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Lesson Plan Name: World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances Teacher Name: Anthony Maiorano

Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

&TANDA1D: &tandard: 2 Mathematical Processes 3rade Le$el #45ectations (3L#): 0406.1.1 Use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning. 0406.2.2 Develop fluency with multiplication and single digit division. 6hec7s 8or %nderstanding (6F%): 000-+!+* Multi5ly t9o. and three.digit 9hole num'ers+ 000-+!+0 %nderstand and use a relia'le algorithm 8or multi5lying multi.digit num'ers and di$iding num'ers 'y a single.digit di$isor accurately and e88iciently+ &tate Per8ormance 2ndicators (&P2): 0406.2.4 !ind factors, common factors, multiples, and common multiples of two numbers. 0406.2.11 "olve problems using whole number multi digit multiplication. 0406.4.4 #dentify acute, obtuse, and right angles in 2 dimensional shapes. :;<#6T2=#: To com5lete the Math ;o4es 55 ,9> -" and to 9or7 in centers to 8oster a concrete gras5 on 'orro9ing? trade 8irst? and o5en num'er line three and 8our digit su'traction+ &T1AT#3@: Math 1e8le4es: "+ Dra9 an acute angle+ La'el it A;6+ What is the $erte4A ; !+ Dra9 Line &egment D#+ What is another name 8or line segment D# #D *+ Dra9 ray F3A Why does ray F3 only ha$e one nameA F 3 F3 only goes in le8t to right direction 0+ "?000 . ,90 B 0"0 ,+ -,0 C !,0 B 900 -+ "9 4 !0 B *D0 /+ Multi5ly 'y ele$en E""> !!> **> 00> ,,> --> //> DD+++F Math Message: 6hoose three things you 8ind interesting a'out something 9e ha$e studied Teaching: 3uide students through Math ;o4es *+, (55 ,9) & *+- (55 -")+ :nce students ha$e 8inished incor5orate into centers+ :n 3oing Assessment: The teacher 9ill circulate the room to ensure all students are 8ocused? acGuiring the correct ans9er> and most im5ortantly com5rehending the mathematics+


2ndi$idualiHing: 2ndi$idual hel5 9ill 'e gi$en as need? and Mrs+ & 9ill 'e there to 5ull students out 9hom need e4tra assistance ('oth high academic and academic)+

MAT#12AL&: 1. %1L 8or 9e'sites !+ &tudent Math <ournal 55 ,9 & -" *+ Iome9or7 09 !0 !0"0 &u'traction Wor7sheet 4 0! 0+ LP& Multi5lication 4 / ,+ 6om5uters -+ Math 3ame J=ariousJ A&&#&&M#NT: #4it &li5 ! Digit Multi5lication I:M#W:1K: Iome9or7 09 !0 !0"0 &u'traction Wor7sheet

P:&T#D :N &612;D: @es 09 "* !0"0 L !0",

File Name: K:MIardy #lementary &choolMLesson PlansMMathematicsM09N!0N!0"0 .. World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances M& Word "99/


"tudent $ath %ournal pp &'

Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

"tudent $ath %ournal pp 61

Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

(ame) *eriod) +++ Date) ++++,+++++,20+++

Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

D21#6T2:N&: F2ND TI# FA6T:1& :F #A6I N%M;#1 !, D0


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The 'and needed to raise money 8or ne9 uni8orms+ They sold !0, candy 'ars in March+ They sold *, more candy 'ars than that in A5ril+ Io9 many candy 'ars did they sell in allA
(ame) *eriod) +++ Date) ++++,+++++,20+++ I:M#W:1K AN&W#1 K#@F
Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

D21#6T2:N&: F2ND TI# FA6T:1& :F #A6I N%M;#1 !, D0 "00 ,Q, !Q!Q!Q!Q, !Q!Q,Q, D21#6T2:N&: F2ND #A6I &%M :1 D2FF#1#N6# D""0 *"*,9," "+ C 0-!+ O --* *+ C ,"0 D,D0 !0/* -0-, /00D O D0" --0/ 00"0 C 9/" ,*D, 0"D, C 0-" 0-0""0/ O 9"* "90 9D9/ O !9* 9-00 !0-" C 000 !0-, /D/C 90! DD"D ,0*0 O ,0, 0,!, !-9, O *,0 !*0, D00C 009 D0", "-** C 90!,/9 /99O 0*/,-0 "0D" O "!0 9,/ *900 C -!! 0,-! "-09 C /,/ !*-!*/D O ,0, "D/* !**9 C --" *000


















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The 'and needed to raise money 8or ne9 uni8orms+ They sold !0, candy 'ars in March+ They sold *, more candy 'ars than that in A5ril+ Io9 many candy 'ars did they sell in allA !0, C !0, C *, B ,!,
File Name: K:MIardy #lementary &choolMIome9or7MIW 09N!0N!0"0 .. World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances M& Word "99/



Lesson Plan Name: World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

D21#6T2:N&: 6om5lete all o8 the 5ro'lems :N &#PA1AT# PAP#1+ Please sho9 your 9or7+ "0 !, "!" !" "+ R , !+ R ! *+ R , 0+ R * ,+ R 0


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File Name: K:MIardy #lementary &choolMLesson Plan &u55lementsMLP& 09N!0N!0"0 .. World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances M& Word "99/ %1L


Lesson Plan Name: World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0


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File Name: K:MIardy #lementary &choolMLesson Plan &u55lementsMLP& 09N!0N!0"0 .. World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances M& Word "99/ %1L

#P2T &L2P A&&#&&M#NT

Lesson Plan Name: World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

0, R !0

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File: K:MIardy #lementary &choolMMathematicsM#4it &li5 or AssessmentM#&A 09N!0N!0"0 .. World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances M& Word "99/ %1L

#P2T &L2P A&&#&&M#NT EAN&W#1 K#@F

Lesson Plan Name: World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances Lesson Plan Date: 09 !0 !0"0 #$eryday Math %nit & &ection Num'er(s): *+, & *+#$eryday Math Page Num'er(s): "-! . "/0

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File: K:MIardy #lementary &choolMMathematicsM#4it &li5 or AssessmentM#&A 09N!0N!0"0 .. World Tour Project & Finding Air Distances M& Word "99/ %1L

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