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Further interest in the author? In contacting him? Contact: (Roman Constantiin) Continuare interes n a autorului? n contact cu el?

Contactai: (Roman Constantiin)

D1 (Deportation (Ultimatum) Level 1) /(Deportarea (Ultimatum) Nivel 1)

English/copie romana

; This being the order against those whom commit acts of war for i. foreign gov or ii. cult Against i. our ethnic nation and persons and ii. against our christian nationality and constitutionality That is to be signed by those guilty of any such harm; irrespective if they are innocent of any, but that they are guilty of one; by that guilt they are guilty of all. Aceasta fiind ordinea mpotriva celor pe care comit acte de rzboi pentru gov strin sau cult mpotriva i. naiunii noastre etnice i a persoanelor i ii. mpotriva naionalitatea noastr cretin i constituionalitii Care urmeaz s fie semnat de ctre cei vinovai de un astfel de prejudiciu, indiferent dac acestea sunt nevinovat de orice, dar c ei sunt vinovai de una, de vina c sunt vinovat de toate. I confess to being either i. a proxy accompli or ii. explicit party of a foreign gov, cult, upon the objective to commit the murder of an ethnic people (s) under claim of migrative thesis unnatural; refuge; foreign worker, other crises, tourist, student Mrturisesc a fi nici eu. o mplinit proxy sau ii. explicit parte de o gov strin, cult, la obiectivul de a comite crima de un popor etnice (e) n conformitate cu cerere de teze migrative nefiresc, refugiu, muncitor strin, alte crize, un turist, elev I confess to sexual motive, actively implying genocide

of an ethnic people Eu mrturisesc motiv sexual, implicnd n mod activ genocid de un popor etnice i confess to accompli of behavior, coeval to Subtle proxy support (of covert media) pretended as popular Mrturisesc a mplinit de comportament, contemporan la Suport proxy subtil (din mass-media sub acoperire), pretins ca popular i confess to beliefs foreign and enmitous to the ethnic people (s) and their security of religious, ideological (natural) belief Mrturisesc credinelor strine i enmitous la oamenii etnice (e) i securitatea lor religioase, ideologic credin (natural) i confess to beliefs of 'construction' ; of foreign gov, cult; by whose means to pretend a history by whom to coerce the belief of others; so as to cause them to accept tyrannic conclusion (pretended as humane reaction or \humanitarian government; claiming false justification; acting against required amity as means to constitute a Just Commonwealth, contravening legal effort to do so of unjust war (s) causing in turn poverties, disease , crime wave (s) so as to destabilize legal effort and insecure possibility of effective gov and her society) i confess to beliefs foreign and enmitous to the ethnic people (s) and their security of religious, ideological (natural) belief Mrturisesc la convingerile de "construcie"; de externe gov, cult, prin a crui mijloace de a pretinde o istorie de care pentru a constrnge credina altora, astfel nct s le determina sa accepte concluzie tiranic (pretins ca reacie uman sau \ guvern umanitar; susinnd justificare fals; acionnd mpotriva prietenie necesar ca mijloc de a constitui un Doar Commonwealth, contravine efort legal s fac acest lucru rzboi de nedrept (e) care provoac n srcii rndul su, boala , Val de crime (e) pentru a destabiliza juridic efort i posibilitatea nesigur de efective

gov i societatea ei) i mrturisesc credine strine i enmitous la oamenii etnice (e) i securitatea lor religioase, ideologic credin (natural) i confess to the use of money, commerce, industry Diplomacy (proxy schemes) as means to modify the law , constitution, decree of an ethnic people and their elected or consented gov, church Mrturisesc la utilizarea de bani, comert, industrie Diplomaie (schemele de proxy), ca mijloc de a modifica legea, Constituia, decret de un popor etnice i alei lor gov sau consimit, biserica i confess to a purpose, that with other persons, like myself, to politically seize the reigns of another peoples gov, church programme (revolutionarism) and harm their ethnic culture and pretend ourselves a false culture (pretendom) coevally in the murder of those original, genuine learning (or being taught (trained) by accessory accompli or explicit parties; NGO, Humanitarian institute; any institution denying, rejecting and causing beliefs against i. ethnic nations (anti - racism) and the principle of their self sovereignty (de soveriegntism) upon race or either the confession of jesus (anti christian; anti - jewish); Christian Nationality) their language, adopting their names pretending ourselves a pretend religion or pretending ourselves (myself) of such faith as means to obtain their trust and commit such seizure and implicit or complicit murder Mrturisesc la un scop, care mpreun cu alte de persoane, ca mine, s profite politic domnete de alte popoare gov, program de biseric (revolutionarism) i afecta cultura lor etnice i pretinde ne o cultur fals (pretendom) coevally n uciderea celor originale, autentice de nvare (sau n curs de predat (instruii) de accesoriu partidele Accompli sau explicite; ONG, institut umanitar; orice instituie nega, respinge i provocnd credinele mpotriva i. naiuni etnice (anti - rasism) i principiul suveranitii lor de sine (de sovereigntism) pe ras sau oricare mrturisirea lui Isus (anti-crestin, anti evreiesc); Christian Naionalitate) limba lor, adoptarea de numele lor pretinznd c noi nine o religie pretinde sau pretinznd c noi (eu) de o astfel de credin ca mijloc de a obine ncrederea lor i s comit astfel de sechestru i crim implicit sau complice i confess to a pogram of sexual mass rape

and pregnancy scheme of an ethnic peoples women, the harm of their ethnic children (hurting their ideational development and or infant bodies) and or causing or pleasing ourselves off their false poverty, and to conspiracies of the support 'of alien migration lethal' and influences of media and so formation of idealogical training to their sound ethnic, spiritual development Mrturisesc la un pogram de viol n mas sexual i schema de sarcina de o popoare etnice femei, efectele negative ale copiilor lor etnice (doare lor dezvoltare i ideatic sau organisme pentru sugari) i sau cauzeaz sau plcut ne off lor srcie false, i la conspiraii de sprijin "de migraie strin letale "i" influene ale mass-media i astfel formarea de pregtire ideologic "a etnic lor de sunet, dezvoltarea spiritual

I confess to penetrating legal institutions, councils, ranks, services, Churchs, as means to dissemble and harm their purposes, And to cause a hatred of their cause (s) as means to further tyrannical rule by foreign gov or cult Mrturisesc la penetrant juridice ale instituiilor, consilii, rndurile, servicii, Biserici, ca mijloace de a disimula i ru scopurile lor, i de a provoca o ur fa de cauza lor (e) ca mijloace de tiranic mai departe exclude de gov strin sau cult i am made aware of the fact of my guilt and accept my deportation, immediate and without Appeal i-am fcut contient de faptul de vina mea i accepta deportarea mea, imediat i fr apel i accept that i will not participate, further, in any media against the ethnic nation and their gov or the will of God (the church) i am deported from or announce my innocence or declare that i have been tortured; when in fact only suffering that force necessary

to my deportation and against whatever force i myself employed against such nation and her ethnic persons Sunt de acord c nu va participa, n continuare, n orice mass-media mpotriva naiunii etnice i lor gov sau voia lui Dumnezeu (biserica) i-am deportat din sau anuna nevinovia mea sau s declare c i-au fost torturai; atunci cnd, de fapt, doar suferin care fora necesar pentru deportarea mea i mpotriva orice for M-am angajat fa de astfel de popor i ei persoane de etnie i accept, that if i would further my activity against the ethnic nation and their government or church; that i am become an enemy of them...and will suffer the rule of war; of same; without mercy Sunt de acord c, dac i-ar continua activitatea mea mpotriva naiunii etnice i guvernul sau biserica lor; care i-am devenit un duman al lor ... i vor sufer regula de rzboi, de acelai, fr mil before their christian messiah (elohai become messiah) Jesus, lord of Abraham and from whom and in whom and by whom and for whom the promise was given and is fulfilled; so that mankind may be saved (whomever should repent from the signs and activities of war against his name and will and people (church) and experience mercy of God Almighty and their adoption of a living father of their spiritual correction and consequent perfect birth nainte de Mesia lor cretin (devenit elohai Mesia) Isus, stpnul lui Avraam i de la cine i n care i de ctre cine i pentru cine promisiunea a fost dat i este ndeplinit, astfel nct omenirea poate fi salvate (cine ar trebui s se pociasc de semne i activiti de rzboi mpotriva numele i voina sa i oameni (biserica) i experien mila lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic i adoptarea lor de un tat via de corectarea lor spiritual i de natere perfect n consecin my signature before such lord and his confessed people, gentile or jew, and being in his respect

and in the respect of the people (s) in his name and in the belief of himself as messiah (elohai become messiah) semntura mea, nainte de astfel de domnul i a mrturisit lui oameni, gentile sau evreu, i fiind n ceea ce sa i n respectul poporului (e) n numele lui i n credina de sine ca Mesia (devenit elohai Mesia) amen SIGNATURE OF THE GUILTY PERSON (IF OF A PARTY OR ORGANISATION; ALL OF THEM; OF ONE DOCUMENT) NAME; ALIAS ADDREES; CONTACT Photo; Officers assigned upon the D1; 3 officers with a Chief of Deportation His further signature Semntura persoanei vinovate (DAC ai unui partid sau organizaie; Toate acestea, ale unui document) NAME; ALIAS adresa; CONTACT fotografie; Ofierii atribuite la D1; 3 ofieri cu un ef de deportare Semntura lui mai departe 'may the lord have mercy on those whom respect him and his people, may he have none upon those whom desist from his reason and respect him not;

with repentance there is mercy; without this; none.' "Fie ca Domnul s aib mil de cei pe care-i respect i oamenii lui, el poate avea nici pe cei pe care renune la raiune lui i nu-l respect; cu pocin nu exist mil, fr aceasta, nici unul ".

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