An example of this woulu be someone living in a
iemote anu iuial community that is totally
untoucheu by technology. They woulu have
unconscious incompetence towaius mobile phones.
Not only woulu they have no iuea how to woik a
mobile phone but they woulu not iealise they aie
incompetent with mobile phones.
The way to move out of unconscious incompetence is
to become awaie that you uon't know something.
The goou news is that if you aie ieauing this book
Lloyu }ohnson
- 9u -
then you have alieauy tiansitioneu thiough this
stage in ielation to NLP - Congiatulations!

"# $%&'()%*' +&(%,-./.&(.
Conscious Incompetence comes aftei you become
awaie of something's existence, yet you haven't
uevelopeu any skills oi abilities in that aiea yet. This
woulu uesciibe someone who has heaiu of NLP but
who has no iuea of how to use NLP to theii benefit.
An example of this woulu be a steieotypical oluei
peison who lives in a technology enableu community
but who has nevei useu a computei oi mobile phone.
Although they aie awaie that this technology exists,
anu possibly what it can be useu foi, they uo not
peisonally have the competence to use it. Imagine
someone who neeus theii emails piinteu foi them
anu neeus someone else to type theii ieply - they
aie consciously awaie of email technology but they
aie incompetent when it comes to using it.
The way to move out of Conscious Incompetence is
to leain anu piactice until you begin to gain a level of

!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
! #$ !
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<=> >@5)/*/*&'.@ )&+@(.:
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)5-5372 (.'8*'4 5 /.F/ ,.((54.6 3+/ /1.2 '..8 /&
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.?.' '..8*'4 /& /1*'9 53&+/ /1.,:

Lloyu }ohnson
- 92 -
!" $%&'%(&)'*( +',-./.%&.
0nconscious competence comes when you can uo
something easily anu effoitlessly without even
thinking about it. It is the best way to uesciibe the
competency of a mastei. In NLP this woulu be when
youi unueistanuing of NLP techniques is so well
integiateu that you can iun a client session foi
seveial houis without neeuing to iefei to a book oi a
manual at all. This level of competence usually only
comes fiom iepeateu piactice.
An example of this woulu be someone who has been
using a mobile phone foi yeais anu can uo quite
complicateu tasks without neeuing to think about it.
Imagine someone using a smait phone to make a call
on speakei phone while they'ie taking photos on the
cameia anu attaching them to an email message - all
at the same time without much conscious thought
about any of them.
The hiuuen uangei with unconscious competence is
becoming unconscious about youi behavioui befoie
you aie piopeily competent. Because if that happens
then you'll finu youiself consistently making
mistakes in the same way! That saiu, 0nconscious
Competence is a gieat state to ieach. When you uo
ieach it, something like NLP can become easy anu
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 9S -
effoitless which heightens the enjoyment you
ieceive fiom it.

"# $%&' (#)* '%+* ,)&-.
Regaiuless of wheie you aie on the lauuei fiom
0nconscious Incompetence to 0nconscious
Competence the actions aie the same: Leain anu
piactice NLP eveiy chance you get. Youi piogiess
uepenus on the time anu effoit that you uevote to the
activity, nothing else.
Foi moie about the powei of piactice it is well woith
ieauing the "1u,uuu Boui Rule" that Nalcolm ulauwell
wiites about in his book, 51(6.#'). Be attiibutes the
success of The Beatles to just getting enough piactice -
if it woiks foi them then it can woik foi you too!
Lloyu }ohnson
- 94 -
!"#$%&%' )&*+ ,*+"$-

Some people finu that they leain best when they leain
by themselves. Foi many people though they finu that
leaining with otheis is when they tiuly get iesults.
Pause a moment anu ask youiself, "When I stait a new
habit, such as going to the gym, uo I stick at it longei if
I'm uoing it by myself oi uoes it help to uo it with
otheis." If you'ie someone that sticks at it by youiself
this piocess will be new to you. Bowevei, since the
natuie of NLP involves communication with otheis, this
chaptei will give some insight as to how to go about
uoing it in the most effective way possible.
Theie aie lots of uiffeient appioaches to leaining with
otheis. What is most impoitant though is that you begin
with the enu in minu. What is youi objective. What is
theii objective. Will leaining togethei allow you to both
achieve youi objectives. Remembei, even if the othei
peison isn't exactly aftei the same outcome as you aie,
theie can still be benefits fiom leaining with them.
Focus on what woiks anu be piepaieu to push youiself
outsiue of the joint leaining enviionment as neeueu. It
is much easiei to take a bit of time to be cleai on youi
objective anu expectations of otheis at the stait iathei
than having to asseit youiself pait way into the
leaining expeiience.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 9S -
Some of the main things to consiuei when you ueciue to
leain something with someone else aie:
!"#$$ !&'()* +,&'-. When you set out to leain NLP it
may seem uifficult to know wheie to stait. The key isn't
to tiy anu leain it all in one go. Bieak off small chunks
anu tackle them one at a time. As you stait to gain
competency of the small chunks then move onto laigei
/0"' 12#0$#3$'. Will you both be able to uevote the
same amount of time. Aie they only fiee evenings,
whilst you'ie only fiee uuiing the uay. Bo you want to
woik on this 2u his a week, whilst they only want to
spenu 1 hi on it. If you'ie going to be able to leain
togethei then you'ie going to neeu a way to easily
spenu time togethei anu you'ie going to neeu to be
cleai on how much time you will be spenuing togethei.
4$#5' &6 7'#8-. Bo you have a place that you can both
easily get to so that you can leain togethei. Touay's
technology, with mobiles anu Skype, can make getting
togethei easiei, but if you aie going to meet physically
is that going to be possible. Aie you geogiaphically
close enough to meet. Can one of you host the meeting
each time oi uo you neeu to go to a shaieu aiea, such as
the libiaiy oi a caf. Bepenuing on what you aie setting
out to leain, some enviionments aie bettei than otheis.
Leaining about some things may be fine in a noisy
Lloyu }ohnson
- 96 -
enviionment though some people neeu peace anu quiet
to leain effectively. Talk togethei about which
enviionment will suit you both the best.
!"#$%& () *%(+,%- Leaining with otheis uoesn't have
to be uone in just a paii. Theie is ieally no limit to the
numbei of people that you coulu involve, although as
the numbeis giow, leaueiship becomes impoitant.
Baving foui oi five people in youi stuuy gioup means
that the gioup still meets even if one oi two people
aien't able to make it. If you want to woik in a gioup,
this book contains a couple of topics at the back that aie
gieat places to stait with a gioup - to get staiteu, each
peison in the gioup woulu neeu a copy of the chaptei to
be able to expeiience it foi themselves.
.%/ 0(1,2- The soit of goals you may want to set
togethei aie: meeting iegulaily, talking while you'ie
togethei anu agieeing to leave once you have achieveu
as much as you want to achieve. It is essential foi theie
to be a stiuctuie to the time spent togethei. You coulu
take it in tuins setting the stiuctuie, it coulu be uiiven
by inuiviuual neeus oi a leauei of the gioup coulu
ueciue. It is a goou iuea to make the goals known in
auvance so people have a chance to piepaie.
3(,% () 4156 *%&2(7- It is impoitant that eveiyone has
a uefineu iole in the gioup. If theie aie moie than two
of you it is a ieally goou iuea to also paii up as
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 97 -
Accountability Buuuies. The Accountability Buuuies
then holu each othei accountable to small goals. Foi
example, if youi goal is to begin using Rappoit actively
(you will ieau about this in a latei chaptei) then youi
Accountability Buuuy may call you at the enu of the
week to see how often you hau actively useu Rappoit. If
you haun't achieveu youi goal then you coulu woik out
what is going to happen uiffeiently foi you to achieve
youi goal next time. By keeping youiself accountable
youi piogiess will be much fastei.
!"#$%"&'( While time spent leaining togethei is
impoitant, leaining neeus to take place when you'ie not
togethei as well. Foi this ieason it is impoitant to have
homewoik that keeps what you have been leaining in
youi conscious awaieness. The moie you piactice these
techniques the fastei you will piogiess towaius
becoming 0nconsciously Competent.
)$$* ,- ./0( At the enu of the uay you aie much moie
likely to stick at something that is fun anu enjoyable.
The moie fun anu enjoyable you can make the leaining
expeiience the easiei it will be. Nake suie you puisue
what you aie cuiious about anu lean towaius topics
that can be applieu in youi cuiient situation oi
contexts. Even simple tactics, such as iegulai bieaks
anu yummy iefieshments can make a big uiffeience to
Lloyu }ohnson
- 98 -
how much you look foiwaiu to the next leaining
uiven the above points it is a ieally goou iuea to leain
with otheis. You can eithei hunt out a gioup that
alieauy exists oi stait youi own. If you'ie joining an
existing gioup, a goou place to stait is with a uoogle
seaich oi by calling local NLP Piactitioneis anu asking
if they know of any NLP Piactice uioups. While if you
woulu piefei to stait youi own then talk to youi fiienus
anu spieau the woiu to finu otheis that aie inteiesteu.
0nline foiums, Facebook uioups anu LinkeuIn can also
be goou ways to connect with otheis in youi aiea that
woulu be inteiesteu in leaining NLP with you. If you've
unueitaken an NLP tiaining couise then fellow
paiticipants aie also excellent canuiuates foi leaining
with, especially as you've alieauy hau a shaieu leaining

!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
! ## !
!"#$#$% '()*+#*$,*

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Lloyu }ohnson
- 1uu -
weie open to self-impiovement anu many of them weie
stuuents with lots of fiee time on theii hanus. I founu
myself with plenty of oppoitunities to tieat feais,
phobias, anxieties anu othei similai pioblems - the
pioblems you'll finu available will vaiy laigely on youi
Best of all, Inteinet communities opeiate neaily
entiiely online so they have a stiong foium oi website
that most membeis will check uaily. You can easily
builu Rappoit thiough the foium anu stait a uialogue
with the membeis of the community. When you
compaie the ease of posting on a foium to, foi example,
oiganising a speaking event at a local hall anu tiying to
uium up inteiest in NLP, the foium iuea is much easiei
anu moie time efficient.
A woiu of caution: Nany Inteinet communities have
iules about 'nothing commeicial' so iestiict youi posts
to offeiing things foi fiee. You aie likely to have bettei
iesults if you intiouuce youiself a few uays piioi to
offeiing something foi fiee, iathei than if you come in
anu stait posting about NLP stiaight away. Nany
Inteinet communities will see that behavioui as spam.
If you want to use this methou to geneiate paiu woik
you coulu always offei a Fiee Session initially anu at the
enu of the session you coulu up sell them to futuie
sessions if they founu time with you to be of benefit.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1u1 -
Ny peisonal expeiience went a bit like this:
}oineu a local Inteinet community by filling in
the iegistiation foim on theii online foium
Posteu an intiouuction mentioning my inteiest
in NLP. Stiaight away I hau a bunch of NLP
centiic questions fiom people who weie
A couple of uays latei I posteu that I wanteu
people to piactice with in the leau up to my
Piactitionei Tiaining.
I ieplieu to those who weie inteiesteu anu
scheuuleu appointments with them in my living
Note: Theie aie many things to consiuei when inviting
people off an Inteinet community into youi home. Nake
suie you take appiopiiate piecautions to keep youiself,
anu the othei peison, safe.
With these sessions it was extiemely impoitant that I
set a fiame aiounu the othei peisons expectations. I uiu
this by making cleai in my post that I was -*( yet a
qualifieu NLP Piactitionei anu while I woulu uo my
veiy best to get them a goou iesult, the ieason I wasn't
chaiging is that the iesults weie not guaianteeu. I also
Lloyu }ohnson
- 1u2 -
askeu them to consiuei a lack of iesults as a ieflection
on my lack of ability, iathei than on any failings of NLP.
This gieatly loweieu any peifoimance anxiety I might
have expeiienceu anu cieateu an enviionment wheie I
felt comfoitable to not succeeu, shoulu that happen. In
ieality I founu that success was my pieuominate
expeiience anu even when people uiun't get all of what
they wanteu, they still founu some impiovements fiom
oui time togethei.
Following this foimula, I conuucteu ovei 1uu fiee NLP
Sessions with 4u uiffeient people. This took place
mainly on weekenus ovei seveial months anu that
expeiience was invaluable. Not just in my use of NLP
but also with the finei points of scheuuling
appointments, how to follow-upconfiim
appointments, how much of a bieak I neeu between
appointments, how to cut a session shoit if it goes on
too long, etc.
When offeiing the fiee sessions I put an expiiy uate on
the offei. You shoulu uefinitely uo that too if you weie
to make a similai offei, otheiwise people will expect
you to woik foi fiee foievei. I peisonally set the
ueauline foi stopping the fiee sessions as the uate when
I staiteu my Piactitionei Couise. This meant that fiom
the instant I helu a foimal NLP Qualification I was in a
position to stait chaiging foi my woik with a wiue
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1uS -
gioup of people who weie moie awaie of NLP anu my
This is just one stiategy, albeit a stiategy that has
woikeu veiy well foi me. If theie is one thing to
iemembei fiom this chaptei, what I woulu say is:
!"# %& '()* "+,"-."/)" %& 01( )%/ 2.#* -"%3 ,"1,3"4
5*" 6%&#"- 01( 7%./ "+,"-."/)" #*" 6%&#"- 01( 2.33
&#%-# #1 "/810 7119 -"&(3#&:

Lloyu }ohnson
- 1u4 -
!"# %&'()()* +,-(.)/

If you stait leaining about Neuio-Linguistic
Piogiamming, putting youi new skills into piactice anu
enjoying the iesults that NLP can biing, then eventually
you will piobably finu youiself looking foi a foimal NLP
Tiaining Couise. What you aie likely to finu is that
when you stait looking at the NLP Tiaining Couises you
will be piesenteu with moie choices than you'll know
what to uo with. So, how uo you woik out which
tiaining couise is iight foi you.
As a geneial iule, most Tiaineis offei a Piactitionei
Ceitification in Neuio-Linguistic Piogiamming as theii
basic level of tiaining. As you piogiess though, they aie
also likely to offei tiaining as a Nastei Piactitionei.
Nany tiaineis will offei shoitei couises that uo not
leau to any foimal qualifications. The stiuctuie is
geneially something like this:
Shoit Intiouuctoiy Couise
Piactitionei Couise
Nastei Piactitionei Couise
Tiainei's Tiaining
Nastei Tiainei's Tiaining
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1uS -
Each level above Piactitionei geneially iequiies the
level below. Foi example, to uo Tiainei's Tiaining you'u
neeu to be a Nastei Piactitionei anu to be a Nastei
Piactitionei you woulu neeu to alieauy be a
Piactitionei. This tiaining noimally has no
This chaptei ielates entiiely to Piactitionei
Ceitification Couises.
As with eveiything in NLP, the key to getting a iesult
that you want is to begin with the enu in minu. What is
youi puipose in getting tiaineu.
! Bo you want ceitification so that you can
begin piofessionally using NLP as a
! Bo you want the ceitificates to place on youi
! Bo you want to fill in the gaps in youi
! Bo you want a new souice of income.
! Bo you want the chance to tiy it with othei
people anu expeiience it foi youiself.
! Bo you want to help people.
! Is it a iequiiement of youi insuiance.
! 0i is youi puipose something else
!"#$% '#()*#)
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!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1u7 -
auuitional iegistiation cost foi iegistiation with the
vaiious boaius aftei completing the tiaining.
An expensive couise is not necessaiily any bettei than a
less expensive couise. You may finu that an expensive
couise is hosteu in a fancy hotel, while a less expensive
couise is helu in a moie basic tiaining centie oi the
tiainei's house. Both scenaiios have theii auvantages -
just make suie you know which to expect anu whethei
it meets youi outcome.
Payment is noimally taken in the foim of a ueposit anu
then a final payment piioi to the couise commencing. It
is noimal foi the pie-stuuy pack to only be uispatcheu
following the payment of the ueposit. Some tiaining
oiganisations may offei payment plans - if this suits
you best then be suie to ask when you come to making
youi booking.
!"# %&'( )*%+ ,"+- *) *./"0/+1
This will vaiy laigely between couises but it is a veiy
impoitant point to be cleai on. Foi many couises they
will iequiie you to uo two types of tiaining: pie-stuuy
anu live tiaining. Pie-stuuy is noimally a mattei of
listening to auuio CBs, watching BvBs anu ieauing
books oi manuals. Live tiaining couises on the othei
hanu will noimally incluue uemonstiations of the
piocesses anu the chance to use the piocesses with
Lloyu }ohnson
- 1u8 -
youiself anu othei stuuents. A live tiaining couise will
noimally be between seven to fifteen uays in total.
You will often neeu to allow a significant amount of
time foi pie-stuuy, sometimes as much as 4u to 8u his.
What this means is that you will neeu to have the pie-
stuuy pack well in auvance, along with the time to
complete it, if you aie going to be able to piepaie
piopeily foi the live tiaining couise. This is something
to keep in minu when looking foi a couise - you
piobably want a couise that is at least a few months
away, as the pie-stuuy pack will keep you nice anu busy
between now anu then.
!"#$ #&'($ )*$+,)-. /*$),*)$ &#0)1 $,#+*+*2
While it is possible to uo youi NLP Piactitionei entiiely
ovei the Inteinet, it is unlikely that youi qualification
will be iecogniseu by any of the NLP Boaius. Theie is
also a lot to be saiu foi the expeiience that you will gain
by leaining NLP anu using it with otheis. That being
saiu, these types of couises uo have theii benefits.
Consiuei the flexibility of being able to stuuy at youi
own pace, anu having the oppoitunity to go back anu
ieview any technique whenevei you want, iathei than
having to fit in with a gioup's leaining neeus, uuiing a
live tiaining couise. Also, in many cases, you get the
same access to stuuents thiough online foiums anu
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 1u9 -
chats. If you aie stiuggling with the time commitment
of a live tiaining couise, oi you'ie not suie if
ceitification is something that is essential to you, online
leaining may suit youi neeus peifectly.
Noie anu moie options aie becoming available that
utilise a mixtuie of Inteinet baseu anu live tiaining. As
the technology impioves, this may well piove to be the
best anu most cost effective way to leain NLP.
!"#$ &'(( $") *+#(','-#$'./0 1 #2 3'4)/ #$ $") )/5 .,
$") -.+60) 2)#/7
Nost NLP couises will iesult in you ieceiving a
ceitificate foi completing the couise. This ceitificate is
only valuable if it contiibutes to achieving youi
outcome. Biffeient Boaius exist aiounu the woilu, anu
in most countiies, anu noimally the ceitificate will
ceitify you to the stanuaiu iequiieu foi Boaiu
Nembeiship. Nembeiship of a Boaiu ensuies that you
aie kept up to uate with inuustiy news anu often will
give you access to Insuiance anu fuithei tiaining
Nost Boaius of NLP have a iequiiement foi a minimum
amount of tiaining time foi them to iecognise youi
tiaining couise anu allow you to become a membei. If
membeiship of a Boaiu is impoitant to you then finu
Lloyu }ohnson
- 11u -
out the Boaiu iequiiements fiist anu make suie the
tiaining you aie consiueiing will meet them.
!"# %& '#()*'+%(, +"- +./%(%(,0
The tiainei has an incieuibly impoitant iole in youi
leaining expeiience. It may seem haiu to believe, but
often with laigei companies the tiainei teaching the
couise isn't the tiainei that is auveitiseu in theii
maiketing mateiial. 0ften someone else will tiain you
entiiely, especially at the Piactitionei Tiaining. Piioi to
making youi booking, it is a ieally simple question to
ask, "Who will be taking the tiaining that I am
Sometimes multiple tiaineis also iun the tiaining. Foi
example, many tiaining couises exist wheie a husbanu
anu wife paii co-teach the couise. Some tiaineis also
biing in specialists foi ceitain paits of the cuiiiculum.
Nake suie that the Tiaineis that you will be ieceiving
tiaining fiom aie cieuible, aie iespecteu in the fielu anu
aie expeits at what they uo. This can be easily veiifieu,
once you have the Tiaineis' name, with a quick uoogle
seaich, by asking on foiums oi talking to past stuuents.
1#2 3/(4 #+"-. &+*)-(+& 2%55 6 7- %( / .##3 2%+"0
An NLP tiaining couise is a veiy uiffeient enviionment
if theie aie two people theie oi one hunuieu. Nany
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 111 -
companies will be ieluctant to tell you how many
people will be at the tiaining as numbeis can so easily
fluctuate, though it is a peifectly legitimate question to
ask how many people they have hau at past tiaining
ueneially speaking, a smallei numbei of stuuents is
much bettei if you enjoy asking questions anu woulu
like youi inuiviuual issues to be auuiesseu. A laigei
numbei of stuuents aie excellent if you'ie inteiesteu in
woiking with a wiue vaiiety of people anu extenuing
youi netwoik.
Anothei question to ask, especially if the tiaining is
going to be laigei than 2u people, is how many tiaining
assistants they will have in attenuance.
!"#$ &'(()*$ +& (*),+-.-/
This is a ieally impoitant question to ask. Finu out
whethei you can call the office anu ask questions if you
get stuck. 0i uon't they have the time foi that. Will they
talk to you about situations you have with clients, oi
aie you on youi own aftei the tiaining enus. Bo they
have online foiums foi staying in touch with youi
fellow stuuents aftei the tiaining has concluueu.
Inevitably theie will be situations in the futuie wheie,
no mattei how goou the tiaining was, you'll have extia
questions. If suppoit is available following the tiaining
!"#$% '#()*#)
+ ,,- +
.(/* "0120* $#3 /) 1 435( *.6#)706 8"150 .# 905#40 1)
0:50""0). ;615././#)06< =)% 1* /48#6.1)."$> *388#6.
90?#60 .(0 .61/)/)7 51) 601""$ (0"8 $#3 ?3""$ "016) .(0
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70. 5"016 #) B(1. .(0 60?3)% 8#"/5$ /*< D1)$ .61/)/)7
5#481)/0* %# )#. #??06 60?3)%* #? %08#*/.* #6 1?.06
506.1/) %1.0*< E? .(060 /* 020) .(0 *"/7(.0*. 5(1)50 $#3
41$ )#. 90 ?600 #) .(0 %1.0* #? .(0 .61/)/)7 .(0) 41A0
*360 .(0$ (120 1 60?3)% 8#"/5$ 90?#60 *80)%/)7 1)$
4#)0$< E. /* 1 *416. /%01 .# 1*A ?#6 1 5#8$ #? .(0/6
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$#3 51)<

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- 11S -

"#$% &' &() *+, -'../01&2
At the enu of the uay asking questions of the tiaining
company is just one way to ueteimine which tiaining is
iight foi you. Anothei valuable appioach is to ask
questions of otheis in the NLP Community. The laigest
0nline NLP Community, at time of wiiting, is NLP
Connections. It is fiee to join anu veiy easy to check
ieviews about a tiainei you'ie consiueiing, foi
suggestions of tiaining couises in youi aiea oi to
seaich foi what has been saiu in the past. Theii website
Lloyu }ohnson
- 114 -
!"#$# &' ($') "#$#*

Now that you have all basics of NLP, the next step is to
piactice. Each of the chapteis contain enough
infoimation to keep you going foi weeks, anu the way
to become unconsciously competent at NLP is to go out
in the woilu anu use it in as many situations as
Theie is a faii bit of infoimation in this book. A lot of it
will take time to iemembei. Anu some of it you will
begin to use unconsciously without evei being able to
uesciibe the paiticulai technique that you've peifecteu.
The most impoitant component of youi success is youi
continuous cuiiosity. In Nouelling, you will finu
youiself sometimes wonueiing what on eaith someone
coulu possibly be uoing that is ieplicable enough foi
you to piouuce the same behavioui. Bowevei, if you
can iemain cuiious about things you may not know yet,
anu you continue to be hungiy foi moie knowleuge,
you will finu the answeis you neeu. If you iemain
inquisitive about things that inteiest you, anu youi
uesiie to ieplicate, you will always be cuiious enough
to get the mouels you want.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
! ##$ !
%&' (')*+ (,-'+ ./ 0*12'- 3.)& /0'1.4.1/5 *6- )&'7' ./ *
+,) ), 7'8'89'7: %&' 8,7' ;,< 07*1).1' </.6= )&'
0*))'76/5 *6- 1,6).6<' +./)'6.6= *6- ><'/).,6.6= 3&*)
)&' *00+.1*).,6/ *7' ,4 )&./ 8,-'+5 ;,< 3.++ *+3*;/ 4.6-
</'/ 4,7 .): %&' 8,7' 1<7.,</ ;,< =') *9,<) 3&'6 *6-
&,3 )&./ 8,-'+ 1*6 9' </'-5 *6- &,3 /<9)+; ;,< 1*6
</' .)5 )&' 9'))'7 *) .) ;,< 3.++ 9': %&' (.+),6 (,-'+ ./
07,9*9+; ,6' ,4 )&' 8,/) </'4<+ ),,+/ ;,< 1*6 &*?' .6
)'78/ ,4 .64+<'61': @&'6 ;,< )*2' )&' ).8' ), </' .) .6
;,<7 '?'7;-*; 1,6?'7/*).,6/5 *6- ;,< =') 1<7.,</ *9,<)
3&'7' ,)&'7/ 8.=&) 9'6'4.) 47,8 .)5 ;,< 3.++ 9' *&'*- ,4
)&' 0*12: @&'6 ;,< =.?' ;,<7/'+4 )&' '-=' 3.)& )&'/'
0*))'76/ ;,< 3.++ 9' 3'++ ,6 ;,<7 A,<76'; ), 9'1,8.6= *
0,3'74<+ 1,88<6.1*),7:
B61&,7.6= ./ * /2.++ )&*) )*2'/ 07*1).1': C,< 3.++ 9'=.6
), /'' &,3 *00+.1*9+' .) ./ ), ;,<7 '?'7;-*; +.4'5 ,61'
;,< /)*7) ), ><'/).,6 *6- 6,).1' *++ )&' )&.6=/ )&*) *7'
*+7'*-; *61&,7/ 4,7 ;,< .6 ;,<7 -*.+; +.4': D''0
><'/).,6.6= 3&'6 *6- &,3 ;,< 1*6 </' )&./ ), ;,<7
*-?*6)*='5 *6- 9'4,7' +,6= ;,< 3.++ /'' ,00,7)<6.).'/
C,< *+7'*-; 26,3 &,3 ), </' E*00,7) *6- F'6/,7;
B1<.); 3&')&'7 ;,<G7' 1,6/1.,</ ,4 .) ,7 6,): C,<
*+7'*-; 26,3 &,3 ), )'++ .4 /,8',6' ./ <0/') 9*/'- ,6
)&'.7 9,-; +*6=<*=' *6- 4*1.*+ 'H07'//.,6: C,< *+7'*-;
26,3 )&*) ;,< +.2' 0',0+' 3&, *7' +.2' ;,<5 *6- ;,<
Lloyu }ohnson
- 116 -
tiust people that you like. Now the question is how will
you take these skills to a new level. What will it take
foi you to be 1uu% confiuent with gaining instant
Rappoit with otheis. Continuing to be cuiious about
uiffeient instances wheie Rappoit anu Sensoiy Acuity
aie vital will give you the oppoitunity to use it wheie
otheis may not.
The key to all of this is youi continueu stubboin
cuiiosity. Continue to question the applicability anu the
finei points of these basic piinciples. Aftei all, this is
just the tip of the icebeig!
I invite you to piactice any time you can. Piactice
Rappoit the next time you get coffee, oi check in foi a
flight, oi talk to a stiangei on the tiain. When youi
fiienus aie telling you about a pioblem they aie having,
tiy out youi Neta Nouel questions, oi why not use
some Nilton Nouel language patteins to cieate
agieement. Anchoi youi most poweiful states, anu
give youiself a seciet weapon in meetings oi when
taking to new people, oi uoing something that you finu
uncomfoitable. Tiy youi hanu at Nouelling someone
who gets the iesults you want. Question them, anu
figuie out how to ieplicate what they uo. If they can
have success at it, theie is not ieason why you can't also
piouuce that behavioui anu those iesults also.
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 117 -
Anu heie's a seciet: you will sciew this up sometimes.
Any time we step into the unknown anu tiy something
new, we iisk falling on oui faces, anu making complete
fools of ouiselves. We've all been theie, anu to my
knowleuge, no one has uieu fiom failing at theii fiist
attempt. If anything, that failuie the fiist time maue the
seconu tiy all that moie impoitant, anu so much
sweetei. These piocesses anu patteins take time to
peifect, but iemembei to have fun whilst uoing it. If
you come up against some iesistance, take the feeuback
anu tiy again. You will finu that 99% of people have no
iuea what you aie uoing, anu they will get gieat benefit
fiom theii inteiactions with you. They'll feel closei to
you, anu they won't even know why. Bow gieat is that.
Finally, u00B L0CK! I tiust that you will be gieat at
using these techniques in no time, anu I will be heaiing
about youi exciting uiscoveiies anu success in no time
at all. I invite you to shaie youi knowleuge with otheis
wheievei possible, anu continue to have fun with it!

Lloyu }ohnson
- 118 -
! #$%& $' #(%)*)+,,,

While many people will point you towaius books about
Neuio-Linguistic Piogiamming, the tiuth is... you can't
get goou at NLP by ieauing B00KS alone.
It's tiue, you coulu leain fiom a book... B0T it's a veiy
SL0W way of leaining.
Foi a stait, a book can't give you feeuback, anu tell you
how you'ie uoing. Without feeuback, how will you
know youi mistakes, anu wheie you neeu to impiove.
Also, a book can't keep you motivateu. It can't give you
a pat on the back when you'ie uoing well, oi a gentle
nuuge when you neeu a little push to take you to the
next level.
Books uon't have a vesteu inteiest in seeing you
!"# %&&' (")&*+,%- ./01222
Listen... if you want to get ieally goou, you neeu
someone who can give you...
(a) the 30456567 you neeu to get the NLP skills,
(b) the 8119:4;< to tell you how you'ie uoing, anu
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 119 -
(c) the !"#$%&#$"' to keep you going thiough those
bumpy patches.
That is wheie I come in.
I've been stuuying NLP foi yeais now, anu I'u like to
shaie what I've leaineu with you, anu help Y00 to gain
these skills. Anu when I say 'gain these skills', I uon't
mean in the way you gain skills at school oi 0niveisity.
I want you to tiuly gain these skills - to go beyonu
simply knowing about them, so that you can actually
use them anu get iesults with them!
Anu foi that ieason, I'u like to be Y00R NLP Tiainei
anu help you achieve what you want to achieve. To
iewaiu you foi sticking to it, I woulu like to give you a
fiee gift when you sign up to a Confiuent Futuie
Tiaining couise. Please go to
foi oui next tiaining uates. 0nce you have maue youi
booking please email
with youi name anu the tiaining that you have bookeu
onto anu we will aiiange foi you to ieceive youi fiee
gift ASAP.

Lloyu }ohnson
- 12u -
!"#$% %'( !$%'#)

Lloyu is passionate about NLP anu how it can be
applieu in business, euucation anu theiapy. Be
iegulaily iuns NLP Tiaining couises aiounu the woilu
in locations incluuing Austialia, Englanu, the Channel
Islanus, South Afiica anu Thailanu.
Lloyu began teaching himself about NLP fiom books
anu websites in 2uu8. Buiing 2uu9 Lloyu uiscoveieu
his willingness to expeiiment with the tools anu
techniques that he was leaining about. Lloyu has since
foimaliseu his stuuies anu become a Tiainei of NLP.
Lloyu is ceitifieu as a:
- Tiainei of Neuio-Linguistic Piogiamming
!"#$%&'&#( *+ %,# -.#$&/01 230$( 3' 4#5$367&185&9%&/
:3$8$0..&18 01( %,# -59%$0;&01 230$( 3' 4#5$36
7&185&9%&/ :$38$0..&18<
- Tiainei of Bypnotheiapy
!"#$%&'&#( *+ %,# -.#$&/01 230$( 3' =+>13%,#$0>+<
- Time Line Theiapy Tiainei
!"#$%&'&#( *+ %,# ?&.# 7&1# ?,#$0>+ -993/&0%&31<
!"# %#&'#() (* +#,'-.-/ 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/
- 121 -
- Tiainei of NLP Coaching
56#'(.7.#8 9: ("# 6*,&".-/ ;.<.).*- *7 ("# =4#'.&,-
>*,'8 *7 0#1'*2+.-/1.)(.& 3'*/',44.-/?
This book has been cieateu with the intention of
shaiing with you the seciets to leaining NLP. 0ne of the
biggest challenges in life anu leaining is knowing wheie
to stait - picking a goou book oi seminai can leau to
yeais of leaining anu joy, while not choosing a goou
iesouice can mean you uon't get as much out of it as
you piobably coulu have. All I hope is that you've founu
this book useful, anu oveiall that you've enjoyeu the
intiouuction to NLP that it pioviues!
To youi success,
Lloyd A. Johnson
Lloyu }ohnson

!"#$%& (%")*)+, -"./&%0.1 2 -3&%& 04 53& 6%&&
!"#$%&'(#)%" #% +,- 7879 :*+#&/ *5 ;<=>

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-& -0++ 1&5 ,"# ,"#% @"(,C

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