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Friction is the resistance to motion that exists between two bodies in contact. In order to move these bodies more easily, friction must be reduced. There are two kinds of friction that exist between two surface in contact: 1- Rollin friction !fi ure 1.1". #- $lidin friction !fi ure 1.#".

Figure 1.1 Rolling friction

Figure 1.2 Sliding friction

Rollin friction is the friction that exists when one body rolls around or within another. $lidin friction is the friction that exists when one body slides over another. The difference between these two is the way related surfaces move in res%ect to each other. Rollers can decrease friction and make an ob&ect easier to move. 'ubricatin a surface also reduces friction and allows an ob&ect to move much more freely.

Lu ric!tion
The %ur%ose of a lubricant is to reduce friction. 'ubrication is merely a means of se%aratin movin surfaces by %rovidin a film for the surfaces to travel on. Take the sim%lest case of a flat ob&ect m

Dr" #urf!ce# in cont!ct Figure 1.&

Lu ric!ted #urf!ce# #e$!r!ted " oil fil%

The re(uired force to drive block !)" to slide on the flat surface is too hi h in case of

dry surfaces !fi ure 1.*". In the second case !lubricated surfaces" + the re(uired force will be less. The a%%lyin of lubrication between two slidin surfaces makes the slidin of one of them over the other becomes too much easier.

'(!t !re t(e B!#ic )ur$o#e# of Lu ric!tion*

They are: 1- To reduce friction between slidin surface !as the exam%le which is mentioned before + fi ure 1.*" #- To reduce wear: The wearin down of machine %arts is caused by friction. If you reduce friction throu h lubrication, you also reduce wear. The thickness of the lubricant film is im%ortant. If the film is not thick enou h to se%arate the two surfaces, direct contact will ha%%en and the wear will ha%%en also. *- ,am%in shock: The way a lubricant dam%ens shock is by makin use of its ability to distribute %ressure. ) %ractical exam%le of this %ro%erty is found in ear lubrication. -- To cool movin com%onents: The lubrication %revents excessive friction between movin com%onents. $o that less heat will be enerated. 'ubricants also carry away some heat from the %oints where it is enerated to coolers, where it is then dis%elled into the air. .- /orrosion %revention: The lubricants %revent or retard rust and corrosion. It forms a %rotective film on metallic machine %arts. The film %revents direct contact of metal with oxy en in air. 0- To seal out dirt, other contaminants: lubricants serve as seals in machines in two ways: -'ubricant can seal itself into the %lace where it is needed. -'ubricant can also seal out dirt and other contaminants from the contact areas.

Function of t(e Be!ring#

1earin s are machine %arts in which other %arts turn or slide. They are five ma&or functions of the bearin in rotatin machines2 1. To su%%ort a shaft while %ermittin the shaft to rotate as necessary for %ro%er o%eration of the e(ui%ment. #. To kee% the shaft in it3s correct runnin %osition with res%ect to the machine casin . *. Reduce friction by %rovidin either slidin contact !slidin surface bearin s" or rollin contact !rollin element bearin s". 4sually bearin s reduce friction by means of a lubricant in addition to their basic desi n. -. Reduce wear, by reducin friction .. It %rovides a re%laceable wear surface, which is more economical to re%lace than the shaft, which the bearin su%%orts.

Lo!d# Acting on Rot!ting S(!ft#

Figure 1.+ Lo!d force# !cting on e!ring# )ny rotatin shaft is sub&ect to two forces !or two loads": 1- Radial loads + which acts in the radial direction. #- )xial 'oads + which actin in axial direction tryin to move the shaft in axial direction. 1ecause bearin s will sub&ect to these two loads, they are desi ned to be used for a s%ecific a%%lication. Radial bearin s are used where only radial loads are encountered. Thrust bearin s are made to withstand axial loads.

Cl!##ific!tion of Be!ring# Be!ring# !ccording to t(eir function ,!ccording to t(e Lo!d- %!" e.
1-) radial bearin + to carry the radial loads only. #-Thrust bearin s + to carry the axial loads only. *- /ombination bearin s + carry some radial load 5 carry some axial load.

Be!ring# c!n e cl!##ified !l#o !#.

1-$lidin surface bearin s !6lain bearin s". #-Rollin element bearin s !)nti + friction bearin s". 'et us now study the slidin surface bearin s and rollin element bearin s, and find out, which loads can carry.

Sliding Surf!ce Be!ring# ,)l!in Be!ring#$lidin surface bearin s !%lain bearin s" %rovide a slidin contact between the matin surfaces. The surfaces of both the shaft !as movin surface" and the bearin !as stationary surface" are lubricated to reduce friction. $lidin surface bearin s !%lain bearin s", accordin to their function, maybe: R!di!l e!ring#: to carry radial loads. Thus, they will kee% a shaft from movin u% and down or from side to side, but they will not kee% it from movin in an axial direction T(ru#t e!ring#: to carry the axial loads only. They are built to surround a collar on the shaft, called a thrust runner or thrust collar. This construction

transfers any axial loads to the bearin and from the bearin to the machine casin .

Rolling Ele%ent Be!ring# ,Anti/Friction Be!ring#Rollin contact bearin s are desi ned to su%%ort and locate rotatin shafts. They transfer loads between rotatin and stationary members and %ermit relatively free rotation with a minimum of friction. They consist of four basic com%onents !fi ure 1.." - Inner rin !inner race" + fixed on the shaft and rotates with it. - 7uter rin !outer rice" + fixed to the bearin housin and does not rotates. - Rollin element. - Retainer !kee% ca e".

Figure 1.0 Rolling ele%ent e!ring co%$onent# )nti + friction bearin s, accordin to their function, may be: R!di!l e!ring#: /arries load !forces" in a radial direction. Thus they will kee% a shaft from movin u% and down or from side to side. They will not kee% it from movin in axial direction. T(ru#t e!ring#: These bearin s will acce%t full thrust loads. It cannot acce%t radial loads. They are usually used in con&unction with radial + load bearin s. Co% in!tion r!di!l !nd t(ru#t lo!d e!ring# : These bearin s will su%%ort radial loads and thrust loads. )fter this introduction, let us now study each ty%e in details.

SLIDING SURFACE BEARINGS )rinci$le of O$er!tion

Refer to fi ure 1.0



Figure 1.1 Sliding #urf!ce e!ring ,2ourn!l e!ring#In a ty%ical %lain &ournal bearin , the shaft of the e(ui%ment is the rotatin element. The %ortion of the shaft inside the bearin is a hi hly %olished surface and is referred to as the bearin &ournal. The bearin is the %art that surrounds and su%%orts the shaft. This cylindrical %art is often called a sleeve or the bearin shell. In some desi ns the shell is two + %iece com%onent. The bearin shell is lined with a soft metal alloy called babbitt. This babbitt takes the wear that would otherwise occur in the shaft !bearin &ournal". The shaft !bearin &ournal" surface and the babbit material are se%arated by a thin film of lubricant. 8hen the e(ui%ment is not o%eratin , the shaft sits at the bottom of the bearin shell !fi ure 1-9-a" 8hen the e(ui%ment is %ut into o%eration and the shaft be ins to turn, an oil wed e develo%s at the %oint where the shaft meets the bearin surface !fi ure 1-9b". )s the shaft accelerates, it actually floats u% on this oil wed e until it is su%%orted in the center of the bearin shell by the thin film of oil !Fi ure 1-9-c".

a- The e(ui%ment is not b- The shaft be ins to turn c- Full s%eed o%eratin Figure 1.3 Oil 4edge de5elo$%ent !nd t"$e# of friction The shaft and the bearin surfaces do not actually touch one another when the e(ui%ment is fully o%eratin . Instead, the shaft rides on the thin film of oil. The se%aration between the shaft and the bearin surface %ermittin the shaft to rotate easily with minimum wear.

Lu ric!tion of Sliding Surf!ce Be!ring#

'ubrication is used to reduce friction and wear in bearin s. The less friction, of course, the less wear will result. Three states of friction or lubricant may exist between the slidin surfaces of the shaft and the bearin shell: 1- Dr" friction. ,ry friction is when no lubricant is %resent between the contactin surfaces !fi ure 1.9.a" #- Bound!r" Lu ric!tion: It ha%%ens when the lubricant is a thin film between the slidin surfaces !fi ure 1.9.b" *- Full Fil% Lu ric!tion: Full-film lubrication se%arates the slidin surfaces com%letely !fi ure 1.9.c" Full lubrication can only be achieved by a combination of the ri ht lubricant, ood bearin desi n, and at least a moderate rotary s%eed !R6:".

6o4 Lu ric!nt i# di#tri uted to Be!ring#*

The bearin must have three thin s !characteristics" in order to %erform will: 1. It must have a means of distributin the lubricant !oil rooves". #. 7il clearance must be correct to fit the shaft will. *. The bearin surface must be com%atible with shaft, the lubricant and the s%eed of rotation.

Di#tri uting t(e Lu ric!nt 7 Oil Groo5e#

7il rooves are necessary to ensure that the bearin receives ade(uate distribution of lubricant. $everal desi ns are shown in fi ure ;. <ach desi n is suitable for certain workin condition like shaft diameter, runnin s%eed, kind of lubricant and the feedin system.

Figure 1.8 Oil groo5e de#ign# for #liding #urf!ce e!ring# ,$l!in e!ring#-

Oil Cle!r!nce ,Running Cle!r!nceThe s%ace between the shaft !&ournal" and the inside surface of the bearin shell when the shaft is centered in the bearin is called the oil clearance, or runnin clearance. This small s%ace %rovides room for the thin oil film that se%arates the shaft and the bearin shell when the e(ui%ment is o%eratin . 7il clearance can be ex%ressed in two forms: - Radial clearance =
I.,. of the bearin shell - 7., of the shaft #

- ,iameteral clearance = I., of the bearin shell + 7., of the shaft. 8here: I., of the bearin shell is the inside diameter of the bearin shell. 7., of the shaft is the outside diameter of the shaft in the bearin area.

Be!ring Surf!ce Co%$!ti ilit"

Fi ure 1.> shows the three states of lubrication. <ach condition is determined by: - ?iscosity of the lubricant. - Runnin s%eed of the shaft !R6:". - The $moothness of matin surfaces.

Surf!ce A

Surf!ce B SURFACES IN CONTACT ,No enoug( lu ric!nt !nd;or roug( #urf!ce#Surf!ce A

Surf!ce B SURFACES SE)ARATED B< LUBRICANT ,=er" t(in lu ric!ting fil%-

Surf!ce A

Surf!ce B


Figure 1.9 Lu ric!nt et4een #liding #urf!ce C!#e : 1 Surf!ce# in cont!ct ,dr" friction-. Is caused by usin a li ht viscosity lubricant to su%%ort the shaft or by surfaces too rou h to be se%arated by the recommended lubricant. C!#e : 2 Surf!ce# #e$!r!ted " lu ric!nt , ound!r" lu ric!nt-. Is the minimum lubrication re(uirement to %revent direct contact of matin surfaces@ This condition exists with relatively slow s%eed of rotation. C!#e : & Surf!ce# #e$!r!ted " ("drod"n!%ic $re##ure. This is the ideal state of lubrication. The surfaces of the matin %arts, the s%eed of rotation and the viscosity of the lubricant will all affect the ability to achieve this condition.

Gener!l Re?uire%ent# for Be!ring >!teri!l#

<x%erience shows that a ood bearin material is: 1- $core resistance #- Ai h in com%ressive stren th. *- Ai h in fati ue stren th. -- ,eformable. .- /orrosion resistance. 0- 'ow in shear stren th. 9- $tructurally uniform. ;- Inex%ensive. >- Readily available. This list of re(uirements is evidence that selection of a bearin material for a %articular a%%lication is always a com%romise. Bo sin le material has all of these characteristics in a sufficiently acce%table level.

Sliding Surf!ce Be!ring >!teri!l#

:ost slidin surface bearin is made from the followin standard ty%es 1- 1abbitt !tin + base, lead + base" #- 1ronCe



1abbitt is the best known of all bearin materials. )lso called white metal. 1abbitt is an alloy com%rised of three elements: Tin, antimony and co%%er. 8hen babbitt is used in small bearin s, 1abbitt is a%%lied to the bearin s as a thin coatin over steel on bronCe. To make lar er bearin s in heavy + duty e(ui%ment2 a thicker layer is used to line a ri id backin or shell of steel, bronCe or cost iron.

1ronCe alloys have many bearin a%%lications because of their wide ran e of %ro%erties. :ost bearin bronCes are variations of three main ty%es as follows: a- 'ead - bronCe b- Tin - bronCe c- )luminum - bronCe ) fourth ty%e, %hos%hor + bronCe, is also %o%ular. )s a rou%, bronCe + alloys are %robably the most economical bearin material of all.

Cl!##ific!tion of R!di!l Sliding Surf!ce Be!ring# ,)l!in Aourn!l Be!ring#- 4it( Re#$ect to T(eir Configur!tion
Radial slidin surface bearin s !%lain &ournal bearin s" come in many forms. Their one %oint common is that they are sha%ed as cylinders or section of cylinders. The difference in form sim%ly accommodates various ty%es of e(ui%ments. 1asically, you will find three %rinci%al ty%es of construction: 1- $olid %lain cylindrical bushin !one %iece" with lubricatin feed rooves !fi ure 1-;" #- $trai ht cylindrical bearin !two halves". It is DhoriContally s%lit, re%laceable liner sleeve bearin . *- Tiltin %ad radial bearin .

The followin fi ure !fi ure 1.1E" shows two different ty%es from these three.

Figure 1.1B Connecting rod 4it( #olid $l!in e!ring ,ite% : 1B- !nd #tr!ig(t c"lindric!l e!ring ,t4o (!l5e# 7 ite% : 11-

)i5oted 7 )!d Aourn!l Be!ring ,Self Tilting )!d Be!ring)lso called %ivoted shoe &ournal bearin . This desi n has se mented bearin surface. The se ments are su%%orted so that they can move sli htly and ad&ust to the best %osition for %ro%er lubrication !fi ure 1.11"

Figure 1.11 Tilting $!d r!di!l e!ring

This ty%e of tiltin %ad radial bearin is desi ned for hi h %eri%heral s%eeds and shaft stabiliCation. Fi ure 1.1#+ shows the detail construction of this ty%e.

Figure 1.12

Sliding Surf!ce Be!ring !# T(ru#t Be!ring T(e Function of T(ru#t Be!ring

The basic function of thrust bearin in the rotatin machines is to carry the axial loads and kee% the shaft in its correct runnin %osition in the axial direction. ) slidin surface thrust bearin !fi ure 1.1*" is used in con&unction with a thrust collar !thrust runner". Thrust collar is a disc on the shaft. This collar may be a se%arate disc attached to the shaft, or an inte ral %art of the shaft. The thrust bearin is the %art that is closest to the thrust collar. Thrust bearin s are enerally used in %airs: one bearin is %laced on each side of the thrust collar !fi ure 1.1*". In this way, thrust bearin s su%%ort axial load in both directions on the shaft. They %revent the shaft from movin throu h the bearin .

Figure 1.1& )!ir of t(ru#t e!ring# #urrounding t(ru#t coll!r

Cl!##ific!tion of Sliding Surf!ce T(ru#t Be!ring#

There are three desi ns of slidin surface bearin as thrust bearin : 1- Flat land bearin s #- Ta%ered land bearin , and *- Tiltin %ad bearin !Fin sbury thrust bearin ".

Fl!t Be!ring#. 6o4 doe# it 'orC*

Flat land bearin illustrated in fi ure 1.1-. It is one of the sim%lest ty%es of thrust bearin s. It is a solid %iece with no movable %arts. Grooves in the bearin divide it into sections called lands. 7ne ed e of each land is curved sli htly so that the lubricant that is %um%ed into the roove is distributed over the bearin surface more easily. 'ubricant sticks to the thrust collar as the shaft turns and is drawn over the bearin , creatin a film of lubricant between the thrust collar and the bearin .

Figure 1.1+ Cut 7 !4!" 5ie4 of ! fl!t l!nd t(ru#t e!ring

T!$ered L!nd Be!ring

The ta%ered land-bearin !or fixed wed e thrust bearin " fi ure 1.1. looks like the flat land but each of the lands is sli htly ta%ered to im%rove bearin lubrication. Film lubrication takes %lace between the bearin and the thrust collar.

Figure 1.10 Con#truction of ! t!$ered 7 l!nd t(ru#t e!ring The direction of rotation of the thrust collar must be in s%ecific direction to et efficient lubrication.

Tilting )!d T(ru#t Be!ring

) ty%ical tiltin %ad bearin !Fi ure 1.10" is made u% of several %arts.

Figure 1.11 )rinci$le of ! tilting $!d t(ru#t e!ring In this bearin , the thrust collar contact number of se ments !also called shoes". ) %ivot su%%orts each se ment. )s the collar be ins to rotate, the lubricant that is in the bearin sticks to the collar and is dra ed between the collar and the individual shoes. )s the s%eed of the shaft increases, more and more lubricant is drawn between the shoes and the collar, formin a wed e that causes the shoes to tilt. The wed e of lubricant increases the load carryin ca%acity of the bearin .


1- )bnormal tem%erature. #- ?ibration. *- Boise or a combination of these si ns may indicate that a bearin has failed or is about to fail. 8hen re%lacin dama ed bearin s, it is vital to determine their cause of failure. 7therwise, failures will ha%%en a ain in a very short time.

Re!#on of Be!ring F!ilure

The most common causes of slidin surface bearin failure are: 1- :etal Fati ue. #- ,irt. *- Im%ro%er 'ubrication. -- Faulty installation !im%ro%er assembly". .- :isali nment. 0- 7verloadin . 9- /orrosion.

>et!l F!tigue
:etal fati ue is a common cause of bearin failure that occurs durin normal bearin o%eration. )ll slidin surface bearin s are sub&ect to load and vibration, which cause the metal in the bearin to flex and bend. The flexin and bendin radually weaken the metal. This makes bearin fails, because its surface breaks u% and becomes rou h. This rou hened surface causes an increase in the bearin tem%erature and vibration, which in turn, causes further dama e to the bearin . The %rocess continues until the bearin is too badly dama ed to the function at all, and it fails.

'ar e dirt %articles can embed in the soft bearin material. This causes wear and decreases the life of both the bearin and the shaft. 6revent this by cleanin the area surroundin the bearin durin bearin installation and by %ro%er maintenance of oil filters, if used.

I%$ro$er Lu ric!tion
The term im%ro%er lubrication refers to four different situations: a" Too little lubrication !oil starvation" b" 8ron kind of lubricant c" /ontaminated lubricant. d" 'ubricant breakdown due to hi h o%eratin tem%erature

F!ult" In#t!ll!tion
In order to obtain a correct installation, the followin %oints should be taken into consideration: a" :atch marks must be checked carefully to insure %ro%er orientation of the lower bearin shell in the lower bearin housin . b" Gaskets or s%acers are installed. c" The bearin cover is set in %osition, usin care to avoid any dama e either in the shaft or the bearin . The dowel %ins should be installed. d" The retainin nuts for the bearin cover are installed and ti htened to the correct tor(ue value and the s%ecified se(uence.

) bearin is mis-ali ned when the shaft that it su%%orts does not %ass throu h it correctly, as illustrated in fi ure 1.19. If the bearin is misali ned, the shaft rubs a ainst one side of the bearin at one end and a ainst the o%%osite side of the bearin at its other end.

Figure 1.13 >i#/!ligned e!ring.

7verheatin from overloadin causes a metal fati ue, which breaks away and voids the surface of the bearin .

) finely %itted surface and lar e areas of deterioration see corrosion from acid formation in the oil.

Sliding Surf!ce Be!ring >!inten!nce Introduction to Slide Surf!ce Be!ring >!inten!nce

To %erform any maintenance &ob related to the slidin surface bearin s !either radial or thrust bearin s", you should o throu h three ste%s: 1- /lean the bearin and the shaft &ournal. #- Ins%ect the %arts thorou hly to find out the reason of failure. *- /arry out the re(uired action + re%air or re%lace the dama ed %art. /arefully ins%ect bearin s and &ournals for uneven wear or dama e. If re(uired, %olish &ournals usin belt-ty%e emery clothe and remove hi h s%ots. $leeve and thrust bearin s should be thorou hly ince%ted for correct clearance, hi h s%ots, flakin of babbitt, scorin , and usin the followin %rocedures.

Be!ring Cle!r!nce ,Setting The radial bearin s must have clearance between the shaft &ournal and the bearin . The amount of clearance necessary de%ends on the oil viscosity, the shaft s%eed, and the bearin loadin . :anufacturers3 consider each of these %arameters in calculatin a bearin clearance that will %roduce hydrodynamic lubrication as well as a flow of oil sufficient to cool the bearin . :easurement of bearin clearances may be done by: Feeler au es, lead wire or %lastic au e material. The bearin may be considered o%erational as lon as the measured clearance does not exceed the desi n clearance by more than .EEto .EE. in. This value for clearance increase is acce%table for most a%%lications.

The thrust bearin clearance %rovides room for the formation of an oil film between the bearin face and the thrust collar !or thrust runner" and for thermal ex%ansion. Bormally, wear of the thrust bearin is not very critical unless it is enou h to cause loss of oil %ressure in the lubrication system or allow for rubbin of internal com%onents. 6ushin the shaft axially to one side of the unit, settin a dial indicator and then %ullin the shaft axial to the other side of the unit a ainst the dial indicator may do measurement of thrust bearin clearance.

Be!ring 6ig( S$ot# Re$!ir

1ri ht s%ots or areas indicate evidence and location of hi h s%ots in the bearin . These s%ots are caused by wear resultin from a ru%tured oil film around the hi h %oint. 1ri ht s%ots are sli htly scra%ed and %olished with fine steel wool or emery cloth until they blend in with the rest bearin . To check the bearin contact, install the lower half of the bearin in the housin with the &ournal and thrust face clean and dry. /heck outside diameter of bearin shell with a .EE1. in. feeler au e to be sure the lower half is seated in the housin . )%%ly a li ht coat of soft blue !6russian blue" to the &ournal and to each thrust face. The &ournal should show blue transfer for a minimum of ;E %ercent of bearin len th. Thrust faces should show a minimum contact of 0E %ercent of load area. Re%eat the checkin %rocess until the contact area is satisfactory.

Fl!Cing of !

itt Re$!ir

Flakin of babbitt in the loaded area of the bearin is caused by vibration or shock loadin of the bearin material. The vibration and shock loadin causes the babbitt to fati ue and break loose from the steel shell. Bot only do the flakes cause scorin as they %ass throu h the bearin , but they also contaminate the oil. In the advanced sta es of flakin , the load-carryin area of the bearin is destroyed, and the bearin must be re%laced. Aowever, if flakin is cau ht in the early sta es, the bearin may be re%aired be scra%in and %olishin . 8hatever the case, the cause of vibration or hammerin should be corrected before the unit is %ut back into service.

Scoring Re$!ir
$corin is the scratchin of the bearin babbitt or the &ournal ridin in the bearin , or both. It is caused by dirt or metal %articles %resent in the oil that %asses throu h the bearin . ) little scorin is not serious, and the bearin may be %olished with fine steel wool to remove any rou h ed es caused by scorin . )ny forei n %articles imbedded in the babbitt who could score the &ournal should be carefully %icked out, and that area should then be %olished smooth. $corin becomes serious when it si nificantly reduces the bearin area. In this case, the bearin should be re%laced, and the ear unit or %um% drained and flushed out with a solvent.

'i$ing Re$!ir
8i%in is the meltin and wi%in away of a s%ot or area of the babbitt due to the bearin tem%erature risin above the %our %oint of the babbitt. )bnormally hi h bearin tem%eratures can be causes by one or more of the followin . 1- Insufficient bearin clearance. #- Insufficient oil !(uantity and H or %ressure". *- <xcessively hi h oil tem%erature in the bearin due to im%ro%er coolin . -- ) hi h s%ot !s" in the bearin . .- <xtreme !hi h" bearin loadin cause by %oor contact area. If wi%in is localiCed in a small s%ot, scra%in and %olishin the s%ot until it blends in with the remainder of the bearin may re%air the bearin 2 otherwise, the bearin must be re%laced. 1efore re%lacin a wi%ed bearin , determine the cause of the wi%e and take corrective measures. If new bearin s are necessary, the followin %recautions should be taken: 1. Remove all nicks and burrs from the housin and bearin shell. #. 1e sure that &ournal and thrust faces are free of nicks and hi h s%ots. These s%ots can be removed usin a fine hone and %olishin with fine emery cloth. *. 7btain the %ro%er bearin contact as described %reviously. )fter the bearin s are fitted and the lower half is installed in the housin !on both sides", check the radial clearance usin %lastic au e. /heck thrust clearance by movin shaft axially in both directions while an indicator %ointer is %ositioned a ainst the shaft. In many cases it may be necessary to use a small hydraulic &ack to move the lar e rotors axially to check the axial !thrust" clearance.

Fi ure 1.1; shows the basic %arts. They are: 1- Two hardened steel rin s called races. The inner rin !inner race" is normally fixed on a shaft, and the outer rin !outer race" fits in a bearin housin . $ha%ed raceways are machined in the rin s to confine and uide the rollin elements. #- Aardened steel balls, rollers or needles, which roll between the races. *- $e%arators !kee% ca e" made of steel, bronCe or %lastic which s%ace the rollin elements around the races.

Figure 1.18 B!#ic $!rt# of rolling ele%ent e!ring#

6o4 doe# it 'orC#*

The load is transmitted from the inner race to the outer race throu h the rollin elements to the bearin housin . The accurate distribution of the rollin elements between the inner race and the outer race %revents any radial movement of the shaft out of the correct runnin %osition.

B!#ic T"$e# of Rolling Ele%ent Be!ring

There are three basic ty%es of rollin element bearin s: 1 1all bearin s # Roller !/ylindrical" bearin s * Beedle roller bearin s <ach one of these three ty%es is divided into different desi ns.

B!ll Be!ring T"$e#

There are four basic desi ns of ball bearin s !with res%ect to the load" 1- ,ee% roove ball bearin : !fi ure 1.1>.a" - /arry radial load and some axial load #- )n ular contact ball bearin !fi ure 1.1>.b, c" - These bearin s will su%%ort radial load and thrust loads. *- ,ouble row self ali nin ball bearin !fi ure 1.1>-d" - /arry radial load and very little axial loads. These bearin s allow !)cce%t" some misali nment. -

c Figure 1.19 T"$e# of !ll e!ring#

1all bearin as thrust bearin These bearin s will acce%t full thrust load and very li ht radial loads. They are usually used in con&unction with radial load bearin s !fi ure 1.#E".

Figure 1.2B T(ru#t lo!d !ll e!ring#

Roller Be!ring#
The %rinci%al difference between ball bearin s and roller bearin s !cylindrical bearin s" is the sha%e of the rollin element itself. In ball bearin s the rollin element is a ball. In roller bearin s the rollin element is cylinder. Roller bearin s can su%%ort reater loads because of their lar er contact area. There are five basic ty%es of roller bearin s. They are: 1. Radial-load, strai ht roller bearin . !Fi ure 1.#1.a" #. Radial and thrust-load, ta%ered roller bearin s !fi ure 1.#1.b" *. $elf-ali nin , radial and thrust-load, s%herical roller bearin !fi ure 1.#1.c" -. $elf ali nin , radial and thrust-load, concave roller bearin !fi ure 1.#1.d" .. Thrust load roller bearin s !fi ure 1.##"

c Figure 1.21 B!#ic t"$e# of roller e!ring#

Figure 1.22 T(ru#t 7 lo!d roller e!ring#

Needle Be!ring#
Beedle bearin s are a se%arate form of roller bearin . They differ from other roller bearin s in two ways: 1- The roller3s len th is at least twice as lon as its diameter + four to six times as lon is common, and the roller is much smaller in diameter than other rollers. This lon , thin sha%e ives them their name of IneedlesJ. #- The second difference is that many needle bearin s have no ca e or se%arators. Refer to fi ure 1.#* for the terms used to describe basic needle bearin construction. The needle bearin shown is the drawn-cu% ty%e.

Figure 1.2& No%encl!ture of co%%on needle roller e!ring

Figure 1.2+ T"$e# of needle roller e!ring e!ring#

Rolling Ele%ent Be!ring F!ilure S"%$to%# of F!ilure

There are five sym%toms ives indication that the rollin element bearin s have been failed. They are: 1- Ai h tem%erature: Aot bearin s indicate bearin failure. #- Ai h vibration level. *- Boisy bearin s. -- 'ubricant leaks outside the bearin housin contaminated with metallic %articles, which indicates rubbin between different com%onents inside the bearin s housin . .- /lear movement of the shaft from its ori inal %osition movement. This ha%%ens in an advanced sta e of failure. The rollin elements lost its uniform distribution between inner and outer races.

Re!#on# of Be!ring F!ilure

The most common causes of rollin element-bearin failure are: 1- Im%ro%er maintenance techni(ue !faulty mountin %ractices". #- Incorrect shaft and housin fit. *- :isali nment. -- ,efective bearin seats on shafts andHor in housin . .- Inade(uate lubrication. 0- Ineffective sealin . 9- ?ibration. ;- 6assa e of electric current throu h the bearin . 'et us study each one of these reasons of bearin failure to find out the %ro%er way to %revent it. 1- Im%ro%er maintenance techni(ue !faulty mountin %ractice": Im%ro%er maintenance techni(ue covers the followin : a- Forei n mater in the bearin installation !not %ro%erly cleaned". /lean all bearin com%onents before installation and kee%in the work area clean are essential. b- 7verheatin the bearin durin the heatin to ex%and the bearin . /orrect heatin method must be used and the suitable heatin tem%erature should be ke%t. 8hen heatin a bearin for mountin , an oil %ath should be used if available. c- Im%act dama e handlin or mountin resultin in brinellin . d- The re(uired force to install the inner race of the bearin on the shaft must be a%%lied directly and evenly on the inner race. If this force is a%%lied on the outer race it will destroy the bearin . If you use hydraulic %ress durin bearin installation, the force must be a%%lied slowly and evenly.

#- Incorrect $haft and Aousin Fit: ) bearin may need to be fitted either with an interference fit or a sli% fit on the shaft and the housin de%endin on the conditions %resent. The de ree of ti htness or looseness in the bearin is overned by the ma nitude of the load, the s%eed !r.%.m" and the arran ement of the bearin . *- :isali nment: :isali nment is a source of %remature bearin failure. This condition enerally occurs when: The inner race of bearin is seated a ainst a shaft shoulder that is not s(uare with the shaft centerline. The outer race is seated a ainst a housin shoulder that is out of s(uare with the housin bore. -- ,efective bearin seats on shaft andHor in housin For bearin s to have lon trouble + free life, the inner race of the bearin and the outer race should be seated %ro%erly, that means The shaft !in the area of inner race" should be round and smooth. The bearin housin bore should be round, free of ta%er. 1oth shaft and bearin bore must be concentric !i.e. must have the same center line" The dimensions of the shaft and bearin housin must be correct. .- Inade(uate 'ubrication The %resence of %ro%er lubricant is essential. The rollers must carry lubricant to lubricate the tracks. 8ithout %ro%er lubricant !kind and (uantity", the bearin motion can be very detrimental. 0- Ineffective $ealin The function of bearin seals !which are installed on the bearin housin " is to %revent dirty to enter the bearin housin and to %revent the lubricant to esca%e to outside. <ffective sealin means %revent lubricant to leaked out side the bearin housin and %revention of contaminants to enter the bearin housin . 9- ?ibration: There are two sources of vibration: a" ?ibration from the machine itself !due to several reasons like unbalanced rotor, cou%lin misali nment, Ketc". b" ?ibration transferred from another source throu h %i%in system or steel structure. These two sources will cause ra%id failure and sever dama e to the bearin . ;- 6assa e of <lectric /urrent Throu h the 1earin In certain a%%lications where electrical machinery is in use, there is the %ossibility that electric current will %ass throu h a bearin . /urrent that seeks round throu h the bearin can be enerated from ma netic field in the machinery or can be caused by weldin on some %arts of the machine with the round attached so that the circuit is re(uired to be com%leted throu h the bearin . 8hen the current is broken at the contact surfaces between rollin elements and the raceways, markin results2 this markin %roduces localiCed hi h tem%erature, and conse(uently, the surfaces are dama ed. This dama e will a%%ear as small %its on the

raceways and the rollers.

BEARING INSTALLATION B!#ic >ounting >et(od# for Angul!r Cont!ct B!ll Be!ring#
)n ular contact ball bearin s can be mounted in three different ways to suit different loadin conditions. The three ways are:

B!cC/to/B!cC Be!ring#
)re %laced so that the hi h shoulders of the outer rin s are to ether. In this %osition, the contact an le lines diver e inwardly !fi ure 1.#.".

Figure 1.20 B!cC/to/ !cC e!ring# !re $l!ced #o t(!t t(e (ig( #(oulder of t(e outer ring# i# toget(er

F!ce/to/F!ce Be!ring#
)re %laced so that the low shoulders of the outer rin s are to ether. /ontact an le lines of the bearin will then conver e inwardly, toward the bearin axis !fi ure 1.#0".

Figure 1.21 F!ce/to/f!ce e!ring# !re $l!ced #o t(!t t(e lo4 #(oulder of t(e outer ring i# toget(er

T!nde% Be!ring#
)re %laced so that the stam%ed back of one bearin is in contact with the unstam%ed face of the other bearin . In this case the contact an le lines of the bearin s are %arallel !fi ure 1.#9"

Figure 1.23 T!nde% e!ring# !re $l!ced #o t(!t t(e #t!%$ed !cC of one e!ring i# in cont!ct 4it( t(e un#t!%$ed f!ce of t(e ot(er e!ring

Fit on S(!ft for Angul!r Cont!ct B!ll Be!ring#

)n ular contact ball bearin s enerally have a looser fit on the shaft than other standard ty%es of bearin s. I6ushJ fits2 !fin er %ressure fits" are enerally em%loyed. This hel%s %revent a chan e of internal characteristics and facilities removal and remountin of the bearin s.

S(!ft !nd 6ou#ing )re$!r!tion Be!ring Se!t# on S(!ft

The inner rin must be ti ht enou h not to turn or cree% si nificantly under load.

Figure 1.28

S(!ft S(oulder#

The shoulder in fi ure 1.#>.) is ta%ered !inclined". This results in %oor seatin of the bearin a ainst the corner of the inner rin . The shaft shoulder in fi ure 1.#>.1 is so low that the shoulder actually contacts the bearin corner rather than the locatin face of the bearin . 8ith the condition shown in fi ure 1.#>./, contact between the shoulder and the bearin face is not sufficient. 4nder heavy thrust loads, the shoulder mi ht break down. Fi ure 1.#>., is exa erated to illustrate distortion of the inner rin when forced a ainst off-s(uare shoulder. )n off-s(uare bearin shortens bearin life.

Figure 1.29 Incorrect in#t!ll!tion

Bre!C Corner to )re5ent Burr#

8hen re rindin re%airs the shaft shoulder or bearin seat, it is desirable to break the corner on the shaft. This will hel% %revent burrs and nicks, which may interfere with the %ro%er seatin of the inner rin face a ainst the shaft shoulder. If left shar%, shoulder corner is easily nicked, %roducin raised %ortions, which, in turn, may create an off-s(uare condition in bearin location. The usual %rocedure to break a corner is to use a file or an abrasive stone.

Figure 1.&B Incorrect in#t!ll!tion

C(ecC S(oulder# for Off/S?u!re

The shaft shoulder runout should be checked with an indicator contactin the bearin locatin surface on the shaft shoulder while the shaft is still su%%orted on centers !or ?-blocks" with the center of the shaft a ainst a sto%. Tolerances have been established for this. If the runout is outside these tolerances, the inner rin of the bearin will be misali ned causin vibration when the shaft is in o%eration.

C(ecC 6ou#ing Bore Di%en#ion#

The housin bore dimensions and shoulder should be checked to make sure that they are within the recommended tolerance for siCe, out-of-round, ta%er, and off-s(uare. The au e commonly used for this %ur%ose is a dial au e test indicator ty%e

Rec(ecC Di%en#ion# it Nece##!r"

It is im%ortant to be absolutely sure that all dimensions are correct before any assembly is be un.

>ounting Rolling Ele%ent Be!ring# >ounting >et(od# for Be!ring# 4it( !n Interference Fit on t(e S(!ft
It is %ossible to use either a cold or warm mountin method. In eneral it is better to use warm mountin as this method is the easiest and eliminates the dan er of dama e to the shaft. If this is not %ossible bearin s may be mounted usin the cold method. If a hydraulic %ress is available, it is %ossible to mount lar er bearin s. $ome ty%es of bearin s in %articular those with double seals and L reased for lifeL must only be mounted usin the cold method.

Cold >ounting
The mountin force must be a%%lied evenly on the inner rin . It is advisable to use a mountin tool, which can be made from a %iece of %i%e. The shaft area under the bearin inner rin !inner race" should be coated with anti + siCe lubricant to be easy for future disassemble.

Figure 1.&1 Cold %ounting of e!ring# The contact face must be %erfectly flat and the head of the mountin tool should either rounded or has a raised %ortion in the centre. The mountin tool should be %laced

a ainst the inner rin the bearin is then slide alon the shaft usin a %ress or by means of li ht ta%s with a hammer. ,urin this o%eration constant checks should be made to ensure that the bearin is at ri ht an les to the shaft centre line.

'!r% >ounting
1y heatin the bearin it is %ossible to ex%and the bore so that it is lar er than the shaft. This means that the bearin can be slide on the shaft without any %roblem. 1earin s can be heated to a maximum of 1#E, M/ for a short %eriod. )bove this tem%erature the hardness of the bearin material will be adversely affected. The bearin should be heated in an oil bath.

Figure 1.&2 Be!ring (!nging free in ! 4!r% oil !t( The heated bearin can be fitted onto the bearin surface without difficulty and care should be taken to ensure that the side face of the inner rin is in com%lete contact with the shoulder of the shaft or a s%acer.

Di#%ounting Rolling Ele%ent Be!ring# 1. Di#%ounting Be!ring# fro% t(e S(!ft

8hen a bearin is bein removed from a shaft the force should be a%%lied as evenly as %ossible onto the inner rin . If %ossible a ball bearin %uller should be used.

Figure 1.&& )ullerD 4(ic( e!r# !g!in#t t(e inner ring

2. Di#%ounting ! Be!ring fro% it# 6ou#ing

If the bearin remains in the housin after the shaft has been removed, it is %ossible to use a bearin %uller !fi ure 1.*-"

Figure 1.&+ Re%o5e e!ring fro% t(e (ou#ing

Be!ring# 4it( ! T!$ered Bore

'ar e forces have to be- a%%lied in order to dismount bearin s, which have a ta%ered bore. The forces, which are released when these bearin s are dismounted, can also be very hi h. It is recommended that some method be used to break !or slow down" these bearin s.

Be!ring# >ounted on ! T!$ered S(!ft

The locatin rin !end %late or shaft nut" should be loosened but ke%t in %lace as a sto%. The bearin can then be dismounted by carefully ta%%in the dismountin tool or %unch with a hammer. It is also %ossible to use the oil in&ection method to remove a bearin . )s lar e forces are released when this ty%e of system is used !in %articular with ta%ered bearin seats or ada%ter bushes" it is im%ortant to arran e a suitable sto%.

Single Ro4 Dee$ Groo5e Be!ring#

It is enerally im%ossible to dismount this ty%e without destroyin it. It is %ossible to cut throu h the outer rin , but an alternative is to remove the ca e so that the balls can be collected to ether. It will then be %ossible to remove the inner rin by usin only a sli ht force.

Single Ro4 Angul!r Cont!ct Be!ring#

The only way to dismount this ty%e of bearin is either to force the outer rin over the balls or cut throu h it. There are a few ty%es, which are easily se%arable.

Di#%ounting U#ing 6e!t

In order to dismount the inner rin of lar e cylindrical bearin s, which have been mounted onto the shaft usin an interference fit, use is made of a s%ecial tool, which heats the rin . The tool is heated to about #EE/ and then clam%ed to the inner rin , which comes loose within a few seconds. It is %ossible to use electric tools, which heat the rin by either induction or radiant heat. ,irect heatin with a naked flame !o%en flame like oxy + acetylene torch" may never be used.


1earin s are bein brou ht into focus, since they constitute a vital factor in all machines with rotatin %arts. /ondition monitorin re%resents a ra%idly rowin activity in the field of %reventive maintenance. <arly indications of bearin dama e allow bearin s to be re%laced durin re ularly scheduled e(ui%ment maintenance and thus avoid unscheduled e(ui%ment downtime due to bearin failure. 1earin s in critical machinery or in bad !harsh" environments should be checked fre(uently. :any systems andHor instruments are available on the market today for monitorin bearin s. :ost of these are based on the measurement of vibrations. Aowever, for %ractical reasons, not all machines or machine functions are monitored usin advanced instrumentation. In these instances, the machine o%erator or the maintenance en ineer must remain alert for bearin Ltrouble si ns,L such as noise, increases in tem%erature and vibration. L'istenL, LfeelL and LlookL are three im%ortant factors.

) common way of identifyin an irre ularity in runnin is by listenin . )bnormal noise can be detected and even traced to an individual machine com%onent by an ex%erienced o%erator. 1earin s in ood o%eratin condition %roduce a soft %urrin noise. Grindin , s(ueakin and other irre ular sounds usually %oint to bearin s in %oor o%eratin condition. 1earin dama e can be detected by listenin but the dama e will often have reached such an extent that an immediate bearin chan e has to be carried out. Therefore, a better method is to use some of the electronic condition monitorin devices, for instance.

Figure 1.&0 >onitoring e!ring condition#

These new devices %roved a much safer and more accurate %rediction than the early method of %lacin one end of a wooden stick or a screwdriver a ainst the bearin housin , and %uttin oneNs ear to the other end.

Ai h tem%eratures often indicate that the bearin is actin abnormally. Ai h tem%eratures can be detrimental to the bearin lubricant. 7verheatin can sometimes be attributed to the bearin lubricant. Runnin for extended %eriods at tem%eratures in excess of 1#. M/ !#0E MF" can reduce bearin life. /auses of hi h bearin tem%eratures include: 1- Insufficient or excessive lubrication. #- Im%urities in the lubricant. *- 7ver loadin . -- 1earin dama e. .- Insufficient clearance. 0- Ai h friction in the seals. It is therefore necessary to check the tem%erature continually, both at the bearin itself and at other vital com%onents. )ny chan e in tem%erature can be an indication of malfunction if the runnin conditions have not been altered !chan ed". 1earin tem%erature can be routinely and accurately checked with a surface thermometer. /ritical bearin s, which cause e(ui%ment downtime when they fail, should ideally be e(ui%%ed with a heat %robe.

Figure 1.&1 6ig( te%$er!ture e!ring It is im%ortant to note that a natural tem%erature rise lastin one or two days will occur immediately after lubrication and relubrication.

6ro%erly lubricated bearin s that are ade(uately %rotected from dirt and moisture should not exhibit wear. Aowever, it is advisable to visually check a bearin when it is uncovered, and to %eriodically check the seals. /heck the condition of seals near the bearin to ensure that they do not %ermit hot or corrosive li(uids and ases to %enetrate alon the shaft. Re%lace worn felt and rubber seals as soon as %ossible.

Figure 1.&3 Lu ric!nt le!C!ge In addition to %reventin the entry of dirt, seals are also im%ortant for kee%in lubricant in the bearin housin . 'ubricant leaks at seal locations should be ins%ected immediately for worn seals, seals defects and loose %lu s. 'eaks can also result from a slackenin of the &oint between the matin surfaces of the bearin housin , or from the rease breakin down by churnin and releasin free oil, thus over lubricatin . /heck automatic lubricatin systems so they %erform %ro%erly by fillin them with oil or rease and ensurin that the ri ht amount of lubricant is released. )lso take a ood look at the lubricant. ,iscoloration or darkenin is usually si ns that the lubricant contains im%urities.

Lu ric!te 'it( Gre!#e

Relubricate bearin arran ements accordin to uidelines su%%lied by the e(ui%ment manufacturer, or by followin the lubricatin instructions. Relubrication is best %erformed durin %lanned %eriods of e(ui%ment downtime. Oou can relubricate with small (uantities %er schedule. 6eriodically, you should clean out used rease or %ur e out throu h drain %lu s. 8i%e lubrication ni%%les clean before in&ectin fresh rease. If the bearin housin is not e(ui%%ed with ni%%les, you will need to remove the housin ca% or end cover in order to remove the used rease. Bext, a%%ly fresh rease of the same ty%e.

Figure 1.&8 Lu ric!tion 4it( gre!#e

'it( oil
8hen ins%ectin the oil level of a bearin , check to ensure that the ri ht ty%e of oil is in use and that the oil level au e air vent is unobstructed !fi ure 1.*>"

Figure 1.&9 Adding oil

Take a small sam%le of the oil and com%are it with fresh oil. If the sam%le looks cloudy, then it is mixed with water and should be re%laced. ,ark or thick oil is a si n of dirt or indicates that the oil has started to carboniCe. /han e the oil com%letely and, if %ossible, clean the bearin by flushin it with fresh oil. 8hen chan in the oil, be sure that you are usin the same ty%e of oil, and that you refill to the re(uired level. ) more reliable method of determinin the oil condition is to analyCe a sam%le. If the oil is contaminated it may be worthwhile to chan e the seals or consider filtration. 7il in oil bath lubrication systems re(uires a chan e only once each year, %rovidin that the o%eratin tem%erature does not exceed .E to 0E M/ !1 #E to 1-E MF", and the oil does not become contaminated. /han e the oil four times each year for o%eratin tem%eratures of 1 EE M/ !#1E MF"2 monthly for o%eratin tem%eratures of 1#E M/ !#.E MF"2 and weekly for o%eratin tem%eratures of 1*E M/ !#0. MF".

Trou le#(ooting

In this section the followin %oints will be covered: 1#*-.The im%ortance of lubrication. Two common methods for oil lubrication in most of %lant e(ui%ment. Forced circulation method, the com%onent and their functions. 'ubricant stora e and handlin . 'ubricant stora e and handlin check list

T(e I%$ort!nce of Lu ric!tion

The %ur%ose of a lubrication is to reduce friction between the movin %arts beside other functions are covered in %a e * of this cha%ter.

Co%%on >et(od# of Lu ric!tion

There are two methods of lubrication are commonly used in different e(ui%ment in the %lant. They are:

S$l!#( !nd Ring Oiler# ,or B!t( Oiler#Fi ure 1.-E shows several ty%es of s%lash and bath oilers

C 7il rin

Figure 1.+B S$l!#( !nd !t( oiler#

In these systems, a %ortion of the machine housin is used as an oil sum% !tank". This sum% holds the oil at a s%ecified level, allowin some of the movin %arts to be %artially immersed. )s these %arts move or rotate, they transfer the lubricant to the area re(uirin lubrication. The exam%les in fi ure 1.*; are: $%lash lubrication in earbox used to drive e(ui%ment !a". 7ne or more ears extend into the oil in the bottom of the ear case. )s the ears revolve, they %ick u% oil and de%osit it on other ears and on the shafts. Rin oilier !b" which is usually used with bearin s. In this system, a loose rin !about 1 P times the diameter of the shaft" on the shaft. )s the shaft rotates, the rin rotates2 it %icks u% oil from the sum% and de%osits it on the u%%er surface of the shaft and throu h oil !s%lash" to the bearin s. In small reci%rocatin machines !com%ressor for exam%le", there is scoo% fixed to the bi end bearin of the connectin rod !c". )s the crankshaft rotates, these scoo%s s%read oil to all internal com%onents re(uirin lubrication.

Forced Circul!tion Oil Lu ric!tion S"#te% ,or )re##uri@ed Oil S"#te%Fi ure 1.-1 shows this system in its sim%le sha%e. The lower %art of the machine is used as an oil sum% !tank". The oil is drawn from the sum% by an oil %um%, %ressuriCed, and then distributed to the various lubricatin %oints.

Figure 1.+1 Forced circul!tion oil lu ric!tion #"#te%

If the forced circulatin system has to handle a lar e amount of oil and the e(ui%ments sub&ect to heat or contaminants, then additional com%onents will have to be added to the sim%le system. The com%onents of forced circulation system are: :ain oil %um% + which is driven by the machine itself. )uxiliary oil %um% + which is driven by an electric motor !)./ or ,./". The function of auxiliary oil %um% is to make continuous circulation of the oil from the oil tank throu h the system durin start u% %eriod and shutdown %eriod until the machine becomes com%letely cooled. 7il filters, strainers in the lubricatin oil system to remove sus%ended solids from the system. 7il coolers to make coolin for the lubricatin oil. 6ressure relief valves, non-return valves, oil s%litters to control the system %ressure and the flow direction of the lubricatin oil within the system. 6ressure au es and si ht lasses to show the oil %ressure and the flow of oil in the system. $ometimes the system includes a %urifier or some other means of mechanically reclaimin the oil. 4sually, this is accom%lished by centrifu in !se%aration of sus%ended %articles by centrifu al force".

Lu ric!nt Stor!ge !nd 6!ndling I%$ort!nce of )ro$er Stor!ge

Re ardless of how much lubricatin you actually do, you %robably know where the lubricants are stored in your %lant. Fi ure 1.-# shows exam%les of ood and %oor lubricant stora e.

Figure 1.+2 EF!%$le# of good !nd $oor lu ric!nt #tor!ge 1ecause lubricant is combustible material, they are sometimes stored in %aint stora e areas where there is suitable fire %rotection. $tora e racks or shelves should be %ositioned so that all of the lubricants are easily accessible. Fi ure 1.-* show exam%le of a ood inside lubricant storeroom.

Figure 1.+& Good in#ide lu ric!nt #toreroo% Ai h standards of cleanliness are extremely im%ortance in lubricant stora e areas. 7n the followin %a e there is lubricant stora e and handlin checklist

S-ar putea să vă placă și