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chmod -R 777 <dir> mail -s "(subject)" "email1, email2, email3" < (file with the body) uuencode filename

filename | mail -s (subject) (emails) < (body) memory statistics: top vmstat -s -S K | grep mem vmstat -s -S K | grep cpu for db2 password issue: /usr/bin/faillog -u db2inst1 -r db is started or not: netstat -an | grep 50000 RAM size: free -m limits.conf to be used to set max file limit vi /etc/security/limits.conf root root :wq! tcpdump -s 65535 -w $(hostname)_tcpdump.out ulimit -n To Find files modified in last 12 days find /apps -type f -name *.conf -mtime -12 -exec ls -al {} \; find /apps -type f -name *.conf -mtime -12 -exec ls -al {} \; nohup java -jar jarfilename.jar & To know whether 22 port on is open or not. telnet 22 To replace sting using vi editor. Let us say you would like to find a word calle d "foo" and replace with "bar". :%s/foo/bar/ To view status before and after recycling dps server: sudo su - wasadmin Provide appropriate Password To Recycle DPS ps -ef | grep server1 && /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1 hard soft nofile 20000 nofile 20000

&& /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1 && ps -ef | grep se rver1 IHS Certificate Expiration command: ./gsk7cmd -cert -list all -expiry 1825 -db /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/kdb/key.kdb -pw WebAS Linux : How to clear the cache from memory sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free -m free -m For Generating SSH Keys Login as specified user and issue cd .ssh/ ; ssh-keygen -t rsa && ls -ltr .ssh/ then verify .ssh folder of the user on HOME Directory To View Number of Connection on port 9080 of WebSphere Application Server netstat -an | grep 9080 | wc -l To Verify Log rotating or not tail -100f /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/server1/SystemOu t.log GCOR Failed Offer Listing Link To View No. of DB Connections Login to db01 or db02 Login ID : gurnams pw: amex2010 Command : netstat -an | grep :1521 | wc -l To findout files modified in last 12 Days find /apps -type f -name *.conf -mtime -12 -exec ls -al {} \; To clear /var/spool/clientmqueue cd /var/spool/clientmqueue find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm To tar files older that 90 days find dirname -type f -mtime +90 | xargs tar cvf <tarfilename.tar> To delete files older than 90 days find <dirname> -mtime +90 -exec rm {} \; If log is not generated in silent installation, add the following to the command -silent -log # !/opt/IBM/log.txt @ALL To find out RAM Free Space free -m Diskusage Commands df -h du -sh Find and replace string in a file sed 's/findword/replacewith/g' <filename> scp -p C1G35ML.tar C1G3CML.tar

/was_dump scp -p -r <filename> root@ scp -p -r bprasadm@ To Overwrite then cp -rf <source> <destination> To install RPM Files silently rpm -ivh <RPM Package File> CPU Utiisation Average sar | grep Average; free -m DiskUsage Treshold exceeds Login to the particular server then : locate nohup.out du -sh <nohup.out file> if occupying large size then nullfy using the below comm and > nohup.out locate wlproxy.log > wlproxy.log now verify the disk utilisation using df -h To find and replace a string in all the files grep -rl 'wordtofind' ./ | xargs -i 's/wordtofind/wordtoreplacewith/g' gzip -c SystemOut.log > /tmp/SystemOut.log_Aug28.gz tar -zcvf prog-1-jan-2005.tar.gz /home/jerry/ tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name chown root:root grep -i hung SystemOut.log history | grep -i rm How to clear the of commands? history -c locate .bash_history go to location use below command ls -al open .bash_history file vi .bash_history To know the firewall is up or not service iptables status

For ipdtables flushing iptables -F service iptables save service iptables reload service iptables restart e.g. 1)>pscp.exe C:\DB2BackUP\UpdatedStageDDLs.txt com:/root/content/ e.g. 1)>pscp.exe .txt C:\scp\ High CPU Utilization ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -2 Last 10 process that use the high CPU ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10 cpu usage mpstat -P ALL or mpstat Continuse CPU sar -u 2 5 To list all installed applications and other products: $ pkginfo | more To list a subset of the products: $ pkginfo | grep -i db2 To list all installed patches: $ showrev -p | more showrev What's the current operating system maintenance level? p

For example, to output the 10 largest directories in /var, sorted in ascending s ize order, use the following command: du -ko /opt|sort -n | tail -10 To avoid crossing file system boundaries, that is, to see the directory usage in / but not in the other mounted files systems (/var, /opt, and so on), add the d option to the du command: du -kod /var|sort -n | tail -10 Example 1: To find all plain files (not block, character, symbolic links, and so on) in a file system larger than 200,000 512-byte blocks (approximately 100 Mby tes) and sort on field 7 (file size) while numerically ignoring leading blanks, do this: find / -size +200000 -type f -ls | sort -k 7,7 n Example 2: To find all plain files (not block, character, symbolic links, and so on) in a /var file system larger than 1,000 512-byte blocks (approximately 500 Kbytes) and sort on field 7 (file size) while numerically ignoring leading blank

s, do this: find /opt -size +1000000 -type f -ls | sort -k 7,7 lsof -i tcp:9043 cat /dev/null > log # sudo su you will be prompted for password ... (is your personal password) then you will be root as normal ... NOTICE the (-) at the end of the command is important if you don't use it .. you still will be root but will not load roo t environment variables. *** Important Root password will be changed on 10/17 and will only be shared with managemen t and OS administrators be sure you test your SUDO access and solve any issues prior to this deadline [notes@lexdcy1138 notesdata]$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/ldapsearch -h cn="michael johanssen" [notes@lexdcy1138 notesdata]$ ldapsearch -x -h cn="user name" DMU3011E: Server launched but failed initialization. Server log files should con tain failure inform. Solution ============ Step to resolve the "ADMU3011E" error. Solution for windows-XP Let WPS_HOME = C:\IBM\WebSphere Step (1): Go to command prompt Step (2): cd <WPS_HOME>\wp_profile\bin Step (3): execute file "osgiCfgInit.bat" at command prompt chsh -s /bin/ksh OR /bin/bash usermod -s /bin/ksh username A simple way to capture all packets to a binary file which is readable with ethe real. chage -l db2inst1 Example: tcpdump -s 2000 -w filename.out For a simple packet trace that is formatted and readable by any text editor. This will listen on the default interface for all port 80 traffic. Example: tcpdump port 80 >filename.out This will watch only the eth1 interface. n

Example: tcpdump -i eth1 >filename.out /sysadm/bin/MakeBackup.ksh -d -p /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/STSCDMgrP rofile/logs/ -n STSCDMgrProfile /sysadm/bin/ExtractBackup.ksh -n <full path> <WAS-install>/bin/versionInfo -componentdetail -maintenancePackageDetail -long > info.txt vncserver -kill :1 ... (or the number of the session) vncserver -SecurityTypes=VncAuth openssl s_client -connect -key BluePagesKey.pem -showcerts

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